amyd33-blog1 · 7 years
Trump...A True American Tragedy
Next to 9/11.01 we should all remember 11/9/16, it’s the date when America changed forever with the election of Donald J. Trump. Here it is almost a year later and this democracy is coming apart at the seams because of one man and his administration’s crooked/corrupt agenda. It’s a truly scary time to be an American, I wonder if we are feeling how they did back in the late 1790s when we were just beginning to flourish as a nation. Still hindered by the foreign powers like Great Britain and France. They wanted to topple our new federal government and they nearly succeeded but a few brave men fought to protect and preserve our nation. Who’s doing that now? Bob Corker, Ben Sasse, maybe John McCain?!? You have to ask yourself why the Republicans in both the House and Senate have enabled Trump for this long. I applaud the few brave souls that are standing up to Trump but the thing is there needs to be more and more. This guy needs to be put out of office and stat, either impeach the guy or throw the 25th Amendment at the guy. Either way something needs to be done sooner rather than later for the sake of the survival of this nation.
It’s been almost two weeks since the horrific event in the Las Vegas where a madman in a 32nd floor hotel room massacred 58 people and injured hundreds of others. When I woke up that Monday morning and saw the headlines, my first thought was how in the world has this happened again? We are the only country in the world where you hear and witness these horrendous mass shootings. That is because our gun control laws are all out of whack. The gunman had over 40 assault weapons purchased legally, why on Earth who anyone need that many weapons? How did nobody notice that he had that stockpile? We may never know the reason why he murdered those people. For Republicans and the stupid National Rifle Association just put their hands up and go it’s not the time to talk about it, its absurd! How many more innocent Americans have to died before they realize that 2nd Amendment is a bullshit reason to back civilians to have stockpiles of weapons of mass murder. I am for people to have guns to provide security for themselves and for those who like to hunt. But no one and I repeat NO ONE should accumulate as many weapons as this man did! No one outside the military and law enforcement should be able to get a hold of assault rifles period! Even a couple gun enthusiasts that were at the concert that claimed all those lives said that experience changed him since he realized his simple small gun was no match for the barrage of gunfire. There is still questions in my mind of how the gunman could fire for that long and not be stopped for nearly ten minutes. I hope for the sake of the families and the victims that answers to this tragedy will come about. Don’t think we will be able to prevent another mass shooting since no one seems to have the real courage to do anything. Why can’t we be like Australia when they had a mass shooting years ago they changed gun laws and there hasn’t been a mass shooting since. There is got to be a way to curb the overflowing violence in this country. Doesn’t help that the person that occupies the White House and his dumb and dumber sons are big I love guns types. The NRA is so entrenched in the Republican party there is no way to tell the two apart. Both are conservative and I believe dangerous to the country. The NRA and other gun right groups enable the violence to continue in this country. The 2nd Amendment gives us the right to bear arms but doesn’t permit the continued deaths of countless people. The Founding Fathers wrote that amendment to help fend off Indians and other foes back in those days not to use to protect the rights of a man who shot out of a hotel room and massacred countless people. The Founding Father’s would be appalled at the grotesque way the Constitution is being interpreted.
The next American tragedy is the situation that is occurring in Puerto Rico, so many American citizens are dying because Trump don’t give a flying fuck about anyone else but himself. Anyone see him go to Puerto Rico and throw paper towel rolls like they were a basketball. He has absolutely no empathy whatsoever. He didn’t even go and tour the real devastation he just walked around a higher end neighborhood that wasn’t hit hard. He continues to pick fights with the mayor of San Juan, is it because she is democrat or because she’s a woman?!? Who knows probably is both. That poor woman is begging for help and Trump is pretty much constantly laughing in her face and in the faces of all those souls all over that island. We do also forget about the other American citizens on other Caribbean islands impacted by Irma and/or Maria. Where is the compassion not just coming from Trump but everyone in his administration? They are saying they are doing a lot but still a good chunk of Puerto Rico doesn’t have running water or power. It’s been nearly 3 weeks since the hurricane hit and their seems to next to no progress being made. And just yesterday Trump threatened that FEMA won’t be on Puerto Rico forever, he just thinking of the cost of this catastrophe instead of the human lives being lost because of ignorant stupidity. Luckily other nations and the everyday Americans are trying to help the people of Puerto Rico get back on it’s feet. After this I wouldn’t blame the people of Puerto Rico to want their independence I know the idea has been bounced around before but now they have more than enough merit to want it. 
Trump is a moron has been the story of past week or so, no one denies it and everyone knows it. He is a moron and is unhinged. Rex Tillerson has no power being Secretary of State because Trump undermines him left and right. We are on the brink of nuclear war with North Korea and probably after today with Iran because Trump can’t keep his mouth shut and opinions off Twitter. Bob Corker is right Trump is leading us right into World War 3 if we don’t handle the situation. It’s beyond frightening to think the power that demented man has with control over the nuclear codes. You have to wonder what is going on in that insane man mind. Our allies are probably holding their collective breaths and praying that Trump don’t destroy North Korea and world peace in one fatal move. None of his cabinet members want war like General Kelly his Chief of Staff and General Mattis at the Pentagon. But with Trump he’s a one man show, as he says his opinion is what matters most it’s like scary. You have to laugh each time Trump says that America is getting the long needed respect of world. It’s the complete opposite everyone is scared of what that man is going to do they have no respect for us. Can’t blame them, somehow someway this monster of man won the Oval Office. 
But Steve Bannon who is back at Breibart and not in the White House anymore not like it really makes a difference. He is dangerous no matter where he is because his words and ideas get out. He even says there is 70 percent chance that Trump won’t complete his term. We can only hope that he is right because damage Trump and his administration is inflicting on us is daily. He attacks everyone woman’s reproductive rights, the rights of dreamers, the rights of getting healthcare, and rights of justice. He don’t believe in any of those things. He just wants to destroy anything that has Barack Obama’s name and legacy on it. He’s been a thorn in Obama’s side since he the birther issue and now he is trying to discredit him. I feel bad for Obama got to heart wrenching to see how the America he worked so hard to bring hope to is being destroyed by just the opposite hate. How did we go from wanting hope to combating hate? It’s a reasoning I’ll be curious to know in the years and decades to come. We just got to hope and pray there will be a Constitution and country left after all that is happening. Our country has pulled through many of crises but this is our biggest fight yet!
