andstone-blog · 10 years
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The idea to display the pets inside the store started in Singapore as a collaboration between Ikea and two animal shelters, according to Business Insider. Together they formed the project Home for Hope.
Find out which state in the United States will be adopting rescue pet displays in Ikea stores here.
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andstone-blog · 10 years
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andstone-blog · 10 years
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andstone-blog · 10 years
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andstone-blog · 10 years
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Sphaerodactylus nicholsi, one of the smallest geckos in the planet. (x)
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andstone-blog · 10 years
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This Marvel Girl is reppin DC today. Batman Crop Top and Cotton On distressed shorts
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andstone-blog · 14 years
Etch carefully, my friends
These feeds give the blogger an opportunity to speak their minds to an often ambiguous audience. You agree as they shoot disapproval at things you always love most, and shattering certain illusions and walls you have put up in your life. I'll acknowledge that I've never been really critical of anything at a very public level, in this "whisper-in-a-crowded-room" blog. But often I think curiously about the kind of kickback I could get in the future when my very words I communicate in the present, "will forever be engraved into my future internet persona?" More recently in the 'sphere, even an ancient aim conversation becomes a propagandist's tool. In the future, what you write on the internet is what you carve on to your gravestone I guess.
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andstone-blog · 14 years
My 2010 Summer...
Feeling a little ambitious, I think I'll lay down what I'd like to do before August 16th, when classes start up again. I have to say because I've been so caught up with classes during the semester, a lot of my pursuits have gone awry. I might have discovered my general course of education, which will undoubtedly require a high GPA and an uttermost devotion to my JC classes. That being said, with the time I have without summer classes (although one art class might be cool), here is the plan: -Eat healthy and work with kettle bells regularly -Fully absorb basic guitar scales -Maintain a singing voice -Continue to experiment with music (chiptunes, circuit-bending, and writing songs) -Take a look at JC art classes (sketching?) -Look into other job opportunities -Learn PHP
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andstone-blog · 15 years
"Been Thinking About You Cover"
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andstone-blog · 15 years
"Far Away"
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andstone-blog · 15 years
New song every other day?
To make myself a better person I guess, I'm going to attempt uploading a new written/recorded song every other night. I'll try to vary in styles, and experiment, experiment, experiment!!
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andstone-blog · 15 years
Participating at the talent show at msms... Seeing familiar people.
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andstone-blog · 15 years
Flaming Lips New Year's Eve Freakout in Oklahoma
Although not entirely academic, this is just something I must blog for a future memorabilia. I need to remember the excitement I felt and how much I enjoyed it. As a Christmas/b-day present from my dad, he decided to fly to Oklahoma for 3 days to see The Flaming Lips on NYE. We left very early in the morning (3 am) on Tuesday, and took flight to Oklahoma City with a stop in Denver. Oklahoma City is a place where the land is entirely flat, and indeed very different from the bay area. Savory fumes from steakhouses and grills polluted the city, and the low-priced hotel we decided to stay at was next door to an establishment known as the "Beef Jerky Emporium". Across the street was a McDonalds selling McRib sandwiches, which I later looked up as being made from boneless pigs. I'm almost positive that the "Bonless Pig Farmers Association of America" is a hoax organization promoting McDonald's McRib sandwiches, but I think we can both agree it's a very disturbing concept. Anyway, that's probably the most interesting thing I've come across being there other than see the Lips. They sure love their barbecue ribs there (a restaurant we snagged sandwiches from claimed they were proudly the cause of Elvis's later, chubbier years). Now about the show. Man was it incredible. We were a row behind the stage. Wayne's performance was pretty fantastic. To get such a good spot in the crowd, we lounged in line outside the arena for about 8 hours. Here are some video and pictures. I've never seen so many balloons at once in my life:
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andstone-blog · 15 years
Postmodernism Philosophy
MR. Smith of my English class introduced and assigned our final today. I have to say, I’m feeling pretty thrilled about it. The task is to create a composition (whether it is a song, a video, or art piece) based on the themes and philosophies behind the postmodern era. I’m excited for this project because it is an opportunity to pour myself into very interesting filming styles and stories. I’m a pretty big fan of newly understood postmodernesque movies such as A Scanner Darkly, Memento, The Matrix, The Dark City, and Crash.
