ahmadzakky · 10 years
CALL. Sooner or later, good or bad, it all comes back to you
Life is like a boomerang. All of our thoughts are energy, and what we put out either comes back to us (like a boomerang) or hits its target. There is a certain impact to the thoughts going through your mind every day. That energy from your mind comes from your body. A guy named Shawn Achor studies this stuff… Shawn is a happiness researcher (no, not the kind who lives in a bubble and is disconnected from the world); he studies the psychosomatic effects of happiness. He finds thatthere is a direct correlation between the kinds of thoughts in your brain and the way your life is going.This is measurable proof that your results in life are grown from the seeds of your thoughts. This is why you cannot afford to just put out any thoughts or intentions into the world. In order to hit your targets and goals in life, every thought and intention has to be carefully and masterfully created from a pure place. If you throw a boomerang without absolute accuracy,it will miss its targetand quite possibly come back and hit you in the back of the head. Our thoughts and intentions are just like boomerangs in that sense. If we aren’t careful to put them out properly, they can come back and hurt us. The gap in time between your thoughts (words and deeds) and the results you get in life, in general, is a gap that lulls us into complacency. Things are going well, everything is golden, and there are no visible clouds. But then one day you wake up to a downfall in business or a relationship that has fallen apart. This is something I am speaking from a personal place about, having had this happen to me within the last couple of months. Maybe you’ve had some really bad news lately – something bad just hit you. There are things that happen to us that are beyond our control. (That’s called life.)But the vast majority of things that impact our lives are things that come back to us that WE put out into the world first.We created them either consciously, or unconsciously – regardless, WE CREATED THEM. Our thoughts and intentions are much more powerful than we know. But stuff takes time to go from formless (thought and word) to real life… The intentions that I have today probably won’t manifest tomorrow, next week, next month, or probably even next year. Thoughts become words, which become deeds, which lead to actions – and the results follow at some point. It takes time for this process to develop. So, let me ask you this today… “What are your intentions?” At your deepest core, what are you about? What are you trying to prove with your life? And, to whom? Is your existence solely about you and your big fat ego? Your bank account? Your image? Your opinions? Your reputation? Be honest with yourself. Trust me, it’s easier to do that now then wait until the boomerang comes back around and clocks you in the noggin. You CANNOT afford to launch boomerangs that do not serve your highest self, you most sincere and pure intentions and interests. When launched from a self-centered place – that is a very primal state, and that’s where most entrepreneurs operate from. It’s a competition based environment. It’s all about the survival of the fittest. We all try and figure out how to get ahead of everyone else.But this isn’t the right space to operate from if you want to become the best version of yourself.And, this certainly isn’t the place to operate from if you want to build sustainable success. Every time something breaks or falls apart in your life, that is an opportunity to build something up in a new way. It’s really uncomfortable to take responsibility for the crap that happens in life. That doesn’t come naturally (at least it doesn’t for me). It’s easy to take credit for what’s going well, though! For me, when something goes wrong, I go into denial, resentment, and then blame – and that’s a natural process. But I’m smart enough to know by now that that’s not the way things actually are. That’s the way they occur, but that’s not the way they ARE. Think about something that’s fallen apart in your life. Take a look at that “boomerang”. When something actually falls apart, realize that it didn’t actually go wrong in that moment, but long before it. Now realize that this happened because you were coming from an ego-centered position. You were just launching boomerangs without thinking how they would come back to you later on. It could be a week, a year, ten years later, but these WILL come back to get you. Guaranteed. A boomerang has no choice but to come back; if it is misaligned and misses the target, sooner or later it will come back to you. It’s a law of the universe. Wake up, my friends: what you put out there will come back to you. When you put out an intention, it has an impact. And just because it doesn’t come back to bite you right away doesn’t mean it won’t down the line! And when the boomerangs hit you,take responsibility for it – 100% – even if it’s not your fault.The source is YOU. This works the other way too. Boomerangs that are thrown the right way, from the right place and with the right intention – will hit their targets and yield good results down the line. It took me years to make my first dollar online. You could almost say it took me that that long to perfect my boomerang… It took me three years of energy and intention to get to that point. But once I finally did, I was able to hit my goals with surprising consistency. A very brief business relationship with one of my affiliate in 2007 recently came full circle with massive personal reward just now coming to me. At the time, I was already making plenty of money and needed another calling to push me to the next level. So I wanted to go out and create a hundred millionaires. I set THAT as the intention – the core driving reason behind my ambitions and my business. I wanted to help others achieve those results beyond achieving them myself. That message went out into the universe and people responded to it. It came back to me, and continues to come back to me in ways beyond my wildest expectations. Some people call this “luck” or “karma.” I call it intelligent intent – knowing who you are, what you want, and why you want it. Then, setting you mind to it a releasing attachment to the timeline. Cast your bread upon the waters and after many days it will come back to you. Ecc 11:1 (In other words, you will reap what you sow.) When a boomerang comes back and smacks you in the head, it hurts. But it’s your chance to grow from it. That’s your chance to reverse engineer your failures and take responsibility for them. Grab the broken pieces of that boomerang that broke on the side of your head and put them back together in a better way. Re-build the boomerang using what you’ve learned. Then throw it again.This time around it’s more likely to hit your target and move you closer to your goal.
