alongpause · 7 months
in a million universes i keep becoming you.
this man has existed before.
this exact man has never existed before
i just wanted the chance to be made from adam's rib and see what all the fuss was about
i just wanted to see for myself what creation feels like
god took adam's rib to make eve, so adam wouldn't be lonely
a companion for all things who was different and the same, strange and yet familiar
if i can do that for myself, then why would anyone want to stop me?
if i can tear out the unneeded, unwanted parts of myself and make a new person who loves me, who is me, who can finally breathe in a way this one can not
would any fathomable god still be just if they stopped me? 
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alongpause · 7 months
clothed again, yet i still feel naked
i am discarded and tossed aside
barbie doll in the gutter
if this is how i feel after a medical exam
how am i ever going to be intimate with another person?
they left me sitting here, waiting for someone to come take my blood
i could feel the doctor making assumptions about me
and my life
as we did the pre exam interview
i could see it in her fucking eyes
when i sat there in the tissue paper, i prayed for a fat doctor
when she walked in, 5' 7' 130 pounds, i thought
this is it
it's over
and by god, it was
staring into the eyes of the literal painted lady on the ceiling tile
by someone named riley, who knows where or when
one of the most painful experiences of my life
and i breathe and breathe and breathe
and then out of nowhere, out of somewhere
the tears finally come
and don't stop until i have my clothes on
and now I'm still waiting and they threaten my every breath
wobbling and wavering but i just don't want to cry anymore
I'd much rather dissolve
presence of mind to ask for a miniature bottle of water
I've been sitting alone for 15 minutes, waiting for someone to take my blood
will someone please come take my fucking blood
so i can get the hell out of here?
12 hours later i still feel the speculum inside me
rending me apart
the ghost of its jaw, teeth inside my flesh
the reverse bite tearing me in half
and nothing could be done nothing could be done
just relax, she says, like it's easy
like it's easy when all the pain you've ever felt
is concentrated down to a pinpoint
and inflicted in one solid and unyielding moment
and breath shakes the belly
and i want to say "i never cry" through my tears
but all that comes is "sorry" floating out on a bubble
written in shaky lines
and she says its okay
but it doesn't feel okay
it feels like every secret I've ever tried to keep
has been laid bare
written in braile on the pores all over my naked body
and she presses on my breasts,
my limp, dead fish breats,
in spirals, gentle yet firm
press press press with praticed precision
when she presses any spot more than once,
i worry
i worry so big and acary
even with no room in my brain for it over the aftershocks of pain
and the embarassment of humanity
but she says it's all fine
then she says
lose weight
lose weight for cancer prevention
and in some way she is right
not the way she thinks, but in some way
it's been 12 hours, 13 hours, 14
I'm still shaking a little bit in my rib cage
I'm still floating half in half out of my brain
somehow i left my body
somehow i was only a body
in that moment, those moments of pain
the worst pain
i never say I'm at a 10
always in pain and i think,
"this can't be the worst"
"no way this is the top of it"
no matter how bad, i never say ten
well that was a ten
if they can knock you out for a colonoscopy
why the fuck couldn't they put me under for that
10  20 30 40
worst imaginable
and they didn't fucking listen
they never listen
they always ask "do you feel safe at home?"
usually i say yes because my mother is beside me
today i said yes because i didn't think anything would change
if i said no
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alongpause · 7 months
picked last in dance class,
a friend and i, sharing our woes,
compared ourselves to dented cans of food,
picked over just for looking different
and then one day,
a beautiful boy walked in
the side of the class where the girls stood
was populated by whispering
as he talked to the other boys
you could see in the corner of his eyes
that he knew we were whispering
that he knew it was about him
i wondered if that happened everywhere he went
i wondered if every room parted in silence
to allow him to pass through
just so everyone could put their eyes on him
i wondered what it was like to be beautiful
when the boys were told to pick a dance partner
all the girls watched eagerly as he crossed the room
the closer he got to me,
the faster my heartbeat got
but i didn't dare to dream
i couldn't dare to dream
until his hand was on mine
and he chose me first for every dance that day
and i thought i was in heaven
my friends told me they were jealous
and i knew all the girls were jealous
his attendance to the class was spotty
and every week i held my breath, waiting for him to walk through the door
waiting to see who he would pick first
and it was me
it was always me
i think back to it and i wonder
i wonder why on earth
why me
i never let the idea grow in my heart
that he might have thought i was beautiful
that he might have, over all that dancing
and those tiny conversations
developed some kind of feelings for me
even now, i couldn't fathom that
so i just wonder,
what made someone do something so kind
for a stranger?
