animeinagiffy · 16 hours
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TiL (click to go to the thread, which probably has more interesting tidbits I missed).
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animeinagiffy · 6 days
ooh, maybe 9 for the prompt list?
9. Cold 2B9S
The weather today is frigid, the wind biting as it sweeps small flurries of snowflakes against 2B’s skin. 2B watches as the campfire sputters before her, the heat from the flames not doing much to protect her from the cold. Her missions for the day are canceled. The weather conditions are much too poor to fight in.
For the time being she’s grounded at the Resistance camp, and instead of spending her day cooped up in that small room with 9S, 2B has resigned herself to campfire in a secluded corner of camp. It’s better, being alone. She shouldn’t get closer to 9S than she has to.
Apparently her spot isn’t as hidden as she thought, as it isn’t long before she hears his familiar voice calling out to her.
“2B! There you are.” His footsteps come to a halt. 9S stops across from her, the fire crackling between them. "I've been looking everywhere for you! It's too cold to be out here right now."
"I'll be fine," 2B assures. "I've survived worse temperatures."
He falters at her words. "I…suppose, but even the Resistance members are inside right now. Wouldn't it be warmer to stay indoors?"
"I'm good."
"You sure? I found some old human board games in the Resistance storage. Since there's nothing else to do, maybe we could play—"
"Games are pointless. Time spent so uselessly is better put toward preparing for missions."
"Uhh—then I guess we can talk instead? There's still a lot I want to know about you…"
2B clenches her fists against her knees. "There is no need for idle chatter. If it does not pertain to our assignments, it is better to say nothing."
9S's visor shifts in a way 2B can tell that his brows are furrowing. "That's…really what you think, huh…"
A brief period of silence settles between them. 9S sighs, before walking back the way he came, and disappearing out of sight.
2B fights against the disappointed feeling in her chest. Her goal is to keep her distance. She should be relieved that he has left, but even so his absence weighs heavy in her mind.
Some time later, 9S returns unexpectedly. He pushes a folded square of heavy fabric into her hands. 2B stares blankly at the item she's received.
9S seems to understand her confusion and laughs. He steps in closer, unfurling the fabric he'd handed to her before wrapping it around her shoulders. "I asked Anemone for the warmest blankets they have. This should make the weather a little more bearable." 
2B can't help but notice the way 9S hands linger as he adjusts the blanket. He tucks it snuggly under her chin before taking a seat beside her, unfurling a blanket of his own. "Even if it's cold, I suppose a little fresh air couldn't hurt," he says cheerfully. He tilts his head playfully in 2B's direction. "And before you say it's unnecessary, I'm the support unit tasked with watching over your health. I can't let you stay in temperatures like this alone. It's my job to make sure your systems don't freeze."
2B redirects her attention to her boots. She clutches the blanket he'd brought tighter around her shoulders. "I see," she responds softly.
9S hums beside her, holding his gloved hands closer to the flames for warmth. Despite 2B's earlier words, his demeanor still seems upbeat.
A small part of 2B is relieved.
She shouldn't want him here beside her. She shouldn't let him grow attached. But it's a pattern she's witnessed time and time again. Even when she treats him coldly, 9S still stubbornly gravitates to her side.
No matter how much she tells herself otherwise, she can't deny the truth.
She greatly enjoys his company.
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animeinagiffy · 6 days
Open the Memory Cage: Chapter 24: Shenanigans
Thank you so so much to jJohn313 for being a huge support and kickstarting me into writing again! This still would be in fic limbo (heh) if not for him!
Take two…three…four…seven…eight…
[Read on Ao3]
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Chapter Text
“Don’t you think it’s a little weird to be meddling in someone’s love life like this?” A2 grunted and handed 9S a bag of fruit. “How many picnics have you had so far?”
“We’re not—” 9S snapped. “I mean, we’re trying to—” he slams the lid of the picnic box. “Shut up.”
A2 shrugged and walked off. 
