andesite-block · 5 months
(This is going be a controversial one)
Stance on the Dream SMP?
I am in the fandom and I can understand why people think we’re toxic and cringe
I am in the fandom and am indifferent
I am in the fandom and have no regrets
I was in the fandom and cringe when I look back on it
I was in the fandom and I have fond memories but I understand the controversy looking back on it
I was in the fandom and have no regrets looking back on it
I’m not in the fandom and I think anyone who is in it is toxic and cringe and is on my dni
I’m not in the the fandom and I definitely think there are some toxic and cringe people, but there’s a couple nice people from there
I’m not in fandom and I have no problems with people in the fandom
I am indifferent / show results
(Feel free to change up the wording if it’s a bit confusing! Thank you!)
I have no idea what this is, other than a quick Google search just to make sure I didn't need a NSFW tag lol so I appreciate the heads up - H :)
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andesite-block · 7 months
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andesite-block · 8 months
there should be snakes in mimnecraft an they should look like this
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andesite-block · 9 months
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andesite-block · 10 months
i did get it before but hung gravy showing the “minecraft losers” his world is actually such a funny concept
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andesite-block · 10 months
To Whoever Wants to Hear - by Dream
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andesite-block · 11 months
this has to be the funniest reaction to dream i’ve seen
video credit
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andesite-block · 1 year
Dream posted the trailer to Until I End Up Dead !
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andesite-block · 1 year
Cellbit being forced to listen to Foolishs incoherent Minecraft building rambling, 7 hours into stream, is so hilarious. He suggested something and this is how it went.
C: "How about a gargoyle?
F: "*incoherent sobbing"
C: "No, no! Nevermind! No gargoyle!"
F: "*already looking up 'minecraft gargoyle'"
Doozers watching in shame.
EDIT: here's the clip!
(transcription under the cut)
F: "...for three. Um. And you know, I um, you know, I could have! Okay? I could've just made another pointy roof! But I said no! No! No, Cellbit! I will defeat the square roof, okay? Even if it kills me-"
C (overlapping at the end): "What if we do like uh, like a gargoyle here?"
F: *pauses*
F: *breaks down sobbing*
C: "No, no no no no! No don't cry! Its- it's a stupid idea- It's a stupid idea- I'm sorry, I'm sorry- That was a horrible idea"
F (overlapping with each other, sounding distressed): "No, no you're right! You're right! I-I didn't think about that- No, I could probably incorporate a gargoyle, how's that gonna go here? Here let me look up 'minecraft gargoyle', y'know, that could maybe-"
C: "No, no, forget about it man, I hate gargoyles, it's the- it's the worst animal- It's not an animal, it's like a beast. I don't know. It's like a monster, I don't know."
F (overlapping again): "No, no, no you're right! No, to be clear, um, no there's, no there's some big gargoyles, um, how big of a gargoyle statue do you want? There's big, small, and ginormous-"
C: "No, like the smallest one! Like- like this! Look, look! Here's a gargoyle! Oh no look the cutest gargoyle ever, yeah this is a great gargoyle, yeah."
F (sounding distressed): "The smallest one? Mmm.. Oh, um. No that's too small, that's too small. We'll have to do a little bigger than that, um, here- lemme, lemme look, um, images-"
Clip ends.
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andesite-block · 1 year
dnf snapchats synced:)
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andesite-block · 1 year
hello dtblr here's part two of the promised general survey to see things like who has the most mains, the general attitude on valorant, and if we're all 15 year old girls obsessed with gnf, and if that's changed at all since october!
It'll be open for about a week, and I'll be closing it next weekend, around Monday, May 7th at midnight EST! It should take about 5-10 minutes to fill out :]
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andesite-block · 1 year
transcript under the cut:
this post is going to get a tiny bit personal, so if you’re not in the mood to be a little upset probably best to not read it, though it’s about the community drama right now.
When me and my friends started working on the United SMP, the QSMP had not been announced at all and Quackity had kept things very close to his chest with what he was working on. We were all probably thinking the same general thing, we need another Minecraft server to play on.
The idea was just to have a server to be able to just hop on Minecraft and play survival Minecraft again, and after squidgame we all agreed that it would be awesome to have it be creators from around the world. So I instantly started working on the translation mod, and was really excited to storyboard ideas for the SMP! Calling with lots of creators about it, expressing excitement and brainstorming and really getting excited to play Minecraft again.
