animeandmangaswitch · 2 months
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Corazón & Law 🥺❤️‍🔥🐯
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animeandmangaswitch · 2 months
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✨the acrobat✨
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animeandmangaswitch · 2 months
Drabble for anon -- Fashion with Mikoto and Muu! It took a bit to think what sort of relationship/interactions they'd have, but I think Muu would keep things pretty straightforward if they had common ground.
If, several months ago, someone had told Mikoto he’d be sitting side by side with two murderers who’d killed children in broad daylight, he would have laughed at them. If they told him he’d be the guilty one and they’d be the innocent ones, he would have replied that they were crazy. If they told him they’d all be discussing fashion tips, he would’ve walked away from the conversation altogether. 
Yet there he sat with Muu and Haruka, as she chatted about the shoes she’d requested for the boy. The two didn’t seem to think there was anything bizarre about the situation. Mikoto, meanwhile, hadn’t been able to feel any sense of normalcy for a while now. 
“He insists on wearing those ugly pants, but I figured with the right accessories I can dress it up a bit, you know?” She fluttered her hand, flashing perfect nails. Haruka didn’t mind the comment about his pants.
“Yeah…” Mikoto was trying his best to follow the conversation. He watched the wearily, unsure why they’d come to sit with him in the first place. Most of the prisoners had been pretty forthcoming about their fear of him these days. Even now, Haruka stayed completely silent, his eyes flicking nervously to Mikoto every now and then. Not that he blamed them. He was just as frightened of himself.
Mikoto had removed himself from the sessions with the smoking group. He spent more time in his cell than in the common area. He never missed a meal, though. He had to keep his strength up, he would tell himself, though he was never sure what for. 
Well… part of him did know what it was for. That’s exactly what scared him.
“What about you?” Muu asked, cutting off his rapidly spiraling thoughts.
He looked up quickly. “What about me?”
“Are you going to try to style that uniform at all? I thought you were a designer.” She said it with a hint of disgust toward its current state: nearly torn to shreds, featuring patches absolutely filthy from prison grime. But Mikoto felt himself perk up at the words. At least someone remembered who he was. Just a simple designer from the city. A normal guy who was good at normal things, like fashion. 
“I hadn’t put much thought into it, to be honest.” He looked down at himself with a weak smile. “I don’t really know if any sort of outfit is salvageable now, anyway…”
“Of course it is!” Muu looked at him like he was crazy, but not in the way he’d grown used to recently. “You’ll need to go for a specific aesthetic, obviously. Like grunge, or something you could play off of the whole distressed look. But you can definitely do it.”
Though he knew she meant it differently, he certainly did think his appearance was rather ‘distressed’ these days. “I appreciate it, but I don’t know if I’m in the mood for all that.” He couldn’t imagine dedicating any attention to his appearance with everything going on. “I haven’t really… I haven’t felt myself lately.”
“That’s the exact reason to do it.” Muu rolled her eyes. “I thought you went to school for this.”
“Eh? What’s that supposed to mean?”
“The surest way to feel better about yourself is to dress your best. There’s a reason depressed people never change their clothes.” 
Mikoto’s face scrunched up. He opened his mouth, but she continued, “I mean, look at Haruka! He’s really come into himself now that he’s wearing something more flattering. I’m sure you’ll feel more yourself once you get something that suits you.”
Growing bored with the topic, Muu returned to talking about her own outfits. 
Mikoto smiled. She may have had a few things backwards, but the suggestion wasn’t a bad one.
“So I was thinking about some lavender earrings --”
“Nah,” Mikoto spoke up, “your hair is such a unique color, sticking with the gold is a good idea.”
“You think?”
“Yeah, and then it’ll coordinate with your uniform, too.”
“Oh my god, you’re right!”
“But I do like the shoes you chose, it’ll be flattering with the whole look.”
“Thank you! Now, what do you think about this skirt…”
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animeandmangaswitch · 2 months
Master Detectives: Milgram AU (part 1???)
