To admin Kai: I would be happy if you could write my fanfiction😘 if you already forgot what i asked, here is the request once again: Hello Can I request a Friends with Benefit smut were BtoB's Changsub is your brother and BtoB's Minhyuk your "friend" ?
Okay awesome! I’ve added it to my list :D
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if your on the mobile tumblr, then how do you get to the admin lists?
I can link it to you HERE. 
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Gif'd sex with VIXx?
Here it is! :D
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I want to know if you can write a scenario where I'm in a video with Vixx I also have to do a photo shoot with them to but Hongbin is really jealous because I have to get really close to all the members & he likes me you can add smut if you want :)
I have added it to my list! However it would be great if it were you how decided whether or not it had smut in it. It’s easier for the writer and you’ll enjoy it more :)
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Hello I was wondering if you finished beauty and beast and also do you guys have a list of your scenarios????? Plus your guys are amazing
I have not yet, I still have a lot of things planned out for it! 
However, Here is where you can find the master list of scenarios.
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Can you send the link of beauty and the beast? Part 1-3:)
Chapter One is here and Chapter Two is here.
The thirst one is not yet finished but will be very soon!
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Hi I was wondering if you can do a list of all the scenarios you've done please .
There should be a completed list under each admin ^^*~Gyuri~*
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Admin ah, is there any second part of beauty and the beast?
I believe there is three parts published!! *~Gyuri~*
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I urge you guys to please look at our directory when requesting. A lot of people have been requesting for bands we do not write for such as GOT7 bangtan boys and btob. Please please please look at our directory. I feel bad but none of us are comfortable with those bands so we do not write for them. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. *~Gyuri~*
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Hey Gyuri! You can post the other one it's okay! :D Plus you are almost done so I don't want to make you wrote another one! :D
I’m so sorry my lovely for not responding. I’ve been so busy and very ill. I finally recovered and finished your scenario. I’m so sorry I’m late with posting.
“Ya!” Zico roared with a grin, shouting over the music. He waved his hand sloppily, motioning me to lean towards him. I grinned and complied, pressing my elbows agains the bar.
“Thanks for coming out and celebrating the release of our new album!” He slurred for the third time tonight while leaning his head back and swallowing a shot of soju. “Of course! What kind of friend would I be if I didn’t celebrate my best friends newest success!” I replied while brushing a strand of blonde hair out of his face. He hiccuped in amusement and threw back another shot. “Ya, Zico. I think you’re done.” I chuckled while pulling the bottle from him. He pouted and reached towards me in a drunken are before he decided it was too much effort. He placed his head against the bar and muttered something under his breathe. The other members of block b staggered over and plopped themselves next to Zico, shaking him on the shoulder. U-kwon laughed at the unresponsive leader and chatted with b-bomb about how much they enjoy the club we are in. I decided I would be responsible and take Zico home. I grabbed Zico’s dangling arm and dropped it around my shoulder as I wrapped my arm around his waist. “C'mon big fella we are going home.” I giggled while helping him towards the door. He staggered left and right violently, nearly knocking the both of us over.i managed to open the door and get us onto the surprisingly quiet streets of Seoul. “ where we goin?” Zico mumbled as he began to stroke the now chilled skin of my shoulder. “I’m taking you to your apartment.” I informed him as we continued to walk past the first block. “I don’t wanna. I wanna party!” He shouted obnoxiously, twisting his body. I began to lose my grip as he thrashed in protest. Suddenly he went limp, and fell on the ground. “Dammit.” I hissed while stomping my foot in annoyance. I walked over and pulled on his wrist so he would sit up. his body slumped over, his head bobbing from side to side. I spread his legs apart and sat down, hoisting him onto my back. he draped himself over my body as I struggled to carry the larger man up the stairs to the apartment building. “Geez lay off the snacks, Zico.” I grumbled. I was panting by the time I reached the top of the staircase. I adjusted Zico on my back and started down the hallway towards his apartment door. Zico’s hands slapped against my thighs as I trudged down the hallway cursing under him. I managed to unlock his door and stumble inside. My h/c hair covered my eyes, making it difficult to navigate. “Jesus, what words are needed?Everyone