i wonder what he saw when he looked at me
i think he saw a shy girl
who had never been told that she was beautiful
and he wanted to make her feel better,
if he could
and he did
and he was so beautiful that it seemed like
the whole world was holding its breath
when he was around
i still wonder
if he was an angel
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alongpause · 7 months
my honey-swollen belly 
wou will not make me throw it up
not this time
not while i have god in the pit of my stomach
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alongpause · 7 months
for four years you were my soul
every moment of my existence was in dedication to you
and when we were severed it broke me
i mourned the loss of the self i was through you 
for no less than two years
perhaps it was more
and out on the other side, i can't remember it
i look at the things i wrote down
the only proof i existed then
and the memory that you and i were ever We
the memory of the hole inside me when we weren't
it's all so faded
there has been so much hurt since then
so much lonely, dead time
i don't remember being a person that long ago
like i came on the scene just last year
was it really so recent that I was still mourning us?
why can't i remember?
my heart aches that I can't remember loving you like that
that i can't remember being loved like that
even if it wasn't perfect
even if it wasn't forever
forgetting seems like saying it was insignificant
but it wasn't, it was everything and always
i thought i would carry that pain forever
i thought i would always feel the sting of how much i loved you
how it pierced me like an arrow
and you tore it out
did the wound really heal?
why can't i even find the scar? 
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alongpause · 7 months
i will always, only ever be
your burdensome baby boy
your parenting completely reactionary
your are still flinching away from the trauma of your own mother
you say "i am better than she ever was"
like that means anything
like better equals best, or even good
when she set the bar so low to begin with 
the massive weight of her 
is still present in this house
so she could treat me like she treated you
this house you invited her into
and it keeps compounding
until i draw the line in the sand
the line that even you don't respect
like you think someday i will wise up
and shove a child under the bus you're driving
i will always only ever be
your burdensome baby boy
we are sucking the life from each other
you never cut the umbilical cord
but you blame me for receiving anything from it
all i do is take take take from you
you never said it, but the way you act 
you never had to
nevermind all the things i give to you
children are supposed to give give give to their parents
children are there to take on, to unburden
children are meant to relieve
but to you i only inflict
i have absorbed so much toxicity for you and from you
but its all for nothing it doesnt matter
you're not supposed to be thankful for someone when theyre just fulfilling their purpose
your first child was the one you had to support
your second child was the one made to support you
and he doesn't work hard enough
does all he can for you but it will never be enough
because he wasn't strong enough to grow himself up right
he should have been able to suffer through on his own
because we are all suffering and life isn't fair
and he needed to know that more than anyone
because he had the fucking gall to want it to be fair
you had one child to love and one to love you
that first child can scream at you and spit in your eye and it will never matter because you love her, always love her, will always love her
the second child can give you everything he has but you have to turn him away because its not enough
tell him to come back when he has more
and you're so mad even though he loves you, always loves you, will always love you
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alongpause · 7 months
my body is me, but it's not me
my brain is me, but it's not me
if these things are not me, then what is?
but i feel so disconnected from these things
how can i be when they are all that i am?
my body is me, and my brain controls my body
who controls my brain?
is that what i am?
the thing that is the brain but somehow above the brain?
i am immaterial in this way and yet
i am all material, only material
i exist in the way everything exists
but i also exist in a nothingness, a concept
am i a soul? what is a soul?
