angelo-sorrentino · 6 years
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Jesse Williams as Jackson Avery in Grey’s Anatomy; 13x16.
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angelo-sorrentino · 7 years
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“Can’t you see I’m busy?” Katerina said as she rolled her eyes, her arms folded over her chest. “Or should I have to threaten to kill you to leave me alone as usual?”
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“Alright.” The man replied, spinning on his heel with a roll of his eyes. Women. “Couldn’t offer that years ago, no - but now you want to threaten to kill me....that’s fine.” Angelo trailed off with feigned annoyance, or perhaps not so feigned annoyance. It was hard to tell. 
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angelo-sorrentino · 7 years
A raised eyebrow was the only response he gave his fellow-hacker for a few moments. Angelo never failed to surprise him, a mystery which Quentin had yet to solve. Rather than pry and question why the explosive had been brought back to its maker, he scrubbed at the stubble along his jaw and returned his gaze to the monitors. “About as pretty as you can imagine,” he replied, disgust filtering through his voice. Images of violence played out before him as if a Spielberg film were being shown on the screens; however, the fact that it was real life—that those explosions were caused by his own hand, technically—rendered the action joyless. Nothing was impressive about the brutality out there.
Quentin glanced away from the images again and found his attention drawn to the welcome sight of the beer which Angelo had placed there.  It was a wonder he had not torn into them the moment they had been brought into his office, parched as he was for a good drink. He reached over to take two from the case, twisting the top off of one. “Thanks,” he offered, handing the other bottle to Angelo. “Although I’m wondering if this’ll be a big-enough distraction from those nut jobs out there.” He tipped the bottle back, willing his mind to turn even a little fuzzy asap.
“Figured.” He answered with a sigh, letting his gaze fall to the ground for a few moments as he shook his head at the idea that once again, his beautiful city - a city they’d already lost far too many people to - was caught in a battle that he didn’t want to fight. A battle that didn’t have a reasonable meaning behind. Pointless bloodshed, if he had to call it something. 
Accepting the offered bottle with a small nod of his head, the hacker was quick to crack off the cap, letting the bottle cap roll between his fingers absently as the man gave a short huff of irritable amusement. “Absolutely not...” He responded quickly, raising his brow slightly as he met Quentin’s gaze, taking a sip from his own beer before he continued. “Need a hell of a lot more of this for that, man...” After all, a single six pack sure as hell wasn’t going to distract either of them much from the bullshit that surrounded them in this moment. Split down the middle? Three beers wasn’t going to give either of them much of a buzz - unless Quentin was the biggest light weight he knew - and he wasn’t. 
Letting the silence that had grown between the pair last a few moments longer - filled only with the quiet sips of beer and eerie background noises coming from the violence around them - Angelo finally shifted, glancing again to Quentin as he finally lobbed the bottle cap towards the trashcan. “You ever think they get tired of it?” He asked quietly, not reacting much as the cap fell into the trash without a hitch. “...The killing... the bullshit? You’d think after so many years you’d just get fed up, or something....” Translation; after so many years he was fed up - and honestly, Angelo couldn’t believe that everyone out there right now still had the will to fight. To end each other’s lives based on petty rivalries and misunderstandings - the actual same shit they were fighting about for hundreds of years. “..I mean, it’s gotta get old eventually, right...” 
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angelo-sorrentino · 7 years
“Ha, ha, asshat.” Ava stuck her tongue out at him and rolled her eyes. Guess that’s what she gets for thanking someone, huh? She knew better though, Angelo would do anything for her and she would do anything for him. He was just prone to being the overprotective type. Ava never seemed to care much though, it was how he showed his love. 
“No, they can?” She said in mock disbelief, snatching her cigarette back from him and immediately taking another drag. “I thought they had… like… vitamins and shit. Well hell, now I’m addicted. That’s how they get you I bet. Poor little vulnerable me, tricked by big tobacco. Le sigh.” Her tone was dripping with massive amounts of sarcasm. She blew smoke in his face. “I’m pretty sure my occupation will kill me long before this will.” Ava gave him a knowing look and moved along to the next subject.
