angelsrojas · 2 years
status: closed for @angelsrojas​
location:  OEB Breakfast Co.
His book club was usually really good at being able to make it to group get togethers, but today he found himself booking a table for him and one other person for brunch. It must have been a full moon or something the night before because Rajveer couldn’t for the life of him figure out why everyone had to back out at the last minute. He would have canceled the whole thing altogether too, but Angel told him he was fine with it just being the two of them. So here they were, sipping on their coffee as they waited for their food to arrive. “Did you go on that cruise thing?”
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“I did, actually,” Angel confirms, his espresso cup half empty after his last gulp. With Halloween in the rearview, the cruise seemed further in the past than it was, and he realised he hadn’t much stopped to consider it in the weeks since it had occurred. 
“I got kind of roped into performing during which isn’t something I do much of these days,” He explains, though he’s certain Raj knows as much from casual conversation shared within the group when their book club met. “It was fun to get back in the saddle I guess you’d say. Ended up at a mic night a week or so later.”
( That had been a different beast, and he’s not as quick to divulge the details of it, holding them close to his chest like something to be treasured. ) 
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“But enough about me, how have you been? How was your Halloween? Did you have to work it all or did they give you some time off to enjoy it?”
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angelsrojas · 2 years
status: open ( @vancitystarters​ ) location: wherever ur heart desires
“Anyone who says they’ve seen a ghost is straight up lying or conveniently forgetting to mention how they were on a buncha drugs.”
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“You actually got me there,” Angel says with a huffed laugh, ready to chime in about the ghostly encounter he had had during his first European tour until Mal had prompted a realisation before it could even dawn on him.
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“I was on a whole smorgasbord of drugs at the time, now I’m questioning everything.”
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angelsrojas · 2 years
DREAM CREAM ICE CREAM SHOP w/ @vancitystarters
“Why did I think trying avocado ice cream was a good idea?”
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“It’s pretty popular in Mexico,” Angel tells her, which seemed to be the opposite of what it was with her. It was easy for him to say as much with his regular, safe choice of two scoops of cookies and cream. 
“Not a fan then?” 
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angelsrojas · 2 years
open to: everyone | @vancitystarters​ location: samhain festival, sully’s tavern
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“I don’t think they’ll notice,” Alma insisted, taking the cherry candy from her fingers with her teeth. The evidence of the wrapper was tucked into her pocket for some discretion, but she knew there was no hiding the smell of the candy so easily. It already stained her tongue bright red. “The kid had plenty of candy and I doubt he’ll catch on to it missing. After all, he looked like the kind that takes at least three handfuls from the bowl left outside unattended.”
Her patience was evident with the sudden crack of the candy, and she tipped the glass of her drink against her lips. “Alright, where were we? Oh, don’t give me that look— do you want me to steal one for you, too?”
“I think I kind of do, actually.” Angel admits with a laugh, knowing he should be more perturbed and less amused about the fact she had literally heisted candy from a child. He leans back in the seat he occupied opposite at a small table for two he had nabbed before the tavern had really started to fill out for the night. 
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“I need to see if these skills you possess are a one off or if I’m in the presence of some sort of candy cat burglar. Off you go. I’ll be here.” 
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angelsrojas · 2 years
Oh shit. Oh double-y shit. Jazzed up as the King himself at a rented cabin was not the next spot she thought she’d see Angel again. Truthfully speaking, she was willing to never show her face again. The date with years of build-up wound up a disaster.
Now? Now she’s staring at Gomez Addams in the middle of a fucking forest with one crimson wing out. Her foam microphone drops into the leaves below.
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“Whoa.” Sosh pauses. “I mean – go. Go you, that costume is killer. Are you renting one of these things out?”
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“Thank you, shaving for it was a commitment. I almost chickened out.” For the most part, he kept his face neatly stubbled, so going all in with a thin moustache even just for a night felt like a bold move. 
( Not quite as bold as the date he had agreed to go on with the King herself, but a close second. ) 
He can’t help himself in taking a step forward to rescue her prop microphone from the leafy grave it laid in. Picking two that stuck to it off of it, he let them fall to the ground between them and held it out to her. 
“No, I’m not. Just passing through, had to check it out and see what the appeal was.” It turned out to be very little, as it goes, sans for right then when he was talking to her. “What about you? I feel like you always have some sort of Motley Crue with you.” 
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angelsrojas · 2 years
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“I’m not sure.” Thomas answers truthfully, crossing his legs together as he settles his hands on his knees. He turns his head to look over at the man the question came from, shrugging his shoulders. “If I’m being honest I sat down because I just ate this funnel cake and could use a nap.”
Angel couldn’t help the chuckle that came from him at the honesty from the other, a different sort than had been shared on his other side, where a an older woman was still sniffling into her handkerchief after she had told him -- unprompted -- that she was there that night to connect with the spirit of her dearly departed cat, Bucket. 
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( Though the name raised questions for him, he did his best to politely disengage, because he was certain pictures were about to be shown to him. ) 
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“Part of me wonders if I’m just utterly wasting a night of my life here. Then there’s another part of me that thinks maybe I’ll see something special happen.” He crossed his arms loosely across his chest then, scooting his chair a little further away from still sobbing Susan who had caught a second wind of wailing at the sound of a bell when the door had opened which seemed to unlock some more feline memories. 
