andyssup-blog · 5 years
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“You can’t really prove that they even exist. Everybody lies, says they’ve never looked at someone the same gender as them. But they have, everyone has. Even if it’s because of jealousy. You’ve got to be looking at someone and see things you like that you don’t have, that’s kinda how jealousy works. Oh he’s taller than me, or oh she’s got better hair than me. Why are you scoping out his height or her hair unless you find that attractive? You’re not straight, Karen. There’s no such thing as straight people.”
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andyssup-blog · 5 years
[text]: I’ll never be able to listen to that song again without thinking of this. I needed someone to suffer with me.
Here, have a 3 am text from Andy.
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@andyssup // random asks (always accepting)
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[txt.] w h y 
[txt] i hate how right that is it reALLY DOES SOUND LIKE THAT
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andyssup-blog · 5 years
My favorite type of characters are “they’re not dumb but they are a dumbass”
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andyssup-blog · 5 years
Send “Pain is weakness leaving the body” and I will randomly generate how your muse will find mine
[Random Number Generator can be found here]
with a broken arm
with a broken leg
with a concussion
with a stab wound
after a bar fight
with the flu
with (a) broken rib(s)
with sore muscles
after falling down the stairs
with a twisted ankle
blinded temporarily
with ringing ears
with a burn
after running into a door
out in the cold without warm clothes
covered in blood
overly exhausted
after a nightmare
after losing part/all of their memory
with a black eye
rper’s choice!
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andyssup-blog · 5 years
Liam Knopke. Tyler Harrison. Stephen Price. Dylan Hoyt. Micah Bateman. Five kids in a little over a year. The only reason the BAU could think of as why they were called in so late was because the LEOs of the town didn’t see a connection. Cause of death was unable to be determined from the photos as there weren’t any clear signs of struggle or antemortem damage. All were buried in nice clothes that fit them, their hair styled, clearly the killer was remorseful. The only other connection that they had at the moment before Garcia could do more in-depth digging was the look. They were all the same build, hair color, height. 
The entire team was always on edge when it was a case involving kids, and this was no different. Even the light teasing JJ got when she realized she forgot to replace the deodorant in her go-bag was half-hearted. Spencer decided to join them in the small convenience store, citing the need to stretch his legs after being cramped in the backseat for the almost three hours from the airport to the town they were on the outskirts of. Some kid was working his way around the place, grabbing snacks and water and carrying them around like some type of hoarder.  
“ I wouldn’t trust Morgan, JJ, he uses citrus toothpaste! ” That got him slugged in the shoulder by his friend and a laugh out of JJ.
The kid returned with an armful of goodies, replying to JJ’s patented Mother Look that had all the agents spilling their guts. The mention of Pokemon got Spencer’s attention, “ Oh yeah, Community Day is today. ” 
“Hey, a lot of people use it.” Morgan had defended, something which JJ seemed to highly doubt by the slight roll of her eyes. Reid’s comment had Andy nodding and trying to maneuver the items in his arms so he could get his phone out. It didn’t quite go to plan and he abandoned the idea before he could drop anything.
“Yeah, I’m hoping to get a lot of shinies. Ralts is tricky cause you need a Sinnoh Stone to get Gallade, and you can only get a Gallade from a male. So if I want a living dex I need at least 275 candies and four shinies, one being male.” Andy paused for a moment, going over the math again in his head. “Double that if I want non-shiny Gardevior and Gallade too.”
“Sounds complicated.” Morgan wasn’t as into the game as Reid or Andy were, but he at least had an idea of how much work that could be from times he had heard Reid talking about it.
“It kind of is,” JJ answered him. Henry had wanted to play but he was too young for his own phone and so she’d downloaded the game onto hers. “You have to keep track of a few things. Henry got upset when we had enough candy and the stone, but his was a girl.”
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andyssup-blog · 5 years
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“ I’m really not, although a killer doll wasn’t really exactly how I imagined them going out. ”
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"Trust me, nobody expected it. Personally I thought it was going to be the fact you could use Buddi to connect to everything KASLAN. So you could connect to someone else’s cameras and get people’s nudes and shit.”
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andyssup-blog · 5 years
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“Sticky Senses.”