“It’s late, he’s in bed. Besides, where I want to go, they don’t let six year olds in.” Even if they did get special treatment, Ava would not have her son in that kind of environment if she could help it. She wanted to keep Enzo far away from the lifestyle her family lived, give him something better to look forward to and hope for. “You know I can handle myself, I just had a lot of owrk to do and not enough rest in between and that purge didn’t help matters one bit. I just want a night where I can not think about having to get information or off someone or beat the hell out of someone and relax and catch up with my brother, sound good to you?” 
Ava looped her arm into his. “So come on Ange, take me somewhere fun and dark…. with good drinks…. oooo, and music… we need to dance! Pllllleeeeaaasseeeee?” She batted eyelashes at him and tugged him in the direction of his vehicle. 
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Exhaling the rest of the smoke in a soft sigh, Angelo could only shake his head at his sister’s antics; far less surprised than he should be. “...Oh they have vitamins, alright....” It was only at her passing comment that the man’s brows furrowed, a slight tenseness creeping through his posture as Ava moved on to a different topic, leaving her brother’s mind to pause momentarily on the idea of this occupation actually posing a threat to her life. It was something that was far too real - and something that has certainly happened before; too many times for Angelo to be happy with, actually. Yet, the idea that something involving the gangs could lead to Ava’s demise was certainly never a welcomed thought in the man’s mind, and he could only mutter a ‘I’d have to be dead first....’ under his breath as the pair moved towards his car. Like hell he’d let his sister get in trouble on his watch. 
“Guess I’ll just have to stop by and see him some other time.” He promised with a characteristic smirk settling onto his features. Besides, he knew he would have likely been the one Ava would have called to watch the kid if he wasn’t the one offering to go out with her tonight anyway. “Sounds like you’re asking for a lot.” The man teased, even if in reality it might’ve been more true than they wanted to believe. A moment of peace was far too hard to come by in Roma, after all. Some days Angelo couldn’t help but be a little jealous of the bastards that had already left - whether they fled to another country, or they found their own ways out of the life they were living. 
Barely resisting the urge to roll his eyes, Ang let his sister pull him further towards his car as he shook his head with a small laugh. “Alright - now you’re pushing it, Av. You know I don’t fucking dance.” Even if their Grandmother had taught the man a thing or two about dancing, it still wasn’t something Angelo did willingly - unless it was to woo a women into having sex on their second in command’s desk... But he had a feeling nothing like that would be happening tonight. Especially not when he had to keep an eye on anyone trying to get into Ava’s pants. Beating up potential hook ups for the woman had long since become a good hobby for him, anyway. “...Think I know the perfect place though... Right in the heart of Roma, you know? Little underground place, if you will.” 
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out tonight
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angelo-sorrentino · 8 years
——- He wanted nothing more than to barricade himself in his office and drown himself in busy work and whiskey. However, the hacker had been ordered to keep security cameras up and running despite the city’s blackout. He had provided the Cessations who stepped out into the chaos with an assortment of small arms and explosives. The fact that they had all been made by Quentin’s own hand made it all the more frustrating—he did not wish to kill people out there who, ironically, would no sooner kill him than ask him for the time of day. None of this was his fight; it had never been his war. He only fought to survive.
With a huffed sigh, he sank lower into his desk chair. Green eyes followed the blips and movement on the monitors, keeping automatic track of potential threats to the Cessations who stalked the streets in search of hostages. He did not even flinch as he saw one of them shoot down a victim at point-blank range. Another weary sigh left his parted lips and he looked away as the Cess kicked the stilled body in a fit of rage. They needed serious help. The worst part was that Quentin found himself wondering whether their madness had captured him by now, whether it would always follow him for the rest of life.
He rubbed blearily at his eyes, squinting at another monitor and shooting a quick glance at the door as someone knocked quietly.
