alexrobshaw · 2 years
Lots of songs from my new album have been coming to me in 7/4. It's the rhythm of our life-force❤️‍🔥
My new album is an awesome exercise in growth for me as an artist. From writing in French to writing in 7/4 to writing with new sounds (synths and Rhodes), it's been pretty radical at taking me out of my comfort zone so I could evolve.
I think it's really good. I wouldn't have wanted to sound the same I did 5-10 years ago.
There are times when I'm staring at my keyboard, hearing the echoes of the sound waves, and wonder how I'm gonna be able to master this, but then I remember Practice, and Time, and Refinement.
Dare to do something you've never done before. It's pretty cool to see yourself change and grow 🌟
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alexrobshaw · 2 years
Yesterday I read an article my friend @audreydesrosiersartiste shared about Moby creating a label that's about the Art that the artists make, and not about current trends in music, nor about the number of streams the music can gain.
In the article, Moby was quoted saying how so many artists nowadays enter their space of creativity with the fears of not being popular enough, not getting enough social media attention, and that what they want to do may not please labels enough, and so on.
I was quite amazed by the article, not only because of the gratitude I felt from him speaking out about this, and creating this new platform for artists that's art-based, not money-based, but also because those were all fears I carried for some time -and I know I'm not alone.
When your soul carries the essence of an artist of Music, it's very important to create music that allows you to express yourself first. And by that I mean writing the lyrics you wanna write, i.e. the words that must be sung, and create the music you wanna create.
Open yourself up to the universal field of sonic creation and receive the music that's waiting for you to breathe it into life.
Create songs that serve your soul, and the souls of all beings here on Earth. Create songs that serve the Art of Music itself. Contribute to the Evolution of Music by always refining it and bringing it a step further.
Trust that your music will reach the right people. The clearer you are on your path as an artist, the clearer your path will be.
Let the foundation of your art be the expression of your Soul in service to all. Everything else will align as it must. We don't control that anyway -but we can choose how we Create ❤️‍🔥
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alexrobshaw · 2 years
On Sunday, someone I hadn't seen since 2019 asked me if I was still a musician. I said of course, and surprised myself saying that I was "taking my time making my 3rd album". Saying that created such peace in me!
The joy of being an #indieartist is that I can do whatever I want with my music, my art. As we evolve into this new era of understanding just how destructive to the human body stress and all its derivates can be, it's a real gift we can offer to ourselves to slow down our pace a little, and give ourselves more time to do pretty much anything in our lives.
Of course, sometimes that's not accessible, and then if we never give ourselves a little pressure, then not much can ever get done, but there's a necessity for that balance to be achieved.
The more I give myself time to do things, letting go of any form of made-up pressure in my head, the more I feel myself out of the sympathetic nervous system/fight-or-flight mode, and able to settle more easily and consistently in the parasympathetic nervous system/rest and receive.
This is very important for the preservation of our bodies, especially the kidneys, which hold our lifesap, or ojas in Sanskrit.
This is also why I prefer writing posts on here, as opposed to those quick vids that are pretty destructive to the nervous system.
✌🏽 Just doing my own thing, giving myself, and you, some time and space 🌸
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alexrobshaw · 2 years
I've picked myself up.
About 3 weeks ago, I learned that I didn't get the grant I had applied for to produce my 3rd album.
I've been integrating this ever since. I've let the emotions and the tears flow, but I was also, with much gratitude to my Kundalini Yoga practice, able to see the bigger picture and understand that this experience is just part of my life's road.
A key moment in my personal evolution happened when I realized, about 36hrs in, that I didn't have a plan at all for my life anymore.
I had set up my entire plan for the production of the album, in studio and with the band, and all of a sudden, there was no more plan.
That was the lesson I had to learn.
I've been pushing myself in music so much for so many years now, it's time to stop doing, and start receiving.
I'm taking a big step back now, and I'm diving even deeper in songwriting.