So I made a post about this earlier but here I am putting my two interests together in a blender.
for milgram fans that don't know what rain code is, brief explanation: Rain Code is a mystery solving video game where you play as an amnesiac detective who has made a contract with a death god to solve mysteries. He's part of the World Detective Organization and many others that are part of it become Master Detectives by having these powers called Fortes that are very useful for mystery solving.
With that out of the way, I shall now begin rambling.
So obviously Es is the protagonist and Jackalope is our fucked up little death god. Es doesn't know why they're a detective and sure as hell doesn't know why the fuck they made a contract with an annoying little rabbit thing. So they also don't know their forte- if they even have one. but they meet the other master detectives and begrudgingly have to work with them even though they seriously don't want to.
Yuno | Forte: Glamour With her ability, anyone who looks at her will see their ideal partner. Romantic, platonic, or otherwise. She can only use it for a short period of time, but she uses it to draw information out of suspects. She doesn't take her job too seriously, and she rarely ever takes on jobs that could be dangerous. She excels with interrogation and information gathering, but when it comes to investigating, she isn't the best at it. Still, she's very observant.
Fuuta | Forte: Technology Manipulation He can manipulate technology. To be specific, he can take control over other devices, transfer data from one device to another, see things a person has deleted or hidden, and things of that nature. It comes with limitations, of course. There's a range limit to his ability, not being able to take control of other devices outside of it. A bit of a loose cannon as a detective. While is ability is useful, he tends to jump to conclusions and usually has to pair up with someone so he doesn't convict the wrong person. He is smart, and has solved many cases before, but he tends to work by his own rules rather than the WDO's.
Shidou | Forte: Instant Examination With his forte, Shidou is able to see the state of any living or dead body. He'll be able to see the state any body is in, what injuries there could be, if anything is in their system, and so on. He can't use it on bodies that are already decomposed. With his ability, he's most useful in murder cases. As a doctor, he's also helpful if anyone has been injured. However, his ability doesn't include healing. He can see everything, but he would have to fix things in the traditional way. So even with this ability, he's still managed to lose some people.
Amane | Forte: Divination With her ability, she can gain insight on the future of things. However, her forte is a bit fickle, and she can't control what she'll see. Sometimes it's incredibly useful, but other times it may show her completely unrelated things. Using it too much at once has negative consequences, often leading to her fainting or hallucinating. She didn't join of her own volition. Rather, she was scouted for it. She doesn't really have a interest in mysteries or solving them, but she's come to see them more as a test rather than anything else.
Thats it for now. As you can see, I only wrote down 4 characters mainly because I'm having a very hard time coming up with abilities for everyone else. It's a bit harder than I thought to come up with mystery solving abilities. but yeah anyways!! i may make another post about this if I come up with more, or I might just ramble about other ideas I may have in the future. if you have any ideas you'd like to share I'd love to hear :]
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animeandmangaswitch · 3 months
Dumbass ASL + lil sanji comic 😗✌️
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Somewhere else again..
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animeandmangaswitch · 3 months
I think the person Mikoto killed was his boss.
Well, John killed.
His boss calls him at the start of Double and John ends the call shortly into it meaning just hearing the boss's voice causes Mikoto enough stress for John to take over for him.
Mikoto has been working at the company he "just started at" for months in reality. That means that Mikoto has been so stressed that he can't even remember working because John has been helping him the whole time.
Mikoto is losing large chunks of his life because of his work and John isn't happy. As John has voiced before, John wishes he wasn't born.
He wishes Mikoto didn't have to go through all of this.
The way to stop Mikoto's pain would be get rid of the source. Get rid of the voice on the end of the line that threatens Mikoto.
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animeandmangaswitch · 3 months
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Mikoto Kayano as a Character Design.🧵
This is just one of many parts of my comprehensive analysis of Mikoto Kayano.
Mikoto Kayano is what I would call a high-concept character. What does high-concept mean?
✦ High-concept works tend to be attention-grabbing and appeal to a broad audience, often because they can be easily understood and appreciated on a surface level.
✦ The idea behind the character design may be simple or generic on the surface, but upon closer examination, it reveals intricate details and nuances that add to its complexity and depth. This can make the character design stand out and be memorable to audiences, even if the character's appearance is initially unremarkable or conventional.