“Was the funnel cake good?” He asked, speaking over a cry of oh God, oh my Bucket. 
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angelsrojas · 2 years
It took Dante a moment to figure out what Angel meant, making a slightly confused face at the suggestion till they understood. Ah, because of Dante. They chuckled. “No, I think nobody really thought: dante = devil. Or well, maybe it’s because I haven’t heard of Halloween till I moved here,” they said. Dante still had a thick accent, after living in Spain for most of their adult life, and being raised Spanish despite living in the Netherlands, their accent sometimes became a mixture of the two. 
“You look like an angel, that’s why it works,” Dante said, grinning. “It would be fun, next year maybe, you should dress up as an Angel, I’ll take the devil.” 
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“You hadn’t even heard of it?” Angel asks, eyes wide at the very notion. Spending most of his life in the States from birth to his forties could be responsible for just how uncultured he felt at that moment, which only made him curious about whether a lack of Halloween knowledge was unique to Dante or a universal experience elsewhere. 
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“What a holiday to have to learn about as an adult. Must seem so strange, does it?” Stranger still it would have been if they had been completely unaware of the holiday only to have Angel implying some sort of Satanic ode ensemble. 
“I think we just locked in a costume pact,” He says as though it was serious, his hand held out to the other for a friendly shake on it. The chances were he would forget, but in the present it was fun to pretend otherwise. 
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angelsrojas · 2 years
closed starter for: @willteoh​ or mun’s choice. 
when: thrill-o-ween
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“How good is your sense of direction?” Angel wonders with a tilt of his head, as though a slightly altered vantage point may have provided more information for what led beyond the entrance to the twisty maze that was open to be explored in front of him. 
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angelsrojas · 2 years
closed for: @soshsanderson​​
where: cabin in the woods 
She’s hard to miss on a regular night, but in the woods illuminated by the flicker of fire and the light of the moon in a very elaborate jumpsuit that could only be a costumed ode to one person, it was impossible to not know who he had happened upon. 
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“Ah, Elvis has left the cabin.” It’s a stupid greeting by all means, but after a date that hadn’t gone exactly to plan as he had envisioned it, stupid was about all he had there amongst the trees dressed as Gomez Addams. 
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angelsrojas · 2 years
closed for: @jacexevans​, @lucianaxalvarez​, @hazalkayacan​ or @thomasoconnor​
where: seance event at the oracle 
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“Do you believe in any of this?” Angel asked the person nearest to him, still trying to discern where he landed on it himself. While his music might have alluded to having some faith in things beyond his comprehension, without a pen or a guitar in his hands, it was more difficult to put some stock in the fantastical. 
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angelsrojas · 2 years
closed starter for: @dante-ochoa​​​​
when: horror night
“Has anyone ever suggested you should dress up as the devil?” Angel queried, his question stemming from the other’s name -- Dante -- and how that generally invoked notions of infernos and things of that ilk. 
( He could relate. )
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“Because I get told to put on a halo and call it a day every time this holiday rolls around,” Angel tells them with a chuckle, marvelled as always by the creativity that lacked. 
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angelsrojas · 2 years
maybe this silly little coffee drink will equip me to face the unrelenting and unendurable horror of existence
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angelsrojas · 2 years
how serious would you get with angel if he was into it?
“If he was into it? And that is a big if, because I’m being careful --- but if? Then you might as well start calling me Soshanna Apple Sanderson-Rojas.”
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angelsrojas · 2 years
who: open (0/7) | @vancitystarters​ where: somewhere public, but otherwise doesn’t matter when: lunchtime maybe? 
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“All I’m saying is you could probably get there a little faster.” 
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"Don't you need the full context to give me accurate advice?" Angel asks, giving a sincere thanks to the restaurant waiter who placed the Coke Zero he ordered in front of him on the table. While he did try to be succinct, his query stemmed from a song he had released in 1997, which made explaining from that point in time to present somewhat meandering. 
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angelsrojas · 2 years
Does someone love you?
"That's the million dollar question, isn't it? Used to think the whole world did. I know people still love my music, love the nostalgia of the time they associate me with and have at times been all but bewitched by the idea of me that they fleshed out from the worst things I did while being at my worst. I used to want that love so badly that I would have done anything to hold onto it because I was terrified of the silence that came after the sound of packed venues and empty adoration being thrown my way."
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“But silence isn’t the worst thing in the world, it means you can actually start hearing. And the last person to tell me they loved me was my daughter when we hung up a FaceTime call. Almost didn’t catch it at the end because it was so quick, just a ‘bye dad, love you’. Like that’s something she just says to me and not the first time she’s said it to me as an adult. I don’t know if she even realised herself that that was what she said but for as many times as I’ve put pen to paper, I could never write anything that could move me as much as those words did from her. So yes, there is undoubtedly at least one person out wandering the world who loves me sincerely. Two more to go.” 
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angelsrojas · 2 years
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angelsrojas · 2 years
sosh 📲 angel
Sosh: it's seriously taking me a minute to answer these texts, can you not 😂 goddamn
Sosh: Okay! Friday! 8PM! I'll meet you off the Skytrain
Angel: [read]
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