annblccm · 5 years
“Don’t look at me; I didn’t come up with the prices. Festival food is always ridiculously expensive, so I have no idea what you were expecting.” Leia went to get her some cookie dough and took the money. “What have you been up to around here that you’re already this broke?”
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"this isn’t a me thing. three dollars on a single fucking cupcake would make anyone’s middle-aged suburban mother alter-ego burst at the seams.”    but especially because she’s hungry.    “uh -  besides only working a minimum wage job and having parents who want to teach me the value of budgeting?”    she did, however, resent the term broke. despite it being true to her nature, it wasn’t true for tonight.    “i can afford it but i’d rather spend the majority of my money on hanna and nik’s stall, i'm going to basically be like a sugar daddy over sculptures and hot chocolate.”
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annblccm · 5 years
If he could go back in time to kick his past self for volunteering, he would. Cole pulled down the tights that were riding up his ass, or tried to, at least. It was the biggest elf outfit available, but it couldn’t fit him. And he was supposed to wear this for eight hours? Cole groaned. If only he had signed up for firewood cutting. He could’ve gotten a workout out of that. This was just embarrassing. He peeked past the false wall of Santa’s Workshop and winced. There were so many people in line. He would never live this down. “Who ever heard of a 6′ 3″ tall elf anyway?”
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“oh my god.”  a hand flies over her mouth, a failed attempt to suppress the laughter that was begging to be released at the sight.  “dude, buddy the elf is shaking right now.”  her laughter is not meant to be an insult. frankly she finds anyone taller than four feet squeezed into an elf costume incredibly frightening but in this case it was at least equally funny.   “do you think if you actually worked in santa’s workshop you’d be discriminated against?”
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annblccm · 5 years
“Christ, it’s fucking cold out. Game of Thrones wasn’t kidding when they said winter is coming. It’s fucking here and frigid.” He blows into his gloved hands before rubbing them together. “How’s the market treating ya?”
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"you watch game of thrones?”  she always took him for a blue mountain state or tosh.0 sort of guy.  nevertheless, irene’s still suspicious by how decent he was acting so far.  she’ll give it five minutes before a fat joke slips out.  “it’s fine - it’s fun. i’ve been working with plants so i smell like the inside of a wiccan’s bedroom but it’s not too bad. have you bought anything yet?”
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annblccm · 5 years
“Cupcakes are three dollars, cookies are one fifty, and for the last time, no, this is not a fucking kissing booth.” She said while rearranging the goods on display, not looking up to see who had approached the stand. 
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her eyes widen at leia’s words. not because of the kissing booth thing, irene’s used to leia having unusual stories surrounding weird men, but at the prices.   “three dollars for a cupcake? are they made of gold? jesus.”  she was previously bent at the knees to get a closer look at the goodies,  standing back at her full height she opens her wallet to look for cash.  “can i just get a spoonful of cookie dough for fifty cents?”
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annblccm · 6 years
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natxtate: hi hello hey !!  natxtate: just letting you know i’m alive and well and vancouver is COLD AF  natxtate: on the plus note i landed my triple lutz and it’s only a matter of time i win this thing and come home with another medal + prize money !! 
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annbloom: don’t come back annbloom: you can’t go from winning medals in skating competitions to wisconsin, it’s against the rules of success. annbloom: you should be guest starring on DWTS!!
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annblccm · 6 years
“My Dad’s making sure we get there nice and early for the Market on Saturday morning, as in crack of dawn early. He’s still kind of the new guy in the department so he’s trying to make a good impression- which means I’m volunteering too. I’m on the hot drinks stand since apparently, Northlake is lacking qualified baristas with time on their hands,” she explained with a shrug, “Are you volunteering?”
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"your dad’s a genius, dude. it’ll be early and cold so the first place people are going to is the stand with hot coffee.”    and by people she means her own father.  “no worries, we’ll run into each other. i will be hustling miniature spider plants to a cart for about three hours bright and early -  and i’ll be wanting to jump off of a bridge for two of those three hours.”
