Top 5 Tips to Make an Office More Efficient
Most people hit their peak hours of energy between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm, which is why these are the typical hours for workers. However, there are some workers who still find it difficult to stay focused throughout their shifts. While office managers could blame it on the individual’s work ethic, it becomes harder to do so when every worker in the office is acting in a similar fashion. The following 5 tips are great ways for a boss or manager to promote efficiency in their workspace.
Use Proper Lighting
Not every office is going to have a sufficient amount of windows, which can make it a challenge to deliver prime lighting to employees. However, having a sufficient amount of light in an office is dire, as it is going to help workers feel more productive. Dim or fluorescent lighting can cause employees to feel tired and unmotivated, which is why investing in proper lighting is a must.
Decorate an Office Space With Greenery
Another great and subtle way to improve efficiency is to decorate an office space with greenery. It has been scientifically proven that humans react wonderfully to nature, and actually feel happier and clear-minded when around plants. In fact, in a previous study, workers were unknowingly surrounded by plants for one work day, and then surrounded by their usual workspace for another. In the end, researchers found that workers surrounded by plants experienced higher volumes of energy and efficiency.
Ensure Proper Temperatures
There is nothing worse than trying to work in extreme temperatures. Employees who work in warm temperatures are often dehydrated and tired, while employees who work in colder ones can hardly focus on the work in front of them. In order to supply employees with proper temperatures, employers should seek out reputable air conditioning service jacksonville.
Use Headphones
Working in an office can be very difficult, especially when there is constant banter in its surroundings. When offices are too loud or busy, employees find it hard to stay focused for long periods of time. This results in them people-watching or joining in on conversations when they really should be working. By supplying employees with a set of headphones and recommending that they listen to concentration music, employees will be able to focus on the work in front of them.
Promote Exercise
Sitting behind a desk for 8 hours a day can drastically affect someone’s posture and energy levels. Instead of going out for a walk on their lunch break, employees tend to sit down, overeat, and come back to work in even worse shape than before. Employers can benefit from promoting exercise to their staff. They can do this by setting up stretching or yoga breaks or holding meetings standing up.
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Why A/C Service Calls are Up This Year
This  year's  weather  has  been  unseasonably  hot so far,  so it's  unlikely that Florida residents will be forgetting about the need  for air conditioning.  In  fact, calls for air conditioning service jacksonville are  surely  higher than they would be during a typical winter.  Here   are  some  of the  things that  A/C owners are likely experiencing:
That Noisy Part That Was Supposed to Last Until Spring Broke Early
A part's  expected lifespan depends on how often the air conditioning system is used. Therefore, many   people  figure  that they can put off repairs until spring or summer because they expect to  be  able to turn their air conditioners off for most of the winter. This usually works out,  but  this  winter,  it's  been  routinely getting into the high 70s and low 80s.  That  means  that  the  iffy  part that was supposed to make it until a convenient time either has not or will not.
A Perfectly-Working Part Stopped Being Okay
This problem, like the above, is  the  simple result of the fact that the system is still in active use even in the winter.  If  the  weather was  normal, it would have only delayed the inevitable.  A  part  that  starts  acting up  with use would have done so anyway, just during a more traditional air conditioning season.
More General Maintenance is Needed
In this hot winter,  A/C  systems have been running as if it's spring or fall.   That means  that  filters have gotten dirty, motors need oil, and systems need tuning up.  These  things  can't  wait  for  service  because  the  systems  are  up  and cranking right now!
Power Bills Are Up
This is a bad luck/good luck scenario. The bad luck is that people are having to pay to run their air conditioning this year,  when usually,  they would  be able to run nothing at all or perhaps a bit of heat. On the good side, it  means  that the weather has been absolutely beautiful.  If  a  change  in expected power bills is the only symptom, it  is  also  unlikely  that  there  is  a problem.  It is simply the result of running the machine more than usual.
These   are   just   some   of   the  things that are happening thanks to Florida deciding that it just isn't going to do "winter" this year. Sit back, enjoy how well the   state  has  been  living  up to its tourist-bureau image with its 80+ degree February days,  and  keep the number of an air conditioning service company handy.
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