andrebooker7532 · 5 years
I’ve got the golden ticket: Discovering qualified leads
Do you remember the beloved young boy named Charlie Bucket from the classic film, Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory? Charlie buys just two candy bars, one for himself and one for his Grandpa Joe. As he opens the 2nd Wonka bar, his eye’s bulge out with glee and excitement as he found the highly […]
The post I’ve got the golden ticket: Discovering qualified leads appeared first on The Future of Customer Engagement and Commerce.
from personivt2c http://www.the-future-of-commerce.com/2019/04/23/discovering-qualified-leads/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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andrebooker7532 · 5 years
5 Strategies To Improve Communication In Your Workplace
Communication is the essence of any business. Without effective communication, all your efforts to improve your organization will fail. You need to do right by your employees by giving them what they need to effectively communicate with you and each other.
Here are 5 useful strategies to improve workplace communication:
1. Train your workforce
There’s no use of having the right tools in place and improving your communication skills if your staff stays immature. You need to train your staff to evolve with the changes you’re implementing. Make sure they are trained to pay attention when spoken to.
Make sure there are no distractions to drive their attention. Take the help of body language when explaining something. Avoid technical jargon and induce casual humor throughout the conversation. After a while, your employees will get habitual of the way you talk and understand all you better.
2. Modernize
A team can hardly be a team without clear communication. Subsequent misunderstandings can put an organization in serious jeopardy. A lot of resources are wasted and conflicts arise as your so-called teams fall apart. Organization nowadays are adapting to newer and better methods of workplace communication to eliminate these misunderstandings. Since everything is recorded and accessible in real time, the chances of miscommunication are very low.
How to modernize communication in your workplace:
Get rid of irrelevant compulsory meetings. If there’s no need to have a group meeting this week, skip it. This will keep the meetings relevant and important for participants. Plus, it saves a lot of productive hours.
Use mobile communication systems to promote 24/7 availability on your fingertips. This enables cross-departmental communication, which further speeds up the workflow.
Make use of a task management software to assign and manage all work-related tasks.
3. Encourage Feedback
Sometimes your employees know what’s better for your organization more than you. Being the closest eyes and ears to the problems in hand, they’re your best source of information. Encourage your employees to share their opinions. How they think you can achieve your objectives and fulfill your expectations. It can also invite constructive criticism, so be prepared for it. Don’t take it personally and appreciate their input.
4. Resolve Conflicts
As a manager, you need to be an expert at resolving conflicts among your employees. Make sure that everyone can address their concerns and be a good listener. If conflicts go unresolved for too long, they can severely hamper organizational growth. Your employees won’t collaborate their efforts as they should be, and the optimal performance would stay low.
You need to step at the moment you suspect a conflict arises among your subordinates. Use your experience to guide them through their problems and let them that your door is always open to address such concerns.
5. Employ an Anonymous Reporting System
Detecting these conflicts however can be very hard sometimes. You need a secure communication system. Employees are not very forthcoming about issues they have with their coworkers. Nobody wants to be a rat. Also, you need your feedback process to be completely honest in order to be of any use. Provide your employees with an anonymous reporting and feedback system. Employee Your Safe Hub in your organization. It protects your employees from the fear of retaliation and motivates them to come forward about sensitive issues.
from personivt2c http://employeeengagement.ning.com/xn/detail/1986438:BlogPost:203312 via http://www.rssmix.com/
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andrebooker7532 · 5 years
6 Strategies To Boost Productivity In Your Workplace
Almost everyone goes through some kind of existential crisis now and then. I’m sure everyone reading this article, at some point in their life has left the office wondering if they’ve accomplished anything. Lack of productivity and morale in the workplace is not uncommon. It costs companies incomprehensible amounts in monetary losses every year.
Here’s are 6 strategies to boost productivity in your workplace:
1. Employee Relations
When the connection between the company and its employees is not strong, a lack of productivity is practically inevitable. Your employees wouldn’t care much for their jobs if they’re not held accountable for their tasks and valued for their contributions. The relations between the staff and the manager must be nothing but fruitful and health.
Communicate with your employees regarding their problems and help them through it. Any new challenges must come with ample support from the manager. If your employees feel like the part of the organization, they will do their best to accomplish its interests.
2. Get Rid of Distractions
Distractions in the workplace can kill employee productivity faster than anything else. There are things that can help your employees focus better, and there are things that will take away their focus from actual work.
