afilado-blog1 · 6 years
@azelfire because I told you to get ready for a surprise and here it is
“How do I look?”
It had been a long time since Lex had asked Azelle that. It had been a long time since he’d asked anyone that (aside from his father or brother). For years, the only opinion that had ever been important to him had been his own-- and Azelle’s. Azelle had always been important to him.
Now here he stood, silhouetted in Azelle’s doorway. It was just the two of them in Velthomer-- cleaning staff had gone home for the day, Arvis was out, and kitchen staff and any other stragglers were well enough out of the way. For all intents and purposes, it was just the two of them, at least in this isolated sector. That was exactly what they needed.
Lex could feel the heat rising to his cheeks as he stood there, awaiting the approval of Azelle. Gods, this was embarrassing. It would all be worth it to make Azelle smile, though. Lex would do anything to see that radiant grin shine on Azelle’s face. Anything.
“O-oh,” Azelle stumbled over his words at first, staring in awe at Lex. “You really... you really did it. I didn’t--,”
“You didn’t think I would?” Lex laughed nervously. “C’mon, how long have you known me?”
“Fine, yeah, I know,” Azelle returned the laugh, just as awkward and uncomfortable as Lex’s. “I shouldn’t underestimate you. Still, are you... sure you wanna do this?”
“C’mon, Azelle,” Lex offered a gentle smile as he spoke. “I told you. I’d do anything for you.”
“Okay.” Azelle couldn’t help but blush at Lex’s words. Every time Lex said anything remotely romantic, he found his face blazing red. He wasn’t sure whether or not he disliked it; he found the sensation strangely enjoyable. “You sure you’ve got the patience to wait this long?”
“Of course I do,” Lex assured the redhead. “I’ll endure anything for you, babe.”
“You don’t have to say it like that!” Azelle squeaked, briefly contemplating diving into his bed just to bury his face in pillows. “C’mon, don’t make this weird!”
“Azelle, I don’t think that’s possible at this point,” Lex laughed, his multicolored wig bouncing as he did. “Everything about this is weird.”
“I mean,” Azelle tried to protest, “yeah, but isn’t that like, the point?”
“I thought the point was to scare your brother,” Lex countered. “I mean, I don’t come to your house in a clown costume expecting anything else.”
“I mean, yeah! That’s my point!” Azelle huffed. He wasn’t even sure why they were debating this at all. He had forgotten any reason he had and was just protesting for the sake of it.”
“Alright, so I’ll be under his bed then,” Lex said, striding the opposite direction and instead heading towards the other side of Azelle’s room. “Wish me luck.”
Azelle didn’t give any words of encouragement, simply standing on his toes to give Lex a quick peck on the lips before stepping away. His face was flushed, but he grinned at his be-clowned boyfriend, pulling out his phone and shooing Lex out the door.
“I’ll text you if I see him come in,” Azelle reminded Lex. “But he’ll probably warp, so be ready just in case that happens.”
“Got it,” Lex called back, poking his head out of the doorway to ensure nobody else was in the hallway before heading down towards Arvis’s room. “I love you!”
“I love you too, idiot,” Azelle, sighed to himself, heart fluttering in his chest.
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afilado-blog1 · 6 years
“Ho hum,” Arvis sighed, pacing the floor, “It does get awfully lonely in these empty castle walls.”
“Hey Arvis do you wanna hang out,” Azelle called down.
“No, Azelle, I am moping,” Arvis rebuked him. “Don’t you know to leave me to my machinations when I am wallowing in my misery?”
Suddenly there came a terrible pounding at the door, as if a bear were demanding entry, throwing its entire body into each strike against the only barricade. The enormous oak doors were torn from their hinges, tossed aside like a wadded up paper. There in the doorframe, silhouetted by the rising sun, stood a massive, fully-armored man. Even though Arvis could not make out his features, he knew this man was staring at him.
“Hey why did you do that it wasn’t even loc–,” Arvis began, only to be cut off abruptly.
