amazonadvertising · 21 days
Announcing AutoPilot v3: A Significant Update
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AutoPilot v3 is finally out! We are excited to introduce AutoPilot v3, a substantial update to the AutoPilot algorithm. This latest version shifts the focus from target Advertising Cost of Sales (ACoS) days to a new metric: X clicks. Understanding X Clicks X clicks represent the number of clicks needed to generate a reasonable amount of sales for your products. This metric is calculated both for individual products and clusters of semantically related keywords. Here's how it works: - Semantic Clustering of Keywords: Keywords that are very similar in meaning are grouped together into clusters. - Aggregation of Data: Within each cluster, data on costs, sales, and clicks are aggregated. - Calculation of X Clicks: The X clicks value is determined for each cluster. If a cluster has enough clicks to generate meaningful sales, this cluster-specific X clicks value is used. Otherwise, the product-level X clicks value is applied. You can find the specific X clicks value for each cluster and product in the AutoPilot log. Bid Calculation and Optimization AutoPilot v3 utilizes the X clicks metric to calculate the ideal bid for each cluster and product. The algorithm optimizes each keyword based on its cluster's X clicks value, considering the current ACoS and its deviation from the target ACoS. - Insufficient Clicks: If a keyword lacks sufficient clicks, the algorithm falls back to using target ACoS days for bid optimization. - Sufficient Clicks: For keywords with clicks exceeding the X clicks threshold, AutoPilot prioritizes the last X clicks over the last target ACoS days. This approach ensures that short-term fluctuations in spend or sales (such as a bad week) do not disproportionately impact keyword performance. Platform-Wide Upgrade All AutoPilots on our platform have been upgraded to this new version, ensuring that every user benefits from the enhanced optimization capabilities of AutoPilot v3. Read the full article
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amazonadvertising · 3 months
AiHello Product update: Mid March
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This quarter has been a busy month for us and most of the work was in behind-the-scenes algorithm updates. Majorly, our campaign creator has been completely revamped, we updated our target report module and AutoPilot bid adjustment algorithms received major upgrades. AutoPilot now calculates ideal bid for each keyword. The order of preference is :1) The first preference is given to the keyword's own historical performance. We ensure that the keyword has optimal number of clicks, sales and spend before using historical performance since we don't want to jump the gun and calculate bids for keywords which accidentally makes some sales based on few clicks. 2) The second preference is more interesting and involves our AI engine. This engine searches our entire database for semantically similar keyword cluster and gets their ideal bids. 3) If both the action above fails then we use the ASIN performance to get the ideal bid for each keyword. AutoPilot then adds a certain percentage above and below this ideal bid as OptiGuard. This percentage is by default 30% but is configurable in AutoPilot settings. For example if the keyword "olive oil" has an ideal bid of $1, AutoPilot algorithm will set OptiGuard to 30% above and below is $0.70 and $1.30 AutoPilot will not usually lower the bid below $0.70 or increase it above $1.30. There are exceptions to lowering the bid; for example if the keyword still bleeds money even at the lower end of OptiGuard, AutoPilot will reduce it even further What if you are launching a new product and want OptiGuard to be more relaxed? For example you are launching your brand of Olive Oil and you don't mind spending more money to test out the product.You could obviously set the AutoPilot target acos to higher number but the ideal way would be to increase the "Launch Aggression" in AutoPilot settings from 30% to, for example, 50%. So for the same keyword "Olive Oil" the OptiGuard would be set at $0.5 to $1.5. AutoPilot will test the keyword till $1.5 For Campaign Creator module, in addition to UX refresh, the keyword seeding has been updated. Now we analyze each keyword before adding it to the campaign. The campaign creator is still one touch: You add your product, change the recommended acos and budget if you want and hit submit and our algorithms will handle the rest. AiHello will create the right adgroups, right structure for your campaigns, harvest the right keywords with correct bids, link all the campaigns for continuous keyword harvesting and also seed the campaign with initial keywords. The initial keywords are harvested from your sales history, our internal database and amazon recommendations. The algorithm first analysis all your existing campaigns for this ASIN to ensure that the same keyword is not being reused. The algorithm for bid was revamped recently with OptiGuard which ensures that initial bids are judicious and on point. In addition to algorithm updates we released the new features Target tab in campaigns now shows which keyword are harvested automatically by AutoPilot. They are highlighted in light green. Targets not on AutoPilot will display with a red outline These are the major updates for March (and March is not even over!) Read the full article
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amazonadvertising · 3 months
AiHello Product Update: Search term transfers
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AiHello released major modules in the last few quarters which we will be documenting separately. For the search term transfers module we made progress update in how this module works, performance of it and how we display the search terms that AutoPilot automatically harvested. AdGroup match type from the Groups tab This match type is automatically set if you use our Automated Campaign Creator or AdGenius.If you setup AutoPilot on a campaign, we also detect the major match type of keywords and set the AdGroup match type automatically.In all cases, you can override in the Groups tab and set it to something else. What is this Group match type? All the automated customer search terms that are harvested are added as the correct match type to the relevant AdGroup. 2) Search Term harvesting performance. We upgraded our algorithm for search term harvesting. For an ASIN we search for relevant search terms with appropriate match type across all campaigns to add the best customer search term to your campaigns.This means we will even analyze SB campaigns including SP campaigns. However, for this to work ensure that you have only ONE ASIN per AdGroup. If you have multiple ASINs, the easiest way is to pause/archive the rest and create new AdGroups for other ASINS. This way AutoPilot can link the right ASIN to the right customer search term. 3) Displaying the harvested Search terms. The "Keyword" tab has been updated to show all the keywords that were automatically harvested by AutoPilot. They will be displayed in off-green color. Read the full article
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amazonadvertising · 7 months
Amazon Marketing Services Agency: Get Expert Assistance on the Critical Areas of Marketing
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Starting your own business appears to be a simple task. Most individuals, however, only see the tip of the iceberg. They realize the benefits that come with starting their own business. However, they are clueless about the procedure for getting there. Creating marketing strategies that are productive for your Amazon business is one of those steps. Why should a business use an Amazon marketing agency in the first place? What benefits do they gain from working with an Amazon seller consultant? Over the course of time, the methodologies employed in marketing have undergone significant transformation. It is imperative for businesses to remain abreast of prevailing trends to maintain a competitive advantage. Digital marketing changed the way organizations interact with their customers. Creating a website for your company and running advertisements isn’t enough. You should make sure your company is running on a reputable eCommerce platform. With so many responsibilities on your plate, completing them all on your own would be challenging. It's a good thing there are Amazon ad agencies where you may get professional assistance. Let's get down to business in this post, and see how an Amazon digital marketing agency can help you with these responsibilities. Amazon Search Engine Optimization On Amazon, marketing involves coming up with innovative ways to capture your consumers' interest and optimizing adverts with keywords so that they show in client search results. A10 is the algorithm that governs Amazon. With the change of name from A9 to A10 this year, Amazon modified the algorithm's checks. These are the several regions that the A10 is different from A9: - The A10 Algorithm emphasises the value of good seller feedback, implying that older companies with more positive feedback would count more than fresher products. - Sponsored links in the A9 Amazon Algorithm were capable of making a difference in raising product ranking, however this is no longer the case with the revised version. You won’t be able to obtain much success from your PPC advertisements in the A10 Algorithm if they aren’t planned and worthwhile. - Previously, Amazon A9 gave favour to profitable goods, which tended to be listed at the top, but the A10 algorithm has prioritised relevance. Buyer search queries will be given the highest weight, and items that are 100 percent correct and relevant will be given a better ranking, even if they are not profitable. - The Click Through Rate is another area of the A10 Algorithm where things don’t appear to be as comparable as they were in the A9 Algorithm. Relevant keywords and enticing pictures are essential for a high click-through rate. According to the A10 Algorithm, if your product’s CTR is higher, it has a better probability of being highly rated. Yes, CTR is important, but it isn’t the be-all and end-all. Amazon also looks at the conversion rate of your goods when it receives a high CTR rate. Keyword Research Keyword optimization is essential for search enine optimization. But here we will discuss keyword optimization while making PPC campaigns. Pay-per-click keywords must be optimized in a way that consumers search for the keywords that you are using. This way more consumers will click on your website, leading to more traffic and hence you will be able to convert more and more consumers into your customers.  PPC keyword optimization is all about using the right keywords for the right set of customers. Align your website with the consumer’s language!  Some points that must be remembered while doing keyword optimization for PPC are given below.  -  Keyword Research : Doing keyword research is a pre-requisite for determining which keywords hold more potential for driving traffic. It will also help you in bidding on the right keywords.  - Segmentation of Keywords : By optimizing the keywords, your keywords are organized into groups that are semantically related to each other.  - PPC Ad Text : Your keywords need to be aligned in the ad text so that searchers click your ads. You need to understand how to craft your ad text.  - Keywords on Landing Page : The optimized words or optimized keywords that you are using in the ad text must be visible on your landing page so that the user lands on your page and matches with the offer.  - More Relevance : The searcher’s keywords and your keywords lead to a higher CTR (Click through rate) if they are optimized. Higher the CTR, higher the quality score. All these lead to more relevance for your PPC. Product Page Optimization After you've decided which keywords to utilize, you can start optimizing your product page by putting them in prominent places like: - Keep in mind the character count limit while creating a product title. Instead of adding your brand name, which may have less searches, we recommend using the character allowance in the product title for high-performing keywords. - Product Description and Bullet Points: Make the most of Amazon's suggested bullet point length of 1000 characters by crafting legible, useful, and optimized descriptions and good-to-knows. - Keywords for the backend: There will be times when your research yields keywords that are badly formatted, such as abbreviations, misspelled words, or foreign phrases. It can be tough to incorporate these into an engaging product page description or article. So, where do they go? The backend is where everything happens. How Can An Agency Assist You? When you work with an Amazon online marketing agency, you'll have access to professionals who can help you with keyword research, SEO, and increased brand material. Start and monitor your SEO campaign. Your keyword research will be done by SEO professionals who will employ the use of reliable keyword research tools. Thinking about competitive analysis? An SEO team will also be the ones to pick which keywords to employ in a sea of ideas. This will be included in the tasks of these professionals as well. Copywriters are in charge of the page text content. The chosen keywords will be smoothly included into the product bullet points by copywriters. To ensure readability and optimization, experienced copywriters will seamlessly blend information about your products and keywords. They'll use the Amazon bullet point standards of five bullet points and 1000 characters to persuade your product page visitors that you're the greatest option on the market and that they should buy your product. Team of Graphic Designers for Attractive Images The visuals you'll obtain from an Amazon marketing services agency will be created by trained graphic designers. They'll create graphics that are just as informative as the words you put in your bullet points. For example, your product description will give you more details about the item you're selling. Amazon Advertising It's time to investigate Amazon PPC ads and the many tactics for achieving success on the market. Here are some tips to help you with your PPC ad strategies: To Get The Most Out Of Your Amazon Listings’ SEO, Offer Unique Content. Although Amazon’s product listings aren’t designed for aesthetics or customizability, you may still use the platform to increase brand recognition. Amazon has created the Enhanced Brand Content function in response to the necessity to update the listing in order to increase sales (EBC). Sellers who are part of the Amazon Brand Registry program, on the other hand, are the only ones who can use this option. EBC is the A+ content accessible on Seller Central, where certified sellers may upload images and descriptions while promoting their businesses with more freedom. Create original material by employing high-quality, real-world images and videos to make your things and brand stand out once you’ve mastered this feature. To engage more potential buyers, show how the products are used and beneficial in real life. Use Relevant Keywords In The Title And Description Of Your Product. Make sure your listing title and description include important keywords that buyers commonly use when searching for products to rank higher on the search result page. The algorithm determines your listing’s relationship to what potential shoppers are looking for on Amazon as a result, giving your products more visibility. The more visible you are, the more sales you can make. As a result, conduct extensive keyword research to determine which keywords should be included in your title and description. However, if you are doubtful, you should seek the advice of an SEO specialist. Assess which keywords should be in the title and place them strategically throughout the Amazon listing. Make Sure To Emphasize Your Product’s Qualities And Benefits. Use the bullet section to highlight the product’s five most important qualities that set it apart from the competitors. It’s more vital to focus on the content of your product feature than the amount of features you offer. You are not required to fill out five bullet points for product features. It’s all about delivering good bullet points to persuade people to buy your product. Use the product description if you have more than five bullet points to describe your product’s qualities. In the product description, you have more freedom to explain and advertise your goods. Meanwhile, make the most of the description area by including information such as sizing charts, product measurements, available colours, and variants. To avoid turning off potential purchasers, make sure your listing is free of grammatical errors and deceptive marketing. You can hire copywriters to create a remarkable output for your Amazon listing if you aren’t skilled at writing. Because many buyers read product descriptions, you must provide a well-written description and make effective use of it to encourage them to buy. Upload Product Photographs That Are Both Clean And Appealing. In the e-commerce market, photos are crucial. Because customers can’t view the things in person, the uploaded photos are their only source of information about how the product looks. As a result, ensure that all of your photographs are of good quality and that you follow Amazon’s criteria. To be clear and minimise confusion, one of these requirements is to have a clean white background. Furthermore, make sure that your product takes up 85 percent of the image, regardless of the perspective. Finally, make sure they’re visually appealing and of high-definition quality. If you have the necessary tools and equipment, use them. If you want better results, you can employ a professional photographer. Check Your Customers’ Reviews And Respond To Their Problems As Soon As Possible. Your customer reviews are also important to Amazon’s A10 algorithm. It takes into account your ratings in addition to the content of your product listing. To retain a positive store reputation and top rating, you must receive positive feedback from your customers. Negative comments, on the other hand, should not deter you. Instead, use this as an opportunity to engage with your customers and respond to their issues