11S rolled toward them on an old office chair. "Let's see. So far you've been to the flower fields, the cool spot by the factory where you got attacked by seagulls, the amusement park where you all nearly got killed by that bunny robot..." He leaned back in his chair which gave a threatening creak. "...the spot by the desert where Jackass was testing her new explosives..."
"Yes, we remember," 9S sighed.
11S continued as if he didn't hear him. "...the entrance to the Forest Kingdom because you remembered 21O and 6O can't reach the library without falling apart, aaand the desert oasis that got hit by a sandstorm."
9S glared.
"Okay, geez." 11S rolled away.
“A2 does have a point,” 2B said. She casually slipped a few sandwiches behind the shelves. “Should we really be doing this?”
“It’s fine, it’s for the greater good!”
“The greater good? What do you mean?”
“Don’t worry about it, let’s go!”
6O dug into the bowl of apples and settled herself on the frayed, vaguely plaid blanket. “Thank you so so much for inviting us to another picnic!” she beamed.
“Of course!” 9S said with a mouthful of PBJLT. He scrunched his face up while swallowing the mess.
The Scanners had gotten more creative with sandwiches for their picnic since the previous attempt was less than impressive. Since they lacked the old recipes for condiments, they had to make do with whatever substitutions they could get their hands on. Plus, the thought of killing an animal to put part of its flesh on some bread when they didn’t need to eat seemed—as 42S put it lightly—pretty fucking disturbing.
9S was skeptical at first at the choice, but 13S and 14S assured him they taste-tested them beforehand. 
I don’t think they know that ‘taste-testing’ means making sure it passes the test. He quickly washed it down with a glass of fresh-squeezed juice. 
At least the drink was good, if a bit chunky.
2B and the Operators each took a sandwich. The Operators quickly tossed theirs behind them when they thought no one was looking but 2B took a few small bites from hers. She made an expression 9S couldn’t decipher and set it back on the plate.
After a bit of idle chit-chat, 9S messaged Anemone to call. Thankfully, it came a lot sooner than before. 
“ Geez , Anemone, why do you have to keep calling during our picnics like that? Can’t it wait?” He faked a heavy sigh.
“What do you mean, this was your id—”
“Right! We’ll be there in ten!” He nearly batted his pod out of the air to close the channel.
The Operators both tilted their heads at him.
“I’m so sorry, Anemone needs us again. It’s so inconvenient!”
“What did she need you for?” 6O asked.
“I dunno but it sounds important.”
21O simply looked at him then at 6O. They shrugged.
9S stood and dusted crumbs off himself before he grabbed 2B and turned on his heels. “We’ll be back ASAP! Bye!” They took off at a brisk pace toward the nearest building, dodged behind it, and waited. And waited. And waited. Again, nothing happened. The Operators kept nibbling on the fruit only and engaged in what seemed like small talk. 
9S sighed louder than he anticipated. 2B gave him a questioning hum.
“Man, I know these things take time and like I’ve said before we just gotta be patient with them but maaaaaaan.”
“Maybe we can stay the whole time next time,” 2B offered as she peeked out at them.
“Well, they definitely won't say anything in front of us.”
“No, I mean,” she paused and leaned back toward him, “I would like to have just one uninterrupted picnic to spend time with all of you.”
9S sat up straight. “Oh.” He shifted his gaze to a trail of ants on the wall. “Ohhh, 2B I’m sorry. I didn’t even think about that. I was so focused, I didn’t—”
“Nines, it’s not that big of a deal,” 2B snorted. 
“You sure? I feel like I’ve been messing up a lot lately.”
“I’m sure. It’s nothing compared to what I’ve—”
“Hey!” 9S put his hand over her mouth. “Don’t talk like that!”
2B whined.
“ 2B ,” he pouted.
“Okay,” she said, muffled through his fingers.
He pulled his hand back and bumped his forehead against hers. She blushed.
