altheathewriter · 4 years
Writing discord?
Where can I go that accepts gay vampires?
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altheathewriter · 4 years
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Joining in on that ship dynamics meme hehe
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altheathewriter · 4 years
I write gay shit about vampires
Okay I need some new blogs to follow because most of the bloggers/wips I was following are sadly inactive. So reblog this post if you post about any of the following:
Gay shit (this is actually mandatory, I need gays to survive)
Urban fantasy
Characters with realistic adhd/autism
Dark academia, but make it queer and poc
Also if you have a specific wip you want me to check out, please link to an intro post!
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altheathewriter · 4 years
There’s a big line between leaving constructive critique and blatant hate.
The author writes fluently but has a few minor spelling errors? Leave an encouraging message what you liked and offer to proofread in a private message. There’s no need to be rude and write a review like ‘you have spelling errors, it was a pain to read’ - do you know that over 50% of fanfic writers write in their second, third or even fourth language? English is not omnipresent. We’re not born with only English on our tongues. Be gentle.
The author has a fantastic story but hasn’t updated since weeks or months? Don’t pressure them. Especially don’t write things like ‘update now!’. Authors have real lives too. I remember an anon sending me a message for two weeks straight telling me things like ‘update’ ‘update now’ ‘why don’t you update’ ‘come on it’s over four days ago’ ‘I know you’re doing other stuff and this is by far your most interesting story so get around to update’ - what the anon didn’t know was that my grandpa died just the day after I uploaded. It was not a nice feeling to get pressure on top. You never know what has happened to the author. Real life can always intervene. Don’t push them. Realize that you patiently can wait a whole year for a famous author to publish a book with 90k words but you cannot wait a week or two for 5k from a fanfic author. Don’t be an ass. Write something like ‘This was such a great read! I especially liked xy. I would love if you’d add more, but don’t feel pressured.’ Be gentle.
The author doesn’t portray the person as you want it to be portrayed? Click away. There’s no need to spill your venom. As long as you don’t pay the author you don’t have any rights. Click. Away.
You don’t like how the story developed because you think xy would be better? Fine. Just click away.
You don’t like pairing xy to happen because you absolutely can’t stand it? Click away.
You see where this is leading? If your so-called critique exists only out of your personal preferences there’s no need to bash the author - because it is not critique, but hate. Click away. Write yourself or find someone who writes what you enjoy. There are tons of fanfics out there. Being an asshole only makes you look cheap and petty.
If you don’t have to say anything nice don’t say anything at all.
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altheathewriter · 4 years
I think I may abandon this blog.
My heart hasn't been in writing for a while. My anxiety was triggered when people went off on it and now I don't know if i want to continue here on Tumblr. It seems like a toxic writing community and that's not great when you have anxiety.
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altheathewriter · 5 years
Something that always disturbed me is that chimpanzees are depicted as having butt cracks in children's books but if you've ever seen a chimpanzee, you know that's the one thing they don't have THAT THEY REALLY NEED. 
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altheathewriter · 5 years
I am a(n):
⚪ Male
⚪ Female
🔘 Writer
Looking for
⚪ Boyfriend
⚪ Girlfriend
🔘 An incredibly specific word that I can't remember
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altheathewriter · 5 years
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© (c ) copyright 1990-2011 Rebecca Sinclair
See the original HERE
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altheathewriter · 5 years
do u guys ever look back at a piece of half-done writing and think ‘this could be brilliant. this could be my mona lisa. my starry night. my idris elba’ but you have absolutely no drive to finish it despite an unfaltering desire to see it finished
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altheathewriter · 5 years
Reblog the writers’ fortune cookie for luck!
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altheathewriter · 5 years
ABCs of your OCs
a list of oc questions in alphabetical categories - i made each category based on the first word I could think of in alphabetical order, so enjoy!
A: Aptitude 1. what are your oc’s natural abilities, things they’ve been doing since young? 2. what activities have they participated in? 3. what abilities do they have that they’ve worked for? 4. what things are they bad at? 5. what is their most impressive talent?
B: Basics 1. what is their hair color? 2. what is their eye color? 3. how tall are they? 4. how old are they? 5. how much do they weigh?
C: Comfort 1. how do they sit in a chair? 2. in what position do they sleep? 3. what is their ideal comfort day? 4. what is their major comfort food? why? 5. who is the best at comforting them when down?
D: Decoration 1. how would they decorate a house if they had one under their name? 2. how would they decorate their child’s room? 3. how do they decorate their own room? 4. what type of clothes and accessories do they wear? 5. do they like makeup/nail/beauty trends?
E: External Personality 1. does the way they do things portray their internal personality? 2. do they do things that conform to the norm? 3. do they follow trends or do their own thing? 4. are they up-to-date on the internet fads? 5. do they portray their personality intentionally or let people figure it out on their own?
