androlaxia-blog · 10 years
     ∞ It took a moment for Shun's brain to fully process what the man's words meant, and he let out an awkward chuckle, scratching one of his own cheeks with an index finger. Alright, maybe Shun was the innocent type -- but he wasn't ignorant nor an actual saint, of course.
Still, that wasn't the kind of thing one would expect to hear in a normal conversation.
Especially with a stranger, right?
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"I-- I see..." The Andromeda mumbled out, not really sure of what to say. The fact Aoba liked pain didn't make his worry go away though; but then again, Shun had always been quite the worrywart whenever it concerns others anyways. The question, however, took him a bit by surprise. "Oh. Well," He started, tucking his hands on the side pockets of his yellow jacket as he looked around for a moment, before shrugging. "It feels better outside, doesn't it? I mean... I don't know, I feel a bit trapped when I'm in the facility. It's kinda claustrophobic."
Facility Chains ϟ aoba & shun
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androlaxia-blog · 10 years
     ∞ Already better used to his surroundings, Shun was just taking a stroll to the nearest kitchen after giving up on ignoring his rumbling stomach. Of course, in a place filled up with all kinds of people, he shouldn't have expected to not find anyone on the way.
Would have been nice if they hadn't bumped against each other though.
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"Oof--" The green-haired teen gasped, taking a step back. Blinking down at the other, he quickly shook both hands negatively. "Oh, no, no, I'm alright. Sorry, I wasn't paying attention I guess."
ϟ sakura & shun
androlaxia started following you
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                                ➥❀ Unsurprisingly, you’re not happy. In fact, you’ve spent the past half hour alone in the room you woke up in, trying to heal the mark off your wrist.
                                ➥❀ It has not worked.
                                ➥❀ By the time you grit your teeth and leave said room you’re just about ready to punch through a wall, an urge you suppress when you round a corner and walk flat-out into a stranger.
“Oh, sorry.”
                                ➥❀ You eye them suspiciously, but they don’t seem to harbour ill intent.
“Did I hurt you?”
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androlaxia-blog · 10 years
     ∞ Shun couldn't decide what's worse -- to stay inside the facility and feel like a prisoner, or to wander outside, let himself be able to breathe but feel just the same. An automatic frown would always make its way down between the boy's eyebrows whenever he caught sight of those fences.
And more than often he wondered if he couldn't do anything about them.
Noticing someone else's presence, emerald hues immediately shifted their attention, widening a little upon watching the stranger touch the fences without hesitation. He was close enough to notice how slightly red the man's skin turned at the action, which meant he wasn't immune to electricity.
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"Hm?" Shun blinked when talked to, just now realizing he had been staring. Quickly raising both hands before his chest in defense, he shook his head, "Oh-- I'm sorry, I didn't mean to stare! It's just... You, uh, probably shouldn't do that. You could hurt yourself." Count on him to worry about any and every one.
Facility Chains ϟ aoba & shun
They really were trapped here, weren’t they?
Out of pure boredom, Aoba found himself wandering two hours out to reach the fence that kept them enclosed. A hand gingerly ran against the metal of the fence, grinning to himself as he felt the twinge of electricity run through his body. It hurt, and it felt wonderful. It reminded him of home; of Koujaku. His darling, darling Koujaku…
The ecstasy of pain was killed by the tranquilizer of sadness.
Gazing past the wires, his sightseeing was interrupted by the feeling of an unfamiliar gaze burning against his skin. Turning around, he caught sight of the stranger. Their long, green hair seemed to be the trait that interested Aoba the most. However, his expression looked less than pleased. Why was he staring? What did the green-haired man want from him?
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"Can I help you?"
It was rude to stare and gawk.
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androlaxia-blog · 10 years
     ∞ The Andromeda Saint's smile widened when Haku's hand rested upon his on, and he carefully helped her up, letting go after making sure she could keep her balance on her feet. Now being able to take a better look at the other, the boy was quite satisfied to see she had no (visible, at least) injuries.
Letting out a chuckle at the girl's words then, Shun waved a hand dismissively.