Examples of high-concept: (For the inexperienced)
✦ In terms of illustration, Composition (Golden Ratio, Rule of Thirds, etc.) is like a puzzle that the artist puts together, with each piece adding to the overall picture. The main focus is usually in the center of the image or off-center to create visual interest, and other elements are arranged around it in a way that enhances the story being told to reward the inquisitive.
✦ In video games, Platinum’s Hideki Kamiya (Bayonetta, Devil May Cry, etc.) is known for this exact concept. You can finish the game by just casually engaging with mechanics, but if you look deeper into the systems, you are able to execute flawless stylish moves that are very rewarding to execute.
Whenever designing characters, Japan tends to place a strong emphasis on the following:
✦ Name Symbolism - The names are usually a great clue to what a character is about. This includes potential wordplay.
✦ Blood Type - Determines the type of personality they have and their chemistry with the rest of the cast. Think of it as the equivalent of Zodiac signs.
✦Mikoto Kayano Name Breakdown
✦ Kanji - 【榧野 尊】 ✦ Katakana - 【カヤノ ミコト】
✦ To get the definitions for the kanji used in this document, I used Goo and Jisho.
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【榧】Kaya ✦ Japanese nutmeg tree (Torreya Nucifera) ✦ Flowers bloom around April, and elliptical fruits are produced in the following autumn. The fruit is used for edible oil and hair oil, as well as for food. The wood is hard and used for construction materials, furniture, Go and Shogi boards, and as a carving material.
✦ The flower language for Kaya is “effort”
✦ In Go, the concept of "building a house" refers to creating a territory on the board by enclosing a certain area with your stones. This can be seen as analogous to building a house, where you create a defined space for yourself to live in. The process of building a territory requires strategic thinking, and players must balance offensive and defensive moves to secure the most advantageous positions on the board.
✦ In Shogi, there is a similar concept called "castle." Where certain pieces are used to create a fortress-like structure around the king, making it difficult for the opponent to attack and capture it.
‼️ I feel like anyone with DID/OSDD understands what it feels like. I hope this could be a good allegory for you to use? Although I have shown this example to people with systems, feel free to leave your own thoughts too.
"Kaya no soto" (茅の外) is a Japanese idiom that literally translates to "outside the fence made of kaya grass". The phrase is used to describe someone who is uninformed or ignorant of a situation, or who is excluded from a group or organization.
The kaya grass referred to in the idiom is a type of sedge grass that grows in Japan and other parts of Asia. Historically, it was used to make fences and walls, and was seen as a symbol of exclusion or separation.
The idiom "kaya no soto" is often used in situations where someone is unaware of important information or events, or is not involved in a particular group or community. It can also be used in a humorous or self-deprecating way to indicate one's own ignorance or exclusion.
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【野】 No ✦ Field or plain. "野営 (yaei)" means camping, and "原野 (genya)" means wilderness.
✦Field, cultivated land. "野菜 (yasai)" means vegetables, and "田野 (denya)" means rice field. ✦ Folk, civilian. "野党 (yato)" means opposition party, and "在野 (zaiya)" means out of office. [Antonym] Morning. ✦ Natural, wild. "野生 (yasei)" means wild, and "野鳥 (yachou)" means wild birds. ✦ Rough, uncivilized. "野蛮 (yaban)" means barbaric, and "粗野 (soya)" means uncivilized. ✦ Ambitious, exceeding one's status. "野心 (yashin)" means ambition, and "野望 (yabou)" means aspiration. ✦ Classified area. "視野 (shiya)" means field of vision, and "分野 (bunya)" means field of study. ✦ Abbreviation of "下野の国 (Shimotsuke no Kuni)". "野州 (Yashuu)" means Shimotsuke Province. 【Kanji 2】Sho Countryside villa, summer house.
