alextblue · 2 months
It's important to drink a lot of fluids when you're sick so that your body has the raw materials to generate gallons of snot.
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alextblue · 2 months
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here. take it. it doesn't take more than two seconds to help.
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alextblue · 3 months
Anyone who reblogs this post will have their user written on a poster saying "We Stand With Palestine" that I hope to put up somewhere in the village I live in, or the town that the village is next to.
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alextblue · 3 months
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alextblue · 3 months
Screaming so loud we're paying an artist to illustrate our book but the first rough draft she sent us looks Exactly like harry dubois from hit video game disco elysium
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alextblue · 3 months
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i've seen this scene illustrated a bunch of times by now, but let me add my 3-year-old cake to the buffet table :]
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alextblue · 3 months
Latest reblog reminds me of how much it pisses me the fuck off how every queer person alive has to adapt to the usamerican style of queerness lest we get shunned by the community for being too different. I bring this up a lot but bro that time I got death threats for having ele/dele in my bio bc "by using neopronouns I was making a mockery of REAL trans people" when those are literally just my pronouns in my native language, and when I said that I got hit w the "well you're on the internet so speak english" I HATE GRINGOS I HATE GRINGOS I HATE GRINGOS
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alextblue · 5 months
Hey queen. You seem v knowledgeable about pro-Palestinian charities. Would you mind making a post or giving some info on which ones are really effective and honest abt their work? I've been hearing some problematic things about UNRWA, and Save the Children seems to be doing very little (as far as I am informed). I donate to PCRF and MAP, but don't know any other, smaller orgs that may also need more awareness? Thanks ♥
hello, thanks for sending this in. so i've been trying to find smaller orgs for palestine that are specifically for helping gaza, but the issue is not much aid is being let in. PCRF is a really good org in my opinion, I'd always donate to them regardless.
There's also the Palestine Museum, which does really great cultural preservation work.
Palestine Legal is a legal aid group that helps palestinian and palestinian advocacy facing legal challenges.
Palestine Action is a direct action group that helps do disruptive protests.
Samidoun helps palestinian prisioners around the world and keeps and eye on them.
Within Our Lifetime is an NYC based palestinian led organization.
Palestinian Youth Movement is a favorite for Turtle Island led Palestinian resistance.
Palestine Feminist Collective is a Turtle Island feminist movement that works to spread culture and information.
Good Shephard Collective seems to be doing good work in Bethlehem as well.
I would mostly look for mutual aid groups for people from Gaza if you want to donate to them. Aya Ghanamah retweets mutual aid groups a lot.
I might share more groups in a second reblog after I hear back on best ways to help them.
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alextblue · 5 months
No new years day will be like waking up to hollyweed on January 1, 2017
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alextblue · 5 months
still believe that one of the greatest bits of all time was on January 6th, 2021 when. well. you know. and twitter was understandably an echo chamber of panic and fear and Justin McElroy just tweeted a selfie with a filter that was like “have a delicious national spaghetti day” followed by 3 tweets that were like “fuck. i’m sorry. i don’t know how to delete scheduled posts” and as i type this two years later i’m laughing
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alextblue · 5 months
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I don’t remember if I ever posted about my new kitty but this is Chai 🥰
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alextblue · 5 months
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alextblue · 5 months
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Someone tell him to stop reopening the wound 🙏🙏🙏 (not actually though he gives fuel to the fandom and it’s 10 people and we need it)
Edit sorry but Curt Mega is actually insane for still fueling this fan base like??? Every other celebrity loves being all “ugh can people shut up about the popular thing I was in a year ago 😒😒 ur so lame for still liking it move on” but Curt is our #1 supporter for this 7+ year old musical and I appreciate more every day
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alextblue · 5 months
Btw if I say things like “by god” or “good lord” in posts please be aware I don’t mean it in a catholic way I mean it in a 1950s scientist reacting in horror after they create an evil creature in the lab set in the distant future year of 2005
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alextblue · 5 months
Listening to a non-fiction book about maritime disaster and the way this author is describing the ship sinking is so sexual
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alextblue · 5 months
best trope is the one where the character’s godlike power is also killing them btw. they don’t even lift a hand to kill the monster but now they’re delirious with fever. they save a friend’s life and said friend immediately finds them emergency medical care. they raze the enemy to nothing and it takes far too long to find their pulse with all the bruising. their friends just constantly having to patch them up and worrying over which feat will be their last. et cetera
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alextblue · 5 months
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Do you write music with the view of being politically active and delivering a message or does it just happen and the rest follows? 
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