“Door’s open,” he called, propping his chin on his fist and fighting back a yawn.
He really should have left when Ava’s time as the leader of the Cessations was over. Angelo had only ever joined the gang because of family - working as a contract killer when he was younger, and going full time as a hacker when Ava had become the leader, but he’d almost never agreed with the group’s stances. He hated his work as a contract killer, and never agreed with the blood shed this gang spread. The news with what had been going on regarding the president certainly hadn’t surprised him - but he couldn’t say he was happy about it either. Regardless, he knew of one person who might share his views on the shit storm that was spiraling around them. 
Slipping inside a familiar set up, Angelo closed the door to Quentin’s office behind him, hefting up both a six pack - compliments of the illegal stash from his good friend in Switzerland - and one of the homemade explosives the hacker knew the other hacker was responsible for. “...Returning your..present, and offering you one of my own.” He spoke, placing both beside the other man along the desk, as his eyes traveled over the back of the other’s screen for a moment, as if he could only imagine what was being shown on the other side. “...How’s it looking out there...” 
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angelo-sorrentino · 8 years
Ava tucked the blankets around Enko and placed several kisses aroundhis face. “Mama, stop, mama. Your hair tickles me.” He laughed. She tucked herhair behind her ears and grinned down at him. “Alright, fine, baby. Call me ifyou need me for anything okay, I will be here in a second. Julietta is rightout in the living room. I love you.” She gave him one more kiss on the foreheadfor good measure. Ava pushed away from his bed and headed for the door, shestole one last glance then shut off the light and exited the room.
Leaving Enko alone was never ideal. Sure, Ava and Angelo grewup that way, without anyone but each other. But, she wanted Enko to know morethan just his nanny and a few random family members at holidays. Don’t get herwrong, most Italian familes would die for each other in a heartbeat and were asthick as thieves. However, growing up, it was just her and Angelo. She wantedEnko to have more than just that, but tonight, she was stressed. Tonight, sheneeded to unwind and relax. Besides, she hadn’t gotten all dolled up fornothing.
She gave Julietta the usual instruction and bid her farewell.Ava grabbed up all of her things and left the house. The minute she was outsideshe lit a cigarette, inhaled deep, and exhaled the smoke up into the air aboveher. She walked through the gate to find her saviour for the evening. “Ciao!Thanks for picking me up. I just, it’s been a long week… month. I needed to getout of the house, even if it was just for the night.” Ava offered them a smile.
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If there was anyone in the world Angelo would do anything for in a heartbeat; it was Ava. He knew that, she knew that, hell, everyone in Italy likely knew that. He’d been coined far too many nicknames that revolved around his overly protective nature of his little sister, the most popular of which being her guard dog, and yet, the man didn’t find any of them to be an insult - rather, they were simple truths that showed just how much the man cared for his family. And he certainly had the scars to prove the lengths he’d gone to protect her before - rather it was from simple dates he didn’t like when they were younger, or opposing gang members trying to take a hit on her more recently. 
“Don’t mention it, idiot.” The man commented fondly, offering his sister a soft smile as he plucked the cigarette from between her fingers, raising a brow as he offered his typical teasing tone towards her. “...These things’ll kill you, you know.” He spoke, taking a drag from the terrible habit of hers before flipping it back in her direction with a roll of his shoulders. “Could have brought the kid too. You know I love him.” After all, Enzo was certainly spoiled rotten by his far too loving uncle - not that he wasn’t sure Ava spoiled the kid rotten as well, but the man certainly didn’t help. Exhaling the small puff of smoke from between his lips, Angelo offered a comforting squeeze of the younger woman’s shoulder, a smile curling at his lips as he broke the short silence once more. 
“Having a rough month....? Should I be taking names, or....?” The hacker trailed off, eyeing his sister with a small hint of concern lining his features as he absently spun his keys along his fingers. 
