angstmusings · 4 years
“Okay, our Uber should be here in a couple of minutes,” Daphne called out, stumbling a bit as she walked towards Andrea, trying to focus on the phone and where their driver was. She’d had a few too many glasses of wine at their coworker’s bachelorette party, and with the way she was feeling, she had no idea how she was supposed to drag herself out of bed the next morning for the wedding. Thankfully, she didn’t have to do it alone, as she gave her friend a slightly drunken smile as she leaned against her. “I think we really gave Emily a good time-- the perfect night to end her life as a single girl. Makes me almost miss it -- it wasn’t long ago you were in the same shoes, right? Just about to get married?” Daphne stumbled a bit, wincing as she looked down at her heels-- they were a deathtrap. She shook her head as she glanced back up. “Are you still staying over at my place for the night, or are you gonna go home to Liam?” Daphne wagged her eyebrows suggestively at the brunette. “Wes is still in Florida for that big case his firm got hired for, he’s not sure when the case will get wrapped up, but he promised he’ll come home during the week to see me, so maybe we can all go grab lunch!” @musingsxwithamanda​
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