annastasiacosplay · 10 months
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annastasiacosplay · 2 years
You’ve been warned... there be spoilers below.
Ok ok ok... I know this is just me being an Ashrym stan, BUT
Orym saying he only likes guys. Then immediately adding ‘and it’s more than that. It’s complicated.’ I can’t stop thinking about that! Like... is it because he finds himself liking a certain punk rock barbarian who isn’t a guy????
And then soon after looking at Ashton (while they were discussing who should be driving) and saying ‘you’d look... (insert very long pause while Orym just STARES at Ashton) bad ass.’ Did you mean hot???? Huh Orym???
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annastasiacosplay · 4 years
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Who else is absolutely loving The Mandalorian????? Although I gotta admit, I'm dying to see some of the new bad ass female characters teased in the promo photos. Any future mando cosplays for next year? 🤣🤣🤣 . Photo: @mig_photography_world . #reycosplay #starwarscosplay #floridacosplay #plussizecosplay #curvycosplay https://www.instagram.com/p/B5VmkIYDScG/?igshid=azjgb88vskq8
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annastasiacosplay · 4 years
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If you've been following my stories here on IG, then you know I started Rococo Christmas Belle! I have less than a month to throw this cosplay together, but I'm so excited for it! The skirt is coming together gorgeously, and I can't wait to start patterning the bodice! I did use a pattern for the pocket hoop and skirt, McCalls 2096, with some very minor alterations. Who else is still making their Holiday Matsuri cosplay?! #cosplaywip #wipwednesday #bellecosplay #disneycosplay #disneyprincess #rococobellecosplay #rocococosplay #holidaymatsuri2019 #holidaymatsuri #holmat #floridacosplay #plussizecosplay #curvycosplay #seamstress #cosplayseamstress https://www.instagram.com/p/B5GIt_bDNnC/?igshid=1q3i6r17xs0ur
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annastasiacosplay · 4 years
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How about another Harley Monroe? I love this version of Harley. It's super comfortable, and every time I wear it, someone always comes up to me to talk about it. I'm not a terribly creative person, so that makes me so proud 🥰 What's a creative cosplay concept you've pulled together? #harleyquinncosplay #harleyquinncosplayer #harleycosplayer #harleymonroe #dccosplay #floridacosplay #plussizecosplay #curvycosplay #seamstress #cosplayseamstress https://www.instagram.com/p/B5D4LfuDvK9/?igshid=cdeglfz0zg6e
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annastasiacosplay · 4 years
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It's #wipwednesday and I wanted to share my current project and a lesson learned. While working on my pocket hoops, I wasn't thrilled with how the ribbon was looking. I was using my standard presser foot. So I switched to my teflon foot. World of difference. The sewing was much smoother, making it easier to maintain a straight seam. And the smooth gliding didn't pull the fabric causing the bunching you see in the photo. Sometimes when something isn't working, I take a break and think about the project. What can I do differently to make things go more smoothly? Then, I try again. What cosplay problem have you fixed with something simple, like my presser foot switch? You never know who you might be helping by talking about it! #cosplaywip #floridacosplay #plussizecosplay #curvycosplay #seamstress #cosplayseamstress https://www.instagram.com/p/B40D_VzDnMN/?igshid=114axcc20pahi
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annastasiacosplay · 4 years
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First photo of my Harley Monroe! I squeed sooooo hard when I saw Harley in Marylin's classic pink dress in the BoP trailer so I had to do a reshoot/restyle of my pinup Harley to match. My late grandpa used to call me Marylin all the time so I've always had a bit of an obsession with her, especially since he passed. On an unrelated note, today's Disney+ day! What are you watching?????!!! I'm watching Tangled because I've never seen the whole thing! So excited to fix that. #harleyquinncosplay #harleyquinncosplayer #harleycosplay #harleycosplayer #dccosplay #floridacosplay #plussizecosplay #curvycosplay #harleymonroe #pinupharleycosplay #pinupcosplay https://www.instagram.com/p/B4xheuXj1Uh/?igshid=1ujemk8w9nmi8
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annastasiacosplay · 4 years
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Catch me at @fffcomics as Harley Monroe! I'm a cosplay guest and photographer so come see me! Before all the color falls out of my hair 😭😭😭😭😭 Melbourne Florida! #harleyquinncosplay #harleyquinncosplayer #harleycosplayer #harleymonroe #floridacosplay #plussizecosplay #curvycosplay #cosplayandcomics https://www.instagram.com/p/B4pvJFnD8Uj/?igshid=q88yx50dkex6
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annastasiacosplay · 4 years
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I'm at @fffcomics for cosplay and comics day! Come meet Harley Monroe and get your photo taken! Hope to see you! 🥰🥰😘😘 Cosplay contest at 2. #harleyquinncosplay #harleyquinncosplayer #pinupharleycosplay #dccosplay #harleymonroe #floridacosplay #plussizecosplay #curvycosplay #cosplayandcomics https://www.instagram.com/p/B4prE3gDJNF/?igshid=b9qjcfd3xcvo
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annastasiacosplay · 4 years
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Enjoy 2 more Pris photos, just cause! #bladerunnercosplay #bladerunner #priscosplay #floridacosplay #plussizecosplay #curvycosplay #closetcosplay https://www.instagram.com/p/B4iGd7mjTd9/?igshid=1kg6n5cvwecci
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annastasiacosplay · 4 years
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We're supposed to be dressing like this now, right? . . . Grainy texture is on purpose, ig didn't mess up my image. 😋 . #bladerunnercosplay #priscosplay #floridacosplay #plussizecosplay #curvycosplay #closetcosplay https://www.instagram.com/p/B4f-pBEDvI6/?igshid=cvp1c6hwkejr