F: Fun 1. what do they do for fun? 2. what is their ideal party? 3. who would they have the most fun with? 4. can they have fun while conforming to rules? 5. do they go out a lot?
G: Gorgeous 1. what is their most attractive external feature? 2. what is the most attractive part of their personality? 3. what benefits come with being their friend? 4. what parts of them do they like and dislike? 5. what parts of others do they envy?
H: Heat 1. do they rather a hot or cold room? 2. do they prefer summer or winter? 3. do they like the snow? 4. do they have a favorite summer activity? 5. do they have a favorite winter activity?
I: In-the-closet 1. what is their sexuality? 2. have they ever questioned their sexuality? 3. have they ever questioned their gender? 4. would/was their family be okay with them being LGBT? 5. how long would/did it take for them to come out?
J: Joy 1. what makes them happy? 2. who makes them happy? 3. are there any songs that bring them joy? 4. are they happy often? 5. what brings them the most joy in the world?
K: Kill 1. have they ever thought about suicide? 2. have they ever thought about homicide? 3. if they could kill anyone without punishment, would they? who? 4. who would miss them if they died? 5. who would be happy they died, anyone?
L: Lemons 1. what is their favorite fruit? 2. what is their least favorite fruit? 3. are there any foods they hate? 4. do they have any food intolerances? 5. what is their favorite food?
M: Maternal 1. would they want a daughter or a son? 2. how many children do they want? 3. would they be a good parent? 4. what would they name a son? what would they name a daughter? 5. would they adopt?
N: Never Have I Ever 1. what would they never do? 2. what have they never done that they want to do? 3. is there anything they absolutely can’t believe people do? 4. what is the most embarrassing thing they’ve done? 5. have they done anything they thought they’d never do?
O: Optimism 1. are they optimistic or pessimistic? 2. are they openly optimistic, throwing it on others? 3. are they good at giving advice? 4. is there anyone in their life that throws optimism on them? 5. were they always optimistic?
P: Personality 1. what is their best personality trait? 2. what is their worst personality trait? 3. what of their personality do others love? 4. what of their personality do others envy? 5. do they hate anything about their personality/about other’s personalities?
Q: Questions 1. do they ask for help? 2. do they ask questions in class? 3. do they answer questions that make them a little uncomfortable? 4. do they ask weird questions? 5. are they curious?
R: Rules 1. do they follow rules? 2. would they be a strict or laid-back parent? 3. have they ever been consequenced for breaking a rule? 4. have they broken any rules they now regret breaking? 5. do they find any rules they/others follow absolutely ridiculous?
S: Streets 1. are they street-smart? 2. would they give money to someone on the streets? 3. have they ever gotten in a fight on the streets? 4. has anything happened to them on the streets? 5. are they cautious when out?
T: Truth 1. are they honest? 2. can they tell if someone is lying? 3. is it obvious when they’re lying? 4. have they lied about anything they regret lying about? 5. have they told truths that have been spread against their will?
U: Underdog 1. have they been bullied? 2. have they bullied anyone? 3. have they been physically attacked by a bully? 4. have they ever been doubted? 5. have they surprised people with being good at something?
V: Vomit 1. do they vomit often? 2. do they get lots of stomach aches? 3. are they good at comforting someone ill? 4. what do they like as far as comfort goes? 5. do they burp, cough, or hiccup most when nauseous? when vomiting?
W: Water 1. do they drink enough water? 2. have they learned to swim? 3. do they like to swim? 4. can they dive? 5. can they swim without holding their nose?
X: Xylophone 1. what is their favorite genre of music? 2. do they have a favorite song? 3. do they have a favorite band/artist/singer? 4. can they sing well? 5. can they rap?
Y: You 1. how old were you when you created them? 2. what inspired you to create them? 3. were they different when they were first created? 4. do you enjoy writing them more than other characters? 5. what’s your favorite thing about them?
Z: Zebra 1. what’s their favorite animal? 2. do they like animals? 3. cats or dogs? 4. what’s their dream pet? 5. do they have any pets at the moment?
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altheathewriter · 5 years
I post for the bitches that used to get in trouble for reading under the desk during class in elementary school
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altheathewriter · 5 years
Reblog if it’s ok for people to give you $599.99
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altheathewriter · 5 years
I wish for all the money I need to get my teaching credential, to have money when I do student teaching, to keep my apartment, finish my masters, and change careers.
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reblog and make a wish! this was removed from tumbrl due to “violating one or more of Tumblr’s Community Guidelines”, but since my wish came true the first time, I’m putting it back. :)
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altheathewriter · 5 years
School break
I am back
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altheathewriter · 5 years
It is my birthday
Also Ruth Bader Ginsberg’s bday And yes, the day Julius Caesar got stabbed
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altheathewriter · 5 years
Great words for his death day and my birthday.
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