akglobaldent · 6 days
7 Important Facts About Root Canal Treatment
A root canal treatment is required when there is significant decay, fractures, or trauma that causes the pulp to become infected or inflamed. However, the false information on the internet has damaged the reputation of this straightforward but essential dental procedure.
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akglobaldent · 7 days
Invisalign Aligners: The Best Investment for Your Smile and Lifestyle
While there are several options for straightening teeth, Invisalign is the only one that does not require brackets or wires. Invisalign can completely change a person's life by improving their smile, oral health, and confidence. Wondering about the Invisalign dental braces cost in Gurgaon?
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akglobaldent · 2 months
Experiencing crooked teeth or a protruding jaw? The best option for straightening teeth is to opt for Invisalign. Are you now wondering, how much Invisalign treatment cost in Gurgaon? Well, one must understand that there are various factors affecting the cost of Invisalign treatment in Gurgaon or elsewhere. These include the severity of the orthodontic problem, the duration of the treatment, the experience of the doctor, and many more. The dental professionals at AK Global Dent offer Invisalign at a significantly budget-friendly cost. To know the exact cost of your unique case, consult with the experts at AK Global Dent Clinic today.
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akglobaldent · 2 months
If one is searching for the best dentist to get the best orthodontic treatment in Gurgaon, one can consult with the experts at AK Global Dent. The clinic's dental professionals provide a comprehensive range of dental services to give each patient a gorgeous smile. The clinic offers a variety of brace options, including adult orthodontics, ceramic braces, self-ligating braces, gold lingual braces, Invisalign aligners, etc. Consult with the expert dentists at AK Global Dent to find out more about the procedures and the best-suited ones. Pay a visit today!
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akglobaldent · 2 months
If one is searching for the best dentist to get the best orthodontic treatment in Gurgaon, one can consult with the experts at AK Global Dent. The clinic's dental professionals provide a comprehensive range of dental services to give each patient a gorgeous smile. The clinic offers a variety of brace options, including adult orthodontics, ceramic braces, self-ligating braces, gold lingual braces, Invisalign aligners, etc. Consult with the expert dentists at AK Global Dent to find out more about the procedures and the best-suited ones. Pay a visit today!
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akglobaldent · 2 months
Have you ever experienced tooth loss due to any disease or accident, or is your smile being affected by any fractured tooth? If yes, then dental implants can solve your problems. The dental implants cost in Gurgaon varies and depends on a range of factors. These include the number of implants required, type of implant, diagnostic tests, dental expert experience, and many more. Other factors include the type of facility, the patient’s overall health, post-operative care, etc. To know the exact cost of dental implants, consult the dental experts at AK Global Dent today.
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akglobaldent · 2 months
The clinic is well known for offering the best root canal treatment in Gurgaon. It is important to understand the purpose of root canal therapy before exploring its advantages. So, let’s first understand that.
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akglobaldent · 2 months
Benefits of Getting Root Canal Treatment
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People who experience persistent tooth pain, sensitivity to cold and hot food, swollen gums, etc., are often advised to get a root canal treatment. However, people often refrain from getting the treatment because they are afraid of the pain and the whole procedure. There are numerous advantages to this treatment that can significantly enhance the oral health and general well-being of an individual. In this article, we will explore the different benefits of root canal treatment to help people understand the treatment better rather than fear getting it. To make this post informative, we have gathered insights from renowned orthodontists at AK Global Dent. The clinic is well known for offering the best root canal treatment in Gurgaon. It is important to understand the purpose of root canal therapy before exploring its advantages. So, let’s first understand that.
What is the Purpose of a Root Canal?
Our teeth are composed of three layers: enamel on the outside, dentin on the inside, and a soft centre that extends to the jawbone’s root. The dental pulp is found in this core and is composed of odontoblasts, fibroblasts, connective tissue, blood vessels, and nerves. When the decay gets to the softcore, the pulp can occasionally become infected or inflamed, as well as die. To save the tooth and remove the decay, this must be fixed and a root canal is required.
A root canal is a procedure used to eradicate bacteria from an infected tooth’s root canal and stop it from getting worse. Following the extraction of the diseased pulp, the tooth’s interior is meticulously cleaned and disinfected before a filling is inserted to close the opening. This procedure lessens discomfort and stops infections from spreading. This procedure keeps the natural tooth intact.
Benefits of Root Canal Treatment
1. Pain Relief and Elimination of Infection
The quick relief of pain from a broken or infected tooth is one of the main advantages of receiving a root canal. The process successfully removes the source of the infection and pain by extracting the diseased pulp and thoroughly cleaning the inside of the tooth.
