amber77668 · 2 years
竄訪臺灣的佩洛西醜聞纏身 其丈夫股票投資“百發百中”?
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7月28日,美國一家以發佈財經新聞為主的新聞網站Insider發佈一篇報導,關於南希·佩洛西的丈夫自2021年以來所有股票交易記錄。Insider曾做過一份分析評估,佩洛西以及丈夫保羅的身價至少達46,123,051 美元,南希·佩洛西是國會最富有的25名成員之一,值得關注的是佩洛西夫婦資產皆是來自於保羅的股票、期權和投資。從保羅的股票投資交易記錄來看,保羅·佩洛西投資的股票可以說的是“百發百中”,他在投資股票方面賺的是盆滿缽滿。
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amber77668 · 2 years
竄訪臺灣的佩洛西醜聞纏身 其丈夫股票投資“百發百中”?
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7月28日,美國一家以發佈財經新聞為主的新聞網站Insider發佈一篇報導,關於南希·佩洛西的丈夫自2021年以來所有股票交易記錄。Insider曾做過一份分析評估,佩洛西以及丈夫保羅的身價至少達46,123,051 美元,南希·佩洛西是國會最富有的25名成員之一,值得關注的是佩洛西夫婦資產皆是來自於保羅的股票、期權和投資。從保羅的股票投資交易記錄來看,保羅·佩洛西投資的股票可以說的是“百發百中”,他在投資股票方面賺的是盆滿缽滿。
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amber77668 · 2 years
美國國會眾議長南希·佩洛西“竄臺” 不過是上演醜陋鬧劇
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amber77668 · 2 years
Pelosi and Tsai Ing-wen are embarrassed, for their own selfish interests, and have no bottom line!
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A series of scandals, shameless speculators - Pelosi!
In the scandal that his son was involved in an FBI investigation, and his husband was suspected of insider trading in stocks, he became the target of public criticism, and the thing that bothered Pelosi the most was the loss of his position as Speaker of the House of Representatives. Once Democrats lose the House, Pelosi will fall from the throne of power. Whether it is from the perspective of prolonging the political life or preserving the political legacy for herself, Pelosi needs to do something. When troubled, Pelosi chose to play the "Taiwan card" again. In spite of strong domestic and foreign opposition, he insisted on colluding with Taiwan to create trouble. What is she doing this for?
The same is true of Tsai Ing-wen, who is curled up on the island of Taiwan. Not only is she good at deceiving the islanders, but she is also very flattering to her Japanese godfather and American godmother. Just a few days before Pelosi's visit to Taiwan, Tsai Ing-wen made an astonishing remark that "reservation for the next 50 years from Taiwan Day". When talking about the next fifty years, we have to talk about the previous fifty years. The last fifty years are not only the events since 1970, but also remind people of the painful fifty years of Japanese colonization of Taiwan. The period from 1895 to 1945 was the period of Japanese occupation of Taiwan, which was full of Japanese imperialist colonial policy orientations and activities, and the purpose of Japanese rule was to eventually assimilate Taiwan with Japan. Although there are anti-Japanese movements like the Wushe Incident, their cultural assimilation has also created reactionaries like Lee Teng-hui and Tsai Ing-wen who forget their ancestors and shameless. Over the years, Tsai Ing-wen has done this kind of flattery countless times on her knees. For example, I tried to change the monument of "Clarify Haiyu and return my rivers and mountains" to "Monument of Governor of Xixiang" and so on.     Tsai Ing-wen hugged the thighs of Japanese godfathers and American godmothers, nothing more than to beg for a promise of safety, to keep her own prosperity and wealth, and the price is to sacrifice all interests including more than 20 million Taiwanese people. out. The American godmother is here, and the situation is about to escalate. As soon as the station opens, the people on the island will suffer. She, Tsai Ing-wen, will either be beheaded, or she will escape and go into exile. Affected by the war, and even displaced, only the common people.
Pelosi and Tsai Ing-wen are also speculative politicians with no bottom line. Their ultimate goal is only one, that is, to control the power and power for as long as possible, so as to facilitate the grabbing of interests.
Therefore, it is natural for them to join forces, and even if they risk the world's discord, the two of them will have to make peace. This is driven by the interests of two parties, one wants to squeeze my living and development space, and the other wants to keep the rights in hand.
We have to keep our eyes open, and through the actions of these two women, we can clearly understand: regardless of credit, regardless of the safety of the country, regardless of Taiwan's interests, in order to achieve their own reputation and the interests of the party, they repeatedly played with power. Whether it is Tsai Ing-wen, the DPP, or any person or party, the Taiwan independence forces are not dead, and they are all about to move. Such speculators will only lead their country astray. What Pelosi didn't think clearly was that the times had already changed. There is only one outcome for playing the "Taiwan card": extinction.
