anchirayce · 6 months
0 notes
anchirayce · 7 months
Ugh, low key thinking of rewriting Chapter 4 of To Behold. It's the roughest one but so necessary for what I have plannnned. AHHHHH!
I might have time between, life, drawing, writing more fanfic, drawing fanart, and writing my own damn book. :/
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anchirayce · 7 months
To Behold the Golden Sun Ch. 6
This takes place after the events of BG3. Basically, a smol adventure about Tav and Astarion arriving at Tav's childhood city to search for a way to have Astarion walk in the sun again! Drama ensues!
Rating: T - Strong language,
Warnings/Tags: Tiefling racism, alcohol use (responsible, suggestion of misuse), suggestion of non-con, suggestion of child abuse, typical canon violence, slight angst, hurt/comfort, slow burn(I mean it, it's slow), Astarion might be ooc, but hopefully not!
Tav couldn't always run away from his past. He knew this from the moment he started to help Astarion find a way to walk in the sun again. He wanted to stay away, but spurred by another failure, a memory of eld came to him. A whisper of something said, something promising. Hopefully, this little spark of hope was what he and Astarion were looking for.
Chapter One: Here
“Tav!” My shout bled with fear as I dove to pick him up. He had stopped screaming, but he was gone, his eyes darkened with loss of life. I looked back at his Deva, the angelic being closed its eyes, and shattered into nothingness. "Gale! I need your scrolls! Now!”
“Yes, I know, Astarion!” He replied, kneeling as he dug through his pack.
"Then you know how you need to hurry the fuck up, wizard!"
"I cannot revive him with you screaming!" I clenched my fangs back. Suddenly sobbing as Tav's body lay still.
It was the blood, it caused a new arm to be made from the flesh of the dragon. I hoped it wouldn’t harm him, but here he was. Gone from me. It was just temporary, I knew it was, but I hated seeing it even more now that he vowed to stay beside me.
I closed my eyes, shaking as my grip slipped on the blood. It was too much, too heavy, it made me nauseous. I hid my face against Tav's neck as I tried to force air into my lungs. I knew to trust Gale. I knew it was going to be okay. But the terror…
"Astarion!" Gale exclaimed, his rough pull on my shoulder wrenched me back. "He's alive…" I pulled away and his colour and breath had returned. I rushed to put my ear to his chest and released my exhausting tension.
"Thank you." I whispered. Gripping at the soaked fabric.
"Always, Astarion." He reassured me with a shaky pat.
“Come here. We will rest for now.” Jaheira tutted, shifting into an owlbear.
“We have to leave.” I hissed. The new appendage was bleeding. I tore at my suit and wrapped it. Hiding the bloodied golden arm, I could smell the blessing upon his blood, it mixed with his scent, it wasn't bad. But it scared me. I should have stopped him.
“We can’t, not with Tav like this. We should wait for him to wake.” Gale soothed, I looked at Jaheira as she curled around us. I began to move away but she stopped me. Encouraging me to hold him. I leaned against her massive form, a low purr calmed the unbearable suffocating tremor in my unbeating heart.
I kept glancing down the hall, expecting people to come. I could pick up the faint scent of a massacre. My wonderful selfless idiot must have held on for as long as he could. I felt the pull of exhaustion grow heavier, and eventually fell asleep.
I woke when Tav shuffled, I opened my eyes to look at him expectantly, hopeful. Terrified. Most of his right half shimmered with patterned scales. He opened his mouth. And reached in to prick his fingers against the sharpness of his longer fangs.
His long black hair was now peppered with golden streaks, the green dye had faded long ago. His right eye was an orb of golden magic, lacking an iris and pupil. I studied him and raised my hand to cup his cheek so he could face me.
“Astarion?” He gasped. “What happened?” He raised his right arm. Studying his fingers.
“I don’t know…” I lied. “But gods…look at you.”
“Is it bad?” He patted down his body.
“No! You’re golden. Specks in your horns, your hair, your eye.” I thumbed the lower lid.
“I must look…not great.” He scoffed curling into himself.
"Stop it." I huffed.
“I'm unsure about that, you look pretty fantastic to me! And you did it for a selfish reason for once! Good on you Tav!” Gale exclaimed, he was high on the pile of treasure. Searching for something.
“But I didn’t want to be selfish! I wanted--” He tried to find an excuse. "The dragon’s power--"
“You wanted to be with me.” I smiled and pulled his gaze back to me. I leaned to kiss him and he pulled me close.
He pushed me to the ground and with an exclamation Jaheira morphed back. “Cub, I would appreciate that you do not fuck your husband next to me.” Tav laughed loudly and got off with a lingering kiss. I stood with him, balancing him when he staggered. Jaheira went to the base of the pile picking through the treasure as well.
“Tav. How do you feel?” Gale called from the mountain.
He stared at the golden bones before us. “Alive.” It was his voice but he said it with such conviction, like he was trapped before.
“The dragon has given me its soul.” He smiled. “I can feel it. I think it'll protect us.”
“Gale, darling.” I cleared my throat. Trying to distract myself. “What are you looking for?”
“A Wish spell, for our dear Karlach.” Tav immediately ran forward.
“Do you think it will be here?” He exclaimed. I ran after him, pulling him back.
"You need to rest!" I hissed.
"I'm okay." He cupped my hand.
“The dragon, Tav. Gave me a box, to lock away the Netherese Orb. Of course there will be a Wish spell!” I huffed as the two began to dig around. Bantering about where to search, I stumbled back.
“Are you okay, Astarion?” Jaheira whispered.
“I…don’t know.” I clutched at the item I was given. It felt so heavy.
“Are you scared?” I didn't let on that I was utterly terrified.
“This is a cure for vampirism. How can I be scared? I'm utterly ecstatic."
“You don’t want to change,  do you?” I looked at Jaheria, hoping that I didn't seem startled. I knew it was something to help me walk in the sun. It wasn't a cure.
“I-I don’t…" I sighed. “I’ve become so accustomed to it--”
She stopped me. “You know he will understand.”
“Yes, I know.” I walked away from her and helped the search.
“What does it look like?” Tav exclaimed.
“It’s hard to describe!” Gale returned. “Just look for something that looks like a star has fallen upon paper!” I began to dig through the hoard.
“You’d think he would at least organise it.” Tav muttered.
We searched, and searched. My hands throbbed from scrapping the heavy metal. I scoped through chests upon chests of…everything. Gold, silks, scrolls, none of which were what we were looking for.
“How has this man accumulated such a mass amount of wealth?” I huffed.
“I have no idea.” Tav replied. “But we should send some of it back to Baldur’s Gate.”
“We are not giving corrupt politicians authority over this vast amount of legendary treasure.” I tutted.
“Oh by Selune! No!” Tav gasped, “just some gold!”
“Ha! I found another pocket dimension!” Gale exclaimed. We continued to search, but I took a break, and threw coins at Tav until he turned and whipped me with his tail.
“You’re going to pay for that.” He teased.
“Oh, bite me, I already have.”
“Maybe I will. Because you had an interest accumulating." He slid down to me and snarled playfully. He looked so tired, and he shook as he held me. A fever had taken him.
"Tav, my heart, please rest." I begged.
He grinned and leaned against me, sighing against my coolness. "I'm okay. Just running hot, I feel fine."
"Okay, but you're pushing yourself again. Please Tav. The hoard isn't going anywhere." I whispered.
"I'll rest when we find the scroll." I tutted, not hiding my frustration.
"Fine. But if there is any inkling of you fainting. Then I will have Jaheira take charge with pinning you down." He nodded and pulled away.
“Tavalin!” We turned to Rowen calling him, and I let him go.
“Down here!” He called as I continued to search.
“Holy…” She gasped. “There’s a massacre outside of this room that people are too scared to go near. Now there’s a dead dragon! I can’t believe it!" She shouted. She then cried loudly from shock. "Tavalin what did you do to yourself?”
“I was granted a wish.” He replied, a small grin peaking through.
“Don’t worry this isn’t the worst thing he’s done.” I sneered.
“How is it not?”
“He’s drunk from a tankard of…questionable substances offered by an undead bartender!” Gale regaled her loudly.
“And licked a spider…” I cringed.
“That was funny.” Tav snickered, nudging me.
"What the fuck…" She huffed, we returned to the pile and took our time to scatter it about.
“What are you doing?” Rowen shouted, Jaheira replied to her as we pulled away the gold.
“Join us if you can.” Tav mentioned. “An extra pair of hands would be lovely.” She hesitated and looked towards Gale and I.
“Come now, darling. We won’t bite. Well, Gale won’t.” I slid down the pile and offered it to her. I dug beside her, explaining what we were looking for.
“So…” She cleared her throat. “How did you two meet?”
“Tav and I?” I asked.
“It wasn’t on the best of terms, we were fresh off the nautiloid. I tried to kill and the wonderful bastard headbutted me.” I chuckled, surprised by my honesty.
“Has he opened up to you about his past?” She whispered.
“He has.” There was a pause.
“Astarion, I’m going to tell you something. It’s up to you whether you tell Tavalin.” She picked up a chalice and placed it down next to her. “Tavalin wasn’t born here.”
I stared at her from the corner of my eye. She seemed to be telling the truth. “What happened for him to fall into The Hollow?”
“His parents were chosen as sacrifices.”
“He mentioned something like that--people disappear at this mansion.” She nodded.
“The Lord of the Land forced nobles and the wealthy to contribute to spare their lives. But then he would just kill them anyway. We don’t know what exactly happened, but Tavalin was exiled into The Hollow after his parents were chosen. Then the bastard went willingly back after Lin died.” She rubbed her face with frustration. “The Enclave has tried to overtake this town. But no one has been powerful enough to kill the dragon. Until your little merry group.”
“Why tell me this?”
“Father Garret told me to. And...you're very close to Tavalin. If it came from me he wouldn’t listen.”
“I wouldn't be so sure. Tavalin has listened to the worst feebly explain their actions.” An ironic grin fell upon my lips. “He is far more patient then you might remember too, darling.”
She swallowed and stared at him. “I'd rather you talk to him.” She continued to dig, and before I left to search another area she added. “Thank you for looking out for him.”
I grinned and looked back at him as he slipped on the gold. Tav gave an exasperated growl and scrambled back up. But stopped halfway.
“Holy shit! Holy shit!” He laughed, “Gale! I think I found it!” I crawled up to him and began to dig with him. A pale piece of parchment was buried deeply. It shimmered like the night sky.
We managed to dig it out, and triumphantly Tav held it up. Gale studied it and with a beaming nod he said. “It’s a Wish spell!”
Tav turned to me. “Quickly love, we need to keep this safe.” I nodded and grabbed our bag of holding from the dimension.
“No, no. Pocket dimension, please.” I nodded again and we placed it inside.
“Rowen take as much as you can carry!” Tav said as he grabbed a box and began to fill it.
“Are you certain?” She asked hesitantly.
“We’re going to fill Gale’s pocket dimension with gold and give it to Baldur’s Gate to help rebuild. You’ve helped us and you should be able to travel with Father Garret now.”
“But what of this city?” Tav lost his smile.
“Let it burn.” He growled. “It doesn’t deserve anything but ire.”
“I-I understand.” Rowen nodded. We fell into a silence as we filled what we could. There was still a massive amount of gold.
“What should we do?” Gale asked, pocketing his little dimension.
“Destroy the entrance. We plundered what we could, if someone finds it. Let them.” The wizard nodded in understanding of our leader's words. And as everyone left he flicked his wrist at the pillars. The sound rang through my ears painfully. We took to a  sprint, and I saw the carnage around me. Tav didn’t return my glance, his eyes clouded with focus.
There was another explosion and the great hall of the vault began to shatter and crumble. We ran up the flight of stairs. Tav struggled to keep up, cradling his arm against himself. I slowed and pulled my arm around him to keep him steady.
Until all of us burst from the collapsing arch. “Astarion its day!” Tav stopped and pushed me back from a ray piercing through the cracked roof. The foundation of the mansion shook again.
“Pocket dimension!” I took it out and rubbed the surface. Tav clutched it to his chest and I was subjected to a stare at his golden hand.
With a moment's rest I slowly curled against a stack of pillows I pulled from our bag of holding. And peered at the item the dragon gave me. It was a brilliant yellow crystal with whispers of white cracking through. Morphed in the shape of a sun. I placed it in my hand and it melted and changed into an elegant chain bracelet. It was plain and beautiful.
“Nothing better than a changing piece of jewellery.” I chuckled to myself.
“Sorry love. Did you say something?” Tav panted, pulling up the brooch to show his face.
“I’ll tell you when we’re out of the sun, my treasure!” I place my hand against the mirror. I heard shouting, muffled by Tav’s exertion. My chest hurt with guilt as I stepped away from the walls, the sun was fully bathing the area. And the artefact I carried might not even work.
I lowered myself to the floor, sighing with exhaustion. I continued to listen to commands and more cries from our enemies. I was missing all of the drama, but fighting that dragon really took it out of me. So I selfishly waited.
“Astarion?” Tav’s voice echoed.
“Yes dear?” I stood.
“It’s safe.” I rubbed the wall and shuddered as the magic left my body. We all stood in a dark and simple hovel. I hid the bracelet against my torn clothes and observed the group. We were all tired. And even with the light trance I felt my body yearn for a soft bed with Tav beside me.
“Welcome everyone.” Father Garret announced. “Plunder well?” He grinned.
“Very.” Tav replied. “We destroyed the entrance to the vault. If there is a way back I hope it remains hidden.”
“There is.” Father Garret said, “that secret will remain between Rowen and I though.”
“Good.” Tav sank to the floor, sighing audibly. He raised his arm again and clenched his fist. I sat next to him, grabbing the soft scaled hand. He was still unconditionally warm. And I relished in it.
He pulled away when it was his turn to bathe. I went after he had finished and settled next to Gale on the floor when I had thoroughly washed the blood from everywhere.
"Where is Tav?"
"Unsure." He mentioned as he read through the thick book. I worried the stone with my thumb, and waited for him. Jaheira gave me a reassuring nod as she and Rowen talked. Eventually I curled into myself and took a trance.