You need the perfect momentum of things that increase their focus on relevant work and take away the rest.
For instance, any screens must only be limited to work use at work hours. Make sure there’s no office politics to distract their attention. Have an effective human resource manager in place to detect such issues and resolve them.
3. Rewards and Recognition
If your employees are not valued for their good efforts and stand out performances, they won’t be giving it for long. Make sure that their efforts don’t go unnoticed. There’s nothing more motivating for an employee than a compliment from his boss.
Timely give out promotions, bonuses, and pay hikes for exemplary performances. This will motivate the rewarded employees to continue with good performances and inspire others to do the same.
4. Office Field Trips
There’s something about a working environment, that limits relationships to a certain degree. In order to be completely open and comfortable with each other, your employees need to connect outside the office. Organize vacations with your staff every now and then to celebrate accomplishments. You will be amazed to see the dramatic change in relations when you come back to work on Monday.
5. Monthly Polls
If you ever visit an outlet with an employee of the month chart, you would also notice the ‘always positive’ attitude in their staff. A monthly poll based on performance can be a terrific incentive for your employees to do better. Every employee will try his/her best to get or stay on top. Make sure that ranking is strictly performance based and unbiased. Any sign of bias will do the exact opposite and pit your employees against you and each other.
6. Anonymous Communication Channel
If your employees aren’t allowed to share their views and address their concerns without fear, their productivity will keep declining. Make sure they have a secure means to do that. They must be able to communicate about any sensitive issues without fear of retaliation. Implement Your Safe Hub in your organization to provide your employees with the power of anonymity. It will provide you with the means to detect and resolve any hidden problems that might be affecting their productivity and restore faith in your workplace.
from personivt2c http://employeeengagement.ning.com/xn/detail/1986438:BlogPost:203109 via http://www.rssmix.com/
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andrebooker7532 · 5 years
4 Managerial Skills That Sets Good Leaders Apart From The Bad Ones
Being a manager comes with tremendous responsibility. The responsibility to manage people. It’s more than just ordering them around and expecting results. It requires an understanding of strengths, weaknesses, wants, and annoyances of your employees. When employers don’t possess the skills required to manage their workforce, the organization suffers from the lack of productivity and morale. In the clutter of problems like multiple bosses, workplace harassment, and high turnover that organizations find themselves nowadays, managers are forgetting the basic principles of leadership.
So what really separates good leaders from the bad ones?
Following are the must-have qualities and skills that one must have in order to be a good leader:
1. Project Management
Good managers are experts at managing the workflow. They know everything about the project in hand, and how to execute it in the best way possible.
In order to do that, one needs to familiar with the strengths, weaknesses, and skillfulness of his/her employees. If the manager doesn’t know which employee is the best choice to conduct a task, a lot of time and efforts will be wasted.
There are tons of office and project management software that will help you manage the tasks in hand, but you still need to know whom to assign them to.
2. Delegation
Good managers know for a fact that they cannot do everything themselves. There’s a reason you have a staff in place, and it’s not just to obey your commands and follow you blindly. You need to utilize their talents and use their expertise.
Delegate proper authority at critical times. Observe how your employees handle it. This will prepare them for future situations and also share your perspective. Your employees will better understand you now that they have been in your shoes.
3. Communication
Without proper communication channels and a clear chain of command, misunderstandings and conflicts are inevitable. There must be proper channels of communication for everyone to talk. Verbal communication often gets mixed up with gossip and creates clutter.
Moreover, employees are prone to a great deal of stress, every now and then they need guidance going forward. There are tons of hidden issues in a workplace that employees go through. Many of which will severely hinder your efforts if go unnoticed. Workplace bullying and harassment cases are popping up all over the world and taking down organizations. You need to find these issues and resolve them before they become lawsuits.
Since these issues are sensitive in nature, employees might not be very forthcoming in reporting them. Implement Your Safe Hub in your organization. It’s a secure communication channel that lets employees report such problems anonymously.
4. Motivation
Work comes with stress. Sometimes, a lot of stress. Every now and then your employees require some morale. Motivation is a big part of your managerial responsibilities. Good managers have excellent motivational skills and are able to get their employees through the toughest times.
Timely remind your employees about their purpose and value to the organization. They need to be reminded every and then what role they play and how critical it is.