After the QSMP was announced I was surprised and reached out to quackity expressing support for the project and letting him know I was working on something to bring creators from around the world together too, and that we should chat about it! His SMP announcement didn’t mention any translation stuff, and was English and Spanish based so I still was thinking that conceptually they were different enough to co-exist, and even was hoping to share the mod with Quackity if he was interested in using it. Quackity didn’t reply to me at the time, and obviously I assumed it was due to being overwhelmed and busy with the QSMP and all the messages he was probably getting. I reached out to multiple members of the QSMP that I’m close with after quackity didn’t reply to me, and got varying reassurance from them that the QSMP was a passion project to bring Quackity’s two biggest communities of English and Spanish together, and that the servers were completely different with hardly any creator overlap or idea overlap based on what I was planning. Those creators even all expressed strong interest in playing on both, and excitement about all the communities coming together, and this new ERA of SMPS. I expressed my interest in sharing the mod with Quackity to them, and how I would be giving it to the public for free, and asked for advice on how I should approach him about it without him feeling like I was trying to butt my way into his project or something.
after talking with them though, it really encouraged me to continue working on the idea, with the idea that it wouldn’t really be a me thing, that there would be 6 other owners and it could be a big community project, with an open source translation mod to bridge the community together. On my original owners list, Quackity was actually the idea for the “owner” from the Spanish community, as this was before I knew anything about the QSMP, and I wanted every language to have a figure to make decisions so it wasn’t just one guy making decisions. I figured at this point he probably wouldn’t be interested though, and thought that was fair enough obviously with his new SMP.
Then I uploaded my translation mod video, which was planned as an April Fools joke, and posted a simple little promotional photo graphic. The next day Quackity announced a translation mod for the QSMP, with the same functionality, and obviously with the same general idea of bridging that language gap even more by literally live translating! I can’t pretend that I wasn’t a little bit taken aback, and even slightly disappointed as I knew this would probably lead to drama. But at the same time I was also super excited and hopeful for the future of Minecraft content, I was excited to share ideas, potentially share development to make things even easier and better for the community, and just have a cool thing to talk about with Quackity that we both worked on and were clearly passionate about. Ideas and work like that are really hard to put together and take time, passion, and dedication.
I reached out to Quackity again, expressing support and laughing about the fact that we had such similar ideas. He hadn’t replied to my previous message, and didn’t reply to that one either. I bumped him, mentioning that a lot of vitriol was building between our fan bases because of this, and suggested that we talk about it and work out what to do so we can avoid everyone being at each others throat. All the hatred and in-fighting of communities can be avoided with creators communicating and setting boundaries and so on. After days went by, I bumped again going over the timeline of everything because I had the thought that maybe he was frustrated with me and thought that I had stolen his idea or something. Still no response so I reached out to other friends of ours who were having the same communication struggles, so I figured it wasn’t a me thing. I bumped him again a week or so later, expressing my love for him and that an SMP wasn’t worth hurting our friendship over and that I had no intention of competing with him or trying to copy any of his ideas. To “at least talk to me man! I don’t want to have any problems between us I love ya & I tried avoiding anything like this from happening, idk what the best resolution is but it’s definitely not silence between us”
Still no responses, and at that point I was very stressed and concerned about it, so members of the QSMP and non members that were friends of mine attempted to reach out to get clarity or figure out what was going on. From what I gathered, there were no responses, and it was strongly alluded from Q that you wouldn’t be allowed to play on both servers if you were a part of the QSMP. Which totally makes sense for Quackity, as there’s not that many creators on the QSMP and it takes a lot of time to make all the mods and updates for content and you want it to be as active as possible.
I was still incredibly confused, and I continued to reach out and have even put my project on hold to try and work out what was going on behind the scenes and extend love & support to quackity and everything he has done publicly. as only a couple weeks before this happened we were all still joking and talking in calls, playing in events together, texting & chatting, and my assumption would be that we are all still really good friends and that this is just a big misunderstanding with a lot of lack of communication between Quackity & all of us.