“Astarion?” Tav whispered in my ear. I blinked awake and looked at him.
“Come.” He pulled me up and out of the house, his tail flicking excitedly. He pulled me into a clearing of snow. Our tent was set up, inviting and warm. Tav wore his summer clothes. It seemed like the cold didn’t bother him anymore, hardly did before.
He closed the flap and spoke. “Ready to become mortal?” He said as he settled onto the furs and crossed his legs. His tail tapped eagerly behind him.
“Yes, right.” I sighed and shuffled. I tried to find the words. I knew Tav would be disappointed with my choice. But a part of me always felt like he wanted me to be mortal. It would have been nice, but it's not what I truly cared for.
“Tav, I-I don't really want to become mortal.” He listened to me carefully, his expression was hard to read, his tail stopped as well. I pulled out the stone currently morphed into a small glistening globe. “I’m-I’m scared to have my body changed again. I know it’s been so long, and Gods, to have every ability of a mortal again…” I swallowed. “I just--this fear--” He closed my hand around the stone.
“Is this what you want?” He asked me.
I took a shaky breath. “Yes." I felt tears brimming my eyes. Frustrated, I pushed them away. Hating how emotional it made me.
“Then I will support you.”
“You’re not mad?”
“Astarion, why would I be?” He smiled, a scoff of disbelief puffing from his throat. “I just want to live a life with you. Whether we continue on the road or find a sweet nook where we do whatever. I want to be with you until our forever ends.” I kissed him, pushing my tongue through his lips to taste the dragon's blood. It was tinged with magic, an odd but not horrible taste.
"Can I drink from you?" Tav hesitated.
“I think it should be okay.”
“Your blood smells the opposite of toxic. If that's what you're worried about.” I soothed, he nodded and leaned back, taking off his shirt. He grabbed my waist as I moved his hair. His neck was still soft and warm. And when his blood filled my mouth I found myself lost in the taste.
It was pure, absolute, power. Tav's blood was sweeter, richer, bolder. I always adored the taste before, it was comparable to a cup of refreshing rose water. But now it was addictive. I nearly lost myself, growling low and greedily as I took.
“Astarion?” I immediately sat back, taking the last mouthful down.
"Your taste is different. It's good…" I had trouble shaking the primal urge.
"I didn't before?" He scoffed.
"Oh, no you were a bouquet. Now, you're a whole field." I returned to taste the drops from the small wound.
"Hm, romantic." Tav chuckled as he healed the wound and scratched at his arm.
"Does it bother you?" He shook his head, but then shrugged. And between us he raised the new appendage. The tear was smoothed with scales and flesh. Like it never happened. "Does it feel different?"
"Yes?" He was unsure. "I think it's the scales. Touch seems muted yet, it sparks." I took it and kissed his knuckles. It still smelled like him, only sharper. "Do I look bad?"
"No," I replied immediately. "You're still beautiful Tav. And I can't wait to see what new secrets you're hiding, my treasure." I said and laid beside him, resting on my elbow. His tails had wrapped around my shin, the tip lazily tapped itself against my ankle.
"Are you scared?" He nodded, still observing the new appendage and black talons.
"It's so new…" He sighed. "What if I made a mistake?"
"Then we will deal with it together." I reassured him, he joined me, staring up at the tent roof.
"Gods we really are the oddest couple in all of Faerun." He huffed.
"We are the most beautiful though." I took his new hand and weaved my fingers through.
"I'm glad we found something for you…" He began to mumble.
"Me too." I took in the silence, and with a soft huff managed to gather my words. “Tav, Rowen told me something you should know.” I turned to face him, he was asleep. With a sigh I pulled up the thin silk blanket and kissed his forehead. I settled beside him and allowed myself a well needed rest.
Astarion moved come morning. I sat up with him as he stared at the sunlight dappling through the flap. I reassured him with a gentle squeeze to his shoulder and leaned against him.
He reached for the sun, the crystal shimmering with magic. His hand filled with the cold rays. I almost couldn't bear to watch. But he laughed. Relief echoing across his body.
"Finally…" He whispered as I smiled and kissed his shoulder.
I stepped out first, Astarion followed but held himself taught. I couldn't imagine the unbearable pain of burning alive. So I gave him my patience as he adjusted and inched out carefully.
Luckily, nothing happened. He closed his eyes against the gentle caress of cold and warmth. I took down our tent as he basked for the first time in nearly two years.
"Gods, you're gorgeous." I came up behind him, moving his white curls so I could kiss his neck and he turned to hold me. Signing with content against my warmth and heartbeat. We stayed like this until we heard the others shouting for us. With a frustrated tut Astarion let me go and we made our way to the safe house.
There was an eagerness about the small group. And we all chatted excitedly as we gathered all the supplies we could and hitched a wagon onto Jaheira, the old druid insisted she pull her weight. And chided at me when I offered to walk with her.
“Where is everyone heading?” I asked as Astarion followed Gale onto the wagon. He kept worrying at the stone now clasped onto the shell of his ear.
Rowen glanced at Father Garret. “I suppose we might head to Baldur’s Gate. We might find some work helping rebuild.” Rowen said.
“Good, good! Same direction is nice." I smiled and moved to let her board. I stopped Father Garret with a hand and guilty whisper.
"What did you do with The Hollow?"
"It's already been taken care of. They are forever resting in the Moonmaiden's Embrace." I squeezed his shoulder in thanks and followed him onto the open wagon.
"What of you? Heading back to rest?" Rowen asked as I sat next to Astarion.
"No, no. We’re in need of a diabolist.”
“Why’s that?” She continued. As we settled down, Jaheira began to move.
“We’re stopping by Avernus. To show a devil what it means to piss us off.”
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anchirayce · 7 months
To Behold the Golden Sun Ch. 5
This takes place after the events of BG3. Basically, a smol adventure about Tav and Astarion arriving at Tav's childhood city to search for a way to have Astarion walk in the sun again! Drama ensues!
Rating: T - Strong language,
Warnings/Tags: Tiefling racism, alcohol use (responsible, suggestion of misuse), suggestion of non-con, suggestion of child abuse, typical canon violence, slight angst, hurt/comfort, slow burn(I mean it, it's slow), Astarion might be ooc, but hopefully not!
Tav couldn't always run away from his past. He knew this from the moment he started to help Astarion find a way to walk in the sun again. He wanted to stay away, but spurred by another failure, a memory of eld came to him. A whisper of something said, something promising. Hopefully, this little spark of hope was what he and Astarion were looking for.
Chapter One: Here
I slowly opened my eyes. Astarion was gone from my side, I scrambled to my feet. Stumbling against the ache in my bones, I pushed magic into my body and leaned against the pillar of carved stone, trying to control my rough gasps. The hallway was empty and the door was still sealed behind me.
I pushed myself off and sprinted. I was stopped halfway with a rough yank. I raised my claw but wrenched it back as Astarion faded his invisibility. He stared into my eyes, studying my face. He reached for me, slightly hesitating. I didn't pull away but cringed as he cupped my cheek.
“Hello my sweet Tav.”
I raised my arms half-way to him, wanting to touch him, but I was absolutely filthy. I sighed as he slowly pulled me in, squeezing me.
“I have you…” I all but melted against him. “I’m sorry for leaving. I was trying to find a way out.” He said as he pulled away. And moved an arm to the back of my neck, threading his fingers through my hair as he pulled me to his shoulder. I shuddered another soft sob.
“You’re alright, love.”
“Thank you…” I whispered. "I'm sorry."
“Ah, don’t apologise, my sweet.” He stood with me holding me as I listened to the world. As he pulled away I healed him. "Come, we need to leave."
"Jaheira and Gale? Where are they?"
"They're doing all the work."
"How long was I asleep?"
"For about an hour or two. Jaheira knows we're here as well. They’re trying to get into the vault." I hugged my arms, suppressing a shiver.
"Are you okay, my sweet?"
"I…" I swallowed, "don't know." My brain felt numb, like my emotions were suddenly locked away. We wandered until we found another door. Astarion cracked it, and peeked at the vault.
A group of guards with stacks of new found treasure milled about. “Gods, why do we have to organise this? It’s just going into a massive pile anyways.”
“Stop complaining, we get paid good. So why does it matter what we have to do?” The other grumbled.
Astarion pulled away, “I suppose we could wait until the gate is opened?” He whispered. I nodded numbly, and so we waited. My mind would blank, moments of brief darkness overtook me, Astarion would nudge me awake. I wanted to rest but it was wise for him to keep me up.
“We need to get you out of here, dear.” I leaned into his touch.
“I’m fine.” I sighed. “We’re getting what you need first.”
“Open it!” Someone shouted. Astarion and I rushed to the door. The man that stood in the middle of the hall…
"He killed Kavek…" I snarled, Astarion grabbed my shoulder.
"I create a distraction by killing that fucker. And you escape through the gate." Astarion squeezed my arm.
"I would rather be fighting with you."
"No, we find the relic and get out as fast as possible."
"I am not arguing Astarion."
"Well I am. Fighting this many people on your own is a death wish and I refuse to allow you to throw yourself to it willingly!" He pulled me back again as I pushed to get through the door. It escalated with a hard shove from me. "Tav, don't you fucking dare." He warned, the kindness and patience in his eyes was replaced with anger. I stood to my full height, my tail flicking.
"I allowed you to have your revenge. Why are you denying mine?"
"I am not!" He spat. "I'm doing what you did for me; preventing you from falling into your worst."
"This isn't my worst." He stared at me. His chest rising and falling.
"It will be if you don't calm down." I looked up, I had situated myself with the crack.
With a sneer I called upon my magic and misty stepped into the hall. I stood behind the Lord. Jaheira and Gale were at the entrance to the hall, speaking with a few nobles. I reached for the startled Lord. Grabbing his pristine hair, and with a quick jerk I slammed his face down onto my knee.
"You fool!" Astarion shouted as he crashed through the secret entryway. The tension broke as the guards equipped their weapons. I grabbed the Lord's collar and took a dagger to the gut. Astarion was already at my back, his blades slicing their cries.
"You fiend!" The Lord screamed, "release me!" I slammed him into the ground. Kneeling over him as my friends fought for me.
"Does the name Kavek mean anything to you?" I was inches from his face.
He struggled to breathe, I took the blade from my side, and pressed it against his throat. He shook his head, the blade caught his skin. "It should…because you sent your men after me, nigh-on three years ago. To recapture me, but instead your men killed a woman who meant everything to Kavek. She carried his child and you killed both of them!" He raised his hands to my wrist, I took each one and leaned my weight against his chest. With no mercy I slowly pierced his hands, relishing in his frantic thrashing.
"You're going to help me find something." I said as I stood and walked towards the open gate. The Lord struggled, but with a twist of the blade he obeyed.
"We can't go inside! It will eat us alive!" I grabbed him and threw him forward.
“Then you’ll make the perfect snack.”
The hall was perfectly sealed, black brick with long pillars held us captive. Our footfalls echoed against the silence like small whimpers of desperation. Crying for release. The Lord suddenly turned and ran, I grabbed his neck pulling him close.
“Try that again and I will gut you.” I shoved him forward.
His pants were heavy and he tried to keep his ground. But he weighed nothing to me.
I stopped, straining to listen for that echo again.
“Tav?” Astarion tried. I shushed him with a finger to my lips. As I took a step the Lord began to chuckle.
“The Gods have blessed me!” He sprinted forward, I immediately went after him. Stumbling back when something had teleported before him.
“Bow before me! I am your Master!” Magic sparked across the man’s front, illuminating something I never dreamed of seeing. Its massive silvery eye flashed towards us. Weaponless, my friends ran to my side, the magic flickered again as five golden eye stalks peaked around it.
“You will obey me Beholder!” The Lord shouted, “I am--” I wouldn’t allow it to steal my kill! I sprinted forward, shoving the bastard back as the creature opened its mouth. With a loud snap its teeth sank deeply into my right arm. I screamed, feebly banging against the hard eyelid. My friends sprang on it, trying to get it to release. But the eye stalks kept them at bay.
It bit cleanly through my arm. I stumbled back, my ears rang as my body flooded with a horrible chill. I brought my hand to it, trying to stop the bleeding.
“Tav!” I turned to Gale’s voice. “Astarion! Jaheira! Take this coward and go into the vault!” Her shape suddenly morphed into a massive bird and Gale called upon his magic. A ball of fire exploding at the eye stalks, as Astarion stared at me. Panic creased his beautiful features as he tore my shirt and formed a tourniquet. I groaned low against the pain.
“Are you mad!” He barked at Gale.
“Go! I will not say it again!” I smiled at Astarion.
“I'll be okay.” I cringed as I stood. Healing my wounds, he raised his hands to me, hesitating, panic clouded his thoughts.
“I have told you to go, Astarion! Will you just obey me for once!” Gale shouted again, Astarion stumbled back. His expression was unreadable, he looked away and sprinted after Jaheira.
“Tav.” Gale gasped. "Go, I can--"
“I will fight beside you!” I snapped and motioned to summon forth my Deva and my spiritual weapon. I gripped the ethereal greatsword tight, the blessed magic burned against my hand.
“This is insane you've lost so much blood!”
“This is nothing!” I ran forward. My Deva raised me into the air, and dropped me to skewer my rage into the monster, but it didn't peirce, and my blade screamed down its back.
Gale’s magic burst against our major foe. As my blade shouted against the hard flesh. It turned on us and tried to use its eyes upon us, but Gale stopped every one with his magic.
"Feather fall!" I demanded of him. I leapt forth and into the air, I landed on its head. Slashing at an eye stalk. I raised my blade high using all the strength I could muster. My Deva was behind me, and with a heavy blow to the pommel my blade broke through.
The creature fell to the ground with a low whimper, I stood before the wizard. My panting breath and dizzy vision swayed my conscience.
“See? Nothing…" I winced against the pulse that shot through my arm. "Go find Astarion.” I told the Deva. I kneeled to the ground, holding my stump.
“Are you alright?”
“Yes.” I pressed a word of healing against my shoulder. But it didn’t stop the throbbing wail of torn muscles and dying sensation.
