angrygrape1337 · 1 year
This is giving me a couple ideas.
I recreated both Dobby, and his fursona in Tekken 7. The female fighters' outfits are a little TOO revealing, so Dobby is going to save them from the sexist crap! (by inflating them, naturally) I thought you might like. :P
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Solid designs. I imagine once SF6 comes out, you’ll probably see a Dobson or two as well. I did something similar on Miitopia and Smash as well.
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angrygrape1337 · 1 year
Sasuke is just a lousy JoJo reference.
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angrygrape1337 · 2 years
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“To you, Inflation and Feminism are the same thing, HA HA HA HA!!” - Dr. Dobsley
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angrygrape1337 · 2 years
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Elon Musk has taken over Twitter, I could imagine Dobson screeching at such news. @hypocrisyofandrewdobson if only Dobbo could come back.
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angrygrape1337 · 2 years
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Ladies and gentlemen, classic Andrew Dobson Tate. He’s out here explaining why females hate sexist crap and why Link should have brown hair.
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angrygrape1337 · 2 years
Good thing his blue bear fursona now cosplays as whatever I want it to, maybe Andrew Dobson Tate would be his next costume.
I was reading through your old posts and I read something disturbing: Dobson cosplaying as Korra AND Asami! Is that drawing still around?
It was his blue bear character, but yes.
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And if you feel like torturing yourself, there are more of them.
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angrygrape1337 · 2 years
Belated Dobson’s Hellmonth 2022 has begun...
Welcome to Dobson’s Hellmonth, a month in which we depict Dobson as people he hates or would hate. Dobson is still MIA, but we’ll find him, and we will point and laugh. Halloween is finally coming up, and for those not in the know: Dobson hates Halloween, and being someone who loves Halloween, this is funny to me.
So a hurricane swept through Florida again, flooded my apartment, everything’s gone to hell, so I had to wait a few days to make this. All this reminded me of the time when Dobson was happy for our previous hurricane because Mar-A-Lago, Trump’s residency, would be destroyed.
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So many people were without power and all, but it’s cool, at least Mar-A-Lago got some damage...jackass.
Wait, have we been through this before? Something about Earthquakes, Haiti, exploiting natural disasters, and the Religious Rightwing Nutters...
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Ahh that’s right, king of the racist sexist and homophobic douchebags Pat Robertson, I know saying that SJWs are the new religious right is a cliche at this point, but it’s a cliche for a reason: Because they truly are, Dobson was no exception. He’s the Kirk Cameron of webcomics.
Now enjoy a Pat Dobertson:
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angrygrape1337 · 2 years
For a second I thought those were moon cakes. Come on guys, Halloween moon cakes? Like for werewolves?
I may be onto something here...
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angrygrape1337 · 2 years
Why do you hate valentines day?
Why do you hate Dobson? I think he's a sad, miserable man but keep giving him power.
Because it sucks, plain and simple.
If hating on Dobson is giving him power to grow and improve as an artist, I may proudly be his biggest hater.
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angrygrape1337 · 3 years
It’s amazing Dobson hates the best holiday of all time. Halloween. I don’t know what he thinks about Valentine’s Day, a holiday I hate completely. I wouldn’t be surprised if he loves that holiday so much, given how he thinks it’s the best way to get laid.
You know, I have noticed Dobson never did make any real holiday comics. He posted some Christmas art of Danny and Spot a couple of times but that's it. But if he hates Christmas THAT much, why did he make ANY comics about it at all? (I know it's Halloween, but it just got me thinking today that's all)
He doesn’t hate Christmas at the level he hates Halloween. He only really started disliking Christmas after he wasn’t getting showered with gifts by his parents and the whole Hanukkah Incident with his former girlfriend.
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angrygrape1337 · 3 years
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A fitting Halloween Tribute to the greatest lolcow that is Dobson, I bring you...the first Mo Dao Zu Shi reference. In this case, Dobson is the Grandmaster of Demonic Inflation.
I’m continuing the theme of Dobson and what he deems “non-threatening effeminate types.” As you can see with Link from Ocarina of Time:
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Everyone thinks Dobson exclusively hates dudebros and ultra-masculine type of guys (like Kenshiro, Duke Nukem, and many others), but this year I just realized, he also hates these Metrosexual type of guys as well.
I’m no psychologist so you’ll have to take this with a grain of salt, but Dobson is one of those virgins with rage and wants to lose it so badly. Problem is no woman is desperate enough to even consider sleeping with him. So Dobson sees other guys in relationships, he sees ultra masculine dudebros and effeminate guys getting women left and right, and that makes him seethe with rage, because he should be getting it.
So the real reason Dobson was going full goodboy male feminist mode back in 2013 and with Goobergrapes in 2014 is because it’s his last desperate attempt for female attention of any kind. He’s not good-looking, fit, wealthy, or intelligent. The sad thing is that his path to being an incel was all avoidable too if he continued being more artistic, but due to laziness, he’s stuck being an incel forever.
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angrygrape1337 · 3 years
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Fist of the Bear Star. Dobshiro, ladies and gentlemen, if he hits you, instead of having your head explode, your whole body inflates and pops.
You are already inflated.
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angrygrape1337 · 3 years
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You saw Dobson as Jotaro, now prepare to meat...Diobson. Would you approach him?
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angrygrape1337 · 3 years
I’m surprised he’s not been attempting new art ever since. He’s the only artist I know who rage quitted his art career.
If Andrew ever stops talking or changes what are you gonna do with the blog? Will you change it to a new dis genuine person or would that be it? We'd miss your content dude ></ you're chill
I mean, he’s been gone for over a year now, at least publicly, and all it’s done is slow done things a bit on the blog. There’s no new content coming in, but it’s given me time to dig through old stuff and finally make posts about them. So I think I’d only really stop if Dobson either came back completely changed and stuck to it or if there was just no more interest in this blog at all. If that did happen, I’d probably still leave the blog up though, just no longer post it.
And thanks for the Ask, Anon. I’m glad you enjoy the content and everything.
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angrygrape1337 · 3 years
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“Would you like anything else with your coffee?”
“Yeah, cyanide. I mean cyanide! I mean cyanide! I mean cyanide! I mean-”
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angrygrape1337 · 3 years
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Rememebr the Dobsuke from last year that had no shading? I used my stand Crazy Diamond to fix that right up.
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angrygrape1337 · 3 years
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In the distant future, sexist dudebros have taken over and oppress humans. There was a special class of hunter called dudebro hunters. One of them is a legend among them. He is called...
Vampire Hunter Dobson.
Actually, I was brainstorming other types of characters Dobson hates, and it always goes to some masculine characters. But then a thought hit me, of course he hates feminine characters as well, take for instance Ocarina of Time Link and Cloud Strife.
So maybe I gotta think more along these lines.
Anyway, here’s the rough version, final one may be sometime this week.
@hypocrisyofandrewdobson I forgot to notice this, as much as he hates masculine characters, he seems to hate the bishounens as well.
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