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annblccm · 6 years
kenny’s parents weren’t as strict, he felt, as most parents should be. as late as it was, his father and stepmother didn’t mention it whatsoever when irene had pulled up. before he went to meet her outside he was mentally preparing himself for the things he would have to admit in the next little bit to irene. there was a good chance he was losing his mind, or going into early midlife crisis. having hidden his hair mistake under a hoodie, he pulled open the door for irene, the stress written on his face. “okay listen… you– why are you wearing black?” he asked before he could even get his words out, a good topic changer before the topic even became the topic, “you look like you’re about to rob me… like, not the first time, but really…”
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“you were being ominous over text.”  her admission to her attire was said in a quiet mumble. i was kind of finger-crossing that you suffocated tristan or something.” a realization that wearing all black for fear of needing to help her friend bury someone was an extreme and ridiculous assumption.   however, she remains suspicious. with little genuine greeting, irene allows herself into his house, inspecting the residence for decaying bodies or skulls or whatever.   “alright kenneth,”  her hands move to rest on her waist after deciding it was safe enough to relax.  “where is the fire?”
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annblccm · 6 years
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@knorrington there’s no convincing her parents to let her take the car out by herself after sundown. her car is her car, sure, but it comes with restrictions from the people who bought it, so she opted to wait them out.   as soon as irene heard snores travelling from her parents’ bedrooms she took her car keys and headed towards kenny’s.   a deed done with high anxiety. the words no witnesses patent in her head as she exhales through her mouth and knocks on the norrington’s door.  in the few moments she has before he greets her she needs to decide whether or not she was suitable to bury a body.  though surely dressed for the occasion, an all black attire she threw on last minute, it was a nerve wracking idea and, frankly, not one she was in the mood to be involved with.    unless, of course, bribed.
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annblccm · 6 years
outgoing > TiTZZ 💦
KENNY: this is like serious irene
KENNY: this is worse than my daughter's youth pastor
KENNY: (i mean as if he'd complain really i'm such a catch)
KENNY: you need to come over asap it's important
IRENE: Actual serious or Kenny serious?
IRENE: Clearly.
IRENE: Okay, okay. I’ll ask my mom to drop me off.
IRENE: Be there soon
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annblccm · 6 years
outgoing > TiTZZ 💦
KENNY: oh god no it's worse than that
KENNY: i think we should meet.. it's super covert. i can't have evidence of this on my phone.
KENNY: you know in case anyone finds my phone and finds that evidence of it... super secret things are at work here
IRENE: Your daughter's youth pastor?
IRENE: Okay what the fuck
IRENE: Are you serious?
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annblccm · 6 years
outgoing > TiTZZ 💦
KENNY: irene... i think i made a mistake
KENNY: i think i'm going through a midlife crisis
IRENE: Oh god
IRENE: Did you cheat on your wife with your daughter's high school teacher?
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annblccm · 6 years
Bellamy’s just put a ten-dollar bill on the counter to pay for the candy when he notices Irene’s face. “Wait, what.” His once mildly confused look is now properly confused, curious even. “What’s it about then?” And then she says werewolves and vampires, and Bellamy realizes what he’s just done. “Oh hell no, this is a Twilight movie? I thought that was called Breaking Yawn or some shit. Nooo,” he whines a little before breaking into chuckles part way. He shakes his head. “Aw, man. Okay, now you have to watch this movie with me, dude. I can’t be seen watching it alone. I don’t even want to go into the theater by myself knowing what it is now.” He laughs at her teasing, even if it does very little to help ease the embarrassment he’s about to feel knowing he has to face this movie. “Just your company. Pleeease just your company. Dude, I’m gonna die,” he says, like he actually believes it to be so. There can’t be anything more embarrassing to watch at the movies than this. Here he thought he was going to be cultured. Well, maybe he is – on useless tween crap. Either way, he can’t wait to tell Imogen about this. It’ll probably be hilarious to her.
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“no refunds!”  quick to exclaim after his realization, all while exchanging the cash in her hand for the change he’s due.   “and if you want a movie pass you have to keep it within the sequel.”   it’s not a rule that she knows of, her lips quiver as she attempts to keep a straight face, but she’s entirely too intrigued by the idea of bellamy being forced to watch a tween romance movie to pass up this opportunity. ironically he didn’t have to ask for her to watch the movie with him more than once — any movie.  she felt both pathetic and hopeful. unbeknownst to him, his original offer was convincing enough.   “okay,” it was a smitten response as she slides his change  towards him. “i will endure the tragedy that is bella swan in order to keep you entertained. clearly i’m a hero.” a much easier said than done decision considering she was still working a shift.   “um, give me five minutes and i’ll meet you in the theater. we can even share the lunch my mom packed.”