After a minute 2B spoke up. “You know, if I can’t say things like that you can’t either.”
“You can’t say you’ve messed up like that.”
“But that’s not the same! That—” 2B slapped her hand over his mouth. “Hey!” 
“ Nines, ” she said in the same tone he did.
“Yeah, yeah.”
2B snorted and headbutted him.
9S headbutted her back, pushed her against the wall, and pressed his knee between her legs. Her arms slid up his back as he leaned in for a kiss. 
“I love you, 2B, don’t ever forget that.” He pressed his fingers to her thigh.
“I love you too, Nines. But…” She grabbed his hand.
“Hm?” He leaned back and looked at her with half-lidded eyes.
“Aren’t you forgetting something?”
“Oh, right.” He coughed and shifted his legs. “Anyway, you’re right, let’s just have a normal picnic next time!”
The next picnic was not, in fact, a normal picnic.
“How was I supposed to know we set up between a moose and her baby?” 9S exclaimed over the ruins of their picnic. “Pod only scans for machines, not wildlife!”
“You still picked the spot, son .” 21O crossed her arms.
“Not sure I like you saying it that way.”
“It’s fine you two!” 6O said while she rubbed her wrist. “The moose didn’t hit me, I just fell! It doesn't hurt that bad. It's not like I have glass bones or paper skin or anything!” 
“Still, we need to be careful,” 21O sighed. She turned back to 9S. “ You need to be more mindful when choosing a location. Might I remind you what happened last time...times.”
“Hey, why are you singling me out? 2B helped pick—” His words caught in his throat.
2B looked at him with a frown.
“Er—sorry, 2B. It’s not anybody’s fault. Let’s just find a new place before the moose decides to come back with reinforcements.”
“Fine,” 21O huffed.
6O sighed. 
2B finished bagging up all the supplies in their muddied picnic blanket and threw it over her shoulders. It hit her back with a loud crunch.
9S held back a groan.
They re-set up at the top of a shrubby hill and dusted off the surviving fruits. 9S nestled himself in 2B’s lap and popped a cherry in her mouth. She bit down a little and her expression softened as the sweet juice flowed into her mouth. And then…
9S sat up. 2B kept crunching but tilted her head at him. He bit his lip.
“Nines?” She swallowed.
“Nothing, it’s fine.” He gave her another cherry.
6O and 21O each took a handful of cherries.
9S cringed. The crunching continued. Inside him a battle waged. He picked up another cherry. He looked to 2B, 6O, and 21O as they happily munched and crunched the stony pits. He looked back to the cherry, shrugged, popped it in his mouth, and bit down.
Well, at least their teeth weren’t made of chalk or anything. 
“Wow, humans sure had strong teeth to be able to eat lots of these,” 6O mused between crunches.
“...Yeah,” 9S said. “Y’know, I kinda prefer it without the seed.” He spat one out into the grass. He nodded. “Mmm, much better! Try it!”
6O and 21O shrugged and spat theirs out too. 
“Agreed,” 21O said after a moment. 6O nodded, too.
“I like the crunch,” 2B said and popped another in her mouth.
9S bit the inside of his lip.
“Hey, 2B?”
“I bet I can spit this further than you can!” He aimed and fired a seed into some bushes a few meters away.
2B’s eyes lit up and she immediately shot her seed out further than he could ever dream of, which sprayed him with cherry bits in the process.
She covered her mouth. “Sorry!”
9S snorted and wiped his face. He began to laugh. He grabbed another cherry and shot its seed after 2B’s, much further than before but nowhere near hers. He coughed on a bit of juice and tried again, still laughing.
6O joined in, then 2B; they took more cherries and shot the pits out over and over. A warm feeling grew inside him and he leaned against 2B. She hummed and leaned back but only until she got another cherry. She angled her head with laser precision and launched the seed.
“Come on, 21O!” 6O nudged her. “Join us!”
