alkgjlkdfa · 8 years
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alkgjlkdfa · 8 years
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alkgjlkdfa · 8 years
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alkgjlkdfa · 8 years
he is lust. he is sex in the back seat of a car. he is hickies on the beach. he is groping in a movie theater. he is ass grabbing in an empty aisle. he is dirty whispers on the phone. he is pressed thighs and lip biting. he is moaned names. he is trembling and goosebumps. he is breathlessness after a touch. he is frustration and dark eyes. he is insanity and clawing nails. he is the pleas of more. he is the begs of not stopping. he is the fantasies that have your hand between your thighs, wishing it was his mouth instead. he is sex. he is lust. he is a drug. one you’ll take with a scream of pleasure and a whimper for another.
the dangers of dating a boy who knows exactly what he’s doing.  (via tonkinwrites)
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alkgjlkdfa · 8 years
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alkgjlkdfa · 8 years
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alkgjlkdfa · 8 years
I leapt eagerly into books. The characters’ lives were so much more interesting than the lonely heartbeat of my own.
Ruta Sepetys, Out of the Easy (via wordsnquotes)
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alkgjlkdfa · 8 years
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alkgjlkdfa · 8 years
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FANGIRL CHALLENGE: [6/10] male characters
↳Isaac Lahey
“For half of my childhood I was locked in a freezer, so being helpful is kind of a new thing for me.”
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alkgjlkdfa · 8 years
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Zane Holtz + Interviews
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alkgjlkdfa · 8 years
ok so now that all my threads are moved over, i’m gna watch spn. yolo.
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alkgjlkdfa · 8 years
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It’s in your textbooks. Anyone? Mr. Gallagher? Do you know the answer?
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alkgjlkdfa · 8 years
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alkgjlkdfa · 8 years
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alkgjlkdfa · 8 years
Maddox smirked in victory when Loren only told him to add pepper. He was definitely not going to try the damn stuff himself; he was above that. He hummed and dumped most of the pepper into the concoction, not looking very impressed with it until he jerked in surprise, not even hearing Loren come up behind him. Damn vampires with their damn stealth. “I knew that,” he informed him, his breath hitching even as he continued to stir the gravy, “I said you could come with me, and…behave,” he said slowly, his neck inadvertently going to the side as he felt Loren’s teeth graze over a spot that already had numerous barely there scars on it. Maddox felt his body jerk slightly as he pressed back into Loren, “Just uh…just a little, then…then we’ll go or I’ll be fucking late.”
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Loren didn’t even bother to give the gravy a second look once his hands found the small of Maddox’s back, fingers curling into the fabric offered to him. He wanted nothing more than to devour him right then and there, drink him in until he was dizzy and swaying and intoxicated, but that was dangerous. While his boyfriend pressed back into him, Loren licked at his neck once more, nudging his nose against the soft hairs at the base of Maddox’s neck. “I don’t behave,” he argued gently, placing his other hand on Maddox’s waist. Just a little. It was all Loren needed before he bit (as gently as he could) into tender flesh. Tasting Maddox was like finding his own piece of heaven (or perhaps his own piece of hell), his entire body thrumming with energy at the metallic taste. He pulled away with a broken fuck, licking at his lips and then at the wound he’d left, knowing it wasn’t enough but not wanting to overwhelm his boyfriend. Lord only knew if he could’ve had it his way, Maddox would be sucked dry. “Th-Thank you, baby.” His voice comes out guttural, deep. It’s the only time Maddox will ever hear him stutter. “Are you sure we have to go? You’re late all the time… What’s one more time, right?”
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alkgjlkdfa · 8 years
@pcisoned - blood thicker than…gravy? - Maddox & Loren
“Don’t fuckin’ lie to me, either.” The look on Maddox’s face was his normal bitchy one. In fact, the twenty year old hardly had any other expression, due to the fact that his mood was always a little off unless he was around Loren. Sure, maybe it was torture to have his significant vampire try his liquor store ingredient gravy before he went off to some “friendsgiving” with the people in his shitty, unknown band. Being the lead singer was a lot of work, but even then he found time to act like he was trying to do something with his life. No matter how difficult battling his addiction to Loren was. “Is it good? Or should I just throw it out?”
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Loren found his teeth biting into his bottom lip at the very mention of being a taste tester, like his tongue was meant to touch anything that didn’t resemble the sweet, metallic taste of blood. He really didn’t want to, but his boyfriend looked fucking adorable standing there with the wooden spoon in his hand, staring with his fucking bitchy glare, and it had Loren opening his lips with an overdramatic sigh, allowing himself to taste. Admittedly, it wasn’t awful, but it wasn’t something he preferred. “Add more pepper,” he said casually, leaning against the counter. Loren caught himself inhaling his boyfriend’s scent, mouth watering, until he was positioned behind him, lips trailing dangerously along his neck. “Then again, nothing’s better than you…” His tongue traced the vein along Maddox’s throat, fangs dragging gently across it. God, he wanted to taste him. “C’mon… Please? I haven’t had my Thanksgiving meal yet.”
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alkgjlkdfa · 8 years
Corey looked over at Taylor, feeling like only some of the weight had been lifted from his shoulders. He pulled his cheek away when she reached for it, not entirely prepared for the gentle touch she’d provide for him. No, he was used to cutthroat and brutal; every touch fueled with some kind of anger that threatened to take over. “Never enough, Tay,” he said finally, turning his head to look across the street as she laid her head on his chest, “No, it wasn’t,” he lied, finding it easier to do so than anything else. “I’m sure you had a great time without me, too.”
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Taylor didn’t bother to hide the confusion on her face when he shied away from her touch, wondering when the last time he’d done that was. The truth was that he hadn’t, not in a long while, and it baffled her. Corey was her best friend, her other half, and he wasn’t someone that should’ve been hiding away from her. Taylor dropped her hand pathetically, a small pout on her lips. Okay. “You’re lying,” she said with a bigger frown, shifting her position so she was looking right at him. Her eyes searched his face, dancing across stubble and shimmering eyes and his crooked nose and lips that looked… so soft… Taylor bit on her own, cupping his face regardless if he wanted it or not. “Can we just agree not to lie to each other? You’re my best friend, Corey. We can’t just… We don’t lie to each other.” She shook her head, looking away from him for a split second before she was pulling her eyes back to his face. Stop lying to yourself. Taylor cursed, the sound gentle against her lips, before she pressed forward. Kissing Corey felt a lot like home, her movements slow against him while her mind screamed in victory. Oh my god. She’d kissed her best friend. Taylor pulled away, shock swimming in her eyes before she grew flustered. “I— I’m so— I don’t know why I just—”
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Be My Forever || Color
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