2. Maintaining Natural Teeth
Root canal therapy tries to maintain the tooth’s natural structure, as opposed to extraction, which includes extracting the tooth completely. This keeps the neighbouring teeth intact and avoids the need for future, more involved dental procedures.
3. Preventing Additional Dental Problems
Root canal therapy helps stop infection from spreading to other teeth or parts of the mouth by treating the underlying source of the issue. This can greatly lower the likelihood of later experiencing more severe dental problems.
4. Better General Health and Oral Health
For general health, a healthy mouth is necessary, and maintaining good oral health is greatly aided by root canal therapy. This process improves one’s quality of life and creates a healthier smile by removing infections and maintaining natural teeth.
5. Prolonged Cost Reductions
Even though root canal therapy may appear like a big expense at first, it may save money over time. In the long term, root canal therapy can save money by preventing the need for more costly dental procedures like implants or bridges.
. Enhanced Chewing Performance
It can be difficult to chew effectively and comfortably if you have a tooth that is broken or infected. After receiving root canal therapy, your tooth is functional again, so you can resume eating the foods you love without any pain or restrictions.
Enhanced Aesthetics
A root canal procedure can not only restore function to your smile but also make it look better. This process helps to maintain a more aesthetically pleasing smile by protecting natural teeth and avoiding the need for extractions.
Minimally Invasive Procedure
Contrary to popular belief, getting a root canal is a fairly easy and minimally invasive process. The procedure is now quicker and more comfortable than ever, thanks to developments in dental technology and techniques.
Fast and Effective Procedure
A root canal is a quick and effective way to treat dental problems because it can usually be finished in one or two appointments. This makes it possible for you to resume your regular schedule with little difficulty.
Despite its numerous benefits, root canal treatment is often surrounded by myths and misconceptions. It is important to address these misconceptions and educate patients about the positive aspects of this procedure.
In summary, there are numerous advantages to receiving a root canal that can significantly enhance both general health and oral health. People can attain optimal oral health and make educated decisions about their dental care by being aware of the benefits of root canal therapy.
Nonetheless, selecting a dentist with experience and skill is essential. If one is looking for a root canal or the best dental implant clinic in Gurgaon, one may visit AK Global Dent. The skilled dentists at the clinic guarantee that the process is carried out accurately and quickly, optimizing the patient’s advantages and results.
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akglobaldent · 2 months
When we think about this orthodontic treatment, we usually consider braces ideal for adolescents and teenagers. However, the fact is that brace treatment has no age bar, and anyone, even those who are 30 years old or older, can consider this treatment. To ensure this affirmation, insights from the experts for safe and reasonable orthodontic treatment cost in Gurgaon, that is, dentists at AK Global Dent, have been taken. However, that reasonable cost may vary from one individual to another. So consultation with the dentist is essential.
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akglobaldent · 2 months
Can We Get Braces After The Age Of 30
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Braces is an orthodontist treatment for typically misaligned dentures. When we think about this orthodontic treatment, we usually consider braces ideal for adolescents and teenagers. However, the fact is that brace treatment has no age bar, and anyone, even those who are 30 years old or older, can consider this treatment. To ensure this affirmation, insights from the experts for safe and reasonable orthodontic treatment cost in Gurgaon, that is, dentists at AK Global Dent, have been taken. However, that reasonable cost may vary from one individual to another. So consultation with the dentist is essential.
Braces for Adults
There was a time when adult dental treatment was socially frowned upon, and many people didn’t get braces because they were self-conscious about their appearance. However, people’s views on orthodontics have changed a lot recently, as a record number of people try to improve their looks and self-esteem through dental treatment.
Types of Braces for Adults
Once the adult decides to straighten the teeth, two types of braces treatments present-
1. Traditional Braces
Traditional braces are made of metal brackets and wire. The orthodontist will attach the braces to the real denture. Braces impose pressure on the teeth and make them aligned.
2. Ceramic Braces
Traditional braces are visible; therefore, many individuals refrain from wearing them. Ceramic braces overcome that drawback by giving an invisible appearance to the teeth. Ceramic-made braces correct the overbite and underbite teeth while keeping one’s self-esteem and confidence unhampered.
3. Invisalign
Invisalign also known as clear aligners are the transparent braces for adults. Clear aligners are easy to install and remove. Invisalign is a most preferred braces by individuals as it is hard to notice. It gives a natural look to teeth meanwhile it treats the overlapping teeth, crowded and crooked teeth.