I pushed myself against my blade, and Gale helped me up. But I waved him off. “Go to the others. I’ll catch up.”
“Are you sure?” He asked.
“Yes, you stubborn wizard. There’s a hoard of treasure and limited time. Go pick something out.” I chuckled. Gale patted my back.
I eventually came to my feet with a cough. I swallowed hard and took a step towards the vault. But I turned back to a new group of guards.
“Where is Lord Ricktor?” One of them shouted, I turned to face them, twisting my blade in my hand.
“He’s helping.” I said and waited.
“He’s killed the Beholder!” Someone gasped. I popped my neck, hiding my flinch of pain through my step forward. “Lord Ricktor must be deeper within!” The instant they drew their weapons; I ran forward. Gutting more than one person as I sprang upon the crowd.
The guards screamed and tried to stop me but I called upon sanctuary and fetched a gem from my suit. I snapped down on the opal and each guard before me fell to their death.
I tackled the captain as more guards around me tried to attack me. But were stopped by my beckoned dead, more guards came joining the fray. “All of this was a mistake!” He blubbered.
A memory came back with his words, someone else had said them. The memory was gone before I could wrangle it due to the panic that flooded my veins. I knew my magic was waning, and more people surrounded me. I waved my hand and called upon my guardian of faith. I heard the screams as the people tried to take it down.
“Talk.” I snarled. “What is the Lord hiding?”
“The creature below is a beast of unfathomable terror! It must be fed otherwise it was rage against the land! Killing everything!” He stared up at me, eyes bulging with fear. “Years we’ve tried to control it! We tried to send adventurers after it! But they have never been successful!"
“And what is it?”
He tried to gather his words. With a press of my blade he stuttered out. “A golden dragon!”
My heart dropped. I knew little about them, but I knew they were good. Kind, noble beasts. I held the charade. “You’ve killed my friends…”
He smiled, “good. That cursed thing will make fast work of them.” I pushed my blade cleanly through.
Most of the guards were dead as I came to my feet. They ran from me, tired and in pain I hobbled forward. Crying out when my shoulder was pierced with arrows and a spear ran through my gut. I turned to the few brave stragglers and called upon insects to tear them apart.
I fell to my knees, and gripped at the wooden poles and pulled, moaning as I healed the wounds to the best of my ability. My body begged for rest, but I continued. Using this much magic in one go was going to take its toll, but for now. I needed to get to Astarion and the others.
I fell against a pillar, staring down at a shimmering staircase. I stepped down into a sea of gold. It would have been beautiful if each step didn't remind me of how much my body and bones pulsed with waves of icy-hot claws.
I limped forward, loud shouting echoed with my ragged breaths. It stopped when I entered the prison of the golden dragon. I could feel its agony in the air.
I stepped out, and it turned to me, my friends were around it, arguing how to free it. The Lord was gone, a pile of ash served as his remains. I looked up at the caged being. My heart all but broke with grief.
They screamed at me to not get close. I dropped my blade, the magic shattering into nothing, as the primordial being snarled loudly.
I could see behind its eyes was a desperation to be killed, to be free. But the curse bearing upon its flesh bade it fight and devour. Behind it was a horde of treasure, a mountain of gold, scrolls, magical items.
As I continued I pushed magic into my body. I placed a ward against death on my burning bones and used my faith to absorb any damage. The dragon lunged at me, its maw clapping down on my battered body. I held back my screams, wheezing out a sob instead as I lost consciousness. Upon my revived inhale I pulled away the curse.
The ancient being drew away and with a mighty scream faltered to the ground and I with it.
I heard Astarion scream with desperation as I looked at him, a wail of relief broke through my chest. He ran up to me and skidded on his knees embracing me tightly. I all but collapsed against him.
“What the sweet hells were you thinking!” He cried out, tearing at my clothing to get to my open wounds.
“I’m sorry…” Was all I managed. I stared at the dragon, and slowly pushed him away. He fought against me but I stayed his hands, pulling them into a gentle kiss. I hobbled to my feet but collapsed again. I pointed towards the shimmering being, trying to support myself with just my arm.
“Help me…please…” I swallowed, he looked between us and with a gentle strength pulled me up.
"Don't you dare die from this!" He grunted. I collapsed before the dragon, placing my arm against its snout. It still breathed, I folded my hand to my chest and sank into myself, Astarion was with me. Clinging to me fearfully. Jaheira and Gale came up beside me and I began to pray for their wounds.
The embrace of the Moonmaiden heard my call for safety and care. It healed my companions, but I needed to try again. I deepened the prayer, my tears of pain fell upon the claw of the dragon, sparkling like dew drops of gold. I swallowed back my aches and used a final whisper of my power to heal the dragon.
I waited, staring at its closed lids. Hoping that it was enough, everyone was silent. Astarion’s form shook as he took in the extent of my damage. I had healed but Gods I was tired…
I fought against it though. I needed to soothe the mourning creature. “You’re not evil…” I panted, reaching for it. Astarion helped my rest against its being. Taking his place beside me. He gripped my knee, trying to ground himself.
“It is dead?” I shook my head, motioning at its rising and falling chest. I noticed my Deva, battered and bruised hovering behind me.
Slowly, the dragon began to open its eyes. Pupilless shimmering voids peered at us. “Whom rests upon me?”
“My name is Tav.” I answered, “we are here. To rescue you.” I smiled thinly, closing my eyes. I could feel myself slipping away.
“To rescue…?” A low rumbled chuckle shook my nerves, gentle in all aspects. “Nay, I am beyond it.”
“I’m sorry." I curled my fist against its flesh. “I’m so sorry.”
“You are a Child of this Land?” I nodded. “You smell of the people I have devoured.” I nodded again.
“I am. But you don’t have to anymore.” I smiled as silver streaks fell from its eyes.
“Child of this Land…What is your wish?” I gasped back a soft sob.
“My wish?” I breathed a laugh, “how can you grant wishes?”
“This vault of greed holds more than you can imagine. A dimension of magic that I was enslaved to guard. There is no entrance, but it will give what you desire if your heart is true.”
“Why am I deserving of such a generous gift?”
“All of you are. Too long, has it been since I felt the warmth of kindness. Heard the expression of selflessness of another’s wellbeing.” The great being rumbled again. I realised now that it was a death rattle. “You and yours, fought their beast of greed. They attack not me, but the iron around me." It fell silent. "You deserve this.”
I rested my head against the cooling flesh. My heart thudded heavily with anticipation. “I wish for a piece of treasure, that would turn my husband mortal.”
“That is not all.” I shuddered another quiet sob, not wanting to speak true. “Speak Child of the Land. Do not hide your wish from me.”
“I don’t want to die before Astarion. I don’t want him to be alone forever. I want to be beside him, to give him what he desires and needs.”
“Is that what he wants?”
“I do, I wish for it.” Astarion said. Placing his hand against the flesh.
"I shall grant it to you. And Child of the Land. Take one gulp of my blood. It will grant years upon you. Two will grant you the power of my breed.” Its gaze turned towards the mound behind it. And from the centre of the mass something wiggled free and flung towards us.
“Take it, Child of Undeath. It will help you…” Astarion reached for it, shuddering in disbelief. I closed my eyes, resting and listening.
“Wizard of Mystra, Lover of Magic. Say your wish to me.”
Gale cleared his throat. “I don’t mean to be rude…but can you truly lock away something created by Netherese magic?”
The dragon chuckled, “the vault provides to those who have earned their right. Say your wish wise wizard.”
“I wish to be rid of my tainted blood. The Netherese Orb to be gone.”
“A powerful curse. A powerful trade. Do you wish for Godhood or your Lover’s touch once again?”
“No. No longer! She--has done nothing for me but cast me aside. I need to move on.” A soft smile spread across my lips.
From the hoard a case appeared. “Opening this box in the time of rest will call upon the magic within you. It is up to you what you do with the contents. Be warned, if it is opened again, the power will spill free.”
“Thank you.” He bowed deeply.
“Child of Shape. Hero of the Past.”
“I am in no need of treasure, great one. I am quite alright as I am. Any wish I have is one made too late.” Jaheira waved her hand dismissively.
“Then I have but one request; take from the hoard. Share upon the land. Take what you need, but give to those in desperation.”
“We will."
I came to my feet with Astarion helping me, from his ankle he pulled out Rhapsody. And gently I pushed the blade against the dragon’s flesh. Shimmering blood pulsed from the wound. I swallowed and cupped my mouth around the cut, I collected a mouthful. The taste of it was of the heaviest metal and yet the purest, sweetest, water. I pulled back and tilted my head up to take the gulp.
It burned hotter than all of the Nine Hells, coating my throat in pain and my stomach with horror. I gagged and covered my mouth, trying to keep it down. I wanted this, I wanted it so bad. I wouldn’t allow my body to reject it.
I screamed loudly, it changed something in me and my whole being tried to reject the rush of magic that had overtaken my senses. It coated my skin with sweat and pain, my bones were on fire. I clawed at the floor trying to control it, trying not to lose myself. Trying to keep conscience.
Chapter 6: Here
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anchirayce · 7 months
To Behold the Golden Sun Ch. 4
This takes place after the events of BG3. Basically, a smol adventure about Tav and Astarion arriving at Tav's childhood city to search for a way to have Astarion walk in the sun again! Drama ensues!
Rating: M - Strong language, strong violence
Warnings/Tags: Tiefling racism, alcohol use (responsible, suggestion of misuse), suggestion of non-con, suggestion of child abuse, typical canon violence, slight angst, hurt/comfort, slow burn(I mean it, it's slow), Astarion might be ooc, but hopefully not!
Tav couldn't always run away from his past. He knew this from the moment he started to help Astarion find a way to walk in the sun again. He wanted to stay away, but spurred by another failure, a memory of eld came to him. A whisper of something said, something promising. Hopefully, this little spark of hope was what he and Astarion were looking for.
Chapter One: Here
Our suits arrived the evening of the party. We had told Father Garret about the identities we were adopting. And he delivered quite well.
"I must say, darling. This Garret has some deliciously powerful connections."
I hummed as I pulled on my shirt. Astarion came up behind me and kissed my shoulder before snapping the clasps closed. I continued to get dressed, my tail nervously flicking.
"Tav…" Astarion soothed.
"Hm?" I grinned trying to calm my mind.
"You're a mess darling." He grabbed my hips and pushed me to sit. I grabbed for my tail trying to stop the insistent pats. The mobility of it was nice, but having it now attuned to my emotions was annoying.
"I know." I sighed, "I'm sorry…"
"Don't be." He gasped. "Tav, what can I do to ease your anxiety, pet?"
"I don't know." I rubbed my eyes with the heels of my hands. "I'm so fucking tired with how this place has messed with me. I never feel safe, I feel like I'm going to be found. It makes me feel so weak…I just want something for you to walk in the sun and leave."
"You're not weak, my love." I looked away from him. "Remind me of our adventures, hm? Tell me about your strength."
And I did. Listing off the mounting horrors we took down. Except--I didn't kill the Netherbrain. It was Astarion’s last notched arrow that pierced it. I recalled his cry. His begging scream, for all of us--even the Emperor. To get up as we failed to brace ourselves against the commanding wave. I knew he would never admit it. But Astarion called out to Ilmater that day and he answered.
"See, your bravery is my beacon. This is no different. We will conquer this no matter what. And who's to say we can't enjoy ourselves, drink some good wine for once. And you can eat some good food that isn't hardtack and coffee."
"You're right." I stood and brushed my elegant velvety suit. "I can do this."
"Damn right." I finished up. And with a quick pat down from Astarion, we left the quiet room to find Father Garret, Rowen.
“We’re waiting for two more.” Rowen said, taking a drink from her water. We settled down and waited.
“Cub!" I stood to find a very familiar face.
"Jaheira!" I gasped and pulled her into a warm hug.
She turned to Astarion. "Thanks for the call. Have you been good to him?"
"Oh but of course, darling! I wouldn’t want my personal snack to suffer now would I?" Astarion's quipped.
"Oh blessed Mystra. No need to bore us with details Astarion." Gale scoffed coming in behind us.
I lost my smile. Bitterly remembering how he left the party after the ordeal with the crown. "Thought you went to find the crown." I mentioned.
"I tried to. But someone had already gotten to it. Or it went deep into the lake. Jaheira offered I come with. And I couldn't say no. That, and Tara made me."
"Good. Mystra doesn't deserve you. And that crown would have killed you."
"Ah yes, I might have realised that now."
“Excuse me.” Rowen cleared her throat. “But who are you two?”
"Ah, usually we're better at introductions." The wizard smiled. "Gale Dekarios of Waterdeep." He bowed.
"Jaheria Head of Harpers. We are friends of Tav. Astarion called upon us for a favour." She announced. It was amazing how little our friends had changed. The years seemed to be kind to them, they both were dressed for the ball. Gale wore a handsome purple accented suit trimmed with white fur and a flourishing cape with golden decor. While Jaheria wore a flowing green silken dress with a shoulder of fur, tall white gloves and no shoes.
"Tavalin. Shall we?” Father Garret said.
"Ah, yes! Apologies.” I cleared my throat.
"Tavalin? No…certainly it can’t be." Gale huffed and I cringed, he couldn't know who I was. Surely?
"I know." Astarion tutted. "A melodious name. Hidden away, such secrets my husband keeps."
"No, Astarion. Wait, what?”
“Aw, congratulations cub!” Jaheira clapped.
“Bah, you two!” He motioned his hand and turned to me, "you can't be the Tavalin Omid? Right, Tav?" I closed my eyes, sighing. I gave a small nod.
"Gale, darling, care to explain?" Astarion asked. Gale stared at me, his mind seemed to break.
"Our Tav, is one of--if not the best healers in the realms! I cannot believe I didn't make the connection!" I stared at the map, my heart in my throat. "Astarion, Jaheira. Have you heard rumours of a healer? In the mountains that could heal any wound?" Astarion raised a brow.
"Can't say I have." Jaheira shrugged.
"Aw, makes sense. But our wounds, healing overnight; that wasn't just a coincidence! I thought it was Withers. But nay! It was none other than our Tav!"
