anti-dogman · 6 months
I'm gonna eat the void so there will be no more void.
“There will be void. It would be you, but also not you”
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anti-dogman · 6 months
Can we pretty please blow up the void
“You can try but it’s eternal. It cannot receive harm. You can destroy its physical form but it will always regrow back. It is forever. It’s been here longer than humanity. It birthed us. It will outlive us too.”
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anti-dogman · 6 months
How many members of the void are there?
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“We are a growing group as everyone is apart of it, but they just need a bit of persuasion to realize they’re already in it. You, as well, are one of the Void’s children”
“This isn’t everyone, like Victor and Andrew to list a few.”
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anti-dogman · 6 months
What's the void- what does it do?
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“As for what it does… it does everything~ You just got to… ask.”
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anti-dogman · 6 months
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"Oh dear, oh dear oh dear oh dear~"
"It appears... someone has wandered down too far! You've ventured quite deep down, you know that? Why not stay, we've been expecting you anyways, but not so soon!" "... 'We'? Well, all of us, silly~" "You're in the void now, and all of us are eager for you to become one of us. Now now, don't be shy~ It's not like you can run now!"
Ask the silly emil anything, I'll try to respond with drawings for everything but don't expect picture perfect- yknow the normal rules, no nsfw and nothing over the line
Mun server is VERY aware of this AU so they'll probably be most of the asks lol
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anti-dogman · 11 months
“Yeah he likes attacking people but that’s okay cause he always wins”
“what are shoes detective? also I’m uh….. I’m…. Missing someone!”
Shoes are what you wear on your feet. ..Preferably with socks as well.
You’re missing someone? Can you describe them? I might be able to help you out
( @anti-dogman )
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anti-dogman · 11 months
“……….. uh……… He likes bearing people up :D”
“what are shoes detective? also I’m uh….. I’m…. Missing someone!”
Shoes are what you wear on your feet. ..Preferably with socks as well.
You’re missing someone? Can you describe them? I might be able to help you out
( @anti-dogman )
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anti-dogman · 11 months
He adjusts the hat a bit. He’s confused about all this, was he lied to? Being used for some great scheme? Maybe they were trying to train him to be some sort of great hat thief?
Well it backfired! And now he has a hat! A silly big hat! He made sure it was snug on his head for a bit before grinning. The hunter had accepted his gesture! He’s obtained the hat of friends!
“WAH— WAI WAI I DONT— HAVE A HAT?!? TO GIVE BACK!!! IM— IM SORRY?! Maybe- Maybe I can… make one??? Ahhh!!”
(Emil sliding noises)
(jumps across the table) (grabs your hat) (runs for the hills)
[ @anti-dogman ]
“0<0….huh, well that is something!”
Didn’t take long before Emil felt as the hat he was holding suddenly started to float the other way where Phineas was, as if it being magnet back to Phineas so strongly that it end up dragging Emil with it so fast while floating back to Phineas and he now end up back on the table with Phineas taking his hat back and put it back to it rightfully place✨
“Emil~ if you take a liking to my hat you could just ask to try it on and not steal it, that a no no ^^!!”
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anti-dogman · 11 months
I was wondering, are your feet alright? I don't believe it's healthy to go barefoot during matches, especially when it comes to Darkwoods or Golden Cave.
— 🌻 anon
“Nope! I get sent to see Mister Aesop often for- for… trreaaatmeeeennnts….? But what’s.. Golden Caves? I’ve never seen that one- I think. Or I just… can’t remember…”
“I don’t understand how I’m the only one who needs to go get their feet check so often though!”
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anti-dogman · 11 months
“Eh? But you’d say no! And- And I watch people take hats all the time without asking! Like- Like Miss Emma! And Mister Mike! They say that.. it’s... i-is it not a sign of... of... wuts the word..... Ah! Sign of friend sheep!” 
Emil smiled before reaching for the hat again with a rather silly grin.  “So! I wanna be friends! Sign of friend sheep! And I need to grab the- the hat and wear it! And you have to be okay with it or else it doesn’t work! Or.. something like that...”
[ @idv-ask-the-showman​ ]
(Emil sliding noises)
(jumps across the table) (grabs your hat) (runs for the hills)
[ @anti-dogman ]
“0<0….huh, well that is something!”
Didn’t take long before Emil felt as the hat he was holding suddenly started to float the other way where Phineas was, as if it being magnet back to Phineas so strongly that it end up dragging Emil with it so fast while floating back to Phineas and he now end up back on the table with Phineas taking his hat back and put it back to it rightfully place✨
“Emil~ if you take a liking to my hat you could just ask to try it on and not steal it, that a no no ^^!!”
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anti-dogman · 11 months
“What?! But it’s an amazing hiding spot!” Emil crawled out of the box entirely as he stood up. “It was perfect! No one would ever suspect to check in a box!”
[from the @anti-dogman ]
Our bare-footed protagonist has wandered into someplace new! Someplace red! Someplace with a man that has a… butt fly? It was called a butt fly… something close. But this man seemed very similar to someone else he knew. He approached waving.