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amyd33-blog1 · 7 years
Trump’s Cabinet is the 3 C’s Corrupt, Crooked, and Clueless
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I just got done reading a book called The Petticoat Affair by John F. Marszalek, it’s about Andrew Jackson defending a wife of one his cabinet secretaries John Eaton. Margaret Eaton was a wronged woman and was scorned the snubbed but Washington society because she was not like the norms of woman of that time. Jackson took a stand in trying to make that society of men and women to be cordial to Mrs. Eaton. He eventually either made the men of his cabinet resign or fired them because the scandal was that large. Can you compare that affair of cabinet to what we have going on now? No there is no comparison to what happened then to what is happening right in front of our eyes. Those men like Martin Van Buren, John Eaton, and John Branch all had qualifications to be in that office Jackson named them too. None of the men in the cabinet that Trump has appointed have any business being the secretary of some of the most important agencies in the land. I have little respect for Jim Mattis Secretary of Defense, John Kelly Chief of Staff, and H.R McMaster National Security Adviser. But I have absolutely no respect for Jeff Sessions Attorney General, Rex Tillerson Secretary of State, Steve Mnuchin Treasury Secretary, Tom Price Secretary of Health and Human Services, and lastly Scott Pruitt Environmental Protection Agency. There is a few others I haven’t named but they all deserve to be in the same bracket. The ones I named are the ones you hear the most about and it’s never for the good they do through their agencies. It’s for their corruption and inapt ability to do the job they are supposed to do. But that starts at the top with Trump, over 60% of people think he is unfit to be president but that was about the number last year during the election and he still won. The main three that I have a little respect and some kudos for is just for the fact they are probably saving the country from more of a disaster of Trump’s making. But how they can continue to try to make that cheeto understand what he needs to do is beyond me? He’s a 70 year old man that won’t change his ways because he thinks he is above it all. His ego is what is biggest on him, praising himself for just about anything he does. Jeff Session is a dangerous man in my eyes he is undoing so much legislation to protect people for injustices. He don’t care about the Constitution or the rule of law he thinks he is above it and he knows the Constitution better than we do. He’s one of those men who takes that whole Christian view of the Constitution and twists it to his will to defend his actions no matter how bad. He against this and that but it says in the bible to love your neighbor like yourself. Are you doing that sir, uh that is a hell no. Rex Tillerson what on earth merited him to become the face of foreign diplomacy? Absolutely being the CEO of Exxon and being friends with Vladmir Putin has nothing to do with the job he’s supposed to do. He’s not even doing his job, he was barely there during the United Nations only saw him when Trump gave his patheic speech. He didn’t walk in with him that was Nikki Haley the ambassador to the UN. She’s more the face and the voice of the State Department than Tillerson is. He barely says a word and doesn’t even have press conferences like the department is supposed to. He’s for gutting the State department eliminating countless jobs on top of all the ones that are not filled right now. We don’t have a State Department right now it’s in shambles. How can we act accordingly especially to places like North Korea and Iran just to name a couple. When there isn’t ambassadors to many of the key nations too. We can lead if we don’t have the manpower. Trump wants to cut funding to the State Department too what does that tell you? That he cares absolutely nothing about our foreign image. What would we give to have a secretary like Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice, or Hillary Clinton in there. Gosh the world and our sanity as a nation would be better. Steve Mnuchin our Treasury Department secretary, a rich guy running away with goodness knows how much of our tax dollars. Does any trust that weasel? He tried to get us the American tax payer to pay for a luxury jet to take his new bride on their European honeymoon. Like they can’t afford it on their own? Then again they used another government jet to take their luxurious selves to Kentucky to watch the eclipse. Mnuchin said he was doing some type of government work, but what the real travesty is what his wife did. She got off that jet that we probably paid for and hashtagged all the high end brand names that she had on her. Can you get anymore snobby?!? Mnuchin also likes to be on all the Sunday shows and defend his boss. He looks and sounds like a utter fool. He was repeating the bologna about NFL players having to stand for the national anthem, my thought is why the heck would anyone listen to the Treasury Secretary about something like that? Tom Price the head of Health and Human Services, what kind of service is he giving us the American people? A shitty service, who jets around raking up unheard bills to do his job? He is spending the most from what I am hearing, making us pay for a jet to take him to and from Philadelphia. Philly and DC isn’t that far apart how about you get into a car and drive it uh? That and his butt should be down in Puerto Rico helping those Americans down there, that is health and human service catastrophe that continues to get worse with each passing day. He should be doing more things then defending his greedy self. What gets me about him is when he was congressman from Georgia he preached about administration people wasting tax dollars. What the hell do you call what you are doing pal?!? He wants to show off to the other cabinet members since he isn’t a multi-millionaire like many of them are. Lastly I am going to talk about Scott Pruitt the man who believes climate change is a hoax that is now running the EPA. How in heaven’s green earth did the Senate let this guy pass through? He is a crook, they all are but he is about the worse. He made it a passion to use the EPA when he was back in Oklahoma as attorney general. I think Trump thought since he sued the EPA so much he should run it, dumb reason! He knows nothing about the job he is assigned to do and I personally think he thinks little of the environment. Plus he’s just like Mnuchin and Price using a jet and sticking to us the taxpayer to foot the bill. He jets back to Oklahoma because rumor is that he is preparing to run for the governorship of Oklahoma. God help them if they elect him, but it will be good riddance once he is no longer the head of the EPA. The loyal and hardworking employees of EPA will breathe a sigh of relief if that happens too. Got to be hard on them to work for a man or a administration where those people don’t take what they probably spent a lifetime doing and believing in. That their work is unimportant or worse yet a lie. What is a lie is this entire administration from the top on down. Trump continues to lie all the time, now about tax reform. It’s not tax reform it is putting more money into the pockets of snobby scum like him. What he is proposing isn’t the middle class miracle it will be a middle class disaster but we can breathe a little easier since I don’t think it will make it through Congress. There is enough sane minds in it to see reform for what it is a joke. Don’t think this Congress will get a ounce of legislation done because they aren’t working together. They should work together in impeaching Trump, hopefully that starts soon. So not only can we say goodbye to Trump but to his cabinet too. Because not a one of them will stay if Trump goes. I don’t think anyone is safe in that administration from Robert Mueller’s investigation and what Trump and they do just adds to list of wrongdoings. Trump and rest of his flock will continue to be corrupt, crooked, and clueless until we hold them all accountable. 
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amyd33-blog1 · 7 years
You Can’t Fire the American People!!
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Here I am writing another blog about the cheeto in chief. Cannot believe nobody in Congress is doing anything to try and out this guy out of the Oval Office. Everyone is just up in arms (at the least the people that didn’t vote or continue to follow this clown) over why this man is commander in-chief. He’s a piss poor commander at best, the North Koreans think that we have declared war on them because of Trump’s idiotic tweets. He might want to declare war on them but the rest of the country does not minus the stupid Republicans. I saw a graphic today of the percentage of Republican voters that think Trump is doing a good job. It’s literally a good God moment, are we that divided about something that is terrible like war? My view is this all those who favor in us getting into military action have all those who support this dumbshit move be the first to go over there and fight. I have way too many military connections for me to feel comfortable with going into a war without merits. Yes, I do agree we do need to defend ourselves if Korea or whoever else attack us but Trump is like daring North Korea to do the inevitable. We should defend our allies (or what we have left of them) but the only reason we are in this mess is because of one man Trump Trump plays right into their hands, they want to make us look bad/weak like Russia does and divided to boot. And the sad part is that it’s working the amount of division and the ignorance to just plain human decency is just astonishing. We forget that we all are held together by the Constitution that we all have rights. Even though Trump and his ridiculous attorney general Jeff Sessions think otherwise. Session’s judicial department wants to crack down on college protests and their free speech. What is this 1960s?!? Every single member of Trump’s cabinet are wackos and dangerous. They know nothing about the Constitution or our rights as American citizens. They go by pleasing their stupid boss and care nothing for us. This includes the members of the Republican controlled  Senate (minus McCain and Collins) having disabled people arrested for voicing their opinions during the lackluster hearing they had. They were trying to kill Obamacare for like millionth time and yet again they couldn’t pull it off. Don’t think the majority of those stupid Republicans will ever learn that you can’t repeal the Affordable Care Act because too many of us like it and it’s a mean of life and death for many more. Where is the humanity? What did those senators feel like when they ordered the arrests of those people that were in wheelchairs? They were carried out like animals it was truly disturbing. Those members need to take a good look at themselves in the mirror tonight and decide do you want to be a human being? Since Trump’s been our political lives common sense and decency just seems to have fallen by the wayside. Even when millions of our American citizens are begging for help Trump goes and bad mouths them. Reminding Puerto Rico that they owed millions and their infrastructure stunk. How dare he!! I saw that trio of tweets last night and was aghast. For him to say this in a time like this when many of those poor people on that island are dying is just unforgivable. Trump continues to make me sick to my stomach the utterance ignorance of having no compassion whatsoever. He says he’s going down there to see the damage if I was them I would just boo him as soon as he got off Air Force One. He don’t deserve applause for that remark and his poor attempts in helping. It’s too little too late. 
And he’s still going after the NFL today, he won’t let it go. He won’t stop til he gets what he wants and it won’t happen. He says ratings are down for tuning into games but they really aren’t. I just feel bad for the Pittsburgh Steelers and the overreaction of many of my fellow Pittsburghers. The amount of animosity being thrown at the team and the organization is just insane. I stand with my Steelers on what they did on Sunday, they were damned if they did and damned if they didn’t there was no winning solution that day. They aren’t the only team that didn’t take the field either the Titans and Seahawks didn’t either. But I don’t seem to see the same blowback on them that the Steelers are getting. The visual was bad with the one guy who was a Army Ranger standing alone during the anthem but if you see the right picture you will see the rest of the Steelers squad behind him further back in the tunnel. Calling the Steelers or any member of the NFL unpatriotic is just absurd. Trump took something peaceful like trying to bring awareness to police violence towards African Americans and turned it into are you patriotic. Do any of us when the anthem is played at home stand and salute it? The answer is no, I saw a statement today that sums up my feelings. It goes “Thinking NFL players are ‘protesting the flag’ is like thinking Rosa Parks was protesting public transportation.” People have been taking knees for a long time all the way back to Martin Luther King Jr. Trump has turned that into something unAmerican and it’s beyond unfair. 