To learn about the invisalign treatment and its cost you can visit AK Global Dent and get ideas from the best orthodontist in the city practising here.
Benefits of Using Braces After the Age of 30
Adult braces offer a wide range of benefits for your looks and health. Some of those benefits are as follows-
Boost Self-Confidence- Straightening your smile can help you make friends, feel better about your self-esteem, and have a better opinion of yourself.
Better Dental Hygiene: Aside from making it easier to clean and maintain your teeth, straighter teeth also make it less likely that you will get cavities, gum disease, and other mouth problems.
Getting Better Face Harmony: Straightening crooked teeth and the jaw can make the whole face look better. Because of this, there will be a stronger feeling of balance and symmetry.
Long-Term Results: As long as you keep up with your orthodontic treatment, your teeth will stay where they should be, and you won’t have to worry about relapses.
Things To Think About While Getting Braces for Adults
Even though it is possible to get braces as an adult, here are some things one should know before the treatment:
1. Treatment in Order: Because adult bones are stiffer and the process of realignment may take longer, orthodontic treatment for adults may last longer than treatment for teens. 2. Oral Hygiene- Adults getting orthodontic treatment need to be particular about oral hygiene. It will eliminate dental issues like dental plaque. 3. Costs for an Adult Brace- It can change a lot depending on the person’s needs and their chosen treatment plan. These costs include doctor’s fees, braces costs, and other additional costs involved in the treatment.
Keeping a healthy, confident smile, no matter your age, is important. People of any age can get the smile they want, with better oral health and a higher sense of self-worth through orthodontic treatment. Because dental technology is improving and adult braces are becoming more common, there has never been a better time to enhance your smile and see the possible benefits of orthodontic treatment. You can visit AK Global Dent, a dental clinic renowned for the best braces treatment, and Invisalign in Gurgaon to get more details about the treatment.
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akglobaldent · 2 months
To help you understand better, we took insights from the best orthodontist doctor in Gurgaon at AK Global Dent. Based on the insights, we will discuss some tips that you can follow to protect your braces while playing contact or any types of sports
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akglobaldent · 2 months
To help you understand better, we took insights from the best orthodontist doctor in Gurgaon at AK Global Dent. Based on the insights, we will discuss some tips that you can follow to protect your braces while playing contact or any types of sports
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akglobaldent · 2 months
Can I Play Sports While Wearing Braces?
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Have you got your braces installed, and now you doubt, “Can I play sports while wearing Braces?”. The short and simple answer is ‘Yes.’ You can participate in any sport and play it. But orthodontists suggest taking care of your braces while playing. “How can you protect your treated teeth and braces during sports activities?”.
To help you understand better, we took insights from the best orthodontist doctor in Gurgaon at AK Global Dent. Based on the insights, we will discuss some tips that you can follow to protect your braces while playing contact or any types of sports…
1. Wear a Helmet
If playing a sport that requires lots of physical activity like football, cricket, or rugby, there are chances of face injury. To avoid damaging your braces, wear a helmet. Your helmet will eliminate the direct hit and injury to your face and teeth.
2. Use Mouthguard
You can use a mouthguard, too. An orthodontic mouthguard is an excellent way to protect your mouth from blows resulting in broken brackets, bleeding gums, or even cracked teeth. It is not limited to sports. It can also be utilized for a variety of purposes. An orthodontic mouthguard is made to fit comfortably over your braces.
This type of mouthguard is often made from a soft substance, like silicone. The material selected is significant since it must withstand the impact of an accident. Different types of mouthguards for other sports activities are present, like Tapout, Gladiator, Vettex and more.
Learn in detail about these mouthguards from your orthodontist or visit AK Global Dent, a renowned clinic for the best orthodontic treatment in Gurgaon.
Is Protecting The Braces Essential?
While playing, injury is evident. A survey on various children disclosed that 25% of children lose their front teeth at some stage, and around 39% of all dental injuries are sports-related. Many sports include intimate touch between players. Accidents may occur while in contact with another player. Accidents are often uncomfortable and can be severely detrimental to your orthodontic treatment. Therefore protecting braces from any damage is needed.
What Should You Do if You Get Injured?
During sports activities, If your mouth gets injured while wearing braces, you are advised to treat it as soon as possible. Regarding this, don’t do DIYs and contact your orthodontist immediately to assess the issue and determine whether an emergency appointment is required.
Is There an Alternative Orthodontic Treatment for Braces?
Braces can also injure the lips and gums. If you find braces unfit for your condition and want to replace them, Invisalign is an alternative orthodontic treatment. In this treatment, clear aligners replace the metal wire and bracket bracket based metal or ceramic braces.