This is a key skill that every manager all over the world needs to have, no matter what field they’re in. From basketball courts to army camps, an energizing shout out can provide impeccable results.
Properly manage tasks by assigning them to the right people at the right times. Know everything about your staff's strengths and weaknesses and use that knowledge. Take help of a task management software to help you manage the workflow.
Delegate proper authority at relevant times. Employees need to practice their powers and responsibilities in order to develop and understand your perspective on different matters.
There are tons of hidden issues in a workplace like harassment and bullying that employees go through. Since these issues are sensitive in nature, employees might not be very forthcoming in reporting them. Implement Your Safe Hub in your organization. It’s a secure communication channel that lets employees report such problems anonymously.
Good managers have excellent motivational skills and are able to get their employees through the toughest times. Timely remind your employees about their purpose and value to the organization. They need to be reminded every and then what role they play and how critical it is.
from personivt2c http://employeeengagement.ning.com/xn/detail/1986438:BlogPost:203015 via http://www.rssmix.com/
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andrebooker7532 · 5 years
98% Of Your Employees Leak Confidential Data, Here’s How You Prevent That
Companies all over the world have been suffering from a growing number of data leaks. It might now be intentional, but your employees are constantly leaking confidential corporate information. As a matter of fact, 98% of your employees are leaking sensitive corporate data online. Shocking right?
According to a report from the insider threat specialist Dtext Systems:
85% of the assessments saw employees using high-risk, unauthorized applications like vulnerability testing tools.
98% of assessments found sensitive, proprietary corporate information publicly accessible on the web.
100% of assessments found sensitive corporate data being transferred through unauthorized cloud services and unencrypted USBs.
100% of assessments found users accessing personal email on work devices.
Businesses need to have the skillfulness in order to apply a befitting plan. Many find it easier to employ a contractor. Irrespective of the size or nature of your business, this article will guide you to prevent data leaks with simple steps.
Here are some ways you can prevent the leak of private information from your organization:
1. Security Training
Train your employees on the basics of data security. Make sure every employee understands the security measures he/she has to follow. Also, educate them about the negative consequences that the company would face, should anybody act carelessly. Have strict policies regarding the use of private unauthorized devices and applications on the company network.
2. Data Protection Officers
In large organizations, it’s common to have a data protection officer in place. They manage everything related to data protection. They make sure that correct measures are taken regarding transfer, storage, and disposal of data so that you don’t have to. This would be considered the easiest and most effective way to prevent the leaks. However, a small business might not afford to hire an additional employee for this purpose.
3. Anonymous Reporting for Employees
You cannot keep an eye over your entire organization. Your employees might be a threat in this case, but they’re also the solution to this problem. Cameras cannot catch everything, like the use of private devices on the company network, suspicious behavior suspecting industrial espionage or use of company resources for private gain. Such issues are only witnessed by your employees. But they don’t come forward and rat someone out just because they have a suspicion. Employ Your Safe Hub in your organization. It’s an anonymous reporting system for employees to report such hidden issues without the fear of persecution.
from personivt2c http://employeeengagement.ning.com/xn/detail/1986438:BlogPost:202844 via http://www.rssmix.com/
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andrebooker7532 · 5 years
How Employers Can Prevent and Handle Retaliation
No organization can survive in the long run without establishing trust with its employees. Employers nowadays are in constant hassle to achieve that point, but never do. This guide will help you retain your employees by giving you some insight on how to prevent and deal with the retaliation. It includes a list of proven measures recommended by the Whistle Blower Protection Programs in The United States.
Following are the practices to prevent and deal with retaliation in your workplace:
1. Training
Training your employees is the first step in dealing with retaliation. If your employees are mentally equipped to understand your decisions and deal with the stress, it reduces the chances of unnecessary conflicts. Give them a reason to trust your insights. There are many third-party organizations you could hire to provide your employees with the necessary training to deal with such issues.
2. Leadership, Commitment, and Accountability
Training of employees also needs to be accompanied by the training of managers to be of any use. Employees will not be serious about avoiding conflicts if the whole process is one-sided. Managers also need to take part in the training process and set an example. Retaliation cannot be cured by disciplining one party. Both employees and managers need to be in sync in order to avoid such conflicts. Managers need to be excellent leaders and highly committed to the cause. Employees should always be included in critical decisions that affect them. If mistakes are made then everyone should be held responsible. Accountability is the most important trait of a good leader. A manager must always accept his inefficiencies in front of his/her subordinates.
