alanaxwonderstruck · 7 years
There were so many things that were simply forgotten in the movies! So many completely unnecessary changes. Yes, I understand that not everything in the books can be in the movies but this was just a simple dialogue which definitely did not have any need to be changed. AND THEN THERE’S PEEVES!
everyone talks about “did you put your name in the goblet of fire” being the worst book to movie dialogue fail but lets be real the worst is where hermione answers a question in class and snape calls her an “insufferable know-it-all” and in the book ron is furious and he goes OFF and says “you asked a question and she knows the answer! why ask if you don’t want to be told?” but in the movies they just make him say “he’s got a point, you know” and i’m still mad about it
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alanaxwonderstruck · 7 years
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alanaxwonderstruck · 7 years
wow, just wow
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alanaxwonderstruck · 7 years
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This some ride or die shit
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alanaxwonderstruck · 7 years
not yet but I am sure I will
If you’ve cried today raise your hand 🙋🏿‍♂️🙋🏻🙋🏾‍♂️🙋🏼🙋🏽‍♂️🙋🏽🙋🏼‍♂️🙋🏾🙋🏻‍♂️🙋🏿
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alanaxwonderstruck · 7 years
wow- this - THIS RIGHT HERE - is art XD
so baby pull me closer in the backseat of your tractor that i know you love to drive bite the ear corn off yer counter pull the wheat right out the soil of the acres you inherit from your caring farmer father we ain’t ever out of season we ain’t ever out of season
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alanaxwonderstruck · 7 years
lmao XD
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alanaxwonderstruck · 7 years
my message to the world -
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alanaxwonderstruck · 7 years
Get to know me- much?
rules: copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in yours, and when you are done tag people and also tag the person who tagged you… and most importantly, have fun! tagged by @thebookmarkedone​ - u tagged everyone who saw your post so...XD tagging: anyone who wants to do this :) a - age: 16 b - biggest fear: Isolation/Loneliness                                                                       c - current time: 00:02 am d - drink you last had: cofee e - every day starts with: school (ughh) f - favorite song: closer - the chainsmokers g - ghosts, are they real: idk- I don’t care h - hometown: the universe i - in love with: Pizzaaaa, food, books, sleeping                           ��                          j - jealous of: hmmmmm - idk k - killed someone: no l - last time you cried: 7 hrs ago (approx.) m - middle name: books n - number of siblings: zero o - one wish: own a magic library that can read my mind and can give me whatever book I want in the world p - person you last called/texted: my best friend’s boyfriend who was is by the way my x boyfriend but now I have magically become his sister again (its complicated-I know (monica style) - it sucks- i know(monica style) q - questions you’re always asked: what the fuck ? r - reasons to smile: books and me bishes (my bestfriends that is) s - song last sang: don’t remember t - time you woke up: 7:30 a.m. u - underwear color: neon blue- don’t judge me 
v - vacation destination: Rome                                           
w - worst habit: i’m kind of an introvert - I suck at expressing my feelings verbally- the only way I am capable of expressing my feelings properly is by writing.
x - x-rays you’ve had: my ankle - twice, my collar bone, my wrist, me little pinky toe (Don’t u dare judge me) y - your favorite food: pizzaa z - zodiac sign: Cancer
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alanaxwonderstruck · 7 years
wow- if only everywhere were like this- it would be a perfect world ._.
It’s ironic.
When I worked in fast food for minimum wage, they would yell at us and lecture us about “stealing” fries and burgers (while we had to throw out TONS of food every day) as though the giant billion-dollar corporations of McDonald’s and Sonic couldn’t afford to give their employees something to eat (while not even paying us a living wage).
Now I work at an upscale restaurant (it’s fancy, like celebrities eat there fairly often) and not only do I make WAY better money but they give us 2 free meals a day (eaten on the clock) and they’re GOOD. Today I got baked cod, spring rolls, rice pilaf, stir fry, and mashed potatoes and eggplant. Oh, and free espresso and juice. From this restaurant owned by a local man who is in no way a billionaire.
Obviously money is not the issue, valuing your employees as people is.
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alanaxwonderstruck · 7 years
God - this cracked me up
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tag yourself i’m sophia
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alanaxwonderstruck · 7 years
Here we go...
Hey my name is- wow I really suck at this #embarrassed- well welcome to my blog- This is were u will get to know my story- my life- my feelings. This blog will be like a diary- a diary that I want to share with a bunch of people I don’ t even know XD. This blog will be a place were I write my heart out-- A reconciliation at the worst times of my life- a flicker of light when there is darkness every where else.
-- A message to be remembered
--From Alana
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