angeliclightdubai · 2 months
How Art Helps in Releasing Stress
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Every person has an artistic side. Art helps a person to discover his creative mind. Any art, whether it's sewing, drawing, writing, etc., plays a huge primary role in releasing stress. People of different ages can experience stress for various reasons. But if they continuously ignore it, then they might end up having anxiety attacks, which is not good for their mental and physical health. In that case, Anxiety therapists in Dubai can help them to recover from the situation.
This article will discover how art helps release stress in the human mind and helps people lead a healthy lifestyle. So, let's start the topic.
Tips Arts Helps In Releasing Stress
It helps in expressing your thoughts
Making art is a potent and productive way to convey feelings that could be difficult to convey orally. Through the medium of art, people can effectively channel their tension, anxiety, or dissatisfaction into something creative and tangible.
Mindfulness and relaxation
By encouraging mindfulness and activating the brain's creative side, engaging in artistic endeavors helps you focus on the process of creation and the present now rather than worries or pressures. A sense of calm and serenity may arise from this.
Sense of accomplishment
Whether an artwork is simple or sophisticated, finishing it can give one a sense of pride and satisfaction. This accomplishment can offset emotions of stress or inadequacy by boosting confidence and self-esteem.
Release of emotions
Making art is a beautiful accomplishment that can instill a tremendous sense of pride and satisfaction, regardless of how challenging the process may be. This accomplishment can significantly increase your self-worth and confidence, helping you overcomes any bad thoughts that could hold you back, such as nervousness or self-doubt. However, anxiety may result if you are still unable to let healthily go of your feelings. Then, Anxiety Therapy can help you recover from the situation.
Connection and communication
Without a doubt, art is a potent medium for interpersonal connection and communication. You can cultivate a strong sense of understanding and belonging by showing your artwork to friends, family, or a supportive group. This can greatly lessen feelings of loneliness and isolation.
These are some of the ways through which art helps you in releasing your stress. For assistance you can contact Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Therapist at Light Angelic.
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angeliclightdubai · 3 months
Signs that You Have Trauma after Having Severe Accident
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Traumas are the worst, and the traumas that are caused by accidents are no exception. Getting into an accident is a terrifying experience one could ever imagine, but for some people, things can be worse, and it turns into trauma. This can give rise to PTSD. To overcome the situation, you need to go for the best Therapy for PTSD. There are a few signs that show that you are dealing with the trauma caused by an accident. In this article, we will examine that in detail. So, let's start the topic. Shall we?
Various Signs Should be that You are Facing Trauma Caused by an Accident
Flashbacks and Nightmares
A symptom could also be persistently going over the accident in your head, searching for ways to prevent it, or just thinking about it repeatedly. However, if you are experiencing flashbacks that give you the impression that you are back at the accident scene, that could be a sign. Flashbacks can be triggered by sounds or odors, among other things, or they can only be brought on by internal stimuli.
After vehicle crashes, anxiety may manifest as psychological trauma that occurs before, during, or following triggering events. For instance, a person might become more anxious before getting into a car, while driving or riding in one, or after getting out of it.
It's common after trauma to avoid people, places, or situations that recall you of the accident. Avoiding situations that trigger memories or feelings associated with the traumatic event could require more work.
Mood Changes
Trauma can lead to mood swings, irritability, anger, or feelings of sadness or despair. You may struggle to regulate your emotions or experience changes in your mood that are difficult to explain. These traumas give rise to PTSD, and the only way to overcome the situation is by getting the best Therapy for PTSD in Dubai.
It makes sense to respond to stressful circumstances by keeping a vigilant eye out for potential dangers. You could feel extra watchful or careful even in situations without a clear threat.
Social Withdrawal
Trauma may manifest as a withdrawal from social interactions, social distancing, or complete avoidance of friends and family. You can experience social disconnection or worry about being misinterpreted or evaluated. Social Anxiety Therapy Dubai can help to overcome this situation.
Guilt or Shame
Feeling guilty or blaming you for the accident or its consequences is expected in trauma. You may replay the events leading up to the accident and meditate on what you could have done differently. These are some signs that you are facing trauma caused by the accident.
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angeliclightdubai · 4 months
Reasons Behind Mental Health Must Be Prioritize First
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A person's capacity to manage daily stressors and advance constructively is known as mental health. A person must have a positive attitude and appreciate life as it is. There is still a widespread belief that mental health issues are severe brain illnesses caused by psychology. Sometimes, mental health can lead to anxiety, and then people end up visiting the Anxiety Therapist Dubai to cure it. So, that is why it is essential to detect as early as possible. Now, people try to prioritize mental, and there are massive reasons behind that, which you must consider. In this article, we will give a full explanation so that you can see them and take care of your mental health accordingly.