promptly and courteously to demonstrate that you care about them. Check to see whether their reviews are about the goods rather than you, the seller. In this situation, go to Seller Central and request that the feedback be removed. How an Advertising Agency Can Assist Here are some of the ways that an Amazon team can help: Your campaigns will be managed by PPC experts. PPC strategizing, ad campaign monitoring, data analysis, reporting, and, if necessary, strategy tweaks are all duties that a PPC professional from an Amazon marketing business can assist you with. So having an Amazon expert look into an area of your business where you've invested so much pays off. Advertisement optimization Similarly, because Amazon SEO professionals are in charge of your store's optimization, they will also offer keyword ideas for your ad. As a result, you can rest assured that the keywords you bid on have been thoroughly researched by professionals before being chosen at random. Experts in marketing will make your adverts stand out. In the year 2022, there will be 9.7 million Amazon sellers globally, and to say the competition is fierce is an understatement. A team of marketing specialists assures that the ads will capture the attention of your target audiences, arouse their interest, and encourage them to click through to discover more about the product. Marketing (External Links) Ads from external links or affiliate marketing are the last but not least of the three factors to consider in Amazon marketing. External advertising were not taken into account by the algorithm on A9, but they are now given a lot of weight in the new A10 changes. Affiliate Marketing on Amazon You can use Amazon affiliate marketing as a starting point for developing external links. You can make your own website and use external connections to post some blogs. You can also use social media marketing to your advantage by including links in the posts you produce on various platforms. Aside from this method, you can also collaborate with high-traffic bloggers to have them recommend your product and add an affiliate link in their writings. Another option is to collaborate with social media influencers in your niche. How it works is as follows: - The Amazon Affiliate Program allows interested endorsers to sign up. - To obtain your product links, you can use various link kinds such as SiteStripe, product links, banners, or API. - Once you've obtained the links, you can easily incorporate them into your blogs and social media posts. Bloggers and influencers who participate in this program are compensated in three ways: per-click, per-sale, and per-lead. Campaign Marketing Suggestions Now that you know how to use Amazon Affiliate Marketing, here are some pointers to help you make sure your efforts outside of the platform achieve the clicks and sales you want. Make use of a variety of social media sites. You can use Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn, to name a few social media networks. You have the option of creating accounts on all sites or focusing on those where your target audiences are active. For your material, you can use videos, photos, or text. Recognize the value of videos in marketing. Despite this, studies show that videos are the most enticing of all content forms, with 8 out of 10 customers making a purchase decision after seeing a product video. With that in mind, you can give it a shot and see how it goes! Make sure your blog postings are well-planned. Blog postings, on the other hand, are excellent sources of in-depth information and are especially useful for potential clients conducting research prior to making a purchase. Single and round-up product reviews, which include product information as well as advantages and cons, are excellent blog post kinds. Don't be afraid to think outside the box. Finally, develop one-of-a-kind advertisements that will not only catch people's attention but also help them remember your business and items. Hold webinars, host events, collaborate with Youtube vloggers, and run social media contests—the marketing possibilities are endless. To make your brand stand out, squeeze out all of your ingenuity. How an Advertising Agency Can Assist You may take use of a slew of marketing advantages to maintain your internet presence visible and floating. Here are a few examples: You'll have the opportunity to collaborate with social media marketing specialists. Social media marketing is not only posting material but also optimizing it so that it reaches the correct audience. Social media professionals at an Amazon marketing agency will do market research to determine which social media site your target customer uses. They'll also give you more information on what's hot right now and how you can incorporate it into your marketing approach. Your website will be built by experts. You won't need to go elsewhere for website developers and designers because an Amazon agency has a team of experts that will handle the building and design of your website. Your blog's content team A content team comprised of SEO specialists and content writers will develop content for you once your website is up and running. Every piece of information has been optimized to appear in Google's search results. Article will be both educational and appealing, so if there is a link to Amazon in the content, blog readers will be enticed to click. Conclusion These basic questions, as well as their follow-ups, should be easy for any Amazon agency or consultant worth their salt to answer. To raise your brand and realize your vision, the potential hire must be versatile, flexible, and aligned with your company goals. Keep a look out for distinguishing characteristics, such as proprietary software, which might provide you an advantage over competitors and other firms. Examine their array of services to discover if there are any areas where your company could profit. If they offer a diverse range of services, they will be able to meet the majority of your requirements under one roof. Read the full article
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amazonadvertising · 10 months
Top 40 Amazon Marketing Agencies For 2023
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Imagine you had captivating product listings that attracted shoppers, SEO strategies optimized to place you at the top of search results, and expert guidance through Amazon's intricate advertising landscape to drive more sales and reduce your ACoS. With the right agency by your side, this is not just a distant fantasy—it's an achievable reality. But here's the truth: not all agencies are that great. Many make grand promises without the experience or resources to back them up. We've heard plenty of sad tales from disappointed sellers, so we understand the frustration and disappointment that arises from placing your trust in the wrong hands. This is why we made this article, to save you from risky guesswork. In this blog post, you will find a list of 40 Amazon marketing agencies you can trust. We made sure we went the extra mile to include sufficient details about each agency to help you identify the one that meets your needs and possesses the expertise and resources necessary to reach your goals. So, are you ready to take your Amazon business to the next level? Let's get started! 1. AiHello Year founded: 2018Headquarters: Toronto, Ontario, CanadaNumber of employees: 11-50 AiHello combines cutting-edge AI technology with the human expertise of their seasoned specialists. Their proprietary AI-powered PPC software has automated over 1.7 million campaigns, saving sellers valuable time and resources.  Beyond PPC automation, AiHello's team of experts provides a range of services including product listing optimization, SEO, Amazon advertising management, branding and design, market research, competitor analysis, and account management and strategy. They are dedicated to helping Amazon sellers and vendors grow their revenues, reduce the time spent on ads management, and decrease ad costs.  Details Dedicated Account Manager In addition to cutting-edge automation, AiHello offers sellers the expertise of PPC specialists who have managed 8 and 9-figure accounts to help them with strategy and execution. These professionals provide strategic guidance on PPC, campaign setup, advertising tactics, and overall growth strategies. With personalized support, sellers can navigate the complexities of Amazon advertising with confidence, benefiting from the agency's in-depth knowledge and experience. Get All Your Agency Needs in One Place AiHello offers a range of services, including product listing optimization, SEO, Amazon advertising management, branding and design, market research, competitor analysis, and account management. This allows sellers to achieve their business objectives and maximize their success on Amazon without the headache and cost of managing and paying multiple agencies. Effective Bid Adjustments AiHello's experienced team utilizes sophisticated bidding algorithms to strategically allocate their clients’ ad spend. By focusing on high-performing keywords and minimizing spend on underperforming ones, they effectively lower ACoS and drive more sales, resulting in a significant 20% drop in average advertising costs. Keyword Management AiHello employs an automated keyword management system to continuously optimize campaigns, keeping sales on an upward trajectory while maintaining an optimal Advertising Cost of Sales (ACoS). Their team identifies new relevant keywords, eliminates ineffective ones, and utilizes negative keywords to have better control over ad spend. This ensures that clients never miss valuable opportunities to drive high-quality traffic. Achievements That Speak Volumes With a remarkable track record managing over $1.2 billion in annual revenue and boasting a 96% success rate, AiHello has established itself as an industry leader. Their clients have experienced significant transformations, such as AlphaSigma reducing their Advertising Cost of Sales (ACoS) from 30% to 19% within two months, leading to a substantial increase in PPC sales of over $250,000. AiHello is proud to empower sellers to reach their full potential on Amazon. Certifications and Expertise AiHello is an Amazon Ads Advanced Partner, which demonstrates its strong partnerships and deep understanding of Amazon's advertising ecosystem. Their involvement with the Amazon Marketplace Developer Council also showcases their commitment to staying ahead of industry trends and driving innovation.  By choosing AiHello, sellers align themselves with a trusted agency that leverages the latest tools and strategies to optimize their Amazon marketing efforts. Having 1 on 1 guidance from the team over at AiHello has been crucial for growing my sales past $2 million. Michael Greene, Amazon Seller Case Study A cosmetics brand was struggling with an alarmingly high ACoS and despite their best efforts, they were unable to achieve profitability, forcing them to halt their advertising efforts for an extended period of time. After many months of slow sales, they decided that they were In need of a breakthrough solution, which is how they found AiHello, a trusted Amazon marketing agency, and software company. After partnering with AiHello for just 6 months, their monthly ad sales skyrocketed from a modest $2.5k to an astounding $200k. AiHello also reduced their ACoS to an amazing 20%, helping them make more money for each dollar they spend on advertising.  See the details below. The Power of AiHello's Approach AiHello took on this challenge with a tailored strategy to address the brand's specific pain points. Here’s what they did differently: 1. Campaign Creation and AutomationHarnessing the power of AiHello's cutting-edge technology, the team swiftly developed thousands of highly targeted campaigns. This automated approach allowed the cosmetics brand to expand its reach and capture the attention of potential customers on Amazon. 2. Automated Keyword Harvesting and BiddingUtilizing AiHello's advanced automation technology, precise keyword harvesting and accurate bid adjustments were implemented. By continuously optimizing the campaigns, the team was able to significantly reduce the ACoS, ensuring more efficient use of advertising spend. 3. Hybrid Approach (Software + PPC Specialist)To maximize the brand's potential, AiHello combined its sophisticated software with the expertise of its seasoned PPC specialists. This allowed them to conduct a thorough account audit and develop a customized strategy that could rapidly fuel the brand’s growth. Results The efforts of AiHello and their unique approach yielded remarkable results for the cosmetics brand:1. $2.5k to $200,000 Monthly Ad SalesThe brand's monthly sales skyrocketed from $2.5k to an incredible $200,000 in just 6 months. This represented a remarkable turnaround from their initial struggles. 2. ACoS Reduction to 20%Through AiHello's precise bidding and campaign optimization techniques, the brand achieved an impressive ACoS reduction of 25%. This efficiency in advertising spend helped improve profitability and maximize return on investment. Conclusion The partnership between AiHello and the cosmetics brand stands as a testament to the agency's expertise and ability to drive exceptional results. Their innovative strategies, coupled with advanced technology and industry knowledge, transformed a struggling brand into a thriving success story on Amazon. If you're an Amazon seller facing similar challenges, consider partnering with AiHello to unlock your brand's true potential and embark on a journey toward accelerated growth and success. Do you want to see how AiHello's fully automated and hybrid approach can supercharge your own Amazon business growth? Get on a call with an expert here.No Commitment 2. Canopy Management Year Founded: 2018Headquarters: Austin, TX, United StatesNumber of employees: 51-200 Canopy Management is a performance-based Amazon agency that has gained recognition as the fastest-growing Amazon agency in America. Their services include customized reporting, product photography and video, Amazon SEO, and inventory management, among others.  Details Human-to-Human ApproachCanopy Management positions itself as a trusted partner, combining human expertise with software-driven solutions. They pride themselves on delivering white-glove customer service, ensuring effective communication, and treating partners' businesses as their own. Certifications, Awards, and Positive ReviewsWith over 10 certifications and awards from partners, Canopy Management has gained industry recognition and trust. Their commitment to scaling brands is evident in the many positive testimonials on their website. Comprehensive Service OfferingsCanopy offers a wide range of services to support Amazon sellers. These services include customized reporting, high-quality product photography and video, Amazon SEO optimization, and efficient inventory management. Impressive Growth and Partner Retention Canopy Management has achieved impressive year-over-year profit growth, managed substantial revenue for its clients, and boasts a high partner retention rate. Their focus on communication and treating partners' businesses as their own sets them apart. 3. BetterAMS Year founded: 2016Headquarters: Bentonville, Arkansas, United StatesNumber of employees: 11-50 Another notable player in the Amazon marketing agency landscape is BetterAMS. BetterAMS is recognized as one of the best Amazon advertising agencies, known for their knowledge and excellent client relationships. They offer expertise in managing sponsored products, brands, display, video, and Amazon DSP. They also focus on campaign optimization, expansion, customized reporting, and budget management. Details Comprehensive Amazon Advertising ManagementBetterAMS manages various Amazon advertising campaign types, including Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, Sponsored Display, Sponsored Brands Video, and Amazon DSP. Their expertise covers all key advertising avenues on the platform, ensuring a holistic approach to maximize your advertising performance. Campaign Optimization and ExpansionBetterAMS excels in optimizing campaigns to achieve optimal performance. By leveraging top-performing keywords and utilizing data-driven insights, they help expand your reach and drive better results. Their focus on continuous optimization also enables you to stay ahead in the competitive Amazon marketplace. Customized Reporting and Budget ManagementBetterAMS understands the importance of tailored reporting to suit your business needs. They create customized reports that provide insights into your advertising performance, allowing you to make informed decisions. Additionally, their effective budget management systems ensure that your ad spend aligns with your advertising objectives, maximizing your return on investment. Amazon DSP ExpertiseBetterAMS specializes in Amazon DSP, an advanced programmatic advertising platform. They use their expertise with the platform to help sellers reach their target audience effectively and create impactful advertising campaigns. 4. Ad Advance Year founded: 2016Headquarters: Duluth, Minnesota, United StatesNumber of employees: 11-50 Ad Advance specializes in providing sophisticated and customized advertising solutions for established brands. They stand out with their attention to detail, allowing them to deliver results and provide valuable insights. They also offer Amazon DSP as a service alongside their Sponsored Ads services with their main focus being rapid improvement and a unique hybrid model combining both manual management and automation. Details Advertising Solutions for Established BrandsAd Advance is known for its ability to tailor advertising strategies specifically to meet the unique needs of established brands. Their expertise lies in crafting customized approaches that align with each client's goals and visibility requirements. Impressive Global Reach and Sales GenerationWith a proven track record of generating an impressive number of impressions and sales in global markets, Ad Advance has established itself as a reliable partner for brands seeking to expand their reach and increase revenue through advertising. Expertise in Amazon DSP and Sponsored AdsAd Advance excels in managing Amazon's Demand-Side Platform (DSP) ads, leveraging Amazon's first-party data to target specific audiences effectively. They also offer comprehensive management of Sponsored Ads, including Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, Sponsored Brands Video, and Sponsored Display. Amazon Attribution and Multi-Channel TrackingFor brands with broader digital strategies, Ad Advance provides accurate Amazon Attribution, enabling them to track sales across multiple channels. This feature allows for a better understanding of the impact of each brand’s advertising efforts. Hybrid Agency Model and Human ExpertiseAd Advance combines the best of human instinct and automation technology for effective advertising management. With their team of Account Executives, their hybrid agency model enables them to provide unique advice tailored to each client's specific needs. 