The songs I'm creating are beyond anything ever thought I'd be able to write, and I know where I'm going with this new album. I'm completely letting go of the ways I used to approach my live performances in the past, and allowing myself to create and offer the live music performance experience I've always wanted to give.
My big lesson is to TRUST my path, and Know that when the album will be ready to be recorded, it'll happen.
Whereas before, I'd be in a pretty dark place, trapped in my mind, exhausting myself trying to figure out how to make it work, I know now that the wisest thing to do it to just let go, and let Life happen on its own.
I'm devoted to the Force that is Creation, and how it lives Itself through me -and now, I've fully picked myself up, and immersing myself in Creating Art.
I'm sharing this because I've always been real about my experience with y'all, and some of you have been supporting me for like 15 years now 💖 Infinite gratitude to all of you here now, I'm excited to share this 3rd album with you, when it's Time 🙏🏽✨️
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alexrobshaw · 2 years
C'est l'énergie auspicieuse du Solstice d'été d'ajourd'hui qui inspire mes bains de son cette semaine 🌞🌾🌹
La Nature dans toute sa splendeur m'amène à partager une méditation de yoga Kundalini qui réinstaure la place sacrée de l'archétype de la Grande Mère Divine en nous. Un pas de plus vers le rétablissement de l'équilibre entre les polarités féminines et masculines sur notre Terre, tant en nous qu'autour de nous!
On se voit :
☀️ ce soir au studio @morphobleu.studio à NDG, à 18h30
🌾 mercredi au @studiocorpusmtl à Verdun, à 20h30
🌹 vendredi au studio @_akashayoga à St-Henri, à 19h15
Inscris-toi directement via les studios 😘 et meilleurs voeux pour ce #solstice2022 🌞🌾🌹
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alexrobshaw · 2 years
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Stop trying to make anything work.
That's been my lesson of the past few days.
I've been wanting things to happen way to much. I've been doing way too much, for way too long, to make my life happen the way I've wanted it too.
I've done it. I've made it. I've done the work. I've done everything I could.
There's no more future, everything is now.
What do I want? To never stress or worry. That destroys the body.
I just want Peace, and I embody it now.
Peace is Acceptance. Peace is Love. Peace is Trust. Peace is Clarity.
I am all that.
There's a time to Give, and a time to Receive -and I've never really given myself time to Receive.
Until now. I am devoted, and I Receive everything I've worked for, Now.
This is what I'm walking the Solstice Portal with. 🤲🏽🌹❤️‍🔥
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alexrobshaw · 2 years
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L'existence humaine n'en revient pas à ce que les autres perçoivent de moi, mais bien à comment moi, je me perçois moi-même 🌹❤️‍🔥🌳 #rosiers #rosiersdemontréal #roses https://instagr.am/p/Ceok4ZbLjUh/
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alexrobshaw · 2 years
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Aimer Créer Créer Aimer Les deux sont un verbe Fertile Créatrice 🌹❤️‍🔥🎶 #chanteusequebecoise #chanteuse #processuscreatif #créatrice https://instagr.am/p/CemzZlfrIkH/
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alexrobshaw · 2 years
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Les marguerites sont là, sourires de la nature urbaine 🌼 Elles m'enseignent le plaisir, l'amour et la joie 💛 #marguerites #canallachine https://instagr.am/p/Cej9YuiL6bP/
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alexrobshaw · 2 years
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Je suis le récipient de tout ce qui compose l'existence humaine. Je suis peur, je suis sécurité. Je suis plaisir, je suis douleur. Je suis doute, je suis confiance. Je suis amour, je suis haine. Je suis contrôle, je suis liberté. Je suis illusion, je suis vérité. Je suis confusion, je suis clarté. Je suis ignorance, je suis connaissance, conscience et sagesse. Je suis expérience, je suis apprentissage. Je suis infinité; je suis naissance, vie, mort, et immortalité. 🤍 #processuscreatif #chanteuse #chanteusequebecoise #musicienne https://instagr.am/p/CehPq3zLIzM/