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andyssup-blog · 5 years
musingmeme :
send     ❛    POW  !     ❜    to see my muse get shot   . 
alternatively   ,    add “+” to flip it    &    my muse will see yours shot instead   .
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andyssup-blog · 5 years
hey. hey. stop scrolling for a sec.
breathe. you’ve made it so far this year. you’ve gotten through so many things that you thought you wouldn’t, and you’ll continue to get though this, whatever it is. i know you can. i believe in you, and i’m so, so proud of you. i know it probably seems impossible, but it’s going to be ok. it’s going to be ok.
breathe in, breath out. and just keep breathing. we’re gonna get there.
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andyssup-blog · 5 years
(under cut bc length and posted because i rewrote this thing like, five times and got frustrated that my brain refused to say it was good enough)
Andy didn’t know about Liam Knopke. He didn’t know about Tyler Harrison, Stephen Price, Dylan Hoyt, or Micah Bateman. He knew that his mom had been more uneasy lately, that Mike had been cautious about Andy going anywhere on his own. He knew that when they’d left on a two-week trip they’d been uneasy enough about Andy being on his own (more related to Andy’s nightmares and paranoia after Chucky) that they arranged for a friend of his mom’s to stay with Andy at the apartment. Maggie was nice, with her laidback nature it wasn’t like she was babysitting him. More like an older sister hanging out with kid brother for a couple weeks.
It was her idea to head to the park early, yeah the original plan had been to go there for Community Day anyway but Maggie had pointed out that there might be Team Rocket stops that they could hit before the event got started. She’d handed him a few bills, told him to get each of them two large water bottles and a couple snacks then come right back out. Andy had been the one who paused, muttering a “sorry, ‘scuse me” to the man he had to scoot past to grab some sunscreen on the way towards the drink coolers.
Four large bottles of water (no regrets there), a bag of Cheddar Chex Mix, a bag of Sour Cream and Onion Chex Mix, and a bottle of sunscreen were held in his arms as he started towards the register. He ended up behind the man he’d scooted past and apparently he was with a couple friends. A blonde woman who was talking about how she wasn’t going to use the others’ deodorant and a black man who teasingly commenting about how “You could’ve just used Reid’s, he uses unscented.”
“I don’t care, I’m not using anybody’s deodorant. " The blonde’s head turned and when she’d accidentally made eye contact with Andy there was a look that was only there for a split second, but made Andy feel a bit uneasy about being on his own while Maggie kept the car running outside. As if she knew there was something going on that he didn’t that meant he shouldn’t be as relaxed about the day as he was. But then her look shifted to the literal armload of goodies and a brow raised ever so slightly. Andy knew what that look meant, his mom had given it to him before when he’d been a little store goblin carrying everything in his arms instead of using a basket.
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“We’re headed to the park, we’re going to play Pokemon.” As soon as he’d started talking, he saw something... he wasn’t sure what it was, but it expressed that she was a bit more at ease hearing he wasn’t completely on his own.
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andyssup-blog · 5 years
Send “#b” and I’ll shuffle my music player, and use my favorite line from the next song as a starter!
