anaomalay · 5 years
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If a drop of rain falls for each time you pass my thoughts, it will be raining forever. 😂😊❤
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anaomalay · 5 years
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Road of Trials
There’s always gonna be another mountain. I’m always gonna wanna make it move. There’s always gonna be an uphill battle. Sometimes I’m gonna have to lose. Ain’t about how fast I get there. Ain’t about what’s waiting on the other side, it’s the climb.
Hearing the lyrics of Miley Cyrus’ The Climb really made me feel great about music. In my twenty years of existence, I have failed countless times. I have been to moments where I thought nobody is really my friend. I also had this feeling that I am the most unappreciated in the family. I felt like there’s nothing I can do to make them feel proud of me. There were even times when my Dad played the guitar along with my older brothers while Mom and my younger sister would sing and I was just silently crying in my room because I don’t really felt any sense of belonging in the family. I even graduated elementary and high school without my parents’ signatures on the back of my report cards. Those maybe were just simple things for me to feel melancholic but because of Him, those struggles I encountered became a reason for me to persevere more because I believe that one day, I’m gonna make them proud.
Another trial was about my Mom getting admitted to the hospital because of having high blood pressure. That time my world really collapsed. I just couldn’t imagine losing my Mom. I admit that I am not that close with her because there are times that I just can’t open up anything to her. I’m afraid that she might get mad at me or that she won’t understand me. So, I would choose not to tell her anything. I was in 10th grade at that time and I just arrived home like the usual days. It was evening on the cold month of December. Dad and Mom were busy cooking for our foods while I and my brother were busy fighting with each other. It’s not the kind of fight your thinking but we called it “Sibling’s Nonsensical Fight.” I had no idea back then when Dad told my Kuya to get Mom a blouse because she wanted to change her clothes that in the same time, Mom was already somehow half sitting and lying on the floor with Dad’s hands behind her for support. I was sixteen by that time but I so feel so naïve because I really had no idea what was happening. Few minutes passed by, Mom’s words sounded like slurred and I saw her struggling. I wasn’t able to do anything but Dad made haste upon calling one of Mom’s cousins to call the ambulance. Kuya was told to prepare clothes for Mom because she will be admitted. Meanwhile I was just told to stay at home and take care of my youngest sibling who was crying right at the moment he saw Mom in her condition. Mom had a mild stroke but because of God’s miracle, she was already getting better after that time and right now she still had medicines to take.
When they say I had no idea what it feels like to have a heart that is broken because of some puppy love, they had no idea that it was an another challenge I once had encountered. I was in 9th grade at that time when that relationship with the boy I became close to in my 8th grade had ended. I wasn’t sure about anything at that time but all I remembered was that I saw myself crying silently at night after the day we broke up. I was able to move on after that especially when I knew that he was already going out with one of my close friends. Man that was harsh. Later on, in my senior high school days, some guys were trying to infiltrate my life but my walls kept up. I focused on my studies and indeed, I exceled. Graduating in senior high school as With High Honor with some awards was the best feeling I had in my entire life. It was the moment where Mom was proud to look at the programme because I had received those awards. She was even so excited to escort me during the ceremony. On our way home, I was laughing at her because I wanted to put the medals in her bag but she wanted me to just keep those hang around my neck. I did what she wanted because it was really the first time I felt so loved by her.
I continued my life’s little journey and up until today I’m walking on it. I am hoping that despite the mountains I had to climb and oceans I had to cross, I will be able to reap the fruits of my labors with contentment. I have to stay strong and I should never forget that trials in life cannot hinder my smile and happiness. I believe that, “We need to stand strong, not for the people around us but because there are times when only ourselves can help us face the obstacles in life.” I’ll end this story by saying that, that quote is inevitably undeniable.
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anaomalay · 5 years
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A Great Door of Opportunity
How would you feel if right now even if you’re still a student with little background on driving and suddenly, someone will approach you and tell you that you will be driving the car on your way far from home?” It sounds heavy isn’t it? What would you do then? Even if you’re so excited to finally apply all your driving lessons but something in your mind keeps on telling you that you’re still not ready for that; would you say “no” or “yes”? Would you take the opportunity or decline it first because you still need time to practice?
The feeling you got there was the same to how I felt upon given a task to proofread and edit the works of other students. The task itself was the biggest challenge for me. I knew it myself that I am still unequipped to do it but instead of getting drowned by fears and doubts, I courageously took the challenge. At first, I had searched for more information regarding the task because I knew that the learnings I had were still insufficient. Thankfully, I discovered a lot of helpful information and it really helped me went on with the task. I think I did well in the task assigned because aside from finishing the task promptly, I also see to it that I had applied the significant information about the different concepts that must be taken into mind in reading any writing piece.
The task taught me two important concepts of working in a group. First, working in a group is an advantage because there are people whom you can ask when you need to clarify something and you can also share your learnings to them as well as they can share their learnings to you. Second, working in a group is a disadvantage. Inevitably, in every group task there will be that someone who likes to procrastinate and some are irresponsible. However, because it is a group task, setting aside differences and accomplishing the task together is the beauty that lies in it.
The task taught me that the course Structures of English is a very important course to learn. It made me realize that this course is interesting and it will surely made someone who is an aspiring English language enthusiast to be a person who really knew the language well. As a student of Bachelor of Secondary Education, this task made me ponder that being able to teach language in high school is very important so that students will not have that much struggles in dealing with the language in their college life. Since in elementary years, basic concepts are taught, it is the task of a secondary teacher to let them learn more about it. Being an aspiring English teacher, this task honestly made me think that my aspired profession is never easy. However, as someone who have the heart for it, I took the task as an excellent training ground for me to learn the significant concepts because I knew that it is a must for everyone to also learn it. As they said, “You cannot give what you don’t have”, I really need to have the knowledge to become capable of letting others learn as well.
The learnings I had are important as a communicator in the context of being a student because being an effective communicator starts when someone knew how to effectively and efficiently use the language in the first place and the task was an opportunity for me to become one. Being a future professional is never a joke. Hence, the learnings I had are indeed essential for me to become an effective communicator specially that being a professional includes both conversational and transactional forms of communication. Being a human being, the learnings I had gained are truly important specially that communication is the heart of everything we human do. Communication makes everything possible and everything is made possible if there is an effective communication at first.