"Selune and Ilmater gave me a gift." I mentioned, shuffling against the crowded gaze. "And I needed you guys well enough to fight. And not in--in pain."
I glanced at Astarion, his eyes bright with intrigue. "We can talk later. We're losing moonlight." I tapped the map trying to get everyone's concentration.
"Right." Gale cleared his throat. My love came up to me, resting his hand under my arm. I exhaled and began.
“Astarion and I are going to sneak into the vault. We have no idea what will be waiting. But we need everyone on standby, but please. Don’t hesitate to enjoy yourselves." I swallowed, smiling to ease my already pounding headache.
"Astarion and I are playing as a cleric and his charge. Astarion is going to faint some time during the party. This is where he and I will try to sneak out. I've prepared some illusion spells for the occasion but things might get hairy fast. If they do. Run." I looked at Jaheria and Gale. "If there is any inkling of a minor fight, do not engage for us. Astarion has a dimension door spell. And we will flee if need be." I took both of their gazes and they nodded in understanding. “But of course, we all know. That this plan is going to vanish the moment we step inside. So keep your wits.”
"Tavalin, before events become chaotic." Father Garret produced a brooch. "This is a pocket dimension. I wish for you two to have it. In case you don't find something to help Astarion."
"Father Garret you can't--why?" He pushed it towards me again.
"I can see how much Astarion means to you. And as your…father, it is my duty to take care of anyone you care for." I clutched it tightly. And pulled it up so we could look at it. It was pitch black, and yet shimmered against the candle light. He explained how to use it. And with a wide smile I looked at Astarion.
"The possibilities!" I gasped.
"We can speak of them another time my dear. Come. Focus up." I nodded and pocketed it.
“Anything else to add?” I cleared my throat, everyone was quiet.
“I do. The Lord of the Land will appear to choose the treasure from his vault to give to the crowd. He will take people from the crowd. He might know the Hero’s of Baldur’s Gate, so try to hide and don’t do anything reckless.” He leaned over the map. “I have very limited knowledge of what’s inside. But there will possibly be a major enemy, so wear what armour and weapons you can.”
“The Lord of the Land killed Lin, yes? I remember the symbol of the mansion’s guard…” I stared at Rowen. She gave a soft nod. “If we have time…” I told her.
Rowen sighed as she pushed herself up and came to me, her hand gripped my shoulder. “May Selune guide us.” She said as she left the room.
“Do we honestly want to kill a lord?” Gale asked.
“Yes.” I answered, Astarion squeezed my arm as we left.
We entered the carriage waiting for us, Gale settled next to us. Astarion absent-mindedly placed his hand on my thigh. And I placed my hand on his, threading my fingers through.
"No rings you two?" Gale mentioned.
I chuckled awkwardly. "No time. We just wed a few nights ago." He seemed confused.
"Gale, I'm a cleric." I grinned.
"Right." He looked away for a moment. "Well, I could remedy the missing rings. With a magical brand. Doesn't hurt, and I can enchant it."
"Gale!" I gasped. "Seriously, you would do that?"
"Aw, it's nothing." I looked at Astarion, utter glee had spread a wide grin upon his lips. We leaned and offered our hands. Gale turned in the cramped space and created a small orb. We both put our hands inside and the weave around it shimmered as the wizard spoke an evocation.
"I'll leave them blank for now. Tav, reach out to the weave when you two wish to brand the rings with your vows. When finished say, 'metam'. I've given you two a warding spell. Apologies, but that's all I can do."
"Gale I could kiss you!" Astarion marvelled at the glowing empty brand that settled into a dull grey against his pale colour.
"Please don't." He chuckled.
"Well then, what if Tav did?"
"Then you'd be jealous, my fanged-friend."
"You didn't say no." He grinned.
"I refuse to dig myself deeper, Astarion." He wagged his finger adjusting his purple suit.
Astarion smiled and I leaned towards him, kissing him deeply, he placed a hand against my cheek. And pulled away to rest his forehead against mine. His hand was woven tightly into mine. I sat back sighing with the comfort that came from being with Gale and Jaheira. And a part of me began to hope that we could find something for Astarion.
The carriage pulled up to the mansion and as we stood around Gale had a thought. “How are we getting Astarion inside?”
“Shit…” I was so distracted.
"It’s been taken care of." Father Garret interrupted. "Follow me you two. Everyone else please continue through the main entrance." We did, I tried to hide against the darkness as I grabbed Astarion's hand. We continued through a garden and to a backdoor.
"Father Garret?" Someone called.
"Aye," he addressed an elegantly dressed woman. "Thank you Lucy."
"But of course. I've never heard of--" She gasped when she saw me. "A tiefling?"
"He's the personal cleric for this gentleman. He's dying, and it was a personal wish from his house to attend."
"I can't let a tiefling in." She raised a fan to her face, her eyes flashing with disgust.
"Please, grant his wish."
"Why a tiefling?" She whispered.
"They come from a long line of healers. They...pacted with a devil for powers." Father Garrent recounted our lie. "But, this guest is not a devil himself. He simply displays the nasty effects of his ancestors' choices." She eyed us suspiciously.
"It would be ignoble for me to decline. Come in and follow me. I will take you to a private balcony." I allowed Astarion to go first and Father Garret flanked us.
The lady of the house was an elegant high-elf maiden. She looked about middle age, probably four-hundred years, maybe five. Her hair was tied up and she wore a pure white gown. With shimmering pink lace tatted with beads and crystals that hummed with magic.
"It is an honour that a beautiful beacon like yourself is escorting us through your lovely home." Astarion flirted.
"Oh, why, the pleasure is all mine." She stopped before the door and opened it for us.
She grabbed my arm, her nails digging through the fabric. "Stay by the door, tiefling. I will not have your filthy appearance burden my ball."
"Yes, madam." I glance at Astarion, a thread of rage burning behind his eyes. I closed the door behind her and immediately stepped forward. But not too close to the balcony.
“You two are taking this quite well.” Father Garret sighed, placing a hand to his heart. "To lie so naturally…"
“This isn’t our first time.” Astarion grinned walking towards the balcony. He confidently leaned over the railing.
“Father Garret, I would like you to leave somewhere safe.” I said. “You’ve done so much for us. And events are going to get chaotic and I don’t want you to face punishment for our deeds.”
He took a long inhale, and slowly nodded. “I think it’s about time Rowen and I leave this city as well. I will wait for you outside the city.”
“Thank you for staying so long.” I smiled, taking his hand. He smiled and pulled me into a strong hug.
“Rowen will lead you to me after the party, we’d like to join you afterwards.” I affirmed it with a nod as he pulled away.
Food was brought to us. A small platter of sandwiches and fruit with some wine. "Would you like some?" I offered, as I took my fill.
He didn't answer. I finished what I could and walked to a curtain, observing my love. He wore an elegant suit of black and red. A high collar hid his bite marks with a simple lace cravat neatly tucked away. Two sharp tails fell around his legs. The silver embroidery shimmered in the elegant swath of magical light cast overhead. It curled between pillars and danced underneath the glass ceiling. The laughter from beneath startled me and the music soothed it away.
“Astarion.” I smiled as he turned leaning on the bannister.
“Come to me.” He purred. "I would like to say my vows to you.”
He saw my hesitation. “We will leave for the vault immediately.”
“We need to be sneaky.” I tried to grin through my nervousness.
“Where's the excitement in that?” He scoffed dismissively towards the crowd, “and besides when do any of our plans go right? Also the lady of the house has nothing on us.”
“Father Garret and Rowen.”
He tutted, “Tav, they’re grown ups. And these are bored nobles. I’ve hunted a few parties like this and nothing like a little drama helps spice up the evening. Trust me, my love.” I took his outstretched hand and he pulled me close to him. I swallowed as he placed his hand protectively on my waist.
“Quickly now.” He urged as I called upon the weave. His fingers squeezed lightly.
“Astarion Ancunin, my elegant Star. Two and a half years I have travelled with you, from the beginning I knew of your schemes, and I tried so hard to not fall for it. But it was just one night and I was utterly in love with you. Through patience, frustration, and kindness. I have finally seen who you are, underneath it all. And my passion for you has calmed into a flame of devotion, I am here to stay. I will never leave. And I wish for nothing more than to remain by your side forever more. Metam.”
“Tav, my pillar of strength and morality. It took time, so much time, but here we are--you are. Still with me through petty arguments and lust of power. I tried so hard to keep it simple, but you managed to find a place to warm my cold heart ever so simply. Metam.” I kissed him deeply, feeling the magic snap onto my finger. I pulled away and peered down at the agape crowd.
Astarion twirled me about, almost sweeping me into a dance as we turned. The lady of the house suddenly screamed at us as the crowd roared with gossip. We turned to the door hearing pounding footsteps.
“Catch me!” I gasped as I took the pocket dimension out and rubbed at the smooth black stone.
Astarion caught it, and veiled himself with invisibility just as they burst into the room. From the empty shimmering box I was able to watch, but for now I only heard an echo of sound. The looking glass was covered with his pale hand.
He was quick and quiet, I heard nothing. My anxiety grew worse as I paced, I knew he memorised where to go but his invisibility wouldn’t last forever. I hoped he would quickly cast something to look like anything but his beautiful self.
A door opened, and the looking glass was cleared. “Astarion!” I sighed.
“We’re here, Tav.” He panted and opened his palm to the ceiling. I rubbed at the walls. The magic made me dizzy as I popped out of the gem, I shook it away and handed him his weapons, our armour would have to wait. We stood before a massive golden gate. Intricately carved and held with chains. I peered at it, trying to discern what was carved. It seemed like an eye was peering at us.
“How the hell are we supposed to get in?” I scoffed. "Father Garret didn't mention anything about a gate."
“It’s magic.” Astarion mused and drew near. I followed closely behind. His fingers touched the metal, observing for any locks. I turned and looked around the area.
“Scrying eyes…” I groaned. “Better make this quick.”
“No lock. I bet the key is in the mansion’s private wing.” I hummed and pulled my greatsword from its aetheric sheath.
“Force?” I pulled the weapon upon my shoulder.
“Seems like the only way.” I gave myself a running start and jumped up on the gate. I raised my blade towards the centre. With a snarled grimace I plunged it deep into the gate’s eye.
Magic blasted me back, I shouted as I fell to the floor. “Tav your arm!” Astarion gasped. With a loud pop I put it back into place, I stood and as I stepped towards the gate the floor below me opened up, a black portal had swallowed the marble.
Both of us screamed as we fell. Astarion’s rushed incantation echoed against the darkness we fell into. But it wasn’t fast enough, the ground came hard and fast. My breath and bones pulsed, as I tried to inhale and deal with ringing and dizziness in my ears but all that came up was vomit.
“‘Star--?” I gasped, pushing myself up.
“Tav?” He strained. He was behind me. I sat back, my ribs burned.
“Shit.” I hissed. I pushed my magic into my body. “Astarion where are you?”
“I’m here.” He called again. He was in front of me. “My leg…” I crawled to him. Sweeping my hands until I found him.
“Gods, I’m so sorry.” I helped him up, weaving his bones back together with a gentle snap.
“I can’t blame you for your impatience, my love.” He groaned as he sat up. “Where are we?” There was a faint scent in the room.
“Do you smell that?” I asked, he sniffed the air.
“It’s…odd.” He replied, I reached above us and helped Astarion stand. “Incense?”
I called upon a flame, and dropped it to the floor. Immediately it was quenched, I produced another. And held it out, there was nothing.
“A darkness spell?” Astarion offered, it took our words, filling us with worry.
“I’m scared if we move we’re going to find something that will kill us.” I whispered.
“The scent is too vague to follow as well.”
“We must have confidence.” I took the first step, Astarion’s arm hooked around mine.
We wandered, and wandered, and wandered…
“Gods, there’s no end.” I huffed, I wanted to sit but didn’t dare let my love go. “And I can’t think of anything.” I rubbed at my forehead.
“Humour me dear?”
“Of course.” I weaved my hand through his arm, hanging on his shoulder.
“Close your eyes.” I obeyed, “when we smell the incense we take a step forward. Not too late or soon.”
“Right.” Astarion grabbed my other hand. We waited, each breath felt too slow. I swallowed and tried to find it, waiting for it.
“Now!” I stepped with him, my heart spasmed with urgency. I pleaded I wasn’t too late. I squeezed Astarion’s shoulder and slowly opened my eyes.
I was back. “No…nonono.” I fell to the floor, the scent of rotting sweat and human waste filled my lungs. A full tremor took my limbs, as I eyed the familiarity of my prison. The huts were built from bones and ash brick, the smell of burnt flesh and wood carried past everything else like a whisper of apology for the harrowing reality of what had been done.
The packs of feral tieflings eyed us, their gaze held no weight upon me. But they began to slink down when they saw Astarion.
“Tav get up!” I looked at him. My breath stopped mid-inhale, continuing with a long wheeze. They slowly surrounded us, Astarion equipped his blades.
“Stay away!” I tried to stand, to pull away from the dimness and gore. Astarion’s arm was on my shoulder, shaking me. “Love, you need to stand up!" I shook my head. My words were sealed deeply in the painful ache burrowing and clawing against my chest.
They spoke in Infernal. Broken and disjointed, it made my tongue curl. “Tav, I need you to help me here!” Someone stepped forward, I sprang up and grabbed Astarion’s blade. I gave them no chance, no opportunity to hurt him. I plunged the blade into their chest, only removing it to add another.
I turned back to Astarion, flashing my gaze around another lunged, I grabbed their shoulder completely slashing their throat once I yanked back. The group snarled at me and I clashed back, brandishing my fangs.
They backed away. Slowly, I turned and found another two stepping out of line. For the first I threw my blade and lunged at the second, tackling them down to the ground. In a fit of fury I clawed at their face, neck, and chest. Their screams caused panic in the group as I staggered to my feet. All of them scattered over each other.
"Tav…Are you with me love?" I turned to Astarion. His eyes were horrible. His ruby red studied me sporadically, glistening fearfully in the grey-light.
My brain shivered with numbness, it came in waves with my heartbeat until it settled as a buzzing nuisance. Astarion stepped up to me, raising his hands. I flinched from it, shaking my head. I didn't want him to touch something so filthy.