5. Incrementum Digital Year founded: 2016Headquarters: New York, NY, United States.Number of employees: 51-200 Incrementum Digital propels brand growth with digital marketing, PPC management, creative services, and customer experience solutions. They collaborate with clients to achieve better outcomes on Amazon and the testimonials on their website emphasize integrity, transparency, and innovation. As an Amazon Ads Advanced Partner, Helium10 Agency Partner, and Perpetua Partnered Agency, Incrementum empowers brands to expand their online presence, fosters trust, harnesses data, and facilitates open communication. Details Proven Approach for Getting Better ResultsIncrementum Digital has a track record of delivering improved business outcomes for Amazon brands. They prioritize building solid partnerships with their clients and fostering mutual trust and respect throughout the collaboration. By understanding their client's unique goals and challenges, Incrementum Digital tailors their strategies to drive tangible results. Data-First Approach and Expertise in OptimizationLeveraging a data-first approach, Incrementum Digital relies on a team of skilled Data Scientists to validate and optimize strategies. They understand the power of data-driven decision-making and continuously refine their clients' campaigns and advertising efforts for maximum effectiveness. By harnessing the power of data, Incrementum Digital helps brands stay ahead of the competition. Open Communication and Expert SupportAt Incrementum Digital, open communication is highly valued. They provide a dedicated Slack channel, granting direct access to their team of experts and support specialists. This accessibility ensures that clients receive timely assistance, guidance, and support throughout their partnership. Incrementum Digital is committed to being there for its clients every step of the way. Holistic Approach for Marketplace ImpactIncrementum Digital takes a holistic approach to achieve marketplace impact for its clients. They go beyond traditional advertising methods, diversifying ad formats, optimizing campaigns to double sales, enhancing product visibility with A+ content, and implementing a long-tail strategy to capture niche opportunities. This comprehensive approach allows their clients to maximize their potential on Amazon and drive sustained growth. Passionate CultureWhat fuels the culture at Incrementum Digital is the founder's journey and passion for helping sellers achieve their goals. They have a deep understanding of the challenges sellers face and are dedicated to supporting their clients' success. 6. My Amazon Guy Year founded: 2018Headquarters: Berkeley Lake, Georgia, United StatesNumber of employees: 201-500 Founded in 2018, My Amazon Guy has established a solid reputation in the Amazon marketing industry. They offer a range of services, including PPC, SEO, design, and platform management, aiming to increase sales by driving traffic and boosting conversions. My Amazon Guy also has a team of seasoned experts and offers access to over 450 SOPs to better manage your Amazon account. They have helped numerous brands succeed, and their services are backed by positive testimonials. Details Comprehensive Amazon Marketplace ServicesMy Amazon Guy provides a comprehensive suite of services tailored to enhance your Amazon business. From optimizing listings and managing advertising to enhancing brand content and handling platform management, they cover the key areas crucial to your success on Amazon. Educational Resources and SupportRecognizing the importance of knowledge and continuous learning, My Amazon Guy goes beyond their services to offer courses, podcasts, and resources to help sellers improve their Amazon business. This commitment to education demonstrates their dedication to empowering their clients to succeed independently. Industry Recognition and Media DetailsMy Amazon Guy has gained industry recognition and has been featured in notable media outlets such as Business Insider, Fox News, and Authority Magazine. These accolades reflect their expertise and credibility in the Amazon marketing space. Additional Services and SpecializationsIn addition to its core offerings, My Amazon Guy provides a range of specialized services, including search term optimization, advertising audits, design services, competitor research, and more. This diverse set of capabilities allows them to address specific pain points and cater to individual business needs. 7. Nuanced Media Year founded: 2010Headquarters: Tucson, Arizona, United StatesNumber of employees: 11-50 Nuanced Media is a full-service marketing agency with a specialization in Amazon and eCommerce brands. Their range of services encompasses various aspects of the Amazon marketplace and beyond, making them a versatile choice for sellers. Details Extensive Service OfferingsNuanced Media offers a comprehensive suite of services tailored to meet the diverse needs of Amazon and eCommerce brands. From keyword research and listing copywriting to graphic development, brand registry support, A+ content development, and PPC management, they cover every essential aspect of your marketing journey. Their expertise also extends to areas like product launch strategies, storefront design, and much more. Time and Cost EfficiencyOne of the key advantages of working with Nuanced Media is their emphasis on saving time and money for their clients. Instead of creating a new department or hiring additional staff, you can leverage their specialized expertise to drive your marketing efforts. This streamlined approach allows you to focus on your core business operations while benefiting from their knowledge and experience. Security and ConfidentialityNuanced Media places a high priority on the security and confidentiality of their client's information. In the competitive eCommerce landscape, protecting sensitive data is crucial, which is why Nuanced Media takes the necessary measures to safeguard your brand's integrity and maintain confidentiality throughout your partnership. Collaboration and GrowthNuanced Media believes in fostering collaboration, transparency, and growth with its clients. They prioritize education, ensuring that you have a deep understanding of the strategies employed and the outcomes they drive. By working closely with their team, you can actively participate in shaping your marketing campaigns and drive your brand's growth. Multi-Channel ExpertiseWhile specializing in Amazon and eCommerce marketing, Nuanced Media's expertise extends to multi-channel strategies. 8. e-Comas Year founded: 2013Headquarters: LuxembourgNumber of employees: 51-200 e-Comas is a global eCommerce agency specializing in Amazon and other marketplaces. Read the full article
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amazonadvertising · 11 months
17 Best Amazon PPC Software Tools for 2023
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Changing bids, creating campaigns, and finding new keywords is no fun, which is why Amazon PPC softwares have seen tremendous growth in popularity over the last few years. A seller armed with the right PPC software can shift their focus from Amazon ads management to other things like actually launching new products and growing their business. However, this explosion in popularity means that there are now too many PPC automation tools to pick from. And as a seller, this can make finding the right one difficult. That’s why we created a list of the 17 best Amazon PPC softwares with all the info you’d need about pricing, reviews and features to pick the right one for you. 1. AiHello The first tool on our list of best Amazon advertising software is, AiHello, a complete A-Z advertising solution. AiHello is one of the most advanced software tools when it comes to bid adjustments, campaign creation, and keyword research. What makes AiHello special is its ability to not only automate your old campaigns and get them to their target ACoS using the correct bids but also to create 100s of campaigns for you in minutes. Features Efficient Campaign Creator Creating campaigns with AiHello could not be easier, all you have to provide is your ASINs, your budget, and the type of campaigns you want to set up. From there AiHello will start setting up dozens of auto, manual, keyword targeting, product targeting and category targeting campaigns to expand your reach and grow your sales rapidly. Real AI Bid Automation  While many PPC software companies claim to use AI to change your bids, AiHello is one of the few who actually do. You also get to track your bid changes through the ‘Autopilot Logs’ and discover the reasoning behind each adjustment. Customizable Day Parting  Automatically figure out your peak and off-peak hours using AI and have your bids adjusted up and down to make the most out of your ad spend. Keyword Management  Using its own keyword management system, AiHello is able to refine your targeting and spend more on the keywords that drive outlier results. It does this by automatically harvesting converting search terms from auto, phrase, and broad campaigns and turning them into keywords while also negating wasteful search terms and adding AI-identified keywords into your campaigns. Dedicated Account Manager  With an AiHello subscription, you get your very own PPC expert who’s there to give you advice, help with strategy, and work through problems with you. You can also speak to them for up to 8 hours a month on Zoom and get unlimited support over email. Pricing AiHello’s pricing is straightforward and tier based. For sellers between $0-$7k in spend its $175/month For sellers between $7k-$20k its $400/month  For sellers above $20k its $450 + 1% of ad spend  And for agencies, it's an $800/month flat fee for unlimited accounts Reviews “For just about one year I have been searching and testing several tools to keep PPC costs and performance under control. AiHello AutoPilot does what it says! After just a month of testing on multiple campaigns, I have been able to cut ACoS to less than half of what it has been for months, well below my expectations, and regain control over my PPC spending.” “AiHello’s major strength, among others, is in the AutoPilot uncanny ability to micro-manage bids to the intraday level where it can boost bids on peak hours and decrease them on off-peak hours. The AutoPilot is very reliable and based on a robust algorithm, there are just a few settings that the user needs to adjust to let AiHello work the magic. It's truly a "set and forget" piece of software.” Who should use AiHello as their Amazon PPC Software? AiHello’s unique features make it attractive to many sellers, but the people who benefit the most from AiHello are the ones looking for precise and scaleable campaign creation to expand their market share and sales.  Another major benefit of AiHello is the Amazon PPC experts they provide, which makes it a great option for sellers who need guidance on strategies that bring results. Learn More About AiHello If you'd like to learn more about AiHello, checkout out their website or click here to book a call with their team of experts. 2. Perpetua Second up is Perpetua. Perpetua is a popular PPC software provider that merged with Sellics, another software company, not too long ago. They’re known for their clean UX, their rules-free automation, and their impressive customer support - which is why they're always a good option to consider. Features Campaign Creator – One downside of Perpetua is that it can’t automate your current campaigns, it can only automate the new ones they make for you. The way it works is that Perpetua shuts down your campaigns and uses the keywords from them to create new ones then automates those instead. Hands-Off Automation – Perpetua is completely hands-off, which may or may not be a good thing. On the positive side, this means practically 0 set-up time and less work in the long run. On the negative side, this means 0 control over your account, no customizability, and no way to interfere with how things are done if you’re not satisfied with the performance. Rank Tracking – Using the help of a 3rd party service provider, Perpetua is able to track your ASIN’s organic rank on your 25 most important search terms. This is very useful but comes at an additional fee of $50/month. Video and Image Builder– Using on-platform image and video creators, Perpetua users can make custom creatives for their sponsored brand and display campaigns for an additional fee of $25 each. Pricing Perpetua’s pricing depends on how much ad spend they manage for you. It starts off as a flat fee of $250/month and keeps increasing as they automate more campaigns for you.  $250/month until $5k in spend $550/month until $10k in spend $550/month + a percentage of spend until $200k in spend Reviews “Intuitive UI with all the functionality required to simplify and speed up mundane tasks and larger scale campaign build-outs. Sales history and visibilty on a wide variety of metrics including TACOS/Organic sales. Simple onboarding process for new starters to learn the basics ad get to grips with the platform. In general a great tool for beginners and pros alike, customer service overall good when issues arise.” “Really amazing software that's easy to use and understand. Time-saving automated campaign management is a real thing! Plus so many other amazing features - your 100 best-performing keyword management, branded and unbranded campaign data. Highly recommend!” Who should use Perpetua as their Amazon PPC Software? The ideal Perpetua user is someone who’d prefer to be completely hands-off with their advertising. They don’t want to use their own campaigns, add their own rules/settings or really dig deep into what’s going on, they just want to spend less time on PPC. 3. Teikametrics Teikametrics, the company that developed the popular Flywheel 2.0 platform, has been around since 2015, helping Amazon and Walmart sellers automate their bids and campaigns using AI. They’ve become popular for the market intelligence tools that they offer among other things. Features Simple Campaign Creator – Using keywords from your current campaigns and search term reports, Teikametrics is able to set up new campaigns for you automatically to grow your sales. While this isn’t as effective as software that’s able to do its own keyword research, it can still do a good enough job for most sellers. Auto Keyword Harvesting and Negation – Teikametrics will analyze your search term reports and use them to harvest promising search terms from auto to manual and negate wasteful ones. ACoS Targets and Campaign Budgets – Unlike other softwares, Teikametrics will automatically set your ACoS targets and campaign budgets for you. This takes the guessing out of the setup process and makes getting good results easier. Day Parting – Some days and some hours perform better than others and Teikametrics can help you take advantage of that. With Teikametrics, bids will automatically be increased during high-performance periods and decreased when your potential returns are low. Intelligent Bidding – There’s more to bidding than just ACoS and targets. There are also other things that Teikametrics considers, like product price, inventory levels, and seasonality to make sure that all your bids are as optimal as they can be. Pricing Teikametrics has 3 pricing tiers: For sellers spending up to $5K/month its $199 For sellers spending $5K – $10K/month its $499/month For sellers spending above $10K/month its 499 + 3% Reviews “Working with Teikametrics has been great and agile! Not only do they understand our key objectives but they are super helpful in providing insights to ultimately achieving our goals. They help us pivot quickly when needed and provide their expertise in doing so.” “It's been great working with Teika over the past few months. We hope to eventually get all of our advertising partners loaded into the system, but the people are really what make it. Matt is a wizard behind the scenes adjusting bids and targets based off our weekly conversations.” Who should use Teikametrics as their PPC software? Teikametrics is a good choice for sellers who are interested in AI rather than rule-based automation. They also provide a free trial for users and don’t require any long-term commitments so it's good for sellers looking to test the software first before really using it.  4. BidX BidX is a rule-based PPC automation company based out of Germany. They’re popular among European sellers because of their large customizable dashboard, their user-friendly features, and their comprehensive rule sets. BidX also offers managed service plans for sellers who need more support with their advertising. Features Suggested Keywords– Using Amazon’s data, BidX is able to provide on-platform keyword suggestions for sellers to add to their new or existing campaigns. Multi-Campaign Creator – Amazon’s campaign creator can be difficult to use, especially if you’re creating more than one campaign at a time. BidX’s campaign creator is the solution for that, allowing you to launch multiple campaigns at once, faster than you could on Amazon. Customizable Analytics – One of BidX’s standout features is its customizable dashboard. Using it, you can create your own graphs to track whatever metrics you want and keep all your data in one place. Harvesting and Negation – Similar to Teikametrics, BidX is able to identify potential keywords to use from your search term reports and potential negations to add to your campaigns to refine your targeting. Rule-Based Automation – Set up your own personalized “If X then Y” rules to automate most functions