The task about proofreading and editing opened a new door for me to a have a tremendous insight about how important it is to learn how to effectively correct errors and it is really true that the task is not just the icing on the cake but it is an essential part of the writing process so that the message one wants to convey will be effectively relayed hence, there will be an effective respond as well.
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anaomalay · 5 years
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Pinoy English: It is Never Inferior
In this generation where the world keeps on developing at a fast pace, being able to understand and use the English language really comes in as an opportunity. As language plays an essential role in our lives, this language allows one to integrate in this ever changing world specifically in the advent of technology. However, this universal language English is also a subject to comparison with the English that we Filipino people use. The aspect of pronunciation in using the language always comes out as the big picture of problem to native Filipino who speaks English. Is it really true that English is cool but Pinoy English is kulang?
The article of Mr. Raul C. Pangalangan entitled “English is Cool, Pinoy English is Kulang”, presented how he as a pure Tagalog-speaking boy struggled when he was taking the school’s entrance test. There, he kept in his mind that “oo” meant “yes” and “hindi” meant “no.” As a native Cebuano speaker and as one who lives in a rural area, I could just imagine the struggle he went through. Being a 6-year old kid who was not even introduced to the English language first and then ended up being enrolled to a school that uses the language could be someone’s worst nightmare ever. However, according to the 2000 Census of Population and Housing conducted by the Philippine National Statistics Office’s, 63.7% of Filipinos over the age of 5 was reported as having the ability to speak English. This is a proof that because of the advancement in technology where even kids can watch television at home with shows that uses the English language, probably unlike the experience of the author; the English proficiency of Filipinos also became upgraded. The author despite his struggle with the language when he was young, coveted writing prizes when he was already studying at Harvard Law School. It surprises others that he had learned writing English in Mandaluyong, a Tagalog-speaking city in the Philippines. I was astonished after reading this part because this is just beyond the proof that he had really conquered his struggle in dealing with the English language. This is also true to most Filipino people that despite being unexposed to the language at first, they can learn the language as time passes by when they are already introduced to it. The author was also proud in responding to foreign guests that they can use the English language in giving instructions to a taxi cab driver for he/she will manage to understand that. That is also a wonderful proof that we Filipinos are swiftly catching up with the language.
When the author mentioned that creating a language policy by penalizing those who said “Aray!” instead “Ouch!” should not be done in schools, I strongly agree with him. Nobody deserves to be penalized just because of using his/her vernacular language. One should bear in mind that any language is an instrument that helps one expresses his/her emotions and ideas. Although in that English-only zones, that policy might be alright but for me, it should not be like that. It is fine to learn the language especially because it is the language of international communication but, punishing someone just because of using our own language is like a heinous crime for me. Why is there a need to do that when people can be bilingual or even multilingual? Finally, another portion of the article caught my interest. The case about being embarrassed and feeling inferior to the native English speakers is undoubtedly a ubiquitous feeling to a lot of Pinoy English-speakers. We do not speak nor write like them and I can agree to the author that it doesn’t really matter. We don’t lose our integrity by not sounding nor writing like they do. So worrying about that is nothing but a waste of time and energy.
English unquestionably is a language of many opportunities. It is a necessity for all us people upon entering a global workforce and through it, we were able to gain access to the world of entertainment instead of being left behind. English also allows us to manipulate various platforms since it is the language of the internet. Having a broad understanding of the importance of English language gives one a greater access to the world in general. When people say that Pinoy English is kulang or it is lacking and inferior compared to the original English; one should not just mind them. Instead, bear in heart and mind that nevertheless, English language is yes, very significant but not having identical English as theirs is never a “kulang” concept but a rather cool one. It is important to embrace that difference because even if that difference exists, it still does not change the truth that you can still able to communicate big ideas with relatively unlimited language.
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anaomalay · 5 years
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Hills Like White Elephants' Analysis
The work of Ernest Hemingway which was entitled “Hills Like White Elephants” is a short story wherein a reader would think at first glance of the work that is simply about a couple having a conversation or misunderstanding while being on the station, waiting for the train to come by while having their drinks. However, reading the story for several times can make one discovers the mystery of the story which is far beneath the surface. The author was a renowned American journalist and an award-winning writer for the influence of his literary works.
This story was about the American man and the girl named, Jig. The setting of the story was on the hills across the valley of Ebro and the couple was on the bar while waiting for the express. It was mentioned that, “on this side there was no shade and no trees and the station was between two lines of rails in the sun meanwhile close against the side of the station, there was a warm shadow of the building and a strings made of bamboo beads hung across the door into the bar.” This imagery used by the author to describe the story’s setting does not just mean literally but has a deeper meaning behind. The side where there was no shade and tree along with the station between two rails mean that the relationship of the couple was at crossroads. The bamboo beads hung acrossed can also mean the gap and distance between their perspectives. Although the couple was having conversation, it was clear that somehow they are far from each other intimately. By describing the setting as hot, one can only imagine the wide smile of the sun shining on the station. But it could also mean the atmosphere that surrounds the couple as if rage is running over while they were having their talk.
In the story, the part where the girl asked if what they should drink, connotes the idea that drinking is something that is not peculiar and unusual to both of them, despite being describe as “girl” by the author. This is comparable as to what happens in our society right now wherein girls in their teenage ages are already experts when it comes to drinking alcoholic beverages. By the man’s response that they will drink beer, these two might be not just a typical traveller couple as mentioned in the later part of the story but they were also drinking buddies. As the bartender which was a woman put their order which was two big beers, the author mentioned that the woman looked at the man and the girl. Now, that being said it is a very common scenario that if there is an American man having a girl with her specifically if the girl has a different nationality and when these are in a relationship, people will surely look at them with different opinions on their minds.
As the girl was waiting, she was looking off at the lines of the hills which were white in the sun and the country was brown and dry. These part pictured out the image of the place that is brown and dry because of the heat of the sun. This could also mean the status of their relationship as they are having the conversation, their closeness to each other also became dry and difficult (as it is hard to grow seeds when the land is dry). She said that the hills look like white elephants and the man replied that he had never seen one. This conversation was followed by the girl’s quick respond to the man that he wouldn’t have. The hills can be a metaphoric figure that can be drawn out as a belly of a pregnant woman. As a white elephant is a symbolic language that means something that requires a lot of care and gives a little enjoyment, this is comparable to the life inside the woman’s womb which is in this case, the girl’s womb. Everyone knows that bearing a child requires a lot of care and attention. But if there are still many things one wishes to accomplish, having a child is a complete hindrance.
