aerajecng · 3 years
“Yeah, I guess. People go to the movies to have a good time and watch some explosions and shit. Nobody tryna go there to think,” he said with a laugh. At least he certainly wasn’t. Needed quite a few promised explosions to make him sit still for a movie, if any.
Tyson laughed. “I have my weeks for it.” He was starting to get the feeling the movie she had recommended wouldn’t be up his street at all, but so be it. “Well Aera, I’ll admit, it doesn’t sound like my type of movie but for you, I’ll watch it. You seem like an interesting person. What do you do?” 
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“That’s the problem with people these days.” She responded nonchalantly but also a hint of frustration in her tone as she took another pull from her cigarette.
Raising her brows, she didn’t expect him to watch the movie as a favor but she didn’t really care to stop him either. “Be ready to think.” She stated. Taking another pull from her cigarette she wondered if she should be honest. Then again, it wasn’t like she was lying if she said nothing considering that is what she currently does. “I bathe in my money.” She answered simply, also not a lie. Metaphorically that is. It wasn’t the answer he was looking for, but she didn’t feel like getting googled either.
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aerajecng · 3 years
hottest girls in town?
ask me anything.
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“Ohhhh, me meteré en problemas. Alright. Another five, round two:
@fallonbackwards , absolutely beautiful, speechless.
@hayleykaratan , as smart as she is gorgeous.
@aerajecng , fairly certain she could beat me up and i’d say thank you.
@veda-bradley , the ladies are lucky.
@remifisher , but she knows this.”
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aerajecng · 3 years
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Chandler is not a sloppy dresser by any means. Friends (outside of his sophisticated social circle) might say when going on the most casual excursion he’d overdo it and they’d playfully mock how elegantly put together he appears depending on the sort of outing. Of course, he does occasionally have those off days when he’d merely toss on a shirt, some sweatpants, and sneakers, usually when he knew there wouldn’t be much public exposure, or it’s simply making a quick run. Today starts off as a vexing domino effect, however, one irritating occurrence after another. It happens every once in a while, there’s no point in losing one’s top over some trivialities. Chandler’s sporting a new pair of jeans, it remains a mystery but a disgusting spot of ink (or what appears to be ink) is embedded into the fibers of the denim, conspicuously on the back of the pant leg. Chandler caught the nasty stain on a random reflection on the way to Intelligentsia. Son of a bitch. It’s just one of those days.
Multiple patrons are in line for their caffeine fix, his irritation ever-growing but there’s no point in leaving, he made the trip here and he’s leaving with a coffee drink, a certain dimwitted barista could change is mind. Hopefully, she has the day off.
“You have a stain on your pants, and it’s noticeable.”
A female voice pulls his attention from the long line before him. It’s familiar-sounding, actually. With a turn of his head, his expression falls into a bit of surprise to see this woman again. Stoic and blunt, just as he remembers her. Her arms across her chest appearing rather offended by the stain on his jeans. “Ya certainly like t’point out the obvious, don’t cha?”
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His response surprised her, which reflected in her eyes as they widened slightly. He was aware of the stain on his pants, she surely didn’t expect that given the location of it and it seemed rather fresh, but she could be wrong. Letting her arms drop to her side, she straightened her posture, almost as if she was called out. It was another instance where she wished she would have just minded her business. To Aera, this interaction was an act of kindness, sure it might not come across that way to others who didn’t know her. Then again, most people didn’t know Aera. 
“What may be obvious to others might not be obvious to you.” She spoke after a brief pause. “Figured I’d let you know just in case you weren’t aware.” She continued, almost explaining that she wasn’t being malicious. Which wasn’t like her, then again, she liked to be upfront with her intentions. 
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aerajecng · 3 years
Noticing her nonchalant attitude toward her words made Hana pout and wonder what she could’ve said instead, preferring to just keep the silence from her side for a while. Hana knew that adults aren’t really interested on things like that, besides it could look as she was just bragging her nerdy side, showering people with references and such. On other hand, Hana was getting tired of standing for too long and she tried to find somewhere to sit.