3. Anonymous Communication
According to the Whistle Blower Protection Program, having a secure communication and reporting system in your workplace is highly recommended. It creates a sense of safety in the organization, and employees can speak up about sensitive issues without the fear of retaliation. Your employees deserve and demand to be heard. Having a system in place for listening to and resolving their safety concerns will establish trust and loyalty.
Implement Your Safe Hub in your organization. Your Safe Hub is a secure and anonymous communication system for employees to speak up sensitive issues and concerns. The goal is to prevent any harm to the organization and it’s employees before these issues turn into lawsuits.
from personivt2c http://employeeengagement.ning.com/xn/detail/1986438:BlogPost:202929 via http://www.rssmix.com/
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andrebooker7532 · 5 years
Top 3 Reasons Why Employees Leave Their Job
Humans are the biggest resource of any organization, and turnover is the biggest expense. High turnover rate can significantly lower morale and leave your organization in ruins. If not controlled, it will only multiply and do more harm. If most of your new hires keep leaving, it won’t come as a surprise that your oldest subordinates start following them.
With this ever growing competition, multiple opportunities present themselves every day and it’s getting harder to retain a talented workforce. It’s certainly not something that can be overlooked since the monetary losses alone can severely harm your organization. To begin with, the loss of productivity, while a new replacement is found and trained, is often significantly higher than the monthly salary of the position itself. Not to mention, if the replacement leaves in 6 months, there’s not much to do, but endure those expenses again.
There’s a lot you can do to convince your employees that it’s in their best interest to stay with you. Here are the top 3 reasons why employees leave their job, and how to convince them otherwise:
1. Lack of career opportunities
Employees need to feel that their efforts and hard work are taking them somewhere. Especially with millennials, career development is critical for employee retention. Periodic progress keeps them interested and they feel invested in the job.
Maintain an activity log and conduct performance reviews at the end of every month. Celebrate reaching milestones with your workforce and let them know how they made it possible. Along with promotions, pay raise, and other monetary benefits, there’s much more to employee loyalty that’s mostly overlooked. If you don’t provide them with ample opportunities, someone else will.
2. Lack of spirit in the workplace
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
There’s no arguing that morale is a critical factor in retaining your top talent. A highly stressful work routine requires a bit of comfort and joy in order to continue in the long run. While fun and games might seem a bit unprecedented in a working environment, it’s proven to be highly effective in boosting productivity and morale. Nobody wants to stay in an organization they hate coming to every day. A workplace needs to have a bit of fun in order to compensate for all the stress.
Here are a few activities that have proven to do wonders with workplace morale and productivity:
Office field trips
Lunch and learn sessions
Gaming contests
Monthly polls
Birthdays and festive celebrations
3. Their grievances are not addressed
As a leader, you have the responsibility to maintain this psychological safety within your organization. Some issues are more personal and sensitive than others to be communicated freely. Regardless of the nature of these issues, if they are affecting the productivity of your workplace, you need to address them. Employees often fear persecution for voicing their concerns. Provide your employees with the power of anonymity. Implement Your Safe Hub in your organization, special communication software that protects such employees with the power of anonymity.
from personivt2c http://employeeengagement.ning.com/xn/detail/1986438:BlogPost:202926 via http://www.rssmix.com/
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andrebooker7532 · 5 years
How HR Can Identify And Fight Workplace Bullying
Workplace bullying has a huge toll on both the organization and the victims involved. It hinders workplace morale and individual growth to an extent that has huge repercussions on people’s lives. As for the organization, many times the victims end up suing it. Those Million dollar lawsuits are pretty common nowadays and companies must be on the lookout in order to survive.
A Human Resource Manager should always be on the lookout for this kind of behavior in order to protect the employees. No employee would come to work worrying about how they are going to be humiliated today.
How HR can identify workplace bullying
Bullying is a kind of harassment that is not based on any particular niche. It’s all about preying on the week. But in reality, it’s the perpetrator that’s the week, not the victim. It’s a result of emotional distress, insecurities, and lack of empathy that leads to this kind of behavior. It is not completely illegal but severely harms workplace culture.
