annelenmaire9125 · 1 month
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To combat strand discrimination and advocate for equality, a multifaceted multimedia approach is crucial. Through engaging social media campaigns, educational videos, influencer partnerships, and community events, we can amplify the message that we are all equal, regardless of our differences. By leveraging online petitions, interactive websites, and traditional media outreach, we can raise awareness and foster meaningful dialogue about the harmful effects of strand discrimination. Together, we can create a more inclusive society where everyone is valued and accepted for who they are.
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annelenmaire9125 · 1 month
This is my recreational activity done last vacation and it's hiking.
It represents the NON-LINEAR MULTIMEDIA, because it shows that the video allows free movement around all aspects of media in any order.
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annelenmaire9125 · 1 month
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Some of my special days of my vacation
Swimming and Hiking 🤩
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annelenmaire9125 · 1 month
Day 9-10 (Work immersion experience):
On the last two days of my work immersion, we share what we learn. With confidence and enthusiasm, I shared key insights, findings, and recommendations derived from my project work. The sharing was well-received, and I engaged in constructive discussions and feedback with the audience. I welcomed suggestions for improvement and reflected on my overall experience during the work immersion.Through self-assessment and feedback from others, I identified areas of strength and areas for growth, paving the way for continued learning and development. As I concluded my work immersion, I expressed gratitude to the team for their support and mentorship, leaving with valuable lessons and memories to carry forward in my academic and professional journey.
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annelenmaire9125 · 1 month
Day 6-8 (Work immersion experience)
Over the next three days, I dedicated my time and efforts to executing the assigned project. Drawing upon my training and research skills, I conducted thorough analysis, gathered relevant data, and formulated actionable insights. I leveraged available resources and sought guidance from colleagues when faced with challenges or uncertainties. Through iterative refinement and problem-solving, I made progress towards achieving the project objectives.Collaborating with team members and stakeholders, I ensured effective communication and alignment throughout the project lifecycle. Despite encountering obstacles along the way, I remained resilient and adaptable, focusing on finding creative solutions and delivering quality results.
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annelenmaire9125 · 1 month
Day 4-5(Work immersion experience): Hands-on Training and Skill Development
With a foundational understanding of the company's operations, I transitioned to hands-on training to develop practical skills relevant to my field of study. Under the guidance of experienced colleagues, I received training in specific tasks, processes, and software tools used in my department. From mastering technical skills to understanding best practices, I immersed myself in learning and actively participated in training sessions. Through interactive exercises and real-world scenarios, I gained confidence in applying theoretical knowledge to practical situations.The supportive learning environment fostered open communication and encouraged collaboration among team members, enhancing my overall learning experience.
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annelenmaire9125 · 1 month
Day 2-3 (Work immersion experience)
During the next couple of days, I had the opportunity to shadow different departments within the company to gain a holistic understanding of its operations. Through observation and interaction, I learned about the diverse functions and interdependencies of each department. This hands-on experience provided valuable insights into how different teams collaborate to achieve common goals and deliver value to customers. Additionally, I had the chance to ask questions and engage in discussions with employees to deepen my understanding of their roles and challenges.
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annelenmaire9125 · 1 month
Day 1 (Work immersion experience):
Orientation and Introduction to Company Culture On the first day of my work immersion, I was warmly welcomed by the team and introduced to the company's culture, values, and mission. During the orientation session, I received a comprehensive overview of the company's operations, including its history, organizational structure, and key policies. Additionally, I familiarized myself with the workplace environment, safety protocols, and facilities. Following the orientation, I had a one-on-one meeting with my supervisor to discuss my role, responsibilities, and objectives for the duration of the work immersion. We outlined specific goals and milestones to ensure a productive and meaningful experience.
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annelenmaire9125 · 3 months
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