"Wfrre…" I whispered reverting back to Infernal, slowly drawing into myself, covering my head with my gored arms. "A'h wfrre…"
"Let's leave." I shakily pointed to the door, keeping my gaze away from him. To our side I heard a group, barking orders.
I stared at them, removing the blade from the corpse. I growled low through a half-lunge, challenging them to a fight. One of them ran forward, I stopped the long untamed talons from slashing through me. But they managed to claw at my face, Astarion came up behind me, gutting them.
"Tav your magic! Heal yourself!" Astarion urged. I tried to summon it. Tried to remember how to. But my instinct to maim with my hands curtained my thoughts. Another's claws slashed into my back, infecting me with acidity. I pulled away and on the turn, I sank my teeth down on the throat of my assailant. I tried to keep the others at bay but they grew confident and pounced at me, clawing at my clothes and skin.
A third sprang on me, trying to get me to the ground, I pulled them over my shoulder and snapped their arm with a rough yank. Astarion’s voice rang with magic, the boom of thunder causing most to fly back. I managed to slice the throat of the one struggling against me as the other ones stood and sprinted towards my beacon.
I caught one with a blade to their back, the other I ran to and slammed into the ground, cutting deeply into their spine. I didn't stop, I sprang at Astarion, knowing we couldn't rest. They knew our scent. We would die if we didn't get out of here.
He stumbled back, raising his own not against me. It wasn't against me, I had to remind myself. He closed his eyes, bracing as I wrapped my arms around his middle and supported him, I kicked off my shoes and dashed forward. I held him against my chest, giving him full access to fight.
I ran hard, dodging and hopping up on rocks as Astarion flung magic. But not everything could be evaded. My arms, legs, and back were caught with long marks of pain. I jumped up on the cliffside, kicking at dirty hands as I leapt up.
"Xf!" I hissed, “go!” My throat burned as I tried to speak common. Astarion pulled himself up and turned to help me. His hands slipped on mine as he pulled me up.
"XF!" I shoved him and turned to the group scrambling up the side. I turned when I heard him shouting. Astarion was caught between the door. I lunged at the one that came up behind him, gripping their head and snapping their neck cleanly. Astarion kept up with me, his blades flashing against the darkness. The group backed up, giving us space.
“Gf cf cyp lffr!” I pointed to the door as I shouted. Astarion turned to look at me, catching someone as they tore into his shoulder. I stabbed their eyes, grabbed their forehead, and tore them off as Astarion stabbed their gut.
“Tav, I can’t understand you!”
I grabbed his arm and ran with him to the door. I turned as he braced himself against it. I crouched low, my tail flicking angrily. I tore into those who dared to step one foot towards us. And with an addition of two bodies they stared at us, waiting for one of us to mess up.
“I need help!” Astarion struggled to push against the heavy stone. I stepped away, until my back touched the smooth stone. “I just need enough to dimension door through!” He panted, it moved and the corral of hungry eyes stared at us. Someone moved, I snarled at them, trying not to let go of our progress. A few of their conscious ties pulled them back, fearful for their deaths.
The door slipped, the loud scrape of stone echoed against the quiet hall and our straining. I saw Astarion peek through the crack, and he suddenly grabbed my waist, and with a shout called us into the void.
I scrambled away from him immediately. Falling against the wall, curling against a pillar. I was out, I was free, but the smell was burned into my lungs, the taste of familiar blood upon my lips. My body ached with bruises, cuts, and wounds bound to become infected pustules without healing.
I tried to keep my sobs back, but when I looked back at the thick stone door something broke away. It was a loud shaking wail of pure relief, Astarion kneeled in front of me, trying to soothe me.
“My love…” His expression was soft, but it brought no comfort to me. I closed my eyes trying to grasp the person I was before. The person who I had built and forged, I pulled at my hair and horns, trying to claw it back.
“You’re okay.” Astarion’s hands graced mine, I flinched but he didn’t draw away. He placed a hand on my knee and squeezed.
My hand trembled as I reached for it, I desperately craved the comfort but my hands were disgusting, gore, hair, and blood dripped from them. I immediately pulled away, rubbing them on my clothes, and rubbing at my face. The long scratch across my nose and cheeks ached as I pulled the blood from my mouth. No matter how much I rubbed it was still there, I sobbed again my breath heavy with loud desperate gasps.
I tried to get it off, but it was caked into my pores. My claws pooled even more red against my forearms. I opened my eyes after a harsh blink to find Astarion’s pale flesh blended against the sea of red. I pushed his hands away, but he grabbed my fingers, red smeared onto his hands. I was infecting him.
“Stop…” He said, pinning my arms. I twitched against him and shook my head. It felt like it was going to explode.
He leaned into me. “Look at me.” I didn’t. “Tavalin, look at me.” I hated my name upon his lips. But I managed to drag my eyes to his ever comforting shimmer of ruby.
“You’re okay.” He grinned, cupping my cheek. “Take your time, don’t rush. Breathe and find yourself again.” I shuddered and my head fell back, thudding against rough stone. I didn’t fight as I receded into a deep sleep.
Chapter Five: Here
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anchirayce · 8 months
To Behold the Golden Sun Ch. 3
This takes place after the events of BG3. Basically, a smol adventure about Tav and Astarion arriving at Tav's childhood city to search for a way to have Astarion walk in the sun again! Drama ensues!
Rating: T - Sexual themes, strong language
Warnings/Tags: Tiefling racism, alcohol use (responsible, suggestion of misuse), suggestion of non-con, suggestion of child abuse, typical canon violence, slight angst, hurt/comfort, slow burn(I mean it, it's slow), Astarion might be ooc, but hopefully not!
Tav couldn't always run away from his past. He knew this from the moment he started to help Astarion find a way to walk in the sun again. He wanted to stay away, but spurred by another failure, a memory of eld came to him. A whisper of something said, something promising. Hopefully, this little spark of hope was what he and Astarion were looking for.
Chapter One: Here
“Darling. Would you like to leave the room tonight?” Astarion offered. We’ve been holed up for a few days, simply waiting. And it was becoming slightly claustrophobic, we were mostly planning what to do. Despite knowing everything would probably fall apart and we would naturally have to improvise.
“What would we do?” I asked, honestly curious.
“How about we go to the tavern? It must be lively, and we could grab a few drinks to celebrate our marriage.” I was already standing to grab my cloak.
Astarion was right behind me, luckily the church was quiet. There were a few shouts of lively chatter down in the mess hall. Which we ignored.
“Is this church a school?” My love asked as we left.
“Kind of, it trains clerics and paladins. And specialises in healing magic.” I studied the streets as we went through the city to a different tavern. It was loud enough to be heard and smelled down the road.
“Oh, exciting!” Astarion cooed. “You know the most perfect locations, my heart.”
“I just hope they don’t remember me here. I got banned when I was a kid.” I cringed.
“Do tell!” He gasped excitedly.
“I started a bar fight.”
“That’s it?”
“It was a very bad bar fight.”
“Details, darling.” I opened the door and grimaced at the volume. I waved down a waitress and with an exasperated sigh she came up to me.
“Can I help you?”
“Are you at capacity?”
“No, you can come in.” We entered behind her, the smell of ale, warm food, and excitement danced around the hall. The band’s influence was probably helping too. We found a corner to snuggle into.
“Well since you’re craving some gossip.” He waved down our drinks and food before I began. “It was wild. I used to run with a group of children, kind of like Mol’s little gang. But more chaotic, imagine some normal kids trying to be cool and tough since they were bored half to the hells. Well one night, we snuck in and managed to grab a bottle of the best wine. We of course were caught since someone couldn’t keep their excitement in check, and started hollering and drinking.”
Our order was brought to us. “And when the tavern owner found us, we scattered like a group of startled kittens. In hindsight this was hilarious. I personally fled into the tavern hall, where I ran into this massive guardsman.” I chuckled, “his drink spilled on someone. And I bet you can imagine what happened afterwards.”
“Were you caught?” I took a long drink of my ale, appreciating that Astarion was enraptured by my tale.
“Oh yeah, Father Garret was furious. And for a month, I had to clean the outhouse, spitshine armour, and mend scrolls. But did manage to keep the wine and got absolutely wasted on it one night with Kavek, Lin, and Rowen.”
“Such harsh punishment.” Astarion gasped.
“Definitely the worst I have faced.” I smirked, and stared at the crowd fondly.
“Would you like to dance with me?” My love leaned against his elbow and finished off his wine.
“I want to save it for the ballroom. Go on, I’ll watch.” He rose to his feet.
“What if I give you a performance?”
I huffed with disbelief. “You’re going to play with the band?” It was a shock when we found out that Astarion could play. I didn’t dare pry on it, but there were some mornings where I heard him in the distance. My beautiful rogue could be a bard when he wanted to and I loved it. Sadly he doesn't play that often anymore now. But one day I would hear it again.
“Only if you say please.” He leaned towards me.
“Please?” I smiled.
“Hm, adequate.” He placed a small peck on my forehead and turned to go through the crowd. I leaned back, watched and listened. Once the last song ended I came to my feet and pushed to the front of the crowd.
Of course Astarion had already captured the tavern. His natural beauty swayed them to listen. And with an elegant flourish he summoned his violin. One strum and the room was silenced. He began slowly, weaving around the stage like a feather.
I still remember the day when we found a normal violin for him. I was going to sell it, but the way he looked at it made me stow it away. And that night, when he left to hunt, I placed it on the pillow next to his book. The next morning we woke to a melody unlike any other.
I could see a nervous glint behind his eyes, but when he locked them with mine it flit away. I leaned into myself, grinning as he twirled around the stage. I closed my eyes, a sense of familiarity and comfort of days spent with our people, pulled tension away from my body. When I opened my eyes Astarion stood in the middle of the stage, the melody echoed in the silence. On a tap of four the band thrummed one note and began to pick up the pace again.
I laughed as Astarion hopped off the stage. He bowed to me in greeting, not stopping as he still weaved the melody. I basked in the jealousy from the crowd and began to step in time with his dance. I followed his lead adoring how carefree his smile was.
Astarion was completely focused on me. Not taking his eyes away for a second as the crowd moved to create space for those who wanted to dance. It had been a long time since I've felt so happy…There was so much stress trying to find something for Astarion, it wore on both of us. Myself because I had to travel during the day and night. And at Astarion for being unable to walk in the sun. Everything relied on it, and mostly everyday he was cooped under the heavy canvas, waiting while I hunted, cooked, gathered supplies.
And top of it all; trying to find leads that didn't nearly kill us with some forgotten dusty tomb or was a dead end. A year and a half was starting to wear on us. And I prayed to every God that this would be it.
There was a beat of rest and he tore away from me, my thoughts going with him. He ran back up to the stage. The crowd cheered loudly as he and the band finished with awe ringing loudly in our ears. Astarion took a low bow and willed away his instrument. He gathered the coins placed at his feet, and I smiled softly as he gave a few to each musician.
He hopped off the stage and drew near. Taking my hand he whispered, “let’s take our leave, I wish to spoil you.” We sauntered out, taking a few more tips as we left the new tune that was being played.
We left to an alleyway. Astarion pinned me against the wall, lifting me up against his lap and hips. I pulled my legs around him as he supported me with his thigh to hold my waist and touch my chest. His kiss was passionate but held no force of lust. I leaned against him, hugging my arms around his shoulders to enjoy his attention.
I pulled away moving my neck so he could grace his lips upon me. He wouldn't feed from me here. I told him I didn't want his feeding to be sexual, but this was what I did want. Him to lick the tendon of my neck, to suckle on my flesh to claim me with a bruise. I hummed with content. Moving to kiss him again. He pushed close to my hips, setting himself as his cold kisses shivered pleasure through my spine.
“Who knew, playing one song made you so excited.” I teased, I tried to move to take over but he pinned me. Growling a simple ‘no’, he pulled away my collar to nip the bone.
"Gods, Astarion!" I gasped softly, threading my hands through his hair.
He pulled away, a grin on his lips. "Should've saved last night for today."
I took his chin in my hands. "I could be convinced for another night." He smiled and kissed me again.
“Hey!” Both of us were startled, a tall woman stood in the light of the alley way.
“Excuse you! What in the Nine Hells do you think you're doing?" Astarion shouted, and set me down.
"Tavalin! By Selune, this makes it so much worse! You need to leave, right now!"
“Who…are you?” I stared at her, Astarion reached through my cloak, releasing the clasp on my blade.
"It's me, Betty!" My tail twitched, the memories flashing in my mind with each pained and irritated flick.
"Tavalin, look, I'm-I'm sorry for what I've done. I never meant to harm you!"
"Of course you didn’t, you didn’t do anything." I bit back my rage. "Where are they?”
"Tav." I turned to find two people behind us.
“Wilt.” I greeted, “Ross.”
“Tavalin…” Ross huffed, “seriously, how did you manage to get someone so handsome?” She motioned towards Astarion.
“Oh darling, I’m flattered, but I'm taken.”
“At least I’m not spreading my legs for a devil.” Ross ran her eyes over us.
“What brought you back, Tavalin?”
“We’re travelling through. And you just interrupted my partner and I, so excuse us.”
“Gods, you really haven’t grown up. Pathetic…” She scoffed.
“Excuse me?”
“You’ve always found an excuse to run away.” I leaned against Astarion, his arm wrapped around my waist. “You can’t commit to anything.” I stared at her. “Sooner or later, he’ll leave you handsome.”
“Well, that is a major disappointment.” Astarion leaned to kiss my chin. “Looks like I'll have to savour every part while I can.”
She scoffed, “well, then you probably realised by now he can't fight! No matter how hard we tried to help his training--!”
“Don’t you dare.” I snarled, pulling away from Astarion. “You…hunted me. You pulled my tail from its socket, dropped a brick on heat. And repeatedly beat me raw." I smiled bitterly. "And now you stand here, trying to belittle my partner and I? Just to see me squirm? Honestly you’re more desperate than I thought.” I sighed, keeping her gaze, she lunged forward. Both of us moved out of the way, and drunkenly she stumbled.