calls you a masterpieceJust a little bit of you, I’ll seriously value baby~” he sings quietly in my ear. I chuckle and shake my head as I make my way to his bedroom. I was able to find his room and kick open the door with ease. I turned and sat on his bed, letting Zico fall onto the mattress. As I attempted to get up and tuck him in, his legs wrap around me and I gasped in shock. “Zic-” He covered my mouth and began to laugh. “You’re so funny y/n~” He giggles. “You brought me to mah room~” I yelped, struggling against Zico’s iron grip as he begins to kiss my shoulder. My eyes widen and I look over to see him staring at me. “I’ve liked you for so long, y/n.” He admitted in a serious tone. “Why don’t you stay here?” I screamed out began to squirm even harder than before. Zico chuckled a dark laugh and shoved me to the bed. I looked up into his drunken brown eyes as he bit my lip. I pressed her knees together and looked away. Feeling hot flames roaring in my stomach. He brought his head to my neck and began to suck on the spot just below my ear. I moaned in response, feeling a blush deepen on my cheeks. My knee brushed Zico’s growing erection and he groaned. He jerked my legs open and lowered himself onto my hips. He began to rub himself against me; loud moans erupted from his mouth. “God you look so helpless. It’s so hot.” He panted while biting his lower lip. I could feel how hard he was, and it caused muscles deep inside me to clench. No. I can’t let this happen. Not now. Not like this. I pushed against him gently, and ripped away from him. he was passed out again. My face was burning. he snored quietly on his bed. I sighed. “He’s drunk, he would never do that. He’s drunk, he would never do that.” I repeated over and over again. Does he really like me that way? I questioned as I looked at him in his peaceful slumber. In between my thighs felt hot with desire and want. I can’t deny my attraction towards him either. But not like this, I can’t take advantage of him. I sighed in sexual frustration as I made my way to the couch. I should keep an eye on him tonight so he doesn’t do anything stupid. I grabbed the blanket that was draped on the back of the couch and pulled it around me as I curled up into a ball and fell asleep.
Zico woke and moaned. his head was throbbing. he grasped his blonde hair while feeling the contents of his stomach rising. oh god. he dashed for the bathroom and vomited violently. he spits, and leans his body against the wall as he pushes the valve on the toilet bowl. “Fuck. I should have known I couldn’t handle that much” he wiped his mouth and leaned against the wall for support. moments later there was a knock on his bathroom door. “come in” Zico groaned. Y/N face peered around the door and was surprised. Zico’s eyes were blood shot. his skin was sickly pale and clammy. he had purple under his eyes from exhaustion; spit rolled down his chin. she stepped inside and grimaced. “are you alright?” she asked. Zico shook his head weakly. “no” he whimpered. he placed his head above the rim and threw up again. Y/N frowned. Zico slammed his body against the groud and moaned in agony. Y/N knelt next to him and wiped away the drool on his chin. Zico was panting, sweat beading down his skin. Y/N dabbed it away. she disappeared into the other room and returned with Pepto bismal to soothe his stomach. Zico swallowed it and sighed. “I’m sorry” he said. Y/N nodded and smiled. “It’s alright. What are friends for?” she said. Zico grimaced at the word “Yeah..friends..” Y/N stood and began to turn towards the door.“Do you want me to g-” Zico grabbed her wrist and looked down. “Friends? that’s it? that’s what you think of me?” he asked. Y/N turned confused. “I’m sorry?” she asked. Zico rose and staggered forward. “Just friends?” he repeated. “You don’t feel that connection between us? Like there’s something else there?” he pulled Y/N to him and held onto her. “I like you a lot, Y/N.” he said. “oh..I like you to Zico! you’re so kind to me especially-"Y/N was cut of. "That’s not what I meant!” he holds onto Y/N tighter, crushing her against him. “You know what I mean.” Y/N shivered. She knew, but she didn’t want to admit it. “o-oh” she stuttered. Zico grabbed her chin and kissed her. like she belonged to him. Trying to convince her of his feelings. She pushed him away and blushed. she lowered her gaze to the floor. “I get it.” She whispered. “I just don’t believe it.” “What do you mean?”“I just… I’m not some famous idol that everyone in South Korea knows and recognizes. I’m just your friend that you’ve known since high school. I’m not on your level.” Y/N muttered embarrassed. There was a moment of silence before Zico erupted with laughter.