spruce was stunned by the kiss in your name. he sat there for 10 seconds before snorting and starting to run around lmao-
AWWWWWWW I'm so glad !!!!!!!! He seems so cute!! What a little guy ^^
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does mandela have the resources for transitioning or did you have to go to bythorne for that?
Yeah, we did end up going to Bythorne. Mrs Torres actually was able to get me on T pretty early, since she's a doctor y'know. Definitely illegal, but it's not like my parents care about what I WANT anyway... I got top surgery right after we moved out here for college.
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what are some things you fear, mark & Cesar? is there anything you avoid with immense paranoia?
Well, like most people I fear the demons trying to kill me. Why do you think we left Mandela County so fast? I'm actually uh.. very paranoid. Got a diagnosed condition n such. So really, a lot of things. Social events are a big one too, if I had to pick.
I don't really.. feel fear in the sense of the way humans understand. It's hard to explain, I do feel fear but it's.. different. Most of what I worry about is my family, I have to keep them safe, y'know? I also tend to avoid uhm.. religious areas. If that. Makes sense.
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hey mark, how did you find out Cesar was an alternate? how'd you react??
That's a.. very.... I don't want to go into what happened leading up to it but.. I had thought he was dead. I was positive of it actually, and I was positive I was going to die too.. then he came in and saved me. Took me a little bit to realize it WAS him, but once I did we got the hell out of there.
Didn't change a thing about our relationship though, he's still my brother.
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I am being perceived
Ohhh.. how sweet... Kiss them a smooch for me.. if that's allowed of course
(please don't kiss a bear)
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i fell asleep and now the bear children r asleep on me and i cannot move because
mama bear wrath
cat, now bear, law
Understandable way to go out, I pray for your legs should they fall asleep. At least they're cute !!!!
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is it HERESY?
HWJ?? last. Last time I saw the PSA that was not what it said. Did. Did they change it??????????
I hope so, that's so funny
How. How is that helping anyone???
Think like an alternate to beat an alternate
I- ok. Yeah. Fair.
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Yeah, but if alternates decided to be cats instead of people, you and Mark might not have met
Yeah, you have a point, but the world would be a much happier place now.... Mark would be a much happier person.. oh well!!! What happened happened !
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mark you should be more transsexual. follow the THINK principle
I AM a transsexual I'm already doing as much a i- what.
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hey mark, what happened with your parents?
... nothing, really. They never really cared for me. Just got worse when I came out and transitioned. Mrs Torres is more of a parent to me than they ever will be.
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thoughts on physics and related subjects like statistics?
Worst classes ever. Makes me wish I was back trapped in my ro-
Ok ok, sorry sorry! But for real, I hate them.
.... I don't mind them. Math comes naturally to me
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Bristle (mama bear), Spruce (eyes child), Mangrove (scale child) and me hihi :]]]]]]
OHHH!!!!!!!! they're so cute.... Glad too see I could help with the names !!!!!!!!!! They look so polite :]
Yeah.. those are definitely alternates...
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A gougar tried to eat me two weeks ago. Ah, memories✨
You people scare me. What happens if one appear on campus when I'm going to class. What the fuck do I do
Don't worry, I'll protect you
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gougars are fucking rude. they stole my fucking garlic bread :[
and tried to eat my brother but that's less hurtful
THEY WHAG????????????????????
Oh, yeah that sounds annoying. Sorry about your bread
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Don’t your parents call, Mark?
...... No. They don't.
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It’s a gougar Mark. Were you not paying attention???
Whuh?????????????????? That doesntnr..... That doesn't explain what that is. I'm so confused. Forgive me lord but what in gods name is a fucking gougar
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update, the bear is back and it- she brought her also winged children.
i think one has gills, and the other has four glowing eyes.
also i think i've been added to a family or something because the mama bear brought me to the field and is literally just letting me chill on her side while her kids try and eat my crocs
this is not how i thought my day would go but i'm not really complaining. might draw them later.. ooo maybe i should find names..
OOOOOHHH I'D LOVE TO SEE PHOTOS!!!! you should name the babies after trees.. spruce and oak or something... That sounds cute...
I'm glad you're safe, I'd be scared shitless in your place
I wouldn't! I'd train them to attack people
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