agenderdudething · 5 months
it’s always so fucking funny to me when terfs are like “how can you say trans women and women are the same thing! being born as a man makes you different!” because like. yes. trans women and cis women are different. so are black women and white women. and straight women and queer woman. and women from different countries and different socioeconomic statuses. there’s diversity in the experience of womanhood? what a wild concept
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agenderdudething · 6 months
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If you want to honor Mr. Rafaat's memory in light of his passing, please download the book here:
And don't stop talking about Palestine!!
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agenderdudething · 6 months
fag and dyke does not mean man and woman. transmasc and transfem does not mean man and woman. guy and girl dont even mean man and woman to me anymore
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agenderdudething · 6 months
Idk how you can see the images of stripped palestinian men kneeling head down in a row surrounded by armed IOF soldiers and crammed into the back of Israeli trucks and not feel sick to your stomach for the rest of the day if not month. Undeniably cruel and fascist army. And you’ll still see Zionists saying the world would be a better place if every country’s military was like the IDF. It’s beyond brainwashing
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agenderdudething · 6 months
I think inbetween the messages of "its okay if you don't want to do all the things in transition" "It's okay if you don't pass" etc I got the feeling like those were responses to a mainline opinion I never was exposed to.
There's lots of "being trans is great" but I don't remember ever really seeing "keep going with transition" "it might be hard but it will be rewarding"
There's people who take great identity in the transition stuff they don't do and that's absolutely fine and fantastic.
But where are my girls telling me to keep practicing voice training? Where's my encouragement to get my facial hair removed (one of the best things in my life btw) there's no specificity.
If you don't want to do these things that's fine (after examining why you don't) but you should try to transition even the stuff that's hard, if you want it.
I questioned training my voice at all as there was a point where I felt like the objective was so hard it was an unreasonable expectation to place on me and I readily found people saying it was fine, but what I really needed were people who could advise me to keep going.
Voice training *is* the hardest part I've done so far and it does take a long time and it's so slow you don't really see how it incorporates itself with your speech, but even passively doing a little bit every so often did make noticeable changes to my voice that someone who knew me closely for a long time, pointed out immediately upon meeting me again, and because of that recognition it launched me into trying more all time.
Keep trying, keep practicing. Whatever it is keep pushing towards. Don't get disheartened because it's hard. Remember that you want it and just keep practicing because it will come. Keep pushing and searching because you will find a way. Yes a lot of people feel they cannot and give up even and I won't lie being trans absolutely is battered with attacks to make you feel like it's not possible but it actually has always been possible and belief backed by action, persistent action, is the way
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agenderdudething · 6 months
I've been seeing a disturbing number of "queer safe spaces" describe themselves as things like "femme & them" and even worse "she+," conflating femininity & nonbinaryhood. cease this immediately. say it with me: nonbinary people are NOT women-lite and it is extremely violent and straight up incorrect to imply that all they/thems are fem adjacent. this is erasure and this verbiage does nothing but make gnc and nonbinary spaces unsafe for masc and male nonbinary people. nonbinary, genderqueer and other third gender people can be and are masculine and men, we can be hes as well as shes and theys, stop allowing yourself and your peers to view nonbinary as woman/femme-lite, signed a butch nonbinary person.
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agenderdudething · 7 months
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agenderdudething · 7 months
Hey can we queers please remember that the rural queer experience has unique challenges thanks
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agenderdudething · 7 months
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They turned off reblogs the MICROSECOND I pressed reblog, so I need this on my blog IMMEDIATEDLY
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agenderdudething · 8 months
i know butch lesbians get compared to twinks all the time but shoutout to butches who don’t look like twinks. shoutout to butches more on the bear end of the spectrum. shoutout to transmasc butches who go on testosterone and get top surgery. shoutout to transfem butches who keep their hair short and don’t shave and don’t go on estrogen. shoutout to butches who are fat. shoutout to butches who are disabled. shoutout to butches that aren’t white. shoutout to butches that look indistinguishable from cisgender men and wouldn’t want it any other way. shoutout to butches that are nonbinary and shoutout to butches that use neopronouns and have xenogenders. shoutout to butches that want to transition but can’t at the moment. shoutout to butches that dress and look however they want and don’t conform to the expectations of what butches “should” look like. y’all are cool as fuck
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agenderdudething · 8 months
i think the trans community has a really big problem with self isolation. we isolate from the entire world and then we isolate from each other in the name of safety.
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agenderdudething · 8 months
Infatuated with weird gender vibes. Reblog if you have weird gender vibes, want weird gender vibes, are also infatuated with weird gender vibes, or would like to have your brain surgically wired to a biohorror mecha.
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agenderdudething · 8 months
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reblog if YOUR 🫵 they/them pussy is exploding america!
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agenderdudething · 8 months
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pretty sure my slightly sad and pathetic internet searches from earlier today attracted the attention of some transgender deity or guardian or whatever so I had to scribble a comic about it because I think it's very funny <3
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agenderdudething · 8 months
It is inherently fun and sexy to say statements that swap the traditional genders of pronouns and terms mid-statement, such as: "I'm going to make him my wife" "She's my boyfriend" "Who says a guy can't be a pretty princess?" "That girl's the coolest dude I've ever met" Gender is a set of watercolors and the prettiest shades come from mixing the paints together.
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agenderdudething · 9 months
Several of my friends who previously self-identified as bi are realizing they've lost interest in men, generally speaking
A friend of mine who's identified as a lesbian her whole life fell in love with a very sweet and shy man
I lost interest in men a few years ago, fell in love with a non-binary person, and now I give them their T shots
Life and love are unpredictable
And "queer" is a great word that all of us like and self-identify with (along with our other, more specific labels), and I love that no matter what else happens, we're still, always queer
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agenderdudething · 9 months
Passing is not an obligation btw and whether or not you’re passing as cis does not make you more or less trans. If you’re not interested in passing, you’re valid and great. If you’re not able to pass currently but plan to, you’re valid and great. If you’re not able to pass at all because of whatever reason and you won’t be able in the future, you’re valid and great. You aren’t doing “too little”, you aren’t “not trying hard enough”. There’s no getting A+ in being trans. You’re fine, you’re great, you’re valid.
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