“I don’t see wh—” She rolled a cherry between her fingers and looked at the others smiling like dorks. A small smile grew on her face. “Oh hell, why not?” She popped the cherry in her mouth and with a deep breath launched the whole thing a few meters away. A small bird sitting in the brush nearby pounced and flew off with the treat.
“Good enough,” 9S chuckled. He leaned against 2B once more and hooked his arm around her for support. 21O huffed and tried again. 
9S felt something welling up in his chest. “I’m really glad you came back to us,” he hummed. “I missed this.”
21O raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean? We’ve never done this before.”
“I mean like…” He pinched his chin. “I don’t know how to explain it. I know we haven’t done anything like this but it feels right. Like in another universe, this would have been a normal experience for us.”
“Yeah, I feel that,” 6O nodded. “Despite being so distanced from each other back with YorHa, there was still that feeling of…family.” She looked at 21O but looked away when she returned her gaze.
2B pulled 9S closer to her. She didn’t speak but the look on her face made 9S feel warm. 
“Despite everything,” 9S murmured, “the four of us still managed to get out of this alive. More or less.”
21O wiped her eyes and nodded. “Despite everything, we’re still here.”
How was the picnic?
It was great!
We shot cherry seeds from our mouths.
Ah. Ok. Did they confess finally?
No. But we might be getting close. Maybe.
You gotta invite us next time.
Yeah, we’re kinda jealous. You have all that good food all to yourselves.
Well, there is a lot of food, yes.
You’ve had six picnics and never with ussssssssss!
What’s stopping you from having your own?
…Good point.
We’re gonna need more supplies.
Easy peasy! I’m a pro at these things now!
Anyway! They’re gonna start getting suspicious about you leaving all the time if they haven’t already.
Do you think it’s time?
For the ultimate romantic getaway?
The what? Oh, the Lunar Tears?
Yeah, why haven’t you gone there already? That’s like the easy way to get a confession from at least one of them.
True, but I’m worried if that doesn’t work then nothing will.
Maybe just leave them be after this.
Nobody asked you.
Knock it off. 
She’s right though. If this doesn’t work then give them a break for a while and see what happens.
I guess. Well, let’s make sure this is The One.
We’re gonna need some candles and the best sandwiches we can create!
Just fruit is fine.
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animeinagiffy · 6 days
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Favorite quotes - NieR:Automata lore
Precious Things (translated by mintychu) / Divergent Scanner NieR Reincarnation / Cruel Blood Oath / Cruel Oath NieR Reincarnation / Virtuous Contract SINoALICE / YoRHa Boys novel / The Cage of Reincarnation NieR Reincarnation / NieR:Theatrical Orchestra Concert 12020 / NieR:Theatrical Orchestra Concert 12020 / NieR:Orchestra Concert 12018 (translated by komasanzura)
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animeinagiffy · 6 days
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Favorite quotes - NieR:Automata lore
Precious Things (translated by mintychu) / Divergent Scanner NieR Reincarnation / Cruel Blood Oath / Cruel Oath NieR Reincarnation / Virtuous Contract SINoALICE / YoRHa Boys novel / The Cage of Reincarnation NieR Reincarnation / NieR:Theatrical Orchestra Concert 12020 / NieR:Theatrical Orchestra Concert 12020 / NieR:Orchestra Concert 12018 (translated by komasanzura)
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animeinagiffy · 6 days
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Favorite quotes - NieR:Automata lore
Precious Things (translated by mintychu) / Divergent Scanner NieR Reincarnation / Cruel Blood Oath / Cruel Oath NieR Reincarnation / Virtuous Contract SINoALICE / YoRHa Boys novel / The Cage of Reincarnation NieR Reincarnation / NieR:Theatrical Orchestra Concert 12020 / NieR:Theatrical Orchestra Concert 12020 / NieR:Orchestra Concert 12018 (translated by komasanzura)
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animeinagiffy · 14 days
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Starting today, you’re Hakutou. No, I don’t like it! Hakutou! Hakutou!