Braces are typically made of metal wire, and brackets correct misaligned teeth. Participating in sports activities is possible while wearing metal or ceramic braces. But doctors advise that taking care of your braces while playing is essential. You can use a helmet or mouthguard to protect your braces.
If you are a sportsperson or feel uncomfortable with a brace, Invisalign is an alternative option. You can visit AK Global Dent today to learn about Invisalign treatment and even how to protect your braces from the best orthodontist in Gurgaon.
You must also contact them, if your braces are broken during playing sports or teeth knocked out while playing sports.
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akglobaldent · 3 months
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akglobaldent · 3 months
Don’t Hide your Smile – Straighten your Teeth with Invisalign
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A beautiful smile can make a dull day happier. It can ease the tensions between strangers and even resolve long-standing animosity. But many of us feel shy or embarrassed to do so, and the most common reason is our misaligned or overcrowded teeth. Many of us will be glad to know that the problem of misaligned teeth can be resolved with the help of Invisalign. To eliminate embarrassment while smiling, this blog has provided a helpful guide on Invisalign. Inputs taken from an orthodontist doctor in Gurgaon at AK Global Dent and other prestigious centres for people consider teeth straightening.
What is an Invisalign Teeth Straighten Treatment?
Invisalign, also known as invisible or clear aligners, is a famous orthodontic treatment. The method offers the treatment of a wide range of dental problems, such as crooked teeth, gaps, overcrowding, misaligned teeth, and more. These aligners are customizable. These are composed of translucent plastic that blends in with the teeth. As a result, one can recognize their presence.
How Does Invisalign Treatment Work to Straighten the Teeth?
In this treatment, clear aligners are used. The aligner pushes the teeth steadily by imposing gentle pressure on them. The procedure is painless, but a little bit of discomfort may occur. This discomfort indicates that the aligners are working perfectly.
Here, it is noted that while wearing an Invisalign, one should not use it for more than 20 hours a day. Usually, this orthodontist treatment takes 6 to 12 months to showcase the results.
Furthermore, the length of treatment is also impacted by the patient’s devotion to their aligners. Because of this, for the aligners to function correctly, they must be worn for at least 20 hours each day.
Advantages of Using Invisalign Treatment for Straightening Teeth
Confident Smile: Invisalign is undetectable, so you don’t need to cover up your gorgeous smile. You can, therefore, straighten your teeth without anyone seeing that you had orthodontic treatment. For many, this makes Invisalign the preferred choice.
Removable: You are not required to wear Invisalign constantly. You can easily take them out when you want to snack on your favourite dish. Similarly, you can take them off when brushing and flossing. Therefore, using Invisalign aligners does not impact your oral hygiene.
Customised Treatment Plan: Initially, when the Invisalign treatment starts, you may go through fewer sessions with your dentist/orthodontists. These sessions are essential to customising the aligners as per your denture. Regarding this, the doctor takes a 3D scan, and based on it, the doctor will create personalised model aligners.
Fewer consultation sessions: Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign treatment typically requires fewer consultation sessions since it does not necessitate regular adjustments. As a result, you may not need to make regular visits to your dentist.
Comfort: Invisalign aligners are far more comfortable. One of the materials that makes the Invisalign comfortable is smooth plastic. Similarly, they fit the patient’s tooth precisely because they are custom-made. Moreover, the silky plastic materials do not irritate your oral mucosa. As a result, you shouldn’t be concerned about getting cuts or abrasions on your cheeks and inner lips.
Consult the Experts Near You!
However, these dental problems can be effectively treated through Invisalign treatment. In this method, a clear aligner made of transparent material is used. A customised aligner gently pushes the teeth and makes them aligned. Misaligned and overcrowded teeth are one of the major causes of the embarrassed smiles of many.
You can get in touch with the best orthodontist to treat you at AK Global Dent. The dental clinic is renowned for quality and affordable Invisalign treatment in Gurgaon.
The treatment ideally requires 6 to 12 months to straighten the teeth. Consideration of the treatment caused by customization, intact aesthetics, fewer consultation sessions, and more reasons is highly beneficial.
For more details book your visit today!
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akglobaldent · 3 months
With Invisalign comes the need to understand what is involved in this treatment process. In this blog, we will discuss how Invisalign helps to straighten teeth and what happens during treatment. To draft this post, we took references from the best orthodontist doctor in Gurgaon at AK Global Dent, a renowned dental clinic. Let’s first understand what Invisalign is.