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ahmadzakky · 11 years
"Cinta tidak mengajari kita menghinakan diri, tetapi menghembuskan kegagahan." (Buya Hamka)
Logika dan Perasaan keduanya harus beriringan.
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ahmadzakky · 11 years
ERICA GOLDSON: Graduation speech
Learning doesn’t mean you’re learning. Best at school doesn’t mean that you’re will be best in life.  Sometimes we need to be dumb to see this world more crystal. Sometimes, you’re life is better when you don’t know about a thing. Sometimes life so complicated, but it’s really depends on how we’re gonna face it.
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ahmadzakky · 11 years
When people judge only from what they see, then let the destiny show you the truth
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ahmadzakky · 11 years
Baikkanlah, Berkahilah
Berjumpalah kita diwaktu yang tepat bersatulah kita disaat yang mampu mengikat
-karir,jodoh,rezeki,ilmu,keluarga,sahabat,Ibadah- Baikkan serta Berkahilah. Aamiin
#quote #doa #upaya #impian #harapan
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ahmadzakky · 11 years
Upaya Impian dan Harapan
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Akan ada tiba waktunya senja yang selama ini menaungi ditengah kering
Ditengah sepi, ditengah keraguan yang selalu menjadikan penghalang
Sebaik kita adalah yang mampu mmberi manfaat dan menjaga agar keimanan terlambang
Agar kebesaran hati terus terjaga berharap sama dengan perkembangannya
Terus mengembang terus bermanfaat terus mencinta
Mencinta kepada yang mampu menjaga
Aku cinta terus cinta dan rindu
Aku sendu meski tak berpilu
Menantimu yang terkasih
Merindu dan menunggu senantiasa terus maju dan tetap melaju
Dengan usaha dan upayaku
Aku payah bukan lemah, meski lelah dalam melangkah
Namun langkah yang berarah meski jauh tlah melebar
Aku yakin suatu saat nanti aku akan bertemu kasih
Kasih yang diberikan dari Maha Pengasih
Kekasih yang diturunkan dari Maha Penyayang
Kasih yang diamanahkan dari Maha Keindahan
Semoga yang ia berikan mengembangkan cinta ku yg lemah agar kuat kepada-Nya
Semoga sayang yang menjalar mengabdikan diri agar memberikan yang Besar dan Keberkahan
  Saat itu akan tiba pada masanya, saat dimana aku adalah seorang PRIA yang bertanggungjawab
PRIA yang gagah karena kelembutan ucapan yang bertanggungjawab
PRIA yang kuat karena tegas dalam bertindak
PRIA yang mampu JUJUR untuk dirinya dan keluarganya
PRIA yang berpikir dan berzikir
PRIA yang mampu mendengar bukan hanya didengar
PRIA yang pandai menasihati dirinya bukan hanya pandai mengkritik bukan dirinya
PRIA yang MAPAN (Mampu Amanahkan Pandangan dan tindakan yang jauh kedepan Akan kebahagiaan dirinya Namun takkan lupa dan berjuang bagi sekitarnya)
PRIA yang memiliki banyak kawan karena kebermanfaatan
PRIA yang dengan wanitanya lembut mengingatkan tanpa sulut
PRIA yang dengan wanitanya sabar mendengarkan dan berjuang demi keberkahan
PRIA yang memiliki harta yang berkah
Ketika sang wanita membutuhkannya ia mampu memampukan dan rela bersabar
Ketika sang wanita bersabar sang PRIA justru semakin mengejar
Ketika sang wanita diam sang PRIA terus mencari tahu
Bukan selalu apa yang ia mau, tapi kebersamaan yang ingin dituju
Kebersamaan itu akan mampu jika PRIA yang mulai menuju
Wanita memang selalu menunggu, ia makhluk paling lembut dengan kesabaran tak tertakluk
Luar biasa sabar menanti pria yang disayanginya
Luar biasa sedih ketika pria yang mendampinginya tak benar berjuang untuk dia dan sekitarnya
Luar biasa murung ketika pria tak mampu merenung menghadapi dan mendengar yang wanita inginkan,
Memang tak selalu harus terturuti, namun baginya yang percaya akan TUHANNYA ia tak berhenti berdoa untuk PRIA dan KEHIDUPAN MEREKA
  Ia memang manja dengan mata mungil terpancar keindahannya
Ia hanya butuh sandaran penopang hatinya yang sering terluka
Mungkin dengan ucapan yang tak sengaja atau janji yang terlupa
Kita sang pria hanya terus menerus berhati-hati menjaga ucap dan janji kita
Ia memang tak terima jika janji untuknya menguap begitu saja
Trauma luar biasa ketika ia menghadapinya
Jadilah PRIA yang dipercaya karena ucapnya, Jadilah PRIA yang terdengar karena kesesuaian perilakunya, jadilah PRIA yang terlihat karena nasihat dan mantap langkahnya
Aku yakin ALLAH SWT, menyiapkanku dan terus menempaku menjadi MANUSIA yang IA MAU
Aku tak tahu kapan itu, tapi aku hanya sanggup berprasangka
TUHANku hanya mampu menerimaku dengan prasangka yang baik kepada Nya
TUHANku selalu inginkanku dengan upayaku yang nyata disetiap doa hambaNya
IA tak inginkan ketidaksesuaian doa dengan perilaku makhluk-Nya
IA tak senang denganku jika aku terus membohongi diriku
YA ALLAH tempa – lah aku ditempat dimana aku terus belajar menjadi seorang PRIA yang mampu menjaga amanah untuk dirinya
IMPIAN ku adalah menjadi yang ENGKAU kehendaki
Kehendakilah Aku dalam RencanaMu, Berkahilah Aku
Jadikanlah Aku, Senantiasa bergantung padaMu
Untukku , untuk kedua orang tuaku, untuk saudaraku, untuk teman-temanku,
Dan untuk terkasih dari Sang Maha Pengasih
Berjumpalah kita diwaktu yang tepat bersatulah kita disaat yang mampu mengikat
Mampukanlah Aku segera YA RABB, bertemu dengan diriku yang ENGKAU mau, Menjadi Diriku yang ENGKAU harap dariku, TUJUANKU Bertemu dan menjadi diriku sendiri.