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"You are not a bother at all!" He assured, arching up his eyebrows afterwards in a mix of curiosity and worry. "You were crying though-- Are you alright? Did anything happen?" Perhaps she had been bullied by someone?
There did seem to be a lot of peculiar people around, after all...
♫ Cyber Dive ♫ ϟ shun & haku
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androlaxia-blog · 10 years
Trick or Treat ! by パガラガ
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androlaxia-blog · 10 years
     ∞ Shun had never been much of a fighter -- always against unnecessary bloodshed, always hesitant in the face of violence. But a coward he was not either, and the lack of chaos helped him keep his cool and his thoughts straight, allowing him to analyze the situation without the danger of taking any hasty decision. And he also knew, of course, that sitting around wouldn't answer any of his questions.
Where was that place? Who was behind it? What was the experiment even for?
There were many doubts floating inside his mind as the green-haired teen roamed around, deciding to at least study his surroundings in order to situate himself. He almost felt happy at the sight of what looked like an exit -- but the sight of high fences outside had any of his expectations dying down as he sighed out heavily, almost pouting at the fences.
It would be too easy if I could just jump them over, wouldn't it?
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The voice of someone else, a person he hadn't noticed the presence of at first, broke through his train of thought then, and the Saint quickly turned towards the sound, startled at first. Blinking down at the kid sitting a few meters to his left, he calmed down, attention shifting to the mass of trees in front of them.
"If we are not supposed to escape, then I don't think I would stay lost forever." Those woods probably didn't go that far.
saint and shadow ϟ killua & shun
     Being in a situation such as this, Killua couldn’t help but debate over who it was that was behind it. Someone with power, most likely, and a lot of knowledge. Actually, being able to link people together, they’d have to have some sort of power as well. Nen, perhaps— though, it was the only thing Killua could think of. Nen was the major power he knew of and because of it, he had no idea of any power that could exist beyond it.
     So, caught up in his musings and thoughts, he sat on a tree outside, face in his hands as he thought over different ways he could take his sister and leave this place. There was nobody else here, in this area, so he was fine. It was a pretty secluded place too, so he had lowered his guard somewhat, but never completely. He was always on the look-out, he was always alert, it was basics from his training with his father.
     ❝I could survive the electricity of the fence, but it could overload me and knock me out. That wouldn’t be much fun… But then again, there could be—❞ He stopped, turning his gaze downwards as someone else wandered into the enclosure of trees he had come across. With no idea who it was, he stayed quiet, but after sensing no killing intent, his shoulders sagged.
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     ❝This place is dark, you know,❞ He called down, leaning back against the tree with a sigh. ❝You shouldn’t go any further, or else you’ll get lost in the woods.❞ Not like he really cared if this guy went and got himself into bother. He just wanted to think, to be honest. 
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androlaxia-blog · 10 years
     ∞ Naoto's smile hadn't been small enough to pass by unnoticed by the green-haired teen, and he allowed himself to relax a little, his own smile widening slightly. Although there was a very mature air about her, the girl did seem like a good person. Much to his fortune.
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"I say the same, Fuyumine-san!" Shun said, tucking his hands in the pockets of his red, sleeveless jacket. Emerald hues slowly shifted to the mark on the other's wrist; one that looked exactly like his own. "I guess you are also connected to someone?" He hadn't talked much to his own 'partner' yet, so he still wondered how it actually worked.
ϟ shun & naoto
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androlaxia-blog · 10 years
     ∞ Retreating his hand, Shun blinked a few times at the girl's sudden outburst, before his lips slowly curved into a tiny smile and he chuckled, ever so sofly. It seemed like the other had calmed down a little bit; or at least she had stopped crying, much to appease his own worry.
The green-haired teen took a quick look at the other, trying to see if any injury could be found. None. So maybe she had just been... Afraid? Lips pressing together, Shun's shoulders dropped a little. He certainly could sympathize with that.
Upon hearing her then, the Saint shook his head, pushing himself up.
"How could I not worry?" His voice still sounded fairly gentle as he chuckled again, body a little bent forward as he offered a hand to Haku. "Here. Need help to get up?"