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andyssup-blog · 5 years
❝ you don’t want any part of this. ❞ ❝ you have a plan? ❞ ❝ I don’t have a plan. ❞ ❝ well, that was a real roller coaster. ❞ ❝ please stop saying tingle. ❞ ❝ ‘sup, dickwad? ❞ ❝ you’re a very difficult person to contact. ❞ ❝ wait, was this a coincidence? ❞ ❝ you’re coming with us. ❞ ❝ uh, I thought this was the bathroom. ❞ ❝ this is not what it looks like! ❞ ❝ you do have sarcasm on this world, don’t you? ❞ ❝ I didn’t think I was going to have to save the world this summer. ❞ ❝ just turn around, run away from all this. ❞ ❝ it’s really nice to have somebody to talk to. ❞ ❝ you look really pretty. ❞ ❝ we need to stay vigilant. ❞ ❝ they look really stupid. ❞ ❝ it’s my choice to make, okay? ❞ ❝ see? that wasn’t so hard. ❞ ❝ welcome to the new dark ages! ❞ ❝ I mean it’s… kind of obvious. ❞ ❝ of course I’m not a male escort! ❞ ❝ the news never lies. ❞ ❝ who would do something like that? ❞ ❝ I can’t believe I figured it out! ❞ ❝ we really have to get out of here. ❞ ❝ I don’t think you know what’s real. ❞ ❝ I control the truth. ❞ ❝ deep down, you know I’m right. ❞ ❝ it’s easy to fool people when they’re already fooling themselves. ❞ ❝ for what it’s worth, I really am sorry. ❞ ❝ how can I relax when I messed up so bad? ❞ ❝ please, do not tell me to relax! ❞ ❝ I’m sorry, I shouldn’t shout. ❞ ❝ I just really miss him. ❞ ❝ everywhere I go, I see his face. ❞ ❝ what are you going to do about it? ❞ ❝ I’m going to kick his ass. ❞ ❝ your password is password? ❞ ❝ I love Led Zeppelin! ❞ ❝ I gotta get you guys out of here! ❞ ❝ nobody dies on my watch. ❞ ❝ I have a fake ID, and I’ve never even used it. ❞ ❝ if you saved us, then why are we about to die? ❞ ❝ we’re sharing, right? ❞ ❝ your lies are over. ❞ ❝ this certainly isn’t ideal, but I have contingencies. ❞ ❝ how could you do all of this? ❞ ❝ people need to believe. ❞ ❝ you sure no one else has figured it out? ❞ ❝ it’s not like anybody really pays attention to you. ❞ ❝ we’ll always be friends, no matter what. ❞ ❝ what the fu - ! ❞ ❝ shortly after that, everything kind of went off the rails. ❞
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andyssup-blog · 5 years
Chucky stopped as soon as he saw the chair clatter. A frown fell upon his plastic features as his mind tried to figure out what exactly he did wrong this time. He had made sure to try not to upset Andy, but he still didn’t seem happy to see him like he used to be.
“You owned me?” He tilted his head to the side, computing the several times Andy had said some variant of mine while talking about him.
Eyes went up to look at Andy before his hand whirred to reach into his pocket and pull out a rock that had what seemed to be a carving into it. Simply a rough carving of the word friend into the smooth rock. He held it up to him, “For you.”
“Chucky...” God, he couldn’t believe he had to explain this. “You’re not a person. You’re a doll. Dolls can get fixed when they break, people can’t always be fixed.” A deep breath to calm his nerves and he was going to take a risk. “You remember how this helps me hear?” Andy reached to his left ear, pointing out his hearing aid then reaching to his right ear to pull the aid out so Chucky could see what he did. “When you hit me, in the warehouse, part of my ear broke. It can’t be fixed, so I wear this now so I can hear.” 
His hearing aid was put back in place and he watched Chucky produce a rock from his pocket. It was a sweet sentiment, but he couldn’t help but wonder how Chucky had carved the rock. “You hurt me, that’s not how friends act.” He couldn’t bring himself to approach just yet, instead letting the distance between them stay. Maybe he could still talk Chucky down? “You hurt me, so I’m scared.”
"You're mine" - For @haviingfun
Send “You’re Mine” for my muse’s reaction to yours being possessive of them.
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Things had gotten back to normal. Well, fairly normal. Some things would never be like they were before, his hearing for one. The blow Chucky had dealt him in the warehouse had given him a concussion and he’d learned the hard way that concussions can cause hearing loss. KASLAN, despite claiming no responsibility for the Buddi 2 Launch Massacre, had been dealing with lawsuits and Karen had ended up with enough money from them to pay for Andy to get new hearing aids (better ones, no more feedback and fitting more comfortably in and behind his ears) and them to move to a new apartment.
He’d dropped off his keys in a dish on a side table by the door, his backpack beside the dining table so he could start on homework. Andy set his math book out first, wanting to get that done and over with but he paused before actually opening it. He could just… feel something was wrong. 
Then he heard Chucky.
His blood ran cold and it felt as if someone had just grabbed his lungs and were slowly squeezing the air out. His grip shifted on his pencil, changing from ‘ready to write’ to ‘stabby time’ just in case he wasn’t imagining things. 
