animalwelfarists · 23 days
now more than ever, please vet gofundmes before you donate.
copy and paste descriptions into google to see if there are scam accounts reusing the same story, check to see if there are any images/updates on the fund with faces. go to the original blog, check if the post asking for help is only an hour old, or even less than that. refrain from donating if all it links to is a PayPal account, without any further confirmation of identity.
it’s horrible to say but it’s never been a better time for scam artists to exploit your generosity, when things seem so dire, and I’ve donated to campaigns before only to realise later that the entire story was stolen from an actual family in need. due diligence might take a few more minutes out of your day but at least you won’t be sending money to an opportunistic scumbag.
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animalwelfarists · 2 months
I have personally witnessed so many instances of pet owners forcing beloved animals to continue living far beyond the point of their quality of life hitting zero that the whole "Deux Face" situation was absolutely nothing new to me, except for the wave of genuine nausea I experienced at the social media reaction to her existence.
I can honestly say that I feel a palpable sense of relief, knowing that that calf is no longer being forced to live in that condition, and there's no amount of "well, she had vet care!" or "it doesn't seem like she's in pain!" that would have mollified me. I have been in hundreds of QoL consults with clients who parrot the exact same sentiments while their animal lies, completely recumbent and unresponsive, on the examination table. It's the exact same thing, except compounded by the ghoulish addition of the calf's value as a sideshow act.
Any normal presenting newborn calf that failed to thrive as she did would have been euthanized on welfare grounds long before the 26 day mark. A dairy calf is literally supposed to be able to walk away from its birthing site, a calf whose only developmental milestone was that it "can kinda lift its head" is a calf that has something inherently wrong with it. If Deux Face wasn't deformed in a way that makes well-meaning assholes spout that stupid poem, then she probably would have been put out of her misery ages ago. I keep thinking of the grotesque congenital deformities that domestic cattle can present with, twisted spines and fused joints and extreme hydrocephalus and cleft palates, and how, if Deux Face had presented with QoL reducing examples of any of those conditions, people wouldn't have even batted an eye at her euthanasia. She was literally forced to keep on living, just so people could keep "consuming" her continued existence. She was forced to live, not because it was to her benefit, but for the benefit of the farm, who romanticised and profited from her, and the benefit of idiots who think a goddamn newborn calf should be a source of inspiration in their own lives.
The people on this site who mourned that we didn't get to gawk at this animal a little longer disgust me. The only difference between you and the woman who keeps her 19 year old constant DKA, cushingoid, and severely arthritic Shih Tzu alive is that she, at least, has the excuse that this is an animal she has loved and cared for for decades. She's blinded by love, and needs to be counselled towards the realisation that the dog's existence is now more for her benefit than his. You're just upset that there are no more juicy pics of a recumbent, half-dead calf that you can caption with "TWice aS MaNY STArs As UsuaL!!!!!" in goofy ass fonts.
The only sad thing about Deux Face's death is that it took so long. Fight me on it, I don't care. Your gross parasocial relationship with a dying farm animal you've never met was not worth that animal's enforced suffering.
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animalwelfarists · 2 years
Pet donation scams
For years now, scammers have took to stealing info from legit fundraising posts to steal funds from actual users. So what do they do? It's quite simple to explain the process as someone whose been tracking those I've seen or spotted while searching around. Scammers reuse and redo these so often you can usually find a pattern and catch it before you reblog their post. This post is quite long, but should be useful.
tl:dr - An ask to reblog a pinned post is generally a scam related to pets and the pictures used are stolen from other sites and any info the scam post uses was stolen too with only minor adjustments like the scammers own info that may use the name of someone real.
Scammers do as follows:
Saves a pfp from a blogger and copies the blog info from someone else by copy/pasting it and saving it
Turns off asks
Searches a tag to reblog random posts to look relevant, generally about 10
Hides their blog so it can't be seen outside of desktop and archives aren't easy to access
Searches Facebook for publicly accessible posts where pets need help and may seek it from other sites. They will save photos of a cat but also will copy any information from the post or a different post with minor adjustments if needed
Once they have followed those steps, the scammers will then start to find random blogs. Some blogs may be past targets who fell for the scam and as a result may fall for it again. Or in other cases, blogs that have been targeted before by them and answered the ask without finding out its a scam. Some asks sent go as follows.
Hello there! Just wondering if its okay for you to check the post i pinned and reblog/boost it? Im in desperate need of help im really sorry for coming across your inbox (pls answer this privately) only if its ok 😞 thank you and stay safe
Hi there, im sorry for this (if it bothers you) please see my pinned post as I need help for it. Please boost/share it for us, thank you so much. Really means a lot 🙏
Hello there! Just wondering if its okay for you to check the post i pinned and reblog/boost it? Im in desperate need of help im really sorry for coming across your inbox (pls answer this privately) only if its ok :( thank you and stay safe
Hello! Im sorry if I did bother you by coming across your inbox. Just asking for some help if you can share/boost my post or pinned post rather. It means a lot!
hello! can you pls boost my post about my dog? tysm if u do!
hi ♡ can you reblog the post about my cat? tysm!”
