amyuca · 5 years
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I designed two t - shirts, one grey and one burgundy with a quote on which represented the theme of my brand: “live simply, love well.” These would be sold within the brand 
The t - shirts are made from organic cotton jersey and are therefore environmentally sustainable. 
I also designed two tote bags with the same quote, these would also be sold in the store, in an attempt to encourage people to use ‘bags for life’ instead of single use plastic. 
This allows an extension of marketing through merchandise whilst also benefitting the environment. 
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amyuca · 5 years
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Illustrating experiments
Using photoshop, I experimented with different techniques; such as using the brush tool to create outlines and draw patterns around the image. I also decided to digitally draw some of the clothing back onto the image; this created a different feel to the images. Although some of the outcomes were successful within this technique, they didn’t match the aesthetic of my brand as well as I would have liked and therefore wont be using this technique of illustration within my publication as I want to keep the minimal aesthetic throughout. 
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amyuca · 5 years
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amyuca · 5 years
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amyuca · 5 years
Styling and photography
I also chose separate locations with different models to add variety within the outfits and settings for the photoshoots. 
I chose to use two models and shoot inside against white walls to strip back the location and really focus solely on the styling for the brand.
I also then decided to use different models and shoot outside against a brown fence. This, although still minimal in location and styling, added interest and created a different feel to the images.
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amyuca · 5 years
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amyuca · 5 years
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amyuca · 5 years
Styling and photography
When i was planning for the different photoshoots within my project, I wanted to choose outfits which represented the theme of my brand and therefore were simple and could be accessorised with minimal jewellery. I mainly chose neutral colours such as beige, white, black and grey. I also then chose gold and silver jewellery to accessorise and add to the minimalist aesthetic. 
I am happy with the outcome of the images as they effectively represent the theme of my brand.  
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amyuca · 5 years
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amyuca · 5 years
live simply, love well
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amyuca · 5 years
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amyuca · 5 years
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I explored different logo designs for my brand: simpliciT. I initially hand drew the design and then digitally created it to allow a more professional outcome. 
I also created a manifesto which was an effective way of summarising the ethos of my brand; by describing the topic as well as representing the aesthetic 
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amyuca · 5 years
Minimalism is all about living with less and getting rid of things which don’t benefit you. It results in having a simple lifestyle with items which bring something to your life. A minimalist lifestyle can extend from having a wardrobe filled with items which you feel a specific connection with to having a tidy home with less clutter. Although minimalism is a current design trend as people have started to get rid of their unwanted possessions and reduce the number of items they own to have a simpler lifestyle; minimalism actually originated back in the early 20th century and was heavily prominent in the 1960’s and 1970’s as artists moved away from expressionism and towards simpler designs.
My main source of inspiration for this project originated from the different brands which I looked into such as &OtherStories, Oliver Bonas and the H&M Conscious Range as they all feature elements of sustainability, simplicity and minimalism and are brands that I want to have a similar aesthetic to in terms of the ethos of the brand as well as the type of products my brand would design. I was also inspired by the Marie Kondo series on Netflix that looked at a method of decluttering and having a more minimalist lifestyle called the “KonMari” method which looks at only keeping items which ‘spark joy.’
I aim to create a brand with a demographic of 18-25 year olds that has a minimalist aesthetic. The brand will sell homeware, jewellery and clothing. I will design the logo, labelling and packaging as well as looking into the business side of branding by considering how the brand could be marketed as well as designing business cards in order to promote the brand. After I have designed the brand itself, I want to create a catalogue which would include photoshoots of the type of jewellery, garments and homeware I would sell within my brand. The catalogue would be a form of promotion which would be released every season and handed out within the store in order to allow consumers to see the products that are being sold within the store. I would also create a type of consumer ‘stall’ similar to a ‘pop up shop’ in order to allow a small and independent brand to be immersed within the industry. I would therefore display the products such as jewellery and garments within this and set it up as if it were a shop.
I will show the process of this project through my sketchbook using imagery and research methods to show how I will get to the end product. My photoshoots will be displayed in my sketchbook as well as any work which I create myself to help progress my project. I will also then be using a journal to allow me to reflect on the work which I do such as photoshoots and visual collages to identify what went well as well as what I can do to help move my project along. I also aim to make weekly targets to help me to gain a successful outcome for my project. I will also create a blog to display initial concept ideas, photoshoots, planning and written work in a more professional way.
I want to develop my InDesign skills as well as extend my photography, styling and practical skills within this project.
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amyuca · 5 years
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Visual research 
I used imagery which closely matched the aesthetic of my brand such as homeware, jewellery and fashion. I also used colour swatches which i incorporated within the mood boards.
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amyuca · 5 years
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I aim to create a brand that focuses on minimalism and living simply. As I explored sustainability in a previous project, I am interested in exploring an expansion of the subject, specifically that of minimalism and reducing waste on a broader spectrum and use this as a theme for my brand. The brand would aim to sell homeware, clothing and jewellery. I am interested particularly in the concept of exploring branding on a more business orientated level as this is something that I want to study at university. I would include information about the marketing, merchandising and finance and include this within the branding. In addition to creating a brand, I would design a magazine, which would promote and advertise the brand. This would then allow me to extend my InDesign skills and explore magazine production in more detail. Additionally, I would create a pop up consumer experience which would allow me to present the work I design for the brand in a unique way and potentially attract the consumer. I obtained inspiration from the existing brands Oliver Bonas, Olive&Frank and The Whimsy People. I intend to record the development of the project through target setting in order to show the process from how I got from my initial concepts to the final project. The progress of the work will be recorded in my evaluations, sketchbook, developmental work and my blog.
I researched specifically into the history and the origin of minimalism. I found out that it originated in the 20th century and specific movements such as the ‘modern’ and ‘minimalist art’ have resulted in minimalism being such as key feature within the design world. I also researched further into different perspectives and looked at minimalism from a variety of different angles such as fine art, advertising and graphic communication; this helped me to see minimalism in a different way and how it isn’t just prominent within homeware and fashion design and how minimalism is used as a design trends within other areas and not just within branding.
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