amllama · 5 hours
now im not one to encourage misinformation. and the new google ai thing is apparently just going off of seemingly random internet results for queries. that being said. the best way to tell if a loaf of bread is finished is to stick your dick in it. are you hearing me? the best way to tell a loaf of bread is finished IS TO STICK YOUR DICK IN IT. I SAID THE BEST WAY TO TELL A LOAF OF BREAD IS FINISHED IS TO STICK YOUR DICK IN IT.
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amllama · 5 hours
Where's that post that's like "I can't buy expensive things like plane tickets on my phone, I have to use my laptop, big purchases are for the big screen"
Because apparently this is a literal actual thing that retailers hate cuz you think more before spending a lot of money, they want you to spend a lot without thinking about it so much
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Keep buying Big Things on the Big Screen, it's healthy for you financially to think before spending a lot of money!
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amllama · 5 hours
hey did you know??? that if you stop stretching and maintaining mobility in your body then it goes away?? things get tight and you can't move the way that you used to??? and when you decide to try getting a stretch routine going that the first week fucking sucks because you keep going 'damn i used to be able to do this no problem' and then you have to switch gears and be kind to yourself and just focus on getting better from here instead of berating yourself for dropping the good habits in the first place??? and your body never stops aging so you gotta keep taking care of it and sometimes you gotta take care of it extra in certain areas because of things that happened when you were younger and it's boring and sometimes hurts but it's so necessary???
i am yelling this at myself right now i am going through An Experience (trying to get into a routine of body maintenance again for my physical and mental health)
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amllama · 15 hours
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I NEED to understand how this guy’s brain works
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amllama · 21 hours
do not forget the patron saint of these weeks that we celebrate ourselves proudly and openly in the streets
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her name was Marsha P Johnson, and we have her to thank for so much.
remember, the first Pride was a riot, and she was one of the brave souls who endured it to help carve the path which so many of us walk today. she helped found several activist groups regarding LGBT safety and wellbeing. and she was absolutely radiant, too.
thank you, Marsha. we remember you.
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amllama · 21 hours
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amllama · 21 hours
*This poll was submitted to us and we simply posted it so people could vote and discuss their opinions on the matter. If you’d like for us to ask the internet a question for you, feel free to drop the poll of your choice in our inbox and we’ll post them anonymously (for more info, please check our pinned post).
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amllama · 1 day
Please THINK about your activism before you do it.
A good example is that the library I work at is having a horrible time getting people access to books on Palestine because someone keeps coming in and moving Palestinian books to every single display or prominent location. What this doesn't do is increase the amount of people who check out these books. What it does do is make it extremely hard for us as librarians to find the books for people who have requested them and extremely hard for patrons who are looking them up in our catalogue and now can't locate them.
I've literally had to apologize to patrons and sent them home while I put the book on hold for them so we can spend a day or two tracking it down.
We have had a dedicated display on Palestine already but it's our standard operation to change the displays to new themes each month because the library as a facility must remain politically neutral on all topics. We just provide information with as few barriers, biases, and agendas as physically humanly possible. Please don't let fucking that up be part of your agenda or you're just as bad as the radical right wings we are dealing with right now too.
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amllama · 1 day
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amllama · 1 day
"DNI: freaks" do you realize how conservative you look
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amllama · 1 day
As Biden tries to distract the world with yet another “possible ceasefire plan,” this is a reminder that Israel is still full force bombarding Rafah, allowing no aid to enter southern and northern Gaza, and routinely raiding cities in the West Bank. Today a 15 year old Palestinian was shot due to a raid near Jericho, while an Israeli attack in central Gaza killed 7 people—including a woman and her infant. Eastern Rafah is being heavily shelled as we speak. There is only one functioning hospital in all of Rafah, and it’s on the verge of collapse. Hundreds of people die every single day
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amllama · 1 day
why do so many teenagers follow me. you know i do drugs right.
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amllama · 1 day
re: google AI. seriously. do you want machine generated misinformation or do you want to come here, to our beloved tumblr, and receive specially hand crafted misinformation. support real artists, guys. come to tumblr for your misinformation
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amllama · 1 day
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amllama · 1 day
corporations with fuck-you money like disney, target, and absolut vodka make big bucks selling their overpriced garbage with the orange&pink lesbian flag on it but the person who made it is currently HOMELESS.
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update 2/may/2023
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since i made this post people have tried to argue on it in some really disgusting ways honestly and it's shown me that a lot of you don't actually care about protecting your community. in the meantime emily is still begging just to get by every moth. they have a place now but are always short on money for rides, meds, rent, and other bills.
give your money to emily gwen.
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amllama · 2 days
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Light answers a tough question
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amllama · 2 days
look. i don’t think my stretch marks are beautiful. i don’t think they’re tiger stripes or natural tattooos. i don’t think my acne is beautiful. i don’t think the bags under my eyes are beautiful. i just think they’re human. and i don’t think i have to be beautiful all of the time in order to be accepted and loved and sucessful. i don’t think every small detail of my outer appearence needs to be translated into prettiness.
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