♫ Cyber Dive ♫ ϟ shun & haku
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androlaxia-blog · 10 years
     ∞ Neither did Shun, but he had never been against the idea of meeting his roommates anyways -- well, as long as they were, you know, tolerable people (in many ways). He immediately bowed shortly, with a sheepish smile.
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"You can call me Shun. It's nice to meet you?" She looked like the serious kind of person.
ϟ shun & naoto
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androlaxia-blog · 10 years
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     ∞ So now he has roommates too? He wondered what kind of people could they be...
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androlaxia-blog · 10 years
     ∞ Stopping on his tracks, Shun blinked down at the person before him.
Worthless human?, he tilted his head. Was the guy talking about him? Usually the Andromeda Saint would easily brush off such kind of insult, but perhaps the stress of being confined in that place was getting to him as well -- so he frowned instead and folded his arm. If anyone looked at them from afar, it was like a parent ready to scold their child.
"You shouldn't talk like that to strangers, you know? It's a bit rude."
ϟ shun & hiei
And another human. Wonderful. This one however reminded him of Kurama, his hair was certainly long enough. Was he in some kind of bizarre hellscape populated with knock offs of the people he knew.
"Oh look another worthless human. This day gets better and better."
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androlaxia-blog · 10 years
     ∞ Luckily, Shun was quick to adapt to his surroundings -- it's not like he could do anything to free himself from that experiment, if he didn't keep his cool. He could always look for an exit, any way out, after situating himself within that enormous place, after all.
So he checked around, opening a door here and there to check the insides, not exactly surprised when he caught sight of more people. The facility did look like some kind of hospital institution, without all the doctors and nurses walking around, though. It seemed that, at least inside that place, people were free to do whatever they wanted.
The green-haired teen frowned at his own thought though.
Taking a glance at the burning marking on his wrist, he pressed his lips together.
What a false sense of freedom, isn't it?
It was the cries of someone else echoing across the hall that caught his atention then, and the Saint was quickly to forget his own worries and turn around, his feet quickly guiding him towards the sound. The sight of a girl curled up on the floor in dispair immediately put a weight on Shun's chest, and he didn't hesitate before getting closer, crouching down next to her.
"Hey, hey," He called out in an almost whisper, voice sounding gentle and caring, while his face made his worry palpable, "Are you alright? Did you hurt yourself?" Shun questioned, carefully placing a hand on Haku's shoulder.
♫ Cyber Dive ♫ ϟ shun & haku
“E-Excuse me!" The woman knocked on the door, looking around nervously every time her fist connected. There was no way that the voice, whoever they were, had it right. 
Before she realized it, Haku had stepped out of the room. However, once her conscious thought caught up with her actions, she realized what a huge mistake she’d made. And what a huge mistake that person running this entire thing had made. 
The person on the other side of the speaker must have been busy, running whatever this place was. Haku didn’t want to disturb them during their work, but she had to correct this mistake.
Let me start by saying welcome. You should consider yourself very special for being chosen to participate in this activity, as it’s something of an honor…
“Excuse me! P-Please!" Time passed, and not a single answer. Even as an android, Haku’s stamina would eventually run out. Her legs crumpled under her, her voice only coming out as a raspy whisper. The futility of it all finally hit her, tears slowly rolling down her cheeks. All Haku could do was let her tears fall as her body crumpled up.
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“P-Please… I’m n-not special… s-so please… send me b-back……”
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androlaxia-blog · 10 years
     ∞ As the initial surprise at his predicament having died down, Shun found out that there was nothing else that could be done but walk around to, at least, get used to his new surroundings.
There was no exit in sight, but at least know he knew where his own room was located at and where to go when hunger decided to hit him. The amount of people he had found inside the facility during his little walk hadn't been as surprising as how collected they seemed to be. Shouldn't people be a little bit more worried after being kidnapped?
Not only that, but it also looked like he wasn't the only not-normal one either.
