anukkuna · 3 days
(Basierend auf diesem Post von @opheliagreif)
The Rules: If you're tagged, make a new post and share one or two sentences (or lines for artists) from your most recent unposted WIP with zero context.
Er gibt Ross nicht ab.
Die Frage nach diesem Warum will er gerade nicht angehen, ob es wegen Voit ist, der Gesamtsituation, weil er wieder einen Verbündeten braucht... oder der anderen Sache.
Wie dem auch sei: Voit ist unter den Toten.
Stanisław schluckt, als Goldhofer es verkündet. Presst sich die Finger gegen die Nasenbrücke, spürt den Blick von Ross auf sich, der ganz kurz den Arm anhebt, ihn doch wieder sinken lässt. Einige Köpfe senken sich in Betroffenheit. Goldhofer selbst wirkt wütend. Vielleicht überfordert, weil es immer nur noch mehr Tote werden. Weil ihnen Antworten fehlen und die Fragen überkochen. Weil ihnen hier alles über den Kopf wächst.
Immerhin hat keiner der Toten noch gelebt, als das Feuer ausbrach. Keiner hatte Rauch in der Lunge, zumindest diese Qual ist ihnen erspart geblieben. Voit wurde mit einem spitzen Gegenstand erstochen; möglicherweise mit dem Schwert, mit dem der zweite Tote von der Schulter ab bis zum Herzen halbiert wurde. Trotz der Schärfe der Waffe ein übermenschlicher Kraftakt... und Stanisław hat einen Verdacht, worauf das hindeutet. Der dritte Tote ist Marek Gorski, der an einen Stuhl gefesselt und dem das Genick gebrochen wurde. Nicht das Mastermind, bloß der Handlanger. Natürlich war er ein Köder, den Stanisław gestern schon als solchen erkannt hat. Dass man sie mit Gorski vom eigentlichen Geschehen ablenken wollte.
Was sie zum vierten, noch nicht identifizierten Toten bringt. Erschossen, Kopfschuss. Verschwunden bleibt auch Adrian Demko, aber keine der beiden unbekannten Leichen hat dem ersten Anschein nach eine Verletzung an den Füßen oder Beinen.
Sie müssen Magdalena Kring finden.
Falls noch jemand Lust hat => fühlt euch zum WIP posten motiviert!
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anukkuna · 3 days
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Tatort Saarbrücken x El Hotzo, Vol. 4
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anukkuna · 9 days
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Besties, es wird ernst...
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anukkuna · 26 days
Spatort Stundenpläne!
Das Semester geht bald wieder los und um die Wochen etwas erträglicher zu machen braucht es silly Stundenpläne. Benutzt sie gerne! Machen sich ausgedruckt sehr gut am Kühlschrank oder überm Schreibtisch. Wenn sie jemand ohne die Zeiten haben will, weil andere Systeme, let me know :)
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anukkuna · 1 month
Well, I started what I considered three weeks ago: my mad Oderbruch-Polizeiruf-Crossover, if anyone is interested?
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anukkuna · 1 month
Schürk/Ross & These Days by Tide Lines
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anukkuna · 1 month
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anukkuna · 2 months
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anukkuna · 2 months
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Maybe, I need to reevaluate my Vampire!Vincent ff and go for some mad kind of Oderbruch crossover...
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anukkuna · 2 months
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Look, my queer ass just loves how öffentlich-rechtlicher Rundfunk keeps normalizing their policeofficers wearing fetish gear (looking over at you, Spatort!).
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anukkuna · 2 months
Spatort x BestOfKleinanzeigen
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Und zu guter Letzt:
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Wobei die Preisvorstellung da vllt ein bisschen utopisch ist
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anukkuna · 2 months
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As many people, I too get new TV recs from my Tumblr Dash (among other places), so i watched "Oderbruch".
Find my thoughts and potential Spoilers under the cut!
First of all: my overall conclusion is that I really liked the show. It didn't captivate me as much as, say, the first season of Dark, but it was an entertaining February watch for me.
I also went into the show completely unspoilered, I didn't know anything besides the mystery crime genre and who the three lead actors were and I think, for me, that was a good thing.