As the other woman was back talking, it didn’t take long to nod agreeing with her. “To me, be a parent is just a profession. Not everybody are made for that, sadly I don’t think people back then understood that. But the times are changing, people are not making children as much as before, which is a positive thing.”
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As Hana pointed out the decline of birth rates, Aera took a pull from her cigarette before puffing out the smoke in thought. “It might be a good thing, but it doesn’t mean that the people who have children should be having children still. Then again, not like there’s a way to really prevent that.” She said, stating her opinion once more.
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aerajecng · 3 years
“Yeah, you’re right. It’s all about the explosions and how big you can make the destruction and shit. Would be interesting if a movie explored like, the realistic effects of all that destruction though.” Something he’d never thought about, he realized. He pulled out a cigarette and was about to light it, but offered her one too just in case. Courtesy.
“Never heard of it. I’m bad with movies ‘cuz I work half the week and train the other half. But I’ll check it out, if it’s got your seal of approval.”
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“There are movies that do that, but they’re not very popular. Makes sense why, people would much rather watch explosions and things of that nature.” She pointed out. People loves watching others in misery but it was suddenly the end of the world when it came to ones own self.
“But you watched Jupiter Ascending?” She questioned, clearly judging him. “You should watch Fractured, and pay close attention to details.” She pointed out, but he didn’t seem like the type to do so. Aera was certainly one to judge a book by its cover.
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aerajecng · 3 years
Dakota 📲 Aera
kota: fireworks yo!!!!
kota: dont u see the exploding shit
Aera: The picture was blurry, so it could have been a lightbulb for all I know
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aerajecng · 3 years
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aerajecng · 3 years
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Aera figured she’d go out to the meadow during her walk around the town. People were out and about and she didn’t feel like staying home either. She didn’t care to celebrate New Years and she usually went for a walk during this time of year just to observe people and they’re odd behaviors. Stopping in her tracks, she watched someone staring at the speakers and she sadly was in each shot of them. “It’s a live performer.” Clearly, this person was more inebriated than they realized. “But you can ask if they’d let you take over, I think that would go well.” Sure, maybe it was a bit chaotic for her to suggest such a thing to someone who wasn’t in their right state of mind, but it seemed like something she would enjoy witnessing.
who: @slchat​ where: honestly wherever you wanna put her that there would be music playing when: nye, but she wouldn’t know the time so i’m not specifying
Tierney was in the middle of dancing at one of many stops that night when she froze, her eyes glazing over, as she stared towards the speakers with what was clearly a seriously contemplative look - or she was just really high. Could be either. “Whoever is DJing sucks balls. Do you think he’d like…fuck outta there and let me take over?” 
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aerajecng · 3 years
Dakota 📲 OPEN
kota: yo lok @ this shi t
[ picture attachment; blurred roof top function ]
kota: ffucckkinnn ccrraazzzyyyyy
Aera: What am I looking at that's "fucking crazy"?
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aerajecng · 3 years
“Aw shit, did they?” Tyson said, thinking about it for a minute. “Guess I haven’t seen it in a moment. You might be right.” Another rewatch might be on the cards. Go home, smoke a bowl, put it on, maybe invite someone who’d appreciate it — or maybe his roommate would be around and appreciate it.
“I’m Ty by the way,” he said, awkwardly extending a hand for her to shake from where he sat in the Silver Meadows grass. 
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Nodding her head at his question, she did remember most scenes in movies. Her memory was sharper than she hoped. “Usually those kinds of movies disregard casualties.” She pointed out. 
Looking down at his hand, she reached her free hand out to elegantly shake his. “Aera.” She said in response to his introduction. “If you want a good movie that will make you question your perspective on life, I think Fractured would be a good one.”