MY NEW BOSS IS GOOFY ⋆ 新しい上司はど天然 (2023)
#03. paws, paws, paws... ⋆ 肉球肉球肉球…
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animeinagiffy · 14 days
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Hakuto (白桃) - Atarashii Joushi wa Do Tennen - Episode 3
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animeinagiffy · 14 days
i fucking love this show
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animeinagiffy · 14 days
oh this robot is gay, like GAY gay
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animeinagiffy · 5 months
Code: Realize hug headcanons? How about a rate out of 10 also for each boy?
oh my GOD this HAS to be one of the best asks I've received😢
Lupin's hug is really, really warm! Honestly, it's kind of like he's squeezing you, because you can feel the passion, warmth, care and love being put into his hold on you. He'll usually hug you from the front, but it's not unusual for him to hug you from behind as well! But either way, his hugs are always the best and are always filled with so much warmth, love and care that it doesn't even matter what else he does, what just happened or what happens afterward. His hugs are the kind that make you feel safe, protected, and like nothing else in the world matters in that moment. 10/10.
Impey's hugs are frequent and always accompanied by a huge, huge smile and usually a cry of "my princess!". While Lupin's hugs are tight and protective, Impey's are squeezing. Almost suffocatingly so! Sometimes he forgets how strong he is, and you'll have to tell him through a strained voice that he's holding on a little too tight.... not like that means he'll loosen his hold on you enough for you to breathe fully, but at least you can breathe a little bit now! Honestly, Impey's hugs are great, and always make you forget about your worries with how enthusiastic he is about it. 7/10! (Because you can't breathe!) Bonus: When you're upset, his hugs are a ton more gentle, and his arms wrap around you so nicely it feels like he's blocking out the whole world. 12/10.
Van Helsing is... interesting when it comes to hugs, to say the least. He's not one to hug too much.... he's more to stand beside you and put an arm around your shoulder, pulling you into his body and pressing a kiss to your temple. He'll only ever give you a full hug if you're upset; burying your face in his chest and holding you there until you stop crying, shivering, or just feel better in general. In this case, his hug is strong and warm, and it's really comforting having him hold you so close and protectively. 6/10 for his normal hug, 8/10 for the upset hug!
Victor's hugs are filled with a special kind of kindness and warmth! You can feel the care and affection he puts into his hold on you, and it really is just... something special. His hold on you isn't tight, nor is it even strong- but it's filled with such a warm kindness that it doesn't even matter. 8/10.
Saint Germain honestly doesn't hug too much! Despite doing a number of other things, hugs are generally not something he does. But when he does- oh boy are they something. Saint G is most likely to hug you from behind; in the warmth of a shared bed, in the cold air of his office, or just somewhere the two of you are alone.... and you can feel the tinge of loneliness, the vast expanse of love, and so much more behind his hold on you. Hugs, for Saint Germain, are something he does when one of you needs comfort, or when he just feels so much love for you that all he can- and wants to do- is pull you into his warm, solid chest and hold you in his arms.... don't expect to leave his grasp anytime soon either- his hugs can go on for anywhere between a few minutes and a few hours. Overall, Saint Germain gives the best hugs out of everyone- being tight enough to know he doesn't want to let go, but light enough so you're comfortable... warm and gentle, filled with love and care... these are the Count's hugs. He'd get a rating higher then 10/10 if he gave them more often!
Bonus: Sholmes isn't one to hug either, but he's also not one to miss an opportunity to do so! Honestly, he loves being able to hold you in his arms, so you can bet he won't pass up any opportunity he can get to hold you! Sholmes' hugs are gentle, but firm. He's a perfect middle ground between everyone else on this list; his hugs being filled with all of the love and admiration in the world. 9/10!