It seems commonly known that the postmodern era and its set of ideals are nearly impossible to define. Modernism is pretty well defined as a large leap in innovation and experimentation. Upon some hard thinking and looking things up, I think I’ve only grasped the surface of understanding the concept of something that is postmodern. A few definitions found after roaming in Wikipedia-land helped me piece more of the puzzle together:
“Postmodern philosophy is skeptical or nihilistic toward many of the values and assumptions of philosophy that derive from modernity, such as humanity having an essence which distinguishes humans from animals, or the assumption that one form of government is demonstrably better than another.”
Zipping through memories at a million miles a minute, I realized connections with people and things I’ve seen and experienced in my life. It felt something like finally understanding the vague explanations your parents gave you about sex and drugs when you were a toddler. It made me further question our democracy, and how different things could be. I realized how closely it resembled some of my own philosophies, and I also further understood how people felt agnostic for such bands like Pink Floyd, the Kinks, and the Velvet Underground. Looks like some musicians were ahead of their time.
Next piece of the puzzle:
“Postmodern philosophy is often particularly skeptical about simple binary oppositions characteristic of structuralism...”
For some reason, this actually made a little bit of sense to me. Even the hardest of facts remains to be seen as the absolute truth. I personally like to think that this is correct. In a way, this can be a very optimistic way of looking at things, as anything can be truly possible (although that statement itself can be prone to skepticism, weird.)
Finally, this made me chuckle a bit:
“Many people criticise the extensive use of jargon by postmodernists. It is alleged that this is done only to obscure from the reader the fact that the sentence is either meaningless or trivial. Postmodernists usually respond to this accusation by insisting that their use of academic jargon is necessary to communicate their ideas, and that their critics simply do not understand their work.”
This bit sort of reminds me of people stereotyped as being “emo”, and the obscurement of simple neediness with displays of sensitivity and despair. Perhaps postmodernism is just the emperor’s new clothes and a fancy way of describing the trivial lives of current day people.
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andstone-blog · 15 years
What was the low point of 2008 and how do you plan on bouncing back?
In the past year, I had definitely felt a blow taken towards my motivation for academic achievement and my personal confidence. Many a day, I have been troubled with guilt, depression, and other personal challenges. It was very difficult to make decisions for myself and to act accordingly to my beliefs what a person like me could achieve. I wish very hard I had taken particular subjects like writing, mathematics, and art much more seriously, as I've always had high goals in my future which, by the way, is becoming more and more immediate. In a way, (this is not an excuse for my mistakes, but perhaps a theory of understanding on the human experience...just thoughts) maybe it was slightly beneficial for me to go so low in terms of my self confidence and achievement. It's in my belief that a person should understand all aspects of tragedy and success. This could have prepared me for connecting with those undergoing the same hardships, or to rehabilitate myself if I hit bottom again and also knowing preventive action. Frankly, I think last weekend had really brought back out the best in me. I had volunteered to be a part of robotics and to lead a few students to film and produce a documentary based on the FIRST robotics experience. Although the beginning was a little rough (came in a bit late) working with my colleagues, I felt motivated, engaged, and high in spirits. I must have felt inspired by the very friendly and courageous students who've taken on robotics. Perhaps I felt their Tech High experience was hanging in the balance of my actions, and I believed they should feel just as good as when I first became a part of this school. Although I've always felt it's too late in the process (it's a habit of thinking I really need to get rid of), I'm planning on giving my best shot of maintaining high morale, and getting work that have always been precious in my head, done and in the past. There is never a time better than now. I just hope my spirits will continue to be as high. I think I'll fix my blog to display my commitment. I hope for my sake that I will not lose focus. There is much work to get done.
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andstone-blog · 15 years
"What is Postmodernism?" in GoAnimate
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andstone-blog · 16 years
I was very happy last night about Obama’s accomplishment. He’s probably one of the most genuine politicians I’ve ever seen, and will hopefully lead this country into a better future. Although I was feeling fantastic last night, there was one little bump I had felt, which had later swollen larger. During the midst of his speech, he said to the country that he will be devoted to fixing the economy and the current state of things. This we all know. What he mentioned, which was a little unsettling, was that there is a possibility that it would take longer than his term to accomplish it. Perhaps his phrasing wasn’t the best way to express this, but on the night of his presidency, during a time when so many of his supporters celebrated the night, looked up to him, and were for so long infatuated with the feeling of hope, there was a slight let down to his prior steadfast optimism. Realistically of course, what he said is probably true. It would take a great deal of effort to fix things, maybe even longer than a term. But on the night of his presidency, it was interesting to hear him say that.
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