✦ The kanji 【野】 means "field" or "wilderness" in Japanese. It can also refer to "rough" or "uncivilized" behavior or nature. In some cases, it is used to indicate that a plant or animal is in its natural, wild state. It can be combined with other kanji to create words such as 野菜 (yasai) meaning "vegetables," 野生 (yasei) meaning "wild" or "untamed," and 野球 (yakyuu) meaning "baseball."
✦ Added to nouns representing people to express contempt for their uncivilized behavior. "野幇間 (daiko)" means wild street performer, and "野育ち (no sodachi)" means someone who grew up in a rough or uncivilized environment.
✦ It can also be used to combine with words like spacious farm or field to create an expression. "朝早くから野に出て働く (asa hayaku kara no ni dete hataraku)" means going out to work in the fields early in the morning.
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✦【尊】Son (Wu) (Han) [Kun] Tattoui, Toutoi, Tattobu, Toutobu, Mikoto
✦ High value or rank; noble. "尊厳" (dignity), "尊属" (noble family), "尊大" (majestic), "尊卑" (social status), "独尊" (supremacy). ✦ To respect and cherish. "尊敬" (respect), "尊崇" (reverence), "尊重" (esteem), "追尊" (posthumous honor), "自尊心" (self-esteem). ✦ A word expressing respect for the other person's matters. "尊翰" (esteemed writing), "尊顔" (honorable face), "尊兄" (esteemed elder brother), "尊体" (respected body), "尊父" (honorable father), "尊慮" (thoughtful consideration). ✦ A word used to express reverence for Buddha or noble people. "三尊" (three pure ones), "至尊" (supreme honor), "釈尊" (Shakyamuni Buddha), "世尊" (World Honored One), "本尊" (principal image of worship).
✦ One very interesting to note is Mikoto’s name and its association with deities. To be specific, the Three Pure Ones. They are often portrayed as elderly deities robed in the three basic colors from which all colors originated: Red, Blue and Yellow (or Green) depending on personal interpretation of color origins by additive or subtractive means.
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✦ The impression Mikoto’s name gives is, “Someone who has a strong sense of hard work and dedication.”
But here are also possible interpretations of his name:
✦ Noble of the Torreya Fields. In this interpretation, the name can be seen as suggesting a person who is noble and respected in the fields where Torreya trees grow.
✦ Revered One from the Kaya Field In this interpretation, the name emphasizes the noble or revered status of the individual who comes from a place where Kaya trees grow (Kaya Fields).
✦ Honorable Torreya Tree Guardian If we consider 尊 (Mikoto) as representing honor and reverence, it could be interpreted as someone who is an honorable guardian or protector of the Torreya trees or the fields they grow in.
✦ Divine of the Torreya Fields In this interpretation, Mikoto as "divine" signifies someone who possesses divine or sacred qualities, and is connected to the fields where Torreya trees grow.
✦ Divine One from the Kaya Fields This interpretation suggests a person with sacred attributes originating from the Kaya fields.
✦ Divine Torreya Tree Guardian The name could be interpreted as someone who is a divine or sacred guardian or protector of the Torreya trees or the fields they grow in.
✦ A lot of Mikoto's name meanings is about PROTECTION.
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Goroawase (ごあわらせ) is a Japanese wordplay technique that uses the first kana character of each word to create a new word or phrase. For Mikoto’s name (カヤノ ミコト) these would be the meaning:
✦ カミ (KAMI): "kami" (神) can mean "god" or "deity." ✦ ヤミ (YAMI): "Yami" (闇) means "darkness" or "shadow." ✦ ヤコ (YAKO): "Yako" (夜光) means "night light" or "luminescence."
Mikoto also has symbols that connect him to the Polaris Binary Star (if I am remembering this correctly). Let me show you a visual about Mikoto as a character.
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✦Mikoto Kayano's Blood Type: AB
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Mikoto Kayano's is Blood Type AB. The only one. It already represents him as an outcast and someone highly unique.
In Japan, the concept of blood type personality theory, known as ketsueki-gata, has gained significant popularity since its introduction in the 1920s. Although the theory has no scientific basis, many people in Japan believe that an individual's blood type can determine their personality traits, temperament, compatibility with others, and even influence their career and romantic prospects. The idea is not dissimilar to the way some people in Western cultures view astrological signs.