As the cartoon I posted with this blog, our liberties are being fired because of one man Donald J. Trump. He is testing our reserve to be true patriots and to defend what James Madison and countless others sat in a hot hall to write and perfect. The CONSTITUTION!!  Our country and Constitution will endure because we and it is stronger than Trump. He can’t fire us the American people. We elected to that office and once we get some people into Congress we will be the ones who fire you!!
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amyd33-blog1 · 7 years
A Weekend Full of Trump Triades...We All Have Had ENOUGH!!
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I couldn’t find the cartoon that got me this weekend. It was a cartoon of Lady Liberty kneeling down and it spoke to the moment we all have been in this weekend. In the words of Mike Barnicle on Morning Joe it was a depressing weekend. Instead of focusing on helping those in Texas, Florida, US Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico we were all distracted by the cheeto in chief. Him yet again throwing red meat to his stupid base on Friday night. I had a feeling it was going to be a bad speech since it was down there in the middle of Alabama, but never did I think it be this avalanche of division. We in this country are so used to a president uniting us but now we got Donald Trump who’s sole purpose is to feed the the divisions and hatred in this country. It’s truly sickening that he called a NFL player a son of a bitch, and said anyone kneeling during the national anthem should be fired. We all have rights guaranteed to us through the Constitution something I know Trump has never read and really doubt any of the members of Republican caucus has in Congress. Everytime Trump does something like this he is spitting on the Constitution and not upholding the oath he took. He does it daily not uploading his duties and what is the excuse that he is new at politics, I am beyond sick of that excuse. He is not a moral man! Stoking the fires of all this racial injustice is just making things in this country worse and those in other countries see it and they don’t want to come here since they don’t think the United States is stable. That statement should frighten just about anyone in that Congress they are the only ones that can save us from Trump’s tyranny. That I would love to know when Trump voters are going to realize they voted and are supporting a traitor?!? That is what Trump is a traitor him and most of his family because they have to know that he colluded with Russia. How do we know that Melania Trump isn’t a Russian spy? 
We couldn’t even get through watching football yesterday without a good dose of politics. But the NFL and its players had a right to express their disdain on the man that has no business whatsoever telling them what they should or shouldn’t do. It’s not even up to the owners of the teams, which a lot of them stood in solidarity with their players on the sidelines. The Pittsburgh Steelers did one better they stayed in the tunnel during the national anthem to take away the distraction of who was or wasn’t kneeling they had the right idea. It wasn’t til a few years ago that the NFL enforced that players had to come out during the anthem. I don’t think anyone of them or the Pittsburgh Steelers were disrespectful but so many have blown things way out of proportion. Trump even said boycott the NFL, I bet you any amount of money that Heinz Field and countless other NFL stadiums will continue to be sold out for the weeks to come. Seeing my fellow Pittsburghers burning their football jerseys in protest was a little much, as I see it you are burning about 200 bucks. I think everyone’s rights are being attacked not just by Trump but by the low morals people seem to have these days. One can’t have a opinion and even when they have the courage to express they are attacked. That is what Trump does he attacks everything and everyone that isn’t agreeable to him. Instead of hearing the other side of the story or differing point of view he just slams the door. He is a dotard what the North Korean leader called him, he is a old grumpy racist man. There is no doubt of that. I love the part when Lebron James of the Cleveland Cavaliers called Trump a bum, seeing the outrage as ugly as it was showed me there is still enough people that want to fight for what’s right. Trump’s White House is a three ringed circus that never seems to stay in the tent. They are all corrupt from the top down, they all need to be fired not the players on NFL teams. The players, owners, and even the fans are showing Trump he cannot control us. The ones that are standing up for him are just as messed up in the head. When the Trump administration explodes and is no more maybe then just maybe we might get a calm. 
It’s a stormy time in American history right now, like other crises we shall overcome. But what is scarier about this time is the unpredictable of one man who has control over nuclear weapons. Who’s in a war or words with one of the most unstable leaders of the world in Kim Jong Un. Having Trump and Jong Un duking it out might lead to North Korea firing a missile at it. Trump says we are protected, I believe that like a hole in a head. I don’t trust a damn word that comes out of his mouth. We might end up in world war three because he don’t know how to stop pushing other countries buttons. He signed a executive order in banning more people entering the United States. Countries like Chad, Libya, Venezuela,and North Korea the only one in that list I get is North Korea but their people can’t leave if they wanted to they are pretty trapped in that half of a peninsula. But countries that should be on the list like countries like Qatar and Saudi Arabia aren’t that makes no sense. Saudi Arabia had the largest concentration of terrorists that attacked us on 9/11. The dumb administration seems to forget that all because precious Trump has a hotel there. 
Now finding out today that Jared Kushner used a private email to send things during his time in the White House. It’s truly a haha moment, the stupid Trump harped all over Hillary Clinton over her emails when she was secretary of state. Now to find out his kiss up son in-law was doing it to, shows how incompetent anyone in that White House is. Didn’t you learn anything from 2016, that if you use a private email for governmental work the press is going to rat you out to us the people?!? If Trump gives Kushner a pardon or anyone that is in his Oval Office will just show how guilty he is. There is no doubt of Trump’s guilt in the collusion with Russia and who the heck knows is he still helping the Russians in the someway. When Trump is impeached we should send him and his family all to Russia/Kremlin that’s where they belong anyway.
We can only hope that this time of strife is only temporary. That the damage that Trump is inflicting on our country and society isn’t permanent. With his election it has awakened this dark and divisive countenance we have been fighting since the founding days of our nation. That we the white people are the superior race. But we should and are a nation of all races, unless you are Native American we all have come from somewhere else. We tend to forget that when we have someone that bullies us around like Trump does.’
Also we need to remember to think, pray, and give to the charities that are trying to save people's lives in the Caribbean. Including Puerto Rico we often forget that they are American citizens too so they need to be remembered and helped. Trump pays no attention to them but we as a nation cannot!!
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amyd33-blog1 · 7 years
Trump and Russia...NOT FAKE NEWS!!
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Today is the first day of fall, I am also hoping it also the beginning of the fall of the "presidency" of Donald J. Trump. The ties between him and his campaign continue to show and broaden. Thankfully Robert Mueller is doing a incredible getting the facts, even with the White House and various Republican members of Congress trying their hardest to try and distract or hide information. The ties with Russia is staring all us in the face, new things spring up almost daily. What does Trump say about it, that it's fake news. The ignorant piece of crap he cares nothing about the invasion of our sovereignty wasn't that all the orange cheeto was talking about in his UN speech? Anyone watch that, and not feel absolutely sick and scared for our country. Trump and the North Korean leader are like two middle schoolers in a fight. It's disturbing and beyond childish, I like what Mika on Morning Joe said this morning "please grow up, you're a 70 year old man". We are going to end up in another war if Trump can't keep his mouth shut. I loved the pictures of the chief of staff John Kelly having his head in his hands. There is no hope for that man Mr. Kelly you better get out before the roof collapses in the White House. Everyone in that White House I think is compromised by Russia because next to no one says anything about the invasion. But what happens if Trump is impeached and Pence is too, then what? We should have another election but that probably won't happen. We just need a do over election period. We find new ways that Russia meddled in our election in the ads on Facebook to having Trump's campaign adviser give information. We all know Paul Manafort is a crook and traitor to his country, he shouldn't be allowed to call himself a American. He's betrayed numerous times, he always is in the middle of a country in crises and taking the opposite side that America is on. What does that tell you? That Mr. Manafort cares nothing about the country that borne him. It's disgusting, he's about the only other person that makes me more sick to my stomach then Trump does. What I really can't stand is the members in the GOP trying to mess up the special investigation. I am talking about Sen Grassley for one he sends a subpoena for FBI agents to come and testify in front of the Senate when the Judiciary department already said no. Because it will interfere with Mueller's ongoing investigation, that is a valid reason to back off. But a lot of GOP would rather be investigated Hillary Clinton some more over the pesky emails. That don't matter next to having our national security breached. National security used to mean something with Trump and the rest of GOP just don't seem to care, you have to ask yourself why? I don't think they know why they don't give a flying frig about it. So it is indeed a scary time, because what's going to happen if we are attacked by North Korea or Iran. Will the GOP blame the Democrats or us the American people? Nothing them or Trump does anymore is shocking because they have been doing this for nearly 9 months. Playing limbo with our national security and our health. That is other dinger of the week, GOP resurrecting trying to repeal Obamacare. It's like can those guys just leave that legislation alone, if you haven't come up with anything good in the last 7 years than you won't. Stop endangering our lives for what to please the GOP donors. Yes Obamacare isn't perfect it needs work but it don't need to be flushed down the toilet. Even if we shout it there is very few members of the GOP to do the right thing. Sen. John McCain is one of them and I appreciate it that he has moral courage to keep saying no. Saying we need bipartisan solutions and normal order in the Senate. I am sorry to say normal order in the Senate or Congress won't exist while Trump is cheeto in-chief. The other senator that is opposing the bill Rand Paul is a radical man he wants the entire bill to be scrapped and that's too far in my book and in a lot of other people. What are the people thinking in electing both Rand Paul and Mitch McConnell over and over. Used to mean something to be a Republican, now what does it mean? I was thinking earlier what James Madison and James Monroe think of this time in political history. Madison is probably wondering where is the Constitution in all this since he wrote it. Monroe is probably aghast at seeing how bad our foreign relations are and in the wasteful way the State department is. Both Madison and Monroe were Sectaries of State and excellent ones at that now look who we have a oil business tycoon that can't do his job. I keep thinking why Tillerson don't want to do is his job it all leads back to Russia, got to think he is trying to sabotage our state department because Putin said so. It's a dreadful thought but with the members of this administration you have to think of the worse care scenario because it's more then likely true. This administration does act like the cronies in the Russian Kremlin, using government funds to line their pockets. All the sectaries in Trump's administration are billionaires and now some of them are using private jets and charging us the citizens. It a sleazy move you usually see in Russia not here in the United States. I am afraid if we wait too long Trump and his sleazeballs will turn our country into Russia. I think that was the goal of Putin to make the United States look bad. The sooner Robert Mueller indicts Paul Manafort because luckily that is happening soon, than the other dominoes in this maze of Russian influence will begin to fall. Starting from the top with the orange ball from hell on down. I want to see our country back! I will be happy when I can turn on the news and not hear about a crazy tweet by Trump or see his ugly face. That I can turn it on and see a leader of the free world. That will indeed be a happy day.
