Cale Contact Sheet Three:
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Cale Contact Sheet Two: 
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Cale Contact Sheets 
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Cale Fashion Collaboration: Shoot Two 
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Cale Fashion Collaboration: Shoot One
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Creative Carbon Still Life 
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Different Times: Image 1
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These images were taken a Queensferry. 
For this project I found taking these images, interesting as it was different to what I would normal do, as it show different times in the sky. This show different time as the cloud and sun have move from different spots in each image. The reflection in the sea and a little different then each other, such as one a little bit more bright than the other. 
When editing these image, I edited in Camera raw first and then into photoshop. when editing I done some adjustments such as, exposure, highlight and contrast, this was so the colour of the sun pop little more in each photo as the bottom one looks more golden. 
Image 2:  
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These images where taken at the Campies
For my second series of images for this project, I want to show the different mood, in two different images, as you can see the nice blue sky at the top and the dark rainy sky at the bottom. I want to do this to show what the different in weather can be in two separate days. 
When editing these images, I took them both into camera raw and Adobe Photoshop. This was so I could make some adjustments such as, exposure, highlight, contrast. This was so I was able to show some of the detail in the sky and the trees. 
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Zine Research:
What is a Zine?
A zine is a self-published, non-commercial print-work and this is typically produced in small, limited batches.
Zines are created and bound in many DIY ways, but this is traditionally editions are a easy reproduced that is often by crafting an original "master flat," and then there is photocopying folding, and staping the page into a simple pamphlets.
The main rule is that, there are no rules for it.
Most people who create zines are likely to be more motivated by self-expression and on artistic and they are sometimes distributed for free or you can trade it for another zine.
These are first created in the science fiction fandom of the 1930s and taking their name from fanzine, which is a short for "fan Magazine."
Before the advent of the internet, zines were to allow fans to create networks, share ideas and analyses, and collaborate on writing and artwork.
Counterculture movement is associated with the beat generation of the 1950s and 1560s saw a growth of the underground press, this play's a important role in connecting to the people across the US.
The underground press is often involved an significantly more people and resource in the production of materials. This is provided in function that has became a key part of zine culture in the 1980s and beyond.
Given people a voice outside the scope of the mainstream media.
The art and literary magazines of 1960s and 1970s were based in a similar need of the circumvent the art world. These were printed cheaply and spread through small, niche networks.
Definition and Become:
Zines has became more of a mainstream in February 2016 , even Kanye West has one.
The tweet included a picture of the publication Kanye had made to accompany his second line of footwear for his brand, Yeezy.
After the decades of existence, zines are no longer strictly counter-cultures, but these originated as a small-scale DIY efforts.
Most of the definition of zines includes the fact that they are small-circulation, self-published, and they are often inexpensive or free.
The most important aspect of a zine is a generally that is publication identifies as one.
Zine are more guidelines than hard and fast rules.
Some Zine-makers will always say, that zines are as much about the community as the products and these are identify as a zine is what separate these publication from comics, literary journals, website, but other type of independent publication.
First Zine:
One of the pieces that were published in fantasy commentator this became Sam Moskowitz's book on the history of Sci-fi fandom, this is called The Immortal Storm.
The first zine was traced back to a 1930s effort, this was by the science correspondence club in Chicago.
This was called The Comet, and this started a long-lasting trend of sci-fi related zines.
The important sci-fi zines fantasy commentator this began in 1943, and then ran in a various repetition of a process this was until 2004.
The state of being connected with each of the zines and sci-fi is reflected in the world science fiction convention Hugo award for best Fanzine, the still is an award today.
Relationship between zine and sci-fi:
The relationship that are between zines and sci-fi became deep after 1997, this was when the first StarTrek fanzine.
Technology action of the 70s made the zines a little easier to be able to create than ever.
The particular rise of copy shops, this allowed zine-makers to produce all their work cheaply and quickly.
Some zine had been produced by using mimeographs which push link through a thin sheet of card and other to make multiple prints, but the process was impractical for large scale production.
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Landscape Photographer Research
Michael ShainBlum:
Michael is a landscape, time-lapse and aerial photographer.
He is based in San Francisco, California.
He has worked professionally as photographer and filmmaker for 11 years from the age of 16.
Michael made the first name for himself through, his unique creativity and an ability to capture scenes and moments with his distinct style of surreal, visual story telling.
His dedication to a challenging the boundaries of creatively, as well as a flair for coming up with unique ideas.
Since then, the results in the dynamic visual artist being commissioned by large clients including Nike, Samsung, Facebook, LG and Apple.