Also Read: Advice on Selecting the Best Therapist
Reasons Mental Health is Important for People
Helps in Physical Health
Physical and mental health are both included in the concept of wellness. You can stay active to reach your objectives with various activities like swimming, cycling, and cutting-edge gyms.
Improved Resilience
Making mental health a priority encourages resilience and the ability to navigate life's obstacles successfully. Those with appropriate coping strategies and emotional regulation abilities are better equipped to overcome stress, hardship, and failures.
Improved Productivity
Increases in productivity are also correlated with mental wellness. We can work more productively and complete more tasks in less time when we feel content and balanced. Additionally, we have improved stress management and other problem-solving skills. That is why it is essential to take care of your mental health. If you have stress or anxiety, then you are unable to focus on your work. Thus, it is better to visit the best Therapy for PTSD Dubai.
Reduced Stigma
Making mental health a top priority is an efficient approach to eradicating the stigma associated with mental illness and promoting transparent and candid conversations about mental health issues. Normalizing conversations about mental health is essential to fostering understanding, acceptance, and resource access for individuals who require it. Together, let's cultivate a community that is more accepting and helpful to everyone.
Betterment of Your Relationship
Improved relationships are also a result of mental wellness. Stronger, more meaningful ties can be formed, and communication with loved ones is enhanced when we are mentally well. Additionally, we have increased empathy and improved comprehension of the needs and emotions of others.
These are some of the reasons that show us why we should take care of our mental health so seriously.
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angeliclightdubai · 5 months
Does Hypnosis Help With Fear, Anxiety, Or Depression?
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We do not naturally possess feelings of anxiety, fear, or despair; instead, we learn them from our environment. A youngster is full of courage and confidence, and they only know pleasure, joy, and fun. On the other hand, as we get older, we might occasionally inherit negative traits from our parents, grandparents, neighbors, family members, and friends, such as helplessness, guilt, poor self-esteem, lack of confidence, and distrust in ourselves. Instead of seeking professional assistance, we often turn to harmful self-harm and emotional eating as coping mechanisms for anxiety and depression symptoms. Let us check out the details of Hypnotherapy for Anxiety.
Anxiety Hypnosis
Anxiety is a dreadful and uneasy emotion that may make someone sweat, tense, and have a fast pulse. Those with anxiety disorders experience anxiety that never goes away. It causes disruptions to day-to-day activities and overwhelms individuals. According to a 2017 analysis, hypnosis significantly, quickly, and for a more extended time reduces anxiety in cancer patients. It was beneficial for those who were anxious about procedures.
Also Read: Best Meditation for Controlling Depression of a Person
How May Hypnosis Be Used To Treat Anxiety, And Fear?
The procedure of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Dubai is lovely, safe, and easy to use; it gives the therapist access to the subconscious mind's deepest recesses, which are where all memories and feelings are kept. A skilled hypnotist may effortlessly relieve unresolved pains, trauma, and abuse that are subconsciously affecting our bodies, lives, and habits. Hypnotherapy is a highly successful way to cure anxiety, drug misuse, addictions, habits, and behavior patterns. It also works wonders for treating sadness and fear.
How Does Hypnosis Work?
A healthy body follows a healthy mind. The psyche may be effectively healed by hypnosis. During hypnosis, the therapist creates a trance-like condition that facilitates the client's profound relaxation and increased receptivity to recommendations. It is simple to access suppressed memories and let go of previous trauma in this elevated level of awareness. Contrary to popular belief, the client actively releases these buried emotions and is always aware of what is happening.
Hypnotherapy is a helpful tool for treating anxiety and managing stress, particularly when a frightening event is approaching, such as a medical procedure, an exam, or an official assessment at work.
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angeliclightdubai · 6 months
Best Meditation for Controlling Depression of a Person
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There are lots of people who pretend to be strong in front of the world but are dealing with severe depression. Having depression for an extended period is harmful. Sometimes, it gives rise to anxiety or even panic attacks, which are unhealthy for both mind and body. That is why Anxiety Therapist near me is one solution that you can look up to, or through simple meditation, you can control it. Meditation has a considerable power to heal any mental and physical issue, including depression. Through meditation, you can control your chakra and maintain it properly. That is why it is you can control your negative thoughts. Want to learn more about it? So keep your eye on this post till last, and you will get to know what meditation you should do so that you can cure your depression like a pro.