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out tonight
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angelo-sorrentino · 8 years
“Wait, wait!” Daniel called after the person. He hadn’t seen who it was, but he didn’t want them to get injured. Another war had started, and it was what he had been avoiding for years… It was why he’d left Rome in the first place. “You can’t go down that way, it’s full of… well… you know.” Right now his brain was in overdrive, and English wasn’t his first language so he could hardly concentrate. “Come with me.”
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Angelo had been on the border for years, but in this moment, the man could only wish he’d cut ties with his gang before they could get themselves into more trouble. Yet here they were, engaged in a war that reminded him too much of one not too long ago; one that had claimed far too many lives of the people around him. With little to do, as the man’s life revolved around electric, Angelo had made the quick stop to his sister’s, assuring her and Enzo were safe and secure before heading back out to see if he could figure out what the fuck was going on. He’d only stopped walking when a voice reached his ears, his bright eyes focusing on the stranger for only a moment before they followed their gaze back towards the direction he had been headed. “...Full of ‘you know?’ Because... I actually don’t.” Cessations, police, Rev’s, angry citizens.... could be anything at this point.
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angelo-sorrentino · 8 years
“You’re bleeding out.” Bella warns through gritted teeth - well, that would be one way to open the clinic, huh? Some stabbed guy dying on their table first and foremost. Definitely not good omens. But there would be no dying - Angelo was busted up but not critical. “Seven, mhm, did you know that,” Bella punctuates between words and actions, coming back to the gurney holding up a tray with a bunch of things, hanging an IV drip in the support. “Hand please.” Another question that’s not really a question as they grab the free arm that hadn’t been pressing down the wound. “Quick pinch.” A motion practiced a thousand times, placing the drip into the man’s arm quickly but skillfully. “This’ll keep you hydrated, keep this hand down, this–” Bella moves around, grabbing a particularly menacing-looking syringe. “Is anesthetic, no allergies yes?” The doctor asks quickly for the confirmation before jabbing it on his patient’s arm. 
Bella keeps an eye out for Angelo’s expressions and finally puts the other hand away. “This will hurt, hold the sides of the bed, you can curse now if you want.” Bella warns before taking off the gauze and shoving two fingers mostly inside the wound to check the entirety of it, they finally let it go for a second before getting saline solution to clean it out. “You’re so lucky.” Bella sighs as they shift and prepare the suture line and needle. “No organ damage, you are such a lucky man.” They repeat as they start slowly stitching the inner part of the cut and let silence fall for only a moment. “How’s the pain Angelo?”
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Angelo had always been rather... average when it came to medical procedures. He never particularly cared for them, but at the same time he wasn’t usually one to fight all that hard against them - stubborn if only because there were things he needed to be doing rather than the avoidance for other, more fearful reasons. That wasn’t to say the man’s features didn’t twist into a small scowl at the quick and sharp pinches the pair of needles gave. Though the IV was placed in a fashion that was familiar to the way Natasha had once done, the injection that followed quite obviously lacked the previous doctor’s gentleness, and a hiss was quick to leave the hacker’s lips, as his scowl only deepened. 
Hearing the doctor’s next words however, Angelo’s expression was quick to change into a slightly concerned confusion, greenish blue eyes flashing up to the other’s for a moment as his fingers unconsciously tightened against the framing of the cot.“Wait...Excuse m--” The words were quickly cut off with a pained grunt as the man’s fingers lodged themselves into his wound, pressing and searching in a foreign territory as the hacker’s eyes watered of their accord. “Figlio di puttana.” Angelo ground out, taking full advantage of the permission to curse - not that he would have held back regardless - and soon his knuckles were all but white, harsh Italian curses continuing to fall from his lips as he all but attempted to pull his body away from prodding hands. Gritting his teeth and letting his head fall back against the cot, Angelo didn’t respond for a moment, instead only mentally wishing the bastard would have waited a few minutes for that ‘anesthetic’ to kick in before doing anything. Since currently, on top of the burning pain he’d felt from the other’s prodding, feeling the sharp pierce of the needle through his skin certainly wasn’t pleasant either. Though fortunately, he could slightly begin to feel the beginnings of something close to numbness settling in - so there was still hope. Regardless, despite the other’s attempts at simply helping, Angelo certainly didn’t spare them the gratitude, finally muttering a choked ‘fuck you’ after a few more moments of pained silence. 
