alphabat-archive · 5 years
APB USA is officially closed.
However, this page (along with the twitter page) will not be deleted. Instead this page will be transformed into an archive for AlphaBAT; where you can find lots of info on the members (including profiles), their discography, and any activities they’ve done since debut. AlphaBAT are NOT disbanding, this page is just being closed.
Thank you so much to Alphas for supporting APB USA and, most importantly, AlphaBAT throughout the years. It has been a pleasure running this page and I will surely miss it. I will still continue to love and support AlphaBAT in everything they do and I hope that you do as well. They deserve the whole world and will always remain first in my heart.
Thank You.
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alphabat-archive · 7 years
[Fancafe Update] 170808
B:ETA -  안녕하세요 베타입니다^^
알파 여러분 안녕하세요 베타입니다^^
다들 그동안 잘 지내셨나요?? 이렇게 다시 이곳에 글을 쓸수 있게되어서 진심으로 기쁘고 감회가 새로운거 같습니다!!
그간 저희에게는 정말 많은 일들이 있었습니다! 이렇게 음원이 나오는 기쁜 순간도 있었습니다!
그렇지 못한일들도 있었습니다! 그러면서 팬분들게 실망스러운 모습도 부족한 모습도 슬픈 일도 많았던거 같습니다!
정말 저희도 최선을 다하였지만 모든게 뜻대로만은 되지 않았던거 같습니다! 그럼에도 불구하고 이렇게 저희를 기억해주시고
저희를 기다려주셔서 진심으로 너무 감사드립니다!! 정말 보고 싶었습니다 정말 다시 무대에 너무 서고 싶었습니다!!!
오늘 이렇게 저희의 뮤직비디오가 공개가 되고 또 이렇게 팬카페를 사용할수 있게 되어서 너무 기쁘고 너무 행복합니다
저희 알파벳은 이렇게 한걸음 한걸음 여러분들과의 약속과 기다려 주신 감사한 마음을 차근차근 노력하며 천천히라도 더 다가갈수있도록 노력하겠습니다!!  알파분들 새롭게 시작하는 저희 알파벳 많은 관심과 애정으로 봐주시면 저희 정말 더 열심히 최선을 다해서
여러분들께 좋은 음악과 좋은 무대로 기다려주신 팬분들께 기쁨과 즐거움을 드릴수있도록 더욱 노력하겠습니다!
그동안 기다려 주시고 저희를 잊지않아주셔서 너무 감사하고 앞으로는 실망보단 기대로 여러분들께 보답 하겠습니다!
정말 감사하고 사랑합니다 여러분!
Eng Trans:
B:ETA - Hello, it’s Beta^^
Hello Alphas, it’s Beta^^
How have you all been?? I’m so happy and feel refreshed to be able to write here to you again!! 
There is so much for us to do! Such as happy moments like when [our] music came out! 
There are things that didn’t happen! It seems fans were really disappointed in the lack of appearances! 
We did our best even though not everything was how we wanted it to be! But still, remember us in this way. 
Thank you so much for waiting for us!! I missed you all very much and I really wanted to be on the stage again!!!
Today, our music video is released and I’m so pleased and so happy to be able to write in the fan-cafe like this.
AlphaBAT is moving forward and appreciating everyone’s gratitude and patience(?), we will work harder and slowly move even more forward!! It’s the start of a new AlphaBAT. If you look after AlphaBAT with much interest and love, we will work hard and do our best. 
You’ve all been waiting for good music and good stages so we strive to bring joy to all the fans!
Thank you so much for waiting and not forgetting about us; we will repay you in the future with good expectations and won’t disappoint you.
Thank you so much and I love you all!
Trans by APBUSA. Please take out with full credits.
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alphabat-archive · 8 years
[UPDATE] 161103
AlphaBAT will be holding a promotion event on December 2nd at Tower Records in Shibuya and a comeback special event on December 3rd at BIGFUN Heiwajima Complex in Tokyo.
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alphabat-archive · 9 years
[Fancafe Update] 151113
안녕하세요 연수입니다 오늘은 비도 꽤 많이 내리고 바람도 많이 부는데 다들 옷은 따뜻하게 입고 다니는거 맞죠? 감기 조심하셔야해요 알겠죠? 11월13일 어느덧 2주년이 되었네요 데뷔하고 1년동안은 활동도 꾸준히 많이하고 여러분들과 만날 기회도 많아서 정말 좋았는데 나머지 1년동안은 꽤 긴 공백기를 가졌어요. 계속 좋은모습 보여드렸어야 했는데 저도 참 아쉬워요. 정말 힘들때도 많았고 모든걸 다 포기하고 싶은 순간들도 있었지만 그때마다 저를 믿고 응원해주시는 팬분들을 생각하며 잘 견뎌왔어요. 긴 공백의 시간동안 제가 할수있는 최선은 제 자신을 더 성장시키고 잘 가꾸는 일이라고 생각해서 제 나름대로 열심히 노력했던것같아요. 저는 매번 힘들때마다 힘듦의 기준을 더 높게 잡아 생각했어요. '내가 지금 힘든건 아무것도 아니구나' 이렇게 생각하니까 조금은 견디기 수월해지더라구요. 여러분들도 힘이들때 생각을 조금만 돌려서 해보면 도움이 될거라 생각해요. 저는 지금까지도 그래왔고 지금도, 앞으로도 계속 그냥 제가 할수있는 최선을 다할거에요. 당장 눈앞에 보이는 무언가가 없더라도 꾸준히 나를 가꾼다면 분명 좋은날이 올거라 생각하기때문에 포기하지 않을거에요. 2년동안 정말 감사했고 앞으로 더 감사하며 좋은시간들을 함께 보냈으면 좋겠습니다. 날이 점점 추워지니 감기 조심하시고 좋은하루 보내세요. 감사합니다. -연수-
Hello, It's Yeonsoo (Delta) It's been raining quite a bit today Lots of wind too is everyone dressed in warm clothes? You need to be careful in the cold, alright?