There is no official classification of workplace behavior that could be considered as bullying. So one may find it difficult to differentiate it from tough management. Many times employees fall under the misconception of being harassed when there’s a lot of workload. Stress will always be part of the work life and there will always be complaints regarding it. However, there are certain signs that HR can identify to sort out the possibility of bullying.
The common signs of bullying in the workplace:
Harsh criticism
Physical Harm
Undermining in front of peers
Misuse of authority for unofficial tasks
Excessive absenteeism
High turnover rate
Frequent transfer requests
Requests for being relocated at another desk
There could be many other similar signs suggesting that an employee might be subject to bullying. It’s the responsibility of an HR to look after the employees and provide help in case anything unethical is taking place.
How HR can fight workplace bullying
Every organization is subject to workplace bullying. Wherever people get together to work towards common goals and share mutual risk, conflict is basically inevitable. That’s why companies have Human Resource departments to manage their workforce. You’re the only employee that’s directly responsible for every other employee’s welfare in the company. It’s your job description and social responsibility to make sure no harm comes to your fellow colleagues. Especially when it comes from the inside.
Following are 3 different methods to approach 3 different stages of an organization in regard to workplace bullying.
1. Prevention
The first and foremost step is to prevent it from happening in the first place. Even if your employees seem to enjoy their work and get together well, you have to make sure that it stays that way. As an HR it’s one of your core responsibilities to keep your employees in sync. Organize lunch and learn sessions and similar collaborative activities, so that everyone stays friendly with others. Encourage getting together outside office hours. Socializing outside the office environment will make everyone feel like friends rather than colleagues. Implement Your Safe Hub in your organization. It’s a secure communication channel for your employees to report and speak about issues that are sensitive in nature.
2. Detection
This comes into action when the prevention stage has failed. Something unethical is happening or has taken place that you now must deal with as soon as possible. Do not let the situation escalate. Tackle the problem as soon as you identify it. Too much stalling will only lead to employees taking the matter into their own hands or leaving the organization. If you ever get a doubt of bullying taking place among your workforce, immediately begin your investigation process. Talk to the employees in question privately. Start by approaching the victim casually. You don’t want to grab everyone’s attention or make them think they’re being ratted out. Use your HR skills to make them share their issues. Let the suspected victim know that whatever happens, you are with him/her through the whole thing.
3. Action
Even though the situation has escalated a bit too much to conduct any preventive measures, their still a lot you can do. Communication is affected when there is mistrust between the workforce. Employees become secretive about their problems and issues. This whole problem takes a snowball effect and the barrier in communication makes it harder for the management to take any corrective action. Implement Your Safe Hub in your organization. It’s a secure and anonymous communication channel for your employees. They can report and speak about issues anonymously without having to worry about retaliation.
from personivt2c http://employeeengagement.ning.com/xn/detail/1986438:BlogPost:202738 via http://www.rssmix.com/
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andrebooker7532 · 5 years
6 Workplace Issues That Stress Out Your Employees
1. The multiple boss dilemma
Unity of command is one of the most important aspects when it comes to employee productivity. When an employee is taking orders from multiple bosses, there’s a very good chance of contradictory commands. There’s also the problem of excessive workplace stress when you report to more than one authority figures.
Solution: Every employee should only be reporting to one boss at a time. If the multiple authority dilemmas cannot be avoided, then make sure that both authority figures are well connected. There should be no contradiction between either command lines.
2. Short tempered bosses
Do you know what’s worse than having multiple bosses? One short-tempered boss. Patience is basically the most important quality of a manager. Your employees would not be able to learn anything if you explain it to them in harsh words. You have to start with the carrot before you move to the stick.
Solution: Your employees can sense your lack of patience or irritability even if you try to keep it hidden. Be patient and understanding with your employees. You gotta understand how their mind works, and then make them understand. For the completion of an organization’s goals, everybody needs to be on the same page.
3. Vacation Guilt
Work can be very stressful. Your employees need some time off from work every now and then, in order to remain at their full capacity when they are at work. One of the things that bug your employees is the guilt that comes with it. Whether it’s intentional from your side or not, employees tend to believe that you feel disappointed in their commitment when they take that vacation. This can hinder their performance at work.
Solution: You should understand that they are entitled to take a break when they need it. You need to show them, that you care about their mental health as much as you are about the work. Encourage your employees to take a vacation every now and then. What’s even more healthy is that you take your company on a field trip to celebrate small victories. It will do miracles with their moral and bring your staff close to each other.