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amyd33-blog1 · 7 years
United Nation Against Trump
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Can anything make you cringe more than seeing Donald Trump representing us at the United Nation let alone he’s going to make a speech tomorrow. The country and the world is holding its collective breath that he don’t make a complete jackass of himself. I sure hope the world knows nothing Trump says it what this country represents. He’s the pinnacle of everything that is wrong with this country the corruption and the misogyny too. Maybe after this, our United States will become a stronger nation, knowing this is the way treason and corruption looks like. Another lesson to be had is also never trust a TV reality star with the powers of this country. It still boggles my mind that he is “president” but soon very soon he won’t be. Not sure anyone that is in this administration will be able to show their faces or be able to work in the business world again. Trump has been a embarrassment since the moment he announced his bid to want to become president. He embarrasses us now and he embarrasses all those who have come before him that held that Oval Office. I don’t think their is a living former president that thinks he is doing a good job or supports him. What does that tell ya? Now he’s in New York with dump trucks protecting his precious penthouse in Trump Tower to be mingling with world’s leaders. Does any of them take him seriously? Maybe just the ones that are in just as much legal messiness and political shape as he is. All the known leaders like Teresa May and Angela Merkel are probably just steering clear of him. Saw him today with the new French president Marcon if he was smart he wouldn’t even had a meeting with Trump. Only tidbit I got out of that meeting was Trump saying he wanted to emulate Bastille Day on the 4th of July and show our military strength going down Pennsylvania Avenue ha! That won’t happen you orange cheeto. Don’t think the Pentagon will let you get away with that, the defense secretary might but no one else in that building will that foolish. That I don’t think he’s going to last to another 4th of July, if that does happen and he’s impeached just give us all something more to celebrate when it comes to independence. I am extremely nervous for his speech in front the assembly of the United Nation, which in the past said was irrelevant. Is he is going to declare war on “Rocket Man” in North Korea?!? One can pray he won’t but nothing he does or reacts on surprises me. What would I give to have someone like FDR. JFK, or even Obama standing there tomorrow giving that speech that the world will hear. We can just hope Trump stay on teleprompter and doesn’t go rogue and say something foolish and alienate more allies. With Trump in office our allies are questioning our abilities but those abilities are crippled by Trump and his cronies. Even Rex Tillerson is getting on my last nerve too, Thomas Jefferson would be flipping over in his grave seeing the inaptitude that this man is doing to our foreign relations. Foreign relations has been a bedrock of American ideals since even before us becoming a nation. It’s taking only 8 months for one man to be pushing something that is essential for national security to the brink. There is next to no one in the State Department. It’s like hello that department is kinda really important but no one in this administration seems to take it remotely seriously. Plus where is Tillerson during all this United Nation proceedings? He should be glued to Trump’s side being his right hand man, but oh yeah that’s right he don’t know a thing about diplomacy just like his boss. Nikki Haley is there working her butt off and saving face for this nation, but I’m afraid the constant interactions with Trump is tainting her too. There’s even rumors that she might take Tillerson’s job even though I’d be a little happier with Haley as Secretary of State. Problem is she don’t know much about diplomacy either. No one really in this entire administration have any grip of what needs to be done. They are too busy trying kiss Trump’s ass and ego to pay too close attention to the people of this nation. We just got to make it through this week and hold our breath and probably noses too in what Trump might do. We also got to remember this will hopefully the last time the collective world of the United Nations will have to see CheetoHead Trump as the face of this nation.
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amyd33-blog1 · 7 years
It Should Be Madam President
It’s amazing how one hour of sitting down and listening to Hillary Clinton can just really make you want to scream in frustration. Not towards her absolutely not, I have been fan of her for a long time now. But screaming in frustration in how the hell isn’t this capable and knowledgeable woman isn’t in the White House where she belongs. I sure hope Donald Trump watched this interview on the Rachel Maddow show, take a look Donnie Boy that how you act presidential. Pure and simple. She is everything you are not sir and everything this country is in desperate need of. She’s so articulate and smart on foreign affairs, we so wouldn’t be on the brink of nuclear war with North Korea if she was in the Oval Office. She knows the world and how to talk to people from other places. Donald Trump can’t even speak to the majority of this nation because there are plenty of people like myself that are in disgust of this cheeto butt being where it is. It turns my stomach everytime I see him talk because you have to hold your breath because you never know what might come out of it. I sat there for a hour listening to Hillary Clinton and didn’t have a pit in my stomach. I felt very much like I did last year leading up to election, hope for my nation and for showing that women can do anything men can. Trump, his base, and the Russians robbed all us of that pride and hope. Even though when the day comes when Trump is impeached and embarrassed it won’t change the fact we missed out on probably the best president we could have had in Clinton. I am sad that she is no longer running for president in 2020 but who can truly blame her from the ringer she really went through last year. I know she can mentor the upcoming women that want to be political. She has been a public figure longer than I have been alive and I don’t think she receives the credit she deserves. Everyone dwells on the email fiasco it’s like get over it who cares. Our national security is more at risk now since look who’s running this country?!? She was a amazing secretary of state, a great senator, and also a awesome first lady too. I wish all the pinheads that want to knock her down would truly look at her accomplishments. What did Trump accomplish before becoming Don the Con? Nothing substantial other than fighting off lawsuits and bankruptcies. He wasn’t and isn’t a good businessman why people say otherwise always boggles my mind. Plus he was a reality star too making a living in embarrassing his contestants. Nothing really has changed in that aspect but just now for the world to see. Hillary Clinton would be a president we could be proud of, and world leaders would respect. The tarnishing that Trump continues to do is just appalling and all we can hope for is that a strong woman someone like Clinton will run for president in 2020 and kick his sexiest ass. We all got to thank Clinton for having the courage to come out and talk about the nightmare that was election cycle of 2016. I cannot wait to read her book too!!
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amyd33-blog1 · 7 years
What Happened to American Democracy?