Also Read: How to Deal with Attachment Issues Effectively
Best Meditation for Controlling Depression
Transcendental Meditation
Transcendental meditation, commonly known as TM, has a significant global following. Transcendental meditation employs sound or a personal mantra—typically one or two syllables—as the anchor for your focus rather than the breath.
Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy
A subset of mindfulness meditation is this. It focuses on altering harmful thought and behavior patterns and combines with cognitive behavioral therapy for successful outcomes. If you still feel depressed or even anxious, then it's better to see the best Anxiety Therapist in Dubai so that you can get over your issue as soon as possible.
Body Scan Meditation
Start by focusing on every body part, from your head to your toes, to attain deep relaxation. As you intentionally relax your muscles, pay attention to any feelings in your body. You'll quickly become more at ease and calm by using this strategy.
Also Read: What are the Major Benefits of Doing Yoga?
Walking Meditation
Naturally, walking is beneficial to your physical and emotional well-being. Still, a strolling meditation could elevate you to a new plane. In one study, aerobic walking combined with three times a week of Buddhist meditation over 12 weeks not only decreased depression but also enhanced flexibility and balance in a small group of older persons. In other studies, younger people's anxiety was similarly reduced by 10 minutes a day of meditation either before or after walking.
Depression is a common mental health problem that has been observed chiefly in young adults, and the reasons behind it are various. That may be a lousy lifestyle, love-related issues, stress, work life, etc. So that is why you should take care of yourself well and not forget to lead a healthy lifestyle. Contact Light Angelic for any assistance.
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angeliclightdubai · 7 months
How to Deal with Attachment Issues Effectively
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Finding a genuine relationship is tough nowadays as people somehow lose interest in falling in love. For the short term, enjoyment matters the most. But there are still many people out there who are affected due to this short-term relationship or situation. They get attached and thus easily get hurt and get hurt, thus giving rise to anxiety or, even worse, depression. If you are going through this phase, then it's better to consult the best Anxiety Therapy near your location. After a terrible heartbreak, it's become difficult to trust someone. We can understand the situation, but no matter how terrible your past was, you can still recover and get over this issue. If you don't get over this, you could ruin your future relationship. That is why healing is the only solution for this situation. This article will help you in this challenging situation as we discuss overcoming the attachment issue. Also Read: A Brief Discussion on Panic Attacks & its Management
Tips for Dealing with Attachment Issue
Understand the Past Very Well
Resolving childhood trauma requires first acknowledging the influence of your past. Although thinking back on your early memories can be traumatic, it's crucial to understand how you felt as a baby or toddler. After that, you can turn your attention to the present by considering how your early years have influenced the way you engage in relationships as an adult. Knowing your patterns is one of the first steps to healing and transformation.
Understand what You Need
Examine your attachment wounds by keeping a journal. Every wound might have a connection to a particular childhood event or pattern. Write in your journal how each wound affected you as a youngster to explore the theme of each wound further. After that, move on to blogging about how these patterns show up in your past or present love relationships.
Contact a Professional
You can change your attachment style and create more stable relationships by working with a therapist who can teach you practical solutions. You can also get assistance from an Anxiety Therapist near Me at Light Angelic to comprehend the causes of your unhealthy attachment tendencies and how they have impacted your life as an adult.
Also Read: Learn The Results of Trauma on Human Behaviour
Work on Yourself
You should focus on your general wellness and mental health. Being the best version of yourself could be challenging if you need more exercise or have enough on your plate. Make sure you prioritize sleep, nutrition, and exercise for optimal health. In addition, it could be a good idea to adopt a routine or think of a pastime. So, these are some of the ways through which you can heal yourself and get rid of the attachment issue.
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angeliclightdubai · 8 months
A Brief Discussion on Panic Attacks & its Management
Among multiple problems that are caused by a trauma, panic attack is a major one. A panic attack is a series of deep fear with an abrupt onset. A panic attack can last from some minutes to almost an hour. A panic attack include a multiple number of symptoms like sudden chest pain, shortness of breath, dizziness, a feeling of gloominess etc.