The portion where the girl responded, “no, you wouldn’t have”, the girl had this feeling that the man doesn’t care about her situation. Although the man replied that he might had seen one, the next dialogue tells that the girl quickly ended the conversation by paying attention on the bead curtain. It could be that she doesn’t want to go on with their conversation. This part also showed that the man knows how to speak Spanish but the girl can’t. Which gives a hint that the man probably was familiar with the place or that he had already gone to Spain before meanwhile the girl is a complete stranger of the place. As the girl asked if they could try to drink what was painted on the curtain which was “Anis del Toro” according to the man, I can imagine a typical type of girl asking questions naively. We all know that the word “girl” denotes a young female who is still in her teenage days. It connotes a person who is still inexperienced, dependent, vulnerable, and curious to explore and discover try new things. It could be that this girl entered their relationship although she was still young and her partner is the person who is already in the right age to have a relationship.
By the dialogues in this moment when the girl was asked if she wants the drink with drink and she answered that, “I don’t know.” “Is it good with water?” Clearly, this supports the fact that even if the girl is already exposed to drinking, there are still drinks that she isn’t familiar with. This is comparable to the fact that in her life as a girl, she might have been experienced many things compared to a pampered girl at home, but there are still so many things which she doesn’t encounter yet. The saying, “age doesn’t matter in a relationship” is somehow inapplicable in this story. Although it might be true to some cases, but one must bear in mind that age comes with experiences and experiences make one learns for nothing is the best educator but one’s experiences.
The man hearing the girl’s question said, “Yes, with water” even if he know that there is already a life that’s starting to grow in the womb of the girl he’s dating. Drinking alcoholic beverages is one thing that is prohibited or must be controlled specially to the girl who is pregnant. When the girl said, “It tastes like licorice and the man replied, “That’s the way with everything.” Here, the man is pointing out another concept and not just the taste of the drink alone. Licorice, as its meaning says that it is a dried root of a leguminous plant and its extract is used in medicine and liquors. This licorice tastes includes: sweet, bitter, salty, and sour. The man probably in his age already experienced many things in life. When he replied the girls’ comment, it was as if he had gone through many struggling point in his life. His replied even make the girl made a little more immature.
The man could have also known the side effects of the drink but he just ignore that instead he was even the one who always order for their drinks. When the girl said, “Everything taste of licorice especially all the things you’ve waited for so long, like absinthe.” The baby might belong to the sweet taste of licorice and the girl might have wished for a baby and that she’s maybe waiting for it ever since a long time ago to have her own family. In this part, it was like the girl was already starting to view the world just like any woman out there that after all the happy-go lucky vibes, settling on having own family is the end goal. Maybe getting pregnant is something she thought that would change the cycle of their relationship. Unfortunately, the American man does not share her imaginations and he even cut the girl’s statements.
The girl’s statements on the next dialogues showcased her being naïve and curious specifically when she said that she wanted to try the new drink. Her next statement sounded like bitter as she said that that’s all they do, look at things and try new drinks. This is another proof that this couple was really a pro when it comes to drinking. It may also means that she is bored of the way their relationship runs. The passage also means that as couple, they haven’t gone through tough times yet for all they experience are all about pleasures and enjoyments. In the story, the man’s replies to the girl are like the replies of a man who don’t share an intimate relationship to someone or maybe he changed after knowing that the girl is pregnant.
The girl once again open the topic of the white elephant but ended her statement whether they should have another drink. This part portrays the truth that some person who has a lot to say can hide their intention by drinking. Drinking here is the way to divert the topic into something that the man might find interesting rather than her talk about the white elephant or the baby. Finally, the man opened up by saying that, “It’s really an awfully simple operation, Jig”. “It’s really not an operation at all.” Here, the operation might be a euphemism for the word abortion. Since the setting was a public place, the man choose to use the word for it is unpleasant if others would hear it. The author also uses the writing technique which is intrigue that means something is hidden. The girl did not even respond yet looked at the ground where the table legs rested on. Applying the girl’s action to imagination, obviously when one does that, they can also see their stomach. Probably, the author just stated the girl’s action like that but actually the girl was looking down on her stomach which now has a life inside in it.
The girl’s dialogues showcased that she is dependent on the man’s decision. It shows how weak she was to decide on her own in case the man would not want her to have the baby. The man on the other hand, plays like someone who got the upper hand in their relationship. The proof was when the man said that, “I know you wouldn’t mind it, Jig.” Here, it was as if the girl had already done something much bigger than this for the man before. That was why the man easily spilled out that Jig wouldn’t mind it. It also seems like the man already know a lot about Jig or at least that is what he believe. He tried to his best to completely convince the girl for according to him, it was the only thing that bothers them and the worst, he even said that it was the only thing that made them unhappy. However, through the narrator’s exposition that the girl did not yet say anything but just put her hand out and took hold of two of the strings beads of the curtain, the girl possibly might have hold on to the idea that the two of them can look at things similarly despite the man’s persuasion to her about aborting the baby. The following statements showed the girl’s lack of confidence to express her decision and she could have really love the American man for she’s eager to hear the man’s thought.
In this scenario, the man already know many people that had done the operation. The girl also said that she know that and it made those people happy. The man, although he said that he wouldn’t have the girl do it if she doesn’t want to, however, he is not consistent on his decision but even made his point clear; that abortion is just a simple operation and aborting the baby was the best thing to do. The following statements bring out the fact that the man somehow loves the idea of white elephant but he can’t just think about it. There might be something that’s keeping the man to worry if they will have a baby. The girl naively decided that she would do the operation for she doesn’t care about herself. This is a sarcastic remark for the man truly keeps the idea of having her abort the baby.
The girl did not really want their conversation as she said that she would scream and asked the man a favor to please stop talking. She even thanked the woman who said that the train would come in 5 minutes. The girl probably was grateful to the woman for intruding in their conversation. The fact that the girl asked the man if what the woman said is a proof that the man can really understand Spanish. The train wasn’t even there yet and maybe it was the woman’s way to end their argument.
The ending of the story is hanging. It ends with the girl’s statements that she feel fine and that there is nothing with her. She repeated that she feel fine. This portion just showcased that the girl is being sarcastic and she was trying to convince herself and him that she really feel fine. The author is really brilliant in letting the readers dig deeper to know his intent. The author also connects the theme of the story as to what is happening around us at present. Pre-marital intercourse and early and unplanned pregnancy which lead to the concept of abortion. He uses dialogues in organizing the flow of the story which was a good idea so that the characters’ lines will be highlighted. The characters’ lines reveal their intention and who they really are. The setting, the imagery and the symbolisms used made a greater impact to the event in the story. It might be perplexing at first glance but once one got the mystery behind its simplicity, they would know how exhilarating and palpable the author’s masterpiece was.