“ARVIS,” The man’s voice boomed, echoing through the halls, loud enough for the entire castle to hear him. “I HAVE HEARD THAT YOU ARE IN DIRE NEED OF A HUG, AND I HAPPEN TO BE VERY GOOD AT HUGGING. AFTER ALL I’M STRONG,” here the man paused a moment, “AND I’M TOUGH.”
“Arden…?” Was all Arvis managed to ask before he was swept off of his feet. Or, well, he actually had plenty of time to say more as Arden clanked down the unnecessarily long foyer to reach Arvis, but he didn’t say anything else. It wouldn’t have felt right in his mind.
“Yes, it is me,” Arden huffed, pausing to catch his breath a moment before sweeping Arvis off of his feet. “Arden! The brave! The strong! The tough! Here to save you from your loneliness!”
“My hero,” Arvis swooned, a hand reaching up to caress Arden’s studly cheekbones.“
“I know,” Arden chuffed. “I’m everyone’s hero.”
“The hero of Jugdral,” Arvis repeated. “And consort to the Duke of Velthomer.”
“It has a nice ring to it.” Arden stated.
“It does,” Arvis agreed. “And it’s right here. Will you marry me?”
“Of course, Arvis,” Arden laughed jovially, taking Arvis’s recover ring.
“But are you sure about this?” Arvis inquired, his lips barely separated from the hulk of a man before him. “You know what they say about playing with fire…”
“I can take it,” Arden shouted as if shouting to someone across the room, spraying Arvis’s face with spit. “I’m strong and I’m tough.”
“Oh, Arden,” Arvis sighed dreamily.
“Oh, Arvis.” Arden sighed.
And then they kissed. And Fire Emblem 4’s conflict was solved.
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hi I’m counting this as an early birthday present this is the greatest thing this blog will ever see
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afilado-blog1 · 6 years
🎞 victory I love your art
Storyboard Meme | Not Accepting
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The Wolf - Siamés
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afilado-blog1 · 6 years
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hey guys!!  it’s ya boy aegis back at the terrible decision making!  here we have an rp blog for Azelle Velthomer of Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War
do you like mages?  do you like burning shit?  do you like good boys with anxiety and insecurity problems because they’re arvis’ little brother?  do you like tumblr user @valflame?
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afilado-blog1 · 6 years
“please look at me.”
“is s/he really just a friend?”
“i’m just disappointed.”
“you know i’m not like that.”
“don’t give me space. that’s the last thing i want with you.”
“i know you still love me.”
“i can’t think straight with you.”
“why are you so stubborn?”
“don’t do this here.”
“trust me on this.”
“please don’t misunderstand me.”
“you… you never had a problem with it before.”
“i know i shouldn’t be here.”
“what do you mean by that?”
“you deserve more.”
“can you just kiss me? one last time? that’s all i ask.”
“i’m scared.”
“i swear i’ll do things different this time.”
“s/he’s beautiful. i hope s/he makes you happy.”
“i want to believe you, i do.”
“not everyone is going to hurt you.”
“i’m… i’m trying. i really am.”
“i can’t sleep.”
“how long will this go on for?”
“can i hug you?”
“do you ever mean the things you say?”
“you won’t understand.”
“you’re making me think that what they told me about you was right.”
“am i too late?”
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afilado-blog1 · 6 years
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“Oh, I do hope Lyn wins this time! ...Oh, wait, I’m supposed to be torn on who to support, aren’t I? Please don’t be mad at me, Hector and Eliwood!”
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afilado-blog1 · 6 years
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afilado-blog1 · 6 years
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“Why is everyone talking about wrestling without me? I like to wrestle too, you know!”
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afilado-blog1 · 6 years
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"Alright then Hector, here's one I recently discovered. He's a little frog riding a unicycle known as 'That Boy'. Isn't that wonderful?"
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“… I hunger for memes.”
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afilado-blog1 · 6 years
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“Right.” They’d finish their meals, and then they would talk.
She finished her meal, enjoying each portion and not wolfing it down, just to make things go faster. However, it was hard for Lyn to focus on how good the food tasted over all her thoughts about Mark’s past. This man who had been a big part of her life recently, helped her reclaim a part of her heritage she had never even known about, helped her reclaim her home when Laus invaded, and even helped her now as she, Eliwood, and Hector gallivanted across the continent to find a way to fight Nergal.