Menjadi PRIA , Membahagiakan kedua orang tua, membanggakan saudara, mengingatkan dan membantu sesama dan menikah membina keluarga
AKU takkan mampu tanpa doaku dan upaya ku yang BESAR dan SABAR, aku takkan mampu tanpa restu dan ibadah yang istiqamah.
Semoga impian ini terwujud . Semakin dekat dan semakin Cinta KEPADAMU. Engkau Maha BESAR.
    Ahmad Zakky Ash-Shidiqi
#upaya #impian #harapan
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ahmadzakky · 11 years
sebetulnya pujian ,cacian dan ember jatuh sama saja,hanya getaran udara yang merambat sampai di telinga kita.-aa gym-
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ahmadzakky · 11 years
”Sebenar cinta mendengar dengan kelapangan hati, bukan telinga. ia melihat dengan kejujuran jiwa, bukan mata. ia bicara dengan kejujuran makna, bukan mulut. ia hidup, bukan untuk dicari, namun disyukuri”. *dikutip dari Wily Ariwiguna/ http://oldwily.tumblr.com
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ahmadzakky · 11 years
Mereka yang susah ‘move on’ lantaran mereka terus menyalahkan masa lalunya. Bersahabatlah dengan masa lalumu, maka ia akan menjadi teman baik untuk masamu saat ini dan kamu akan di manja oleh masa depanmu. Masalah itu proses seleksi kepada dirimu untuk dapat masuk ke dalam kategori pribadi yang lebih besar dari saat ini. Jika kamu berdoa dan berharap menjadi orang yang sukses dan ingin mendapatkan pasangan yang baik, maka bersyukurlah dengan adanya masalah yang hadir dalam hidupmu, karena itu adalah bentuk doamu yang sedang dikabulkan. So, lihatlah sesuatu dari sudut pandang yang baik, maka kamu akan mendapatkan kebaikan itu. Namun jika kamu melihatnya dari sudut yang tidak baik itu sama dengan kamu membatasi dirimu untuk mendapatkan keutuhan doamu.
Unknown (via miraachari)
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ahmadzakky · 11 years
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guru yg tak tahan kritik boleh masuk keranjang sampah. Guru bukan DEWA dan selalu benar dan murid bukan KERBAU #soehokgie #quotes #aminlandak #GIE
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ahmadzakky · 11 years
Key Of Emotion
Do not let the presence of anger make you feel conquered or weak. Let the presence of anger power you to positively change the situation. - Rebecca Day-
#quote #rebeccaday #staypositive
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ahmadzakky · 11 years
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Find someone that isn’t afraid to admit they miss you. Someone that knows you’re not perfect but treats you as if you are. Someone who couldn’t imagine losing you. Someone who gives their heart to you completely.Someone who says I love you and proves it. Last but not least, find someone who wouldn’t mind waking up to you in the morning, seeing your wrinkles and grey hair but still falls in love with you all over again.
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ahmadzakky · 11 years
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I’m so crafty;)
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ahmadzakky · 11 years
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‘Up’ Lives On Through the Paint Brushes of Fans | Babble on @weheartit.com - http://whrt.it/XOvmpK
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ahmadzakky · 11 years
Baik dan Buruk
-"Kalau datang keburukan, maka tak ada satupun yang dapat menyingkirkan kecuali Allah. Kalau datang kebaikan sudah pasti itu datang dari Allah. Keburukan akibat perbuatan saya sendiri, Kebaikan sudah pasti dari Allah " -
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ahmadzakky · 11 years
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#quote # r.e. disney #
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ahmadzakky · 11 years
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leyeh - leyeh #bumble
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