annaliao6530 · 10 months
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Social travel that escapes from the city to a national town for an in-depth tour and get to know the fun soul!
Give yourself some free time this July!
Stay away from the hustle and bustle of the city and put aside the business and pressure of work. Go to a cool folk town, accompanied by the sound of frogs and fireflies, sing and dance with 100 strange friends under the starry sky and on the lawn, and have a good summer~
Is this your current state of life?
Stressful work is squeezing your life.
After work, whether indulge in all kinds of entertainment shopping video app.
You're excited about the weekend ahead, but the reality is that you sleep in the afternoon and wake up regretting your wasted time.
Unconsciousness fills your days, you have a job, but you feel like you have no life.
❓ Do you want to experience life in a different place and a different way?
✅ People here believe in "food for health, song for heart". Press the pause button for the busy work and join them in the sea of ethnic songs and dances~
✅ Unload the daily anxiety, barefoot under the rice field to feel the inclusion of the earth. Cover your eyes and feel the joy and laughter of the fish touched by your fingertips
✅ The non-inherited master will take you to understand the intangible cultural heritage, such as batik, tie-dye, Miao silver forging skills and so on.
✅ Imaginative modern young people will also make their own artworks according to their understanding and ideas of intangible cultural heritage techniques, and feel the miracle of the collision between national culture and modern culture.
✅ The wonderful light variety mode takes you around Danzhai. Such as sit-in exchange meeting, travel log sharing meeting, ethnic non-genetic interest question and answer session❗
✈️The destination is not the most important, the important thing is who you play with.
���Traveling to a mountain town with 100 interesting souls. Dialogue with the sun, moon and stars, into the experience of Miao Dong intangible cultural charm.
���Gather the souls of different professions with the same hobbies to have fun together. Some of them come from we-media, or finance, or construction industries.
���Go wild and have fun with a bunch of fun souls who resonate with you.
���Together with a group of photo-loving partners to record travel marks
���Learn about a world and interesting stories that are completely different from your own through this trip
✅ In order to live up to everyone's expectations for the trip, we designed a fun and mysterious part before the trip starts, everyone will write a letter to a stranger, where they can write down their little wishes. And then some unknown stranger will fulfill your little wish❗
���Give yourself a break and go on a social trip! Can not only release the pressure of work, but also enjoy the dynamic atmosphere of peers together, but also upward social❗️
✅ We believe that we can meet more interesting and fun young people with the same interests and hobbies and collide with different sparks❗❗
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annaliao6530 · 10 months
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社交旅行‖集结100个想创业的大学生开启丹寨之旅🌁 Social travel, gathering 100 college students who want to start their own business to start a trip to Danzhai. 边旅行边创业都是假的❓❓ Is it a fake to travel and start a business❓❓ 嗨❗想创业的小伙伴🙈 Hi❗Want to start a small partner🙈 看过来~ Look over here 看过来~ Look over here 这里会有你的答案! Here's your answer! 朋友,让我来猜猜你的想法,现在是否很迷茫🐾:想创业没人脉,没资源,找不到合适的方向。光有一腔热血,却迟迟不肯行动。有好的创业想法,却不敢贸然开始🙊,想找个志同道合的朋友一起分享,没有合适人选。来社交旅行吧!你所迷茫的问题将一扫而空,和志同道合的朋友一起探讨创业之门😸,相互学习,一起分享🦊,让你在旅行中收获满满,不再迷茫🤟 My friend, let me guess if you are confused right now。You want to start a business no connections and no resources. And you can't find the right direction. Only have a cavity of blood, but slow to act. Have a good business idea, but you don't dare to jump into it. Looking for a like-minded friend to share, there is no suitable person. Come on a social trip! All your questions will be gone. Explore the door of entrepreneurship with like-minded friends, learn from each other, and share together. Let you in the travel harvest full, no longer confused. 社交➕创业➕旅行,你一定没有体验过吧,加入我们,集齐100个想创业,想社交的大学生,我们就出发,一起去探索神秘的丹寨吧❗ Social contact, entrepreneurship and travel, you must not have experienced. Join us for 100 college students who want to start their own business and socialize. Let's go and explore the mysterious Danzhai together. 创业想法和社交旅行又将会碰撞出怎样的火花呢 How will entrepreneurial ideas and social travel collide? 与100个梦想青年一起布局边玩边创业的“蓝图” Lay out the blueprint of entrepreneurship while playing with 100 dream youth. 在旅行过程中,你可以找到和自己志同道合想创业的伙伴,一起拍摄vlog、一起直播、一起当旅行博达人吧🤩 In the process of travel, you can find like-minded partners who want to start a business, shoot vlog together, live broadcast together, and be a travel blogger together. 在旅行过程中,你可以和对自媒体感兴趣的同频青年一起拍摄素材,打造个人IP,在互联网分享你们的旅行理念,通过合适的方式实现变现 In the process of travel, you can shoot footage with the same frequency youth who are interested in the media, create personal IP, share your travel concept on the Internet, and realize the realization through the appropriate way. 在旅行过程中,通过互联网种草的方式,把你去过的每个地方分享给大家,轻松掌握流量密码🚵‍♀ In the process of travel, through the Internet to recommend,share each place you have been to everyone, easy to master the traffic password. 和100个有趣的灵Hun🙈→丹寨,将会怎样的体验❓ And 100 interesting souls to Danzhai, what will be the experience. 在旅行中享受社交带来的乐趣,分享交流创业想法,组成创业团队,一起开心创业😎 Enjoy the fun of socializing during the trip, share and exchange business ideas, form a business team, and start a business happily together 在旅行过程中缓解大学生面临的焦虑,一起探讨人生未来的问题,开启广阔的人生之路🏻 In the process of travel to alleviate the anxiety faced by college students, discuss the future of life together, open a broad road to life 一起实现边玩边赚钱的社交之旅 Make fun and make money together on a social journey 来丹寨玩什么❓ What are you doing in Danzhai? 【非遗文化交流】 Intangible cultural heritage exchange 沉浸式感受丹寨浓郁的非遗文化氛围&体验蜡染、卡拉鸟笼、古法造纸、苗家刺绣等精湛的非遗技艺制作过程🎊 Immerse yourself in Danzhai's rich cultural atmosphere of intangible cultural heritage, and experience the exquisite production process of intangible cultural heritage techniques such as batik, Kara bird cage, ancient papermaking and Miao embroidery. 【有趣社交】 Fun socializing 打破固有的朋友圈,认识100个喜欢创业和非遗文化爱好者的大学生,一起体验少数民族浓厚的文化氛围 You will break the inherent circle of friends, meet 100 college students who like entrepreneurship and intangible cultural heritage enthusiasts, and experience the strong cultural atmosphere of ethnic minorities together. 【打卡拍照】 Clock in and take photos 和一群阳光洋溢的大学生在每一个景点留下美好的记忆,分享在各个平台让大家加入进来 You'll have great memories with a group of sunny college students at each attraction, sharing them on various platforms to get everyone to join in. 【品尝美食】 Taste food 牛羊瘪🐏、腊肉糯米饭、斗鸡肉、血糯米肠🌭、特色酸汤鱼、酸汤肉 Cow and sheep shriveled、Glutinous rice with preserved meat 、Fighting Chicken Meat、Blood sausage、Special Sour Soup Fish、Sour Soup Beef 这个夏天,让我们集结100个喜欢创业的大学生一起共赴丹寨,去感受,去经历,去成长吧❗ This summer, let's gather 100 college students who like entrepreneurship to go to Danzhai together, to feel, to experience and grow up.
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