aokiiii-blog · 12 years
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aokiiii-blog · 12 years
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aokiiii-blog · 12 years
→ "...Are you done hurting me yet?"
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aokiiii-blog · 12 years
→ "I think raining is a way of the skies screaming "STOP IT!" so people could calm down and listen to one another."
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aokiiii-blog · 12 years
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aokiiii-blog · 12 years
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aokiiii-blog · 12 years
[ღ] — "So that means we can be friends... right?" she blinked uncontrollably; it was an exciting emotion to be obtaining at such a fact paced moment. But Aoki knew she wouldn't regret agreeing to such a 'contract' with Luka-senpai. "Ah, I want to make everyone smile! Because that's what superheroes do!"
"So, um!" Aoki awkwardly stated before peering up directly at Luka. She shuffled her feet a bit before adding on, "How exactly.. do we become 'friends'? Do we sign a contract or something? I really dunno..." 
cherryblossoms-luka has {ѕмιℓє∂}
“Friendship itself isn’t a bad thing.” She said as she looked intently at the small girl. “Friendship all depends on the people who are in it. You see, I would never be mean to you, or end our friendship, because I like to see you smile as well. Smiles make me happy and it makes me happy knowing I’ve made someone smile ! You see ?” The pinkette took a light breath before going on. “And I doubt you would do anything to hurt me, if you wish to make me smile so badly. I think our friendship is going to be a good one.”
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aokiiii-blog · 12 years
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Feeling a bit hazy from sitting on Oliver's cap, Aoki was about to fall asleep. Until, she felt the cap move and jointed up in surprise  ah, Oliver was only moving her onto a table. Aoki had to admit she was a bit scared of the sudden movement. "Yeah, I'm the Captain here! Of course, I beat bad guys and kick their butts out!" "Ah, no wonder you're the only one here right now!" Aoki perked up when he mentioned the topic. She had noticed that no one besides Oliver and... his yellow bird were around, and that made her feel very sad. "You probably beat up all the bad guys that the entire crew just rage quit! Mister Oliver, you're very cool!"  
aokiiii has entered your ship
“Well, nice to meet you Aoki!” as much as Oliver wants to have a handshake, he felt a bit uncomfortable for someone who is so little that she even sits over his hat. So he had to remove his hat and puts it on the table.
“Yeah, I’m the captain here!” he bragged. “Of course, I beat bad guys and kick their butts out!”
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aokiiii-blog · 12 years
[ღ] — Aoki blinked, fluttering her small lashes open and closed. What an odd way to greet someone, she mused. Oh well!
"Yeah! I'm a fairy!" Aoki replied, twirling around in a circle. Small trails of blue sparkles flashed into the sight before the man. I--I have to clean that up, don't I? She realized, letting a tiny si~gh escape her lips. Oh, who is this guy? I never saw him before... "I'm Aoki Lapis! It's nice to meet you, Mister!" She greeted with a smile warming up to her lips. It was a pleasant surprise to be meeting people from areas she did not know of. "What do you go by, Mister?"   
aokiiii started following you
“What are you supposed to be, some kind of fairy or something?”
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aokiiii-blog · 12 years
[ღ] — "But what if someone ends a friendship?" Aoki inquired, rather confused of the topic itself. Sure, it sounded nice and all...well, tempting too, but what if one were to end it? All the so called trust would cascade into absolute dust. "Then wouldn't a friendship be a bad thing, Luka-senpai? Does that mean friendship is bad too?"  "I--I don't want to be bad to Luka-senpai.." she mumbled at her new realization; of course, everything good had its bad qualities as well. Aoki should have known better. "Because I want to make Luka-senpai smile as well!"  
cherryblossoms-luka has {ѕмιℓє∂}
Luka smiled and giggled slightly as she felt the pixie poking her cheek. “Well friendship is like this. You care for each other and will help the other out no matter what. You also hang out and play games too. You laugh and share secrets and memories. You just have a good time together and a friendship may last forever or a few days. But most people try to make it last as long as they can.”
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aokiiii-blog · 12 years
Did you ever wonder if you're someone's favourite roleplayer?
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aokiiii-blog · 12 years
[ღ] — "Well now you have!" Aoki giggled at Mini Miku's curiosity. It was rather a pleasant surprise to meet someone just as curious as Aoki herself, although--Aoki always got herself in trouble when doing so. "...Well, I'm only 1/3 fairy!"   “Do you mean Miku? I don’t know, I guess I’m as good as her… well, back when I was a singer myself, anyway. But I stopped a few years ago…” "Yes! I was referring to Miku Hatsune--you two look a lot alike!" Aoki added, trying to be as attentive and charming as possible. Hopefully, she gave off a good first impression of some sort. "Eh? Why did you stop singing? If you liked singing, why would you stop? Did you not like singing anymore? Has singing stopped making you happy?" The blue fairy began throwing questions at Mini Miku like there was no tomorrow  she was curious of Mini Miku's reason of quitting. It made no sense to her, after all. Why would you stop doing something you love? Does that mean that the thing you once loved, does not make you happy anymore? If so... why?
mini-miku has {ѕмιℓє∂}
Mini Miku blinked. “Wait… A fairy?” … Well, that might explain the flying part… “Huh… I haven’t met a fairy before…” Mini Miku missed Aoki’s explanation of ‘konbanwa’, as her curiosity continued to peak.