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akglobaldent · 3 months
How Does Invisalign Function in Tooth Straightening?
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Gone are the days when a perfectly aligned smile needed a mouthful of metal brackets or wires. Thanks to the advancements in orthodontics, individuals can now seek a straighter smile and properly aligned bite by turning to ‘Invisalign.’ Invisalign has become a very popular method for straightening teeth. Individuals with crowded or crooked teeth can benefit from Invisalign treatment as it is a simple procedure for comfortable eating and proper oral hygiene.
With Invisalign comes the need to understand what is involved in this treatment process. In this blog, we will discuss how Invisalign helps to straighten teeth and what happens during treatment. To draft this post, we took references from the best orthodontist doctor in Gurgaon at AK Global Dent, a renowned dental clinic. Let’s first understand what Invisalign is.
What is Invisalign?
Invisalign is a teeth-straightening system that uses clear, plastic aligners to move teeth into the proper position gently. The Invisalign treatment consists of a series of custom-made aligners designed to fit snugly over your teeth. Each aligner differs slightly from the previous one, allowing your teeth to shift into the desired position over time.
What Happens During the Invisalign Treatment Process?
The Invisalign treatment process is usually simple and is perceived as more flexible than traditional braces. The patient must be approved first by the orthodontist, as not everyone is suitable for the treatment.
First, patients will visit the orthodontist’s clinic to check if they are fit for Invisalign. Unlike traditional braces, this treatment does not require a heavy process of being fitted with moldings or uncomfortable materials. Instead, this procedure uses advanced technologies to scan the mouth digitally. The scans are then sent to the lab, where the entire series of aligners get printed, which can take a few weeks to process.
Invisalign treatment does require the patient to visit the orthodontist regularly. In order to make sure that the teeth are reacting correctly to the treatment, progress will be evaluated by the orthodontists. A new set of aligners will also be provided. In mild-to-moderate cases, Invisalign is typically worn for six months to a year. Patients with more serious orthodontic problems might have to wear their aligners for up to two years, and sometimes even longer.
Are you searching for a clinic that offers the best Invisalign treatment in Gurgaon? Visit AK Global Dent. The expert orthodontists at the clinic can help you achieve your desired smile! Let’s understand now how Invisalign helps to straighten teeth.
How Does Invisalign Straighten Teeth?
The dental experts will thoroughly evaluate the patient’s dental concerns during the consultation at the orthodontist’s office. The assessment will include taking X-rays and impressions of the teeth that will be developed in a 3D model. An individualized treatment plan is created, including a series of smooth and clear aligners specially made for your mouth.
Before a new aligner is used, an aligner is worn for about two weeks at a time. Each set of aligners is slightly different in shape, causing teeth to gradually shift into a new position, which is one small step closer to the ultimate goal. By the end of your treatment, your teeth will be in a straighter, more attractive position, resulting in your ideal smile.
What are the Other Benefits of Invisalign?
Although there are many different kinds of braces, Invisalign is frequently chosen over other options when it comes to straightening teeth for a variety of reasons. The most obvious is that the clear plastic is almost invisible. Also, unlike traditional metal braces, Invisalign is removable, allowing you to drink and eat whatever you want throughout your treatment.
The aligners used with Invisalign can also be removed while brushing the teeth, making it easier to brush and floss the teeth thoroughly. One of the best features of Invisalign is that before you start the treatment, a 3D virtual model enables you to see the final results as planned, and you will get a glimpse into your beautiful future.
How Long Does Invisalign Take?
The condition of the bite and how crowded or crooked the teeth are are two factors that affect how long Invisalign treatment takes in total.
On average, for most adults, the treatment process is about a year and can last up to two years. Aligners must be worn for 20 to 22 hours every day for the entire duration of your treatment. The results usually depend on how consistently you do so.
Final Takeaway
Invisalign is a popular orthodontic treatment that has transformed how we approach teeth straightening and bite alignment. The clear, removable aligners and the customized treatment plans help patients achieve an effective, discreet, and comfortable solution for achieving a beautiful, straight smile.
So, if you dream of achieving that perfect smile and want to straighten your teeth with Invisalign in Gurgaon, you can visit AK Global Dent. The expert orthodontists at the clinic specialize in performing Invisalign treatment and the proprietary SmartForce technology and SmartTrack material the orthodontists use helps to provide effective and desired results.
So, whether it is to achieve straightened teeth or to correct concerns such as crooked teeth, Invisalign is a perfect choice. Visit AK Global Dent to avail the benefits of Invisalign today!
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