That being said, I’ve seen the communities split against each other and have tons of hate build around this and around the speculations of peoples motives and friendships and so on, and it’s really really harmful to the community as a whole. I have seen more threats, doxing, fights, slander, and hate between a bunch of fan bases that I’ve seen in a very long time. I personally have experienced an elevated level of in real life threats & stalkers & even had the police involved in somebody showing up at my house, & even putting trackers on my family vehicles, surrounding this drama, for the first time since pre-face reveal. That’s really why I feel like I have to say something about it despite me wanting to avoid any kind of serious talk about all of this, especially even talking about communication publicly feels wrong but necessary in this instance. I never like to air out anything that feels or is private, but I feel like in this case it’s really important for my fan base to be aware of my intentions, motives, thought process, and how we got to where we are.  I’ve always been a creator that’s very open with my fan base about everything going on in my life and this is a massive thing right now for my friends & me & is something an outsider might not really understand what’s going on and I feel clarity is important.
So like I said, it’s really not worth all the drama. I want to play Minecraft with friends again and really can’t wait to start doing it again soon. The United SMP concept will be changed so that it’s again different enough from the QSMP to not compete with it, and keep the main goal of uniting creators from around the world to just simply play vanilla Minecraft. so the original “10 creators from each language, these languages”, etc is going to be changing to a different structural format due to the QSMP announcements, as I really don’t want them to be conceptually so similar and had no idea they would be. My intention was never to try and compete with another SMP, cause any friendship problems, or cause drama in the community, it was just to have fun and put out cool unique content.
Just remember, this is all about uniting the world and communities and sharing positivity around the world. I love everything that Quackity’s done and I really believe this is a big miscommunication that we’ll all be able to laugh about down the line together. I don’t support any hate towards anyone, any form of doxing, threats, harassment, racism, is unacceptable and you’re not welcome in our community if you think otherwise. I will continue to say that I have the upmost respect for Quackity as a creative mind, a hard worker, and a person, and don’t want anyone trying to take things I do and compare them to his work to put him down or to pit us against each other. My hope is still that quackity sees this and knows that no one’s ever meant any ill will, we love him, and that his friends are trying to reach out to him and know what’s going on and are proud of everything he’s done.
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andesite-block · 1 year
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I had a draft of about 5 of these results ready to go pre-face reveal but then everything went to shit so just for some closure here are the results (FROM SEPTEMBER!) ^_^
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This chart shows the percentage of total respondents who indicated that they mained the people above. This isn't a comprehensive list, with other streamers like SBI, Benchtrio, or other DSMP-adjacent streamers rounding the answers out!
of the 598 people who filled out the survey, 98.5% main one of the people in the above chart, and 92.8% main one or more of the Dream Team.
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From this question, it seems like DSMP creators are the main pipeline into dtblr—but a good 40% of us didn't start on the Dream Team side!
We have a good amount of people who came from the Corpse/OTV side of Twitch, and a decent amount of you who have been here a while, since SMPLive :]
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A lot of us have been here a long time—66% of us were here before 2021. The vast majority have been here since 2021, a good 93% of us!
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I thought it'd be super interesting to see how watching the Dream Team may have changed how we interact with their primary game, and it looks like a majority of us were crafters before and still are! They managed to get nearly a fifth of his audience here into playing as well!
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A toast to the loss of most of dtblr's favorite MCC player to watch, something that we definitely mourned when we heard the news. But if you're looking for a new POV to watch, survey respondents put down a wide range of players—just outside these top 8 were Ranboo, Tubbo, Grian, Illumina, Purpled, and Hannah!
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Another loss for 6% of dtblr with how this question aged, RIP Trust Issues :( But for the remaining 94% of us, our favorite Drusic is still on streaming platforms. Change my Clothes is only...500k listens away from 67 million listens on Spotify so 👀
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Wow ok as this goes on I realize just how many chapters have ended over the last few months but a salute to the 26% of loreheads on dtblr! On to the next chapter :]
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Now to a touchy subject...who's in the dteam privs? According to the survey responses, 39% of dtblr is in all three! Interestingly, there are more people who follow Dream's alt than his main. Fair enough, there are enough piss tweets on there to warrant unfollowing it!
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Word of mouth and the YouTube algorithm seems to have been the best way for the dteam to get to us—interestingly enough, a good amount of people found out through either Heat Waves the song or through the fanfiction, ranging from it crashing ao3 to commentary YouTubers talking about it on their channels!