She had so many questions, not the least of which was about whatever Mark’s parents had done that would offend the Sacaean blood in Lyn’s veins. Were his parents the only thing Mark left behind? Did he have siblings? Friends? A lover? Was his name even Mark? “Lowen really outdid himself tonight.” She tried to take her mind off it, finishing her steak.
For his part, Mark was not quite as focused on savoring his food. He quickly swallowed most of what was left, cleaned and deposited his plate, and wordlessly waited for Lyn to finish as well. He was anxious to the point that he couldn’t stand still while he waited, pacing back and forth, eyes trained on the ground in front of his feet. He’d never spoken to anyone about who he was before he met Lyn. Would they hate him for it?
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“Sorry,” He mumbled, glancing over to Lyn. “If you’re ready to go...” She had finished eating, after all, so she ought to be ready. Even as he spoke, he had begun inching away in the direction of his tent. The sooner they got this over with, the better. It was high time he told Lyn anyway. If anyone deserved to know, it was her. There was nobody he was closer to in the world.
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afilado-blog1 · 6 years
hi! link is to my gf’s twitter, she’s opening commissions for a bit because she’s very tight on cash… please consider helping her out thanks <3
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afilado-blog1 · 6 years
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She hadn’t anticipated such pushback at her request for him to return to bed. Had she misjudged his intentions and feelings? The surface of her eyes misted.
“Listen, if you don’t want to go back to bed with me, I get it. If you want to sleep apart, there are plenty of rooms where you can stay.” After saying such gut-wrenching words, she sniffled and wiped her face with her nightgown’s sleeve. “I can’t make you do anything. You’re here of your free will.” Her voice was becoming congested. “I want you because I love you. I never saw a freak; I only saw someone in need of tenderness. Someone as lonely as I am.” Each word had become more strained and she turned away from him so he didn’t have to see the dams in her eyes breaking.
She turned away. Was she leaving? She wasn’t leaving, right? She couldn’t do that. Kia couldn’t just-- Len couldn’t allow her to leave. He hadn’t missed the strain in her voice either. He wasn’t so dense that he wouldn’t realize what it meant for her to start getting so choked up. She was damaged. She was in pain. He wasn’t the only one who had problems. But she should at least try to understand his.
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“Wait.” Len said firmly, a hand reaching back to grab the fabric of Kia’s nightgown. “I don’t want you to leave.” That was all he said, but for someone who seemed so desperate to be alone, it was certainly a stark contrast. He knew that it was basically an admission of attachment, but something about the sorrow in her voice twisted his heart. He couldn’t stand it. He’d never been this bothered by other people’s feelings before; but then again, few people dared to cry with him around.
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afilado-blog1 · 6 years
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She gave Mark a look of concern, not a glare, but the vagueness was starting to weigh on her. What had Mark’s parents done, why was he so ashamed to admit to it, and why did it seem like Lyn was the one person Mark was most afraid of offending. Lyn had no proof, but there were few things a Noble could do that would incur the plainswoman’s anger.
“Are you afraid to speak of your parent’s history… because I am Sacaean?” Mark had to know that Lyn would never hold Mark responsible for the sins of his parents. “Whatever your parents may have done, that is their sin to bear, not yours. Mark… no matter what, you always have, and will always be, my friend.” She left her fork on her plate and reached over, placing a hand on the tactician’s shoulder. ”Nothing will change that.”
Mark jumped at the feeling of Lyn’s hand on his shoulder, almost as if he had gotten so lost in his thoughts that he had forgotten her presence entirely. He looked around wildly as he returned to reality, emerald eyes wide. He almost looked scared; whether it was fear of being overheard or fear of Lyn’s reaction, even Mark himself wasn’t certain.