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annblccm · 6 years
Something about hearing Irene say he’s not invisible makes his heart skip a beat. That’s… yeah, that’s the greatest thing that’s happened to him this year. But conceal, don’t feel. Tom’s not even sure what the appropriate reaction to that would be so he just blinks, maybe frowns a little, before carrying on with their conversation. “Really? Because I have a set of ‘candid’ faces that deserve to be showcased. Yeah, there’s the classic o-face.” He makes a face that’s essentially his best imitation of the LOL meme. “And then of course the you-caught-me-while-I-was-talking face.” He does his best impression of that. One eye opened, one eye closed, mouth open like he’s saying something super douchey. He uses Tristan Hacker for inspiration. He’s clearly embarrassing himself in front of her, he should stop, but he likes the idea of making Irene laugh. “I mean, there’s more but you’ll have to wait till our photo shoot,” he decides to say after dropping his show of faces.
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irene uses her fingers to make the form of a camera, squinting an eye as she pretends to be looking through the lens, with each separate pose tom makes, her ring finger pushes down as if to snap a photo.  “oh, lovely! absolutely amazing, thomas, you are a star.”  she puts on her best photographer impression by using her worst british accent. still laughing at the faces he made, her hands move to relax in front of her again.   “how often do you think about someone taking off-guard photos of you?”  she’s laughing between the question, allowing her head to lazily sit on a rolled fist. “does it keep you up at night? something you think about a lot?”   an exaggerated assumption because of how impressive his thought-out poses were.
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annblccm · 6 years
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Katherine Langford as Vesna in The Misguided Official Trailer (2018)
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annblccm · 6 years
“Thanks,” he tells Irene once she hands over the popcorn. Holding the bag, Bellamy takes a piece and tosses it into his mouth, chewing as he listens to her speak. He laughs a little, swallowing before he replies to her. “No but like I’m–” Okay, when he thinks about it, it does kind of sound like he’s trying to buy her service. Instead, he decides to say, “Consider it like compensation or something. I don’t wanna make you ditch work without getting anything back,” he tells her. It still kind of sounds like buying her service, but like buying someone’s service is like compliment, right? Like how you pay for talent to sing at parties? “I’ll buy all the Starbursts,” he assures her, confident at first. “Or at least a lot,” he corrects himself a moment later when he remembers his wallet does indeed come with a limit. “And like whatever else candy you think is worth tasting around here,” he says with a shrug. “We can have a party or something. Get sugar high. It’ll help me get through–” He takes his ticket out to see the title of the movie he just purchased a showing to. “New Moon…” He reads. Then he frowns. “Really hoping this isn’t some boring movie about space,” he tells Irene.
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"it’s three ninety-nine for a regular box of starbursts, i’ll get you two.” would it be against some company policy for her to tell him the secret of getting cheaper candy across the street? maybe.   either way she was already leaning over to slide open the plexi glass that helped display the sweets, grabbing two boxes of starburts and sitting them on the counter.      “no way,”  a stretch of her lips, pulling them into a yikes position but the face was soon lost when she chuckled.    “keep your expectations high, bellamy, i can tell you it’s at least not a movie about space.”  as she begins scanning the boxes of starbursts, she still finds herself hung up on the accidental movie purchase and it wasn’t until she tried to keep a straight face that she realized she was smiling the whole time.  “you know, now that i think about  it you seem like someone who’d feel strongly about the racial equality between werewolves and vampires.”   back to the customer service charm, “can i get you anything else? a better taste in films? a team jacob tee from hot topic?”
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annblccm · 6 years
Aj: My family is driving me nuts rn!
Aj: can you plz come pick me up
Aj: maybe we can have a little fun 😉
IRENE: Sure, dude. I was going to run some errands and by errands I mean stop by the book store and read excerpts from their erotic novels.
IRENE: Actually.. Speaking of erotic. I know this is weird and going to to come off so random but there's this thing that I kind of been wanting to do for a while now, just to explore... and I've been too nervous to ask any of my friends but.. I'll just send you a picture.
IRENE: https://bit.ly/2DV9rwX
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annblccm · 6 years
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“ hey ! a bit weird seeing you here . “
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"are you the bouncer for ridiculously expensive coffee shops?”    however, he’s not far off. unless with her family or a group of friends irene will usually on circle around main street for the thrift store, not the cafes.   “i am splurging today. seven dollars for an average sized coffee, it better give me wings or make me immortal or something.”
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