The story leaves a mark on every reader that in life, the right decision is oftentimes the hardest choice to make and that commitments are equally difficult to make for people who aren’t really the type to make sacrifices and be committed.
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anaomalay · 5 years
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A Puissant Muscular Hydrostat in You
Human tongue is the most ignored organ. It is a part of our body that doesn’t really need a lot of attention simply because its function is considered normal and pretty unextraordinary. Its function in our body is not given emphasis in our lessons in school unlike when we are talking about the other organs such as the heart, lungs, intestines, kidneys, liver and so on. We can even live without it. It really seems like a simple organ but it also has a wide range of purposes in our body. We use it for tasting, licking, breathing and swallowing. This is also an important organ in articulating our speeches. Humans we are, speeches are all around us. Is the saying “sticks and stones can break my bones but words will never hurt me" true or is the verse from the scripture of John that says, “the tongue is a small part of the body, but what enormous damage it can do” true? Which is which and why? When should you use it to speak and how must you use it?
Speech is part of our daily life, but we do not need to talk all the time. As most people say, “there is a time for silence.” Living in a country where a democratic form of government is being practiced, this statement might be misinterpreted as one would bravely stand and say, “I have the right to express my thoughts.” Yes, you have every ounce of right to do so. However, the statement “a time to be silent” is not just a traditional saying passed from one generation to another. It is written in the book of Ecclesiastes 3:7. Given the fact that it is natural for us to talk, there is indeed a time when we should remain silent as well as it is said, “Your right ends when the right of others begins.”
In the book of Job chapter 6 verse 24, it says that “Teach me and I will hold my tongue: and cause me to understand wherein I have erred.” Maintaining silence when others are speaking can be a mark of respect and humility as in passage, Job is willing to listen to God’s response. Our utterances lead to either an effective or ineffective communication. In linguistics, there is a concept called “turn-taking” and that concept is very significant in this part. Listening to the speaker and waiting for your turn to take on the conversation truly matters to have a better and successful communication. Supposed that in the house, your parents are quarrelling with each other, that time both of them are enrage and nobody takes the time to listen to the others side. They’re maybe shouting to each other but all they can hear is nothing else’s perception but their own. In a classroom scenario, I personally agree that paying attention to the teacher or to a classmate who’s reporting is really a matter or respect. Being quiet doesn’t mean you are deprived of the opportunity to speak for yourself, it only means you knew enough and better as to when to do it appropriately.
Another point can be found in Proverbs 20:19 that means controlling our tongue to keep quiet about a confidential matter gives evidence of discretion and discernment. The words “secret” and “privacy” are terms that are too common yet, these two are often misuse. What if you disclosed a very private information about someone after being told that you should keep it to yourself? What will be that person’s feeling after knowing what you did? Absolutely, that person will no longer trust you. The worse is that you might probably destroyed his or her reputation by sharing the information you received. Hence, keeping your tongue in control is a truly a must.
Some would say, “It is my mouth not yours and what I will say has nothing to do with you!” This statement is just one of the noises in the surrounding. They believe that since it’s not your mouth nor tongue they’re using to speak, you really have no right to mind them even if they’re telling lies or spreading rumors about you. It is a statement of a person whose principle is crooked. That person may lacks the intelligence to express his or her ideas since it is said that selecting the proper words also involves mental effort and good judgment. A person who’s wise enough to respond think thoroughly first before saying anything. However, thinking is a tiresome job and that is probably why some people would just easily burst out instead of letting their minds do the work first.
The ability to express our thoughts and feelings in words is truly a marvel. Through words, many creations were created and by words many were destroyed. We should always bear in mind and heart that there is truly a power in silence. A power to understand in listening to other people’s point of views. That is indeed a power because there are many who hear but not everyone understands. Know that knowing when to speak is accompanied with the best character that is being respectful and being humble. Keeping secrets and giving value to someone’s privacy are also something you can do by putting your tongue in control. Be powerful enough to discern these concepts as you know that being the one in control is better than being controlled by someone or something. Do not let your tongue- a simple organ you can even live without had the upper hand. If the tongue has the power to destroy and direct, it also has the power to heal and obey good intentions. As it said in in Ephesians 4:29, “Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.” Let us all be heedful in using our tongue to express ourselves. Be powerful and be the one in command!!
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anaomalay · 5 years
The Teaching Profession Course Reflection
Teachers are extremely important facet of any society for a number of reasons and their role in society are both significant and valuable. They are the people who educate the youth of society who in turn become the leaders of the next generation of people. What learners learned from their teachers at a young age will most likely stay as a strong foundation of their future.
The Teaching Profession course is very significant to me as an individual who aspires to become one of the noble nation builders. It is in this course where I learned a lot of essential concepts necessary in my chosen field. Here, I was trained to develop not just my capability in sharing my thoughts and ideas but to improve my principles in teaching. I have realized and pondered that being a teacher is really difficult since there are many ethical standards that I should adhere for me to become a real and true professional teacher. Becoming a teacher is never an easy path and neither will it be. A lot of struggles are there and I knew that giving up should not be my option at all times. I really appreciated this course because there are so many norms and principles about teaching which I just have learned in my whole life.
A teacher has so many roles and responsibilities. Along with this roles and responsibilities is a heart that must be willing to commit in doing every expected actions. Being one of these great people is my great ambition in life. And since I have known that becoming one is never a piece of cake, I should apply everything that I have learned from this course. I believe that these aspects will lead me to become a teacher that is worth to be called professional. I should not just settle with the idea that being a teacher is all about getting salary or having the authority in the classroom. There are so much more of being a teacher. With a strong dedication in my aspired profession, I am doing my best in pursuing my studies and integrate every single aspect in my daily life as both an individual and as one who dreams to become a teacher. I will become a teacher that will play an extraordinary part in the lives of my students for the years of their development and the importance of me as a teacher is something that should not be understated by anyone. I will involve myself in moulding their lives for them to become responsible citizens of the country. I believe that if teachers are well educated and if they are intellectually alive and take keen interest in their job, then only success is ensured.