“You think that’s what matters to me? Y/N, I’ve known you for so long, that you’re one of the few people that gets me.” He grinned while rinsing his mouth out with water. He spat in the sink and wiped his mouth with a washcloth by the sink. “I just figured that it would be too complicated an-” “No it won’t be. This doesn’t have to go public. The press already knows that you’re my friend so if they see us out together they won’t think twice. Just….” His face began to redden as he trailed off. “Just what?” “Would you let me make love to you?” He asked, his face deepening into a scarlet shade. Y/N stood there stunned. Could she do it? Could she actually make love with the person that she has liked for so many years? “Yes.” She whispered. Zico’s eyes lit up with excitement as he slowly grasped Y/N’s waist and pulled her into a kiss. It was gentle; his soft lips gently caressing hers. He picked her up, wrapping her legs around his waist as they continued to his bed. He set her down and trailed soft kisses along her neck as his hands worked at removing her shirt. He discarded the useless article of clothing and tossed his own shirt in the same direction. His eyes were locked onto Y/N’s perky breasts. He unclasped her bra, and gazed at the naked beauty before him. Her nipples were already hardened and Zico smirked. He lowered his head to her right breast and gently sucked on the nipple as his hand massaged the opposite breast. His tongue swirled around the sensitive nipple, causing Y/N to arch her back and moan. Zico chuckled against her skin, trailing kisses down her stomach to the line of her pants. “Fuck.” Y/N hissed under her breath. Zico grinned as he sunk his teeth into Y/N’s hips. She gasped in pleasure, grasping his hair in want. Zico undid the button on Y/N’s pants and pulled them down, taking her panties with them. He rubbed his hard erection with one hand as he gently pushed a finger inside of y/n. She gasped in surprise and bit her lower lip, attempting to silence herself. Zico undid his pants and pushed them off the bed as he positioned himself. “Are you ready?” “Please, Zico.” Y/N begged. He grinned and rolled a condom on, placing his tip at her entrance. He rubbed the head of his penis on her clit, causing Y/N to moan loudly. “Now you’re ready.” He snickered with a devilish grin. Slowly, he was inside of you. Pleasure erupted throughout Y/N’s body and she grabbed on to Zico’s shoulders, digging her nails into him. “Fuck, Y/N, you feel so good.” He groaned while beginning to thrust deep inside of Y/N. He found a rhythm and stuck with it, pressing his erection to her g-spot. He swirled his hips in a circular motion filling Y/N deliciously. His hand snaked to her clitoris and rubbed the swollen wet organ. “FUCK!” Y/N roared as she could feel her orgasm nearing. “Y/N I’m close.” He cautioned. He quickened his pace and with one powerful thrust, Y/N came. Her walls clenched around Zico’s hard cock, pushing him to his limit. “Fuck.” He cussed under his breath as his hot seed filled the condom. He collapsed ontop of Y/N, their hearts pounding aha isn’t one another. Zico pulled out, and discarded the condom. He pulled Y/N In his arms, and kissed her neck tenderly. “I love you, Y/n. Don’t you forget it.” “I love you too Zico.” Y/N sighed contently and curled up against her new lovers chest.*~*~*~*~
I hope you liked it! I’m once again so sorry about the wait.
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Can I have a smut scenario with V?? onegai???? *^* awkward moment when his gf asks him to have sex with her even though she's on a period XDD Kamsahamnida~~~
alright, I will add this to the list :)~mdesu
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Can I have a jhope (bts) smut scenario where he picks me up from work (office) late at night and we have rough sex in the car?
added to the list!~mdesu
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The Jungkook smut is fine. Plzz do it?
Added to the list! If there is any specific plot that you would like, you are free to ask :)~mdesu
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Do any of you admins write for Block B.... and if so... could you write a Zico smut for me? Where I play hard to get and he tries to seduce me? Thanks :3
I do write for block b! But I have another scenario almost done that you requested with Zico. Where he gets drunk and confesses he likes you and stuf happens in his apartment. Which on would you prefer? I could scratch the other one and write this one for you! Or if you want the other one I can post it! I’m almost done I’m so sorry we haven’t been active!
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Can I request a smut fic? Kekekekeke a 3some where CAP is doing his gf but Ljoe happens to come home and hears them
alright, added to the list :3~mdesu
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Yooo. R y'all still doing requests?? If so can y'all write a threesome on Ravi and Jungkook?
Requests are open all the time, ask box is limited to 2-3 hours a day, depending on which admin you are asking :) I can write for Jungkook, since I know BTS but VIXX, not really (I have only watched Voodoo Doll once and that's all). So I can either write you a Jungkook smut or a threesome with another member from my band list... Sorry for the inconvenience >.~mdesu
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I was wondering if any of the admins wrote for solo artist? I had Eric Nam in mind but if not that's perfectly fine!! I love this blog so much!! ❤
I have watched some of his videos, but not enough to write a fic about him and I think that goes for the other admins as well >.~mdesu
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