of your ad account. This feature allows you to save time and get better results in the long run, but you might have to spend some time, in the beginning, testing different rules to learn how they work. Pricing Bidx offers four ad spend-based tiers: $199 up to $5k monthly spend $399 up to $10k monthly spend $599 up to $15k monthly spend 4% of ad spend after $15k monthly spend Reviews “Really helpful tool for Amazon sellers, Amazon PPC marketers and everyone who deals with Amazon paid ads. Saves much time and efforts on managing Amazon ad campaigns because enables auto and full control over their performance and optimization. User-friendly interface. Responsive customer support - always helped to sort out the issues that naturally occur.” “BidX facilitates some steps of PPC management. Campaign structures can, for example, be created on several marketplaces at the same time, which saves a lot of work. The core feature of BidX, the bid management, also works well and apart from 1-2 bugs, which have of course been fixed, I have nothing to complain about here.” Who should use BidX as their PPC software? I’d mostly recommend BidX for European sellers, and sellers who want rule-based automation but can’t afford more expensive tools like Pacvue and Skai. 5. Quartile Quartile is a full-funnel advertising solution that not only automates Amazon ads, but also automates advertising on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Google, and many more. Quartile is known for holding 6 patents in machine learning, artificial intelligence, and bid optimization. Features AI and Rules – Due to popular demand, Quartile released its own rule-based platform called Versa, which works with the already existing AI software to help you automate your advertising. This means you can get the best of both worlds, full control over your ads when you need it, and 100% automated algorithms. Semi-managed Service – Quartile is more involved than the other software companies in the management of your account. As soon as you sign up, you’re assigned an account manager who’ll be there to onboard you, set up your account, and answer all your questions over call or email. Full Funnel Advertising – Since Quartile is a cross-channel platform, it can also be used to automate your Facebook and Google ads to drive additional traffic to your listings and grow your sales more. Automatic Campaign Creation – If you use Quartile’s campaign creator, it will start launching auto campaigns for each product then use the search terms from those auto campaigns to create new manual ones. The only issue is that each individual search term becomes its own separate campaign which means you can eventually end up with 5000+ campaigns. Goal-Related Settings – Premade settings like ‘product launch’ or ‘conservative’ can help you optimize both your ads and the software towards achieving your goals without having to do much setup. Pricing Quartile requires sellers to sign up for long-term contracts which can last a year or longer. During the contract period, they can charge you anywhere from $895/month to $10k/month, depending on your ad spend, which makes them one of the most expensive PPC softwares. Reviews “Great AI-powered tool. It was able to quickly outperform other Amazon advertising tools, as well as full-service agencies. We've seen very positive ROAS on both PPC and DSP. You get full-service support from an account manager and a team behind them. You get regular calls where they go through all the updates on your account. That team is always working hard on new stuff.” “I've been working with Quartile for over a year. My account manager and his team and very responsive to requests, extremely professional and always prepared with insights on how to improve results. They executed a successful ad strategy in multiple marketplaces. Working with Quartile has been instrumental for our business' success.” Who should use Quartile as their PPC software? Quartile has good rule-based automation, strong AI algorithms, and a team of qualified Amazon experts, which makes them a good fit for almost anyone. Their main drawback is their excessively high fees and the long-term contracts they force you into, which make them difficult to work with for small businesses. 6. Skai Similar to Quartile, Skai is another omnichannel ad automation platform. They’re able to automate Amazon, Walmart, Pinterest, Facebook and almost 80 other ad channels from one platform using rule-based automation. Features Fit for Large Brands –  Skai is best suited for sellers who spend millions of dollars per year on ads and advertise on more than just Amazon. Their platform, pricing, and customer success teams were primarily designed to handle this type of customer. Rule-Based Automation – Sellers using Skai only have one option for automation, and it’s rules. As mentioned previously, rules give you plenty of benefits, like control and customizability but can also be very time-consuming and difficult to set up. Good For Experimentation – Using the testing tools they provide, you can run experiments to test different strategies and find out which ones work best. Cross-Channel Advertising – With access to more than 80 advertising platforms, Skai is the most complete advertising automation tool when it comes to full-funnel marketing. Pricing While Skai isn’t exactly public about how their pricing works, we can tell you that their entry plan is $800/month and that they start to charge a commission on ad spend once you cross $10k/month in spend. Reviews “Skai brings consistent analytical and bulk editing power to my workflow. This is especially useful since effort needs to be spread across many channels, each with a different interface and capabilities. By putting everything behind a single, powerful tool, Skai makes it possible to perform bulk changes and analyses quickly.” “I enjoy how simple the user interface is. Having all accounts and campaigns in one place is tremendously useful. The support team is also very helpful and also responds quickly.” Who should use Skai as their PPC software? Skai is mostly used by large brands with a presence on multiple channels and a large ad budget. For 6-8 figure sellers who only need help with their PPC, I’d generally recommend a different tool. 7. Intentwise  Next up is Intentwise, a popular rule-based PPC automation tool that works with Instacart, Walmart, and Amazon. They’re well known for their market analytics tool as well, with many sellers just using them for their dashboards and data. Features Competitor Analytics – Good decisions require good data, which is why a lot of sellers love Intentwise’s competitor insights. Using Intentwise, you can get relevant, up-to-date information about how you’re performing compared to everyone else and your position in the market, allowing you to inform leadership about progress and make fast decisions. Recommendations Machine – Automatic, on-platform recommendations will help you with key advertising decisions such as transferring or duplicating keywords from one campaign to another and negating wasteful search terms. Rules and Algorithms – Alongside the rule-based automation that Intentwise is known for, they also have the option of algorithmic automation, which requires less effort to set up and still gets good results. Performance Analytics – As previously mentioned, Intentwise is famous for its dashboards, analytics, and data. The tools that they offer are super useful for sellers who have large, complex accounts that they need help auditing. Pricing The full details of Intentwise’s pricing aren't available online but the packages they offer are known to start from $500/month and have several ad spend-based tiers. Reviews “The team at Intentwise is easy to work with and has brought their expertise with Amazon advertising to our brand with quick and effective results. The team moves quickly and their reporting is easy to digest. We started working with Intentwise weeks before Prime Day and we were able to pivot to cover multiple goals in a short amount of time with strong results - something I don't think we could have achieved with another agency.” “The recommendation engine saves significant time and the ACOS optimization rules really help in getting campaigns performing. Above all the team go beyond the call of duty, where we think we have a real challenge on performance solutions are invariably found. We have worked with Intentwise for nearly 2 years and this level of attentiveness has been solid throughout.” Who should use Intentwise as their PPC software? Read the full article
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amazonadvertising · 1 year
AiHello Product Update for June
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This week we have two major updates: Global View and "My Keyword Performance". ONE Global view All of our views now have a global view of all your Amazon accounts across all market places. You no longer have to choose the region and then select the marketplace as all the market places in a visual format are provided on the top header. Your business is global, so should be your software! Your account keywords with performance in Keyword Research Keyword Research page now also displays all the keywords/search terms for each product ranked by performance. Our internal algorithm sorts all the keywords and search terms across all campaigns for your product and displays them in this page. Along with this there were tons of fixes for AiHello SmartView. If you haven't used SmartView we recommend you give it a shot. Its Free and provides a 360 view of your Amazon account including the reasons for your performance (or lack of it) Read the full article
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amazonadvertising · 1 year
AutoPilot Update: Algorithm update
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This has been an exciting week at AiHello. We just released one of the largest major upgrades to AiHello AutoPilot algorithm. The biggest update is that AutoPilot now considers keyword performance across your whole account for each product. This ensures that if a keyword is transferred across campaigns, AutoPilot already knows the performance in previous campaign and updates the bids accordingly. This update also resulted in us creating a new module where you can see all the keywords & search term query performance ranked and scored by product. We will be opening up this module shortly to all of our users. The algorithm also now ensures that your top performing keywords are given more opportunity to perform before it's bid is reduced if it's performance is diminished for few days. AutoPilot considers the keyword score and ranking for all bid changes and you should be able to see your keyword scores in each of your campaigns-> keywords page. And lastly! Big beautiful charts across the dashboard with all the stats in one glance. Read the full article
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amazonadvertising · 1 year
AiHello Product Updates: June 6, 2023
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One more week, one more update! - Automatic Campaign Creation now can create Sponsored Product Category Targeting ads automatically In the Campaign Creation page, SP Category Target option is available and enabled by default. The budget is also pre-filled with recommended budget based on the historical sales of your product in the past quarter. With the release of automatic Category Target creation feature you can create all the major types of Sponsored Product ads for your ASIN in just two clicks. No searching for right keywords, no more finding competitors, no hunting for right targets, bids, budgets, no fumbling for competing ASINs. All you need to do is to enter or select your ASIN and click "Launch". Yes, that's it! 2) Profile page now shows your progress compared to previous month right away. This gives a quick birds eye view of how your profiles are progressing. 3) Campaign Creation now supports multiple SKUs/ASIN at the same time You can enter up to 10 ASIN or SKU at the same time on the Campaign Creation page. This allows you to create multiple campaigns for multiple products with just two clicks. Everything from Keyword Research, Competitor ASIN, Category targeting to budgets and bids will be automatically set up for the entered ASIN products. That's all for this week. We have exciting new feature coming up that will manage your whole Ad account holistically. If you are interested in trying it out shoot us a message and we will set you up for a trial. Read the full article
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amazonadvertising · 1 year
AiHello Product Updates: June 6, 2023
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One more week, one more update! - Automatic Campaign Creation now can create Sponsored Product Category Targeting ads automatically In the Campaign Creation page, SP Category Target option is available and enabled by default. The budget is also pre-filled with recommended budget based on the historical sales of your product in the past quarter. With the release of automatic Category Target creation feature you can create all the major types of Sponsored Product ads for your ASIN in just two clicks. No searching for right keywords, no more finding competitors, no hunting for right targets, bids, budgets, no fumbling for competing ASINs. All you need to do is to enter or select your ASIN and click "Launch". Yes, that's it! 2) Profile page now shows your progress compared to previous month right away. This gives a quick birds eye view of how your profiles are progressing. 3) Campaign Creation now supports multiple SKUs/ASIN at the same time You can enter up to 10 ASIN or SKU at the same time on the Campaign Creation page. This allows you to create multiple campaigns for multiple products with just two clicks. Everything from Keyword Research, Competitor ASIN, Category targeting to budgets and bids will be automatically set up for the entered ASIN products. That's all for this week. We have exciting new feature coming up that will manage your whole Ad account holistically. If you are interested in trying it out shoot us a message and we will set you up for a trial. Read the full article
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amazonadvertising · 1 year
AiHello May Product Update
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There were plenty of updates for the month of May. The major ones that we think will help you improve your sales on Amazon are Automated Campaign Creation now has budget recommendation pre-filled. The "Automated Campaign Creation" page has the recommended budget pre-filled. This is a very conservative budget based on the campaign type and the historical performance of this product Create "SP Competitor Target" With the new option to automatically create "ASIN Targeted" campaigns, the automated campaign creator will automatically find the top Advertising competitors, top recommendation and even top organic competitors! to create the "ASIN Targeted" campaign automatically for you. All you need to to is to enter your ASIN or SKU and then click "Create". Even the budget is automatically calculated and prefilled. Creating campaigns have never been easier on Amazon. For June we are planning to release our biggest, smartest and meanest feature ever. Stay tuned! Read the full article
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amazonadvertising · 1 year
Top 12 Teikametrics Alternatives & Competitors for 2023
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- 1. AiHello- Features - Pricing - 2. BidX- Features - Pricing - 3. Quartile- Features - Pricing - 4. Pacvue- Features - Pricing - 5. Skai- Features - Pricing - 6. M19- Features - Pricing - 7. Ad Badger- Features - Pricing - 8. Adtomic- Features - Pricing - 9. Sellerapp- Features - Pricing - 10. Intentwise- Features - Pricing - 11. Sellozo- Features - Pricing - 12. Perpetua- Features - Pricing - Conclusion Teikametrics is a popular software and managed service provider for Amazon and Walmart sellers that need help with their PPC. They’ve been around since 2015 and have become popular for their Flywheel platform and the market intelligence tools they offer. Like any other software, however, Teikametrics has its downsides. Here are what a few recent reviews had to say about the services they offer (all reviews are from Google): “Worst company I have ever done business with. They destroyed the profitability of my account, wasted so much money, and lied to me that it was going well. I was so much more profitable on my own. They also make money by wasting yours, which is very counter-incentivized, and causes them to waste your money so that they can justify taking more from you. Horrible, horrible company.” “I have used Teikametrics for the past 9 months, and I am extremely unhappy with the results. I have been running profitable Amazon sponsored ads for a few years before going over to Teikametrics, and I do not think Teikametrics is a good fit for anyone already running profitable ads, especially not if you have a different campaign structure than the one suggested by Teikametrics.” “I had been profitable on Walmart since 2016, and then I brought in Teikametrics, and they wasted so much money in advertising that my entire account turned wildly unprofitable (not just the advertising portion - the entire Walmart account). I lost so much money. The crazy part is that they had the gumption to charge me for the "overage" of the allotted advertising spend.” Fortunately, though, there are plenty of great Teikametrics alternatives to pick from. Keep reading to learn about our top picks. 