In this age of Trump full of turmoil and angst, you can’t help but wonder whatever happened to American democracy. And is there a chance we can get it back? I say yes it’s in the history that we can always come together as nation of the people and as a government and be a better America. Even before Trump strolled into our political lives the government at the federal level was shitty, so much bipartisanship. No one really working together, no one compromising on anything. I think being the history nut that I am I read about the founding days of this country men like Washington, Jefferson, Monroe,and Hamilton giving us the blueprint of a American republic and forming a nation. To the turmoil in the years leading up to the Civil War, with men like Jackson, Clay, Douglas, and up to Lincoln. Those men even with different ideas and sometimes even radical actions tried to keep the Union together. Yes they lost that with the onset of the Civil War, but we showed courage and so many men bled and died for us to come back together as one nation  All those men in the span of 50 to 75 years were pivotal in forming, maintaining, and rebuilding this nation. Where are those men and now women? Someone to stand up and say no this wrong! Doesn’t even have to be someone high up in the political ladder to truly make a difference. All we need a spark of someone being like the leaders of old putting country before party. We need someone like Henry Clay in Congress, he wasn’t afraid to look at his fellow Senators, Congressmen, and even the Vice President and speak his mind on what he felt was morally right and to sustain the Union. Do we have anyone right now that can come close to that? Someone needs to do it soon, look Mike Pence in the eyes and say you are working for a corrupt and flawed man. That is all this administration oozes is corruption, don’t think we can go a day without some type of omission of something someone in that idiotic administration did. Used to be people in the president’s cabinet had integrity but don’t think they is very much if any, more how can I line my pockets with money. And that starts from the top with Donald J. Trump I think anyone with a brain has to know he is cashing in big time being “president”. Who knows who’s paying him or his companies we don’t know a thing since the jerk won’t reveal his taxes. 
It’s hard to believe a short year ago we all were hoping for the first woman president in the history of America. What Happened is the title is the book just released by Hillary Clinton. What happened was the misogyny and the I’m sure some Russian influence played into that sure thing not becoming a reality. Can anyone truly say they think Trump is doing a better job then Clinton would be doing? At least she wouldn’t be kissing Putin’s ass, I am glad he can’t stand her just means she has more balls then Putin does. I am excited to get my hands on that book sometime soon. To this day Hillary Clinton is still one of my heroes even though she lost, more like robbed in my eyes and in many other people’s eyes. She still trying to make a difference but after this book tour or whatever she does need to take a step back and let the Democratic find it’s new leader and new direction. If we Democrats have any chance in next years midterm elections we need to get moving on our message and out front leaders of the party. We need to kick both Trump and Republican’s asses out of Congress both the House and Senate. At least get closer to the majority so Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell can stop screwing around with American lives. Don’t think there are many Republicans I can say I trust especially those two and anyone associated with Trump. Seeing my senator Pat Toomey at the meeting with the cheeto in chief made me hate him that much more. It’s like yuk how can you eat with him, Toomey has next to none credibility anymore he doesn’t even really meet with his constituents if he does it's staged. How his constituents really feel is evident in front of his office in downtown Pittsburgh and throughout the state of PA. With the retirement of some Republican senators here is the chance for us Democrats or heck even Independents to get into Congress and get the direction of this nation to change before it’s too late. We may never get another Henry Clay or Abraham Lincoln but I truly hope we can learn from their lessons they left and bring this nation back from the brink. 
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amyd33-blog1 · 7 years
Remembering 9/11 in the Age of Trump
Today myself, the country, and the world is remembering 9/11/2001 a date as in the words of Franklin D. Roosevelt will live on in infamy. It’s a time in your life where you remember where you were when you saw two planes crash into the Twin Towers in NYC, a plane into the Pentagon, and the heroics over my home state of PA in the fields of Shanksville. I remember it like it was yesterday and here it’s been 16 years since that awful day occurred. I was a senior in high school I think I was in my third or fourth period class German when my teachers cell phone rang, that was odd since teachers usually don’t answer calls in the middle of class but he did. He immediately turned the TV on when the second plane hit the second tower, I remember thinking this isn’t happening. The period the ended and I headed for my next class and seeing the shock on most everyone’s face from students and teachers. By the time I got to my next class the last plane was about to crash and we were all fearful is it going to crash near Pittsburgh or into USX Tower which is the highest building between New York and Chicago. We were all on pins and needles, I couldn’t really handle my emotions well back then so after that class I went to my counselor’s office. I literally pleaded to be sent home early because I was terrified ( I am getting misty eyed as I am writing this). All I wanted to do was get home and be with my family, I did end up getting my dismissal. It took too long to get a bus so I ended up walking the 3 or so miles home with a friend. I don’t think we talked much we just walked. So many emotions and thoughts were running through my mind as I walked I think it was the first time I felt scared for my country and for myself. I remember walking with tears in my eyes and I wasn’t the only one, it was everyone I saw the look of shock and disbelief. I couldn’t even sit in my own home alone so I went across the street to my neighbors house til my mom came home from work. That day I was constantly thinking of my family’s safety, everyone just gotta get home is what I kept thinking. It was longest wait it seemed for my sister to get home from school since she attended a school across town at the time, the big sister mentality was kicking in strong I wanted to protect her. We came together as a family and as nation that day, reminding us what it meant to be a American. It’s a day that we haunt me and all us for the rest of our days. It never crossed our minds back then that something that horrific could happen on American soil. We came together as a country in that moment of terror and anguish. The world mourned with us, its one of the few times I can remember when the entire world just weeped.
Now today 16 years later that main thing I was worried about for my family, safety is now a thought and worry for them and for the country I hold dear. All that coming together on that awful day seems to have been thrown by the wayside. There is more division and hatred now than ever, with these two horrific hurricanes this country as seen in the last month has shown me that fabric of this nation is intact. No matter how much Trump and his administration has tried to poison the minds of Americans we are strong then his alternative facts. But I do worry about the safety of this nation under his “presidency” we have North Korea scaring us with nuclear war. Trump loves to provoke but one of these tweets he shoots out from the hip will land us in a load of trouble. No matter how much I distrust and have no faith in that man or anyone in that administration  I am confident in the men and women who defends this nation in the armed forces and in the state department (what’s left of it). It’s scary to think of the terrorism that this country as endured since 9/11 and all the stupid idiocies that Trump as said and tweeted about it. When people say Donald Trump is insensitive that’s a understatement. I wonder if he has any compassion at all, I have been pretty silent about him of late since we have had two natural disasters and that’s not counting the wildfires in the west too. Trump loves to point out how well the administration is doing handling things but to be honest the federal government isn’t doing most of the leg work that is the brave men and women of local governments. Trump just likes to take credit. He and Melania went to Texas twice since Harvey hit and both times she’s promoting their lines of hats and wearing heels looking like a Barbie. Then there’s Trump that can’t even look compassionate or caring for a moment rather patting himself on the back. It’s like c’mon can we get back Bush or Obama please?!?
 Seeing him and Melania doing the moment of silence in front of the White House this morning I couldn’t help but think, “Really hope this is the first and the last time I see as president on 9/11″. He didn’t even seem sincere when making a speech in front of the Pentagon he was just reading from a teleprompter. What happened to speaking from the heart that’s right it died when President Obama left office. If 9/11 has taught us Americans anything is the perseverance to come together in the face of tragedy and our resilience too. We are going to need both to come out of this time of Trump with both to move forward from this travesty that everyday occurs with that orange cheeto in the oval office. WE WILL NEVER FORGET 9/11/2001.
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amyd33-blog1 · 7 years
Hurricane Trump...A Natural Disaster
Just when you think he can’t shock you with how low he can go, he ends up doing it again. Donald J. Trump as pardoned Sheriff Joe Arpaio a man who is the pure example of what’s wrong with this nation. He made the lives of so many Latino and other people a living hell. Arpaio is a enormous bully and now the biggest bully just gave him a free pass. What makes it even worse is the timing, here this nation is facing a natural disaster with Hurricane Harvey hitting the Texas coast. A event that is going to be life changing for all those who are in it’s path. Trump can’t even focus on the American people for just moment as dire as this. We can only hope that this disaster will wake up the ones that think he is amazing leader to shame. Hurricane Katrina was the epitome of what brought the Bush presidency to its knees and to shame too. This hurricane will show the true colors of Trump that he is selfish prick that doesn’t care about the people of the United States and of the nation he is supposed to serve. 