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annastasiacosplay · 4 years
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We're supposed to be dressing like this now, right? . . . Grainy texture is on purpose, ig didn't mess up my image. 😋 . #bladerunnercosplay #priscosplay #floridacosplay #plussizecosplay #curvycosplay #closetcosplay https://www.instagram.com/p/B4f-pBEDvI6/?igshid=cvp1c6hwkejr
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annastasiacosplay · 5 years
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Final #FallforCostume post! Days 30 and 31, 'beginnings' and 'endings'. 30: every cosplay begins with a toile... at least it does now. I didn't used to, but as I've grown as a seamstress, I've learned how important a toile is. It may seem redundant, but I promise you, it makes all the difference. 31: and every cosplay ends up fitting gorgeously because of said toile. I want sure what to do for ending, because I'm not finished sewing, I don't have a cosplay the fits the ending theme. So I chose this. And it's also my last cosplay finished, so I guess that also fits. I had a lot of fun with this prompt. Posting everyday was a bit hard, so if i do another prompt, I'll absolutely combine days and only post a few times a week. If you come across a prompt you'd like me to do, let me know! Note back to our regularly scheduled cosplay. 🤣 #redthreaded #villagebellecosplay #bellecosplay #disneycosplay #disneyprincess #floridacosplay #plussizecosplay #curvycosplay #seamstress #cosplayseamstress #halloween #halloweencostume https://www.instagram.com/p/B4SdN_BDT7_/?igshid=1lpo9xqe0vudk
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annastasiacosplay · 5 years
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Next batch of #FallforCostume is 27, 28, and 29! 27 is 'purple' and I had to choose my @jessicanigri inspired espeon Gijinka cosplay! The top was patterned by me, as were the ears. The bottom was from a belly dancing costume pattern. I loooooved this cosplay because purple is my favorite color and I was head to toe purple. It was amazing. Unfortunately, this cosplay is retired. 28 is 'romantic' and I think this shot of my Anastasia is quite romantic. This skirt weighs a ton because of all the beading! I'm actually considering redoing this cosplay. Perhaps moving it up ahead of mollymauk, and making it a competition piece for megacon. What do you think? Finally, 29 is 'spooky' and honestly Samara is definitely the scariest think I've ever cosplayed. I made nothing on this cosplay. I thrifted a cheap nightgown and painted it, and happened to have the wig from an arda sale. It was an accidental cosplay. But it was a lot of fun.... I'm not usually scary! #redthreaded #espeoncosplay #espeongijinka #pokemoncosplay #pokemongijinka #Anastasiacosplay #samaracosplay #theringcosplay #scarycosplay #halloween #halloweencostume #floridacosplay #plussizecosplay https://www.instagram.com/p/B4NZFStDSMb/?igshid=kv8k6sdt1sra
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annastasiacosplay · 5 years
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Guest announcement! I will be a cosplay guest, judge, and photographer at the cosplay and comics event at @fffcomics on November 9! I look forward to seeing all my Melbourne, Florida friends! It's a free event! Be sure to check out Famous Faces and Funnies for more info! . Photo credit: @melf_studios . #harleyquinncosplay #harleyquinncosplayer #harleymonroe #floridacosplay #curvycosplay #pinupharleycosplay #dccosplay https://www.instagram.com/p/B4IWT16D9i8/?igshid=spnm3t1tabjy
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annastasiacosplay · 5 years
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Next round of #FallforCostume is 24, 25, and 26! 24 is 'tools' and while most people probably showed off some of their amazing tools, my sewing room is currently being cleaned and reorganized, so I decided to show off Furiosa since her arm is made of tools! I completely fudged her arm, no plans whatsoever, just went at it and I'm honestly incredibly surprised at how well it turned out. I'm so sad it ended up falling apart and I had to retire this cosplay. I'm also sad it didn't get much love at cons. . 25 is 'warm' and honestly wearing a wig means most of my cosplays are a bit on the warm side. But Arrow is probably one of the worst. That green pleather does not breath AT ALL! . And finally, 26 is 'cold' and I don't really get cold in any of my cosplays. There are a few I'm very comfortable in, and @noflutter Belle is one of them. I loooooved this design as soon as I saw it (honestly, I love all of her art, it's amazing) and I hope I get the chance to cosplay another one of her designs now that my skills have improved. Ahhhhh, that never ending cosplan list 🤣🤣🤣 . Photos: Furiosa by @mig_photography_world and Belle by @tkirkphotos #redthreaded #furiosacosplay #madmaxcosplay #arrowcosplay #femarrowcosplay #dccosplay #dccosplayer #bellecosplay #noflutterbelle #disneycosplay #disneyprincess #floridacosplay #plussizecosplay https://www.instagram.com/p/B4FrMv8ggcO/?igshid=yusjkp31g2o9
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annastasiacosplay · 5 years
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#FallforCostume day 23 is "steam" and I had to use a lot of steam to press all these details into my Captain America cosplay. The jacket was patterned by me, using the duct tape method (find the tutorial/ video on my website) and honestly I think I got incredibly lucky that it came together as well as it did because I didn't really know what I was doing! But it definitely taught me so much about creating my own patterns, and I'm so thankful I took the leap. . Original photos by @mig_photography_world and @brilanimagery . #redthreaded #captainamericacosplay #femcapcosplay #marvelcosplay #genderbendcosplay #rule63 #floridacosplay #curvycosplay https://www.instagram.com/p/B396jbPj7cK/?igshid=rhujrw45grx3
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