1. AiHello AiHello is the only PPC tool to automate your ads from A-Z. This means that in addition to automated bidding, they also offer a complete campaign builder, an effective keyword management tool, and a dedicated account manager to help you with strategy and implementation. Features Complete Campaign Builder One of the most important features of AiHello is its completely automated campaign builder. Using this feature, sellers can create multiple campaigns at once for their ASINs without any keyword research. All you need to do is select which product you want to advertise, decide what your budget is and choose the campaign types you want set up for you and AiHello does the rest. This way, you can create campaigns in bulk and grow traffic and sales exponentially over time. Actual AI Bid Automation  Out of all the softwares that claim to use AI, AiHello is one of the few that actually do. In the picture above, you can see what they call ‘autopilot logs’, which is their historical record of the bid changes they made and the reasoning behind them. Customizable Day Parting Using the software, you can automatically identify your account’s peak and off-peak hours and adjust your bids accordingly to get the most out of your ad spend. Keyword Management  Using the keyword management feature, AiHello users spend more of their money on high-performing keywords and less on poor performers. This happens by automatically removing bad keywords, negating bad search terms, adding new keywords found by the AI, and harvesting keywords from your search term reports. Dedicated Account Manager  All subscriptions come with a dedicated Amazon expert that can help with all things PPC, strategy, and implementation. This expert can be contacted 24/7 over email and for up to 8 hours a month on video call. Pricing AiHello offers multiple tiers depending on your current ad spend: For sellers between $0-$7k in spend its $175/month For sellers between $7k-$20k its $400/month For sellers above $20k its $450 + 1% of ad spend And for Agencies its $800/month flat fee for unlimited accounts To learn more about AiHello, book a call with one of their experts. 2. BidX BidX is a simple and efficient PPC software that’s popular with European sellers. They’re mainly known for their customizable rule-based automation and their simplified campaign creator that helps sellers save time. They also offer a managed service option for sellers who’d like more help with their PPC.  Features Keyword Suggestions – The keyword suggestions from Amazon are available directly on the BidX platform so you can add them to both your old and new campaigns easily. Multi-Campaign Creator – You get a simplified version of the Amazon campaign creator which lets you create multiple campaigns simultaneously a lot faster than you could on Amazon. You’ll still need to find your own keywords though which can take some time. Customizable Dashboard – Our favorite BidX feature by far is their massive customizable dashboard. With this dashboard, you select the metrics you see, and how you see them (charts, graphs, etc) so you can analyze your PPC with ease. Harvesting and Negation – Negate bad search terms and harvest good ones from auto campaigns to improve your targeting over time. Rule-Based Automation –You can automate most PPC related tasks by creating your own ‘if X then Y’ rules. This form of automation can be good for maintaining control but comes with a long setup time and a big learning curve. Pricing BidX pricing is also ad spend dependent and comes in the following tiers: $199 up to $5k monthly spend $399 up to $10k monthly spend $599 up to $15k monthly spend 4% of ad spend after $15k monthly spend 3. Quartile Quartile is a software solution that helps sellers automate their Amazon, Walmart, Google and Facebook ads. This makes it more than a good Teikametrics alternative because it's also a full-funnel advertising solution. Features AI and Rule-Based Bidding – With Quartile, You have the option of using both AI and rule automation for your account. This allows you to benefit from the quick and efficient nature of AI while maintaining control when you need it. Semi-managed Service – A dedicated account manager will help onboard you onto the platform and set your ads up. They’ll also be available for contact by email or call to answer your questions and provide help. Full Funnel Advertising – Using Quartile makes running both Facebook and Google ads easier which helps you take advantage of full-funnel advertising. Automatic Campaign Creation – Quartile will create auto campaigns for your ASINs then harvest every single search term that comes out of them and turn it into its own single keyword campaign. This can be useful for expanding your reach but can leave you with 10,000+ campaigns if you’re not careful. Goal Related Settings – Goal-focused settings like ‘Product Launch’ or ‘Conservative’ help you optimize your ads towards your objectives even if you aren't too familiar with the platform and how it works. Pricing Quartile works exclusively on long-term contracts that can span up to several years. Their pricing starts at $895/month and can go up to $10k monthly depending on your ad spend, making them one of the most expensive alternatives to Teikametrics. 4. Pacvue Pacvue is a popular PPC software that recently merged with Helium10. They are best known for their rule-based automation and their ability to automate 90+ marketplaces around the world. Features Clear Analytics – Easy-to-understand data about market share, share of voice, and share of shelf across your marketplaces that help you understand how you’re performing compared to everyone else. Rule-Based and Algorithmic Automation – Pacvue has both rule-based automation and algorithmic automation. While this gives you more control over how your account is run, it’s worth mentioning that their algorithms are still in their early stages and probably aren’t the best option as of now. More Than Ads – You can now manage coupons, promotions and product page SEO alongside your ads on the Pacvue platform. Automated Suggestions – Distribute your budget better and get the most out of your ad spend with automated suggestions. These include things like increasing your budget on certain ad types, moving ad spend to better targets, or making changes to win the Buy Box more often. Pricing Pacvue pricing isn’t publicly disclosed but it's known to be ad spend based and starting at $500/month with the highest tier being 3% of ad spend. 5. Skai Skai is a rule-based automation software that helps sellers with their PPC and 80+ other ad types like Apple and Snapchat ads. They’re a popular option for enterprise brands but they’re also a viable Teikametrics alternative for medium-sized sellers. Features Good for Enterprise Brands – If your annual ad budget is in the millions and you operate across several ad platforms, Skai might be the right option for you. Their platform and customer success teams were built to handle this level of complexity and they’ve been doing it successfully for years. Rule-Based Automation – Skai’s only option for automation is custom rules. This, again, is good for control and customization but can cause long setup times and come with a big learning curve. Quick Experimentation – Quickly set up mini-tests to find out which strategies work best so you can zero in on the winning tactics fast and get the best results possible. Full Funnel Advertising – Skai’s connection to 80+ advertising platforms makes it the perfect solution for businesses looking beyond Amazon and Walmart ads. Pricing You can only know the full details of Skai pricing by booking a call with them directly but their lowest tier starts at $800/month and they’ll charge you a percentage of ad spend after you cross $10k/month in spend. 6. M19 M19 is a French PPC software company that helps sellers with their bids, and their ads and with creating what they call ‘strategies’, which are essentially groups of campaigns for your products. They’re very easy to use and come with plenty of helpful tools that make them a strong Teikametrics alternative. Features Target research tools – Discover new keywords and product targets with M19’s own on-platform tools. All you need is a seed keyword or ASIN and the software will find similar ones that you can add straight into your campaigns. Organic Ranking Tools – Using M19, you can track your organic rank and adjust your bids accordingly. The way this works is that M19 will change your bids and TOS boosts whenever your product starts to rank for certain keywords so that you don’t cannibalize your organic sales. Simplified Campaign Creator – One of the downsides of M19 is that it can’t automate your current campaigns. It can only create new campaigns for you using its own structures that they call ‘strategies’, which is similar to what Perpetua does. Hourly Day Parting – View your advertising performance on an hourly basis and use M19 to adjust your bids and budgets accordingly. Automated AI Bidding – Completely automated AI-based bidding that requires almost no setup time and 0 rules to get running. Pricing M19 pricing is based on the number of strategies you have set up with them.  Here’s how it works: $400/month for 4 ‘strategies’ $400 + 3% for 10 ‘strategies’ 7. Ad Badger Ad Badger, the company behind the famous PPC den podcast, offers sellers a basic PPC tool that helps with simple automation and a managed service option as well.  Features Impressive Learning Resources – If you’re a fan of their blog and podcast you’ll definitely enjoy the exclusive course and learning center they offer their users.  Basic Bid Automation – While pretty basic by most measures, Ad Badger’s simple bid automation tools can still save you time and keep your ACoS in check fairly well. Account Manager – You’ll get your own account manager to help onboard you onto the platform and review your ads after the first 30 days. They’ll also be available for contact via email for any questions you may have. Harvesting and Negation – Find new keywords and negatives for your campaigns using rule-based automation for harvesting and negation. Keyword Research Tool – Use the on-platform research tool to quickly find new keywords for your campaigns. Pricing Ad Badger pricing depends on your PPC spend. The base plan starts at $400/month and scales up as you start to spend more on ads. 8. Adtomic Adtomic is Helium10’s own Amazon PPC software. It’s not very advanced, but it offers basic PPC automation and a clean user interface at a very fair price, making it a good Teikametrics alternative for sellers who don’t need all the bells and whistles. Features Objective-based Settings – Launch, Grow and Liquidate settings are offered on the Adtomic platform to help sellers quickly align their campaigns with their overall account strategy. Rudimentary Bid Adjustments – Although it’s not the best option out there for bid automation, Adtomic can still help sellers save time with the basic features it offers. Harvesting and Negation – Similar to Ad Badger, Helium10 offers customizable rules for negation and harvesting to help you get the most out of your search term reports. Benefit From The Helium10 Ecosystem – While Adtomic itself might not be everyone’s top choice, the fact remains that it's part of the H10 ecosystem which is always a big plus. Having tools like Cerebro and Blackbox on the same platform you use for PPC makes managing your Amazon account easier and more efficient.  Pricing Adtomic pricing comes in three tiers: $39/month starter $99/month platinum $279/month diamond 9. Sellerapp Sellerapp is an Indian Amazon software company that offers multiple tools for sellers, one of those tools is another budget-friendly PPC software that’s more advanced than Helium10 and cheaper than Teikametrics. Features Customizable Rules – Create your own custom rules and execute them on an hourly, daily, weekly or monthly basis using Sellerapp. Goal-based Settings – Similar to what Helium10 offers, Sellerapp has 3 pre-made settings to choose from to help you optimize your account. These settings are Launch, Grow and Liquidate. Day Parting – Find out what your best performing hours are and automatically adjust your bids and budgets accordingly to get the most out of your ad budget. Bulk Actions – Easily make manual changes to multiple campaigns at once to save time with Sellerapp’s bulk changes tool. Pricing Sellerapp pricing is a lot more budget-friendly than the other tools on the list. They don’t charge a percentage of ad spend and their flat monthly fee is a lot lower than Teikametrics’. $39/month up to $5k/month $49/month up to $20k/month 10. Intentwise  Intentwise is a software company that offers medium-sized Amazon and Walmart sellers advanced tools for automation and analytics to help with their PPC.  Features Competitor Insights – Understand how you’re performing against your competitors and use that data to set relevant goals for your business. Recommendations Engine –On-platform suggestions that provide guidance on things like keyword negation and moving keywords between ad types. Strong Rules and Strong Algorithms – Unlike other platforms, both the rule-based and algorithm-based automation features Intentwise offers are actually good at what they do. Performance Analysis – Discover new insights about how your account is performing and where it’s headed using the performance analysis tools provided. Pricing Intentwise pricing isn’t publicly disclosed but, what we know is that its tier based and starts at $500/month. 11. Sellozo Another good Teikametrics alternative is Sellozo. Sellozo comes with a more advanced campaign creator, better support, and a stronger bidding algorithm than Teikametrics does, along with several other useful features we’ll cover.  Features Automated Repricer – Adjust your prices regularly to win the Buy Box and increase your sales automatically. Campaign Studio – A whiteboard-like campaign creator that helps you understand how your campaigns fit together and how to develop an account-wide strategy. Expert Help – You can book paid sessions with Sellozo PPC experts that will provide guidance on how to reach your goals. You also get the features that come with other tools like automated bidding, day parting, bulk changes, and negation + harvesting. Pricing Sellozo pricing is SKU based.  $149/month  0-10 skus $299/month 11-1000 skus $399/month 1001+ skus 12. Perpetua Perpetua is a popular PPC tool that recently merged with Sellics to provide a combined solution to help Amazon, Walmart, Instacart and Target sellers with their advertising. Features Fixed Campaign Creator – Perpetua doesn’t automate your current campaigns, so instead, what it does is shut them all down and use the keywords and data it can gather from them to create new campaigns using their own structure.  Completely Hands-Off – For better or for worse, Perpetua’s platform is completely hands-off. This can mean a lot of time saved but can also result in a loss of control since the software is essentially a black box.  Organic Tracking – For an extra fee of $50/month, you can track how your ASINs rank on your 25 most important search terms. Video and Image Builder– Create custom videos and graphics for your brand and display campaigns directly on the Perpetua platform for an extra fee. Pricing Perpetua’s pricing depends on how much ad spend they currently manage for you. They start with flat monthly payments and progress into a commission-based plan as you increase your spend.  $250/month until $5k in spend $550/month until $10k in spend $550/month + a percentage of spend until $200k in spend Conclusion With so many options out there, picking the right PPC software for you can be almost impossible. That’s why we made this list of Teikametrics alternatives to help sellers discover more tools and learn about how they can benefit from them. And of course, if you’d like to know more about our own tool, AiHello, you can always book a call with one of our PPC experts here.  Read the full article
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amazonadvertising · 1 year
Top 12 Quartile Alternatives & Competitors for 2023
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Quartile is PPC software that’s used by thousands of sellers to automate millions of dollars worth of advertising. They’re known for their patent-protected bidding algorithms and their campaign creation capabilities. However, Quartile like any software has its downsides. Like its tendency to create a single keyword campaign out of every search term they find, which can leave you with thousands of campaigns running, or its long-term contracts that can force you to keep using its service long after you decided it's not a fit for you. Fortunately, though, we put together a list of the 12 best Quartile alternatives for you to pick from. We cover some general info about each tool, its most popular features, and its pricing so keep reading to learn about our top picks. 1. AiHello AiHello is an all-in-one software solution for automating your ads. They offer a fully automated campaign creator, a keyword management system, a best-in-market bidding algorithm, and an Amazon expert who’ll help you with strategy and implementation.   Features Complete Campaign Creator AiHello’s automated campaign creator is one of their most powerful features. Using it, sellers can create multiple campaigns at once for their products without having to do any of the setup or keyword research. You only need to provide the ASINs, budget, and the campaigns you want to be launched. Then, AiHello uses that to create new campaigns in bulk, which can help you grow traffic and sales exponentially over time. Real AI Bid Automation  AiHello is one of the few PPC softwares that actually use AI to change bids daily. They also keep a record of all the changes made and the reasoning behind them in their ‘autopilot logs’, which you can see in the graph above.  Customizable Day Parting  Using their day parting feature, you can optimize your bids by automatically identifying your peak and off-peak times in order to fully benefit from your ad spend. Keyword Management  AiHello’s keyword management system redirects your spend toward relevant, high-volume keywords and away from lower-performing ones. It does this by automatically harvesting customer search terms, adding new keywords, removing bad keywords, and adding negatives to your campaigns. Dedicated Account Manager  As part of the subscription, AiHello provides a PPC expert who is available 24/7 over email and up to 8 hours per month on Zoom for any questions and advice you may need..  Pricing AiHello’s uses simple tier-based pricing that is dependent on the seller’s ad spend. The tiers are as follows: For sellers between $0-$7k in spend its $175/month For sellers between $7k-$20k its $400/month  For sellers above $20k its $450 + 1% of ad spend  And for Agencies its $800/month flat fee for unlimited accounts To learn more about AiHello, book a call with one of their experts. 