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“I’d rather not say here,” Mark sighed, taking a bite out of the piece of bread he had just buttered, chewing carefully and swallowing before he continued talking. “There are far too many people who might be interested in listening.” There was no doubt in Mark’s mind that Matthew, if no one else, had already figured out his identity. “Besides, I... need to show you proof of my claims. We can speak in my tent, if you don’t mind.”
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afilado-blog1 · 6 years
Answer me coward
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afilado-blog1 · 6 years
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Was it so terrible a secret that Mark was still going to keep it from her? Near as she could tell, his resentment for the Nobility mainly stemmed from relations to his family, but then, Mark had witnessed some of the same cruelty Lyn had from the Nobility. Her Grand Uncle, Lundgren, had poisoned and attempted to kill her Grandfather, simply to steal his throne. Marquess Araphen regarded Lyn as little more than a filthy animal, simply because of her Sacaean heritage.
Though Lyn knew Nobles could be cruel, and selfish, and vile, she knew not all Nobles were that way. Just as there were wicked Nobles, she had come to know other nobles who were kind, and honorable folk. Eliwood, Hector, Uther, Lord Pent and Lady Louise. “I’m sorry.” Lyn replied softly, idly fiddling with a piece of meat on her plate with her fork. “Mark, you don’t have to tell me everything now, but, I hope that you will, some day.”
“No,” Mark sighed, twiddling his thumbs, staring intently at his hands. “It is alright. I... probably should have told you a long time ago.” It wasn’t fair to ask so much of Lyn, to ask her to trust him as he did, without telling her a thing about himself. He had gone so long without ever revealing a thing about his life before meeting her. She had become his closest, most trusted friend. Why had he not told her? If anyone ought to know, it was Lyn.
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“I just... I’m worried, Lyn,” Mark explained, unable to meet her eyes as he spoke. “I’m worried you won’t see me the same way. I may not be my parents, but that doesn’t excuse what they’ve done.” Why was he being so vague? He felt he needed Lyn’s approval, yes, but no matter how he spoke about it, she wouldn’t understand the gravity of their crimes without hearing what they were. He knew Lyn wouldn’t judge him for it, but he couldn’t help but worry.
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afilado-blog1 · 6 years
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afilado replied to your post “/watch?v=tLjfJhZggZE did someone say berserk their own army!? :U”
if anyone deserves a berserk rampage it’s the pentaxe general. godspeed, you’ll be carrying too many axes in heaven.
I guess you could say that he got axe-terminated
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afilado-blog1 · 6 years
Lyn quirked a brow, just what was Mark getting at? Although, considering the amount of refinement he was demonstrating when eating, and this rather in depth knowledge about the nobility, was it possible that, much like Lyn, Mark was nobility himself? But if he was nobility, had he discarded his title? After all, when Lyn found him over a year ago on the plains, he was alone, passed out, no entourage or bodyguards, no tent, no caravan, alone.
It made Lyn think, there was so much about Mark she didn’t know, despite how close they were, much of his life, and much of himself, were still a mystery to her. It nagged at her heart, knowing she calls this man friend, and yet knows so little about him.
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“Mark, could be that you are… are you of noble birth?” She asked, putting her fork down on her plate, she simply asked softly, not wanting to push him, not wanting to make him uncomfortable.
“You… you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to, you are entitled to keep your secrets. Just know that who you were before I met you, whatever house you were apart of, that doesn’t matter to me, not in the slightest, the Mark I met on the plains, the one who traveled with me, helped me, reunited me with my Grandfather, that’s the Mark who matters most to me.”
Mark’s breath caught in his throat as Lyn spoke. Time seemed to freeze for a moment as her question hung in the air, heavy and uncomfortable, just like the silence between them. She knew. She knew. He really had messed things up this time, hadn’t he? Elimine preserve him, did she know any of his other secrets? Had she been too polite to ask about them?
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“...Do you really want me to answer that?” Mark sighed, placing the bread that had been in his hand back onto the table. “You know what nobles are like. If you knew... if you knew what my family was like...” If she knew what his family had done to Sacaeans, she wouldn’t look at him with such kindness in her eyes. It was an unforgiveable sin that he had inherited from them, and try as he might to distance himself, it always came rushing back to greet him.
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