You can also find Michael's work published by a media outlet such as the National Geographic, Wired Magazine and The weather channel.
California Photography: Seascapes
The coastal photography has recently been one of Michael main focuses for a long time. 
Michael grows up by the sea in San Diego, the ocean has always been a place for him to relax and clear his mind. 
Taken a seascape image has allowed him to do two of his favourite thing, and that is spend the day at the beach and shoot photography
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 The image on the left side, is my favourite out of the two, because of the vibrant of the pink and the reflection in the sea. 
 I like how has capture the image, in the centre of the camera. 
 I also like how; he has captured the motions of the water moving.
I think this image suite portrait, more than it would landscape as the rock is in centre of the camera and with the rock in front of the camera at the bottom.
 I like how dark and moody this image look, as the rocks are dark and make this image look dramatic. 
 The straight bright light drags you across the image from left to right and make you look right at the rock in the middle.
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 This image is amazing and totally different from the one above, as it makes you think were does lead you too.
The colours in this image a different it a warm golden orange colour. 
 The reflection on the rock and the weave is amazing as it totally different to something I have seen before, as it stands out to me a lot. 
The detail he has capture in the cloud and the water is amazing. 
I like how the water lead you into the middle of the ocean and make you think were does it led you too
The image from this series of photo are all amazing but the two I picked from them stood out to me the most, as of the colour and composition within the images.
Hawaii Lava Photography: 
This collection is of Hawaii photography is focused on the immense power of lave at the Volcanos National Park on a big Island of Hawaii. 
The one of most truly mystical scenes, that he has ever had the pleasure of capturing.
For this collection, he wanted to showcase a beauty of his own artistic way, through fine art landscape photography. 
To keep these scenes natural and true, he witnessed this on his journey. 
All these images are single exposures unless it been listed otherwise in the caption below in the photo on his website. 
Image one 
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 This image from the series of image, I look at is one of the best on out of them all because of the way he been able to capture the two rainbows in the background. 
I love how he has captured this image, as the rocks on the right side, leads you into the image. 
The detail in the image is amazing, as you can see bit of the detail in the clouds, sea, and rocks. 
The colour of the sea contrast against the rocks, as you can see the deep blue colour of the sea.
The sky give this image bit of a moody attuites, as there a volcano going over and the sky give it a dramatic mood. 
Image two 
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This image I find interesting as you don’t know what happen in the image, even though the title tells you. 
The detail in this image I love, as you able to see a lot of detail in the smoke and you can even see little rock going everywhere. 
For this image, I think he has used a fast shutter speed so that he can capture the rocks at the front. 
The sky in the images give the full image a dramatic mood and the red bit of lighting give it the same.
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Creative Carbon Research
Preventing, Reducing and Recycling Waste:
Policy Background:
Scottish Government has set a 2025 target to reduce waste arising by 15% against 2011 levels and recycle 70% of the remaining waste, which no more than 5% of the remaining waste that is going to landfill.
The food waste should be cutting down by 33% with all 'food business' this generates more than 5kg being required to recycle their food waste.
The Target form part of the Scottish governments aim is to move towards a 'circular economy' this is where the products and materials are kept in use for as long as possible, as opposed to a 'liner economy' and this dependant on the increase exploitation of natural resources.
The circular economy has a clear environmental benefit as well as potential community, resilience, and economic co-benefits.
The support for these regulations is primarily handled by the government's resource which their delivery partners, Zero Waste Scotland and there is more detail on the Scottish government.
The individuals and organisations are responsible for handling their own waste correctly to contribute to these targets.
The quantities and qualities of the waste that is produces by the arts and culture sector are highly varied, that the large theatre may strike a set with industrial building materials.
The art office may produce, a large amount of paper and packaging waste and individual maker may have raw material offcuts of no immediate use.
The Waste Hierarchy:
Prevent (reduce) : the unnecessary use of the resource in the first place.
Reuse: the items or allow someone else to reuse them.
Recycle: resources into new items.
Recover: some of the values from resource through other means.
Dispose: of the resource, often to the landfill, the last resort.
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For my creative carbon, I wasn't able to go and take any picture for a community group, so I went round my home town and took image of all the rubbish and stuff that young once where using for fires instead of just put it in the bin. I then decide to research about recycling and reducing the waste around the place.
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Creative Carbon: 
 Advertising Board 
For me to be able to achieve this, I went onto Adobe stock and selected what I wanted to use for me to be able show my image. 
below is what I chose for my image:
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For me to be able to add my images into this, I went to File> Place embedded. 
