amusicas · 3 years
Anonymous tip: Offers close September 26th on the actual Doof Wagon from Fury Road. Could be a nice conversation piece!
"If it doesn't have the flamethrower guitar, I don't want it."
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amusicas · 3 years
you’ve been told your whole life that disco is bad. you’ve known your whole life that that’s a lie.
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amusicas · 3 years
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amusicas · 3 years
i didnt absorb anything from class today because i became transfixed on a girl in front of me checking out front row tickets for macklemore and ryan lewis..upon learning they were around 155 (fuck) each then rapidly googling credit card easy approval..at this stage i thought please dont do that the debt isnt worth it…but they applied for one with an advance at a rapid interest rate and got the macklemore ticket..like a greek tragedy play 
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amusicas · 3 years
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amusicas · 3 years
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amusicas · 3 years
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amusicas · 3 years
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Clip your wings
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amusicas · 3 years
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amusicas · 3 years
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inflammatory essay no. 10, jenny holzer
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amusicas · 3 years
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amusicas · 3 years
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amusicas · 3 years
Ultimately I am not actually sorry for party rocking
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amusicas · 3 years
the magicians (season 1) sentence starters.
It’s always something with you, isn’t it? It’s always an emergency.
You can’t run away hard enough, can you?
Thank God that you’re confused too.
Are you guys trying to take over the world or—?
It’s good to be aware the world is inherently unfair. Act accordingly.
If I knew, would I need high and mighty mega-genius you back here?
Maybe I wouldn’t let myself forget.
You feel right because you’re starting toward your destiny.
I really don’t want to be the guy who dies in the first ten minutes of the movie because he’s like, “You know what? Let’s take out the Ouija board. What could possibly go wrong?”
So what is this place exactly, besides a health hazard?
Magic doesn’t come from talent. It comes from pain.
Look, if you can’t get through this, you definitely can’t deal with what it takes to do what we do.
You should hate me right now. I dragged you into this.
So let’s just hide the evidence and get our story straight.
You’re a much better liar than I expected you to be.
It will consume you. Change you into something else.
You know, as a psychic, you’d think you’d have seen all this coming.
Why do I feel like I’m talking to myself?
Loath as I am to admit it, I don’t actually know anything.
Magic wasn’t just handed to me.
Ain’t you a bucket of empathy.
I’m not patronizing you. I’m telling you that this is not a good idea.
It’s amazing I survived as long as I did not knowing that I was a magician. I can’t go back.
Okay, this is obviously a dream where I realize I’m in a dream.
Let’s just skip the part where you don’t believe me, okay?
One thing that’s real: you’re always a raging dick.
Magic does not solve problems. It magnifies them.
I’m going to kill her. —I’m fucking with you.
I know you feel that you’ve had to leave, but I’d really like you to come back.
This isn’t Middle Earth. There aren’t enough noble quests to go around.
It’s supposed to be a surprise, but I like ruining things.
I’m not trying to pick a fight with you. I’m just trying to fix what I broke.
What is the point of any of this, of magic, if we can’t fix real problems?
I just file that under, “Wish there was jack shit I could do about it.”
Oh, if you want to insult me, try again.
You know, the amazing thing is you actually believe that this plan could work.
Google it. Totally hilarious.
Blood’s not going to come out of that sweater. You should just throw it out.
You are free. More free than almost anyone in this universe or any other.
Where’s the joy? The fun? Why are you determined to be so fucking bland?
You deserve better than their punishment, which would be extreme.
I’m going to go take a nap and pretend that this entire conversation never happened.
Hell is real and it smells like Axe Body Spray.
I’ve never really seen you care about something.
Things aren’t usually worth caring about. With some limited, but very important exceptions.
I guess I’m just waiting for the part in all of this where I start to bore you.
I don’t understand why we fell apart after being friends forever.
I need to punch you in the throat if you tell me what I need to do.
You can’t possibly want to be a dick more than you want to live.
Stop! I’m literally becoming less cool with every word you speak.
Hey, would you break up with me if I told you that I’ve never been happier in my entire life?
This house is haunted as balls, is what that is.
The world never did help a smart girl.
If the world goes after you, take it as a compliment.
What if there really is a hell and this takes me there?
Life ain’t fair. Why in the high, holy fuck should death be any different?
Thinking that you can change anything– it’s such an act of monumental ego. I mean, who the fuck do you think you really are?
Well, we’ve never been this desperate before.
I can’t believe I gave up tickets to Hamilton for this.
I know that this is embarrassing, but trust me, dying is worse.
He might be about forgiveness, but I’m sure as shit not.
Don’t take this the wrong way, but shut the fuck up, okay?
I think something might really be broken.
Let’s not kick our only semi-functional idea out of bed.
Well, I hate to say I told you so, but—you know what? Actually, I don’t. I don’t hate that.
But that stuff’s illegal. —I’m fucking with you. I’m in.
Scale of one to ten, how are you with a broadsword?
When someone cares enough to reach out a hand, just drop the bullshit attitude and take what they’re offering while you can.
Shall we go fuck some shit up?
Well, I’m not going anywhere. I mean, this is my house.
There’s this thing about you. You actually believe in magic.
I should have believed you. I should have known.
It was shitty going for a while there, but I can’t sit here now and think it was anything but fate.
Of all the people in the world who don’t understand, somehow you top the list.
Come with me if you want to live. I’ve always wanted to say that.
But you are from a place that likes murder: Earth.
I think you’re the only person that I can stand.
I gather the crowd you usually hang with nods like you’re smart when you say incredibly obvious shit, but what we need is ideas.
On one hand, fuck ‘em, on the other hand, you can’t really blame ‘em.
I didn’t know who else to call.
What the fuck were we thinking?
Well, impossible shit is sort of our thing.
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amusicas · 3 years
“Art was a kind of demonic possession. Art would dance you to death. It would move in and take you over, and then destroy you.”
— Margaret Atwood
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amusicas · 3 years
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amusicas · 3 years
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give me envy, give me malice, baby give me a break
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