Blood type AB is one of the four primary blood types in the ABO blood group system, along with A, B, and O. According to Japanese beliefs, people with blood type AB possess unique characteristics due to the combination of both type A and type B antigens. These traits can be both positive and negative, and individuals with this blood type are often perceived as:
✦ Creative and artistic: Type AB individuals are thought to be highly imaginative, innovative, and capable of thinking outside the box. They may excel in fields that require original ideas and creative problem-solving.
✦ Rational and analytical: People with blood type AB are often seen as intellectually curious, possessing strong analytical abilities and a keen interest in understanding complex subjects.
✦ Calm and composed: Type AB individuals are believed to maintain a sense of emotional balance and are not easily swayed by external events or circumstances.
✦ Ambiguous or mysterious: Due to the mix of traits from both type A and type B blood groups, individuals with blood type AB may be seen as enigmatic and difficult to predict.
✦ Diplomatic and adaptable: As type AB individuals carry characteristics of both A and B blood types, they are thought to be adept at navigating social situations and building bridges between conflicting perspectives.
✦ Aloof and detached: On the negative side, people with blood type AB might be perceived as emotionally distant or reserved, which could make it challenging for them to form close relationships.
✦ Indecisive and disorganized: The blending of type A and type B traits may lead to difficulty in making decisions, a lack of focus, or trouble maintaining an organized lifestyle.
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✦Mikoto's Character Design and DID
Mikoto is often described as someone who is "Mass produced" and an "Everyday Man."
But despite this, Mikoto's hair is a great way to describe his complexity. Based on what we know, here's how I would break it down.
You must be wondering why the Ahoge is seen as a separate identity. With character design, they are considered as a character by themselves. When you register them for ownership, the Ahoge or "Character Mark" would be the one registered. The rest is considered generic.
This is Mikoto in a nutshell. Try removing the ahoge, he is almost unrecognizable.
In short, this is genius character design. More explanation about the RGBY colors later on.
✦ We will end this analysis here for now. Please look forward for the next part!
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animeandmangaswitch · 3 months
Variations of Handwriting in 009 Trial 2 Interrogation
1. Center-Aligned
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2. Not sure how to describe this alignment
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3. Left-Aligned
(This was also the default style used for his Trial 1 interrogation answers.)
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4. Left-Aligned But Bold
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5. Left-Aligned(?) But Compressed
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6. Left-Aligned But With Big Handwriting
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7. Big Handwriting But Messier & One-Liners
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8. Whatever These Were
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Not exactly sure what to make out of these but I thought it's a pretty neat detail they added for his Trial 2 interrogation answers.
(Also I added translations of the answers (if applicable) & questions on the image descriptions, along with the sources used for them.)
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animeandmangaswitch · 3 months
Why was Shidou's response to Mikoto's response to"his" own guilty verdict to just stop smoking- Like what the fuck did Mikoto's mood have to do with that?
Q.07 Are there any fellow prisoners you are on good terms with?
Shidou: Since Mikoto has ended up like 'that', I became unable to smoke as well. I feel lonely that the smoking group as disbanded.
Like sir you can still fucking smoke- The smoking area is still there. How is this solely on Mikoto, my guy? Like Mikoto became standoffish during the intermission then Shidou really went "It's not the same without Mikoto here better to stop smoking."
My guy, you did this to be unhealthy. What does Mikoto being there or not have to do with anything?! Like, did they- they really just stopped smoking until Mikoto was in a better mood- Because we see him smoking with Mikoto in the art from the Milgram app. So, Shidou really went, "If Mikoto doesn't come over and start casually having small talk with us, is smoking even worth the damage to my body anymore?"
Which is a wild implication. Just completely out there- Especially since it's implied Kazui just fucking stopped too!
The smoking club really was just Mikoto carrying all conversation and these two awkward old men playing along. The whole club was dissolved because Mikoto got hit with the heaviest guilty verdict of round one. That's wild.