Teachers have to possess a great deal of knowledge and skills with regard to both teaching and assessment practices in order to meet those demands and standards of quality education. And as a student, I really need to persevere to meet all these demands so that I can truly make a difference out of my students’ lives.
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anaomalay · 5 years
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The Miseducation of the Filipino
The Philippine country was first introduced to education by the American colonizers. However, because of colonization, educational leaders became incognizant to the fact that our own educational philosophy was deeply influenced by foreign frameworks. This led to Filipino education’s adaptation of Western values and a rise in the problem of which language is proper to be use. Through the American colonization, it is indeed true that Filipino people had a tight grasp of reading and writing literacy. These things also had a subtle consequence as it became a powerful instrument that defeated a triumphant patriotism towards the Filipino’s own country.
According to Professor Renato Constantino’s Miseducation of the Filipino, the Philippine education must produce individuals who are aware of the diversified problems of the country and who are brave enough to make a stand to arrive a solution for the country’s deliverance. The sad truth was that even though many educational leaders engaged in debates on techniques and tools for the improvements of instructions, not one of them has come out for a truly nationalist education system.
Because of the American colonization, educators seemed to be oblivious to the fact that the educational system and philosophy where they are proud inheritors were valid only within the framework of invaders. Through implementing education for the Filipino, the Americans subjugated the minds of the countrymen who were blinded by good intentions and opportunities. Whereas when the country experienced a terroristic regime by the Japanese and other invaders, the Filipinos were never defeated. They were able to instilled hatred for them throughout the decades and even at present. But in the case of American colonizers, the Filipinos’ mind were molded which was the best means of conquest for the Americans to expedite the restoration of tranquility, as what Gen. McArthur said. The educational system that was introduced by the Americans undoubtedly corresponds to their economic and political reality, not of Filipinos. They used education as a means to attract the people to new masters. Although during this era, Filipinos were being prepared for self-government, the Department of Education was never entrusted to any Filipino. This resulted to Americans no longer need of a captive generation for Filipinos because the introduced system already made the Filipino thought like little Americans. Despite of the noble and good aims of the colonizers, the truth will not fade that the Philippine was a conquered country that must abide by the reigning influenced of the Americans.
The master stroke in the plan to use education as an excellent instrument of colonial affair was the decision to use the English language as the primary medium in giving instruction. It is the language that became the strong foundation in separating Filipinos from the past and at present, separated educated Filipino from their own countrymen. In terms of economic, the American colonizers also had a unique approach compared to other imperial nations. For example, there were free trades that were offered for American’s devotion to the welfare of the Filipinos. The Philippine history books portrayed America as a benevolent nation who came to save the country from the cruel hands of the other colonizers and at such times, school attempts to inculcate appreciation for the Philippine that it is a rural place which as a consequence, strengthens the belief of the Filipino that their own country is essentially meant to be an agricultural field. With the English language, people are regarded high and being looked down when using the native language even in their own country. An education system that only produce individual who can read and write is directionless for education should first of all assure national survival. Thus, an education of the Filipino must be a Filipino education that truly educates the Filipino to be a true Filipino.
A lot of thoughts were flashed in my mind as I read the text. As a Filipino who somehow knew about the history of my own country, I can really put myself into the authors’ point of view. It is very observable especially in this generation that most Filipino people tend to look up at alien standards of doing and saying things. Since our country experienced a complete downfall from the hands of the different colonizers, it is not a surprise that all of us were being influenced by them. Even in the field of education, the Philippine also embraced the quality of the system that fits to the quality of the foreign countries. Of all the colonizers who came here in this country, the Americans indeed was the most regarded as the good natured and generous invaders. It is generally true because the Americans did a lot of good things to Filipinos. They introduced their language to us, made the countrymen literate and even provided the Filipino with health medications. These sentiments are good but unknowingly, it made us blind towards our very own country. Educational leaders educates Filipinos who would fit the standard locally and globally hence, bearing in mind that being globally fit is better than to be to be a locally competitive individual because it will be of great admiration for themselves by other people. There are so many professionals today who are absolutely yes, globally equipped but do not embody and possess patriotism.
As a student, I know that there are many fellow students out there who find it difficult to deal with the use of foreign languages. The worse is, if you’re going to use the native language, your statements will become less important to some. I do know and understand that the English language is very useful when it comes to integrating oneself with the world’s progress and advancement but a balance between our own ideals and others should be maintained. They say that the country already gained its liberation and that is a thing that we Filipino should really have to prove. We should not be bounded by the ideas that our country is nothing but a place that is only good for agriculture and that is impossible to be urbanized. I do believe that it might take too long to wait but I am still waiting for the moment where I can hear and see Filipinos everywhere who can stand on both feet embodying the love and compassion for this country. It might not be a mistake to appreciate and embrace the standards of others but we should never leave and forget our own ideals. We may unable to defy the influences of the invaders that were instilled in us, the important thing is that we should never let it defy our love and responsibility for our own country.
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anaomalay · 5 years
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Beauty: A Product of Nature or Nurture?
Defining beauty as being yourself and having a beautiful heart, environment and heredity are both factors in considering what beauty is. In being generous, as for me is a big implication of beauty, it is both affected by the environment one belongs to and how one is shaped by nature or the genes that are transmitted from their parents to their off-springs. I cannot just side to one aspect as to whether beauty is a product of nature or nurture because I knew that a balance in weighing both concepts are truly significant.
I agreed to the side that beauty is a product of environment. People’s inner peace is inevitably affected by the happenings in the society he or she dwells. The character he develops is also a product by the way he was raised. Lucky for those who are strong enough to fight and let their inner goodness outshines the darkness of the surrounding they are in. The way our parents raised us, all of their teachings and words of wisdom, trigger us to be either a beautiful creation or a monstrous being.
When we go outside of our home, the struggles that our environment is facing, also affect the way we treat ourselves and other people. When people appreciates you for who you are, it boosts your level of confidence but when they looked at you with eyes full of hate, they are also digging graves in your heart. It is very difficult to be a beautiful person internally once you belong to a monstrous to society. Hence, environment and hereditary are interconnected.
I also agree to the aspect that beauty is heredity. Heredity that goes beyond the genes of being physically beautiful but goes within the genes that make one a wonderful person. As some philosophers believed that there is always an innate goodness to an individual despite of the way he or she was raised and despite of their exposure to the society. Having a pure heart even though being broken on the inside, is undoubtedly a beautiful characteristic one could ever possess. Time passes by and as they said that people’s heart could change but somewhere out there, there are still individuals who are willing to sacrifice themselves just for the welfare of others. And for me, that is the essence of what beauty is.