Before he could go on and on with his thoughts however, an unknown voice shifted his attention to the white-haired male standing behind him, making him automatically stop on his tracks. Shun had been so distracted by his own questions previously, that it took him a moment to snap out of it and actually react -- letting out a small ah!, the Andromeda Saint smiled, pointing at the corridor to his right.
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"I found a kitchen that way. It had enough food for an army, I guess." He slid his hands inside the pockets of his green-colored pants, "I can get you there if you want?"
directions ϟ kaneki & shun
          ║█ — ◒ ⋮ Kaneki could have sworn he had seen some sort of map of this facility back when he was first brought in but, all the memories from then were still hazy. Still, a map wouldn’t help him much in understanding this place more. What could a map tell him about finding his way out of this containment and back to Tokyo? Nothing. He was part of an experiment, it’s like that’s all people want to involve him in. He’d ponder on those those feelings later on, right now there was a much more important task at hand. Even though finding his way around this unfamiliar building was something he’d like to be able to do, it wasn’t his biggest problem.
                                                                                    He was a l o n e.
               Just that one thought was enough to send shivers down his spine. He hadn’t seen or heard anything about his friends, acquaintances, and even enemies being here. At this point he wouldn’t even mind talking to a dove. He wanted — no needed — to find someone. Anyone, he needed to get rid of the feeling of being alone. It was all he could do to keep sane here. Being alone and being hungry at the same time was a bad combination, the only good thing was that he wasn’t on the verge of starving yet. If Kaneki found the dining hall he’d be saved for now, he wouldn’t have to kill for food. They did say something about there being any kind of food imaginable there, human meat had to be there, right?
               Following the scent of the first human he picked up Kaneki spotted a head of green. Deciding this was his best bet to find directions he approached them. He hadn’t gone insane yet so a normal conversation was still possible.
                                               ❝ Do you by any chance know where there’s food? ❞
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               Intentionally leaving out the part that the food he was looking for was human flesh, Kaneki waited for the human to answer. Questions about this containment center could wait, food was much, much more important than answers to a mystery. He wouldn’t be able to find out anything on an empty stomach.
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androlaxia-blog · 10 years
chained ϟ shun & akagi
     ∞ The words that reached his ears were easy to understand -- but it didn't make Shun less surprised at his own predicament. Kidnapping? Experiment? Connected to someone?
What exactly was that even supposed to mean?
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The faces of his friends -- his brother -- immediately flashed across his mind at the thought of never being able to see them again. But Shun was quick to clench his eyes shut and shake his head, taking solace on the untouched necklace hanging from his neck. Reaching for the silver pendant, he took in a deep breath; this was no time to be weak.
Stay there and do nothing wouldn't answer any of his questions afterall, right?
So he quickly pushed himself up from the bed, stepping outside the room after a moment of gathering courage. The hall was empty and quiet, and the green-haired teen made a face at the hospital-ish smell that immediately hit his nose.
A laboratory?, he wondered to himself as he turned a corner, keeping his guard up. The lack of anything to see was almost disappointing though, but the Andromeda Saint didn't have much time to dwell on it -- the sudden clenching feeling on his chest had him almost gasping, and with a frown, he quickened his pace.
Maybe it was instinct, maybe it was his gut. He couldn't really explain it, the sensation of being pulled towards something against his will, but being unable to stop -- till someone else crossed his path and the feeling was suddenly gone, like he had just found what he's supposed to find. Looking at the white-haired child standing in front of him, Shun choked out,
"Are you...?"
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androlaxia-blog · 10 years
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Intro time? (sweats profusely)
Alright, alright, alright-- Hello everyone, I'm Kai! ` v´ I've been roleplaying for a long time in general now but been on a "break" for about a month or so... So I might be a little rusty but bear with me please!
Real life is kinda busy for me atm so I might not be as fast as I should with replies. ;v ; Either way, I'm always open to plot/rp with anyone so yeah!! English isn't my first language, so I'm sorry in advance for any grammar mistake.
Well then... Take care of me! c:
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androlaxia-blog · 10 years
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"Hmm," taps his chin, "I guess that would be my... Cloth?"
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androlaxia-blog · 10 years
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Felicidades Shun! 
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