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Now for some psychic damage, I'm seeing a lot more of RTAH posting on my dash nowadays but here's some solidarity for everyone who may have come from similar backgrounds ^_^
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Now for some more history—a vast majority of us came from gaming content backgrounds, and nearly 17% of us were primarily mcyt enjoyers. Personal shoutout to Team Crafted viewers we're holding hands <3
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Nearly half of dtblr doesn't consume much Minecraft content outside of the stuff our boys are in, though there's still a pretty large amount of people who watch other SMP's and keep up with the speedrunning scene!
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This one is an ode to the lurkers who keep the economy strong—even now you guys are an essential part of dtblr! Same to the 30-40% of people who post the stuff for lurkers and other dtblr members to see. Everyone is important to keeping our little island afloat <3
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Now onto Banter, most of dtblr doesn't make time for Banter Wednesdays, but if there's an interesting episode, it seems like the trio will capture our attention :]
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Adding some literal variety to our results, I thought it'd be interesting to see what common variety games are our favorites! 95% of us would be tapped in wholeheartedly for Geoguessr or Jackbox streams. On the other hand, Fall Guys and Fortnite are in the middle of the pack, whereas it seems like FPS games are our mortal enemies—62% of us would tap out during Valorant while 46% wouldn't be paying attention to CS:GO.
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Onto the topic of shipping, DNF steamrolled every other ship listed to have nearly 86% of responders saying they ship it. That lines up with the follow-up question, where nearly 90% of respondents either have experience with shipping RPF in the past, or have been caught up with DNFer supreme Dream's antics. Otherwise, there was a good distribution of love for most popular ships within DTQK+, with Karlnap, DNN, and Karlnapity leading the pack at around 25% each!
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Ever wonder how dtblr is spread out across the globe because of the dash being dead at different times? Well, the vast majority of us are in North America and Europe, with 86% of us being between GMT +4 and GMT -4. Much like our streamers, though, a lot of us have fucked up sleep schedules so time zones aren't as much of an issue LMAO
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Next up is a fairly simple one, I had another question that asked for gender but there was, as expected, a lot of variance and nuance that I couldn't fit into a neat graphic. But this one is a fairly simple one to graph so Well here's the 24/7 pride parade Dream mentioned coming in hot, with about 95% of us identifying as LGBT+ or questioning!
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I wanted to test out my theory that GNF mains are also biased towards CS/Engineering fields, so I asked what people were studying! There's a pretty big bias towards the arts and humanities around here, but we also have just as many STEM people around, good on dtblr for academic diversity! As for my hypothesis, 22% of people who indicated they were George mains studied some form of CS/Engineering. George mains also made up 70% of all people who studied CS/Engineering. So cheers to my stem kid gnfers o/
Finally, I don't really know the best way to make a graphic for the favorite colors question, but just know that 50% of us chose either green or blue, and it was a near-even 25%-25% split. Great job dnfers, Dream would be proud <3
Thanks for reading! I hope that this was fun to look through, and I'll be posting an identical one for new dtblr soon! Super excited to see how things have changed since Well. anyways. Also wanted to say thank you to everyone who filled it out, reading all your answers was a ton of fun and I got a ton of laughs out of some of y'alls bonus section content and the few joke answers I got throughout <333
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andesite-block · 1 year
love learning about mcyts because sometimes i hear things like “dadkisser docm77 was a professional basketball player” or “sneeg ‘my cock’ snag has a degree in criminal psychology” or literally any fact i’ve ever learnt about jack manifold and i just have to accept it.
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andesite-block · 1 year
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so eepy they almost slept through the dsmp finale 😴
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andesite-block · 1 year
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random georges + one dream
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andesite-block · 1 year
Thank you to everyone for both your nominations and your votes! Under the cut are all of your winners in these totally not cursed, amazing categories ^_^
The winner was... Dream taking the Am I In Love With My Best Friend Quizzes! We were all saying what the FUCK when this was happening, so it makes sense that the people spoke for this and chose it as the craziest DNF moment. Keep on being insane, Dream!
The winner was... I Met Dream In Real Life! Dubbed by George as his favorite video he's ever made, it makes sense that this video holds a special place in all of our hearts, just like George does in Dream's.
The winner was... Memes with Dreams! These streams embodied all of what DNF are at their cores--soft and earnestly fond of each other. From Geoguessr to silly online quizzes and random games, we can only hope to one day have a DNF stream as great as these again.