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angelo-sorrentino · 8 years
“I don’t remember ever saying I couldn’t. I’m just not suicidal.” Quentin scribbled in his notes, not looking up as he asked, “What’s the real job here, man…?”
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“Well it wouldn’t be suicide if it was done right.” Though they both knew the chances of doing anything of the sort without being caught was slim to fucking none. “...Keeping tabs on Shitlord Supreme, making sure he doesn’t have plans to fuck us over, prevent another Ricardo incident... Any of those could be considered the ‘real job’, I guess.” 
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angelo-sorrentino · 8 years
Unfortunately, this wasn’t exactly a rare situation for the man. Though he’d grown up in many ways, casual fights between him and whoever else decided to step up that day were one thing that never seemed to go away; as much as Angelo would have wanted them to. “Yeah, no problem.” The man huffed, not too concerned with the other’s request, instead focusing on following the doctor to the other room, and trying not to look too offended by the other’s comment on where he kept his knives. ...Besides, he always kept his knife tucked in his boot.. It was a great place for them. Ignoring that as well, however, Angelo simply nodded, trying his best to find a comfortable position upon the gurney, yet finding that almost impossible with his hand pressed tightly against a massive gash in his abdomen. 
“Fine.” He responded curtly, not bothering to move his hands under the other forced them away from his wound, the hacker nearly shrugging at the question of pain before hissing out an irritated “Seven.” As the doctor exposed the wound, and carried on their barrage of questions that Angelo could barely keep up with, let alone actually comprehend that quickly. “...Angelo..37....Uh..A... A-positive ma——Christ.” The hacker growled, nearly shouting with the sudden pressure along his cut, much more than Angelo himself had been applying before. Hearing their muttered snark as they walked away, the hacker grimaced, the need to snark back rising before it was quickly forgotten. Instead, he concentrated on keeping an even pressure along his wound, his opposite arm rising to rest over his head, trying to ignore what felt like fire along his stomach. 
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Bella felt a bit sorry for the stabbed man, sure, people who got in knife fights usually knew what kind of shit they were up to, lose or win, it’s hard to get into a fight if you don’t really want it, but still, Giancarlo was a doctor who cared for any person who needed their help. “You need to stay awake.” The short doctor says firmly and grabs the bloody knife, shucking it away to a corner to deal with it later. “Boot is no good place for a knife, dear.” Bella pats his shoulder sympathetically. “Here.” They push the man into one of the rooms. Clean, brand new equipment, as sterile as any possible room and points at the  gurney sitting in the middle of the room. “Lay here.” 
It takes only a moment for them to move around - putting in the white coat, sleeves pulled up just a little, latex gloves. “Not worried about whoever, you shouldn’t worry either.” Short pause. “I’m going to cut your shirt, yes?” It’s more a warning than a question as the doctor is already cutting the fabric off the way. “One to ten, rate your pain and don’t pull a macho on me.” Bella pries the man’s hands away from the bandages as they cut through it as well. “Tell me your name it can be only the first don’t worry, age, blood type– talk to me?” Bella talks fast but clear enough as they finally free the open wound and sighs before actually getting a gauze and pressing hard on it. “Not that bad. Hold here for a second.” They mumble sarcastically before moving around the room.
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angelo-sorrentino · 8 years
“Oh please. You act as if I’m not angry at the crooked cops in your division as well. Believe me, they don’t help anyone around here, I can assure you. Besides, I could never afford to grease the pockets of anyone at the department - so I can’t imagine what you’re telling me this for. I got out on good behavior. At least.. that’s my story, and I’m sticking to it.” 