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Panic attacks can arise at the times when there is no chances of worries. Though panic attacks may not be life threatening but it can affect the lives of the people who are there in the patient's surrounding. Panic attacks can seriously affect the quality of life of a patient and his or her loved ones. For this reason panic attacks is a significant category of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
Also Read: How Childhood Trauma Create Difficulty in Making Decisions
Signs of Panic Attacks
A panic attack can occur without any specific warning suddenly. The symptoms can get their peak within very shortly and the patient can get worn out. Below we are discussing some major symptoms that usually occur during a panic attack. To be assessed as a Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in Dubai a person is needed to have at least four of these signs.
Heart burning or chilling sensation.
Feeling of unreality or derealisation.
Complete detachment from oneself.
Extremely fast heart beat.
Fear of death.
Fear of choking.
Excess sweat.
Shaking. If you often get panic attacks, you may feel worried to take steps outside of your home because you may get afraid of having a repeated attack. If this fear become very deep and problematic, then the problem is called agoraphobia.
Also Read: Things Shows that You are in Deep Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Time of Panic Attacks
When it comes to the matter of panic attacks, we would say that there is no specific time of getting a panic attack, it can happen anytime. It varies from one person to another. Some people experience panic attack once and never another one in their life. On the other hand, there are people who might experience panic attacks for several times within a very short span. Some places, situations, person or activities may trigger the situation. If you ask the duration, we would say that most panic attacks last for a maximum time of 10minutes. Panic attacks can occur suddenly without any warning sign and can be worst within 10minutes. But in some cases, symptoms can get last for more than10minutes. Contact any reputable Traumatic Stress Disorder healer to get the best treatments.
If you are experiencing panic attacks more than one time, it can a result of deep trauma. Having multiple panic attacks is called panic disorder. It is very common to have panic disorders which can be treated we'll with multiple healing technique.
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angeliclightdubai · 9 months
How Childhood Trauma Create Difficulty in Making Decisions
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Punishment is known to be very efficient in giving shape to your child, but if this happens in excess condition, then it can lead to childhood trauma. This can damage their mental state and raise many mental issues like PTSD. If you are one of them, it's better to go for the best Therapy for PTSD.
Also Read: What are the Signs That You Have Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder? Parents want their children's best but need to remember where to stop. There is a massive gap between care and control. Sometimes, parents start to control their children's lives, which is not acceptable at a certain point in time. This leads to trauma, and often, they doubt themselves to make decisions about their life.
In Which Ways the Childhood Trauma Affects To Take Decision
Effects on Brain
These adverse effects may be directly tied to early life stress's ability to affect brain connections and function. According to research, the emotional regions of the brain that respond to threats become more reactive and dissociated from the regulatory regions of the brain as a result of childhood trauma. Both the harmful effects of child maltreatment and cognitive functions, which are also strongly associated with these adverse effects, are thought to be caused by these brain alterations.
Emotional regulation
Trauma survivors commonly experience challenges regulating their emotions, hindering their ability to make confident and rational decisions. Effective decision-making frequently involves managing emotions, but the impact of trauma can make this a difficult task for many individuals.
Also Read: How to Get Over From Nightmares and Get Peaceful Sleep
Fear and anxiety
Experiencing trauma can cause an increase in fear and anxiety levels, which can make decision-making a problematic task. The individual may be overly concerned about the possible outcomes, hindering their ability to proceed with confidence.
Low self-esteem
Although trauma can be a challenging experience, it does not define one's self-worth or decision-making abilities. With patience and self-care, individuals can regain confidence and trust in their judgment.
It is crucial to emphasize that while childhood trauma can significantly affect decision-making, individuals can develop resilience and effective coping mechanisms. Seeking the help of the best Post Traumatic Stress Disorder therapist for counseling is a proactive step towards addressing these challenges and cultivating a positive and healthy decision-making process.
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angeliclightdubai · 10 months
What are the Signs That You Have Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder?
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Suppose you are stuck in a never-ending loop of intrusive thoughts and irrational behaviors that consume your every waking moment. In that case, you may suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). OCD is an often debilitating mental health condition characterized by persistent and uncontrollable thought patterns and compulsions to perform specific actions, such as counting or washing hands. Also, this can cause PTSD; in that case, you have to consult the best Therapy for PTSD to get back into normal life.
What seems like a trivial problem can immensely affect victims' lives: If left untreated, it can lead to further challenges with academics, career prospects, relationships, and even physical health. To truly understand the nuances of this challenging disorder and its potential to influence everyday life, it's essential to look at the signs of having OCD. Also Read: How Balancing Chakras Helps In Controlling Your Mind
Signs That You Have OCD
The first symptom is that you will be scared of toughing things that other person touched earlier. Also, you hate hugging or even shaking hands with others, as you think you will have come in contact with the germs through this.