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aerajecng · 3 years
closed starter: @chandlertait​ location: intelligentsia
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Usually, Aera would go pick up her coffee and either head home or get caught roaming around by her agent. However, she figured the weather was too cold for her to be walking around and she didn’t want to go home either, so she took a seat in the coffee shop and pulled out her laptop from her bag, figuring she’d get some of her work done. If anyone asked, she’d refuse that she was doing any work, but that was one of her secrets, she still found herself working on projects that she just would never release. 
Taking a sip from her coffee, she set it down and continued her typing just as someone walked in. Someone familiar at that. She recalled him looking sweaty outside of Lotus. One thing about Aera was her excellent memory, something she thought was a curse. Even though she interacted with him briefly in the past, she didn’t greet him. Keeping her eyes trained on her laptop as she continued to type. She didn’t think he would see her giving where she seated, which she wasn’t upset about either. Pausing her typing, she took another glance at Chandler and noticed a stain on the back of his pants. She wondered if she should say something, after all she would hate it if she had a stain on her. She shook her head and returned her attention to her laptop, soon after looking around to see other people noticing the stain. He probably wasn’t even aware of it and she was getting second hand embarrassment. She hated it. 
Rolling her eyes to herself, she sighed and stood up before gracefully making her way over to him and crossing her arms over her chest. “You have a stain on your pants, and it’s noticeable.” 
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aerajecng · 3 years
baz 📲 aera.
Baz: Because I asked
Baz: Not an option, I live in an apartment complex. People get real fucking chummy at this time of the year and I've barely resisted the urge to drown someone in the pool
Aera: I'm not going out to anywhere you would be, so you don't need to worry about my plans
Aera: That sounds like a nightmare. I would say go to a park but those get crowded too
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aerajecng · 3 years
baz 📲 open.
Baz: Where's everyone at for NYE
Baz: So I know where to avoid
Aera: Why should I share my private life details?
Aera: Just stay home if you want to avoid people on the most popular holiday of the year.
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aerajecng · 3 years
Nic 📲 Open
Nic: A few questions
Nic: 1) What are you doing on NYE 2) Can you keep a secret 3) Are you afraid of heights
Aera: No
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aerajecng · 3 years
“Well you remember that scene right, the chase scene in the city where they destroy a whole bunch of buildings? And then the aliens build them right back up and erase the humans’ memories so that nobody remembers any of it happening? That was neat, right?” 
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Pausing for a moment, Aera thought about the scene for a moment and recalled a very obvious flaw that stood out to her the minute she watched it. “They still blew up cars with people in them.” She stated.
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aerajecng · 3 years
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Tucker was used to a certain cynicism about the human condition. It was par for the course when you worked the kind of job he did; when you saw the kinds of things he did on a daily basis. And yet, he held a kind of optimistic faith, too – that there was good in the world; that he could make a difference, if only one call at a time. Still, it wasn’t what he was used to, this woman’s particular perspective. Honest, realist, but to his eye, a little joyless, too. “Is it really a lie, or is it a story, a myth?” he asked. “No, Kris Kringle doesn’t have a sleigh with reindeer and give children the world over presents by going down their chimneys, but their parents do, or try to. Growing up, the best presents I got were from Santa, my parents not needing to get credit for whatever they’d saved up for so I could have a little magic Christmas morning.” Sure, there were kids whose parents couldn’t, or wouldn’t, do such a thing, but for Tuck, it had been all the more meaningful when he’d stopped believing in Santa, to see what his parents had sacrificed for him and his brother. “I think for most kids, the time they stop believing in Santa, it’s not Santa they’re doubting, it’s the innocence of childhood. And that would happen no matter the mechanism, ‘cause anybody who never lets their kid have that innocence in the first place …” he trailed off, brows drawn together – it was clear from his expression how little he thought of such a person.
