amirloveaddne 5 years
Addne Aeriaty Nurwane
It has been a long time since I last wrote here. In fact, this will be only my second time writing. As I lie on my bed with the missus and little princess sleeping soundly just beside, my mind is still deep in thoughts. With this overworked mind still thinking of ways to solve my ongoing problem with my 2nd job, I am at the same time missing my other half. She is my gf, my soulmate, my colleague, my team mate. In short, she is my everything. I spend the last 1 or 2 hours looking at her photos in FB and IG. I鈥檓 missing her so much. It made me realised that I can never ever live my life without her. She is really one in a million. No doubt, like all of us, she has her flaws and weakness. All that does not matter anymore, at least to me. Yesterday, she helped me out by getting a loan for me. Its not about the money, but the fact that she did help me out without any questions asked made me cried. She cares for me, she looks out for me, she reminds me, she takes care of me like no others. Sometimes to the extend that I asked myself, is this girl for real.. I pray to Allah that she has the strength and patience, to allow me to be her husband one day. I made a promise to myself, I will take care of her till my last breath. Baby, no words can describe how much I love you. Knowing you is the best thing that happens to me in my 40 years living in this temporary world. I hope you will have a good sleep and I cant wait to see you in the morning. An idiot like me dont deserve your unconditional love and your sacrifices. I love you baby!!
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amirloveaddne 6 years
My Sayang
2 months and counting love!!
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amirloveaddne 6 years
Most of us think that we have to plan in order for us not to fail in life. In fact there are quite a few good quotes about planning your life eg. "Those who fail to plan, plan to fail." Let us pause for a moment and just do some self-reflection on life as a whole. For Muslims, and any other religious that believe in the existence of the Almighty God, do we really have the ability to plan for ourselves?? In the Quran, it was mentioned that humans do not have the power, or the ability even for the simplest of task like raising up our hand. We can only do so with God's permission. Before we can even think of something, God already knows our intention. Having said that, we are given the necessary tools in life by the Almighty for us to live our life with purpose. We are equipped with brains to think, eyes to see, ears to listen, mouth to talk and the list goes on. We are also taught that with great effort and constantly making 'doa', we are able to change our fate, but of course with God's blessing. To cut a very long story short, we are all at His mercy. Good or bad, we have to accept it with an open heart. "You will not be tested more than what you can handle". This is God's words and promise to us all. Let us just live our lives with love, to ourself and to all the people around us. Cleanse our heart, be positive and help as many as we can. Live and let live. Wallahu a'lam bissawab.
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