anomalystudy · 31 minutes
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"I can always look up what 'wishful thinking' is for you. If I may be forward... when it comes to your life, I don't trust either of them." He has yet to figure out what those plans are, after all. "Either way... he could surely try to. It just begs the question of how many times can let you get away with it. Do you truly wish to test those chances and potentially make things more difficult for you in the future, Nii-san?"
🌀 "Yippee... lucky me. At least Shura's more fun."
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"Do you really think they'd actually go through with that? Even if I did piss off the Gargory again, Mephisto would find a way to convince them it's all good. Right? I'm too important for his weird little plans or something." 🐈‍⬛
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anomalystudy · 45 minutes
"OWCH!" Even though it's basically just a shot, Gary still loudly yelped, and momentarily shot a glare at the doctor. "Ever heard of a thing called a warning, yo?! And he's not my flippin' buddy! He's -" Wait, did he hear that right? They're the only two? The aggression is very quickly replaced with worry and confusion.
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"Maybe my ears are still ringing from all the blastin' and shoutin'. I'm the only one you've found besides that stupid jerkwad? That... can't be right. Like... at all." His crew wouldn't leave him. That's his family you're talking about. "There wasn't... I don't know - there's like, three cat-like guys, the kid's kinda small, his dad is like cool and strong... or another human, she's smokin' hot lady, really curly dark hair, implant around her eye- none of that ringing a bell? Not even like a... green blob...? You're pulling my leg, right, Doc? They're okay, right?" Gary's not liking all this talk about interrogation either. He didn't happen to find an Infinity Guard ship? Look at those scrubs - maybe not Infinity Guard, but definitely... government-y. Shit. His criminal record and the wanted posters on his head are going to make getting out of here a lot more tricky.
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@anomalystudy sent ; ❛ Don't lump me in with him. ❜ from gary
"Hard not to," McCoy yanks the collar of his shirt down and jabs him with a hypo in the juncture between his shoulder and his neck; a weak painkiller. "Seeing as you and your buddy over there," he jerks his head sideways, indicating the other, far less conscious individual sprawled out in another biobed, "were the only two involved in the incident."
That they could find, anyways. Which makes it hard to determine exactly what their involvement was, or what fully happened in the first place, or whether they even know one another at all.
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"But don't bother trying to explain yourself to me. I'm not here to interrogate you." That's security's job, or Spock's if he's truly bored and wants to strike terror into somebody's heart just for the hell of it. "I'm just the doctor."
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anomalystudy · 3 hours
alright small tag dump and ooc post. finally giving yukio a page and his own tag(no verse tag quite yet, that may come shortly if I can focus on making icons again) also reworked mitch's bio and added a new verse for him, along with adding a star trek au for dakota. do note I have only see that one episode of deep space nine at this point solely for the purpose of the time travelers that pop up once, I have no plans to watch ds9 just yet.
to do list: finish the manga and give yukio verses, then add zexion/ienzo and luxord from kingdom hearts to my muse page, add a star trek au for zexion and gary, finish kingdom hearts, then watch more trek animated then the movies for sulu purposes.
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anomalystudy · 6 hours
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"It comes as much of a surprise to you as it does me, miss."
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anomalystudy · 6 hours
Don’t you feel bad for your brother Yukio? Treated like a criminal simply for existing. You should go easy on him. He doesn’t get to be a regular teenager like you.
He pauses thoughtfully, debating on how honest he should answer.
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"That makes two of us," he finally muttered after the long silence. "Ultimately, it does not matter what it is he feels about his situation - " or, how they feel about their situation. "He's been told this, and I am must make sure he complies. His life is on the line regardless. He shouldn't make moves that could give an excuse to remove the suspension on his execution."
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anomalystudy · 6 hours
Going to put a few Mitch headcanons in one post. Adding a readmore in case it's too long for some people.
Mitch is 5'10'', or 70 inches tall. However, he frequently wears various platform footwear, so he may appear to be around 6 feet tall.
Transmasc!!! Has top surgery scars from transitioning. Mitch is also comfortable when it comes to wearing more feminine-aligned clothes - it doesn't hinder his confidence in his gender representation whatsoever.
Mitch can walk in high heels and even owns a few pairs of heeled boots. They're usually reserved for when Mitch believes he's off work - which is rarely. Loves to show off that he can wear heels and may boast about it.
Make-up user. Goes for the "natural" type look you'd see in movies and whatnot. Has a small bag of makeup beside his hair gel in his personal locker at work, and always has a pocket mirror along with his yellow comb whenever he goes.