The scammer will send several asks at once to many different blogs and wait to see how many will answer and reblog their scam post. They rely on no one looking up the info the post has, because doing so would show that the post is not in good faith and has stolen it's contents from somewhere else. Those who have no searched the post will likely share it and their mutuals will also share it not knowing the post is actually a scam. Often, these scams do get found out fast but unfortunately some will fall for it. It is likely many have donated money before the scam is found out. If you get an ask or see someone reblog a post that looks suspicious, do the following in tumblr search.
Search the username to see if there's any warnings
Paste the ask and see if others got it
See if the listed paypal has pre-existing alerts for it
Checking the blog sending asks will likely show it is a few days old, though some cases may be an older blog that was broken into and reused and repurposed into a scam blog so the actual owner will never know of it happening since they likely abandoned the website.
Once you know a blog is a scam, please alert your followers by explaining it's a scam and detailing why it's a scam by showing blogs the scammer used that are gone now or linking to previous warnings. It's advised to then report the scam blog like so:
Report -> Something else -> Illegal Uses or Content -> Phishing
This is currently the only way to deal with scammers. I hope this info is detailed enough and useful to any who find it.
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animalwelfarists · 2 years
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If anyone has seen this post or variations of it floating around on social media, just know that it’s complete rubbish and has no scientific basis. Yes you shouldn’t cool down a dog suffering from heat stroke too fast, but letting them lick/eat and ice cube won’t do that.
The only real risk of giving your dog ice cubes is that they may choke on them.
If this story about the dog dying has any truth in it at all, the dog either has some other issue going on OR was already suffering from heat stroke. Heat stroke is unfortunately sometimes fatal despite intense veterinary treatment.
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animalwelfarists · 2 years
Authorities on Wednesday started hauling away 177 lions, tigers, jaguars and other exotic big cats that were found at an animal rescue center in the mountains on Mexico City’s south side.
The federal Attorney General’s Office for Environmental Protection said 202 animals in all, including monkeys, dogs, donkeys and coyotes, were being taken to other locations.
Dozens of heavily armed city police raided the “Black Jaguar White Tiger” animal sanctuary Tuesday after images of rail-thin, distressed and injured lions circulated on social media.
The founder of the reserve told local media that he had rescued some of the animals and that some of them arrived in bad shape.
“It all started with a worker who had been laid off recently and he had lots of video evidence showing abused animals,” Association of Zoos President Ernesto Zazueta told Reuters. “We tried to approach (the sanctuary’s) area at the back, where you can see animals in very bad conditions – animals down to their bones, with mange, maimed, some of them had had their tails cut out, some with bugs.”
Mexico City police chief Omar Garcia Harfuch said the property had been seized “for the crime of improper use of property and mistreatment of animals.”
City police said in a statement that “according to the inspection, the property where the animals were kept is zoned for agricultural or grazing purposes, not for keeping the kind of species found.”
Under Mexican law, private individuals can register to keep exotic cats and other animals in supervised wildlife management units. The facility raided Tuesday appears to have filed such paperwork.
Glad this dreadful place has finally been shut down. Sick of seeing so-called cute viral photos and videos from Black Jaguar White Tiger all over social media. 
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animalwelfarists · 2 years
Hey friends!
With winter approaching, and especially with the Texas power grid being what it is, I’d like to remind you to start buying your heat packs now. Last year was a disaster for many people in the reptile, amphibian, and aquarium community. While I have zero idea on what advice to give for the aquarists who may lose power (and would appreciate any helpful information in the reblog chain), I just want to remind reptile people that:
Small spaces are easier to keep warm than big ones, so if you need to pop your animal in a smaller container to heat and insulate, they’ll be fine for a bit.
If the weather looks bad, your reptile can survive a few days without food. If you know a storm is coming, cease feeding so if you do lose power and they get chilly, the food won’t sit undigested and rot in their stomach. This is far more dangerous than a couple of missed feedings.
Hand warmers and reptile shipping packs are great, but hand warmers get too hot for their skin to touch directly. Make sure that you have some barrier in between them and the hand warmer!
There’s lots of other tips here from last year’s winter storms. This year may also be bad, and people struggle enough. Let’s try to help the pet-owning communities in places with harsh winters before things get too bad!
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animalwelfarists · 3 years
Hey y’all, I hate to ask for help, but some unexpected expenses and some other bills have come my way that are putting a burden on my family that we could use some assistance with. My dog has a shattered tooth that needs extracted asap. I’m also recovering from surgery and about to go into a second and could use some help paying for that.  I’d appreciate it if you could pass this along! Thank you very much!   