The next sign is that you will feel anxious when the objects are not in their place. It will create a real challenge for you to leave the house if the objects are not in their specific place.
It's normal to have thoughts about causing harm to yourself or others, even when your mind is preoccupied with other things.
The obsessions and compulsions take up a significant amount of time. It will interfere with daily activities, work, school, or relationships. The person recognizes that their obsessions are not rational but feels compelled to perform compulsions.
You will try avoiding situations or places that trigger obsessions or compulsions.
Also, you will be afraid that you will curse out loud in the crowd, and thus, you will try to avoid any social events.
People may engage in repetitive behaviors or mental acts as a way to alleviate feelings of anxiety. Also, you will try to wash your hands excessively or even be obsessed with cleaning.
Also Read: How can Rejection Become Your Strength? It is well-established that a significant portion of the world's population, ranging from 1.1% to 1.8%, experiences the challenges associated with OCD. Thus, this shows that the number is not good. Suppose you or someone you know is experiencing these signs. If you have encountered mental health issues, it is vital to seek help from a skillful professional to undergo proper assessment and treatment. Without intervention, conditions such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder can become severe.
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angeliclightdubai · 11 months
How can Rejection Become Your Strength?
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Every individual takes rejection negatively. Nobody wants to get rejected, and that’s the human tendency. Some individuals face anxiety, stress issues, and even post-traumatic stress disorder due to rejection.
But if I tell you that rejection can become your strength? What would you say about this?
Have you ever gone for a therapy for PTSD in Dubai? If not, let me explain, what’s their point of view on rejection.
A healer always helps an individual going through PTSD issues because of rejection faced by him.
The healing professionals inject positive thoughts into the minds of the sufferers. The optimistic approach allows the sufferers to turn the stress of rejection into power.
So, you must be thinking, is it possible?
Yes, it’s possible.
Let’s explore more and check out how rejection can become essential to our strength and personal growth.
Also Read: The Significance of Past Life Regression For Creating a Happy Life
Always Welcome Rejection Positively
We all think to escape from the situation where we doubt getting rejected. Be it a school competition or in the personal life.
Why escape when you can convert rejection into your power?
Why look for validation from others if you have the confidence to achieve specific goals?
Dealing with rejection is possible; check the below points and learn to fight back from the trauma of rejection quite comfortably.
A mind-healing professional supports you with the perfect theory of overcoming rejection trauma. The theory is to look behind the dark shadow of rejection.
Rejection gives us valuable teachings that allow us to improve and grow at our best.
For say, if an individual is depressed due to being rejected for a job. So, instead of looking at the negative side, consider the reason for rejection, accept your setback, work on it dedicatedly, and achieve a better job next time.
Stop Feeling Vulnerable
Yes, rejection causes disappointment and lowers our confidence level. But why feel vulnerable? An individual feels vulnerable when there is a lack of confidence. Face rejection with happiness, and make yourself strong enough that nobody can hurt you.
The Conclusion
If you feel depressed, anxious, or stressed due to rejection, connect with a healing professional soon ,take anxiety therapy and make your rejection pain your power or strength.
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angeliclightdubai · 1 year
The Significance of Past Life Regression For Creating a Happy Life
Are you a believer in a past life? Many individuals don’t believe in past life, but if we think spiritually, it’s there. Sufferings in the current life may times belong to our previous lives.
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Have you ever met a healing consultant or a stress therapist in Dubai? If not, you must take a session on past life regression, which will change your life.
Past life regression is a brilliant technique used by the best anxiety therapist in Dubai to help individuals memorize their past life.
If you’re finding it a joke, it’s not.
After experiencing past life regression techniques, you can connect with your previous life through your subconscious mind.
The healing consultants connect the sufferers with their previous life through a technique called past life regression. So, let’s check how it has benefitted the ones who have experienced the technique.
Also Read: Healing Phenomenally Works for You During PTSD
Benefits of Past Life Regression Technique
Many people ask for a session due to their curiosity to unveil the hidden secret of their previous life. Others go for it to analyze if their troubles in this life are related to their past.
Now, let’s check how delving into our past lives offers happiness to us.
• Make us Self Aware
After experiencing past life regression, many people experience insights into their present behavior. The technique offers individuals a unique perspective on their problems. Self-awareness of the problems allows an individual to overcome the challenges in their current life and live happily.
