ahweekevents · 4 years
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For Achievement Hunter Team B week, Sunday is a free day so I did team  chungə in their minecraft outfits. The design for Fiona was heavily inspired by @jessekarger  design here
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ahweekevents · 4 years
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SATURDAY, AUGUST 29TH: A day for those from the Support Room!
(couldn’t draw all of you but thank you support team *link to week here* - ask box is open)
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ahweekevents · 4 years
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FRIDAY, AUGUST 28TH: A day for Fiona Nova!
(Just cool *link to week here* - ask box is open)
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ahweekevents · 4 years
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THURSDAY, AUGUST 27TH: A day for Alfredo Diaz!
(….Boys *link to week here* - ask box is open)
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ahweekevents · 4 years
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Trevor Collins for Day 3 of Achievement Hunter Team B Week!
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ahweekevents · 4 years
Reminder, you can always do these prompts late so please don't stress out about missing a certain day! We'll be reblogging stuff tagged with #AHTeamB for at least a few more days after the event ends!
If you’ve been watching Achievement Hunter as long as we have, you would know how far Achievement Hunter has come throughout the years its been active. It feels like it was just yesterday when they filmed their videos from the 636 Studio! We’ve seen members come and go through the years and it’s been a wild ride. However, this next we have planned is for those who don’t get the spotlight as much as the main 6 do!
From the 10th of August to the 16th, we’ll be using our creative minds to draw and craft anything creatively for Achievement Hunter! Each day of the Weekdays will be focused on one (not Main 6) member of the Achievement Hunter Crew, with the weekends reserved for Support Room and Specials!
*B-Team stands for Best Team (In seriousness, we realize that B-Team can be considered rude; however, we do not know of a suitable replacement term. If you know a better term, please let us know!)
MONDAY, AUGUST 24TH: A day for Lindsay Jones! TUESDAY, AUGUST 25TH: A day for Matt Bragg! WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26TH: A day for Trevor Collins! THURSDAY, AUGUST 27TH: A day for Alfredo Diaz! FRIDAY, AUGUST 28TH: A day for Fiona Nova! SATURDAY, AUGUST 29TH: A day for those from the Support Room! SUNDAY, AUGUST 30TH: The final day of the week! Like we’ve done with our previous events, this one will be a Free Day for whatever you want! It can be for groups of people, or for your favorite team from Achievement Hunter! It can also be a day for guests that have appeared on the LetsPlay channel as well as for any of the Main 6 members! It’s all up to you!
We’ll be using the tags #AHTeamB and #AHWeekEvents on Tumblr. We’ll be using the Tumblr Blog @AHWeekEvents to reblog each post, so if yours doesn’t appear on this blog, give us a heads up! Posts made late will also be reblogged, so don’t worry if you don’t post a person’s art on exactly the day. If you have any further questions about the event as well as anything else, feel free to drop an ask in our askbox. We’d be happy to answer any and all questions you have! Edit: With how everything has been going for the mods, we apologize as we ended up missing our own deadlines for the event and will have to push it back a bit. We’re still planning on doing the event, just later instead.
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ahweekevents · 4 years
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WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26TH: A day for Trevor Collins!
(Dusk…. *link to week here* - ask box is open)
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ahweekevents · 4 years
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Matt Bragg for Day 2 of Team B Week!
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ahweekevents · 4 years
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TUESDAY, AUGUST 25TH: A day for Matt Bragg!
(Its MYATT!! *link to week here* - ask box is open)
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ahweekevents · 4 years
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“It came to a point where I was like, well do I wanna live the rest of my life in misery like this, or just say ‘ya know, they probably have more issues with them and that’s why they’re upset with me, so I’m gonna move on with my life’.” Lindsay Jones - Always Open Ep. 70
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ahweekevents · 4 years
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Heard mention of a Lindsay appreciation day???
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ahweekevents · 4 years
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Lindsay Jones on Always Open episodes 13, 37, 70, 122 Day 1 of Achievement Hunter B-Team Week!
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ahweekevents · 4 years
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ok!! since people liked my icon edits last time, here’s some lindsay icons i whipped up between classes!! they’re from her rwby cosplay photo shoot on insta
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ahweekevents · 4 years
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MONDAY, AUGUST 24TH: A day for Lindsay Jones!
(I’m loving the blue hair - ask box is open)
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ahweekevents · 4 years
We'll be checking the tags #AHTeamB and #AHWeekEvents regularly to reblog and share the artwork and creative creations throughout the next week or so! If you don't know what this is about, please check out the blog for more info!
And as always, let's celebrate with creation!
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ahweekevents · 4 years
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Lindsay Jones for the Achievement Hunter Team B Week!
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ahweekevents · 4 years
The event has begun!
If you’ve been watching Achievement Hunter as long as we have, you would know how far Achievement Hunter has come throughout the years its been active. It feels like it was just yesterday when they filmed their videos from the 636 Studio! We’ve seen members come and go through the years and it’s been a wild ride. However, this next we have planned is for those who don’t get the spotlight as much as the main 6 do!
From the 10th of August to the 16th, we’ll be using our creative minds to draw and craft anything creatively for Achievement Hunter! Each day of the Weekdays will be focused on one (not Main 6) member of the Achievement Hunter Crew, with the weekends reserved for Support Room and Specials!
*B-Team stands for Best Team (In seriousness, we realize that B-Team can be considered rude; however, we do not know of a suitable replacement term. If you know a better term, please let us know!)
MONDAY, AUGUST 24TH: A day for Lindsay Jones! TUESDAY, AUGUST 25TH: A day for Matt Bragg! WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26TH: A day for Trevor Collins! THURSDAY, AUGUST 27TH: A day for Alfredo Diaz! FRIDAY, AUGUST 28TH: A day for Fiona Nova! SATURDAY, AUGUST 29TH: A day for those from the Support Room! SUNDAY, AUGUST 30TH: The final day of the week! Like we’ve done with our previous events, this one will be a Free Day for whatever you want! It can be for groups of people, or for your favorite team from Achievement Hunter! It can also be a day for guests that have appeared on the LetsPlay channel as well as for any of the Main 6 members! It’s all up to you!
We’ll be using the tags #AHTeamB and #AHWeekEvents on Tumblr. We’ll be using the Tumblr Blog @AHWeekEvents to reblog each post, so if yours doesn’t appear on this blog, give us a heads up! Posts made late will also be reblogged, so don’t worry if you don’t post a person’s art on exactly the day. If you have any further questions about the event as well as anything else, feel free to drop an ask in our askbox. We’d be happy to answer any and all questions you have! Edit: With how everything has been going for the mods, we apologize as we ended up missing our own deadlines for the event and will have to push it back a bit. We’re still planning on doing the event, just later instead.
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