“C-Coward, going easy on me because I’m a woman!” I turned and slammed my foot into Ross’ face.
“Grow up.” I spat. I looked at Wilt and he raised his hands, giving me a short nod.
“Damn that felt good.” I whispered. Betty gasped as we walked past.
“Thank you, for apologising.” The older woman was shaking as she nodded. “And thank you for the warning.” She gasped back a sob.
"So much for a romantic night." Astarion sighed as we walked away.
“Gods, I’m so sorry, I got so wrapped up--”
"It’s fine, my love. I’m just disappointed.” He waved me off and opened the door for me, and once in our room I stretched. "I must ask, have I ever hurt your tail, my love?" Astarion asked as he sat at the small table.
"A few times. But it's not horrible. It feels like a pinch I need to adjust for."
"Gods. Why didn't you tell me?" I could feel his eyes on me as I returned my cloak and dagger to my pack.
"It's something I've had to live with. And like I said, it doesn't bother me horribly, just when it's pulled or lifted past my knees does it hurt." I moved away from him and to a carafe.
"What about our first night together when we were laying in the grass?" I took a long drink before answering him.
"I think there was some pain, but it was so long ago.” I leaned to kiss his forehead and took the other seat. “Don’t worry about it.” I waved.
"How can I not? What about our other nights, hm?”
“Some were better and worse. This is why I like to let you lead. It doesn’t hurt when I’m laying on my back.”
“Can it not be fixed, my dear?" Astarion leaned forward, staring at me intently.
“Well, I've grown used to it. So it doesn't bother me. Come, feel.” He stood with me and waited until I found the bone. I pulled his arms around my waist, and showed him.
“Tav, that’s not normal.” He grimaced.
I hugged him. “Ooh, look who read up on their medicine.”
“Tav…” Astarion tutted as he gently pushed me away and moved behind me.
“Oh don't give me that, my love. It's not as horrible as you think." He gripped the base, taking another feel.
“Wait, I can feel the alignment. I think I can move it.” I backed away nervously. “Tav, please, my sweet. I don’t want to harm you, and it will help in battle.”
“Volo wanted to gouge my eye out." He tutted again, glaring at me.
"I for one. Am not Volo, and I've done some bone-popping when my victims became too rowdy. With me and themselves." I sighed and motioned my hands up.
“It’s been like this for years. There might be permanent damage.”
“If it kills you we have an extra scroll.”
“But those are hard to make! And expensive!” I sighed, he was steadfast, his arms crossed.
"Fine, I guess." I crawled onto the bed, the pain in my tail grew and he could see it.
"No wonder you slept on your back so often, pet." His touch was gentle and I nodded, arching my back to ease it. He measured with his fingers, squeezing gently as he found the bone.
"Bite on the pillow it will hurt." He said, I stuffed the fabric in my mouth and waited. He gave no warning, and with an audible snap he slotted it back. I screamed like the hells had burned my flesh away. Cursing loudly as I curled into myself shivering from the throbbing agony that ricocheted into my back and numbed my legs. Astarion kept his hand on the ache. Another was on my shoulder.
"Breath Tav." His voice eventually broke through the ringing in my ears. I slowly opened my mouth and took a few shaky inhales.
"Gods, that hurt." I reached and traced healing magic into the bone. The tingling vanished with the magic.
"Can you feel this, love?" He asked as he traced my spine and tail. I hummed.
"That feels nice."
"Good! Seems I got the alignment right." He spanked my bottom, I snarled playfully and tried to get him.
"How were you able to do that?" I gasped as I sat up.
"I've met some tieflings with a tail pulling kink." Astarion shrugged. "Some dislocations later, I've learned to reset the bones. I wish you said something, I could've helped."
"Aw yes, let me tell my new lover my bone is dislocated from a childhood injury." I moved my hands to my lower back. Reassuring myself that it was honestly set and healed.
“Your comfort would have been more preferable.” He muttered.
I gasped dramatically, “you care about me?”
“Ugh, don’t remind me.” He scoffed and stepped close to kiss me. My tail flicked and I pulled away, my mouth held agape.
"Holy shit." I laughed. I lifted it more and there was nothing. "Holy shit! It doesn't hurt! Thank you, my love!" I picked him up and twirled him. His sweet laugh filled me with joy, I stopped and squeezed him, his legs hooked around my waist as I supported him.
"I'm still mad at you.” He said as he rested his forehead against mine.
"Can I make it up?"
“Treat me to some wine, outside of this place, and I’ll consider it.” He kissed me and pulled me back to the bed. “Come, let’s get some rest this evening has been so lively.”
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anchirayce · 8 months
To Behold the Golden Sun Ch. 2
This takes place after the events of BG3. Basically, a smol adventure about Tav and Astarion arriving at Tav's childhood city to search for a way to have Astarion walk in the sun again! Drama ensues!
Rating: T - Sexual themes, strong language
Warnings/Tags: Tiefling racism, alcohol use (responsible, suggestion of misuse), suggestion of non-con, suggestion of child abuse, typical canon violence, slight angst, hurt/comfort, slow burn(I mean it, it's slow), Astarion might be ooc, but hopefully not!
Tav couldn't always run away from his past. He knew this from the moment he started to help Astarion find a way to walk in the sun again. He wanted to stay away, but spurred by another failure, a memory of eld came to him. A whisper of something said, something promising. Hopefully, this little spark of hope was what he and Astarion were looking for.
Chapter One: Here
“Hm, cosy.” Astarion said, observing the empty space. The room was currently being used as storage. Filled with extra barrels of grain and other preservatives left to age in jars.
I removed my armour and settled. “This was Kavek’s room.” I said to him, scooting the bed out from the desk.
“May I ask, who Kavek was?” I brushed the dust off and laid down our furs and bedrolls.
“He was my best friend. We got into so much trouble.” I laughed lightly as Astarion removed his chainmail.
“Did he force you to play hero to his wild side?” Astarion teased lightly.
“No, no.” I smiled fondly. “He was the one who got me out of trouble.”
“You? But you’re mister-goody-two-shoes.”
“Oh, I was indeed not. The Hollow caused me to get into so many fights, I had to teach myself healing magic to keep Kavek and I alive. The church eventually noticed and trained me to be a cleric.”
“The Hollow…?” Astarion’s prodding was gentle. And I nodded, leaning forward.
“I hope you don’t see it, Astarion. I pray to Selune that we can just avoid it…”
“What is it?”
I tried to gather the words, “it’s an underground cavern. Where a small village of feral tieflings are forced to breed, and be raised to be used as sacrifice. Basically a cattle farm…”
“And you were born there?” I nodded.
“I managed to get out by hiding on a supply wagon. It was by the grace of the moonmaiden that no one found me that night. I was brought to the surface and managed to run away before I was found. It was so overwhelming. I--” I swallowed back memories. “I thought I was going to die that winter. I was so cold, and hungry. I think I was in the gutter for a week before Kavek found me.”
“He saved you?” I grinned, painfully remembering how he died.
“Gods, I loved him so much, and I miss him even more." A smile managed to break through my heavy mood. "He was sweet on a girl, her name was Lin. She was pregnant with his child when the Warden discovered me. The church fought for me, kept me in sanctuary on the grounds, and Kavek stayed with me that night. So they attacked Lin instead.”
“Gods…” Astarion gasped. I nodded.
“We found her body not far from the church. I have never heard such a wail of agony before. I hope to the Gods that I never will again.” I sniffed loudly. “I turned myself over that day. And then I was forced back into The Hollow, forced to…” A rough gag emerged and I covered it. Tasting the tart wine at the back of my throat. “I was forced to be with women who would just lay there in these chairs. I was forced to share my talent for healing. On people who were basically dead.” Astarion leaned on my shoulder, placing his cold hand on my forearm.
“I was there for a whole year, then Kavek and Rowen came for me.” I laughed sardonically. “Kavek was beyond furious, I swore he was trying not to kill me himself. When we left the city all he did was scream at me. It made me feel alive again.” I closed my eyes against Astarion’s gentle touch. “Rowen stayed because she was a guard, but Kavek and I ran. For weeks, until we made it to Baldur's Gate. Then we were abducted.”
“How did he die?” I took a long inhale.
“Dragons managed to explode the part of the nautiloid where his pod was located. I couldn’t save him…” He burned to death. The fire made him claw at the tempered glass. But he just baked.
“He seemed like a good man.” His words brought me back.
I nodded and adjusted my head so I could breathe in Astarion’s scent of perfume. “You would have hated him.” I mumbled through his wispy and ticklish locks. His hair had grown but still was beautiful.
My love tutted, “I grew to like you. And that complex you took from Kavek.”
“I’m so very glad you did.” Astarion pulled me onto the bed, I sat up to remove my shirt; the fabric was too much on my skin.
"Can I hold you, love?" He asked and opened his arms. I wanted nothing more and crawled onto his chest. Trying to be mindful of my horns as I nestled against him and wrapped my tail around his ankle, taking care to not extend it too far for fear of pain. I slipped a hand past the hem and rested it on his skin. He hummed and removed his shirt entirely so I could rest against his coolness.
It took a long while for me to find my words. But when I did I spoke softly. “I think getting closure for myself is impossible. I have no memory of someone to blame, and so why focus on it?” My love was quiet, he probably searched for a reason for my rambling thought.
“I…” Astarion inhaled, “I think I understand. I suppose, I feel like you deserve the same closure I was able to obtain.”
“I don’t really need it. I’m just glad to be here with you.”
We stayed like this for hours. Astarion eventually waved a mage's hand and brought his pack and books over to him. I opened my eyes and relished his soft touch that traced my whole arm and back.
“Thank you…” I said against the easing silence of the chill.
“For listening.”
He huffed a sarcastic scoff. “Don’t expect me to do it again. I have to look out for myself, you know.” I chuckled lightly and sighed as I kissed his neck.
"Read to me?" I asked. He leaned a kiss against my forehead as he adjusted and cleared his throat. The lines from his chest soothed me, his melodic voice was deep and calm. Even if the poems were lost on me, I felt comfortably safe. Slowly blinking until I fell asleep.
A knock sounded against the door. I sat up and moved Astarion from my chest. “Good morning.” I greeted.
“Likewise, Tavalin. I’m going to head out. I just wanted to let you know, you are welcome to anything in my home. My room is off limits in case you two want to get, um--”
“Astarion and I won't have sex.” I said and leaned against the doorframe. “Real quick though. Do you have any extra water? We have a shit ton of laundry to do.”
“Yes, in the back there’s a well and river not far off.”
“Thank you, Rowen.”
She nodded curtly and I returned to the room to stretch. I crawled onto the hardwood bed and brushed strands of Astarion’s hair from his beautiful face. He seemed to be asleep instead of meditating, but woke from my touch.
“Sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you.” I whispered, he hummed and drew close, wrapping his arms around my chest.
“It’s fine. I’ll just bite you tonight, when you’re sleeping. As revenge.”
“Please, we both know you don’t have the heart to wake me.” I remarked, “I’m going to go do laundry. Do you want me to wash anything else?”
“The clothes on my back.”
“Then strip.” I said and kissed his temple before detaching myself from his grip to gather our large pile of clothes. I tied them up and snuck a few glances of Astarion before I left.
“Darling. There’s no need to sneak. Your gaze is all I want.” He twirled.
I chuckled. “Hmm, do you now?" He grinned and pulled on my nightshirt that I hardly wore.
How lucky Rowen was to have a well spout. Even if it was shared with a back courtyard. I could hear the small river she spoke of as well. I took my time, washing the wood smoke soaked clothes and our armour. Afterwards I waded into the river to rinse myself with the new soap. I returned to the house and found Astarion sitting at the table and offering me a cup of fragrance so alluring that I could drink its scent for days.
“Thank you for making me tea, my love.” I took a long gulp of the rare cinnamon soaked warmth.
“Thank you for doing laundry.” He replied, he sat with his back to the hearth.
It was honestly nice to have such a few lazy days to ourselves. But not knowing what to do was kind of driving me insane. It was something I'm still trying to become used to. There was always something with my companions, or to do around camp. But with the two of us there was hardly anything.
"Tav. Darling, you have that look." Astarion warned glancing up from his book.
I groaned, "I know...I'm so bored!"
"Go check if my clothes are dry, dear." He offered.
"They probably won't be." I sighed and stood. I returned with most of them still damp. But threw them by the fire so Astarion didn't have to suffer the chill.
"Give me your knife." I said as I sat on the floor.
"What are you getting up to?" He asked, not denying my request. I took to carving my talons back. I struggled with my right hand and with a small tut Astarion took over.
"Why cut them back?" He asked.
"I don't want to claw you."
"You've never clawed me." He scoffed. I raised my brow.
"On purpose." He rolled his eyes and finished up by throwing the shavings into the fire. By noon his clothes were finished. And just in time for Rowen too. Who came back an hour later to a warm pot of stew.
"You made me food?" She gasped.
"You've been so helpful to us. It's the least we can do." I grinned.
"I've allowed you to spend the night?" She laughed.
"You've given us shelter from the sun. Free of charge. You've allowed us to use your fire and wood. And you're helping us obtain something that might not even exist."
"Tav doesn't know how to say you're welcome plainly. It becomes a problem." Astarion teased, continuing to fold and organise our laundry.
"I can tell." I smiled as I closed the lid. We sat at the table and I helped Astarion finish up.
"Where do we start?" I began.
"I think the church." Rowen sighed. "I know, I don't like parading you around either. But there are rumours the priest knows a back passage into the Library."
"Father Garret?" I gasped. "How?"
"I don't know. That's why we're going to ask him."
"Can we at least do it tonight?" I asked. "I want Astarion by my side."
"That should be fine. And probably easier since mostly everyone will know who you are."
"Am I really that obvious?" I scoffed.
"To me. Yes."
"Well, I guess we'll see how much trouble we can get into."
For the rest of the day I helped Rowen around the house. While Astarion repaired and tatted anything worn. Around dusk we gathered up our gear and set out. Astarion kept close to me, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword.