is a soul something you earn by having a brain and a body?
godhead, three in one, brain, body, soul
and i am none of it 
i am all of it
i don't feel like i belong here
i don't feel in control
the things people see on my body
the person they think they know just by looking
that is not me
and so i am not a body
the things people presume to know about me
after speaking with me briefly
after hearing the triple filtered secretions of my brain
these are not me
the things that had to be filtered
things i loathe and cannot control
those are not me either
so i must not be a brain
so what the hell am i
and where do i live?
they call me old soul,
tell me a soul must be saved
a soul is what gets you into heaven
but i am not going to heaven
so what is my soul?
and where does that leave me?
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alongpause · 10 months
still living in my parents' home
i am a child except in all the tender ways
i am expected to sit quietly and obey
be seen and not heard
like a good child, a good kid
i have to reflect my parent's values
i have to surrender my agency to the sacred
parent/child relationship dynamic
be an extention of them,
be a tool for them to use
but when i cry, i cry alone
i, the child adult, an adult for the time i have spent on earth,
a child for the lack of proof: no job, no marriage, no one, nothing, i am no one, i am nothing
and showing joy or excitement, those shackles that bind to childhood
is disgusting to them, it's not proper
i am a kid when i try to act on my own, make a decision
i am met with patronizing statements blanketed in "I'm just worried about you"
when the bills come in, i squeeze blood from the stone myself
i live in this house, i am tied to the walls with IV tubing and bedsheets
i am part of the living, breathing viscera of the houss
i am furniture and I will be in the house when it burns
my silent, motionless vigil as the fire eats my wood and cotton and plastic and heart and soul
I'm never getting out
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alongpause · 10 months
i think i don't realize
how fast, faster then slow, slower, slowest the time goes
because there is no one to talk to about it
the loniless wraps around me like a personal time machine
my leg muscles twitch and jerk and jump and skip
i want silk shirts on my skin
there is minty freshness in my heart
when did the time start to skip and jump and jerk
water is like the spring from heaven
so ice cold and flavorless delicious
and it's like that all the time, but i only notice now
in the singular pinhole moment
and it floats away and it's gone
and it never happened
and the time keeps changing
my fingers are numb on the ends in a way that feels like softness
like sherpa-lined gloves
i wonder if my blood is making it there
is the elevator that is my circular system
from my heart to my finger tips and my heart and my fingertips and my heart and my finger tips
i am the line in the book you keep rereading
as you fall asleep
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alongpause · 11 months
i miss just existing with you
lying on the floor of your bedroom
several bedrooms have come and gone through your life now
that i have never seen
i wonder if i will ever see one again
will i ever lie by your side again
just quiet, because we need it
together, because we need each other
or do we exist too separately now
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alongpause · 1 year
my stomach is worn down from
the pain relievers again
they don't tell you about
gastritis and rebound migraines
until it's too late
I've been in constant pain
for over 10 years
it's all
you can talk about getting skinny
getting beautiful
leaving my fat carcass behind
an ugly artifact
i will always be the ugly friend
and no one will chat me up
i will always be watching other people's
bags and whatever else they
leave behind when they get up to dance
big fat nothing
my stomach aches and
it feels like some sort of
cosmic retribution for fatness
which i never asked for or
did anything to foster
because people do think that you do this to yourself
they think that because the moment they relax
and stop torturing themselves
the pounds creep on
instead of wondering if they're doing something wrong
surely it's me
even though i do the same dumb shit they do
skip your meals count your calories
mentally berate yourself until you are too ashamed to eat
when i ride the motorized scooter
at the supermarket
because the pain i feel when standing
for more than a few minutes
is indescribable
i feel so ashamed
because i know people think
i should be dead
they don't want to look at me
they think i am a lazy slob
my fat jibbles as the cart hums along
too fucking loud
drawing all attention
lord help you if you need to back up
everyone's eyes and vitriol will be upon you
just you fucking wait
my mom never notices the way people treat me
they treat me so wrong and bad
because I'm different
what i wouldn't fucking give
to stop being so different
for one damn day