Beauty is something that never fades whether it is affected by heredity or environment. Physical attributes won’t last, but the goodness that you have shown to people will always be remembered until the end of times. It is not easy to face the world that is fond of making judgements. But despite all of these, a person with true beauty knows that there is nobody who is worthy enough to make judgements and nobody deserves to be judged for being themselves. Everyone deserves to be loved for everyone possesses beauty that does not just lie on what people can see.
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anaomalay · 5 years
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Understanding Beauty
“There’s a hope that’s waiting for you in the dark, you should know you’re beautiful just the way you are. You don’t have to change a thing, the world could change its heart, no scars to your beautiful, we’re stars and we’re beautiful. -Scars to Your Beautiful by: Alessia Cara
Of all the vast different perceptions of the world about what is beauty, I myself consider beauty as to how it is described in the words of God. Although beauty is depicted by many people through the penetration of images, pictures and concepts in mind, I have discovered a simple way of understanding what beauty really is. Beauty is being yourself, as to what God sees in you.
These days, there are so many people who are blinded by the standards set by people about how one can be classified as beautiful or not. Indeed, beauty is often distorted, misunderstood and is shadowed by a wide views of different opinions. It is sad to realize that your value and worth depends on how one describes your beauty-beauty from the outside. If you have a body to die for, a brain fed up with knowledge, money to buy everything, face that can be a cover photo of the magazine, you are so gorgeous! That’s how people see it. But for me, it may sound cliché, but beauty really comes from within. It is said that one’s beauty should not come from outward adornment but rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quite Spirit which is of great worth in God’s sight (Ist Peter 3:3-4). I truly commend this passage because it perfectly fits my standard of what beauty is. I believe that despite of the ugliness the world sees in you, somewhere in that darkness, in the depth of all cruel definitions the world has given, there is no amount of scars that can make you ugly.
It is undeniable that sometimes I based my perceptions of beauty by people’s outward attributes but deep inside, I am patiently wanting to know them more than what and how they seem to be on the outside. I will never consider someone as beautiful who had an awful character. I know that beauty is something within an individual that will never fades. Beauty from the outside is something that will never lasts. But a heart that is peaceful, forgiving and joyous, is an eternal beauty. People’s physical features, educational attainments, and economical statuses can never compared to a person who is filled with love for God, for other people, and for herself or himself. Being contented and generous are also a beauty for me. Only people who are beautiful inside can do that. I really believe that those people who consider themselves beautiful are strong people amidst of all the definitions set by others. I salute those people who are confident enough to maintain the goodness within themselves no matter how disastrous the world could be. Absolutely, you can only appreciate others by appreciating yourself first.
Fitting into other people’s standards of beauty won’t lead you to a straight path. Your face, size, intellectual capability, talents, popularity, and financial status can’t beat an individual who has inner peace and inner beauty. Always remember that no matter what the society is dictating, we are all unique creations with unique characteristics. Instead of changing your appearance to feel a sense of belonging, find peace within yourself and know that we are all beautifully, wonderfully, and perfectly made by God.
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anaomalay · 5 years
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( A poem written last November 08, 2015)
Witty, beautiful, and numb,
Everytime we argue you make me feel dumb;
Have you ever realized what you've done?
Or knew the reason why I'm gone?
I feel so blue
Without you is a sweet, sorrow,
A bestfriend whom I think I truly knew;
But now, a time for reminiscence is something I want to borrow.
As the first rays of my morning tiptoed through the meadow;
I am thinking about you in my window,
I knew we can't turn back the time,
It's in the past wherein I thought you are a best friend of mine.
I never thought this could happen,
Right now I'm the only one feeling this pain,
Seeing you smile happily with them,
It makes me think, since when did I became your friend?
Here I am wishing you the best in your birthday,
I even woke up early in the morning hoping you'll have a marvelous day!
As you celebrate your day without me,
Please know that I am just here in this corner, waiting for you to smile at me.
Wherever you are someday just know,
I can forget the world that I knew,
But you've been a part of my life so I won't ever forget you😭
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anaomalay · 5 years
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Literary Analysis on Icarus in Catechism Class by Dominador Ilio
The poem entitled Icarus in Catechism Class, a literary piece by Dominador Ilio, a poet and a fiction writer. The mood of the story was somehow similar to the Greek mythology of Daedalus and Icarus, wherein Daedalus was Icarus' father who made wings out of feathers and wax for them to escape from the dark labyrinth where they were being imprisoned. However in this piece, Icarus was a boy imagining to be in a church or attending a catechism class. The poem was written in a free verse form and some literary devices such as imagery, irony, and oxymoron were used by the author to give deeper meanings of the lines and to motivate the reader’s imagination to visualize the characters and scenario more clearly.
In the first line, “Or make us angels all, with dirty feet”, Icarus prayed to God to make him an angel with dirty feet. This was a confusing yet a symbolic line for most angels maybe had clean feet since they can fly instead of just walking down on a dirty ground. But this also showed humbleness of an angel that humankind must also possess. It was followed up with “Without wings, chanting the beatitude.” This line appeared to me as auditory imagery for chanting is saying words many times and is usually loud and rhythmical. However, the line “Without exultation nor thought, counting” had made me pondered that it is ironic for in reality, specifically in religious aspect, when people are chanting, they mostly expresses thanksgivings with great joy. In the line “The silver halos on heads of saints” uses visual imagery and the word “silver” gave an emphasis to the halos on the saints’ head and together with the line “And ignoring the pastels on the stunning stained glass windows” wherein the words “stunning stained” is an oxymoron literary device for a stained glass windows are basically no longer stunning at all; these lines made me thought that Icarus, as the persona of the poem was revolving around the circle of being bored in the place of his imagination for he was just counting the silver halos on the heads of the saints. It seems like he has nothing else to do.
In the second stanza where Icarus mentioned about his father, Daedalus who was scraping the wax of last night’s taper and who spoke about escaping from the labyrinth, gave me a tremendous insight that as a parent, they would always do anything for their child. And in the line “This walled-in wilderness where the black-birds twitter” and “Homilies from the pulpit” both uses visual and auditory imagery. However, the words “walled-in wilderness” could symbolically mean a place or a church in Icarus’ imagination where there were “black-birds” or persons who do not follow what they are preaching about the homilies or moral and religious topics while standing on the pulpit. These “black-birds” could also pertains to the people who keep him and his father imprisoned in the labyrinth and in his imagination, he feels like being inside a church and being inside the labyrinth feels the same.