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anomalystudy · 11 hours
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"Shura isn't here right now, is she? You're stuck with me. And...they very well could. Do enough of the smaller... 'crimes,' for a lack of a better term, and they could end up caring over them. You are aware you're on thin ice, yes? You're better off not giving even a crumb they could add to that execution fire."
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"...Even if all you are attempting to be is... 'helpful' in this instance." Not that it's purely helpful if Rin is getting bribed into burning homework.
🌀 "Right right, you've also been assigned as my babysitter or whatever. But that's Shura's job too! So you can take some time off."
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"But is anyone really going to care if I burn a little piece of paper? I've done way worse..." 🐈‍⬛
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anomalystudy · 20 hours
Ow. Must Rin be so rough?
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"My job is to be more than your teacher, Nii-san, whether you like it or not. If you have complaints, you'll have to speak to the person that gave me this task." Yukio? Pretending to be like their Father? Funny! ...You'll never get him to admit that.
🌀 "It goes both ways, little bro! You don't worry about yourself enough, so someone's gotta do it for you!"
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"Cannot allow... stop pretending to be Dad! Just 'cuz you're my teacher doesn't mean you get to boss me around all the time. I can do what I want, okay?" Pats him on the back... rather harshly. It's more like a smack. 🐈‍⬛
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anomalystudy · 20 hours
"Hnnnng-!" The gloating just makes Mitch further frustrated with his hair being ignited, unsure why they just won't go out. Maybe because it's glitched flames over actual flames.
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"I don't want to hear it from the guy with apparent split ends! Have you even gotten a haircut recently, or does your programming force you to have that horrendous hairdo?!" Mitch angrily shifts his focus to the tech screen as he shouts back, a finger slamming down and dragging over the touchscreen again and again - he'll just have to debug the fire out of his hair instead! After one final harsh tap, he extends his other hand out, fingers out stretched as he aimed the exposed blaster on his palm at his hair. Fsssssh! A stream of fuffy white shot out, akin to a fire extinguisher. As he focuses on getting the fire quenched, the rifle is quickly blasted into the air from Rin's next attack, with chunks of squares - pixels, rather - removed from the real-life 3D model. Not that it seems to bother Mitch that much, judging by he lowers his hand(his hair is now mixed with an extinguishing agent of code) and taps another icon on the interface on his wrist - effectively despawning his summoned tools and weaponry. "Who's the daft bloke now?" He takes his comb from his pocket and carefully runs it through his hair. "You really think number one wouldn't know what to do in a mitchuation like this?" Mitch pauses combing just to briefly point it at Rin. "You, meanwhile," he spat, "got lucky."
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The confident smile returns as he resumes combing. "And you can do worst? Really? You've stood there laughing this entire time. Suppose I owe you a bit of thanks, mate." And once more does he stop, this time for good, as he pockets the comb and holds out his hand. "Got me all ready to extinguish you next!" Fssssssh! The foam is starting up again and being aimed directly at Rin!
🌀 The smart thing to do would be to get the hell out of there, taking advantage of Mitch being distracted by his poor hair - but Rin found this all way too hilarious after all the guy's big talk, and would rather take the moment to gloat instead. He pointed at Mitch like a schoolyard bully and CACKLED, even adding to his suffering by causing more blue flames to erupt atop his head and engulf his carefully styled locks; though strangely, it wouldn't actually hurt him, despite the obvious smell of burnt hair being emitted from it all.
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"GAHAHAHA! That's what you GET for messin' with me!! Not so tough now, huh?! And I can do way worse!" Emphasis on can - Rin wasn't actually planning on causing any serious injury to a fellow human... even if that human didn't return the sentiment.
Though he did take a moment to shoot a burst of fire at Mitch's gun and (hopefully) cause it to explode as well, or at least knock it further away. 🐈‍⬛
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anomalystudy · 21 hours
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"I believe I'm the one that has been task to keep a close eye on you, not you meant to care for me." Hiding his offense that his own brother doesn't trust Yukio to eat properly on his own... even if it's 100% true.
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"You have made your point, however. ...I cannot allow you to be getting into any trouble, accidental or not, either. I will not partake in this deal, and I highly recommend that you do not as well, and ignore temptation. There could be other times in the future."
🌀 "I know my cooking's good! But I like eating out sometimes too, you know! And more money can buy better ingredients... more meat, maybe. We never eat enough meat."