• Resolving Unresolved Matters
The past life regression participants believe that the problems carried from their past lives affect their emotions, relationships, and well-being. So, after uncovering the truth through this incredible technique, individuals can resolve their issues in the present life and make themselves happy forever.
• Overcome Fears
From the fear of water, spiders, and height to the fear of not getting enough love or fear of trusting others, has a connection from the past life. After past life regression, individuals can easily overcome their fear and insecurities, resulting in a happy life.
The Conclusion:
The bottom line is that past life regression is an incredible technique to be experienced for letting go of all the troubles that relate to your past life and living a happy life indeed.
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angeliclightdubai · 1 year
Healing Phenomenally Works for You During PTSD
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Are you dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder? It’s troublesome when your past thoughts can’t let you sleep.
Awful memories of the dreadful experiences feel like dark clouds, and you don’t know what to do.
In this situation, all you need is therapy for PTSD from an expert healing professional. The professionals work dedicatedly toward the sufferers and use various healing techniques to resolve the problem.
Also Read: What are the Causes of Feeling Disconnected in Our Relationships?
Do you want to gain some information on how healers deal with PTSD?
Firstly, let’s understand What’s PTSD.
Post-traumatic stress disorder is a mental disorder that discourages an individual from recovering due to a sudden trigger of memories and terrifying events.
The death of a loved one, an abrupt breakup or separation, losing a job, mental or physical abuse, etc., are events that can become terrifying memories and can trigger just after the event happened or may take longer hours (weeks or months or even years) to hit the mind of the sufferer.
The signs of PTSD include nightmares, flashbacks, sudden trembling, etc.
So, in this case, it’s better to go for some calm and soothing healing techniques. Let’s look at some of the methods used for healing PTSD,
Also Read: How Does Anxiety Impact Your Quality of Life?
• Cognitive Behavioral Therapy(CBT)
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy(CBT) supports individuals who have PTSD. The process involves challenging the memories of the past or the thoughts triggering the sufferer and making them feel awful.
To overcome these thoughts, a healer allows the sufferer to explore their unhealthy thoughts and replace them with positive ones.
• Sound Healing
The sound or vibrational healing technique helps reduce the signs of PTSD. Professional healers play various sounds through instruments like crystal bowls, brass bowls, tuning forks, binaural beats, etc.
The vibrations from the instruments help the sufferers release negative thoughts or memories by healing the mind, body, and soul properly.
The Conclusion:
The bottom line is that healing is the best decision to be taken in the case of any issues like PTSD, anxiety, stress, and so on. A perfect life coach always works like an archangel to the sufferers in curing these issues.
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angeliclightdubai · 1 year
What are the Causes of Feeling Disconnected in Our Relationships?
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Understanding Social Anxiety and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in Dubai
Social anxiety and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in dubai are mental health conditions that can significantly impact an individual's ability to connect and maintain healthy relationships. In a bustling city like Dubai, where social interactions can be overwhelming, seeking professional help for social anxiety and PTSD can be crucial for improving one's social well-being and overall quality of life.
Social Anxiety Therapy in Dubai
For individuals in Dubai struggling with social anxiety, finding effective therapy is essential. Light Angelic, a reputable therapy centre in Dubai, offers specialized social anxiety therapy to help individuals overcome their symptoms and build healthy relationships. Using evidence-based therapies, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), exposure therapy, and social skills training, Light Angelic's experienced team of professionals provides tailored treatment to help individuals overcome social anxiety and develop confidence in social situations.
Causes of Feeling Disconnected in Relationships
Feeling disconnected in relationships can be distressing and impact one's overall well-being. Here are some common causes of feeling disconnected in relationships:
Social Anxiety: Social anxiety can cause individuals to feel anxious, self-conscious, and overly concerned about judgment and criticism in social situations. This can lead to avoidance of social interactions and difficulty forming and maintaining meaningful connections, resulting in feelings of disconnection in relationships.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): Individuals with PTSD may experience intrusive memories, flashbacks, and hyperarousal symptoms related to past traumatic events, which can impact their ability to connect with others on an emotional level. This can lead to difficulties in forming and maintaining healthy relationships, resulting in feelings of disconnection.
Communication Issues: Poor communication skills or lack of assertiveness can also contribute to feeling disconnected in relationships. Difficulty expressing thoughts, feelings, and needs can lead to misunderstandings, misinterpretations, and unresolved conflicts, resulting in feelings of disconnection and emotional distance.