2. Teikametrics Teikametrics is a software vendor and managed service provider that assists sellers on Amazon and Walmart with their PPC. They’ve been in the market since 2015 and have become well-known for their AI-based bidding algorithms as well as their market intelligence tools, making them a good Quartile alternative. Features Simplified Campaign Creator – Teikametrics creates new campaigns for you by utilizing the data from your current campaign’s search term reports to generate keywords for your next campaign. Their campaign tool also helps you develop strategies like brand defense and competitor targeting for your business. Automated Harvesting and Negation – This feature automates keyword harvesting from auto to manual campaigns and allows you to negate non-converting search terms. Automated ACoS Targets and Campaign Budgets – Teikametrics automatically adjusts your ACoS targets and campaign budgets to help you with spend allocation for your campaigns and products. Day Parting – Concentrate your ad spend on higher performing hours and days to decrease ACoS and increase your sales during peak times. Smart Bidding – Not only does Teikametrics offer ACos-based bidding, they also take other factors into consideration when tweaking your bids in order to get the maximum out of each campaign. These factors include seasonality, inventory levels, and the price of your product. Pricing Teikametrics only has one plan available, and it charges a 3% commission on ad spend. If you’re a smaller business, this could be very budget-friendly, but for larger-scale businesses, it would be very expensive.  On the bright side, Teikametrics customers aren’t required to sign long-term contracts, which makes it a good Quartile alternative. 3. BidX BidX is a popular PPC tool for European sellers. They offer rule based automation that can be customized and a simplified campaign creator that saves sellers time. They also have managed service plans for businesses that need more assistance with their PPC. Features Keyword Suggestions – BidX transfers keyword suggestions from Amazon onto their platform so that sellers can utilize them in their old and new campaigns. Multi-Campaign Creator – This feature is a simplified version of Amazon’s campaign creator that can set up several campaigns in one go, making it much easier for sellers to use. The limitation, though, is that you still need to manually find your own keywords, which could take some time.  Customizable Dashboard – The customizable dashboard is by far one of our favorite features from BidX. It lets you decide which metrics you want to see and how you want them displayed  (charts, graphs, etc.), which makes it easier to analyze your account. Harvesting and Negation –Identify which search terms perform well and which ones don’t and automatically add new keywords and negatives accordingly. Rule-Based Automation – Easily create and customize ‘if X then Y’ rules to automate most of your PPC-related tasks. The good thing about this is that you get to have more control over your account, but the downside is the effort you’d need to find and set up rules that actually work.  Pricing Bidx bases its pricing on ad spend and splits it into the following tiers: $199 up to $5k monthly spend $399 up to $10k monthly spend $599 up to $15k monthly spend 4% of ad spend after $15k monthly spend 4. Perpetua Another good alternative for Quartile is Perpetua, a PPC platform that recently merged with Sellics. The combined companies now offer advertising services for Amazon, Walmart, Instacart, and Target sellers.  Features Fixed Campaign Creator – Perpetua doesn’t automate your current campaigns, they pause them instead, then use the keywords they find to make brand new campaigns using their own format.    Completely Hands-Off – Perpetua is a completely hands-off platform, which may or may not be a good thing depending on what you’re looking for. It can save a lot of time and effort, but it also reduces the control you have because the software allows for very little customization. Organic Tracking – You can track your product’s organic rank on your 25 most important search terms for an additional $50 per month. Video and Image Builder– For an extra fee, you can make custom videos and graphics for your campaigns on their platform. This feature is unique to Perpetua and makes it a strong Quartile alternative for those who need help with their display and brand campaigns. Pricing Perpetua’s pricing depends on the amount of ad spend they manage for you. Their plans start with flat monthly payments in the beginning, then become commission-based as spend increases.  $250/month until $5k in spend $550/month until $10k in spend $550/month + a percentage of spend until $200k in spend 5. Pacvue Pacvue is a popular PPC tool that went through a recent merger with Helium10. They’re best known for the rule-based automation that they use to optimize sellers’ ads across over 90 marketplaces internationally. Features High Level Analytics – Pacvue provides analytics on market share, share of voice, and share of shelf across all of your marketplaces. This data can be used to analyze your position in the market and build strategies that make sense. Rule Based and Algorithmic Automation – You can use both their popular rule-based automation and their new algorithmic automation for your ads. This gives you more control over how your account is run - but its worth mentioning that the algorithmic automation might not be the best because it’s still in it’s early stages. More Than Just PPC – Pacvue launched some recent updates that give you more tools to run your business. You can now use their platform for managing coupons, promotions and product page SEO alongside your advertising.  Automated Suggestions – This feature gives you automated suggestions for budget distribution to help you use your ad spend effectively. For example, it might suggest you increase your spending on a specific type of ad, redistribute your spending, or make certain changes to win the Buy Box more often.  Pricing Pacvue doesn’t share its pricing publicly on its website but we know that they base it off ad spend with the minimum tier starting at $500/month and the most expensive one being 3% of ad spend. 6. Skai Next on the list is Skai, a PPC tool for your Amazon ads that lets you connect and automate over 80 other ad platforms (Snapchat, Apple, etc.). Skai is more popular among enterprise brands, but it can also be a great Quartile alternative for medium-sized sellers. Features Good for Enterprise Brands – If your ad spend is in the millions of dollars per year, Skai might be the best bet for automating your ads. Their platform and their customer success teams were designed for this particular business size and they have had a great track record over the years.  Rule-Based Automation – Skai has only one automation option, which is rule-based automation. As mentioned before, this gives you higher control over your business but could take time to learn and set up.  Good For Experimentation – Experiment with your ads by setting up mini-tests to find the best strategies and quickly identify what works so you can focus on it.  Full Funnel Advertising – Skai works with 80+ advertising platforms, making it the best solution for businesses that want to extend their reach beyond Amazon and Walmart ads. Pricing To get the full details of Skai’s pricing, you’d have to book a call with them. But what we do know is their plans start at $800/month and include a % of ad spend once you cross $10k/month. 7. M19 M19 is a French PPC software that optimizes sellers’ bids, automates their ads, and creates new campaigns that they call ‘strategies’. M19 is considered a hands-off tool and is a good Quartile alternative for sellers who want to save time. Features Keyword and ASIN research tools – M19’s on-platform research tools help you discover new keywords and ASIN targets for your ads. All you need is to provide a seed keyword or ASIN and their software will generate similar ones that you can include in your campaigns. Organic Ranking Tools – You can use M19 to keep track of your organic ranking and optimize your bids accordingly. The software does this by changing your bids and placement boosts so that your PPC doesn’t cannibalize your organic sales. Simple Campaign Creator – One of M19’s flaws is that you can’t automate your old campaigns. However, you can use their campaign structures (or ‘strategies’, as M19 calls them) to make new ones.   Hourly Day Parting – You can see your performance in hourly intervals and tweak your bids to achieve maximum efficiency. Automated AI Bidding – M19 uses automated bidding to reach your preset ACoS targets for your campaigns. Pricing M19 sets its pricing according to the number of ‘strategies’ you have set up with them. Here’s how it works: $400/month for 4 ‘strategies’ $400 + 3% for 10 ‘strategies’ 8. Ad Badger Ad Badger, the company that’s famous for the PPC Den podcast, also has a basic PPC tool and offers managed services for sellers.  Features Impressive Learning Resources – In addition to their publicly available blog, Ad Badger offers their customers a private course and learning center for Amazon ads. Basic Bid Automation – Although it isn’t the most technologically advanced solution, Ad Badger’s simple bid automation can still save you time and help you reach your ACoS targets. Account Manager – Ad Badger assigns an account manager to onboard sellers onto the platform and provide performance reviews after the first 30 days. They’re also available for contact over email and call when needed. Harvesting and Negation – Sellers can specify rules for harvesting and negating search terms in order to automatically find new keywords and negatives for their campaigns. Keyword Research Tool –You can utilize the tools provided by ad badger to identify new keywords to add to your campaigns. Pricing Ad Badger also bases their pricing on ad spend. It starts at $400/month and increases as you spend more on PPC. 9. Adtomic Adtomic is a budget-friendly PPC software that’s part of Helium10. It’s a simple tool that offers basic automation and an easy-to-use interface, which makes it a good Quartile alternative for sellers who want to get the job done for the lowest price possible. Features Objective-based Settings – Adtomic has three different settings: Launch, Liquidate, and Grow. You can choose between them based on what stage you’re at with your ASINs to help you reach your goals faster. Rudimentary bid adjustments – Although it’s pretty basic compared to Quartile, Adtomic’s bid automation isn’t half bad considering its price and can still save sellers a lot of time. Harvesting and Negation – Similar to the other PPC softwares, automated search term harvesting and negation are offered in Adtomic as well.  Benefit From The Helium10 Ecosystem – Although Adtomic might not be everyone’s software of choice, it’s still part of the H10 ecosystem, which is a major plus. You can easily use tools like Cerebro and Black Box on the same platform you manage your ads which adds significant efficiency. Pricing Adtomic pricing is categorized into three tiers: $39 starter $99 platinum $279 diamond 10. Sellerapp Sellerapp is an Amazon software company based in India that offers a seller ‘multi-tool’ similar to Helium10. One of the tools they offer is a low-cost  PPC software with features that are more advanced than Adtomic and still cheaper than Quartile. Features Customizable Rules – Create and set your own unique ‘If X then Y’ rules on Sellerapp and execute them at your desired time intervals (hourly, daily, weekly, etc.) Goal-based Settings – Using the same three goals as Adtomic, Launch, Liquidate and Grow, you can quickly optimize your campaigns to reach your targets. Day Parting – Identify your peak and off-peak hours and use it to automatically alter your bids and budgets to get the most out of your ad spend. Bulk Actions – Edit hundreds of campaigns in one go using the bulk actions tool. Pricing Sellerapp also bases its pricing on ad spend, but it’s much cheaper compared to the other platforms and doesn’t charge a commission. $39/month up to $5k monthly spend $49/month up to $20k monthly spend 11. Intentwise  Intentwise is a great Quartile alternative for medium-sized sellers because it offers both strong rule-based and algorithmic automation as well as great analytics for sellers across multiple marketplaces. Features Competitor Insights – This feature gives you accurate insights about your competitors and your performance in comparison to them that you can use to make relevant decisions for your business. Recommendations Engine – You’ll receive automated suggestions for decisions like transferring keywords from one campaign to another and negating irrelevant search terms to help refine your advertising. Strong Rules and Strong Algorithms – Unlike other platforms, Intentwise’s customizable rules and hands-off algorithms are both pretty advanced. Performance Analysis – Intentwise’s analysis tools help you understand the reasons behind your performance and give you a better understanding of where you’re headed. Pricing Intentwise hasn’t shared its pricing publicly but it’s known to be tier-based and starting from $500/month.  12. Sellozo  Last but not least, we have Sellozo, another great Quartile alternative. Sellozo offers a much more advanced campaign creator, better support, and a higher level of control over your ads than many of the other options on this list. Features Repricer – This feature automatically adjusts the price of your product to get more sales, enhance your performance, and win the Buy Box more frequently. Campaign Studio – The Campaign Studio lets you visualize your entire campaign strategy on a whiteboard to get a sense of how your ads work together and how to optimize them to get the best results. Expert Help – For an extra fee, you can book individual sessions to get advice or help from PPC experts that are approved by Sellozo. Sellozo also has all the common features that are available with other PPC tools, such as day parting, automated bidding, negation + harvesting, and bulk changes. Pricing Sellozo’s pricing model is based on the number of SKUs you have. Here’s how it works: $149/month  0-10 SKUs $299/month 11-1000 SKUs $399/month 1001+ skus Conclusion With so many PPC tools out there, choosing the right tool can be extremely difficult, if not impossible. That’s why we decided to list the best Quartile alternatives in one place to give you the information you need to make your decision. And of course, if you’d like to learn more about our own tool, AiHello, you can always book a call with one of our PPC experts here.  Read the full article
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amazonadvertising · 1 year
19 Proven Ways to Grow Your Amazon Sales in Under 30 Days - 2023
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Every seller is looking for new ways to increase sales on Amazon, but 95% of them fail to achieve real growth because they don’t know which strategies actually drive results. That’s why our PPC team at AiHello put together a list of the 19 tricks to improve your Amazon sales that have helped us grow our 5000+ Amazon seller accounts over the past few years. In this list we’ll cover the best way to advertise Amazon products, our top Amazon selling tips, how to increase organic sales on Amazon, and how to boost your Amazon sales overall in small bite-sized pieces of advice that can be implemented in 30 minutes or less. Understand Which Metrics Matter If you’re looking to increase your Amazon product sales, you’ll need to understand what metrics actually matter when it comes to getting results. That’s because winning on Amazon is a numbers game, and the three numbers that matter most are your sessions, your unit session percentage, and your Average Order Value.  All of these numbers can be found on an ASIN level on the business reports page under the ‘Detail Page Sales and Traffic’ section.  Now, if you want to increase your sales on any particular ASIN you’ll need to improve at least one of those numbers. This means either getting more people to visit your product detail page, increasing the percentage of visitors who end up buying, or increasing the average amount they spend on an order. These are the only paths to growth on Amazon, and any growth strategy we’ll discuss in this blog will be focused on improving them.  Once you understand the impact each number has, you can start setting targets for yourself, like 10,000 monthly sessions by July 31st, 2023, and begin to reverse engineer a plan to get you there. For example, let’s say your current monthly revenue is $40,000, your AOV is $40, your unit session percentage is 10% and your monthly sessions are 10,000 and you want to grow your sales to $60,000.  You have three options to get there, either get your AOV to $60, get your unit session percentage to 15%, or reach 15,000 monthly sessions. All you have to do is pick one of those goals and focus on them for at least 3 months and all the other pieces will fall in place. Back The Right ASINs Death, taxes, and limited resources are the three truths every seller has to face. That's why knowing how to divide your efforts and ad budget across the right ASINs is crucial for success.  Usually, ASIN performance follows the Pareto principle where 20% of ASINs produce 80% of revenue, and achieving exponential growth always comes from getting the most out of the 20%, rather than trying to get the 80% to perform better.  So, how do you know which 20% to focus on to drive more sales on Amazon? The answer is pretty simple, there are 3 telltale signs of a good ASIN: It’s Already Performing Well The best ASINs are almost always your current top performers. It’s never a good idea for a seller to go after diamonds in the rough instead of just pushing their obvious winners There’s Room to Expand If your biggest competitors are only selling 10% more than you, it’s probably a sign that there isn’t much room for growth. The best ASINs are the ones that already sell well but exist in a market where there’s enough demand to be selling at least 2x more. You Have a Good Product Good products have good demand. If you sell a product with a real value prop that makes it better than what's available you’ll find it a lot easier to scale. Now, to find those super ASINs, we suggest you check business reports and order all your ASINs by sales. Then make a list of the top products that together produce 80% of your current revenue. Once you do that, the next step is to use Helium10 to get a rough estimate of how much your top 5 competitors sell and use that to gauge whether or not these ASINs have the potential to grow. Once you’re done with your analysis and picking your ASINs, you can use the next 17 tips we cover to accelerate their growth. Use The Right Tools As Amazon becomes more and more competitive, using the right technology will be the main differentiator between sellers who rise to the top and sellers who fail. Increasing your Amazon sales requires you to constantly create campaigns, find new keywords, update your bids, and test new things at lightning speed. Many sellers will try to do this on their own, which works fine at the beginning, but ends up crippling them as they grow.  