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alexrobshaw · 2 years
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Être artiste solo, c'est naviguer un bateau qui ne bougera pas tant que tu ne bougeras pas toi-même. Dans ma chaloupe faite de l'écorce de ma créativité, je vois sur la rive les magnifiques hommes avec qui je partagerai bientôt toute cette nouvelle musique qui résonne en moi. Ils m'attendent et me sourient, la flamme de leur coeur est forte, brille et m'apaise. J'ai encore à voguer les eaux seule avec les chansons. Suis-je réellement seule quand je me laisse jouer par la main de la Création? L'intangible est bien vivant, dans son éther. Je ne peux que choisir ce que je ressens, solitude ou support, ou les 2, chacune en son temps. C'est un moment précieux, de donner naissance à ces chansons -un nouveau chapitre de mon histoire d'amour avec la musique. Le groove me fait sourire, j'ai hâte de voir mes co-créateurs sourire aussi 💛🌹❤️‍🔥 Confiance, ça s'en vient plus vite qu'on pense 🍀 #processuscreatif #artistesolo #mtlwomeninmusic #chanteusequebecoise #chanteuse #musicienne https://instagr.am/p/CeexDiZLkyo/
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alexrobshaw · 2 years
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Apprendre à flotter Apprendre à attendre Apprendre à transformer ce qui me garde toute petite en ce qui me rendra géante Apprendre que contrôler, ça ne s'applique qu'à moi Apprendre pour maîtriser Apprendre à aimer #mtlmusician #mtlwomeninmusic #chanteusequebecoise #chanteuse #musicienne https://instagr.am/p/CeRePcKJnWM/
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alexrobshaw · 2 years
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💚 L'Amour c'est la Terre, en 4 parties 💚 The Earth is L♡ve ✌️ #theearthislove #lamourcestlaterre #amournature https://instagr.am/p/CeMyYlGrUlo/
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alexrobshaw · 2 years
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~☆ M ○ ○ D ☆~ Création 🧡 🎶🖋❤️‍🔥 #mood #créativité #chanteusequebecoise #chanteuse #mtlwomeninmusic #processuscreatif https://instagr.am/p/CeCnBpJrr0s/
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alexrobshaw · 2 years
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Lumière du matin sur la liste de chansons à date pour mon 3e album 🌞 Du printemps à l'automne, la Nature s'élève vers sa plus haute fréquence de créativité 🌱🌹🌿🌷🌳🌼 Je suis le reflet de la force de la Nature -comme chaque être humain 💚 j'accède à cette fertilité abondante en moi, et je crée cet album, au-delà de tout ce que j'aurai pu croire qu'il m'était possible avant ✨️🌳🌸🌞 Que cette créativité rayonne vers toi aussi! 😘 #chanteuse #chanteusequebecoise #musicienne #créativité https://instagr.am/p/Cd5pMVCLrzj/
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alexrobshaw · 2 years
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I surrender to change 💛 I surrender to trust 🤍 I surrender to patience 💜 And I surrender to the unknown ❤ It can all be different New Better But I have to do it first 💚 Love It's the only way 🧡 And emotions speak But wisdom is stronger 💙 Freedom #surrendertochange https://instagr.am/p/CdjrrcULSOg/
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alexrobshaw · 2 years
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Allo Attention Chaude Fille Été C'est commencé Aloès 🪴 Concombre 🥒 Melon d'eau 🍉 Rose 🌹 Lime 🍈 Ça va t'aider à mieux te gérer toi-même pendant les 4-5 prochains mois Jte jure 😘 Respire Prends ça relax Bois de l'eau Bonne chance Merci xo #chaudefilleété #hotgirlsummer #jaimelaoes #jaichaud #yfaitchaud #montrealchaudeville #chanteusequebecoise #chanteuse #musicienne https://instagr.am/p/CdeFnktJyAI/
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