4. Lack of Control
One of the most irritating aspects of a job is when you are given a task, but not enough information or authority to work it out. It is important to assign proper authority and control to your employees. This work towards a smooth flow in the completion of tasks and train your employees for future positions.
Solution: First of all, you need to trust your employees with authority. Employees always desire greater control in the workplace. Not to mention how good it is for employee morale and career development to practice higher authority. Furthermore, you need to provide enough control to carry out a task that you allot. You cannot blame an employee for the failure to conduct a task if he/she wasn’t given enough control or authority to carry it out.
5. Leaving late every day
One of the things employees always seem to complain about is how they are expected to show up on time, but not to leave on time. It’s been an issue with almost every organization that follows the pay by the hour model. When an employee comes in late, his/her salary is deducted for those hours, but the number of hours they spend on overtime is often not accounted for.
Solution: This is something that they cannot help themselves with. They are bound to feel guilty and feel that you’re disappointed, whenever they leave a task halfway. This is where you can step in. If the task isn’t critical, let them know that they can finish it tomorrow. This also gives them the impression that you are about their work-life balance.
6. Lack of a feedback channel
There so many issues in your workplace that you did not think even existed. That accounts for sexual harassment, discrimination, bullying, racism, etc. These are all 100 million dollar lawsuits just waiting to happen. Not to mention the toll on the victim in such scenarios. Your employees carry so many issues with them that you need to hear out, but lack the courage to do so.
Solution: Sharing opinions about each other generates an exemplary team spirit. Provide your employees with the opportunity to do so. Introduce regular performance feedbacks, so everybody understands their position. Furthermore, they should be able to address any grievances without fear. Employees often fear persecution for voicing their concerns. Make the feedback/reporting process completely anonymous. Employ Your Safe Hub in your organization to protect your employees. It’s an anonymous reporting and feedback tool for organizations of all shapes and sizes.
from personivt2c http://employeeengagement.ning.com/xn/detail/1986438:BlogPost:203011 via http://www.rssmix.com/
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andrebooker7532 · 5 years
That Million Dollar Lawsuit- How to Prevent Workplace Harassment
Workplace harassment is one of the leading causes of stress and lack of employee productivity. It can go undetected and has the potential to ruin all your efforts to maintain a healthy working environment. Most of the times HR fails to identify these problems due to their discreet and sensitive nature and the victims leaves the organization without reporting them. If not confronted, it will certainly lead to a high turnover rate, stress in the workplace and million-dollar lawsuits.
This article will guide you on how to identify and prevent all the different types of workplace harassment. Harassment can take many different forms and it can be hard to draw a line between ‘candid behavior’ and straight up harassment.
Given below are different types of workplace harassment and ways to identify them:
1. Workplace Violence
Violence can be classified as different types of physical gestures intended to cause harm to a person or his property. It also includes verbal threats and warnings to cause them outside the workplace.
What kind of behavior classifies as violence in the workplace?
Physically hitting someone to cause harm.
Threatening to cause physical harm outside the workplace.
Damage to someone’s personal property or belongings.
2. Workplace Discrimination
Discrimination is one of the most unethical and unlawful acts that occur in the workplace. It translates to the irrational bias between two different niches. It can be about race, gender, age, religion, color, etc. It has been around for quite a long time, and even though we have evolved to frown upon and fight it with the lawsuits, it’s sad to witness that it’s still taking place.
Different types of discrimination:
What kind of behavior classifies as Discrimination in the workplace?
Racist jokes
Undermining someone’s religion
Stereotypes towards the country of origin
Offensive jokes towards someone’s age, religion or country of origin
Discrediting someone’s age group
3. Workplace Bullying
Bullying is a kind of harassment that isn't based on any particular niche. It’s all about preying on the week. But in reality, it’s the perpetrator that’s the week one, not the victim. It’s a result of emotional distress, insecurities, and lack of empathy that leads to this kind of behavior. It is not completely illegal but severely harms workplace culture. An organization should always be on the lookout for this kind of behavior in its work in order to protect its employees.
What kind of behavior classifies as bullying?
Harsh criticism
Physical Harm
Forced hard work.
4. Workplace Cyberbullying
Online anonymity has caused people to become cyber brave. This invites reckless behavior from some individuals who think they cannot be blamed for the way they behave online. There are no strict laws against cyberbullying yet, but it can severely harm the victim's mental health.