“Your door shouldn’t be open for anyone to walk into, Yknow- that’s… that’s a safety… hazard! Yes! Also you… you look sick! And cold! Your skin is blue, that is not good. You should warm up! Do you not have someone caring for you?”
He looked at the person curiously, he either had to be really brave or really stupid to just waltz into death's domain like this.
"And you shouldn't just be randomly walking inside of peoples' homes, that could also be considered a hazard you know. As for you other question, I feel quite fine. Don't let my appearance fool you, the incarnation of death does not get sick that easily~"
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anti-dogman · 11 months
It was the perfect set up. No one would suspect a box. It was a tight fit but he’s been through worse than just going into his box! Foolproof set up!! Man was it uncomfortable but this was it! He’d be here for ages!!! He would never be found!!!
And there’s laughter? Whose laughing? He wanted to poke his head out or move the box, but waste this amazing spot? No way! But the laughing… it was getting hard to not laugh along. A nice laugh!
Curiosity killed the cat. Emil moved the box up before immediately whining. The man was right there! He knew he should’ve stayed!!!!
[from the @anti-dogman ]
Our bare-footed protagonist has wandered into someplace new! Someplace red! Someplace with a man that has a… butt fly? It was called a butt fly… something close. But this man seemed very similar to someone else he knew. He approached waving.
“Your door shouldn’t be open for anyone to walk into, Yknow- that’s… that’s a safety… hazard! Yes! Also you… you look sick! And cold! Your skin is blue, that is not good. You should warm up! Do you not have someone caring for you?”
He looked at the person curiously, he either had to be really brave or really stupid to just waltz into death's domain like this.
"And you shouldn't just be randomly walking inside of peoples' homes, that could also be considered a hazard you know. As for you other question, I feel quite fine. Don't let my appearance fool you, the incarnation of death does not get sick that easily~"
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anti-dogman · 11 months
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(I wonder where indeed)
[from the @anti-dogman ]
Our bare-footed protagonist has wandered into someplace new! Someplace red! Someplace with a man that has a… butt fly? It was called a butt fly… something close. But this man seemed very similar to someone else he knew. He approached waving.
“Your door shouldn’t be open for anyone to walk into, Yknow- that’s… that’s a safety… hazard! Yes! Also you… you look sick! And cold! Your skin is blue, that is not good. You should warm up! Do you not have someone caring for you?”
He looked at the person curiously, he either had to be really brave or really stupid to just waltz into death's domain like this.
"And you shouldn't just be randomly walking inside of peoples' homes, that could also be considered a hazard you know. As for you other question, I feel quite fine. Don't let my appearance fool you, the incarnation of death does not get sick that easily~"
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anti-dogman · 11 months
“Oh!” He clapped happily before getting up and started backing away with a silly grin “Okay cover your eyes! Imma go hide~”
The silly man who needs silly shoes ran off, too happy that death itself is going to be finding him as he went to go search for a hiding spot. There’s a lot of things to trip on! What a silly place!
[from the @anti-dogman ]
Our bare-footed protagonist has wandered into someplace new! Someplace red! Someplace with a man that has a… butt fly? It was called a butt fly… something close. But this man seemed very similar to someone else he knew. He approached waving.
“Your door shouldn’t be open for anyone to walk into, Yknow- that’s… that’s a safety… hazard! Yes! Also you… you look sick! And cold! Your skin is blue, that is not good. You should warm up! Do you not have someone caring for you?”
He looked at the person curiously, he either had to be really brave or really stupid to just waltz into death's domain like this.
"And you shouldn't just be randomly walking inside of peoples' homes, that could also be considered a hazard you know. As for you other question, I feel quite fine. Don't let my appearance fool you, the incarnation of death does not get sick that easily~"
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anti-dogman · 11 months
“let’s see….. “ The man thinks for a moment before stretching his hands upward. “He’s this tall… taller… aaaah I cant reach- He’s tall!! Very tall!! He has a silly hat, it’s a reaaaaaally tall hat! And he has a biiiiiiig jacket!!!”
“what are shoes detective? also I’m uh….. I’m…. Missing someone!”
Shoes are what you wear on your feet. ..Preferably with socks as well.
You’re missing someone? Can you describe them? I might be able to help you out
( @anti-dogman )
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anti-dogman · 11 months
“Then pick away!” Emil threw his hands upward with glee as he smiled.
He loved games! He wonder what his dying mysterious buttfly friend would pick. It would be fun. Perhaps he will win!
[from the @anti-dogman ]
Our bare-footed protagonist has wandered into someplace new! Someplace red! Someplace with a man that has a… butt fly? It was called a butt fly… something close. But this man seemed very similar to someone else he knew. He approached waving.
“Your door shouldn’t be open for anyone to walk into, Yknow- that’s… that’s a safety… hazard! Yes! Also you… you look sick! And cold! Your skin is blue, that is not good. You should warm up! Do you not have someone caring for you?”
He looked at the person curiously, he either had to be really brave or really stupid to just waltz into death's domain like this.
"And you shouldn't just be randomly walking inside of peoples' homes, that could also be considered a hazard you know. As for you other question, I feel quite fine. Don't let my appearance fool you, the incarnation of death does not get sick that easily~"
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anti-dogman · 11 months
Turn him into a marketable plushie
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