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animeinagiffy · 6 months
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Virche Evermore -EpiC:lycoris- : Gallery CG updated (Nintendo Switch)
Fandisc of Virche Evermore: -ErroR:salvation-, Dark fantasy Otome Game
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━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Game: Shuuen no Virche - EpiC:lycoris- (終遠のヴィルシュ -EpiC:lycoris-) By: Otomate x Yomi (Illustrator) Languages: Japanese Platfomr: Nintendo Switch Website: https://www.otomate.jp/virche/fd/ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━
Opening Movie:
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Yves CV: Saito Soma #斉藤壮馬
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Lucas Proust CV: Hirakawa Daisuke #平川大輔
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Mathis Claude CV: Amasaki Kohei #天﨑滉平
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Scien Brofiise CV: Hosoya Yoshimasa #細谷佳正
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Adolphe CV: Yashiro Taku #八代拓
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Ankou CV: Okitsu Kazuyuki #興津和幸
Ceres - MC : renameable and no voice
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animeinagiffy · 6 months
[Translation] Shuuen no Virche - Ankou Short Story
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Writer: Satomi Nakayama Source: Shuuen no Virche Error Salvation Visual Fan Book
Note: Major spoilers for the ending of Adolphe/Ankou's route below.
Lycoris ~I only think of you~
—The Drifter, the person who I made a soul contract with.
‘—Did you know? Flowers have certain meanings and words that they symbolise.’
He was a knowledgeable man of many talents.
‘For example, red roses signify “love”, and also the words “I love you.”’
‘Is that so? At the very least, when I was in the outside world I never heard of such a thing…..I think.’
‘It’s knowledge one is unable to gain without asking first, so that’s understandable. But once you do know about it, the way you think of what you took to be everyday sights will change. If it has a meaning, I’ll teach you it.’
—Ever since then, because this conversation strangely left an impression on me, each time I came across a different type of flower, I would always ask him what it meant.
‘What about the flowers blooming in the garden at your home?’
‘The ones shaped like star fragments are lilies. They bear the meaning of innocent, pure love. The flowers that look like fairies are called laurel. They are flowers that mean to vow eternity, and the words, “I won’t change until I die.”
‘And these flowers that washed up from the sea?’
‘The ones that seem to have white wings are nodding anemones. They have the somewhat disquieting meaning of love unable to be conveyed, love betrayed. The other ones are elder flowers. They’re extreme flowers, that contain meanings of zeal, joy and pity.
‘Hoh….. There really are so many of them. I wonder for what purpose they exist…..’
‘Hmph. They exist so that flowers will become meaningful for people—most likely. And so that one can pick flowers that have a suitable meaning for the person you are giving them too…..or so it is thought.’
As I remained unable to imagine it, the Drifter pointed his index finger at me.
‘Meanings are not necessarily everything but—A person of the opposite sex would likely be much happier receiving red roses, flowers that are suitable for a proper love confession, than ones that mean ‘dishonesty’, don’t you think?’
At this easily understood example, I nodded my head in agreement.
‘But to think there are as many meanings as there are flowers….. Have you memorised all of them?’
‘Haha, surely not. No matter how much I love flowers, even I have my limits. It’s only the ones I’ve read about in books or handle as part of my work that I know about.’
Hearing what he said, a “certain question” came to mind. If he knew the meanings of all flowers within his knowledge, then—
‘Do you know the meaning of lycoris flowers?’
‘Yes, of course. They were flowers that commonly bloomed in my hometown, after all. However—’
‘I don’t know the meaning of “black” lycoris. It would appear that this colour is unique to Arpéchéle.’
‘…..Does the meaning differ depending on the colour?’
‘Yes, that is correct. For example, the roses I told you about before, there is a big difference in meaning depending on if they are red or yellow.’
‘…..Sounds like there’s a lot to it.’
I continued to think it over.
‘Then—outside of the black kind, do lycoris flowers have a particular meaning?’
‘Yes, indeed they do. For example, the representative red variety—have the meaning of “passion.”’
Hearing the word, what came to mind was—. The figure of my dear friend, left behind in the past that had gone by.