people see it all over me
i limp i wince
i can't look anyone in the eye
i make so many erratic movements
i flinch away from sounds
people see 14 seperate ways
that i am so very different
within the span of a minute
and they treat me
so poorly
when they do
i wish i had dissolved all those years ago
i wish i had never heard the things
people would say about me
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alongpause · 1 year
my humidifier has a strange hum
like a Tibetan singing bowl
this is how we meditate now
to the hum of the air conditioning
i tune my frequency to the electrical hum of my tinnitus
and I'm counting my breath 1 in 2 out 3 in 4 out
and my toes are relaxed, the soles of my feet are relaxed
my heels and ankles are relaxed
so on and so on until it reaches the top of my head
and i have to lead myself through this excercise
or else it's too slow and i grind my teeth
and it's torture
the kind of thing that makes you bite through the skin
on your hand
even though you're in a place where everyone is watching
to make sure you don't do that sort of thing
and the blood explodes in your mouth like
when your teeth break through a pen
and calmly you get up and walk to the bathroom
and if they noticed the blood on your face
they didn't say anything
and you stare grimly into the mirror and think
i will never do this stupid meditation thing again
the minute i get out of here and they can't make me
i will never do it again
but counter-intuitively you teach yourself to meditate
just to find peace while they're trying to make you meditate
when they tell you to go to a beach
you go to an icy tundra
and you keep it in your mind even now
and feel calm
and the air purifier is singing
and your body feels heavy with peace
and you smile
because you taught yourself how to do this
you built something out of the shit they force fed you
when you just wanted to spit it in their faces
and you feel like you are alive
and you are still alive
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alongpause · 1 year
great shambling thing
why do you live in my mirror
i see the pain in your eyes
the way the flesh hangs off you like ribbions
and you dont care
the pain is from your chest
hollow and vibrating
threatening to smash open your ribs:
is your heart
and the words that used to drip from your mouth
have run dry
and i see that
the hands that tore your to shreds
were yours
so i sew you back together
and kiss your skin
it will scar
but you will live
and you will love again
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alongpause · 2 years
Literally trying to chill on a Friday night with my buds and no one is picking up the horn
Got no drugs anywhere not even some melatonin
IOS accessibility features Dark Noise 100%
Crumbs in my bed !
Galaxy Light: ON
I need a new weighted blanket this one is unraveling
Constantly convincing myself I'm not actually autistic but I can't convince anyone else
A constant reminder plays in my head that most things I do and say and feel would qualify to someone else as "r-word behavior"
I wonder if that matters very much
It seems like a lot and it seems like nothing
I think I am a lot and I feel like nothing
My dad said all my extra facts during our trivia game was like playing with Sheldon Cooper and
I want to crawl inside myself and die
I also don't care that much.
In a strange way it's validating
In a weird and roundabout way, my father has identified me
And it's not flattering
But it might not ever be from him
I think I should be allowed to exist in a space where I feel like I can breathe
A full, deep breath
Something I've never had before even in my deepest meditations
The air is too thin in a place where the love isn't true and deep
And there is always judgement
And your muscles are never relaxed because you're cowering away from yourself
And maybe I'll get a new weighted blanket for Christmas
And I'll feel seen in a nice way and it'll be a good day
Or maybe it won't
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alongpause · 2 years
In the old house on chandalar there was a laundry room
But it wasn't really a room
And one day when my mother and my sister were having a fight, as unremarkable as that occasion was
I crawled into the small bit of walking space where we threw all our clothes
And I closed the door
And I felt so safe just for a moment
In the artifical womb of the laundry room
The damp clothes formed my endometrium
The hum and twitch of the dryer like a beating heart distorted through fluid
The familiar darkness of pre-life provided by the windowless little tornado safe guard
My insomnia melted away as I was transported back to a time before thought or knowledge
A time when it was just me and my muscles and none of us knew there would ever be anything other than warmth and darkness an the bumb bumb bumb of the heart
It was the sun before I knew there was a sun
Can we ever really stop loving our mothers
Even when they make us crawl into the laundry room and close the door
Weren't they everything to us, back then?
