ampersand-antics · 1 day
It says a lot about society that a beach towel that actually fits me is labeled "oversized" on the packaging so that thin people can know which of a select few beach towels will make them feel all warm and cozy and small.
I already buy beach towels to dry myself off with because it's easier than looking for bath towels that fit me, so labeling a beach towel "oversized" because this world is made solely for thin people is just added cruelty. I've been using beach towels to dry myself off with even when I was in the low 200s weight range.
What's fucking wild is that 99.999999% of thin people are blissfully ignorant of what the world is like for fat people. They have no clue what it's like to have to check the weight capacity of a chair on a website before buying it or seeing everything that's the perfect size for you being labeled "oversized." They don't know what it's like not being able to find clothes that fit you at a regular store, thrift store, online store, or even those plus size stores that only go up to a 3XL and just resize thin people clothing.
They don't know what it's like being thankful to learn online that Plan B doesn't work for most fat people before you bought and assumed in a post-roe world that Plan B will be effective. They don't know what it's like to live in a world where everyone freely hates and discriminates against you without even having backlash from progressives and people who claim to support equality, because oppressing you is just accepted fact even to the people who fight for the rights of all of your other oppressed identities. They don't know what it's like to live in a world where hating you is so expected and normalized that it's ingrained into your own people to the point that you literally cannot trust that
anyone you meet
not a single person
who looks like you will share solidarity.
Whenever a thin person suddenly becomes fat, that is the closest we have to a person realizing they've been living in the Matrix. The most intense epiphany you'll ever have is rapidly becoming fat and then seeing how this world changes for you almost overnight.
-Mod Worthy
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ampersand-antics · 1 day
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local football fan rages at fire emblem zine
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ampersand-antics · 1 day
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ampersand-antics · 1 day
nobody better be posting about the met gala without mentioning the giant pro-palestine demonstration going on outside
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ampersand-antics · 1 day
If you're reading this, you've won The Game. It's over, it's done, and you can breathe. Now any time you see posts telling you that you lost The Game, you can smile, shake your head, and feel sorry for all of those OTHER people who are still playing The Game, while being glad that you yourself are free.
"But that's not how The Game works-"
If someone can arbitrarily decide that everyone on Earth is playing The Game, someone else can arbitrarily decide there's a way to win.
Congratulations on your win!! Celebrate with a treat of your choice.
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ampersand-antics · 1 day
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ampersand-antics · 1 day
i hate it when i cant even write a poem about something because its too obvious. like in the airbnb i was at i guess it used to be a kids room cause you could see the imprint of one little glow in the dark star that had been missed and painted over in landlord white. like that's a poem already what's the point
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ampersand-antics · 1 day
i hate it when i cant even write a poem about something because its too obvious. like in the airbnb i was at i guess it used to be a kids room cause you could see the imprint of one little glow in the dark star that had been missed and painted over in landlord white. like that's a poem already what's the point
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ampersand-antics · 1 day
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TW: Animal Death / Death
Senior pets have a hard time getting adopted. The likelihood of adoption is only 25% compared to 60% for a younger dog. Unfortunately, this is often due to prejudice. I want to raise awareness with this comic (and also get back to my roots, which I haven't really managed to do yet). But I want to start uploading more regularly again. Thank you for your patience so far.
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ampersand-antics · 1 day
To oblivion, you say?
Hello and welcome to the Queering the Chain creation event! There will be a list of prompts dedicated to diversifying our lovely Linked Universe boys, girls, and everyone in between. The event will run through the month of July.
Hosted by @triforce-of-mischief. You can call me Fable, and I use she/they pronouns. I've also collected a fancy set of genderqueer, demigirl, and aegosexual labels.
Them's the rules:
Let's get the question of Linkshipping out of the way first. I am respecting Jojo's request and while I don't encourage Linkshipping within the Chain of Linked Universe, I can't prevent it. This blog will not engage, positively or negatively, with content that ships Linked Universe Links with each other.
All ratings are allowed. This blog will engage with content of any rating as long as it does not interfere with the above. Explicit content will be archived in a single post, which minors are discouraged from interacting with. Do not attempt to argue this, as my decision is final. Queerphobia and purity culture go hand in hand, and this event intends to combat both.
There will be 15 main prompts along with some alternate prompts. They are not limited to any specific days in July.
There is no deadline.
There is no minimum requirement of creation.
There is no completionist prize.
Writing and art of any media are encouraged.
You do not have to create something new for this event. If you have already created something that fits a prompt, you may share it.
This blog will highlight participants who create their own post and @ the blog. Due to the unknown amount of participation and the single mod, I will make no promises for how many entries will be engaged with on this blog.
If I have blocked you from my main blog, or vice versa, I will not be able to see your interactions with this blog. That's just how sideblogs work.
Please reblog this post so the event can gain visibility!
The list of prompts will drop on May 10, and the event will start on July 1.
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ampersand-antics · 1 day
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body paintings by anahitacreates
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ampersand-antics · 1 day
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body paintings by Karen Turner
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ampersand-antics · 1 day
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ampersand-antics · 1 day
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so, this is what i was working on before i was .. distracted-
its not connected to the totk rewrite, but born out of the idea of rauru being a full blown villain (like i thought for a good part of the game .. lol), had the idea of him giving you his arm so he then stays with you as a companion, and tells you stuff that isnt true throughout the game without you knowing its all false, the more you folow his advice the more those arm tattoo things spread (just like those weird falling rocks do to their environment in the game)-
at first i though it would be neat to have him slowly try to take over links body- sort of like dormin in shadow of the colossus kinda deal- but that would be hard to implement, so maybe hed just sap your energy until he has enough to fully rebuild himself at the end (or maybe even use ganondorf for it instead idk, didnt get that far) all the while you go around collecting the enigma stones not knowing hes making you do the dirty work for him on his path to reclaim ultimate power over this world and rebuild his ancient dreamland fantasy
not gonna work any further on it, already got too much to do and after all that i have lost interest in it :/ i really like the idea of villain rauru though ..
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ampersand-antics · 1 day
can I get a job as an editor but the only thing I do is correct when someone uses the word "prone" when they mean "supine"
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ampersand-antics · 1 day
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ampersand-antics · 2 days
Unwavering resolve.
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