The winner was... Dream asking George to wet his hair and saying "Holy cow!" when he did! George's long-anticipated first cooking stream was insane enough on its own, but only became more crazy when Dream asked George to wet his hair and mess it up because he had been thinking about it for days after seeing it in the taking off shirts extra scenes video. Arguably one of the most iconic DNF moments ever, this award was well-deserved.
The winner was... The Kiss Snap! Even just six months ago, none of us ever could have imagined getting a picture of DNF leaning in to kiss each other with their faces just barely covered. Somehow, we live in a world where that picture exists, and they willingly released it themselves. There is no denying this is one of the most insane, iconic DNF moments since they first met IRL.
The winner was... Finding out they used to call each other while in the shower! It was always during a Dream Discord podcast that we would find out the most insane of information against our wills, and finding out that DNF often used to shower call was no different. Even crazier was George taking Dream, and in turn all of us, in the shower with him live on a podcast. And somehow, this moment is outshined by a plethora of other moments, and is deserving of its title as most underrated.
The winner was... TommyInnit! One of the biggest shooters for Dream out there, Tommy is always the first to make a DNF joke and support them in all of their insanity. However, this poll was unfair to the other nominees who were smaller CCs than Tommy, especially Velvet. To be more fair and give the other nominees a greater chance, it will be rerun on April 31.
The winner was... Kaceytron! Always the first to call Dream a queerbaiter and be a freak, this award should have been titled person who deserves to be doused in gasoline and lit on fire!
The winner was... Tubbo! Since Tubbo is known for accidentally leaking things, from new MCC features to his own address, it makes sense that Tubbo would be the most likely to leak DNF. Congrats to Tubbo on the win!
The winner was... TommyInnit! Tommy is always the first to call DNF out on their shenanigans, and absolutely does expose them on the regular. This was a well-deserved award, and may all of our thoughts be with Tommy for when he meets them IRL and has an entire new encyclopedia of knowledge to expose them with.
The winner was... XQC! As one of the most incomprehensible people on all of Twitch and apparently a close enough friend of DNF that they take him as a plus-one to the birthday parties of A-list celebrities, XQC would love to react to the hypothetical DNF sex tape on stream.
The winner was... Kaceytron! Hopefully she kills herself long before they ever get married so that this won't even be a concern!
The winner was... BadBoyHalo! As the entire reason DNF met in the first place, this award is more than deserved. Bad deserves financial compensation for being at the scene of all of the most insane DNF crimes since before they were even famous creators in their own right.
The winner was... Sapnap! With a resounding 77% of the vote for the biggest sweep of the entire awards, our thoughts and prayers are always with Sapnap for being DNF's greatest victim. No one suffers like him because no one else is brave enough to live in a house with them--let alone sharing a wall with them. o7 to Sapnap, and congrats to him on this deserved win.
The winner was... Friends to Lovers! DNFers love to read a classic trope that is especially true to DNF, and it makes sense that this would be a fandom favorite with the way it is one of the most used tags across all DNF fanfics on Archive of Our Own.
The winner was... George x WilburSoot! Probably one of the most evil George ships around due to the insanity of its craziest shippers alone, it makes sense why Georgebur won as Dream's most hated George ship. Though, at the end of the day, Dream's most hated George ship is all of them equally, and we should all be glad they are it for each other.
The winner was... Dream x WilburSoot! George is truly insane about the idea of Dream being with anyone else, and the nominee that swept the nominations was actually "Dream with any one." However, that option did not make the poll, and therefore Dreambur won. George wanting to murder over the concept of Dream and Wilbur going on a Pizza Hut date will forever live on as one of his craziest moments in the face of Dream joking about dating someone else. Lucky for George, he doesn't have to worry about this ever again.
The winner was... 2023! No DNF year before now could really compare to how far they've come since becoming content creators together. Between the cute date snaps, the kiss snap, bedgate, the It Takes Two stream, everything about whatever is in the LA air for them, and plenty of other moments that I'm surely forgetting, 2023 has been the most iconic DNF year yet, even only 4 months into it.
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Finally, the only required question on our nomination form asked participants if they thought DNF was real. With a resounding 89.7% of the votes, the people decided that Yes, they do believe DNF is real. Only 16 of the 156 people who voted chose No as their answer.
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