Trust Issues: Trust is a fundamental aspect of any healthy relationship. Trust issues resulting from past experiences of betrayal, abandonment, or trauma can impact one's ability to trust and connect with others, leading to feelings of disconnection and emotional guardedness.
Lifestyle and Priorities: Divergent lifestyles, values, and priorities between individuals in a relationship can also contribute to feeling disconnected. Differences in interests, goals, and lifestyle choices can create emotional distance and impact the level of connection and intimacy in relationships.
In conclusion, social anxiety and PTSD can significantly impact one's ability to connect and maintain healthy relationships in Dubai. Light Angelic's specialized social anxiety therapy can be beneficial for individuals struggling with social anxiety and seeking professional help. Understanding the causes of feeling disconnected in relationships, such as social anxiety, PTSD, communication issues, trust issues, and lifestyle differences, can provide insights and guidance in addressing and overcoming these challenges. Seeking therapy and professional support can be a valuable step towards building healthy and meaningful connections in relationships, and Light Angelic's expertise in social anxiety therapy in Dubai can be a valuable resource for individuals seeking assistance in this area.
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angeliclightdubai · 1 year
Healing of Phobias by Incredible Healing Techniques
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The worries of phobia trouble many people in the present scenario. Phobias are not just common fears; they can last very long or even since infancy. Do you know that individuals suffering from phobia visits anxiety therapists in Dubai? Yes, that is true, and a wise decision as well.
Phobias come in various forms, including fears of heights, the dark, water, etc. Many people are disturbed by arachnophobia or the dread of spiders. Do you know how to treat these phobias?
Curing this anxiety disorder called phobia with the help of healing techniques is the best idea. Healing experts ensure the appropriate healing methods to provide aid with the troubling phobias giving you sleepless nights.
Are you excited to know how phobias can be healed with various healing methods? Let us delve deep into the topic and get the solutions to your problems.
Anxiety Healing Consultants works the Best.
The best anxiety-stress-free healing meditation and other healing techniques used by healing professionals work incredibly to overcome phobias effectively.
Let us check a few methods now,
Chakra Balancing
Professional healing experts perform chakra-balancing techniques to help individuals suffering from several phobias. Solar Plexus chakra is one of the seven that regulates our fears, gut feelings, and sense of power.
An unhealed Solar Plexus chakra leads to anxiety, fears or phobias, loss of control, and many other issues. So, visiting anxiety therapists in Dubai will help you get a perfect solar plexus chakra balance to overcome your phobias.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
The CBT techniques merged with other healing methods help change the perception of the sufferer in viewing the fear or the thing that is causing a phobia. This allows an individual to cope with the anxiety disorder quickly.
Breathing Exercises
Breathing in and out and relaxation techniques offered by anxiety therapists in Dubai proves fruitful for the sufferers in overcoming phobias.
Yoga, progressive muscle relaxation, and deep breathing are a few healing methods that help eliminate an anxiety disorder called phobia.
The Conclusion
The bottom line is that a life coach or a mentor must be consulted if phobias are haunting you. The healing experts work the best on these fears by offering you the proper assistance to cope with them.
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angeliclightdubai · 1 year
Sound Healing Methods that have been Successful
Emerging issues, including post traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, migraines, and other similar conditions, are escalating quickly.
Rapidly occurring disorders can also be effectively treated with healing techniques.
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Have you ever gone to the internet and looked for the best singing sound healer near me? How do they behave? The best professionals can easily help patients with common to persistent issues by employing various ways of appropriate healing.
Do you search for “singing sound healer near me” over the internet?
Our goal is to give you enticing knowledge. To get the information you require, keep reading the article.
The Ideal Theory of Music World
Every ailment can be treated with sound, including stress and anxiety, heart disease, hypertension, and post-traumatic stress disorder.
Let's examine a few fantastic techniques connected to the nearby singing sound healer to obtain some valuable information.
Chanting of the Yogis
One of the well-known techniques for sound healing is chanting. People have used this method to relax since ancient times.
By having you chant "Om" continuously, the most outstanding singing sound healer near me aids in sharpening your mental focus, and chanting aids in lowering tension and anxiety.
Regular humming on your own can solve many issues. You can use this excellent method anytime, anywhere.
The sinus disease and many other issues, including stress, can be readily removed with a persistent humming technique.
Many institutions provide this healing method to help people deal with various severe ailments.
Healing Forks
A set of Tibetan tuning forks is the ideal restorative device for balancing the nervous system. A singing sound healer near me uses the vibrations of tuning forks nearby to soothe the patient and boost their physical energies.