That’s why thousands of sellers flock to tools like AiHello to help them grow their Amazon business. With AiHello, they’re able to create hundreds of campaigns in minutes, update their bids on all keywords daily and run thousands of micro tests to improve performance every day.  Users of AiHello just set an ACoS target and an Autopilot Goal (increase sales vs lower ad costs) and the software does the rest. This level of efficiency allows these sellers to outpace competitors who rely on manual optimization because they’re simply unable to keep up. If you want to learn more about AiHello, you can speak to one of our advertising experts here. Make The Most Out of Your Auto Campaigns Using auto campaigns isn’t as simple as it sounds. There are several tricks we implement here at AiHello to get as much out of them as possible.  Here’s a quick list of everything we do to get as much as 50% more sales from our campaigns: . Catch all campaigns  Create a single auto campaign with all your ASINs and keep your bids at $0.10 with a 100% TOS boost. This campaign setup generally brings in 5-20 new sales each month at a 1-10% ACoS with almost zero maintenance. . Give each ASIN its own campaign To get as much reach as possible, each ASIN needs to have its own auto campaign. If you have several ASINs in one campaign you should split them up so they each get their own and if you have ASINs with no auto campaigns you should create new ones for them.  . Split your auto campaigns into 4 Don't Run all four targeting types in one campaign. Instead, what you should do is create one campaign for close match, one for loose match, one for compliments, and one for substitutes. This way you’ll get more reach and have higher control over how much of your budget each targeting type gets. Harvest New Keywords Daily Once you have all these autos set up, you’ll start discovering new, profitable search terms every day. The next step you should do to transform your account is to transfer these search terms as keywords and ASIN targets into your manual campaigns. Doing this will help you add hundreds of new, performing targets to expand your reach every week and ultimately grow your sales.  To do this, you can manually download CSVs of the search terms generated by your auto campaigns every day and check for new search terms to extract, or you can have it set up automatically across thousands of campaigns with AiHello. To set it up with AiHello, all you have to do is select the auto campaign you want to harvest from and link it to the manual campaign you want the keyword to be added to from the autopilot settings. Test New Ad Types and Targeting Types Oftentimes, the lowest-hanging fruit is just doing more of what already works. In the case of selling on Amazon, this usually means reusing performing keywords in new match types and ad types to improve Amazon sales. As you can see in the illustration above, a set of 10 exact match keywords can be used to create new broad match and phrase match campaigns as well as 3 sponsored brand campaigns, which can effectively double your clicks on the keywords you know already work.  This can also be done the other way around, where you start with sponsored brand campaigns or broad match keywords and you set up everything else from there.  Once you’re done setting this up, you can also harvest the search terms from the broad and phrase campaigns and put them as keywords in your exact campaigns and repeat this entire cycle again and again. Split Test Your Main Images One of the best-kept Amazon secrets is that you can double your sales by changing your main image. The reason this works is that your main image controls your sessions indirectly, and having a really good main image can double your sessions in a very short period of time.  To understand how this works you need to know the formula behind sessions: Sessions = the number of people who see my product * the percentage of people who click on it (CTR) The average CTR falls between 0.3% - 0.7%, if you change your main image and your CTR goes from 0.3% to 0.6% you can effectively double the number of clicks you get. With 2 times more clicks and everything else being constant, your revenue will also double. Now, if you want to make a good main image you need to stand out from the other search results. If all your competitors' main images use the same colors, are taken at the same angle, and follow the same overall look, start by testing the exact opposite.  A good example of a strong main image would be this one made by the pet odor cleaning brand Angry Orange The colors they use help them stand out from the SERP and they purposefully took the picture of their bottle facing the right rather than the left to grab people’s attention. This resulted in a much higher CTR and contributed to the 11x growth they saw between 2019-2021. Fix Your Campaign Structure Nothing hurts PPC performance more than bad campaign structure. Too many keywords, too many match types, and too many ad groups in one campaign can limit sales potential by up to 30%, and come with a set of pretty terrible ACoS-related side effects as well. When you have too much going on in your campaigns, you’ll usually have one of two things happen. Either you lose control over your ad spend, meaning that your $100/day budget will end up going to random keywords which aren’t necessarily performing that well. Or, you’ll limit how many clicks you’re able to get, simply because Amazon’s algorithm wasn’t designed to split your budget evenly across 200 keywords in a single campaign. That’s why our recommended structure is always 1 ASIN, 1 ad group, 1 match type, and 5-10 keywords per campaign. Or If you have what we call a hero keyword, which is essentially a high-performing keyword that spends a lot of money, you can even give it its own single-keyword campaign to get the most out of it. By making these simple changes to your campaigns, you’ll start to see noticeable improvements in performance within 4-10 days, and major improvements down the line as you adjust your bids more. Make The Best Product Listings Possible Driving traffic to your product listings can cost an arm and a leg, which is why many sellers are starting to look at listing optimization as a more viable long-term option. The aim of listing optimization is to increase your conversion rate. Your conversion rate is the percentage of people who visit your listing and end up buying and can be calculated as total orders/total visitors.  If you currently have 4000 people visiting your listing with a conversion rate of 10% you’ll sell 400 units. If you revamp that same listing and manage to get your conversion rate up to 13% your revenue will jump 30% with the same number of visitors. This also means that even if you plan to invest in ads and SEO, it might make more sense to fix your listings first to get the most out of your investment. Now, for the money question: What makes a good listing? Mostly these 4 things: Talk Benefits, Not Features Instead of telling me your eye cream contains vitamin E, tell me it will make me look 10 years younger. Instead of saying your reusable bottle is plastic-free, tell me it can save the environment. Use The Right Images There are several images every listing should have at minimum to be effective. You’ll need enticing product pictures, easy-to-read feature images, clear infographics, and realistic lifestyle images to convert visitors. Know Your Customer Better Than Anyone  The sellers who do the most research write the best listings. Good research usually starts with taking a deep look at your reviews, watching youtube videos about your product, and reading information about competing products. Basically, you need to be consuming anything that will allow you to truly understand your ideal customer and why they buy from you. Use All The Tools at Your Disposal Don’t settle for anything less than perfect. Make sure you use all your image slots effectively, write 2 or 3 lines for every bullet point, and make the most out of your A+ content. The more effort you put the more people will convert. Use The Power of Social Proof Having a good number of reviews has become table stakes to compete in today's world. That’s why sellers need to be intentional about getting more reviews instead of just leaving it up to chance. There are countless methods out there to increase review count, but at the end of the day, most of it comes down to sales volume. This is why step one in our review playbook is always to drive more sales. Especially if we're dealing with a new ASIN. If your ASIN has under 20 reviews, we usually recommend you drop your price so it's at least 30% under market then press on the PPC gas pedal for no less than 2 months to bring more customers in. The more happy customers you have the better chance you have at getting reviews. Another viable option is using the Amazon Vine program. This program lets you give your product away for free to Amazon-approved reviewers who are obliged to leave you a rating. While this can be the fastest way to get to 30 reviews, it carries higher risk because Vine reviewers are known to be more critical than most, which might leave you with a few 3-star ratings. Your least risky option for getting reviews would be to use an auto-request tool, like the one that comes with AiHello (shown in the image above) , that automatically messages customers asking for reviews after their purchase. This can increase the percentage of shoppers who leave reviews from 0.8% to 4% which helps amplify your review-building efforts. Expand Your Reach The most obvious, and probably most effective, way to get more sales on Amazon is to just reach more people, and reaching more people means showing up on more keywords. This can be done by adding new keywords to your old campaigns or setting up new campaigns from scratch. In the screenshots below, you can see one of our accounts here at AiHello before and after we added 1734 new keywords in. There are a few ways to find high-impact keywords that you can use to increase your sales on Amazon. The most common one is using keyword research tools like Cerebro by Helium10 which help you identify the searches that are being made to reach your competitors’ products and use that as inspiration for your own keyword list. Another option is using the brand analytics page on Amazon and pulling keywords from the search query performance report directly. This method can be more accurate than traditional research tools because you can see how well you perform on each keyword compared to the market before investing any money in it. The only caveat though is you’ll usually find fewer keywords than you could with Helium10. Finally, the easiest way to expand reach is to use an automatic campaign creation tool like the one we’ve built at AiHello. A campaign creation tool will automatically find relevant keywords you aren’t using already and add them to new campaigns that they make for you through the Amazon API. With this tool, you can easily create 40+ campaigns with hundreds of new keywords in under 10 minutes. All you have to do is select your ASIN, your budget, and what type of campaigns you want to set up and the software does the rest. Run Coupons Regularly Coupons can be a low-effort way to increase sales on Amazon in both the short and long term. The benefits you get from coupons include higher traffic, better CTR, and an improved conversion rate. You may also experience the Coupon Halo Effect after you stop running them because the increased sales velocity they cause will have increased both your organic rank and review count, which is when the long-term benefits start to kick in. Amazon coupons work like real-life coupons. They come as either a dollar-off or a percentage-off coupon that buyers have to manually clip to redeem. Coupons on Amazon can be made to last anywhere between 1 and 90 days and the discount amount is determined by the seller. Once created, your coupon will show up in the ads that you run, your product detail page, and in the organic results your product shows up in. This helps you stand out and incentivizes shoppers to check your products, even if they're not familiar with your brand and you don’t have that many reviews. The best thing about coupons is that they require no upfront investment which makes them almost risk-free. The only thing you’ll have to budget for is the $0.60 fee Amazon gets every time someone clips one of your coupons and the effect the discount has on your margins. Play Around With Pricing Alongside reviews, price is one of the biggest decision-making factors for shoppers on Amazon. Lower prices tend to bring more orders and higher prices get you a more substantial average order value and better profit margins.  Most people will tell you to price your product just under what your competitors are selling it for. And while that might be sound advice in some cases, it really only scratches the surface of what you can achieve with real price testing. Real price testing focuses on optimizing revenue per visitor, which is a metric that tracks how much money you make every time someone looks at your product. If you have 1000 visitors and sell 100 units at $20 each, your revenue per visitor is $2. Now, if you raise your prices to $22 and sell 94 units instead, your revenue per visitor becomes $2.068. Which effectively means you’re making more money out of the traffic you’re already getting. You might think that this $0.068 difference doesn’t matter much, but in reality, it has a far bigger impact than most would imagine. For starters, you just made more revenue with fewer units, meaning that your inventory will last you longer. On top of that, if your COGs in this scenario were $14 and your initial contribution margin was $6, this price change bumps your margin to $8/unit. Lastly, changing your prices is a 3-minute task, which means any return you get is always going to be worth the time investment. Test New Variations Testing new variations is one of the best ways to milk the most out of your star ASINs. Variations can take various forms but they’ll usually be either size-based, color/design based or feature-based.  Each variation you add will have a different conversion rate, and maybe even a different price, which means performance can be wildly different. New variations can become so popular that they outsell your original product several times over or they can fall flat and never really sell that much.  However, testing new variations comes with many benefits, because you’re building off the foundation of an already successful product. This decreases the risk you assume and lets you benefit from the momentum you already have. And If your new variation doesn’t work out, you can also stop running ads for it and let it sell out naturally over time from the traffic your listing currently gets. This minimized risk doesn’t mean the potential rewards are any lower though. Launching a new successful variation can be as fruitful, if not more fruitful than launching a new product. In the image above, you can see an example of a size variation that was launched for this olive oil ASIN. The size variation in the image has a 4.3x Read the full article
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amazonadvertising · 1 year
AiHello AutoPilot Machine Learning Upgrade. Part 1