I done this to be able to add my images to the build board at the side of a bus stop. 
Below is showing my images on the Build board:
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The poster below is what I chose for my image:
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Here is my poster of my image below: 
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Below is what t-shirt I have chose to advertise my image:
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Here is the t-shirt below that I have chose for my image:
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Interrupted Landscape Images 
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Fashion Research
what is casual fashion style?
Casual look might seem like it is a carelessly thrown together, but this can have an end result is both effortless and chic
Where did casual wear come from?
Casual wear emerged in America in the early 20th century. This was when sport was no longer considered an activity for the lower class, and socioecomic consequences of the world war factor when getting dressed.
This was when brands such as Levi Strauss, converse and Lacoste emerged on the scene.
Not to mention that, this is also when CoCo Chanel liberated woman from the corset and began to incorporate athletic wear in their collections.
This was then a idea that clothes should adapt to our lifestyle began to come alive.
How can people get a casual look?
All casual wear fits into their day-to-day lives, wether this is going to the office, running errands or grabbing a happy-hour drink with some friends.
One of the keys of choosing garments that are comfortable, functional and versatile enough for any of these occasions.
Filling your wardrobe with practical and timeless basics like t-shirt, jeans, slightly oversized t-shirt and Parkas.
Choosing a neutral colour such as, white, grey, blue, black, maroon, khaki or brown, and this means avoid prints in order to easily mix and match outfits.
The soft and elastic fabrics like denim and knit will give you the freedom to move and breathe, especially for a casual summer look.
Haven a comfortable footwear is essential to finish off the look and achieve that effortless touch. This would be trainers, slippers, military boots, loafers or mules are a sure-five hit.
Casual wear is more of a formal style and this is better if we term it as business casual. This is still perfectly fine for a business meeting and office events.
A lot if men wear a blazer with matching pants with formal shirt and sometimes a tie, but then women can wear slack and skirts with proper tunics or blouses with a matching jackets.
what is the definition of vintage clothing?
The term “vintage” this is used to describe clothing between 20 and 100 year old that is also clearly representative of the era in which is produced.
This could be said that to be called vintage the pieces that should strongly reflect styles and trends associated with that era. 
The vintage clothing can be haute couture or quality mainstream fashion labels, this can be used, new, manufactured, or handmade. 
It important to understand that the definition of vintage is fluid, that is so every decade brings forth new items that fit into category. 
it is important to understand that all vintage will eventually become antique and the clothing 100 years old or more is classified as antique. 
A classic style, is a opposed to vintage, this means a piece remain stylish through time. In other words, this does not reflect the era in which it was made but rather transcends all eras, with minor style adjustments. 
Vintage clothing is all about the old classy looks and exquisiteness. 
Most of these fabrics and fashion that came into existence in a bygone era. 
Vintage is old fashioned that has and never goes out of fashion. 
Once you go through the recommendation of some of the old school fashion then you would certainly like to add to their wardrobes.
Here are some old school fashion:
High boots
Examples of Vintage by era: 
1920s: Flapper dresses, long beads, healed Mary Janes, and t-strap shoes. 
1930s: Befero jackets, puffed and fluttery sleeves, fedoras, Oxfords, slingback, and peep-toes shoes. 
1940s: Straight tweed and wool plaid skirts, dresses, reptile handbags and shoes, platforms shoes, broaches.
1950s: Full skirts and petticoats, shirtwaist dresses, fur trim, twin sweater sets, strings of pearls wayfarer sunglasses. 
1960s: Early - anything that was Jackie Kennedy style which was elegant box-jacket and pillbox hats that late and bell-bottom jeans, flowing top, hippie/bohamain style.
1970s: platform, brikin bag, flare Jeans, boho-chic, boot which are especially thigh-high, block heels, khaki. 
1980s: Izod golf shirt, gold chains, blazers and sweater with strong shoulder pads, stilettos. 
1990s: Baggy fannel shirts, leggings, big sweaters, chokers. 
Modern Vintage Fashion: What is it? 
The modern vintage clothing is a superior alternative to dust off and up cycling raggedy pieces of old clothing from decades ago. 
Instead of wasting a lot if your time on repairs, vintage clothiers such as LA vintage that can offer you some beautiful vintage apperal at great price point. 
Chic journey start in France this was established in 1600. 
The definition of chicanery means: legal quibbling and sophistry. In other words, it is used to mean arguing or raising objection about a tribal matter. 
In 1925, the chic exploded across the pond onto the American fashion scene with the height of the jazz age. 
By 1954, chic was a frontrunner in the industry and would soon become the leading lady. 