The last stanza’s lines, “O wait, the noon, and soon the minutes will glibly run, uses the literary device personification for minutes in a clock don’t literally run. Connecting with the line “Into the decades full of women and sinners”, where this correlates to the era in the Bible where a lot of women and sinners were mentioned. Meanwhile the line, “O hour of my death, O let the noon bell ring” could be related to the prayer of Catholics which was the Hail Mary. In this moment, Icarus maybe imagined that it was already a prayer session and it was hot since a noon bell was said by the poet. The last line says, “I want to go home and I want to put on my wings” could mean that Icarus was awakened from his imagination about himself being in a religious scenery and that he wants to go back to the reality where he was in the labyrinth and that he wanted to put on the wings that his father had built. The wings here may also represent the freedom he longs for.
The poem tries to reveal the feeling of the speaker about the world in his imagination which was about a religious setting and his world in reality where he was trapped inside the dark labyrinth. The poet viewed religious context as something that captivated the mind of the speaker. It was mentioned that the black-birds twitter about the homilies from the pulpit and in reality of human nature, some people would inevitably think that preachers often speak things in which they themselves don’t even adhere to their own teachings which is maybe true even nowadays. Thus, being in a religious context is comparable to a person being imprisoned in a labyrinth where there is no freedom at all. Meanwhile, people who went to church are sometimes bored to listen to the preaching being delivered. In the end, the speaker chose to go home despite the fact that he will go back to the labyrinth. The speaker probably chose to go back even if it is his prison cell because in there, his father was making the wings that will serve as the tool for them to gain freedom. Unlike his imagination, in reality, he had a father who can help him to be free.
There was a quote that says, “Man is born free, but everywhere he is in chain.” In life, it is indeed true that we are bound by the norms and standards of the society and that we may think that freedom is nothing but an abstract concept and nothing more. However, just like Icarus’ experience, there are still people whom we can share our downfalls with. Even though there are also people who bring us down, break our bones and tear us into pieces, there are still people who truly love us and are willing to take risks for us as well. His imagination is a mirror to what is actually happening in the world where he is in. The same as humans' imagination either represents how the society works or how they want the society to be.
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anaomalay · 5 years
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In Lexical Category: People What Would You Be?
If people were lexical categories, I would classify them as conjunctions. This lexical category belongs to the closed class classification of morphemes and it includes words that don’t have clear lexical meanings but do serve a functional purpose. Hearing the word “conjunction” may give someone an idea that it doesn’t come with great significance since the other lexical categories are theoretically way more infamous compared to it. In the same way with people’s existence, if you’re not Donald Trump, Albert Einstein, Queen Elizabeth and Bill Gates, other people presumably don’t even know and care about your existence no matter how important and special you are in other aspects. Fact, your name won’t ring a bell. As with conjunctions, an elementary student will surely had an idea about what type of lexical category are the words beautiful and handsome, whereas when asked about the words and, or, and even but they are likely to have difficulty in classifying the words no matter how simple they are. In the same way as to how some people think and give lesser value to small things. One tends to bestow people who are predominant meanwhile others were labelled as insignificance who dwells in obscurity.
However, these people are similar to this lexical category. Regardless of how one thinks less of it, its importance never fades and ceases. As conjunction is defined as the glue that holds words, phrases and clauses (both dependent and independent) together on the other hand, people living in diverse economic statuses with different potentials and capabilities are also glued to each other in the sense that these inequalities of their beings are the concepts that make the world in a state of equilibrium whether they like it or not. One must also take into mind that there are different kinds of conjunctions. These different kinds serve their own, distinct purpose, but are all working to bring words together. Just like people, they have different roles and functions in life but these diverse people together made up society.
The first category of conjunctions is the coordinating conjunctions. These conjunctions join equals to one another either words to words, phrases to phrases, or clauses to clauses. These include the words: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, and so. Likewise when it comes to people, the words rain, sun, air, and death (even though these are not conjunctions in terms of parts of speech), hypothetically these serve as conjunctions in people’s lives for God provided these words to people equally. These words join people together hence, serve as equalizer. Coordinating conjunctions usually form looser connections than other conjunctions do. Example for this are the words and (which makes the ideas very loose), so (makes the ideas loose) and finally the word because (creates a tighter link between the two ideas). Comparatively with people, there are different factors that affect their relationship to one another. Some factors made their positive perception in life to become very loose while others made it tighter. Another similarity is the word for which explains reason or purpose the same as how people live life with both reason and purpose. The word and adds one thing to another just like how other people’s existence add meaning to our lives. The word nor which is used to present an alternative negative idea to an already stated negative idea similarly the moment where people are somehow in deep turmoil and that thinking or suggesting something positive became impossible. The word but shows contrast like how people negates something they don’t agree with. The word or presents an alternative or a choice just as how people have choices in life as well. Meanwhile the word so indicates effect, result or consequence. This is the same to the concept that every decision and action made by people will always bear a consequence.
Another category is the correlative conjunctions. These pairs of conjunctions require equal (parallel) structures after each one. These includes the pairs either… or, neither …nor, both…and, and not only… but also. These concepts both have similarities and differences in dealing with people. It is similar in the aspect of how people deal with life. Truly, some people either face every obstacle in life to survive or just forget everything. When neither you nor other people cheer you up, surely you will end up thinking you are completely alone with no future and hope. People must both understand that life is a battle and a journey. The only way to survive to is to equip themselves with sufficient armoury of endurance, flexibility, and faith to Him. On the contrary, these concepts are different as well when it comes to people because most of the time, parallelism is a concept that is difficult to attain. What people want is not parallel with what people have.
The other category is the conjunctive adverbs. It is a kind of double-duty word that serves the role of both a conjunction and an adverb. It also functions to ease the transition between ideas in a sentence or between sentences. These conjunctions join independent clauses together. It includes the words: after all, as a result, in addition and others. People unquestionably is the same as conjunctive adverb for there is no such person with only one role in life. All people individually play different roles in different contexts. However, people as conjunctive adverb is not the same with the conjunctive adverb as a category of conjunction. If the category conjunctive adverb eases the transition between ideas in a sentence, on the other hand, people with two roles can sometimes not fulfil his other duty unlike the conjunctive adverb which always fulfil its function that is to connect independent clauses together.