The tuning fork approach offers the ideal remedy for treating various body areas.
Musical bowls
Using quartz or metal crystal singing bowls is an excellent developer of vibrations and rhymes and is effective for maintaining a person's composure.
The Conclusion
The bottom line is that music is a fantastic way to heal your anxiety, stress, and other disorders. You can visit an exquisite life coach to get the proper healing from the various problems.
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angeliclightdubai · 1 year
Do You Experience Anxiety? Get a Fix Right Now
The number of anxiety therapists near me is steadily growing for the benefit of those who suffer. These days, anxiety isn't the only problem; there is PTSD therapy in Dubai that has been successfully treating patients.
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Then, how does this operate? It is a healing process. Healing is the fundamental factor that can make everything run well.
Only by going through the healing process will you be able to recognize and overcome your inner sensations of stress. The top anxiety therapist near me works on the recovery plan.
External mending is a disguise. It is necessary to undergo internal healing to reduce your anxiety levels more quickly. Let's go over some anxiety-reduction tactics that can help.
Also Read : Amazing Meditation Techniques to Reduce PTSD Symptoms
Healing Can Help You Get Rid of Anxiety
Some treatments can eliminate a patient's entire melancholy and frustrated state. Do you understand the signs of anxiety?
The following are indications of anxiety:
Shortness of breath,
Persistent negative thoughts,
Muscle strain
Simple methods could be used to treat these problems. Let's go over these techniques to learn how the anxiety therapist near me operates.
Exercise Frequently
You stay fit by exercising. Everyone is aware of this as common knowledge. However, are you aware of how anxiety relieves anxiety disorders?
For the majority of people, anxiety and panic episodes are regular issues. The activities allow you to divert your attention from these problems, maintain good health, and concentrate on your well-being.
Relaxation Methods
The most effective method of stress relief for anxiety disorders is meditation. Every person who has anxiety has found this to be the ideal healing approach.
The anxiety therapist near me offers sessions to guarantee success in eradicating this problem as soon as possible. They can feel internally free from the condition by taking deep breaths and focusing on their issues.
Ancient saints have long employed meditation techniques. These days, it has gained popularity, and the majority of the younger age favors these fixes.
Therapy for PTSD can also be easily healed by the life coaches of well-versed healing organizations.
Also Read : Discover Some Healing Techniques to Improve Your Sleep
The Conclusion
The bottom line says that today's growing number of life coaches educate sufferers about using natural methods to treat their anxiety.
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angeliclightdubai · 1 year
Amazing Meditation Techniques to Reduce PTSD Symptoms
Do you have any clue about post-traumatic stress disorder Dubai? How does this issue arise, and how does meditation work to lessen PTSD symptoms?
The top stress therapy Dubai includes meditation. Since ancient times, meditation practices have proven to be quite beneficial.
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Meditative activities always aid in soothing your mind, soul, and body and healing a person at a deeper level for the right healing regime.
Today, we'll talk about how to get rid of the symptoms of meditation through healing. Let's carefully read this article to get some enticing information.
Also Read : Heal Your PTSD Symptoms Through Marvelous Meditation Techniques
Cure Yourself with Meditation
Post-traumatic stress disorder Dubai is a mental illness that develops after a traumatic incident. It can emerge in a matter of days or it might take months or even years.
Some of the most typical PTSD symptoms are melancholy, anger, and avoiding situations, people, and places that bring back those memories.
The healers provide aid in reducing the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder by using mind-body techniques.
Meditation is an extremely effective way to manage stress and anxiety. Meditation with a mindfulness focus helps to quiet and ease the mind.
By lowering their degree of irritability and rage, the patients benefit by gaining peace of mind. Through meditation, the patient gains a sense of control by soothing the mind and soul.
Post-traumatic stress disorder Dubai problem was intractable with meditation. But it can aid in easing PTSD symptoms.
Transcendental meditation is another technique for reducing PTSD symptoms. The patient is made to mentally repeat a word or phrase by the healers or mental guides.
The patient can experience inner calm thanks to this treatment. Through diversion, the transcendental meditation practice assists a patient in avoiding thoughts of the horrific experience and lulls them into a feeling of tranquility.
Also Read : Types of Sound Healing Techniques that Proves Fruitful in many Ways
The Conclusion
The bottom line says that the most effective method for treating post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms and returning patients to their pre-traumatic state of happiness and satisfaction is meditation. So, visit the best life coach and take regular sessions of the best meditative practices, and make your life an amazing one.
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