One of the chicest woman of all time, Audrey Hepburn, she is an ignited chic flames with her wardrobe in the movie Sabrine. 
The word chic evolved and was adopted across the world. This is used to describe social event, individual, modes and styles of dress. 
Chic landed a spot in the English dictionary, which was defined as a smart elegance and sophistication. 
Many attributes that can be chic, but this is not popular than chic style. Whether it is in a closet or a runway.
Chic Fashion Style:
Chic fashion is an elegance and class minus the vibrant colours. 
This style is neat and tidy kind of style and this involves mostly black and whites. This also mean see some other not so loud and suitable colours. 
What is a chic fashion style? 
The word “chic’ means elegance and stylishness in which usually refer to a particular type. 
This word has been used by many people to give you an idea of the style of a particular fashion or the styles in which a home is decorated. 
Some people claimed the word is used excessively to the extent that it just means that something is cool. 
One of the words that, are usually used without fully understand the true meaning that lie behind it, but in the world of fashion, can tell you from a point of perspective, that chic is simply means a classy look that is produced from a combination of a few items that are done with minimal effort. 
Chic fashion is a famously known for wearing monochromatic pieces with a sleek clean line to show that, they have the power and has a special taste in fashion. 
Here are some different Chic styles: 
Boho Chic: This style was in France, in the early 20th century. The French Bohemians were travellers and artists from central Europe. This style was directly desired from the garment that bohemians is wore while living in their unique and artistic lifestyles. 
 Boho style was in a mix of many years and a more polished version of the trend emerged in late 2005.
Casual Chic: This style is a variation that takes your comfortable pieces up a notch. This accelerate the chic status by pairing them with tailored piece like a smart black blazer or pleated midi-skirt. 
Some people have try pairing your cherished straight-leg jeans with a white tee, boyfriend blazer and fresh pair of white sneakers. 
Rocker Chic: This style was first seen in the United States and it later emerged in England. This style had nothing to do with fashion and everything to do with protection. 
Motorcycles were far more economical than cars and everyone who rode needed a thick layer of amour such as a biter jacket. 
Chic Street Style: This style is what it sound, a style that has evolved in the street rather than be on the runway. This style is a reflection of what everyone is wearing with a individual interpretations and this make the look very unique. 
Often the retail pieces will be combined with a designer items to create that looks are not only functional but it is fashionable. 
Modern Chic: This style is colour blocking, structure design, fresh, solid colour palettes. Modern fashion is inherently chic, innovative and an instant classic. This can be seen on a runway and street. 
This is a hippie style made its way to popularity. This style is involved women that has long hair and bright outfits that were made free-flowing fabrics, this is included blond pattern and exotic print with bell-bottom pants. 
This is more than a fashion style, it's more than that. It is real culture that has existed before and just like any other cultures. 
This is also the type of culture that holds strongly onto a particular ideology and it has a very unique and complex history. 
Some people tend to relates the bohemian fashion style to the hippie fashion that appeared in the late 70s and 60s but currently, the bohemian style has become one if the big portions of out cultures. 
Boho fashion began in the 19th century and is used by people during that time as a meaning of the counterculter.
The current huge variety of accessories as well as boho clothing which causes the bohemian style to be a real cultural phenomenon, this type of cultural that has been embraces the laid-back elements, combined with loose clothing items, but overall artistic and casual piece of jewellery. 
Some of the clothing that is labeled as bohemian style is usually have a solid representation of what it is all about and it is the second option to the old ways of dressing, this is while it providing the same comforts at the same costs. 
The things that you may want to have in your wardrobe:  
The colour Palette 
White lace top 
Mixed print tunic 
Ethnic print present top
Embroidered prairie blouse
Boho print maxi skirt
Flared jeans 
havem pants 
distressed denim shorts 
Boho print kimono 
distressed denim jacket 
Sheepskin coat
Chunky heeled clogs 
Gladiator sandals 
Turquoise Jewellery 
Oversize scarf
Style of Bohemian that you may know:
This style has a very wide variety of cuts and silhouettes, as well as a huge variation in patterns, techniques, and types of materials used. 
The main rule for bohemian has a lot of design include some of the best pure natural materials that are provide with a natural shade for the skin. 
This deign is mostly influenced by a touch of artistic, but some traditional ethnic and folk elements, as well as the patterns of flowers. 
The fabrics that are used on the most popular and iconic patterns and prints, this include fabric such as lace, denim, crochet. 
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Creative Carbon Shoot 2 
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Creative Carbon Shoot One Images 
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