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"Yukio, I'm not gonna let you go hungry either. I don't trust you to feed yourself properly." 🐈‍⬛
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anomalystudy · 21 hours
you have fans?
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"Tell me you don't live in Bailley without saying it." Another hair swoosh! "You are looking at this city's number-one gamer. Local legend, famous streamer. Look it up - you're bound to find my name plastered on some news sites. Bailley loves its gamers and tourneys, and I wouldn't have it any other way."
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anomalystudy · 21 hours
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"Nice to learn that my fans have the patience of saints." Cue theatrical hair flip, followed by his hands tugging on his jacket collar.
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anomalystudy · 22 hours
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"You speak as though your own cooking isn't good, and that you wouldn't eat it yourself. I think I'll pass - and if it means skipping out on you cooking for me, so be it." He'll survive. He can figure it out. He's the smart one. It's either that or he just stops eating to prove a point.
🌀 "You think I care about your nerdo definitions? Must be nice to have a job with a regular paycheck... and a brother who cooks for you every day."
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"Think of it as a donation to a good cause. You keep me out of trouble and I get something good for lunch." 🐈‍⬛
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anomalystudy · 23 hours
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"You becoming a textbook definition was not my intention, and you know it. And by stating this, you have made yourself an accomplice over a type of victim."
🌀 "Hey, I've got an idea!"
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"How about you pay me not to burn their homework?" Speaking of manipulation... 🐈‍⬛
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anomalystudy · 23 hours
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Oh, look, a conviently placed dictionary. "Scapegoat: a person who is blamed for the wrongdoings, mistakes, or faults of others. Hm... that may not be the correct term, actually. Perhaps I should be looking into 'manipulation' for Nii-san instead... or another word..." he'll just have to skim through, for now.
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anomalystudy · 1 day
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Alright anyone have pictures of a rhinoceros on hand? I tried telling Cavendish about them in the same way I had to teach him about giraffes, but honestly I don't think he believes me.
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anomalystudy · 1 day
Blood? Mitch hesitates as he watches the wound rapidly heal, Rin's skin acting though it's fire itself. No pixels. No flickering. Just blood and smoke. Strange. ...He doesn't have time to inquire about the little details however - the scans don't lie about glitches, and they are simply meant to be struck down and returned to Hinobi. ...What if he's in over his head? The grip on the rifle tightens. Mitch can nab that glitch alone. He does not require help - never has, never will.
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As Rin lowers the sword into the earth, Mitch hunkers down, having his hands hold separate ends of the rifle. "Bring it, mug!" That has to be a voice line that follows an attack, right? And judging by the placement of the weapon... it's an AoE, isn't it? There may not enough time to go through the menu and nab a shield, and Mitch would rather have some cover than none at all. His weapon itself will have to do. What he didn't expect was the attack to be aimed at his feet - making the defensive action very quickly look silly as Mitch was blasted into the air with a pained shout, instinctively letting go of his firearm midair. In the next moment, Mitch swiftly twirls and aims his feet and hands towards the ground, making to land on his feet as the rifle clatters beside him.
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As Mitch stands up, his expression quickly shifts from surprised and pain to downright panic. That was fire he was caught up in. His hair better not be scorched just because he uses a flammable gel! Hands swiftly went to his head - followed by a shrilled shriek, frantically patting his head down. "Get off, get off, get off -!" His perfect style shall not be turned drab by some stupid fiery glitch!
🌀 "Uh... what?" Rin wasn't sure why he even bothered trying to understand what this guy was saying at this point.
Though his eyes widened when the new weapon was pointed at him - blocking bullets with his sword would be a lot more difficult.
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"Hey... hey, are you serious?" He took a few steps back as well, as if the small increase in distance between them would actually do anything. "Turn me in? I...I haven't done anything! The Order suspended my execution, and they're already watching my ass 24/7! This is totally unnecessary-"
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Before he can say anymore, the shorts are fired, and Rin leaps into action to at least attempt to dodge them. One of them misses, but the other grazes his cheek, causing blood to streak down the side of his face. Though it doesn't take long for flames and smoke to appear from the injury as it's healed in seemingly seconds.
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"WHAT THE HELL?! Okay, you know what!!" He takes his sword in both hands and slams the tip into the ground, before shouting "Satan BOMB!!!!" which causes an explosion of blue flames to burst from beneath Mitch's feet. He's hoping he can knock the guy out cold or something that'll give Rin a chance to escape. 🐈‍⬛
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