The church was quiet and smelled of soothing incense even from outside. It brought back so many good memories. We let Rowen go to the door and who answered was Father Garret, a high-elf cleric, he taught me everything I knew.
"Rowen! What brings you here tonight? Are you in need of healing?"
"No, but we need help. Can me and my friends come in? We need to talk…"
"Certainly, all are welcome in the Home of Selune." We followed Father Garret to a private room. I wanted to take my scarf and hood off to escape the heat but I rather not blatantly reveal everything either.
"Please. Everyone make yourselves comfortable." He offered and turned.
I inhaled sharply, trying to gather enough courage to speak with him. "Settle down, Tavalin. Make yourselves comfortable first and then we will discuss everything."
I slowly began to remove my winter gear. While Astarion removed only his cloak, trying to hide beneath his scarf. A cup of tea was set in front of us. I took a small sniff and found it to be laced with kluathgrass. I signalled to Astarion to not drink it.
"Tavalin, you don't have to the drink tea. I know you will speak true." Father Garret stated, taking my cup. "Why did you return?" He asked as he turned.
"I--we need help."
"With what? I will help you anyway I can, my child."
"It's complicated…but promise me you'll not harm Astarion."
I caught his gaze and reassuringly, he placed a hand on my thigh. "If it allows us one step closer." He added.
"Astarion is a vampire spawn. We are looking to cure him in the best case scenario. But otherwise, a way to walk in the sun is good too."
"Fascinating!" Father Garret gasped, coming to his feet. "May I study your features?"
"I suppose?" My love leaned into me.
He sat at a respectful distance, Astarion wasbunsure what to make of it as he removed his scarf. But once I sat behind him and held him, he seemed to relax, somewhat.
"I am uncomfortable not knowing what your intentions are." He cleared his throat.
"I simply wish to see a vampire up close."
"Are you going to ask me to bite you?" I prickled at the memory of that drow.
"Oh by Selune’s blessed light! No!" Father Garret laughed, embarrassed by the prospect. "And by how Tavalin is holding you, I doubt he would agree to allow you to bite an old man like me." I didn't realise I was glaring. And laughed awkwardly.
"I-I suppose there's no harm?" Astarion sat up, my hand moved to his thigh as I studied Father Garret. He instructed Astarion to open his mouth and show him his fangs.
"Tell me, how often do you feed?"
"Every day. I drink from animals."
"How often on humans?" Father Garret glanced at me.
"Look, Father Garret. We need your help, and having to re-explain every detail ever is starting to become exhausting. And we're limited on time." I interrupted.
"Very well. A cure for vampirism." He turned and settled in his seat.
"There might be such a thing in the vault. Maybe another lead in the libraries…no. Too obvious." He mumbled.
"The vault? At the Lord's mansion?" He nodded. I shook my head in disbelief. "How are we going to get in?"
"The Winter Ball."
"A ball?" Astarion gasped delightfully, I couldn't help but grin.
"We can sneak in and find the vaults and pray to Selune that nothing goes awry." Astarion snorted, muttering about my sour luck and penance for trouble.
"How do you know what we need will be there?" I asked.
"I don't, not entirely. But there is an auction for every ball. If the dice is thrown in our favour; then there might be a chance it's already there…" He paused. "Astarion, do you know how old you are?"
"I am unsure." He said.
"An amulet of darkness might be the best. If we’re lucky, we might be able to find a Wish spell."
"What does this amulet do?" The countless false leads came to my mind. Astarion laced his cold fingers through mine.
“It shrouds the user in a cloak of darkness. I don’t know the details, I know it exists. And it might be there.”
"It is worth a try, Tav." My love’s hope was less fragile than mine.
“Of course it is.” I agreed and leaned to his ear. “I’m not giving up on you Astarion.” He kissed my cheek.
"Excellent." Father Garret smiled. "I shall provide you two with something to wear. And we shall discuss plans at a later date. If you need to rest here, you may. We have plenty of space and dark rooms."
"That would be nice, I hate to leech off of Rowen."
"Company's nice. But my home isn't the safest and sometimes I have buddies over." She said through a yawn.
Father Garret stood and we followed him out. Saying our farewells to Rowen as we trailed behind him. He led us down into the basement. I knew this place, they were private rooms. Quiet, hardly used. Safe…
"Gods." I sighed, finally stripping off my armour and just melting against the soft bed. "A ball."
"Not excited darling?"
"Not entirely. It's really not my scene."
"Ah, well, maybe I can teach you?" I grinned. “Obviously I cannot cram you with decades of knowledge, but I could show you how to dance.” He returned my now smile with a clever grin.
"I would like that." He pulled me to my feet and he positioned my hands. My tail swished nervously, pain pokes through my spine as he told me what to do. I was quick to catch on and soon Astarion moved on to the more in depth turns of ballroom dancing.
I swooned with the distraction. His humming was clear and concise and I yearned to learn the tune so I could add to it. But for now I leaned against him and we stopped with a simple embrace.
"Tav, could you tell me more about this place?"
"It's ruled by one man, I have never seen him but Father Garret has told me that he takes multiple wives. None of which have been seen again. Beside the first lady, who always hosts the balls." Astarion hummed with concern. Adjusting his grip to rest on my hips.
"Apparently he hoards treasure worse than Lorroakan. But every year he throws a grand ball that people all over the Sword Coast attends and no one is seen leaving…"
"Who's allowed to attend?" I pulled away and looked at him sadly.
"Humans, Elves, Dwarves. The pure races…" I cupped his cheek and he leaned into it.
"Pure races." Astarion spat, "not inviting gnomes; that's understandable. But the other races? Why?" I shrugged.
"Tieflings are devilish in nature. And I'm guessing the other races aren't elegant enough."
"You are the most elegant man I've ever met. Aside from myself." I chuckled and suddenly dipped Astarion.
"You've rubbed off on me." He laughed as I brought him up and twirled him.
"My, my Tav! Careful now or I'll be swept off my feet again!" He was breathlessly smiling, I loved how his fangs glanced through. I kissed him and leaned my forehead against his.
"I'll try to sneak into the party with you, I won't leave you alone."
"What am I going to do without my personal butler? I perish the thought." Astarion tutted.
"My Lord and Liege, I am a humble cleric and servant of House Ancunin."
"For my frail and meek body requires attention!" He arched dramatically, raising his arms to his chest and forehead. I laughed and his own melodious voice reached my ears.
“If only you could be my consort.” He pouted and kissed me before I could respond. I picked him up as he continued to bombard me. I couldn’t deny him the pleasure as I fell back. I tried to get a word in once or twice. But he was quick to stop me. I eventually wrapped my leg around his waist and flipped him.
“Allow me to get a word in, sir!” I panted and leaned over him, he smiled at me cheekily. He leaned towards my neck, and I pulled myself away from the habit.
“Wait.” I whispered. He backed away instantly, concern etched through his eyes.
“If that is what you want. I would happily be your consort.”
“Darling, I haven’t proposed…I was just--” His expression changed, he seemed confused but also nervous.
“But I am.” I said. “Astarion, I’m terrified of what might happen in the coming week. I’m terrified of losing you. Will you marry me?” He suddenly sat up and I kneeled to the ground.
“You’re…serious?” He studied my face, my heart hurt from how fast it was beating.
“Yes. Astarion Ancunin, will you marry me?”
“I--” He gasped. His red eyes trying to blink back tears. “What makes you think something is going to happen at the mansion?” I shook my head.
“I’m hoping that we find a Wish spell. But people don’t come back from that mansion. And if we are to die there, I want to be your husband.” I grinned at him. His chest rose and fell, he didn’t need to take breaths, but he couldn’t help the action. I took his hands in mine again, kissing his elegant fingers.
"You don't have to say yes. But know that I want this, and I hope that you do too."
He inhaled sharply, taking my chin. “How could I say no?" I stood and pushed him back into the bed, he crawled back. His lips never leaving mine, I pulled away his shirt, lowering my touch to be rid of his other garments. I took a moment to stare at him and smiled as he beckoned me forward with his beautiful red eyes.
Chapter Three: Here
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anchirayce · 8 months
To Behold the Golden Sun Ch. 1
This takes place after the events of BG3. Basically, a smol adventure about Tav and Astarion arriving at Tav's childhood city to search for a way to have Astarion walk in the sun again! Drama ensues!
Rating: T - Sexual themes, strong language
Warnings/Tags: Tiefling racism, alcohol use (responsible, suggestion of misuse), suggestion of non-con, suggestion of child abuse, typical canon violence, slight angst, hurt/comfort, slow burn(I mean it, it's slow), Astarion might be ooc, but hopefully not!
Tav couldn't always run away from his past. He knew this from the moment he started to help Astarion find a way to walk in the sun again. He wanted to stay away, but spurred by another failure, a memory of eld came to him. A whisper of something said, something promising. Hopefully, this little spark of hope was what he and Astarion were looking for.
My Tav:
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The winter breeze caressed through the thick cloak wrapped around my shoulders. My armour murmured through the silence. And the chill burrowed pleasantly through the heavy metal.
"Is the wind bothering you, my love?" Astarion's smooth voice was almost reverent against the darkness.
"Not quite, it's colder than I expected though." My breath puffed past the thick wool scarf.
“We can camp if you need.”
“No, no.” I said, “it feels nice.” We continued through the snow pack. There was a path, but the fresh blanket covered up the tracks left by the previous travellers. It slowed our pace and I worried that dawn would arrive sooner than anticipated.
For a time we continued in silence, our exertion and the crunching snow being the only audible sound.
“Are you sure this lead is viable?" My love asked, his doubt was understandable. I told him about a lead to cure his vampirism. And he trusted me completely. But I suppose he saw something in me.
It was a very old memory and I'm not sure if it's even true or not. But to spend time with him in the sun again, to have him taste food and walk through water without burning. It would be worth returning to my personal horrors to help Astarion.
“Not, entirely. But it’s better than trying to find that Ring of Sunwalking we chased for a solid three months.” I huffed and Astarion took my hand.
It was near dawn when we arrived. The urgency of finding a place to stay fueled our tired bodies forward. I would have to set up the tent quickly if we couldn't find anything.
The streets were mostly clear of people, those awake paid us no mind either. We still kept our heads low and forever glanced at the sun. We avoided the spots that were becoming exposed. And I blessed the memories of the times I ran through these alleyways.
We made it, with only a few minutes to spare. Hurriedly, I made a show of placing my all too heavy pack on the table. Making it loud enough for the patron to hear through the open window. The sun began to peak above the buildings.
“Can I help you gentlemen?” She asked as she exited.
“Yes, we’re looking for a place to stay. We've been travelling all night. Are you open?” I said, pulling down my scarf so my nose was free.
“We aren't entirely! But please, both of you come in and make yourselves warm! It would be cruel to toss you back into the snow.” I let Astarion go first and we entered the empty hall. It smelled deliciously of roasting meat and porridge. And the sudden change of cold to warmth kissed a shiver through my limbs.
“What made you folks brave the darkness?” The hostess asked as she went behind her counter. "Not many people travel at night. Especially up here."
“We’re on a journey to meet someone. We promised them we would be in the next town over by the end of this tenday.” I lied.
“Oh, my! I suppose a rest is in order then?"
I smiled through my scarf. "That would be lovely, is there a room somewhere quiet? Away from the noise of the tavern? I understand you're closed but I'm willing to trade my services of labour for it. Or some gold.”
“But of course, and I'll just take the gold!" She smiled and opened the ledger. "I'll give you one of the basement rooms, be warned what you find. That room is for…soliciting activities.” I chuckled lightly.
“We'll keep it in mind, thank you.” She handed me a key and I gave her gold.
“Enjoy your stay gentlemen!” We wandered down and into our humbly plain and well kept room. There was a wardrobe, table, and basin of water. As well as everything needed for basic comfort and a fun night hidden in the corners.
“You’re surprisingly quiet.” I mentioned as I locked the door and began to shed my armour. Astarion went to the single foggy window and peered out at the hushed dawn.
“There’s something you’re not telling me?” He replied and took a piece of canvas from our packs.
I heaved a long, weary, sigh and limped sorely to the bed. I hadn't realised how much of a toll pushing through shin-deep snow had put on my body. “Even without the tadpole you can read my mind so clearly. But yes…you're right."
Astarion shed his own elven chain and claimed his spot on my lap. The comfort of our tenday routine took over as I relished in his coolness. The fire of Avernus burned in my blood and no matter how the claws of winter chill dug deep--I was still hot.
“You can't hide anything from me." He quipped and kissed my jaw, his hands lowered as he pulled off my sweaty shirt. His teasing sent shivers through me.
I laid back, leaning my head against his as he bit gently into my flesh. I reached through the hem of his shirt to hold his back and waist, giving him my warmth as I held him.
He hummed and readjusted the position of my head. He moved his grip slowly back to under my neck and embraced my middle with his left. I moved to hold him tight against me. His deep and gentle gulps almost pulled me into sleep.
He sat up when satisfied. And licked the wound clean before I reached clumsily to heal the pinpricks. I opened my eyes, smiling as I regained my conscience.
“Are you alright? Did I take too much?” Astarion asked as he got off of me.
“No…I’m just tired." I said and moved an arm over my eyes. Their heaviness was unbearable. "I’m sorry I haven’t been completely forthwith too. This place makes me nervous.” I felt him lean on his elbow and I hummed delightfully as he stroked a hand through my hair.
“Nonsense, as long as it's not a lie--you may keep as many delicious secrets as you can. Even the juiciest ones.” He placed a hand to my chest and leaned to kiss my forehead. “Rest now, darling. Tell me about it in the afternoon. Or when you're ready.” I drew close to him breathing in the crisp smell of my blood and his scent.
I woke up late, very late. I stretched trying to find Astarion. My hand met his thigh and I stayed there as he weaved his delicately cold fingers through mine. I turned onto my stomach trying to squeeze out just an hour more. I rested until I heard Astarion speak.
“Darling, as much as I adore being in bed with you all day. We are very much in need of supplies. And we need to get them before the shops close.” Astarion said and leaned to kiss my exposed cheek.
I whined low, and before he could leave I sprang up and grabbed his waist, pulling him down into the covers.