I couldn’t believe his timing with the pardon, of course his base will cheer this action. But that base doesn’t represent us at all. Can Trump’s approval rating go to zero? The news keep saying that Trump is isolated and is constantly watching cable news. Of course he’s isolated because next to no one wants to work for him or his administration, more people are leaving his administration then he is gaining. With him watching cable news, apparently he’s not learning that he is the problem. That he is a idiot and has no right to be in the Oval Office. He believes in the fake news and all the worshippers he got in his family and in the those who got the stomach to work for him. One can only hope with his hurricane, that the federal government will be there to help those in need. That Trump stays away too, Sarah Huckabee Sanders said today during the press conference that Trump would be going to Texas next week. How about you wait til the storm actually passes, since Trump’s presence will defer law enforcement from what it supposed to do that is help the people who are affected by the storm. Plus I think there is no number of Secret Service or law enforcement to protect Trump if things go bad because the government isn’t prepared. The coast of Texas will be forever changed by Harvey, but we can only hope that our nation isn’t forever changed by hurricane that is called Donald J. Trump.
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amyd33-blog1 · 7 years
The Great Divider
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This idea has been floating around in my head since I saw this article in the Washington Post, but even more so since the events and reaction of Charlottesville. Because Divider in-Chief is exactly what Donald J. Trump is amongst other words. Every single day and almost every hour he shows he hasn’t the moral authority to hold the office he has. But finally some Republicans are waking up to the fact we have a monster sitting in the Oval office. He doesn’t want to work with anyone that doesn’t see him as a demigod. No man or woman can call themselves a God or think everything should be fine and dandy for them, but Trump sure does. I am literally running out of terms to call him that can describe how utterly bad he is for the office he holds. the country, and for the world. He is a pinnacle of what is wrong with this world today, thinking you are better just because you have wealth. I am not saying all those who are wealthy are in the same boat as this guy, him and his family in a league of their own with the snobby and cruelty. Maybe one day the younger Trumps will learn the lesson of compassion its too late for the Donald.
Its like day 200 something of this “presidency” but to many of us including myself it feels like this never-ending chaos, has been going on for far longer than that. Everyday Trump says something or tweets something that makes you want to scratch your head or stomach ache with disgust. Don’t think any of us thought that would occur someone that is supposed to be our commander in-chief. As the blog is titled he does more to divide than to command or lead us. He runs this country like it’s his company that everyone will bend to his will and that he the boss. Even the company he runs is a enormous sham since he filed for bankruptcy at least twice to my recollection. Who's to say that money that is keeping him and his family afloat isn’t streaming from foreign governments that is hostile towards this nation? We don’t any of that since he didn’t release his tax returns and still refuses to this day. The overwhelming question in my mind is what lasting effects will this “presidency” do to us in the long run? Is the nations in the world going to ever look at us with respect and dignity that we strove for over 200 years to do. All it’s taking is 200 odd days for one man who don’t know shit about anything to destroy that standing. Just finished a book on James Monroe and I couldn’t help but wish I was living in that day and age. Where the president truly put the nation first and took the time to know the goings on and defend her. Would Trump defend this country? I have my serious doubts on that, but what is scary is that he has the codes to the nuclear arsenal we have. Scary right?!? To James Clapper last night on CNN echoed that and that is coming from a man who ran the intelligence department in the Obama administration. Obama probably is feeling a lot like Theodore Roosevelt did when he left office to Taft. Roosevelt hand picked Taft to be his successor but he didn’t achieve anything of note. So when Roosevelt came back from a long trip abroad he fought to get the office of the presidency back. He died before that came to fruition. But you have to wonder if Obama could do that or any of the previous presidents come back and save the nation because of calamity that Trump does daily. Trump had a campaign rally in Arizona last night, can anyone really think he is going to be the Republican pick for president in 2020? He stood up there and the crowd is going wild, it is eery like how Hitler was during the 1930s and 1940s. He pretty much brain-washed the German people he was right and Trump is doing the same thing. But there is a difference between then and now, that there is enough people with common sense to counteract what he’s trying to do. We are strong moral country, the people that keep supporting Trump are just the deluded people who think they are better than the next or think he’s going to help them. Neither is really true if you think about it the ones that do like to support him are the wealthy people he’s probably threatened through the years or they do think like him. Those kind of people represent such a small aspect of the American life. They don’t what reality is because they have enough money to live in dream land. To the ones that think they will get jobs and better life because Trump is office, my answer to that is get a clue. Trump gives two shits about the middle class and normal stress of what it means to be so. He can’t bring coal jobs back it’s like asking for the steel industry to come back. This country has evolved from that. I think that is another reason he’s popular with his base they think he’s this godly person. He is most far from godly person I have ever seen, they are some conservative Christians that just love him. But how can they call they themselves Christians when there is hate in their hearts? God doesn’t want us to be divided but united in being children of Him. Plus God wouldn’t want all this hostility either towards each other and other nations. He’s a God of peace I believe.
Steve Bannon is finally out of the oval office but can’t say I was shocked to learn that news. Part of me is hoping he just let’s loose on Trump and ruin him. I think he’s a dangerous guy to have on the outside, since goodness knows what he might do with some the classified information he was able to see. Bannon is no friend to this nation, like Trump he what is the worse about this nation. I think that is why Trump is so scared to bad mouth certain people like Bannon scared of the backlash that will occur. Will anyone be sorry to see Donald J. Trump impeached? I don’t think so, him screaming and swearing at Mitch McConnell is a good way to speed up that process. Even Paul Ryan is feeling the heat and start to crack, it’s about time some of the Republicans stood up to Trump. I am afraid that they let it go for too long and Trump will do more damage to Congress because he was left unchecked for so long. The only way this country can come back from the division and begin to heal it’s wounds is to impeach Trump. If the Congress don’t get to this year the Republicans caucus will really regret next November. We will let our voices and votes do the talking that we are not this messed up country that Trump is projecting to the world. We made a huge mistake electing that man to that office, but that is the thing about mistakes you learn from them. This country has learned it lessons time and time again but we always come out of those mistakes a stronger nation and that is a my hope in this scenario. In the words of Hillary Clinton’s campaign we are STRONGER TOGETHER.
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amyd33-blog1 · 7 years
Turning Point or the Breaking Point?!?
It’s been a very long while since I sat down and wrote a political blog, mostly because it has a very busy summer which a good thing. But then again you witness a day like this one and you can’t relax or enjoy seeing the nation you love in such turmoil all because of one man. Yes Donald J. Trump I am talking about you every single blog I’ve written this year has been about you and your inaptitude to just be a decent human being. Today and all this week you showed me more that I am right in thinking you are the Anti-Christ.and not just not my president. You are beyond that sir. We had a national terror attack by alt-right aka the white supremacists in the streets of Charlottesville, Virginia. Virginia the birthplace of democracy and home to some of our greatest men of presidential and american history was the site of such a sight of the worse of what this country is made of. You sir gave them the platform and now a voice to carry on and you can’t even say you are against it because you are simply chicken shit. Grow some balls and stand up for our country, but no you won’t it will take someone else to do that. I sat there all day watching the coverage horrified in what I was seeing and going Trump isn’t going to say anything to condone this. If this happened with any other president you better be damn sure they be down there at the side of Virginia’s governor and Charlottesville mayor in solidarity with them. Where was Trump? More worried about promoting yet another “accomplishment” with help for veterans and I am all happy go for it they deserve it but shaking their hands and having your little publicity stunt while all this was going on was just sickening. I have lost any hope long ago that anything remotely presidential or decent will be uttered out of your lips Mr. Trump. Over 200 days in and we are in a lot of trouble domestically with the hate/rhetoric that Trump and his administration consistently stir up and in even more deep shit internationally. Trump and his whole “fire and fury” is one word insane! He acts exactly how the leader from North Korea does. Now we are on the brink of nuclear war with thousands of American military personnel in danger as well as civilians too. For what for Trump to look like a big macho dick?!? No one is scared of you Mr. Trump they are terrified of your idiotic tendencies. The State Department and the Trump aren’t even on the same page Mr, Tillerson stood there and told us Americans to sleep well at night. That won’t happen for me or anyone else until Trump no longer has access to the nuclear codes. Still can’t believe even now that he is the face of this nation, and so many people fell for his con act. He cares nothing about the normal American like you and me all he cares about is himself and maybe his just a idiotic family. To be a Trump I am sure you are just to think Trump is this amazing man, when he’s kicked out office I think him and his entire family should be sent to Russia. That factor will be Trump’s undoing I am sure the special counsel Robert Mueller is just going to nail his ass to the wall, just might take longer then I’d like. To be I think Trump should cease to be “president” until the investigation is over. Plus it will give us a trial run with Mike Pence, even though I am just as apprehensive about him but I’m not afraid for democracy when I see him. I think he is just saying and doing the right things buying time till Trump is removed from office one way or another. We are inching closer to 2018 that is when I think the Mueller investigation will be about over and the findings will help us oust many countless Republicans out of Congress. Impeachment of Donald J. Trump won’t be long after that, but if he keeps picking fights with “fellow” Republicans they might do that sooner. One can hope but the Republicans have proved time and time again this year they cannot get anything done. Nothing in government can work and move forward if you don’t have bipartisanship and that will only happen when the two parties work together. Maybe have this Trump fiasco it will show Congress that they need to get their act together and pass things that will better this nation and perhaps the world. We won’t be the face of world democracy until Donald J. Trump is out of office, the world will breathe a little easier too when it happens too.