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animalwelfarists · 3 years
Btw it's ok to rehome a pet. You are not a bad person for no longer being able to care for the animal or just not wanting the responsibility of the animal. It's better to give it to someone who is able and willing to care for the pet. Forcing yourself to care for a living being out of guilt is not beneficial to either of you.
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animalwelfarists · 3 years
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I don't really have that many followers here but I'm getting very little support for this from my fans so far and im desperate so I'm gonna give posting here a go just in case 😢
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animalwelfarists · 3 years
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during our walk tonight, my puppy was spooked by a shitty little lap poodle that started barking at her. her leash got tangled in the chair/table we were sitting at, which made her freak out more and during the struggle, she managed to slip out of her harness and bolted. she ran through a parking lot and crossed a busy street before we lost sight of her. me, my family and a handful of kind strangers searched for her for over 4 hours before it got too dark/late to continue and we had to regroup at home. i’ve posted on nextdoor, pawboost, facebook, twitter ( anything and everything i can think of ) and alerted her microchip company that she’s lost. logically i know thats all i can do rn until i can make flyers and continue searching when its light tomorrow but its so fucking hard. it’s 2am and im exhausted but i can’t sleep, i’ve been shaking and crying and throwing up all night.
i guess im posting this to say i wont be on tumblr for a while but also, if anyone lives in gilbert, arizona, near dana park on baseline and val vista or anywhere nearby, please keep your eyes out for my baby. this is my worst fucking nightmare come true.
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animalwelfarists · 3 years
This is my dog Lukki, he's blind and needs 5000$ within 2-3 months to get surgery to remove his cataracts. If we can't get the money in time he might never see again because of how fast the cataracts are developing. If you donate or share this post it increases the chances that he can see again. He's such a lovely dog and has a lot of life left in him.
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animalwelfarists · 3 years
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I’m sorry to have to make another post like this, but unfortunately my rabbit was diagnosed with mamary tumors, what boils down to breast cancer. She needs surgery, and while I can pay for it, it is very expensive. This is after my cat needed life saving treatment for her hyperthyroidism and my goat suffered a false pregnancy, both needing veterinary care. My pets mean the world to me and I want to save Bean’s life.
I am not asking for donations. I’m doing another fundraiser through my eBay. I have horse items, home decor, purses and clothes for sale from brands like Gap and American Eagle. I’m also selling a barrel saddle if you are interested in that, shoot me a dm.
Please reblog!
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animalwelfarists · 3 years
current as of 3/11/2021
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animalwelfarists · 3 years
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Help my family’s dogs
Samantha, my family’s dog, wasn’t being her usual self and was taken to the vet clinic. We don’t have insurance here in Brazil for pets, so we had to pay for everything. Where she had some blood tests done and was diagnosed with canine distemper already on the neurological phase.
We decided to treat her, since the vet said it could be treated and with everything we had to pay for her to get better.
We also have to vaccinated our two other dogs - Harry (almost 13 years) and Cassandra (almost 1 year) - who were in contact with Samantha for canine distemper so they don’t develop the disease since it’s viral.
We need a total of U$350 to paid everything, and I already received 65% of this amount.
The situation in my country, Brazil, it’s not the best so if you could please donate my ko-fi it’s this 👇🏼:
☕ ☕ https://ko-fi.com/adamdriveruwu ☕ ☕
And if you can please share so more people can see it.
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animalwelfarists · 3 years
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My wife and Is cat Yevgeny (Siamese on the left in the second pic) has been unable to urinate all day. He is howling and crying out in pain. Online and the vet ER says he HAS to be taken in or HE WILL DIE within a few days.
I cant handle this. All I want to do is to save him but I can not afford what the vet said is 140 consultation and then 75 percent of whatever the cost is which can be upwards of a few grand. Please I am begging anyone to help me take him in I would do anything. I have called every resource and I do not have anything. I am denied for care credit and scratch pay. PLEASE he is only 3 years old. Please boost this. I cant lose my baby. I've been sobbing all day hes in so much pain. I would do anything.
My cashapp is $micahsage
My venmo is @sicknng
My paypal is [email protected]
If anyone wanted to pay the vet directly that's also an option. I have never been so scared in my life please help him
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animalwelfarists · 3 years
Just a reminder that declawing is mutilation. I’m not being dramatic, it’s an amputation. Multiple amputations in fact because you are taking the distal part of their toes off.
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animalwelfarists · 3 years
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This is what 84 days worth of injections looks like. That syringe on top was Cole’s last shot administered today! Tomorrow we officially enter the 84 day observation period. His bloodwork was all in normal range so we were allowed to finish at day 84.
I cried as I gave my sweet boy his last shot, both for him and me. GS is a true miracle drug!
Look how good he looks now! He is back to playing fetch, and acting obnoxious (like every cat ever)! Wish us luck going forward that his bloodwork continues to stay good. If so,after 84 more days he is considered cured!
Thank you to everyone for all your well wishes, prayers and donations!!
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