So does that mean this fairy can grant wishes or something? Maybe she could give Mini Miku wings so she can fly too! Or maybe Mini Miku can climb on her back or something and they could fly off together somewhere and have an adventure… That would be fun… Mini Miku got lost in her thoughts about flying.
‘A flying Vocaloid,’ Mini Miku thought, ‘Wouldn’t that be interesting?’ But… Vocaloids can’t fly… or at least, Mini Miku can’t…
Then she was brought back to reality by Aoki’s question. “Huh? As good a singer as who is?” Thinking for a moment, she assumed that Aoki must’ve been talking about Hatsune Miku, whom she looks just like. “Do you mean Miku? I don’t know, I guess I’m as good as her… well, back when I was a singer myself, anyway. But I stopped a few years ago…”
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aokiiii-blog · 12 years
"Oh, I'm Aoki Lapis!" She replied, peering down from Oliver's cap. His cap was rather cozy, she noticed. Aoki decided she would like to stay here for the rest of the day. "I'm a fairy, like you noticed! Mister Oliver, are you the captain of the ship?" Without even waiting for an answer, she continued on with her suspicions. "You must be really cool! Like you beat up bad guys!" She grinned, shuffling a bit on Oliver's cap. "Does that mean you're super strong too, Mister Oliver?"    
aokiiii has entered your ship
The bandaged kid wondered why this little fairy went on top of his cap. “I’m Oliver. You must be…?”
As what he thinks, this fairy is harmless. A very innocent one at his point of view.
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aokiiii-blog · 12 years
[ღ] —  "Yes, yes!" Aoki nodded her small head furiously; maybe Luka didn't think she was weird anymore. "I love making people smile! When they smile, that means they're happy! And when people are happy, it makes the world a happier place!" “Even if we’re not friends, you could make me smile. But I’d much rather be your friend than just stay acquaintances.” "So are we friends, Luka-senpai?" Aoki inquired, poking her cheek. She was curious of what exactly a friend did, and how the relationship worked out. "I never had a friend before so I don't know how to friend someone... Gomen."
cherryblossoms-luka has {ѕмιℓє∂}
“I love to make people smile !” She said, smiling herself. “That’s the whole reason why I even sing, to make people happy. I don’t want money if it means I can’t even make a single person smile.”
Luka listened as the small sprite spoke to her, a joyful expression lightly coating her face. “Even if we’re not friends, you could make me smile. But I’d much rather be your friend than just stay acquaintances.” She said as she let out a small giggle. “And yes. Making people smile is the greatest feeling.”
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aokiiii-blog · 12 years
[ღ] — "A--A ship?" Aoki exclaimed  rather frightened of being too far from home. She twittered around, floating majestically around and leading a small path of blue sparkles. "Mister, where are we?" What if I'm lost? What if big sis threw me out because I didn't eat my veggies? Thoughts and doubts floated into her small brain and out.  "I--I don't like being away from home." she whispered, slowly floating down and onto Oliver's poofy hat. Aoki squished around and made herself comfortable, "Mister, what's your name?"  
aokiiii has entered your ship
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“Hello, little fairy! Welcome to my ship.”
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aokiiii-blog · 12 years
→ "Do you have anything to say? Or do should I help you take those words from your lips?"
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aokiiii-blog · 12 years
In Defense of Aoki Lapis (Vocaloid)
To be honest, I’m not really surprised that Aoki Lapis is featured here. I know a lot of people don’t like her at all because she seems so moe-esque, which we as a Vocaloid fandom are trying to get away from now. But to me, Lapis is very unique. And I will try my best to defend her. ♥
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“Too loli…sounds too much like Miku” Lapis has a tiny, innocent voice because she’s a fairy. Would you want a fairy to sound like a giant? Now that wouldn’t seem right…
As for her sounding like Miku, this is definitely not true. As the submitter says, they sound nothing alike. In fact, Miku’s voice is slightly deeper than Lapis’s, and because she is an older voicebank, she has a lower quality than Lapis.
“Miku Syndrome (short skirt, tall stockings, twintails)” I have to admit, I slightly agree with this; I mean, c’mon, we all can’t deny it. But at least Lapis has a unique approach to the Miku Formula, instead of looking exactly like Miku. She’s a fairy after all.
But her design shouldn’t be so important to everybody; she’s a Vocaloid, so her voice should be more important!
“Release was overshadowed by demos of SeeU, IA, and Luo Tianyi” I don’t exactly remember Lapis being “overshadowed” by those three musketeers. Being released in April, she was released way after SeeU (October) and iA (January), while Luo was released after Lapis, in July. I do remember Lapis having demos out around the same time as SeeU and iA’s demos, but as for the release? I really don’t think she was overshadowed then.
Okay, so I think I’ve done my best to defend this wonderful Vocaloid. Sure some aren’t really into Lapis, whether it’s her design and/or her voice, but to me, she’s very special and very different from most Vocaloids. I bet Lapis will have a great future ahead of her. ♥
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