‘…..It’s a flower that suits Yves perfectly.’
The Drifter did not fail to hear the words I had quietly murmured.
‘My descendant…..you say. Perhaps you might call me not a doting parent, but a doting ancestor, for saying so, but hearing you say that makes me feel proud.’
However, the Drifter, after picking one of the lycoris that was blooming at his feet, handing it to me as he continued—
‘The one other true form they have—white lycoris, are surely a good fit for you.’
With a smile, he told me that he was sure they suited the face that I couldn’t remember.
‘—White lycoris mean “I only think of you” and “Look forward to the day we meet again”, words of faithfulness. They are fitting for you, who continues to wish for her salvation, and to reunite with her again.’
My eyes widened at hearing what the Drifter had said. To think that flowers with such meanings as these existed this world…..
All the same, despite my astonishment, I shook my head at the Drifter’s words.
‘…..…..…..They are unfitting for someone as powerless as I. These lycoris noirge are more than enough for me.
As if imitating the Drifter, I picked a lycoris. And then—.
‘—The one who suits pure white lycoris, the kind that will bloom after salvation, is not me, but her. …..Someday, I want to see her smiling happily in a flower garden of white lycoris noirge.’
I spoke of my dream of a future in which someday the flower petals blooming before me became pure white—.
* * *
———My wish came true.
‘Adolphe, over here…..!’
‘Calm down, you don’t need to sprint, Ankou’s grave isn’t going to run away.’
My dear princess…..and the ex-novice, had come to visit my grave, which had been placed at the center of a field of white lycoris noirge.
Even though it wasn’t even my death anniversary, whenever something happened, she had made a habit of coming here to talk to me.
About things that had made her happy. Things that had made her sad. Insignificant things.
Because she spoke to me about almost everything, almost as if she were able to see me—
(I really am, so happy)
After running up to my grave, she laid down the white lycoris she had been holding.
‘These are white lycoris that Adolphe and I grew together, with Yves’ advice. Today they bloomed at last, so we came to bring you some, Ankou.’
…..Dear me. Even though so much time had already passed since my death.
‘…..I wanted to grow them together with you as well, Ankou.’
(—My princess, your habit of crying hasn’t changed at all)
I stretched out a finger, to stroke her hair…..or tried to, anyway.
(No, you don’t need my comfort anymore)
After all, she—had become a “normal person”, able to stand on her own two feet.
After forcefully wiping at her eyes, just as I thought she might…..
‘Beautiful, aren’t they…..? Flowers that bloomed in the future of salvation, that you protected for us—!’
She spoke with the brightest of smiles.
(Ah, in the end-)
It hadn’t been a mistake.
(These flowers suit you the most, more than anyone else in this world)
If the lycoris I had watched over had become a guide for you to advance into the future, as they turned from black to white—.
(Nothing else could make me happier. I am the luckiest person in the world.)
Until the end of her life as a “normal person”, I pray that these flowers may continue to proudly bloom—.
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animeinagiffy · 7 months
"homosexuality is unnatural! there's only two genders! it's a sin-"
I'm sorry, have you seen NATURE???
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and there's so many more species than this that exhibit homosexuality, varying genders, etc. SO! MANY!
it's very much a natural thing. it always has been. unfortunately, while homosexuality is found in many species, homophobia is only found in one
ALSO THE ARTIST IS HUMON, FIND THEM AT HUMONCOMICS.COM!! was so sure I had included that but apparently I forgot, so sorry!
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animeinagiffy · 10 months
botw co-op? :3
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animeinagiffy · 10 months
I'm convinced some people did not bother to read the botw diaries at all with what they think about Zelda and her relationship to Link so here:
Zelda's Diary:
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Urbosa's Diary:
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Later, after the champion inauguration (I am running out of image allowance here):
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Daruk's Diary:
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Mipha's diary, at risk of starting controversy:
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animeinagiffy · 10 months
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