Even if every thought in our head and emotion in our hearts can find no love
Doesn't our body still worship at the altar?
The broken bodies that they gave us, the damnation of our genes
But can we ever really stop loving our mothers
Or will there always be some molecule, no matter how deep within us, no matter how primal and abstract,
That remembers
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alongpause · 2 years
I wish I was a little brother and people saw my innocence and the life in my eyes and the way I am in love with everything and thought, "I need to protect that. I need to fight for that"
I was born last into my family but I am not a little brother.
I cooked all the meals and did all the chores and got all the guff. Every lie my sister told was believed and every truth I told met with doubt so strong and so convicted that I often began to wonder if I was somehow lying and didn't know.
I would cry and beg, believe me believe me believe me, but sometimes when you are bad you are bad forever, even if no one remembers how you earned it.
When you are bad forever and the world catches up to you, the cosmic judges decide to punish you for your sins by breaking your body, well, no one blinks. No one blinks in you stained-glass family because God has decreed it, and you can't remember what the Bible says about these things.
You are growing older but not old and you ask every day, "why does no one see me and think they should help?". You are still twitching on the side of the road and the car that hit you never stopped.
When people look at you, they do not see a man so in love with the world that he has broken himself to stay in it. They do not see the melted down boy who became the gold that filled his own cracks.
They see your dripping fangs and never once do they consider that it is your own blood. When you growl, they do not know you beg for help with a mouth that can not speak because the tongue has been cut out.
I want the world to see my sunshine and see it as holy, as beautiful, as something that needs preservation. I want someone to see this boy, now man, who his whole life screamed for some tenderness into a world with no air.
When will someone protect that which has been sent out with no armor, no weapons, no training? When will someone look at all that I have done, all that I have fought, and say "rest now, your turn is done. Welcome home."
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alongpause · 2 years
My childhood tastes like vague, gritty citrus and an unconvincing approximation of bubble gum
I've been getting headaches as long as I can remember
The medicine I took, my beloved ibuprofen, I took too often
I turned 10 and my birthday present was simple: you have to learn to swallow pills
And I got too good at it, I would take them dry
No one told me it was bad, I just thought it was a skill
I had trained myself to do something most people could not
I was a warrior, in this small way, because I had suffered.
But everything catches up to you, in the end
I had stomach aches so bad, they gave me nightmares
I woke up from a dream where I had been shot in the stomach to find that the pain was real
All my dreams were painted with imagery of pain, more pain
People pulling out my guts, things crawling out of my stomach through my mouth, swallowing glass and the cuts it left inside
That's what it felt like. Broken glass in my stomach. Nails inside me. Being stabbed a thousand times from the inside.
Ibuprofen burned holes in my stomach
I couldn't go to school, I was in too much pain
But the insurance company did not want to pay for the medicine I needed, surely it wasn't that bad
Every day was misery for far too long
My stomach gurgle loudly, often in front of others,
I felt so much shame,
Fat girls do not get to have bodies that make noises
Attention drawn to a fat body is negative attention
Even around the people I loved
I was always loved In Spite Of and people made it clear
Not just in this, but also in this
My pain, my constant pain, which bore more pain, which bore more pain
I am still fat. I still get headaches. I think my stomach is starting to become burnt again.
Does pain go ever, ever on?
Am I doomed to live the same things over again?
Will the things that haunt my memories become the patterns I live my life by?
If I suffer through the same things over and over,
Will I learn to endure them with grace? Will they become easier?
Or does pain only ever compound? Will things be harder every time?
Or even, could it be that things will be the same? The pain will be exactly as it was, and no worse, but seem different for the attention and clarity of the present that can never work when looking back at the past or towards the future?
My stomach hurts.
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