animationreview · 3 days
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A tiny affirmation for what ever is ahead💖💖💖
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animationreview · 3 days
Season 3, Episode 8: The Unbearable Like-Likeness of Gene.
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Premise: A Gene-centric episode where Courtney has a crush on Gene. She asks him to date her, and he reluctantly agrees. Much to the dismay of his sisters. A little montage is shown of Courtney annoying Gene while her friends coo at how cute they are. Bob and Linda are happy that their sons dating. Until Bob meets Courtney. Then he agrees with his daughters, Gene should break up with her. After practising breaking up with her. Gene goes to do it for real. But he meets Courtney's cool father, who writes jingles. Gene is in heaven, even if he has to continue dating the most annoying girl.
It all comes to a head at Courtney's birthday party. Where Gene gets mad at her and she faints. Having to be rushed to the hospital because of her congenital heart condition. Making everyone at the party dislike gene. He then actually breaks up with her while she's in a hospital bed. She proceeds to die. JK, it was just a prank.
The b plot is about Gretchen, Linda's hairdresser/ friend, losing weight. Making Linda jealous. So she goes on the same diet. Only eating fruit and veggie skins. Which results in her being fatigued and cranky.
My Thoughts: Another relatable episode, not for me, but I assume someone has had this experience. Especially being young and inexperienced in romantic relationships. That being said, this episode was a little awkward.
Pros: Tina and Louise figuring out who like-likes their brother. Genes fantasy about gear heaven.
Cons: Courtney is annoying, especially her mouth sounds.
My Favourite Line: Gretchen's sister is skinny, Lin, but it's because she's on methamphetamines.
My Rating: 8/10.
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animationreview · 5 days
i wanna try an experiment
reblog for sample size pls thx
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animationreview · 5 days
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animationreview · 5 days
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animationreview · 5 days
tumblr removed my header which was literally just this image
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animationreview · 5 days
Mobility assistance
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animationreview · 10 days
Season 3, Episode 7: Tina-rannosaurus Wrecks.
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Premise: In a good mood, Bob decides to let Tina try driving. In a mostly empty car park, only one other car in the lot. Tina crashes into the parked car, leaving a slight ding. She says they have to leave a note. Bob's insurance company gets involved and the two lie. Which makes Tina feel guilty and it gives her anxiety. Which unfortunately only gets worse when the Belchers are invited to cater the insurance adjuster Chase's party. In an unfortunate turn of events, Tina sets Chase's house ablaze. Making her feel even worse. So they decide to own up to their lies. Turns out the insurance adjuster Chase already knew and he also set the fire. He wants them to be involved in even more insurance fraud. How are the Belchers going to get rid of this scammer?
My Thoughts: Oh god, Tina is so relatable, I was definitely like that when I first got behind the wheel. I also crashed into a parked car. It was a bad experience.
Pros: Mort being a good neighbour and offering to drive them while their car is getting fixed. The made up story they tell to the insurance adjuster.
Cons: Poor Tina, all that stress for nothing. Also a little too relatable but only if you've crashed into a parked car.
My Favourite Line: This is… this is a great day. (The irony.)
My Rating: 8/10. (Bad memories aside.)
A/N: Don't really know how this episode is meant to be spelt.
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animationreview · 11 days
The exception is cheesy local commercials. Those should be the only ads. I will listen to someone who runs a store in my city doing an awkward rap. We once had a furniture store with these awful CGI ads and the slogan "where the deals are so low, it's almost criminal!" and then they got shut down, by the cops, because it turned out. It turned out the deals were so low because. You're not going to believe this but the prices were so low it was in fact
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animationreview · 11 days
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[Image ID: The Destiel confession meme edited so that Dean answers 'There's a petition to ban conversion therapy in the EU' to Cas' 'I love you'. /End ID]
If you are a citizen in the EU please sign this petition:
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animationreview · 16 days
Season 3, Episode 6: The Deepening.
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Premise: Mr Fischoeder needs a new attraction at Wonder Wharf. Focus testing the Belcher kids with his great ideas. Bob suggests movie history. The deepening 3 deepening. Teddy reveals he was an actor in it. When the idea of buying the actual mechanical shark from the movie. Teddy gets very cryptic.