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andyssup-blog · 5 years
The first place Andy looked upon seeing Chucky were the doll’s hands. Though Andy knew Chucky didn’t need a weapon to be deadly, it was oddly reassuring to see his former friend fully reveal himself and start to approach. The boy stood from the chair fast enough that his chair fell to the floor with a clatter and took a couple steps back. Karen would be back around seven, Mike later than that, he was on his own with this fucking doll.
Andy was already thinking about options, he could (in theory) make a break for the door and run, the lock on the door was high enough that Chucky would have to grab a chair to get up there which would buy him a few seconds. He had longer legs than Chucky and as such a wider stride. But then Chucky would target others in an attempt to get at him again. Knife from the kitchen...? Chucky had apparently been waiting for him, he might just find that Chucky had taken the knives. “Chucky, y-you don’t own people.” Why was that what came out of his mouth? Stupid. “You can’t keep hurting people.”
"You're mine" - For @haviingfun
Send “You’re Mine” for my muse’s reaction to yours being possessive of them.
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Things had gotten back to normal. Well, fairly normal. Some things would never be like they were before, his hearing for one. The blow Chucky had dealt him in the warehouse had given him a concussion and he’d learned the hard way that concussions can cause hearing loss. KASLAN, despite claiming no responsibility for the Buddi 2 Launch Massacre, had been dealing with lawsuits and Karen had ended up with enough money from them to pay for Andy to get new hearing aids (better ones, no more feedback and fitting more comfortably in and behind his ears) and them to move to a new apartment.
He’d dropped off his keys in a dish on a side table by the door, his backpack beside the dining table so he could start on homework. Andy set his math book out first, wanting to get that done and over with but he paused before actually opening it. He could just… feel something was wrong. 
Then he heard Chucky.
His blood ran cold and it felt as if someone had just grabbed his lungs and were slowly squeezing the air out. His grip shifted on his pencil, changing from ‘ready to write’ to ‘stabby time’ just in case he wasn’t imagining things. 
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andyssup-blog · 5 years
Shit Me and My Coworkers Say...
Collection of various things said and overheard on night shift.
I will spray you in the face.
Oh you like it when it hits you in the chin?
One. Two. Shit shit shit.
He/She’s too busy daydreaming about a Darth Vader shower head.
[Name] Crematory. They die, we fry. How can I help you?
If we were going to half-ass it you could have told me ahead of time.
It’s not half-assing. It’s keeping expectations low.
It was a shitty night… LITTERALLY.
I love when my esteemed coworkers have so much energy and I’m just… Meh.
The good news is ______. The bad news is he/she’s dead.
Apparently we were all in the breakroom smoking pot.
He brought us all something to suck and we did it…
So apparently I don’t know shit from shampoo.
Can you slurp a little louder?
Is the ability to take a man’s pants off with one hand considered a marketable skill?
Is it a full moon? It must be a full moon.
When I turn 80 forget being on meds, I’m going for the good shit. Like ecstasy.
And then I’ll find myself a sugar baby.
He was just smiling and then WHAM! Right to the face.
Will you just decide already if I’m a slut or a whore? I want to know if I get paid for it or not.
Welcome to night shift. We party all night.
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andyssup-blog · 5 years
"You're mine" - For @haviingfun
Send “You’re Mine” for my muse’s reaction to yours being possessive of them.
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Things had gotten back to normal. Well, fairly normal. Some things would never be like they were before, his hearing for one. The blow Chucky had dealt him in the warehouse had given him a concussion and he’d learned the hard way that concussions can cause hearing loss. KASLAN, despite claiming no responsibility for the Buddi 2 Launch Massacre, had been dealing with lawsuits and Karen had ended up with enough money from them to pay for Andy to get new hearing aids (better ones, no more feedback and fitting more comfortably in and behind his ears) and them to move to a new apartment.
He’d dropped off his keys in a dish on a side table by the door, his backpack beside the dining table so he could start on homework. Andy set his math book out first, wanting to get that done and over with but he paused before actually opening it. He could just… feel something was wrong. 
Then he heard Chucky.
His blood ran cold and it felt as if someone had just grabbed his lungs and were slowly squeezing the air out. His grip shifted on his pencil, changing from ‘ready to write’ to ‘stabby time’ just in case he wasn’t imagining things. 
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andyssup-blog · 5 years
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