What kind of behavior classifies as cyberbullying?
Harassing comments on someone’s pictures
Spreading false rumors online
Threatening emails or messages
5. Workplace Mental Harassment
Mental harassment is an attack at a person’s psychological well-being. It’s a bunch of acts, that can cause depression, anxiety, and ultimately physical harm to a person when performed regularly over a long period. Furthermore, it does not involve any physical acts from the perpetrator, so it can be hard to assign blame.
What kind of behavior classifies as mental harassment?
Threatening letters
Isolating someone’s presence
Undermining someone’s background
Stealing or causing harm to someone’s belongings
False complaints against a person
Spreading misleading rumors
Embarrassing someone in front of others
Sharing private pictures
6. Abuse of Power in the Workplace
Job security has always been an issue with employees and many times people in higher power take advantage of this situation. This is the kind of harassment that a superior inflicts on his/her subordinates by abusing the power of his/her position for personal gain. This behavior is very common in the Public sector and the film industry.
What kind of behavior classifies as Abuse of power?
Unethical favors in return of a deserving position
Threatening to fire someone if the person isn’t comfortable with the bad behavior
Holding someone’s promotion
Taking Bribes
7. Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
This is one of the biggest concerns in the modern world. Women are much more prone to this kind of harassment than men. However, it’s known to go both ways. It involves inappropriate sexual gestures inflicted on a person without his/her consent. It often goes in hand with abuse of power.
The recent backlash in Hollywood has attracted global attention. It all started with the outburst of sexual misconducts allegations against Harvey Weinstein of The Weinstein Company LLC (An American independent film studio). The New Yorker reported that the film producer has been accused by dozens of women for rape, sexual assault, and sexual abuse over a period of 30 years. Strict actions were taken against Weinstein and it gave many victims a voice. Soon after these victims of sexual harassment started opening up and many big names were dragged through the mud. The #MeToo movement as they call it doesn’t appear to be slowing down anytime soon.
What kind of behavior classifies as sexual harassment?
Unwanted sexual gestures
Inappropriate touching
Demanding unethical sexual favors
Sharing inappropriate sexual pictures of someone
Given below are some ways you could stop and prevent workplace harassment:
1. Anti-harassment policy
Implement a zero-tolerance policy against sexual harassment and encourage employees to come forward to report misconduct –even if members of the top management are involved. Employees at all levels should have confidence that they can report workplace harassment without any fear. The policy should have multiple avenues for reporting, so employees can go to their manager, human resources, or other trusted company leaders when problems arise. Also, Implement an anonymous reporting software Your Safe Hub to encourage reporting by employees who may be uncomfortable making a complaint directly.
2. Implement training and awareness
Educate and train all managers and employees about sexual harassment. Remind them that they are not alone in this, and make sure that the consequences of committing such acts are properly understood. If needed, provide training in multiple short sessions to accommodate the busy schedules of top management. Top-level Management has tremendous potential to influence the company’s culture and their participation in training will send a message that the company and its leaders are serious about harassment issues.
The people in charge of managing employees should behave impeccably in all workplace situations. Furthermore, they must be skilled in acknowledging when harassment occurs and clarifying that such behavior can’t be tolerated under any circumstances.
3. Anonymous Reporting for Employees
Take all complaints seriously, regardless of the position of those involved. Try to maintain discreetness, and thoroughly investigate and address the issues raised in the complaint. If the investigation proves that the allegations are legit, take immediate action to make sure that it doesn’t happen again. Employees often fear persecution for voicing their concerns. Implement Your Safe Hub in your organization for reporting purposes. It's a secure communication channel that protects your employees with the power of anonymity.