Mr Fischoeder reveals the shark to a big crowd. It looks like it's a hit. Louise sees an opportunity to make money. Unfortunately, it doesn't go to plan and the shark is knocked over. It flops around on the wharf, where teenagers make a game of dodging the flailing shark. Concerned, Bob asks Mr Fischoeder to stop it, but he can't. Somehow the shark escapes the wharf and wrecks havoc. The town comes up with several ideas to stop it. Only making the shark stronger.
Even buried, it finds its way into the basement of Bob's Burgers. Where it destroys the floor, trying to eat everything and anything. Unfortunately, it gets Teddy in its jaws.
My Thoughts: Personally I love the hog wash, a water slide with cute pigs, yes please. A fun parody of Jaws and Free Willy. Slightly worried about Tina's daydream, it was a bit bloody. I love the slight horror in this episode. Probably not an episode for you if you have a fear of sharks or mechanical sharks.
Pros: Tina bonding with the misunderstood shark.
Cons: I love Mort, but he's not a good stand-up comedian. Shark fin soup makes me sad.
My Favourite Line: That shark made me so scared of the water, I spent the whole summer standing up to pee.
My Rating: 8.5/10.
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animationreview · 16 days
while they share a similar base flavor, dick tastes more umami while pussy tastes more acidic, though recent menstruation conveys an overwhelming metallic flavor that some diners object to (though i am not one of them). recommended wine pairings are
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animationreview · 16 days
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Intrusive Thoughts are unwanted thoughts or images that you find distressing and/or disturbing. 
more information on what intrusive thoughts are!
what intrusive thoughts are: https://moodsmith.com/intrusive-thoughts/
how to cope with them: https://www.betterhelp.com/advice/how-to/how-to-stop-intrusive-thoughts-and-live-your-life/
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animationreview · 16 days
Research has shown that pleasure affects nutrient absorption. In a 1970s study of Swedish and Thai women, it was found that when the Thai women were eating their own (preferred) cuisine, they absorbed about 50% more iron from the meal than they did from eating the unfamiliar Swedish food. And the same was true in the reverse for the Swedish women. When both groups were split internally and one group given a paste made from the exact same meal and the other was given the meal itself, those eating the paste absorbed 70% less iron than those eating the food in its normal state.
Pleasure affects our metabolic pathways; it’s a facet of the complex gut-brain connection. If you’re eating foods you don’t like because you think it’s healthy, it’s not actually doing your body much good (it’s also unsustainable, we’re pleasure-seeking creatures). Eat food you enjoy, it’s a win-win.
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animationreview · 16 days
Okay, you know what? After reading this post, I jokingly said we should all just make a pact to reblog it five times a day forever. So I'm gonna do this louder for the people in the back:
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animationreview · 16 days
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animationreview · 23 days
Season 3, Episode 5: An Indecent Thanksgiving Proposal.
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Premise: For 5 months off their rent the Belcher's, specifically Linda and the kids, have to pretend to be Mr Fischoeder's family. While Bob gets to be his cook. Ruining the Belcher family's Thanksgiving traditions. Bob decides to have their own Thanksgiving inside Mr Fiscoeders Thanksgiving. Obviously, that doesn't go as planned. With the kids into win Mr Fischoeder's love and Linda trying to find the best time to sing her Thanksgiving Day song. Drunk, Bob decides they don't get Thanksgiving and runs away with Lance, the turkey. Chaos ensues with a chase that ends with a bang.
My Thoughts: The first of many Thanksgiving episodes. With an overly excited Bob for a change. The absinthe dream animation for some reason reminds me of a Studio Ghibli movie, don't know why, just the vibe. Did Mr. Fischoeder allow them to take the absinthe, or did they steal it?
Pros: The competition between the kids. Drunk Bob is a fun Bob.
Cons: The kiss between Linda and Mr Fischoerder. Also, the gun safety in this episode was bad.
My Favourite Line: If you teach me to shoot, I'll teach you regret teaching me to shoot.My
Rating: 8/10.
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