He exhaled a little huff of breath when she finished her little speech about superhero movies. “I don’t know what kind of superhero movies you’ve been watching,” he said frankly. “’Cause the ones I watch, the hero usually sacrifices taking down the villain for saving whoever’s in immediate danger, knowing there’s no rest in sight, not until they finally get ‘em. But I guess you’ve got a point about it all being a grey area.” Superheroes might save a city, but that didn’t make them a good friend, a good partner, a good employee. Something was always lost.
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Aera listened carefully to Tuck’s words. That was one good quality she had in her, one of the few at least. Even though she stuck firmly to her own opinions and beliefs, she always listened to others, and carefully as well. She was observant, trying to understand how people think so she could act accordingly. As Tucker continued about the innocence of childhood, Aera hated herself for listening so carefully. 
‘Cause anybody who never lets their kid have that innocence in the first place...
His words hit a little deeper than she ever hoped for them to, she fought herself mentally for a moment, disallowing herself to connect his words to her own experience. She never had innocence and she spent her life envying those who did. She always wondered what her life would be like had she been born to normal parents who actually cared for their child. But she didn’t dare dwell on such thoughts for too long. She hated pitying herself or feeling any kind of emotion regarding her childhood or her parents. It gave them too much power that she didn’t think they deserved. She was fine. She was fine. With that, she was unable to give her input to his words regarding Santa, nothing that was too elaborate. She wanted to move on from the subject as quickly as possible. “It’s still a lie.” She said, taking a long pull from her cigarette, restating her perspective. 
“The ones that have been making headlines recently.” She responded regarding the superhero movies. Even though she hated them, Aera usually watched all different kinds of genres to see what was up and coming in the film industry. And of course, what audiences responded to. “From what I recall, one of the movies involved an entire city being removed from the ground of the Earth. And the cause was.... a superhero’s mistake.” She spoke, her expression shifting as she tried to recall the reason. “You can only imagine the amount of lives lost from that. Not like they mention it.” She continued. “No sacrifice is big enough to equate a life being lost.” 
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aerajecng · 3 years
Listening to the older woman made her think. It was a rare event, for sure. Hana could accuse her of being negative, although she has a lot of reason to be, considering the planet that we are. “Well, since you brought Comte in this conversation, which completely makes sense, I feel free to bring Stan Lee. He says that anyone can be heroes, as long we are willing to help others. It’s a pity to believe that no such thing exist. It’s like fairies, they don’t exist if we don’t believe on them.” Was Hana being childish? Probably yes, but she doesn’t mind much. It was the only thing that came to her mind at this time. She was getting excited for her company and, though wasn’t the best first conversation subject, she was ready to stay as much as she could. At what came next, Hana didn’t have exactly what to say. She never met her mother and she was really close to her dad, who would spoil her for the rest of their lives. Nonetheless, Song never had a deep conversation with him and didn’t have any problem related to hypocrisy. “Hm…” She started, preferring to refrain from making personal questions and thinking too much about what say next. “Mostly all, yes. Some parents think that their children are extensions of them and that they got all knowledge of the world, never do anything wrong and that they are perfect. If there was psychological exams before making kids a lot of things could’ve been avoided at this point.”
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Aera didn’t even know what to say about Hana’s words. They seemed childish to her, the words of someone who was blessed with an ordinary life, nothing that made her see how the world really was, or that’s how Aera thought anyways. There was no such thing as heroes and that people were inherently evil. But a part of her was jealous that Hana was able to believe such things in ignorance, she was stripped of that privilege at such a young age. She decided not to comment on the fairy topic, showing clear disinterest in the other’s words. It didn’t benefit her or expand her thoughts in anyways. It was like a slogan taken from Disney. Boring and old. 
Raising her brows with a sigh, she agreed. “If only that was an option. It would make the world a better place and the population would be cut in half most likely. Or even more than half if this hypothetical psychological exam existed since the dawn of time.” Aera only thought about how she likely wouldn’t have existed, which didn’t bother her in the slightest. She always thought that it would have been better that way anyways.
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