This one I felt was by best video so far, yet it seemed to have a slow start in terms of views, which is a shame.  This was a time when I really just wanted to share my work so they can enjoy it.  It’s the first video I’ve been able to get permission to use footage from the TV shows themselves that belong to Monster Jam.
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This was a tough one to make, because everything had to be done twice, getting all the footage correct was difficult.  I ended up changing my mind on a couple of occasions which almost meant starting from scratch both times.  This had the impact of there being less humour in the video.  It got the same interest at my previous video but I did learn a lot of lessons when reviewing the two games at the same time.
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So now I was appearing and can be seen visibly talking.  This made it much easier to inject more humour into the video and experiment more.  This one and the next one I made in this way proved to be a greater success compared to the old style, considering that 140 isn’t well known.
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This would be the last time I used this style in the way I reviewed a game.  It just wasn’t exciting me or giving me the room I needed to be more entertaining.  After this one, I had a bit of a break to give myself time to think about how I wanted to do things differently.
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After I made this video there was a nagging feeling I needed to change, I wasn’t quite ready to yet.  The production of this video I felt was okay but it ended up being my worst performing video of all.  As I had already made videos that were of less quality, I felt that this was just a bad game.  To be honest, the review isn’t entirely accurate, I managed to crack the game and complete everything, so I should really do this review again but there is no motivation to do so, especially when out of all my videos, this one has the least interest.
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Though I feel I managed to cover almost everything in this game, it wasn’t that great a game and my voice volume was too low.  However, regardless of this, it still wasn’t my worst video, there was another one I did that was better technically but remains my worst video, just shows, a game that’s just bad can still do worse than a video that's better but reviewed badly.
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This was my third video on my channel, it talks about the mechanics and feel of the game.  Technically I was quite happy with it, but this video would later inspire me to use a very different approach in the future.
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This was my second attempt at making a video.  It still had the problem with the sound being all over the place and the clip transition was never smooth but I think this is my most inspirational video on what I have planned for the future.  
Unfortunately, when I bought this game, I paid £7.99 for it only to find that it was being released as part of a multi-pack of games at a reduced price which would have meant it would have cost me £2.  Oh well… I hope you enjoy it.
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#KILLALLZOMBIES was my first XBOX ONE game review, I viewed a list of XBOX ONE games on Wikipedia and picked this one because it is on the top of the list.
I hope to one day get a decent logo for my channel, just used a Power Director template and a free music track for my intro.  I was still experimenting with the audio and recorded it with the input too loud and the video transitions weren’t very smooth.
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