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Upgrading AiHello AutoPilot Machine Learning Infrastructure As a part of iterative process to improve the bid forecast process and help improve sales while also reducing ad costs, we will be experimenting with new algorithms that not only can be more accurate but it can also provide faster responses on sparse data. This will allow our software to start providing accurate forecasts with just few days of data as opposed to the current infrastructure where we need at least 60 days of data before it can make reasonable forecasts. - Introduction of Data Two data tables were used for this analysis: 1) keyword historical sales and bids. (primary table) and 2) user and campaign information (currency information). The keyword-report contains 7 million records containing cost, sales, impressions, clicks over days. After combining the campaign information, all costs and sales are converted into USD currency, The basic cleaning process is: 1) clean keyword text, 2) drop empty keyword text, 3) sum up sales, cost, click, impression for each keyword with the same match type and campaign id on a single day, 4) remove records with 0 click (no method to calculate CPC). After the basic cleaning, CPC is calculated by cost/click; ACOS is calculated by cost/sales (=20 if sales = 0); CTR is calculated by clicks/impressions, CR is calculated by unit/clicks. Then the distributions of the data are summarized in Fig. 2. As highlighted, the differences between min and max are huge, which will affect the performance of the model in the future, so the data are normalized before inputting into machine learning models. Fig. 1: Data Flow Fig. 2: Summary of descriptive statistics of data   - EDA (Exploratory data analysis) 2.1 Influences from match types There are three types of amazon ad match types: 1) broad (keyword is matched to a user’s search term if all the keywords are present in it) , 2) exact (keyword is matched to user’s search terms if it is an exact match of the keyword), and 3) phrase (keyword is matched to a user’s search term if the keywords are present in the same order). This section aims to figure out if the match type will influence the sales and cost. As shown in Fig.3, the exact type has highest sales and clicks, and lowest ACOS (green line), which is better than the other two types. Then after counting the number of records in these three types (Fig. 4), most records are about the exact type, indicating that most people consider the exact better than the other two types as well. Fig. 3: Changes of sales, ACOS, CPC, and clicks over time in three match types Fig. 4: Distribution of three match types 2.2 Influences from regions The whole dataset covers the historical records in different regions such as Europe, United States, Canada, etc. Fig. 5 uses currency to represent curves in different regions. As shown, only USD has records from Jan. 2020 to Apr. 2021, records in other countries miss the early records. Also, the shoppers behavior in different regions are varied. For example, British (GBP represented by the purple curve) reached its peak sales in June 2020, and its curve is fluctuated in sales, ACOS, CPC, and clicks, which are quite different from others. In this case, the region can be one of the features for the prediction model. (This could be biased as our marketing efforts varied by region and the data fluctuation can potentially reflect it) Fig. 5: Changes of sales, ACOS, CPC, and clicks over time in 10 regions. Fig. 6: Distribution of ten regions 2.3 CPC evaluation As the target is to predict the future CPC, it’s essential to evaluate the time series data CPC as well. Based on the region evaluation, the records in USD currency have the longest history, so we decided to use USD CPC as the target in this section. Fig. 7 represents the min, max, mean, and mode CPC over the time. The left top corner pic shows a scatter with pretty high CPC (raw zinc at CPC = 110). The value isn’t reliable, so this record is removed, and then get the new pic as shown at the left bottom corner. However, even after removing the bias, curves for min, mode, and mean are almost overlapped and far away from the max curve. It indicates the distribution of the USD CPC is actually a positive skew. This might lead to some problems for the prediction and potential time series modelling. In this case, we tried to log CPC two times and filter out outliers to check if it helps improve the performance of models. Fig. 7: Evaluation of CPC over the time (a) (b) Fig. 8: Distribution of CPC (a) before two times log, and (b) after two times log - Machine Learning Models 3.1 Models Linear regression, random forest, CNN, lasso regression, gradient boost, XGBoost, and LightGBM are selected to predict the future CPC. The input and output are summarized in Fig. 9. The normalized cost, sales, acos, ctr, cr, and averaged values of these parameters are the input; CPC is the output. Both standard and robust scalars are tried to determine which one is better for the models. Fig. 9: Input and output of the models 3.2 Results Fig. 10 summarizes the results generated by different machine learning models with standard scaler or robust scaler. In general, the models with standard scaling have lower RMSE, MSE, and MAE, so the standard scaler performs better than the robust scaler. When comparing standard scaler and twice log transformation, MAE is further reduced by transferring positive skew into normal distribution. When comparing between different models, random forest performs best among the all. Fig. 10 Results of different machine learning models Then we evaluated the worst and best cases of random forest with a standard scaler. As shown in Fig. 11, the model cannot predict high value CPCs pretty well, but it can predict low value CPCs accurately. It might be due to the positive skewness of CPCs. In addition, since the CPCs with higher than 10 values aren’t reliable (in most cases CPCs are lower than 10), our next step is to filter out these high CPCs and retrain the models to check the results.   This concludes step 1 of our ML infrastructure upgrade. Key take aways 1) Its better to focus on Exact keywords as they are generate higher revenues for slightly more expensive CPC 2) Simpler algorithms (Random Forest Regressor) can be more efficient and accurate as compared to Neural Networks and Deep Learning (CNN) 3) Adding time component might change in favor or Neural Networks especially LSTM Overview of AiHello AutoPilot: Amazon PPC Automation:- https://youtu.be/BThUXd5Ywic   Read the full article
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amazonadvertising · 1 year
Keyword Strategy guide by KDP Authors for Book sales on Amazon
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You may have noticed that independent publishing is filled with ingenious, time-saving tricks. Some hacks can make your work easier and faster, while others will assist you in selling more books. Some hacks are as basic as knowing current publishing trends, while others are more sophisticated, such as having a strong mentality… One self-publishing tip we'd like to share is how to make Amazon KDP keywords work for you instead than the other way around. To make your book discoverable on Amazon, you'll need to include particular phrases or words known as keywords. While some study is required to make the most of Amazon keywords, it is well worth the effort. They're a force to be reckoned with. Strong KDP keywords can directly lead to increased book sales. But it isn't as simple as 1, 2, 3. To increase sales, you must know how to locate and employ the most effective keywords. To do so, we'll go through everything today. What Are Amazon KDP Keywords? To get the most of Amazon KDP keywords, it's important to first grasp what it is. Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) stands for Kindle Direct Publishing. This is how authors use Amazon.com to self-publish and market their works. Many advantages come with being published through KDP, including the ability to conduct free pricing campaigns on your works. Keywords are used in KDP to provide contextual information about a book's contents. "You need keywords that accurately convey your book's content and mirror the words people will use when searching," according to Amazon. Keep in mind that KDP keywords are critical to your platform's success. Keywords have the ability to make or break a purchase. After all, incorrect keywords may mislead readers and cause them to lose interest in your book before they even learn what it's about. Each book posted on KDP can be tagged with a variety of keywords. These keywords are search terms; when a potential reader goes to Amazon to look for their next book, a keyword will point them in the proper way. As a result, keywords should be relevant to your book's content. You want them to portray what you wrote accurately. Advantages of Amazon KDP Keywords By now, you've undoubtedly realized how powerful keywords are. They not only attract the proper readers to your work, but they also: - Make your books stand out. Keywords ensure that your book appears in Amazon searches such as the one seen above. - Work for you rather than with you. Your job as an indie author may have just gotten a whole lot easier with the correct keywords. Amazon frequently rewards well-chosen keywords with higher search rankings. The time it takes to discover KDP keywords is one of the few drawbacks of employing them. Your keywords must be precise, discoverable, and deliberate. In the next section, we'll go through how to use (and find) the proper keywords. What is the Flywheel Effect, and how does it work? Why is it so critical to obtain Right keywords? The more clicks and sales a book receives on Amazon, the more visible it becomes. These are referred to as "good consumer encounters," and they help your book rank higher. However, if a client clicks on book listings above or below yours, it can result in a "negative interaction." If other books for a query are being clicked on but not yours, then you have a problem. In that situation, your book's rank for that search query will be penalized and decreased. Over time, the influence of these negative and good 'points' assigned to your book listing will diminish. In this instance, you must maintain the momentum! This can be accomplished by continuously ranking for the right keywords. This will result in enough sales to make your listing more appealing than similar listings. The Flywheel Effect states that the more clicks and sales your listing receives, the more appealing it becomes to the Amazon algorithm. Maintaining a high ad rank requires accumulating these positive marks on your book listing. The trick to preventing this flywheel effect is to make sure your book is relevant to the keyword you're seeking to rank for. Your book's ad rating and discoverability are determined by whether or not customers click on it! If it isn't relevant to their search query, people won't click on it, which will hurt your sales and rankings. How Do I Select Amazon KDP Keywords? Remember what we said in the previous paragraph about strong keywords: - Accurate - Discoverable - Intentional Using KDP Keywords That Are Accurate Understanding what your book is about is crucial to developing accurate keywords. When choosing keywords, Amazon recommends authors to think about the setting of their book, the types of characters they have, the roles they play, any plot themes in their book, and the tone of their story, according to the KDP website. A well-organized and established plot makes it easy for both you and your readers to figure out what kind of novel you're working on. For example, if you produced a scary narrative about a haunted mansion, damsels in distress, and blood-sucking vampires, you should use these keywords in your metadata. Using KDP Keywords That Can Be Found Make sure your KDP keywords are discoverable if you're going to spend the time researching them. Pulling up a private web browser on Amazon.com is a good method to see what Amazon users are already searching for. For example, if you've written a book about coming of age, type "coming of age" into the Amazon search bar and see what comes up. The keywords that appear are often searched for, and if they're relevant to your book, they're worth include in your metadata! If you're still stumped for keyword ideas, try using Google's search tool to see what others are looking for on the internet. Using KDP Keywords With Intent Finally, the use of strong KDP keywords is deliberate. They should have been thoroughly researched and shown to be appropriate for the type of book you've authored. It's tempting to use whatever keywords come to mind while describing your work. However, the more consideration you put into your keywords, the more likely you are to be successful. Brainstorming is an excellent approach to come up with specific keywords. It's time to brainstorm what keywords fit with your writing, just like you did while determining what to write about! Consider whether your genre has any well-known tropes. What do other authors have to say about similar-themed works they've written? Read author interviews in the same genre and seek for any frequent keywords used to describe works similar to yours. Selecting the Correct Keywords Choosing the correct Amazon KDP keywords is critical to your book's success. You can't sell a book that can't be found! So, how can you get people to notice your book? You use Amazon as if it were a search engine. Your book will almost surely plummet into the Amazon abyss if you skip this vital stage. This is a primer on Amazon's KDP keywords. It simplifies the procedure into a few easy steps. Step 1: Get to Know Your Audience. Your book is finished, the cover is created, and all you need to do now is start selling it. You've almost made it! However, you must first prepare your book for success. If you haven't previously done so, now is the time to figure out who you're writing for. Consider your audience, including their gender, age, and interests. At least three distinct audiences, one primary and two secondary, should be identified. If you wrote a Travel Guide to Paris, for example, your major audience would be those planning a trip to Paris. Hopefully, you'll be able to be even more specific, such as women, foodies, or art aficionados visiting Paris. Secondary audiences could include travelers' friends and relatives, tour guides, and Airbnb hosts, among others. Step 2: Create a Keyword List It's time to build a long list once you've identified at least three prospective consumers for your book. Make a list of every word that pertains to your readers that comes to mind. Then make a list of every term or phrase you can imagine your readers typing into Amazon to find your book. Step 3: Research and Validation of Amazon Strings People generally type a string of phrases into Amazon's book search to accurately specify what they're looking for (ex. Where to stay in Paris). It's your job to locate strings that accurately describe your book and that people are looking for. Open Amazon and navigate to "kindle shop," then start typing one of the keywords from step two into the search box. Do you notice how Amazon, like Google, autofills searchable sequences of words? This is the first type of verification you require! These are strings that people are looking for on Amazon, making them potentially profitable keywords. Long tail keywords are what they're called. After your search query, try adding a new letter. For instance, "France" + A, "France" + B, and so on. Of course, this takes time, especially when you consider your long list of prospective keywords. Step 4: Competition for Keywords and Earning Potential Once you've compiled a list of keyword phrases that you know people are looking for, it's time to assess their competitiveness and prospective earnings. To do so, start by counting the number of books that come up when you type this string into a search engine. This is your opponent. When I enter in "France Guidebook," I get 4,000 hits, but when I type in "Paris Guidebook," I only get 1,000 results. As you can see, narrowing the focus from "France" to "Paris" helps to eliminate a lot of competitors. You must, however, guarantee that these books are selling. How do we go about doing that? Scroll down to Product details after clicking on the first book that comes up in your search. The Amazon Best Sellers Rank is the figure we're interested in. A book that is ranked #1 in the Kindle store is the most popular. Rankings aren't a precise science for determining a book's sales prospects. In general, though, books with a ranking of less than 10,000 sell quite well. Use this figure to determine whether or not people are interested in this keyword niche. With 1,000 additional competitors and the top-ranking book at 59,000, this term could be beneficial for you, but it won't break the bank. Keep in mind that this is just one of your seven keyword strings, and you'll be targeting multiple venues to broaden your reach (and profits!). Step-by-Step Instructions for Implementing KDP Keywords So you've done your keyword research and chosen your keywords; now it's time to add them to your metadata on the KDP website. You should consider employing your keywords in four different places. Your Amazon keyword boxes, title, subtitle, and description. While Amazon does not explicitly indicate that keywords in a book's title, subtitle, or description are taken into account, we believe that they do. As a result, if you're able, incorporating your keywords in any of these places could help your book. Of course, including a keyword in the title or subtitle of your book can be tough, especially for fiction authors, but most authors should be able to incorporate a few keywords into their book descriptions without too much difficulty. So, how about those Amazon keyword boxes we talked about earlier? The following is a step-by-step guide on entering your keywords. Log onto the KDP website to add keywords to your book's metadata. You'll be able to see all of the books stored under your KDP account after you've logged in, whether they're published or unpublished. From the ellipses next to whichever Kindle book you want to add keywords to, select "Edit eBook details." The same goes for any paperback or hardback books you have listed on KDP and need to edit. Scroll down to a section labeled "Keywords" once you've reached the information of your book. You'll notice seven spots for your keywords here. We recommend that you use all of them! To finish adding – or editing – your keywords, click "Save and continue" at the bottom of your screen. To publish your new keywords, go to the final screen. Note: A previous version of this tutorial suggested using semicolons to separate several keywords in a single box. However, Amazon now recommends utilizing a single keyword in each of the seven boxes. How to Put KDP to the Test performance of a keyword Now that you've entered your keywords, what's next? How can you know whether your book is appearing in the searches you want it to appear in? Go to Amazon.com by first opening an incognito or private browser window.Then, in the amazon search field, type one of your keywords in quote marks and hit search.Examine the outcomes. Is your book listed anywhere in the results? You should if you've input your keywords correctly. Conclusion If you've made it this far, you're already miles ahead of the majority of self-publishing authors out there. Don't forget that choosing keywords for Amazon KDP is a great way to attract people to notice your book, but you can't underestimate the importance of cover design if you want to sell it! Read the full article
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amazonadvertising · 1 year
AutoPilot Updates: Account growth
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We have updated Account Growth to show the monthly changes in a more visual format with percentage changes The visual updates will help you quickly see what's your month over month (MoM) changes with visual arrows as well as percentage changes The account growth is for your Seller Central profile and you would need to connect your Amazon Seller central to AiHello to view these changes. The ACOS and advertising stats are pulled from your Amazon Advertising account. Combining both the Seller Central and Advertising data in one visually laid out page will help sellers determine how their account is performing over the last few months. Read the full article
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