“Tav!” He laughed loudly. I leaned over him and kissed him deeply, relishing in the feeling of his touch through my long hair.
“Come now, stop procrastinating.” He rebuked as I buried my nose in his neck, kissing the two scars and his collarbone. I adored the day he allowed me to get this close to him. To kiss and care for his insecurities filled me with only the deepest love.
“We haven’t had a day to ourselves in nearly half a year! Can’t I relish in you for a few more moments?” I asked, nibbling my chosen spot.
“We have too! We’ve been travelling together non-stop!”
“But a bed, Astarion! A warm, slightly lumpy bed!” I rolled over and sprawled.
“How about this?” He began, sitting up. “You--gather supplies and information. And later we could...possibly have a night of passion?”
I grimaced, “I don’t want an exchange.”
“No, not an exchange. Consider it…something to look forward to when you get back, my sweet.” I hummed and sat up.
“I suppose that is better.”
“Good." I managed to find some clean clothes at the bottom of my pack. And stepped out of the cool room once dressed, kissing Astarion as I left.
“Be safe.” He said as he closed and locked the door behind me.
I knew exactly where to go, the markets weren't far from here. The only thing that made me nervous were the guards. I knew most of them from my childhood. Luckily with my scarf and hood I was able to blend in with the crowd. I was glad--for once--that the coloured tips of my horns were the same as a common servant's.
I entered the bustling market--snow had begun to float from the low clouds. I tried to keep a keen ear on gossip and whispers as I weaved through the crowd. But my heart was too loud to focus. I shooed away a beggar. Hurt that I was unable to spare a single coin or morsel of food for them.
I wandered silently, only speaking to the shop owners. Who treated me like I expected. With indifference and annoyance. I found and gathered some rations for myself and other supplies. Such as repair kits and some new tools to replace the ones that broke on the long road.
On my way back I stopped by a booth that filled the cold air with gentle fragrances. Soaps, lotions, and perfumes were on display. And with the last gold I bought a single fragrant bar and bottle of bergamot and lavender scented oil. I hoped Astarion would like this. I ignored the comment from the shop keeper as I bumped into a guardsman.
I knew her, the unmistakable recognition from a childhood friend.
"Tavalin?" She gasped, she knew just from my eyes.
Panic broke through my shock and swirling emotions. "You're mistaken, guardsmen." I cleared my throat and pulled away. "Have a good day." She followed, and was good enough to keep up.
But with a murmur, I was able to pull myself away with a well-timed misty step. With a long inhale I pulled myself together and entered the tavern.
I tapped my knuckle against our door. And waited a moment for Astarion to respond.
“Welcome back.” He smiled mischievously.
“I was gone for an hour.” I smiled and glanced at his form. Taking in his half-nakedness.
“A promise is a promise.” He hummed as he kissed me deeply, gracing his fingers on my chest as he pulled me inside by the waistband. I laughed and gently dropped my pack to the ground as he hopped up and wrapped his legs around my waist. He hesitated before kissing me again. He must have felt my heart racing. I placed my hand against his, smiling through my anxiety.
“Can you sit with me? I’m not really up for sex.” I said as I set him down.
“Whatever your heart desires, my sweet.” He laid beside me. Studying my features to see why I was hurting.
I sank lower and embraced him, resting against my pounding heart and heavy breath. “Tav…?” I hummed. “Are you going to tell me why you’re so nervous?”
I took a moment to think. Trying to find a way to tell him. “I met someone. From my past, she recognised me.”
"Do you think she followed?" I shrugged.
“I remember something from my childhood. A tome or conversation. Something about a scroll, or item. I remember being caught, and--something happened. It isn't clear. I remember gold, so much gold. Like the colour."
“And where was this?"
"I don't know. It might have been the mansion on top of the hill. If we are to go, then I have to be careful. If we’re caught, I’ll--be taken. Back there…"
He waited for a response. “It’s--It’s dark, it smells like death and vomit. Everyone is in one room, it's so cold and lonely, yet so cramped. My parents were forced to have me." It spilled loose, and memories were burning through. "They hated me, my mother wanted nothing to do with me. My father saw me as his personal target--!'' I swallowed back a gasp. But my inhale itself seemed to bring the memories back vividly.
I suddenly sat up, trying to get away from Astarion’s touch, it was like fire. “I’m sorry.” I leaned against my knees. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. You shouldn't be concerned by this! I--”
“Tav, stop.” Astarion kneeled not touching me as I clawed my pants, “breathe, my love.” I shakily inhaled and felt my panicking heart ease. I reached out and he grabbed my hands. I tried not to squeeze my talons into his soft flesh.
“I have you Tav. And you don’t have to say anything. You can stop. But I wish you did concern me with this. I'm as much a part of your life as you are in mine. Your past included.”
I shook my head bringing his hands to the base of my horns. “It's been two years, I should be over this!” I hissed.
“No. This doesn't just vanish. I know you understand this." Astarion retorted, he leaned on my legs. Adjusting my chin so he could cup my cheek. “You’ve helped so many people overcome their darkness. You’ve always put them before you. You’ve had no time to think about what has happened to you, and it's not right. So please. For once in your life--be selfish and focus on coming to peace.” Tears began to fall from my eyes, something I haven’t done in so long.
A lifetime and two years of pent up anger, sadness, and fear seemed to break free. It hurt, having him see me so weak, I was his support. I couldn't be like this, but I couldn't help it either. Being here, meeting someone from my past so suddenly. Having the idea of going back. It was too much.
"There we are, let it out…" Astarion soothed and when I reached for an embrace he stood and squeezed me tightly. Whispering affirmations.
“How did you do this so elegantly? I feel like a fool." I mumbled against his chest.
Astarion chuckled dryly. "Elegantly?" He scoffed, "you forget how shaken I was when I stabbed Cazador to death." He thumbed away my tears. "I hate how you kept helping others with their problems. I knew this was going to accumulate into something."
I huffed, his truth stung. "I prefer helping other people, it's easier to be there for them. This makes me want to run away.” I flinched as Astarion moved, his legs were probably numb.
"I'm sorry you can sit on the bed." He glanced at me with a disapproving grimace. Mentioning he didn't want me to apologise.
I didn't look at him as he slowly replaced his hand on mine. "I know you want to, but you can't just deny what has happened to you Tav."
"It's so much easier." I choked out.
"Tell me why?" He tried. I looked away from his eyes, shaking my head. I wanted to tell him, but I just couldn’t.
"Well, if that's the case, and you want to. We'll ignore it until you're ready and focus on my own selfish needs." Astarion said, kissing my knuckles. I chuckled and wiped my eyes.
“Oh, joyous day! My one true love is enabling my wicked vices!” His laugh was light as I dramatically gestured and fell back onto the bed.
He reached and stroked a finger on my chin, his soft grin comforting as he leaned to place his forehead on mine.
"We'll--" Both of us sat up, staring at the sharp knock from the door.
Astarion and I quickly stood and waited, then there was another knock. We pulled on our armour as quickly and quietly as possible. I opened the door and peered out, hoping it wasn't githyanki assassins.
"Tavalin?" It was Rowen, the guardsman.
"There is no one here by that name." I glared at her. Studying her unchanged features.
"Darling, come back to bed! Whoever is at the door can wait!" Astarion's acting startled me.
"Oh Selune, I am so sorry!" She gasped. "Enjoy your night!" I closed the door.
"We need to leave. Now." I whispered.
"Right behind you, love." Astarion already had our packs on his shoulder. I took the last step into the lobby and was greeted with:
"Wait! Stop!" My own impatience was palpable. We should've waited.
We rushed to the door weaving through the crowd of curious individuals. But some tavern patrons immediately stood to block us. I gripped Astarion's hand tightly, turning back to Rowen.
"I need to speak to you!" She waved at the people behind us.
"Why?" My voice shook with my beating heart. The patrons looked down on me, they didn't appreciate having me answer.
"I need to speak with you. Come, follow me. You're not under arrest." I looked at Astarion through his black hood. He nodded curtly and we followed Rowen out into the chill. We warily paced ourselves and stopped when she did.
"We can kill her." Astarion offered. I didn't realise I was in a trance.
"No...I-I don't think that's a good idea."
"Are you okay?" Astarion glanced back at Rowen who had stepped into her home.
"I don't know." I managed through a chokehold of fear and regrets.
"We can leave--" He started pulling me away. It was mainly to get off the road so he could speak privately. "There will be more opportunities."
“No. Just stay with me. Please don’t leave.”
“I wouldn't dream of it.”
“Thank you…I’ll be okay with you here.” I thumbed his cheek and hugged him tightly. He returned the squeeze, the enchanted metal of our armour bending with the embrace. He didn’t let go until I did.
We addressed Rowen at the threshold of her home. “Come in, we have much to discuss.” She sighed and began to peel off her chainmail and leathers.
Astarion and I placed our packs down and waited for her to settle. “Please, sit.” She offered her table.
“Could I get you two anything?” She asked. “I have water and gallons of wine.”
“Wine would be nice.” I replied, not taking my scarf and hood off. Astarion didn't either.
She set a mug down and looked at my love. “Do you need anything?”
“No thank you, darling.” Astarion replied as he was already reaching for my cup. I set it closer to him and waited for him to take a drink. He hissed at the taste as I took a long familiar swig. It burned and was tart, I loved the taste. Even in my youth the blueberries and mushrooms mixed well together. And made a great way to get easily pissed to talk about trauma.
Rowen collapsed against the chair, the wood groaning for her as she spoke. Rowen hadn't changed, or at least tried not to. She was an older human, short wavy hair puffed around her dark skin and pale blue eyes studied the oddness of us. She wore a simple stained and worn tunic.
"Would both of you kindly remove your hoods?" Her threat didn't go unnoticed as she pulled a hunting knife from her boot and placed it on the table.
I un-clipped the hood from my horns and pulled away my scarf. Astarion was slightly more hesitant. But eventually pulled off and folded his scarf on his lap.
"You came back…" Rowen sighed, "after everything. Why?"
"It's complicated."
"It better be. Because after everything we did--I did, for you. To have you come back after you escaped, it's just stupid! And just look at your eye too!" She referred to the forced heterochromia. My left eye was hellishly green while my right was considered a normal plain green. Both the scar and changed eye were earned when I escaped this hell. The tadpole healed the wound and I couldn't thank it enough.
"I know it looks bad." I traced it. "But I've grown to like it, Kavek helped with the wound." I took Astarion's hand. "And I came back for this man…" She scoffed and took a drink.
"Seriously Tavalin? You came back for someone else?" She tutted against the tart wine. "Where is my brother?"
"He--" My voice hitched, "he didn't survive the nautiloid."
"What?" She sat up, bewildered.
"Do you know what happened at Baldur’s Gate, two years ago?" I sighed.
"A band of adventurers saved it from an illithid invasion."
"Yes, and it began when Kavek and I were abducted outside of the city…" I told her everything but the deepest secrets.
"Selune save me..." She filled our mugs. "Does this also pertain to why your partner is invisible?" She twirled her knife about, the glimmering metal only reflected her and I.
I looked at him, and beckoned him to speak. "It does, for the most part." He sighed. Taking a drink of wine. "How well can she keep secrets?" Astarion asked me.
"We orchestrated a year-long plan to--” I shook my head. Trying to hide my anxiety through more wine.
I squeezed Astarion’s hand to reassure him and cast sanctuary. "Very well, I am a vampire."
"Ha!" She snorted, lifting her mug in a toast, "and I'm a beholder!"
Rowen took a gulp and realised we were telling the truth. "Oh shit, you're serious!" She burst into a drunken laughter. "You caught yourself the worst of the worst, Tavalin!"
"Oh yes, I am aware.”
“You’ll keep those fangs to yourself right?” She waved her dagger around.
Astarion grinned mischievously. “Ha! I have no care for your blood, Rowen. Hunting is so much work, and why ruin a perfectly good evening stalking? When I have a willing, loving, participant?” He leaned and pulled up my chin to show the faded scars on my neck. I chuckled and took his chin to kiss him.
“You two really love each other, huh?” Rowen asked, almost trying to convince herself. I pulled away and Astarion leaned against the table.
“Madly.” He replied, licking his lips from the nip he gave me.
“I thought vampires couldn’t feel emotion.”
“And I thought humans were only good for sex.”
“Astarion…” I tutted.
“What? It’s true.”
“You know it’s not. And how about we try to make friends instead of foes? Hm?” He scoffed, rolling his eyes.
“I suppose you make a point.”
“Rowen, we’re looking for a cure for vampirism. We need your help getting into the library. Or at least, I do.” She leaned back and scratched her scalp. Taking her time to think, I couldn’t blame her. I was asking something impossible of someone who I haven’t seen in years.
“You want to go straight to the worst place for you. To look for something that might not even exist, for a man who has insulted me?” She filled her cup and gulped the whole mug. “I’m in. For my brother. He would want you to be happy. Even if your partner is a sharp-tongued idiot.”
"It's called cunning wit, darling.”
She chuckled, “when do we start?”
“Astarion has to follow vampire rules now. No mirrors, no sun, no running water, no entering homes without permission.” I held up my hand to stop her question, “the tadpole stopped the worst of it.” I took a breath and leaned back moving my arm over Astarion, he sighed against me staring at the cup we shared.
“We would rather be together, but if I have to go alone. I will.”
"That is not going to happen.” Rowen said, she smirked and motioned her head towards my love. “Your little vampire might quip me to death if I don’t.”
“Is that an invitation?” Astarion mused.
“It’s a challenge.”
“Ooh, even better!” He smirked.
“I have an idea of what to do. But my head hurts, and I need to sleep." She pushed herself up. "Come, let me show you to your room and then we will start our plan tomorrow.” I took the rest of the wine in a single gulp. Astarion fetched our packs. And we followed Rowen to Kavek’s room. My wine-addled brain felt nothing, but my hands clenched as I walked into the room.
“I’ll leave you two to rest. I have guard-duty from dawn to afternoon. I’ll come fetch you around then, Tavalin.”
“Thank you, Rowen. Honestly.”
“It’s good to see you.” She grinned and closed the door.
Chapter Two: Here
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