from personivt2c http://employeeengagement.ning.com/xn/detail/1986438:BlogPost:202736 via http://www.rssmix.com/
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andrebooker7532 · 5 years
Why data security is critical to the future of CX
No technology can overcome the fact that the customer experience is a human endeavor. Learn why data security is critical to the future of CX. from personivt2c http://www.the-future-of-commerce.com/2019/04/22/data-security-future-of-cx/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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andrebooker7532 · 5 years
Competing with giants: How to beat Amazon
Retailers are on a race to the bottom if they try to take on Amazon directly. So how to beat Amazon? It's all about the customer. from personivt2c http://www.the-future-of-commerce.com/2019/04/16/how-to-beat-amazon/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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andrebooker7532 · 5 years
Stop guessing, start leveraging data insights
Companies that embrace analytics have significantly more growth than those who lag in adoption. Learn how to start leveraging data insights. from personivt2c http://www.the-future-of-commerce.com/2019/04/15/leveraging-data-insights/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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andrebooker7532 · 5 years
Data governance is a requirement for business and government today
You likely have loads of data from technology you’re currently using. A data governance policy moves you from having data to making data-based decisions. from personivt2c http://www.the-future-of-commerce.com/2019/04/12/data-governance-policy/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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andrebooker7532 · 5 years
Customers are changing. So are we.
The experience economy has changed everything, and the only way forward is to offer outstanding CX. from personivt2c http://www.the-future-of-commerce.com/2019/04/11/sap-customer-experience-live-2019/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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3 reasons why sales performance management is so important
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andrebooker7532 · 5 years
Do you need to invest in a new order management system?
“Improving the customer experience” has become a mantra for retailers lately. Everyone wants to bring in new customers. The average retail business spends over 4 percent of their annual revenue on marketing in an effort to welcome new customers–– that’s more than any other industry. Yet many of these same retailers are also running their business to the ground by trying to make things happen on an outdated and ineffective order management system.
Don’t be like those retailers.
Your order management system is the most important factor in your business’s ability to deliver a competitive customer experience every time. After all, today’s customers want to know what your store has in stock before they brave the elements to shop or pick up a purchase at a local store. A whopping 79 percent of US adults say it’s important that a retailer offers visibility into which items on their website are available in-store, and 34 percent of adults are less likely to visit a store if they can’t see the store’s inventory online.
Yet the demand for inventory visibility isn’t limited to physical stores. Customers want to engage with their favorite brands through email and on social media, and this is especially true for Gen Z and Millennial shoppers. However, a disconnect happens when consumers can’t find the products online that they found through your email or social media marketing, or when there’s a focus on marketing over supply chain, and the demand for products becomes greater than your ability to deliver.
Consumers’ desire for inventory transparency is why retailers such as Sears have struggled to get their supply chain up to par in recent years. Kohl’s has found that they could significantly boost margins by reducing inventory levels. Kohl’s CEO, Michelle Gass, recently attributed the company’s .5 percent increase in gross margins to the company reducing inventory levels by just 7 percent. [HOW DO YOU REDUCE INVENTORY? A thought to potentially add – by being more efficient with your inventory usage, you can reduce your safety stock inventory which improves your gross margins as Kohl’s did.]
Customer loyalty is ultimately built by having the inventory your customers want, where they want it, and as soon after they place the order as possible. And having an order management platform that’s integrated with your CRM and the rest of your supply chain management system is vital to making this happen.
Trying to take on too many new technologies too quickly can cause operational delays and set your business behind financially. Instead of diving into new technology all at once, first identify a problem in your organization that needs solving as step one, and then look to the available technologies for the solution. Forbes reports:
“Growth is a good thing, but not at the expense of your foundation breaking down. Can capital keep up with the growth? Are your people leading the change? Is the culture being sacrificed or transforming with the change? Are your “base business” customers still happy?”
Stay attuned to the attitudes of your staff and employees as you implement new technologies to gauge whether things are moving too quickly. If your business has issues with any of the below, then there is a good chance that your business would benefit from updating your order management system:
order printing and packing
automatic customer order updates
completing tasks
save the sale
In the end, only you can make the decision as to whether your business needs a new order management system. However, if it’s time for a fresh system, then everyone in your business ­– from your customers to the FedEx employees delivering your orders – are probably already trying to tell you to make the switch.
Bringing it all together
Customers expect a seamless ordering experience and, let’s be honest, most company’s order management systems show their customers a whole lot of seams. Supply chains can only live up to their full potential when they’re operating in tandem with an order management system that enables effective and efficient order processing. Like with Kohl’s, sourcing less inventory might be the answer to taking your margins to the next level, but you’ll never know unless you work with an order management provider that can give you the real-time insights you need to create positive changes.
The post Do you need to invest in a new order management system? appeared first on Watson Customer Engagement.
from personivt2c https://www.ibm.com/blogs/watson-customer-engagement/2019/04/09/do-you-need-to-invest-in-a-new-order-management-system/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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