November 13th It's already 2 years The many activities during debut and the first year have given lots of good opportunities to meet with many of you. While this past year [we've] had quite a long absence I should have offered to continued to show a good form. I'm also sad [because of it]. There's been many moments where it's gotten really tough and [I've] wanted to give up but every time, I think of the fans who cheer [for us] well and believe in me. I think that the long time [was] best used to grow and better myself and it seems I worked hard in my own way. (?)
Every time I have a tough time while working hard, I think to keep holding on. 'You're not working hard right now for nothing' I think like this because it makes it a little easier to withstand. (?) Everyone working hard too, turning the idea around a little will be helpful. Think.
So now, I came to say that I will continue to do the best that I can. Even if something doesn't look right, I won't give up because a good day will definitely come if I continue to grow.
Thank you so much for the 2 years and I hope we can spend many good times together in the years to come. Please be careful in the cold weather and don't get sick. Have a good day. Thank you so much.
Trans by APBUSA. Please take out with full credits.
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alphabat-archive · 9 years
[AUDIO] Delta soundcloud update: “Sure Thing” by Miguel (cover)
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alphabat-archive · 9 years
[AUDIO] Iota soundcloud update: “XX (Rough)”
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alphabat-archive · 9 years
Big thank you to everyone who participated in APB’s 2 year anniversary project! It wouldn’t have been possible to do this without you! Also, thanks so much to everyone who’s ever loved and supported AlphaBAT for these past two years! Our boys have been through a rough time but despite the obstacles, they never fail to do their their very best and make Alphas happy. Please continue to always support and love AlphaBAT in the many years to come! ♥︎
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alphabat-archive · 9 years
Do you know when AlphaBat is having their comeback?
They are still working on it but there is no set date yet. They might be waiting for Code to completely heal from his injury and get the ok from his doctor to go back to working before making a comeback.
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alphabat-archive · 9 years
I'm a bit confused! Is the video of Yeonsoo and Jason Derulo real? Were they having a real duet or is it edited?
He was using the Sing! app by Smule which is a karaoke app that allows you sing duets live with other people as well as the artists. But, the duets with the artists are just prerecorded video of them singing and you can join in and record yourself singing the second part. So, I guess in a way it was edited. (: hope that helped!
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alphabat-archive · 9 years
[VID] 151003 Delta - Want You To Want Me (with Jason Derulo)
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alphabat-archive · 9 years
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AlphaBAT D:elta first solo album 2015.09.22 @ 12PM KST
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alphabat-archive · 9 years
AlphaBAT D:elta first solo album "지금 나갈게" sneak peek!
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alphabat-archive · 9 years
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AlphaBAT D:elta first solo album release on September 22, 2015 at noon!!!
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alphabat-archive · 9 years
[Fancafe Update] 150916
안녕하세요. 연수 입니다. 팬 여러분들께서 저희 알파벳의 앨범을 정말 오랫동안 기다리고 계시는거 잘 알고있습니다. 앨범발매가 계속 늦어지게 되어여러분들께 너무나도 미안한 마음입니다. 사람은 누구에게나 말 못할 사정이 있다고 생각합니다. 우리가 살면서 일어나는 모든일에는 이유가 있다고 생각하구요.. 이런 상황에서 혼자 노래를 발표하는 것도 조금은 걱정이 되고 미안한 마음이 듭니다. 왜 이런마음이 드는건지 저도 잘 모르겠습니다. 그래도 나름 열심히 준비했으니 즐겁게 들어주시면 감사하겠습니다. 날씨가 쌀쌀해지네요. 감기 조심하세요.
Hello. It’s Yeonsoo (Delta), I know all our fans have been waiting a long time for AlphaBAT’s album. I’m so sorry to everyone [since] the album kept getting delayed. I think that there are unspoken circumstances beyond this for anyone(?) It happens in our lives. I think that there is always a reason [for] everything..
Also, to release a solo song in this situation; I feel a bit worried and sorry in my mind. I’m also not sure why my mind feels like this(?) Still, I worked hard to prepare so I would appreciate if you’d [support] me happily. 
The weather is getting chilly. Please, be careful in the cold. 
Trans by: APBUSA Please take out with full credits.
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alphabat-archive · 9 years
[UPDATE] 150915
September 22, 2015~ Delta’s solo song release!!!
Delta’s solo song “지금 나갈게” (Get Going Now) is expected to be released before AlphaBAT’s official album. The song can be seen as a new version of “#A-Ya” from [APB’s] 2nd mini-album; with the featuring of Iota again.
More details will be posted once they are released.
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alphabat-archive · 9 years
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150824 AlphaBAT Mini-Concert
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alphabat-archive · 9 years
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150824 J:eta at AlphaBAT Mini-Concert
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