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“I meant take note, not mimic completely. We’re all capable of free will here, darling, that’s a given. But no, of course not. I was simply... curious myself. Sometimes a nice chat is all you need to accomplish things in life...” 
“The fact that you are not in jail hardly proves your innocence. As much as I am loathed to admit it, there are those in the department who have a habit of allowing their wallets to weigh more upon their decisions than their conscience. In regards to your claim of profiling, we are vigilant of those whom have ties to the criminal community.”
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“I am sure that Rome’s citizens would do well to be more like themselves. We needn’t fill the streets with any person of the same kind. I suppose that your hypothetical question also was for a friend.”
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angelo-sorrentino · 8 years
It took longer than it normally would for Angelo to process the other’s words, his mind playing catch up as it worked around the clouded pain he felt at every moment. So it took a few seconds for the hacker to finally nod, and even more for him to realize that yes he needed to shift in order to disarm himself. Bending with a hiss, and a barely bitten back curse, Angelo pulled the combat knife from his boot, clattering the still slightly bloodied weapon across the Doctor’s table as he stepped forward - both simply to follow the other but also as he nearly lost his balance from straightening up. 
“...It’s...It’s really not that bad.” He commented softly, moving to fully follow behind the other with a small wince as he shifted his bandages for a moment to check the still bleeding mess. Or maybe it was... Yet, the comment about charge nearly went over the man’s head, barely concerned about such a thing when he’d likely slide the other cash for their job regardless. After all, it wasn’t like money was an issue to someone like him. “...Yeah, you could say that...” Otherwise they probably wouldn’t be having this conversation, anyway. “...don’t worry - they won’t be stopping by, if that’s the concern...” 
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For someone who had grown around criminals of all sorts and the fact that gore wasn’t a deterrent, Giancarlo Bellardi would still admire how shock was one hell of a drug when it came to Rome`s thugs. They could still remember the gang members that had crawled into their father`s operating table and stayed conscious while having bullets popped out of their bodies. Well, nothing that fazed Bella more than what they were used to, after all, London hadn’t been a sweet city in itself. The short stacked doctor looks up only to find a vaguely familiar face - well, this was probably someone that had been on the streets back then and managed to survive until now, and then blood. Of course. Bella smacks the tome closed and jumps to their feet, adjusting the glasses again and rushing ahead. “Do you have any weapons on yourself? Pistols, knives, anything, you give it to me.” 
The doctor asks nicely - not an accusation, but just fiercely enough that it was not a joke. Some people didn’t come armed anyway. “Here come inside, let me check this so it doesn’t get infected, you might need stitches.” Bella nods, kicking the door open, before making a pause. “I don’t charge, no worry.” A half-smile creeps across their face. “I suppose you win, yes?” They ask amused, taking in the man’s figure cut here and there.  
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angelo-sorrentino · 8 years
Angelo truly wasn’t the most graceful of people; and though he’d managed to keep his head on his shoulders after all these years, watching as far too many around him lost theirs, he couldn’t deny the amount of ‘bumps and bruises’ he’d managed to pick up in the process. It wasn’t unheard of for the hacker to get into a few confrontations, or situations in which he was taking home a new souvenir. After all, the Sorrentino reputation certainly did precede him. The problem only really came when the hacker was too unskilled - or simply just too annoyed to patch himself up, and with the loss of one of the only doctor’s he could actually trust, it’d certainly taken more than a few bumps for the man to consider outside help.  So when the hacker found himself in front of the stranger before him, he could only shrug with a small wince; the bloody bundle of makeshift ‘bandages’ pressed to his still clothed abdomen, complete with a few other scratches littering his body. The telltale signs of a knife fight he’d clearly won. 
“...Truly if I could just trouble you for gauze, I’d probably be all set.” The hacker finally bit out with a pained huff, his gaze falling upon the other for a moment before he simply nodded to himself for no real reason. Even he wasn’t sure if he was serious or not anymore. 