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amyd33-blog1 · 7 years
Trump & Twitter
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I saw this cartoon and it immediately spoke to me because that is what Donald J. Trump is the Twitter in Chief. He has such a addiction to social media but especially to Twitter. I got a account way back just to look at his ridiculous tweets and they are just that ridiculous and crazy. That is all Trump is plain crazy he does it everyday. He tweets in the morning while he watches the morning news and lashes out when he sees or hears something he doesn’t like. Which is a lot these day there isn’t a lot that is going right for this man and rightfully so, he shouldn’t be our president plain and simple. He’s a disaster not just for us domestically but internationally too. Trump gets on Twitter and starts up a Twitter war with the mayor London Sadiq Khan, completely twisting the poor man’s words to make a political statement about damn travel ban. You shouldn’t even be giving that man who just had a terrorist attack heck, you should be offering your sympathies. It is because the mayor is a Muslim, he wouldn’t have said or done anything like this if the mayor was white. It’s so wrong! I think everyone in this country has express their sadness over minus the orange man in the White House. Look how many people from our country went over there and performed to benefit the terrorist attack in Manchester. The man who is supposed to be representing us all can’t even find the words to express his sorrow that we all feel for Great Britain.  I said in my last blog he had no compassion but now I think doesn’t have a  heart. Who looks at tragedy like that and makes political statement and try to boost something that is wrong and unconstitutional like his ban,  at least he admits it now that it is a ban. The definition of ban just for the ignorant in chief is to officially or legally prohibit (forbid). He even said he wanted the first executive order that came out right after he took office that even stricter, He is even trying to influence the Supreme Court about it and also just trashing his judicial department. I think every single person that is in Trump administration is corrupt, from the top down. Who’s in there to tell this man that what he’s trying to do influence the courts not only illegal but it's unconstitutional too. Trump doesn’t know the meaning of checks and balances he is thinks because he is “president” he can sit there and dictate or make people do what he wants. Thank God our Founding Fathers did that or can you imagine how this country would be right now?!?  Him trying to prove his point by saying he needs loyalty and tries to influence other agencies of government is not how it works, and what really gets me is his base of supporters are saying just let him do his job and leave him alone. If we did that he would push this country right off the cliff of having a democracy and he wouldn’t even blink. He’s so much of Vladimir Putin’s puppet that he wouldn’t and doesn’t feel bad about the chaos he is creating. Trump calls Twitter the direct way to reach the masses, read somewhere that some of his Twitter followers might not even be real. Wonder what the actual number it is that follow him. That’s the other thing that irks me he still has his private Twitter account and not even using the account that is set up for POTUS. I just don’t think he takes being “president” seriously it this never ending reality show he wants us to go on and the contestants are the people of this nation. After tomorrow and Thursday Trump may not have much legs to stand on. His term in office might end and impeachment could be imminent I know I keep saying that and hoping for that too. But with James Comey testifying in front of the Senate Intelligence Committee that is the big show and we all know what Comey is going to say. That Trump pressured him to drop the investigation into the Russian probe and telling Comey to let Trump’s disgraced national security adviser Michael Flynn off easy. Comey is a trustworthy man I believe that is more than what I can say about Trump. That you have to wonder if Trump actually remembers any of the conversations he had with Comey or with anyone for that matter. Got to remember Trump is 70 and probably a little senile, why he acts so unhinged I think. He’s just a cranky old man who needs a bed pan. I am just waiting for more people that he has in his administration to start dropping like flies. Like how long are you going to let him ruin your career and reputation I am talking about people like McMaster and Gen. Kelly. A bunch of people who are in the cabinet position have some reasons to be there and were respected but they picked the wrong man to work for. I don’t think there is no working with Trump he thinks he is never wrong and will demean you even if you are right. Trump wonders why no law firms in Washington DC will represent that is easy they don’t want to get anywhere near you and plus you never pay your bills. How do we know if he even filed his 2016 taxes, are we supposed to give him the benefit of the doubt? It’s like c’mon but we may never know those things. We all got to hope that Robert Mueller who's running the special counsel gets some answers. We will be finding out answers and secret about this “presidency” for months, years, and decades to come. We just got to hope whoever replaces Trump in the Oval Office can bring back some respect and distinction, not only here but also worldwide. Trump has shattered 70 plus years of alliances because he can’t simply say yes we are with you to our NATO allies. It was in his speech but somehow it got deleted out of it so he didn’t say it, any guesses who might have done that? I got a couple guesses either  Steve Bannon or Stephen Miller the two jag offs that make this president that much more insane. Neither one of these guys have any sense of what the world is like they are purely in the alt-right. Thinking white people domination but it is now 2017 not like 1950 or 1960, they be more tolerated back then I’m sorry to say them and Attorney General Jeff Sessions all would. But this is the 21st century now but I think them and Trump are just stuck in mid 20th century. The world constantly evolves and changes but with Trump and his administration we are just stalled out on this sea of uncertainty. We can all hope that with the next couple days the supporters of Trump finally get their wake up calls, this includes the members of Congress. It’s about time!!
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amyd33-blog1 · 7 years
Prayers for Britain
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Another night of terror for our neighbors and allies the people of the nation of Great Britain, its just so sad. And I am waiting to see what our dear Trump will say about it, if anything at all. Did he tweet about the suicide bomber in Manchester two weeks ago? I am not sure since he is too busy covering his butt with all the Russian news. Even if he doesn’t say anything heartfelt or meaningful please Britons don’t think we are not thinking of you all. There is so much hate and evil in this world, I don’t think we will ever conquer it all entirely but we need to try harder. It doesn’t help that we have Trump in office who just doesn’t see how much hate he stirs up because he isn’t compassionate. He never says the things that could maybe settle things down, he constantly stirs up people because he thinks that is the best way to get attention. I just hope we can keep whatever intelligence that British government gives us and it doesn’t leak and put them more at risk. Trump blames everyone else about the leaks but who’s to say he isn’t the one that is leaking because he can’t keep his big mouth shut. We all got to hope we have allies after Trump gets out of office because he alienates people on a daily basis. He thinks he can run this country without them, what’s going to happen if we are the next ones to get a terrorist attack? No one is going to come to our aid because they won’t believe in us. Losing that belief in the world that this country means something, is something I never thought we could lose. I hope the world does know that Trump doesn’t represent us or us as a nation. He is just the face of it and no one likes minus the few that continue to think he is going to bring back jobs. He is going to do no such thing unless it benefits him personally. He doesn’t care about us the people he cares about himself. 
I don’t understand why Great Britain continues to be the target of these terror attacks, is it the influx of refugees or is about the exit of European Union? All I can hope is that the leaders the Royal family, Teresa May, and Parliament to stand up to the hate and keep their country safe without bigotry. Are we ever going to live in a safe world again? I am sending my personal thoughts and prayers to those who this latest attack as affected. I can pray that there isn’t too many people have died either. We can all united under the banner of hope and good. Prayers for Britain!. 
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amyd33-blog1 · 7 years
The Seal of the Presidency
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             The seal of the presidency truly did mean something until Donald J. Trump gained that seal somehow. Is anyone else still scratching their head of how in the world did we let this happen?!? Or baffled completely the utter disregard for the Constitution that this man has and for everyone else that has a “R” beside their names. Being president means you have reached the pinnacle of political success and earned by the great deeds you do for your country. Donald Trump has had no success and will continue to have none because he truly doesn’t represent us, as much as he says so. He will only represent that 38% percent that is core of deplorables that just are the biggest idiots on the planet.