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animeandmangaswitch · 3 months
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pathetic wet man
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animeandmangaswitch · 3 months
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Crocodile finds a strange stray cat an 11-year old Nico Robin (AU where they met 13 years earlier. Robin's been on the run from the World Government for 3 years. Crocodile's 27 and has not set up base in Alabasta yet)
It seems like I have become possessed. By some sort of demon.
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animeandmangaswitch · 3 months
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based on this post
update: here's part 2!
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animeandmangaswitch · 3 months
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Sanji's Waist
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animeandmangaswitch · 3 months
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In which usopp tries to make sanji feels better but ends up just devolving into worse and worse food puns (it works completely)
THANKU @charliethechandelure FOR STIMULATING MY BRAINCELLS T ^ T!!! This is all from their headcanon of usopp leaving notes around the ship for the crew :D I found the thought adorable that usopp might leave a note for sanji to find each morning, and i thought itd be even more adorable if he’d leave more notes if sanji was having a bad day before °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°
I also appreciate u @artemis-in-space for sending in ur idea 2 ; w ; I’ll keep it safe n sound in my lil inbox ♥(ˆ⌣ˆԅ)
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animeandmangaswitch · 3 months
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A little what if with kid law
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animeandmangaswitch · 3 months
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animeandmangaswitch · 4 months
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Fourth and last (maybe... Side-eyeing u Icha Icha Strap from one of the Naruto games) installment of the Icha Icha Kakashi x Iruka series I've been doing: Icha Icha Tactics. The loose theme this time is paperwork and transformations. Because tactics involves both of those, sure. I spent a good while with this one figuring out which fics I wanted to put into it and of course once printing it out I immediately wanted to rearrange and insert different fics again... there are simply too many well written and satisfying shorter kakairu fics out there, I have to say, that they all cannot fit within four reasonably sized books, what an absolutely horrifying prospect to have.
All in all, it's very pleasing to have the entire collection all together, which I originally started this spring, and I have learned a lot in the time that has passed since Icha Icha Paradise, which is the second(ish) book that I have bound. To my mild horror, the collection has also become a comfort object for it's stories (ah, escapism my old friend) and somewhat prized possessions of mine, which although it is pleasing to know I am enjoying the fruit of my labour, it is most definitely not the degree of emotional connection to these particular books, out of all the books I've bound, that I had expected when I originally started binding this series. I have, as a result, re-read through the books multiple times now since I have bound each of them. Ah well, I digress.
Here are the posts to Icha Icha Paradise, Violence and Innocence. As well, a master post of all the Icha Icha can be found here.
And here are the fics within Icha Icha Tactics:
Dog Days (4k, T)
Written for Kakairufest 2017 Summer Round, Classics Prompt 11: A character undergoes a troubling physical transformation.
Stranger than fiction (5k, T)
Summary: Prompt: Classics 13 - Don Quijote
"You think people are not going to notice Kakashi ignoring his duties and hitting on anything with a pulse that stands still long enough?"
Secretary (10k, T)
In the aftermath of a war, Kakashi falls in love over politics and paperwork.
It shouldn't be this romantic.
How to file form 39-B (10.5k, E)
The first time Iruka met Hatake Kakashi, he was still on some pretty good painkillers.
A General State of Affairs (10.5k, E)
Determined not to fail his latest mission, Iruka sets out to deliver a vital scroll to General Hatake Kakashi of the Third Division.
Finding Halves (18k, T)
Hatake Kakashi’s entire life was the furthest thing away from normality, he should have expected the same with his soulmark. It appeared during the third year of his tenure when he was thirty-six, a good twenty years later than the population’s average, the mark inconspicuous at the inside of his upper left arm. Kakashi paused mid-shave, fingers still zapping with electricity, he stared at his own reflection in the mirror for a long, long time.
Worst Day Ever (22k, M)
Iruka just wants to be left alone at the hot springs to deal with Valentine's Day - the worst day of the year for him. Why can't Kakashi leave him alone? Must he bait Iruka--today, of all days? And... why is he trying so hard to get Iruka into the private spring with him...?
Strays (32k, M)
Iruka finds an injured dog.
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