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Bella’s been back for less than a month and so far, no rest for the wicked - rebuilding, renewing and reopening the Free Clinic in San Lorenzo had been enough work to keep the doctor’s days as busy as they came. No time to worry about gangs and politicians. So it’s a Thursday when they finally get to open the doors. The doctor hadn’t managed to find anyone else to work there yet - no nurses, no other doctors, no one really was willing to take in a ridiculous amount of work for a risible pay. But Bella didn’t mind it all that much, it was a small place anyway and so far there were no assassins or thieves bleeding on their floor. Sitting by the door reading one big medical tome, they adjust the glasses over the bridge of their nose as someone approaches, making them raise up fairly bright blue eyes. “Buongiorno,” Bella greets softly. “May I help?”
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angelo-sorrentino · 8 years
“Relax, it was a joke... Figure if you actually knew how to get past the Presidential firewalls, and security we would have done it by now.” 
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“You want me to do what?”
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angelo-sorrentino · 8 years
She wasn’t seen as much as she was heard. The small clanging of quickly shifting hangers had the man’s gaze whipping around, surveying the area for a moment. He could have sworn he’d heard something move behind him - or perhaps it had just been the woman picking through the clearance display a handful of feet away that had made that noise. 
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Narrowing his eyes, Angelo was quick to shift his gaze slightly, eyeing his phone in his hand as he flipped through the security feeds, enabling the footage he’d only just cut off in an effort to get some idea for whether or not he was going crazy. Switching between his phone, the store, and the changing room doors, Angelo grimaced, irritation balling his hands into small fists as he approached with a new tactic. “...You gonna play hide and seek all day, Sweetheart? Kind of defeats the purpose when I know who you are, don’t you think? ...Come on. Make this easy for both of us, yeah? ... Besides... I can fucking see you.” He couldn’t. 
Whatever it was on that USB was obviously hella important to him and that made it important to her. Maggie took the moment in the dressing room to take a breath, the little piece of plastic and metal in her pocket seeming heavier than it should. Knowing who his cousin was she sure as hell didn’t want to get caught. Her husband was going to rip her a new one when he found out… 
Maggie bit her lip, peeking through the gap by the hinge of the door. Shit. While Angelo’s back was turned she opened the door quietly, sliding out and moving to disappear into the racks.
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angelo-sorrentino · 8 years
“Well that’s odd, considering I don’t believe I’ve been doing anything.. illegal. Though then again... these laws do just keep changing every five minutes it seems. ..Though really, I still have reason to believe the lot of you are just profiling.. With all due respect though, ma’am, I’ll even say it again for you and the rest of the crew, just because my last name’s Sorrentino doesn’t mean I break the law. Seriously, so annoying... “ 
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“Resent my dear... Roma’s citizens would be lucky to have a model citizen like myself. ...Doubt Mr. Holmes would know, or care, but fine. I’m not up to anything... Just idle chatter about hypothetical’s is all.” 
“You do something illegal, and I arrest you Angelo. There is nothing personal about it. I will talk to you, but it seems as if you always are busying yourself with less than upstanding circumstances.”
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“Are you upset because you resent or represent that remark? I’m not turning a blind eye just to finish the book. Even if he is fictional, Mr. Holmes would object to being an accessory to a crime. What are you up to this time?”
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angelo-sorrentino · 8 years
“Because you never seemed too keen to talk before. Then again, last time I asked was while you were arresting me, but really that’s all I have to go off of.” 
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“The scum? Darling, that’s hurtful. We’re not all bad. I mean, hypothetically, you turning a blind eye just... gives you all the time you’d want to finish this ...great book you’ve got here. I’m sure you could easily get absorbed in the plot and lose sight of anything else, yes..?” 
“Charming. You couldn’t just ask to talk because…?”
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“Realistically that would make me no better than the scum polluting the street. I would need a damn good reason to not see something, and I sincerely doubt that you can hypothetically come up with one.”
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