The last type of conjunction is the subordinating conjunctions. Subordinating conjunctions also join two clauses together, but in doing so, they make one clause dependent (or "subordinate") upon the other. It includes the words: in order (that), no matter how, even though and others. This is comparable to people that when a person helps someone, consequently there is a big probability that a person who was given aid will become dependent.
The importance of conjunctions lies in the fact that they make any sentence sensible and comprehensible no matter how meaningless they may seem. In the same way with people, even though others seem insignificant still, their existence must be appreciated and must be given care. Moreover, even if conjunctions are important, the superfluous use of it may spoil the thought of the sentence and bear in mind that lexical categories are meant to express ideas clearly not to impress others. Equally with the fact that people or humans are the highest form of creation, however, taking that concept to the extent level may lead to chaos as humans might try to destroy other creations. Therefore, everything should be limited. I have chosen conjunction in classifying people because conjunctions breathe creative life into ones writing by allowing him or her to combine ideas the same with people where connectedness is a must despite the differences they had.
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anaomalay · 5 years
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Photo was taken exactly at 3:37 AM. I am the only one here in the boardinghouse who's still wide awake. I am done editing the advocacy video and yes, thank you so much, Lord. 💕
Later's class will start at 7:30 AM, got two quizzes to take, all in all- hello, six subjects!😅😊😇
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anaomalay · 5 years
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What Everybody Ought to Know About THIS Three-Letter Word
1. Is God concrete or abstract? 2. Is God proper or common? 3. Is God countable or non-countable? 4. Is God singular or plural; collective or compound?
These allowed me to go back in time since these questions were the ones I kept on asking to other people before. Encountering the concepts of science versus religion, evolution versus faith, and theories versus biblical beliefs; the time has finally come for me to pour out my insight and the ideas of others about this. Hence, discovering more about God is an exhilarating task. God himself said that, “Blessed are those who believed without seeing.” (John 20:29) So, is God concrete or abstract?
According to that statement, God is abstract. Abstract noun is something that denotes a quality, concept, idea, or an event that cannot be detected by the five senses. Supported by the verses in the Bible that can be found in the book of John 4: 24, “God is spirit and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and in truth.”
However, others would also take into account that it must not be mistakenly taken that God is just a mere concept that cannot be perceive through the senses because God as it was written in the Bible that God even spoke to His prophets before and even show Himself in their visions and dreams. Yes, those are true. In the book of First Samuel 3:21, God revealed Himself to Samuel through His words since in this chapter, God was calling the boy Samuel who then became a prophet. This is also supported by the Prophet Isaiah’s testimony that can be found in Isaiah 6:1-11. Here, the God showed Himself to Isaiah and talked to him the same as when God talked to Samuel. He walked and talked with Adam and Eve on the Garden of Eden as found in the book of Genesis. Undoubtedly God communicated with the prophets before and this means that God is not just an idea since someone heard Him and that would mean that God is concrete rather abstract.
This is why people continuously argue that God is really concrete on the basis that when God came down to earth to offer salvation, He has a human body as He was called the Son of Man, He was even hurt, He cried (John 11:35), He was weakened (John 19:17), He experienced being parched (John 19:28) and He was crucified. All of these are what a normal person would experience as well. But what made God different? Or how I can stand and take the side that God is abstract?
The flesh was only a vessel for God to dwell with the people since God Himself is a spirit. As written in Colossians 2:9, “For in Him, all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form.” Some people would say that God is concrete for the reasons that He has a human body when He was here on Earth preaching the gospel of the Lord’s kingdom and when He gave us salvation; it is limited that one’s conception about Him should remain abstract. It should not be concrete like God is a specific person or any statue or object that represents Him being the God as He commanded Moses in Exodus 20: 4 that, “You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on earth beneath or in the waters below.” God never grows weary (Isaiah 40:27:31) which is also a proof that the human body or the human characteristics were just a vessel or an instrument. Going back to John 4:24, “God is spirit.” Hence, God has no body, no physical or measurable form. Thus, God is invisible. He became visible in human form, but His essence is invisible. As abstracts words like anger, hope and love are cannot be seen, touch, smell, taste, or hear but definitely one can indicate that a person is angry, hopeful or in love by their actions, words and even their perceptions. However, you can’t see what anger really is for it is an abstract concept. Just like in God, you can say that a person is God-fearing if he abides in the laws and commandments of God. You can feel God’s presence to a Holy Spirit filled person but you don’t see God with him concretely. Therefore, saying that God is concrete only refers to a physical representation of a god, a statue or an idol not the God who is the Creator of all things in the perception of Christians. Hence, God is abstract.
Is God proper or common?
By the rules of identifying a noun into either proper noun or common noun, the word God is a sufficient evidence that this refers to a proper noun. When one is using the word God, that denotes a proper noun but when one is using god, that is a common noun. The reason for this is that in monotheistic believers there is only one God hence, it became a proper noun unlike in polytheistic believers they have multiple gods and that explains why they uses god instead of God. Even in using the possessive pronoun His and the reflexive pronoun Himself are capitalized when one is referring to God.
Is God countable or non-countable?
In English grammar, countable nouns are anything that can be counted while uncountable nouns are anything that cannot be counted. For me, there is no way to measure God. But if being torn between God is countable or not, as a Christian, I have one God and if that makes God countable in that sense, then be it.
Is God singular or plural, collective or compound?
God is singular. It was written in the book of John chapter 10 verse 30, “I and My Father are one.” The rule of plural in noun is something that I cannot apply in this aspect. I can truly say that God is singular as also written in Deuteronomy 6:4, “Hear, O, Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is One. I am a Christian and this is my stand.
These point of views may differ from yours but that’s a big OKAY. This is how I perceived God. Regardless of everything, may ones understanding and faith to God continues to increase.
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anaomalay · 5 years
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Staring at their work while wishing that I could paint something like that. But when Moana's Mom said, "Sometimes who we wish we were, what we wish we could do, it's not just meant to be." Man, I truly felt that. 😢
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Sad? Nah, I'll just do something different in my life.
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anaomalay · 5 years
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"We’re all going to keep fighting, Harry. You know that?"
— Neville Longbottom, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
"You are going to keep fighting, self. You know that!"
-Ana Marie Omalay, First Two Months in the Past Semester
Me to my brother: Crying right now. Haven't gone home for almost two months.
Him: Never been at home for two years.
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The feeling was something like I've been hit like that.
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