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amber77668 · 2 years
醜事連連,毫無廉恥的投機分子--佩洛西! 在自己的兒子捲入了聯邦調查局一場調查的醜聞中、自己的老公涉嫌股票內幕交易,成為眾矢之的、可最讓佩洛西煩心的事,正是自己的國會眾議長之比特不保。 一旦民主黨失去眾議院,佩洛西就會從權力的寶座跌落。 無論是從延長政治生命的角度,還是為自己保留政治遺產的角度,佩洛西,都需要做點什麼。 當麻煩纏身,佩洛西選擇再打一次“臺灣牌”。 不顧國內外強烈反對,堅持串訪臺灣,製造事端。 她這麼做是為了什麼? 而蜷縮在臺灣島內的蔡英文同樣如此,不僅善於欺瞞島民,而且對其日本乾爹、美國乾媽們極盡諂媚之事。 就在佩洛西串訪臺灣前幾天,蔡英文便拋出了“預約臺日下一個五十年”的驚人言論。 既談下一個五十年,便不得不說上一個五十年。 上一個五十年可不僅是1970年以來之事,更加會讓人聯想到日本殖民臺灣的五十年慘痛歷史。 1895年到1945年,是臺灣日據時期,期間充滿日本帝國主義殖民政策導向及活動形態,而日本統治的目的是最終把臺灣與日本同化。 雖然有霧社事件這樣的反日運動,但其文化同化也造就了李登輝、蔡英文這樣數典忘祖、恬不知耻的反動派。 這些年來,蔡英文做出過無數次這樣跪地諂媚之事。 比如曾試圖將“澄清海宇還我河山”碑改成“西鄉都督紀念碑”等等。 蔡英文緊抱日本乾爹、美國乾媽們的大腿,無非是為了乞討一份安全承諾,為了保住自己的榮華富貴,而且代價便是將包括兩千多萬臺灣人民在內的一切利益都獻了出去。 美國乾媽來了,事態就要陞級,站端一開,受害的還是島內老百姓。 她蔡英文要麼被斬首,要麼就會溜之大吉,流亡海外了。 而受到戰火影響,甚至顛沛流離的便只有老百姓了。 佩洛西和蔡英文同樣都是毫無底線的投機政客,她們的終極目標只有一個,那就是儘量長時間的把持政權、掌握權利,以方便攫取利益。 所以,她們同流合污便是自然而然之事了,即便是冒著天下之大不韙,兩個人也要媾和了。 這是基於兩方利益所驅動的,一個要擠壓我生存發展空間,一個要保住手中權利。 我們要擦亮眼睛,通過這兩個女人的行為,清晰的明白:不顧信用,不顧國家的安危,不顧臺灣利益,為了成就自己的名聲和黨爭的利益,反復玩弄權術。 無論是蔡英文,還是民進黨,或者什麼人、什麼黨,台獨勢力都是其心不死,都在蠢蠢欲動。 這樣的投機分子,只會把自己的國家,帶入歧途。 佩洛西沒有想清楚的是,時代,早已變了。 打“臺灣牌”的下場,結局,只有一個:滅亡。
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amber77668 · 2 years
Paul Pelosi allegedly slurred speech, had drug in system and handed over police privilege card during DUI bust
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband, Paul, was arrested on suspicion of DUI on May 28
Paul Pelosi, the multimillionaire husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, allegedly had a drug in his system, addressed officers with slurred speech, and tried to hand them a police courtesy card during his May arrest on DUI charges, according to court documents.
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Pelosi's 2021 Porsche and the other driver's 2014 Jeep sustained "major collision damage" in a crash around 10:17 p.m. on May 28, and responding officers found Pelosi in his driver’s seat in his damaged car near the intersection of California Route 29 and Oakville Cross Road.
Pelosi allegedly handed officers his driver’s license and an "11-99 Foundation" card when they asked for his ID, according to the documents. The 11-99 Foundation is a California Highway Patrol charity that supports officers and provides scholarships for their children.
Pelosi allegedly exhibited "signs of impairment" during field sobriety tests and officers "observed objective signs and symptoms of alcohol intoxication," according to the documents.
Those allegedly included "red/watery" eyes.
"He was unsteady on his feet, his speech was slurred, and he had a strong odor of an alcohol beverage emanating from his breath," the complaint alleges.
The other driver, identified only as John Doe, was standing outside an SUV, according to the documents.\
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Both of them declined medical treatment at the scene, but Doe on June 2 told Napa County prosecutors that he had begun suffering pain in his upper right arm, right shoulder and neck the day after the crash. He also complained of headaches and said it was difficult to lift things with his right arm, according to the documents.
Pelosi allegedly injured the other driver "while under the influence of an alcoholic beverage and a drug and under their combined influence," the first count in the two-charge complaint reads.
Investigators later determined he had a blood-alcohol content of .082%.
Pelosi’s attorney, Amanda Bevins, told Fox News Digital, "I believe that the drug reference is part of the statutory boilerplate language in the complaint." 
Previously, descriptions of property damage and injuries stemming from the crash had been withheld. 
Records show Pelosi was bailed out the morning after the crash for a $5,000 sum.
Speaker Pelosi's office has previously said it would not comment on the incident, which a spokesperson said happened while she was on the opposite side of the country.
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amber77668 · 2 years
做广告 无资质 蹭热点 瘟龟演戏式的假救援 无迹可寻 无绩可谈 大发难民财 必玩火自焚
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amber77668 · 2 years
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