             A few days ago we celebrated the anniversary of what would have been John F. Kennedy’s 100th birthday. How in the world have we gone from shining beacon of democracy to the laughing stock of the world. Trump kept saying the world was laughing at us because we will in a raw deal with the Paris Agreement. The world wasn’t laughing at us because we were in it, but they are certainly laughing at us now. The world has been laughing at us since the day he won and took office. Everyday it continues to get worse the collusion with Vladimir Putin and Russia. There is no doubt in my mind now that Putin is behind getting Donald Trump into the Oval Office. So not only has Trump betrayed his oath of office but also his country so that means he is the Traitor in Chief. No dancing in the fact th Putin is in Trump’s back pocket thinking more highly of that nation then of his own. Trying to get the Russian embassies and sanctions lifted was that the trade off for Putin’s help? Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know what has been going on here. But why Republicans aren’t not doing anything truly does baffle me. What do they get out of being silent? Weren’t they elected to represent us the people who voted for them? I don’t think politicians know now how to be honest and trustworthy. We have went from having the likes of Honest Abe Lincoln, Woodrow Wilson, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, and Barack Obama making that seal of the presidency shiny and bright and making us the American people proud. Showing the world how America can lead the world in the likes of leadership. What are we now with Trump in office, we are no longer the leader of the free world. That has to go to the new president of France Emmanuel Macron and the chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel they are the hope to keep democracy alive and to take the lessons we have shown the world for the past like 100 years. I would have never thought that after just a mere 150 days in office that Trump would be pushing us closer to democratic collapse. I wish someone would start waving the US Constitution in front of the members of Congress, get them to wake up!! Our nation is at risk with Donald J. Trump continuing to hold the seal of the presidency. That he rightfully hasn’t earned or deserves. He continues to break his oath of office to serve and protect the United States of America. Among other things. Take your pick. 
             He even had people cheering when he made the announcement that he was screwing over the environment. They were probably the brain dead ants that are in the White House with him. Or maybe he had Russians and paid people to make him happy to clap to his insanity he was speaking of in the Rose Garden. We found out late last night too that the Trump administration was trying to get the Supreme Court to reinstate the controversial travel ban. That executive order is never going to take hold because it is illegal and the courts keep saying so. I guess the administration thinks since they got Neil Gorsuch onto the stolen seat on the Supreme Court they have a shot. The scary thing is they might, it’s just a extremely nerve-wracking time for all us Americans. We need to start saying a prayer to whatever God you believe in to protect this nation since we can no longer count on Trump or anyone that got to do with them to do so. SAD! :(
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amyd33-blog1 · 7 years
Trump vs the Environment
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June 1st, 2017 mark it down on the calendar as the day that Donald J. Trump officially screwed not only this country but the world. Just when you think you have seen the worse this man can do he just shits out something so appalling. Like today pretty much telling old Mother Nature to go take a hike because he thinks climate change is a hoax. He says he loves the environment but yet he went and did this pulling out of the Paris Agreement where we the USA and the most of known countries in the world pledged to better help the environment. Everyone was telling Mr. Trump not to do this from politicians to people who work in the energy industry to hello us the people. Even his boss in Moscow is signed on to this agreement because everyone with a right mind should care about the Earth we live on. How come Donald J. Trump doesn’t it’s a simple fact my sister kindly put into perspective he can’t make money from it. That is truly what this “presidency” is all about making that man richer then Midas. White we the citizen of the United States and now the entire world got to reap the realities of what a demented nearly 70 year old man believes. Can President Barack Obama or I’ll even take President George W. Bush please return to the oval office? This is utter insanity, it has been for nearly two years since Trump announced his presidency. Every single day more and more I am appalled that some of fellow citizens voted this wack job into power. In the speech Trump gave on this sunny day in the DC area he had to refer to my hometown of Pittsburgh. He said “ I represent the people of Pittsburgh and not of Paris” I literally wanted to take my shoe off and throw it at him. Don’t drag my precious hometown into the debacle called your authoritarian scheme. We Pittsburghers didn’t vote for you Mr. OrangeHead 80 percent of the city of Pittsburgh went for Hillary Clinton. Mayor Bill Peduto got on Twitter and tweeted at Mr. Trump saying he doesn’t represent the city of Pittsburgh! He does not and will never represent our city or our ideals! Climate change is real and Pittsburgh is a prime example of how industry can ruin a environment. A hundred years ago Pittsburgh was called the Smoky City because of the vast amounts of steel mills in the tri-state area. Beginning shortly after I was born in 1984 the shutdown of the steel industry started and the quality of air  continues to improve. I used to read stories that people would have to dust off window sills like everyday because of the dust and what not. Now Pittsburgh is still known for the steel we still produce on a smaller scale but it’s not what defines us. We continue to renaissance into the marvelous city we are now, where the rivers are clean and the air is fresher. Heck we have bald eagles now that roost near the banks of the rivers. Can you imagine if the entire world does what Pittsburgh already as?!? We can’t do that now because of what Trump did today. But there is plenty of mayors and governors that will uphold the Paris Agreement even if the Federal government does not. Even some of the Republicans got behind this decision including Speaker of the House Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, will you two both stop sucking up to Trump! Where is it really get you gentleman other then shitting all over the reputations you both worked hard to achieve. You are throwing it away for one man who shouldn’t even be the President right now. What’s going to happen when Trump eventually gets himself impeach will they ever apologize? Trump won’t ever say he’s sorry because he thinks he is never wrong....eventually those wrongs Mr. Trump will lead to not only ur political demise but your personal one as well.  
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amyd33-blog1 · 7 years
Memorial Day 2017
Anyone else get a glimpse of Donald Trump laying the wreath for the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery and have their stomachs turn?!? I did, this is a day we remember all those who have given their lives for our great nation. But with Trump as our “commander-in-chief” it’s not a good feeling, you have to wonder does that man truly know sacrifice and sadness of losing someone to the horrors of war? I just can’t see Trump being the sympathetic type and truly feel the emotion of the loss many of us Americans feel when a loved one dies in the name of our country. Nowadays our military is built of volunteers really amazing people like my sister who volunteer their time, sweat, and tears for the honor of serving the United States of America. You have to ask yourself why would anyone sign up now? Being a part of the military community as either a Navy wife and a sister of Army staff sergeant I can’t help but worry more about all those who are in uniform with Trump running things. I held my breath when Trump won in November because my sister was about halfway through her deployment, all I could think of was please don’t let this man start world war three while she’s away. Luckily he didn’t and she is now home safe but with the airs of what going on it’s hard to think we won’t be in some type of conflict if Trump gets too out of control. Who’s to stop him from pulling out of NATO and leaving Europe at the brink, or to stop him from dropping a nuclear weapon on North Korea, or just going into a place like Syria without a clear plan and getting countless people killed? It’s hard facts to face right now in our nation. 
As we continue to celebrate our veterans that gave us all not just today but everyday we need to remember those lessons from the past. History tells us that going to war without a plan or with someone that is not right in the head can only lead us to disarray. I have been reading a lot about past leaders like Thomas Jefferson, Franklin D Roosevelt, and Winston Churchill and I can’t help but wonder what would they think of Trump and the mess he continues to do not just for us as Americans but for the world at large. Being all buddy buddy with those in the Muslim world like in Saudi Arabia (do you think it has anything to do with he has business there?). Having the time of his life and even his wife being just as disrespectful not covering her head. Going to Israel and just making a complete mockery of himself at the Wailing Wall. Onto Rome he went to meet with pope, you couldn’t help but notice in all the pictures that Trump women looked like they were going to a funeral and Trump grinning like a bastard. The poor pope almost looked like he saw the devil when he met with Trump you couldn’t help but notice the angst in that man’s face. The pope is so charismatic and hopeful but he looked the complete opposite during the visit. I wanted the pope to kick Trump out of the Vatican that would have been awesome just saying. Then the last few days of this ridiculous overseas trip was spent making a mockery of himself in front of our allies in Europe. He couldn’t even say he was keeping our country in to defend those in NATO. What did he bring up instead you ask oh him going you all owe us for defending you! I wanted to seriously throw something at him because it’s not about the money it’s about the security it brings. My goodness does he even know about World War II? Europe had two World Wars the first from 1914-1917 and the second from 1940-1945 and it has been at peace since 1945. Trump waltzes in there and tries to shoot all that to hell because he more worried about the money aspect. Peace in Europe means peace worldwide in my book. Too many people of the human race died on the soil there in Europe for him to come over there and make a ass of himself. 
We can truly hope this is the only Memorial Day with Donald J. Trump as our “commander in-chief”. Hopefully next year we will have a leader who truly respects the sacrifices our soldiers, air force, sailors, marines, and coast guard made and continue to make.
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