So, if you enjoy mystery-crime as a genre, liked shows like Dark, with some supernatural elements and intergenerational conflicts, I'd recommend that you watch the show first and without spoilers.
For everyone who is ready to be spoilered, I made lists of things I liked, didn't like, what I found ambiguous, things that surprised me etc.:
I liked:
The vampire rework. I'm not an expert on these, but I like that the vampires age when they don't consume blood (or only animal blood). Also you can't turn anyone, you have to be born a vampire.
The main plottwist that our protagonist is a vampire too. I didn't see this coming.
How they set this in eastern German no man's land.
That the series started with a bang, with not just one dead body but with a biiiiiiig pile. A mount. Bring it on!
Many connections the characters had. It's very villiage-y. I liked many of the intergenerational conflicts as well.
The ensemble cast. I knew some faces from Tatort, Polizeiruf, Das Boot, Dark and other German TV productions.
I liked that Maggie and Roland were past lovers and recent friends with history. Roland was helping an old friend with whom he shared a lot(!) - but he is portrayed as honest and faithful and never questions his loyalty to his wife and kids. Romantic relationships are not the main focus and not needed between the main characters.
All of the Chekov's X turned out to be relevant to the plot. Give us a close-up and we'll be sure to look out for: mom's flask, numerous weapons, even glass shards and side characters.
The voice change of "Adrian". Omfg, well played!
I didn't like:
The vampire "ethics". Maybe because I thought about this not so long ago... but: were there any? What message were they trying to bring across?? Is this gonna turn out as a questionable pledge for naturalistic morals (aka the Right is with the Strong)?
Kai says about the leeches: "nobody likes them, though they're good for the eco-system"... considering what these vampires do and to whom... are we supposed to think this about them as well? That's it's good that they feed on people who won't be missed? That it's justified how they treat the kids in the school?
Also, the whole shaky wolves-and-sheep-analogy: "the strong eat the week. It's simply our nature. You can't fight against this." I know it's mostly Stoian... but still. I guess, my final verdict on this depends on season two.
That Maggie didn't thoroughly finish Stoian off. I mean... come on! Cut him in half with your sword, as you did with the other one ffs!
The vampires' focus on finding a female to breeeeeeeed. WTF happened to the female vampires? How long haven't they been around that these guys write very old poems about it in their "code"? Is there really such an overall lack of vampire? Doesn't it seem kind of a bold assumption by Maggie's mom that they are supposed to be "the last two"?
With regards to the last point I made: maybe this is the line where you have to suspend disbelief. LeavIng some of these Story bits unexplained and not everything has to be logical, cause it's mystery... it's up to you if that's a premise you'll feel satisfied with and ethical implications you know what to make of.
The show is mostly SHOW and very, very little tell. That means: characters are harder to get because often they will just stare, maybe grind their teeth, frown, etc. That leaves room for interpretation but also for uncertainty and some of the characters thoughts and motives. Depends on you, if it's something you like (I did).
My overall recommendation still stands though: watch it, but be prepared.
Alright, so long for this one, people!
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anukkuna · 2 months
Die drei Hauptaggregatszustände der Charaktere in Oderbruch: sad, sassy, angry.
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anukkuna · 2 months
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I see no difference.
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anukkuna · 2 months
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Das Problem ist, dass du mich jetzt natürlich nicht erschießen kannst, weil dann erfährst du ja nie, wo das Geld ist. — Viel Alkohol trinken ist natürlich gut, klar, aber um richtig Eindruck zu schinden, musst du mehr Geld setzen.
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anukkuna · 2 months
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Hab mich inspirieren lassen von dieser Szene aus 'Der Fluch des Geldes' und sie ein bisschen weitergeschrieben - weil es eindeutig zu wenig von Pia und Esther im letzten Spatort gab!
Ist außerdem passenderweise ein prompt fill für @spatortprompts Prompt von diesem Monat: Alternative / fehlende Szene für FdG.
Viel Spaß! <3
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anukkuna · 2 months
Pesther sind das Softeis, auf dem Hörk das knusprige painful topping sind.
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Stadion Date ⚽️🩵🌈
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